10 films of Gaidai where Vitsin was filmed. Coward, Dunce, Experienced


Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin (nee Vitsyn). Born April 5, 1917 in Terioki - died October 22, 2001 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR (1990).

Georgy Vitsin was born on April 5 (18), 1917 in Terioki (now Zelenogorsk as part of St. Petersburg).

In the church book of the Exaltation of the Cross Church on Bolshaya Posadskaya Street there is a record that George was baptized there.

In later official documents, the date of birth began to appear on April 23, 1918, and the place of birth was Petrograd. This happened due to the fact that Vitsin's mother in the 1920s, arranging her son in a health-improving forest school, made him “younger” and corrected the year of birth to 1918. April 23 (May 6) was his name day.

The original surname of the future actor also looked different - "Vitsyn", but later, due to a passport officer's mistake, the letter "s" was changed to "and".

When George was eight months old, his parents moved to Moscow.

In 1926-1933 he studied at the Moscow seven-year school No. 26.

In 1933-1934 he studied at Theater School at the Maly Theater (now the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin), from where he was expelled with the wording “for a frivolous attitude towards learning process».

In 1934 he entered the Theater School at the E. Vakhtangov Theater (now the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute). In 1935 he moved to the theater studio of the Moscow Art Theater 2nd, where he studied with S. G. Birman, A. I. Blagonravov, V. N. Tatarinov (all in Moscow).

Since 1936 - an actor in the studio theater under the direction of N. P. Khmelev, in 1937-1969 - the Moscow drama theater them. M. N. Yermolova, which included the studio theater.

The roles of George Vitsin in the theater. M. N. Ermolova:

1940 - "As You Like It" by W. Shakespeare - William;
1943 - "Night of Errors" by O. Goldsmith - Tony;
1945 - "The Taming of the Tamer" by J. Fletcher - Moroso;
1946 - "Old Friends" L. A. Malyugin;
1947 - "People with a clear conscience" P. P. Vershigory - Volichka;
1948 - "Happiness" by P. A. Pavlenko - Podnebesko;
1951 - "Xenia" by A. A. Volkov (director A. A. Goncharov) - Grandfather Semyon;
1955 - "Good Hour" by V. S. Rozov;
1956 - "Eccentric" N. Hikmet - Abdurakhman;
1958 - "Savages" by S. V. Mikhalkov - Lyubeshkin;
1964 - "Forest" by A. N. Ostrovsky (directed by L. P. Gallis) - Arkashka Schastlivtsev;
1966 - "Nails" by S. L. Lungin, I. I. Nusinov;
“There was not a penny, but suddenly an altyn” by A. N. Ostrovsky (staged by N. P. Khmelev);
“Do not make yourself an idol” A. M. Faiko - Molokanov;
"Twenty years later" by M. A. Svetlov;
"Guest from the Night" L. Ashkenazi - waiter;
"Freeloader" by I. S. Turgenev;
"Two stubborn" N. Hikmet.

From 1969 to 2001, he served at the Theater-Studio of a film actor in Moscow.

The film debut of the actor took place, as was believed, in the episodic role of a guardsman in the film "Ivan the Terrible" by S. M. Eisenstein (1944). However, according to V. Zuckerman, who scrupulously collected all the facts of G. Vitsin's life, the actor somehow admitted to him that he "had never seen S. M. Eisenstein", and made his debut in 1945 in the film by S. I. Yutkevich Hello, Moscow!

Fame came to the actor after the film "Reserve Player", in which he played the role of Vasya Vesnushkin. Following this, he starred in the film "She Loves You!". Despite the fact that in these films G. Vitsin played the role of young boys, the actor was already well over thirty. The shy and sympathetic heroes of G. Vitsin liked the viewer. At the same time, he starred in historical tapes: Composer Glinka and Belinsky.

Georgy Vitsin in the movie "Reserve Player"

However, the most widely known actor brought the image of a Coward, embodied by him in comedies - “Dog Mongrel and an unusual cross”, “Moonshiners”, “Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik” and “ Caucasian captive, or Shurik's New Adventures.

It is worth noting that Vitsin often had to play drunkard characters, and in these roles he was very convincing, as he had a specific voice and appearance. Despite the fact that in real life the actor did not drink or smoke, he led a healthy lifestyle, was fond of breathing exercises of yogis. And only in the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" did the actor still have to drink real beer, since the dog rose, which G. Vitsin demanded, looked unconvincing in the frame.

Georgy Vitsin in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Also remembered for his roles: adventurer Sam in the comedy " Business people"("Leader of the Redskins"), Balzaminov in the film "Balzaminov's Marriage", Sir Andrew in "Twelfth Night", the Wizard in the "Old, Old Tale".

The actor had a talent for recitation and worked hard on dubbing cartoons. He was a good artist - he drew caricatures of actors, tried himself in sculpture, graphics, painting.

Georgy Vitsin in the movie "Balzaminov's Marriage"

With the onset of the 1990s, G. Vitsin, together with other members of the famous trinity, began to tour the country a lot. Until his last days, he played in the Film Actor Theater. In recent years, he lived very modestly. Having given his large apartment in the center of Moscow to his daughter Natalya, he moved to the "Khrushchev" in Starokonyushenny Lane.

He extremely limited communication with outsiders, avoided meetings with journalists. He was almost constantly in the apartment, going outside only to feed the pigeons. He refused help, saying: “I can’t take it, because people give the last!”.

It is worth noting that George Vitsin looked very young until his advanced years. At thirty-seven, he played the eighteen-year-old Vasya Vesnushkin in the film "Reserve Player". At forty-six, twenty-five-year-old Misha Balzaminov ("Balzaminov's Marriage"). At the same time, his talent allowed him to play age roles: in particular, at the age of thirty-eight, the actor portrayed grandfather Musiy in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

Georgy Vitsin died on October 22, 2001 (according to other sources - October 23) in a Moscow hospital. The cause of death of the actor was chronic diseases of the liver and heart. Buried in Moscow Vagankovsky cemetery.

On July 26, 2008, to the 460th anniversary of the city and the 90th anniversary of the actor, a monument to G. Vitsin was opened in the park of culture and recreation in Zelenogorsk. The sculpture depicts an actor in the role of Balzaminov from the film Balzaminov's Marriage.

In 2012, a monument to L. I. Gaidai and the Gaidai Trinity appeared near the circus building in Irkutsk.

There is a monument to Balbes, Experienced and Coward in Perm and also in Khabarovsk.

Growth of Georgy Vitsin: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Georgy Vitsin:

He was in a relationship with actress Nadezhda (Dina) Topoleva, who was then the wife of director N.P. Khmelev. She was much older than him.

Their relationship began when 18-year-old Vitsin entered the Yermolova Theater. He passionately fell in love with Dina Topoleva, the wife of the artistic director of the theater Nikolai Khmelev, whom Vitsin considered his teacher. Dina responded to his feeling. Note that Khmelev did not change his attitude towards Vitsin and continued to give him roles.

They lived together for 20 years. After parting, he continued to take care of her, brought her medicines and food.

Dina Topoleva - civil wife George Vitsin

Wife - Tamara Fedorovna (1925-2009), dresser, niece of biologist and breeder I. V. Michurin.

In marriage, a daughter, Natalia, was born, a graphic artist.

Tamara Fedorovna - wife of Georgy Vitsin

Daughter Natalya spoke about Georgy Mikhailovich: “They made a hermit out of their father. This is absolutely not true! If girls called him and asked naive questions, he did not like to answer. But if, for example, Wulf was on the phone, he could talk for hours. As a child, I was even jealous father to his admirers. We walk down the street - everyone says hello. "Go home, girl," dad said and continued the conversation. By nature, dad was more suited to his first profession - an artist, sculptor, observing, contemplating. He painted everywhere - on trips, between performances, between filming hours. Mom sometimes suffered from the fact that you couldn’t talk seriously with him. Laughter from morning to night. Even in the most terrible situation, he knew how to relieve tension with wise humor. Dad was a responsible person. He supported us with mother, and first wife, actress Dina Topoleva".

Filmography of George Vitsin:

1944 - Ivan the Terrible Oprichnik (uncredited)
1945 - Hello, Moscow! - railwayman at the station "Dolsk"
1946 - Glinka - spectator at the premiere (not in the credits)
1947 - Spring - an actor rehearsing N.V. Gogol
1951 - Belinsky - Nikolai Gogol
1952 - Composer - Glinka Nikolai Gogol
1954 - Spare player - Vasya Vesnushkin
1954 - We met somewhere - a vacationer on the balcony of a rest home (not in the credits)
1955 - Mexican - Bill Carty
1955 - Maxim Perepelitsa - grandfather Musiy
1955 - Twelfth Night - Sir Andrew
1956 - She loves you! - Konstantin Petrovich Kanareikin
1956 - Poet - poetry evening entrepreneur (uncredited)
1956 - Murder on Dante Street - Pitu
1957 - Wrestler and clown - Enrico
1957 - Don Quixote - Samson Carrasco
1957 - New attraction - Semyon Ilyich, circus administrator
1958 - Rotation of life - hairdresser (uncredited)
1958 - Fathers and sons - Sitnikov
1958 - Groom from the other world - Fikusov, manager
1958 - Girl with a guitar - buyer
1958 - "Wonderworker" from Biryulyov - drunk
1959 - Vasily Surikov - Ilya Efimovich Repin
1959 - I was a satellite of the Sun - scientist, colleague of Andrey
1959 - How Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich - Nikolai Gogol
1960 - The end of the old Berezovka - geometry teacher
1960 - Revenge - Fedor Fedorovich Degtyarev
1961 - Trainers - grandfather
1961 - Quite seriously (short story "Dog Mongrel and an unusual cross") - Coward
1961 - Moonshiners - Coward
1961 - Artist from Kokhanovka - grandfather Kuzma
1962 - How toasts are born - accountant Plyushch
1962 - The path to the pier - Velikankin, an intellectual in a sobering-up station
1962 - Business people (short story "Leader of the Redskins") - Sam
1962 - Only statues are silent - Jacques Mellier
1963 - Short stories (musical film) (miniature "Instructive case" husband
1963 - Cain XVIII - executioner
1963 - Mommy and two drones - a visitor to the cutlet
1963 - First trolley bus - drunk
1963 - Blind bird - train passenger
1964 - Variety fantasy (musical film)
1964 - Balzaminov's marriage - Misha Balzaminov
1964 - Bunny - assistant director Fyodor Mikhailovich
1964 - Tale of Lost Time - evil wizard Andrey Andreevich
1964 - What is the theory of relativity? - actor (cameo)
1964 - Spring chores - Uncle Pudya
1965 - It happens like this (film almanac) (short story "The Skeleton of Apollo") - Nazliev
1965 - At the first hour - guest of the "Blue Light"
1965 - Give a complaint book - department head in a clothing store
1965 - New Year's calendar
1965 - Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik - Coward
1965 - The road to the sea - timber rafting foreman Alexander Terentyevich
1966 - Capa Collection - Granatkin
1966 - Red, blue, green - museum director
1966 - Who invented the wheel? - uncle Kolya
1966 - Tales of the Russian Forest - Coward
1966 - Rainbow Formula - director of a toy factory
1966 - Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures - Coward
1966 - Wick (film No. 47 "Carousel") - episode
1967 - Save a drowning man - police major / old man in panama
1967 - Tatyana's Day - who proposed a new chronology
1968 - Gulf Stream - Igor's father
1968 - Seven old men and one girl - a robber ("Coward")
1968-1981 - Zucchini "13 chairs" (film-play) - critic pan Tsypa
1968 - Old, old fairy tale- good magician
1968 - At the thirteenth hour of the night - water
1969 - Yesterday, today and always - Aunt Berry
1969 - Abduction - cameo
1970 - Step from the roof - Englishman
1970 - How we were looking for Tishka - Police Sergeant Stepanov
1970 - Guardian alcoholic and parasite - Tebenkov
1971 - spring fairy tale- King Berendey
1971 - 12 chairs - fitter Mechnikov
1971 - There will be no fire! - driver Peter
1971 - Shadow - doctor
1971 - Mortal Enemy - Egor
1971 - Gentlemen of Fortune - "Khmyr" (Gavrila Petrovich Sheremetyev)
1972 - Tobacco Captain - Chef Mouton
1972 - Large-scale guys - foreman Afanasiev
1972 - Wick (film No. 121 "Purchase") - buyer
1973 - Cipollino - lawyer Peas
1973 - Have you ever loved? - Nina Dmitrievna's mother, Olin's father Yakov Ivanovich Nikolsky
1973 - Sannikov Land - Ignatius
1973 - My fate is drunk
1973 - Incorrigible liar - hairdresser Alexei Ivanovich Tyutyurin
1974 - Dear Boy - Macintosh
1974 - Northern Rhapsody - seller Kuzma Petrovich
1974 - Tsarevich Prosha - King Katorz IX
1974 - Wick (film No. 147 "Find Yourself")
1974 - Car, violin and dog Klyaksa - musician with banjo / guitar
1974 - My "Zhigulyonok" - Uncle Zhenya
1974 - Big attraction - Galkin, television director
1975 - Finist - Clear Falcon - Agathon
1975 - Step towards (short story "The Captain's Daughter") - a man in a buffet
1975 - It can't be! (short story "Wedding Accident") - father of the bride
1975 - Bubbles - the driver of "Zaporozhets"
1975 - Aw! (short story “And the matchmaker drove up to the hut ...”) - grandfather, ethnographer
1975 - Where are you, Arina Rodionovna? - Rodionich
1976 - Shepherd Yanka - Prince Kukimor
1976 - A cheerful dream, or Laughter and tears - Minister Crivello
1976 - While the clock is striking - Masha's grandfather, the Great Gardener
1976 - Blue bird- Sugar
1976 - 12 chairs - undertaker Bezenchuk
1976 - The sun, the sun again - grandfather
1976 - Yeralash (in the story " Wonderful moment") - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
1977 - These incredible musicians, or Shurik's New Dreams (film-play) - cameo
1978 - The story of the meter page - hotel administrator Semyon Nikolaevich Kaloshin
1980 - For matches - tailor Tahvo Kenonen
1980 - Comedy long time ago past days- Coward
1981 - Hands up! - agent YX-000, aka Fondy-Mondy-Dundy-Peck
1985 - Rivals - grandfather Ivan Stepanovich
1985 - Dangerous for life! - Alexander Petrovich Chokolov
1986 - The Journey of Pan Klyaksa - King Apollinaris Bai
1992 - Shot in the coffin - Colonel Zakusnyak
1992 - Gentlemen artists - hairdresser Nil Palych
1993 - Brave Guys - Major Griboyedov
1994 - Several love stories- Apothecary Fornari
1994 - Hagi-Tragger - puppet master Genrikh Yanovich

Voiced by Georgy Vitsin:

1936 - Dowry (in the restored edition of 1970)
1937 - Rich bride - junior accountant
1937 - 1938 - Peter the Great (in the restoration of 1965) - reader
1939 - The Golden Key (in the restoration of 1959) - Pinocchio (the role of O. A. Shaganova-Obraztsova), Giuseppe (the role of M. N. Dagmarov)
1950 - Casimir - Paul-Andre (the role of B. La Jarrige)
1953 - The great warrior of Albania Skanderbeg - Mamitsa's husband
1954 - Faithful friends- grandfather on a barge (role of A. I. Zhukov)
1954 - There will be a circus - Viewer (the role of V. Tregle)
1954 - Dad, mom, maid and I - Robert Langlois (role of R. Lamoureux)
1955 - Lourja Magdana - Gigo's grandfather (role of A. A. Omiadze)
1955 - The collapse of the emirate - Urzuf, ambassador of the emir (role of S. Tabibullaev / commandant)
1955 - Dzhigit girl - Murat (role of S. P. Telgaraev)
1956 - A precious gift - the head of a pharmacy (the role of E. S. Geller)
1956 - Around the world in 80 days - train conductor (role of K. Buster)
1956 - Bashi-Achuk
1957 - 12 Angry Men - Juror No. 2 (role of J. Fidler / Juror No. 9 (role of J. Sweeney)
1958 - My uncle
1958 - Mr. Pitkin behind enemy lines - Norman Pitkin / General Schreiber (role of N. Wisdom)
1959 - Babette goes to war - Captain Gustave Fremont (role of N. Roquer)
1959 - Keep it up, nurse! - the orderly Mick (the role of G. Lok)
1959 - Twelve girls and one man - Joseph (role of E. Waldbrunn)
1959 - Prairie Street - orderly Mick (role of G. Guy Decomble)
1961 - Beggar's Story - Pepia (role of A. A. Omiadze)
1961 - hard life- episode (role of A. Blasetti)
1961 - Divorce in Italian - Carmelo Patane (role of L. Trieste)
1962 - Postman Knock - Harold Pug (role of S. Milligan)
1963 - Pitkin's Adventures in the Hospital - Norman Pitkin (role of N. Wisdom)
1963 - The way to the arena - agent of the State Insurance
1963 - Yesterday, today, tomorrow - grandfather (role of D. di Gregorio)
1964 - Believe it or not ... - lecturer (role of A. M. Matkovsky)
1964 - Forward, France! - Le supporter avec le bonnet tricolore (role of R. Rolli)
1964 - Fantomas - Executive Secretary of the Union of Jewelers (role of J. Berger)
1965 - The first teacher - Kartynbay (the role of Kirey Zharkimbaev) / the role of M. Kyshtobaev)
1966 - How to steal a million - insurance agent (role of E. Malin)
1966 - Amazing story, similar to a fairy tale - reads the text
1967 - Triangle - photographer
1968 - Diamond Hand - an alcoholic who is taken away by the police (the role of L. I. Gaidai) (uncredited)
1968 - Little bather - minister (role of P. Duck)
1969 - The Adventures of Gunner Dolas, or How I Unleashed the Second World War - Captain Ralph Peacock (role of K. Rudzkoy)
1970 - Old Toomas was stolen - Old Toomas (role of K. K. Kiysk)
1971 - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
1972 - The secret of the great storyteller - Count
1974 - Dealers in death - Uncle Kyokki (role of A. Cutolo)
1975 - Dear people - Profumo (role of D. Pagnani)
1976 - Acquaintance by marriage announcement - waiter (role of R. Riffar) / taxi driver (role of P. Repp)
1976 - Regentrude - the evil dwarf sorcerer Feuerbart
1977 - Garib in the country of Jinn - Asra (role of A. Mammadoglu)
1977 - Fantasies of Vesnukhin - Uncle Gosh, photographer (role of G. M. Roninson)
1977 - Stepmother Samanishvili - priest Michael (uncredited)
1978 - Who is who - driving school inspector (role of F. Castelli)
1979 - D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers - the second judicial officer (the role of V. A. Dolinsky)
1979 - Rhythms of songs - Tushar Babu Ghosh / Chatterjee (role of K. Mukherjee)
1980 - The Taming of the Shrew - the priest Cirillo (the role of P. Santonasto)
1981 - Grandfather of our grandfather's grandfather - grandfather Aziz (role of G. Sadikhov)
1981 - Maria, Mirabela - King of caterpillars, father of Omide (role of D. Radulescu)
1982 - In love with own will- boyfriend-artist (role of I. V. Ufimtsev)
1982 - Pokrovsky Gates - grandfather Savelich (role of E. S. Geller)
1982 - Wizards - a talking cat (uncredited)
1986 - I am an outpost leader - father of Kolya Gudkov (role of A. A. Kozhevnikov)

Voiceover of cartoons by Georgy Vitsin:

1946 - Peacock's Tail - Dr. Aibolit
1947 - The Little Humpbacked Horse - Sleeping bag
1951 - High slide - sparrow Chick
1953 - Magic store - Mage-manager
1954 - Orange neck - rooster Podkovkin
1954 - The arrow flies into a fairy tale - The old man-forester
1954 - Goat-musician - First hedgehog
1954 - On the forest stage - Hare
1954 - Tanyusha, Tyavka, Top and Nyusha - Tyavka
1955 - Nut twig - Kloanza witch / raven (credited as "G. Vitsyn")
1955 - Postman Snowman - Snowman
1955 - Brave Hare - Brave Hare
1955 - The Enchanted Boy - Wooden statue of the old sailor Rosenbaum
1955 - What kind of bird is this? - Goose (uncredited)
1955 - Four coins - grandfather Ahmed
1956 - Little Shego - Parrot (uncredited)
1956 - Ugly duck- Both Roosters / Goose / Turkey / Cat (uncredited)
1956 - Ship - Ant / Frog
1956 - Forest Story - Doctor Crane (uncredited)
1956 - Jackal and camel - Jackal
1956 - The Adventures of Murzilka - Starling / Janitor Uncle Yegor
1956 - 12 months - Raven / Herald / Parrot / Brother February
1956 - Ajar-bay stork (uncredited)
1957 - Verlioka - Drake (uncredited)
1957 - Wolf and seven kids - Woodpecker (uncredited)
1957 - In a certain kingdom ... - Overseas prince / clerk
1957 - Hello friends! - Fanfan Reporter
1957 - Miraculous - Rooster
1957 - The Tale of the Snow Maiden - Grandfather (uncredited)
1958 - Cat's House - Goat / Raven Fireman
1958 - Beloved Beauty - Robber Truha / Magpie / Crow
1958 - We are going for the sun - Hedgehog
1958 - The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish - Grandfather / bourgeois general Englishman / bourgeois general Japanese
1958 - Boy from Naples - Little Signor
1958 - Sportland - Hottabych from the book
1959 - The Adventures of Pinocchio - Giuseppe / clown / conductor (credited as "I. Vitsin")
1959 - Exactly at three fifteen ... - Pencil; Parsley (uncredited)
1959 - Three lumberjacks - Bubble
1960 - Different wheels - Rooster
1960 - Vintik and Shpuntik - merry masters - Pilyulkin (uncredited)
1960 - I drew a little man - Confectioner
1960 - Thirteenth flight - Hare, goat
1960 - The End of the Black Swamp - Goblin
1960 - Cartoon Crocodile #2 - gramophone/knife
1960 - Non-Drinking Sparrow - Non-Drinking Sparrow
1960 - Three sons-in-law - Old man (uncredited)
1961 - Dear penny - Pyatak-watchman
1961 - Dragon - Tax Collector
1961 - Key - Nikolai Zakharov, the boy's father
1961 - Ant-braggart - Grasshopper
1961 - Cipollino - gardener Cactus
1961 - Dunno is studying - Dr. Pilyulkin
1961 - Overseas Reporter - Reporter Bob Sketch
1962 - Two Tales - Hare
1962 - Just not now - the wizard "Now"
1962 - Queen Toothbrush - Grandpa Soap (uncredited)
1962 - Wick, plot " modern fairy tale”) - Dabran-aga
1963 - The Tale of the Old Cedar - Mushroom / Gingerbread Man
1963 - Pathfinder - aged repeater Vasya Petrov
1963 - Grandma's goat - 3rd wolf
1963 - Firefly #3 - Firefly
1963 - Three fat men - Seller balloons(uncredited)
1964 - Life and suffering of Ivan Semyonov - doctor
1964 - Who will go to the exhibition? - Defective man
1964 - Brave Little Tailor - Minister / Trumpeter
1964 - Rooster and paints - Rooster
1964 - Thumbelina - Grasshopper musician / one of the three respectable moles (uncredited)
1964 - Who is to blame? - Box of matches
1965 - Your health - Xvoroba / Microbe
1965 - Neither God nor Hell - carpenter Kuzma (uncredited)
1965 - Rikki-tikki-tavi - old mongoose
1965 - Firefly No. 6, plot Sunflower - Turkey
1965 - Where did I see him? - Pencil, chairman of the "Club of funny little men" (uncredited)
1966 - About the hippo who was afraid of vaccinations - Wolf / Giraffe / Crocodile
1966 - Go there, I don't know where - Text from the author / thin buffoon
1966 - Today is a birthday - Dispatcher at the station / Cat
1966 - Tails - Hare
1967 - Mirror - Hare
1967 - Mezha - Old Man (uncredited)
1967 - A train from Romashkov - Dad
1967 - Simulant Hare - Hare
1967 - Tales for big and small - Hare
1967 - Baby Elephant - Baboon
1967 - Time machine - Spartak fan
1967 - One, two - together! - Hare / one-eared wolf
1967 - The Tale of the Golden Cockerel - Sage Stargazer; gunner
1967 - Honest crocodile - Steam locomotive (uncredited)
1967 - How to get big - Mushroom
1968 - The kid who counted to ten - Horse
1968 - Comedian - Guard in Bombizhu (uncredited)
1968 - I want to butt! (short story "Helpful") - Hare
1968 - Film, film, film - screenwriter
1969 - Wick (short) (film No. 80 "Is there life on Mars?") - professor-lecturer
1969 - Wick (short) (film No. 177 "Happy Ending") - motorcyclist
1969 - Stolen Month - Month
1969 - Puss in Boots Part 1 - Perrault the Cat
1969 - Absent-minded Giovanni (Merry Carousel No. 1) - Postman (uncredited)
1970 - Beavers are on the trail - Beaver teacher
1971 - Petrushka - Petrushka
1971 - Terem-Teremok - Cockerel
1972 - Cheerful old man (Funny carousel No. 4) - Old man
1972 - Old Sailor's Tales: Antarctica - Caretaker Penguin
1972 - The duckling who did not know how to play football - the bully duckling (uncredited)
1973 - How It Happened - Clown Toy
1973 - Fiction in faces (Merry Carousel No. 5) - Egor
1974 - A bag of apples - Papa Hare
1974 - Themselves to blame - Papa Hare
1975 - The inheritance of the magician Bahram - The Magician Bahram
1975 - The Little Humpbacked Horse - Sleeping bag / episodic characters
1975 - Visiting the Gnomes - Dwarf (uncredited)
1976 - Bunny-knower - Bunny-Knaughter
1976 - All the dull ones - Intellectual worm
1977 - How mushrooms fought with peas - Pod (uncredited)
1977 - Hare and fly - Sparrow
1977 - Quartet "Kva-kva" - Beetle (uncredited)
1978 - Santa Claus and the gray wolf - Papa Hare (credited as "G. Vitsyn")
1978 - Robinson Kuzya - Savage Cat
1978 - How a musician duck became a football player - Bully duck (credited as "G. Vitsyn")
1979 - How the fox caught up with the hare - Hare
1979 - From whom to take an example? - Spotted Rooster
1980 - First autograph - Beaver (song performance)
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino - Beaver
1981 - Maria, Mirabela - King of caterpillars, father of Omide
1981 - Winter's Tale - Bullfinch
1982 - The Adventures of a Magic Globe or the Witch's Tricks - Little Signor / Kloanza Witch / Wise Raven
1982 - Birthday - Dwarf
1982 - Sweet Spring - Rooster / Goby
1982 - Lost and found - parrot Stepanych
1983 - Catch, fish! - grandfather
1983 - A goat lived with my grandmother - Bunny
1983 - The smallest gnome (4th edition) - Cockerel
1983 - Koloboks are investigating (2nd edition of "Robbery of the Century") - ice cream seller
1984 - Underpass - Already
1984 - I want the moon - Lord Chancellor
1984 - I don't want and I won't - Cat
1984 - Elephant went to study - Cat
1984 - How a puppy learned to swim - Swan
1984-1990 - KOAPP - Cheetah
1984 - Brownie Kuzya. House for Kuzka - brownie Kuzya / guest / loader
1985 - Brownie Kuzya. Adventures of a brownie - brownie Kuzya / cat
1986 - Brownie Kuzya. Tale for Natasha - brownie Kuzya
1986 - Snow Maidens - Scarecrow
1987 - Brownie Kuzya. The return of the brownie - brownie Kuzya
1990 - Chicken - Old Rooster
1990 - Sweet turnip - narrator
1991 - Nikolai Ugodnik and hunters - all characters
1991 - Guest - raeshnik
1992 - A simple man - a raeshnik
1992 - Woman's work - raeshnik
1993 - Two crooks - raeshnik
1993 - Relatives - raeshnik
1993 - Chuffyk - Hare
1994 - Dreamers from the village of Ugory - Koschey the Immortal
1994 - Sharman, Sharman! -2 - Turtle
1995 - Sharman, Sharman! -3 - Turtle

Radio performances by George Vitsin:

1961 - "Pharmacy "Blue Balls"" - Doctor-Pharmacist
1962 - "The Star Diaries of Iyon the Quiet" - from the editors
1965 - "Faithful Robot" - a strange type
1972 - "Treasure Island" - Pew
1981 - "Children of Captain Grant" - Paganel

musical tales George Vitsin:

1965 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City" - Goodwin
1981 - "The Incident in the Country of Multi-Pulti" - Coward
1984 - "The Adventures of Grasshopper Kuzi" - grasshopper Kuzya
1984 - "New Adventures of Grasshopper Kuzi" - grasshopper Kuzya
1989 - “Wanted Grasshopper Kuzya” - grasshopper Kuzya
1989 - "Grasshopper Kuzya on the planet Tuami" - grasshopper Kuzya

Strange, but the motto of this most popular actor was "You must live unnoticed." Not in the sense of escaping from life, but doing what you love and not noticing the passing time. He did not like to be distracted from the case, so he did not favor journalists. I talked with the "masters of the pen" mainly by phone. He avoided personal meetings, stating: “Chatting on the phone is one thing, but in order to go somewhere, you need to wear trousers. And from the microphone, I generally start to stutter! Their rare interviews I read and corrected for a long time, fearing misunderstanding and ambiguity: “In a conversation, I lose control, I can say too much. Journalists are happy… And then I get nervous.” In 1998, on the eve of the “official” 80th birthday (the real anniversary was a year earlier), fighting off the annoying press, he sincerely and childishly naively complained: “If you loved me, you would have left me alone long ago!”

All reference books say that Georgy Vitsin was born on April 23, 1918 in Petrograd. “This is complete nonsense! - convinced the director of the Museum of three actors (Vitsin, Morgunov and Nikulin) Vladimir Tsukerman. "The actor's 90th birthday should be celebrated this year."
Georgy Vitsin was born on April 23, 1917. And not in Petrograd, but in the Finnish village of Tirioki, which later became the territory Leningrad region. An error in the encyclopedia crept in through the fault of Vitsin himself: when he entered the acting studio, he reduced himself one year. According to Vladimir Tsukerman, there is another unfortunate mistake in the reference books. Vitsin's first film role is the role of a guardsman in Sergei Eisenstein's film Ivan the Terrible. “Georgy Mikhailovich personally told me that he had never seen Eisenstein in his eyes,” says Zuckerman. - For the first time in the cinema, he appeared as a railway worker in Sergei Yutkevich's film "Hello, Moscow." It was 1945."
There is nothing surprising in the fact that a lot of shortcomings about the fate of Georgy Vitsin appeared in the reference books, and the audience got the wrong impression about him. The actor, who starred in more than a hundred films, was a very private person in life. Vitsin was the exact opposite of the image that he created on the screen.

Georgy Vitsin knew everything. But we hardly knew him. And it's unlikely we'll ever figure it out. We can only touch this mystery.

It is unlikely that anyone will have doubts that Georgy Vitsin, People's Artist of the USSR, is an actor with capital letter. Vitsin can be called an actor "without age" - at the age of 30 he could play an old grandfather, and at 50 - a perky young man. Despite the fact that he is familiar to most viewers with his comedic roles - Coward in the comedies of Gaidai and Khmyr "Gentlemen of Fortune", Vitsin did an excellent job with dramatic images.

The childhood of George Vitsin

According to official data, which today can be found in some documents, the birthplace of Georgy Vitsin is Petrograd. However, according to other information, which is now considered to be more reliable, the hometown of the Soviet actor is the town of Terioki, today called Zelenogorsk (Leningrad Region).

Certain inaccuracies are also associated with the date of birth of the actor. So, it is generally accepted that Vitsin was born not in 1918, but in 1917. Changes in the official metrics were made at the insistence of his mother, who took such a step to send her son to a good forest health school, which the boy did not go to due to his age.

When George was only eight months old, his parents moved to Moscow, and the entire future fate of the actor was connected with this city.

Carier start

After graduating general education school, the actor entered the Maly Theater School, where, however, he did not study for long and was expelled with a funny wording "for a frivolous attitude to study." True, this life episode of George did not embarrass and only strengthened in him the desire to become a professional actor. The next year after the expulsion, Vitsin filed documents in three theater studios, in each of which he was accepted.

"Song of Moonshiners": Vitsin, Morgunov, Nikulin

Choosing from three options, George gave preference to the prestigious Moscow Theater School. E. Vakhtangov, but a year later unexplained circumstances transferred to the Moscow Art Theater-2 studio.

Here the actor has already studied to the very end. Having received a diploma in 1936, Georgy Vitsin went to work in the theater studio of N.P. Khmelev (subsequently it was renamed the theater named after M. Yermolova).

On the stage of this theater Vitsin's total worked for thirty-three years, giving the audience a lot of vivid stage images, for example, in the performances of As You Like It and Night of Errors.

Acting career of George Vitsin

The first work of Georgy Vitsin in the cinema was the episodic role of a railway worker in the film “Hello, Moscow!” (1945). However, the actor was able to really mark himself in the cinema a little later. So, in 1951, Georgy Vitsin surprisingly accurately reincarnated as Nikolai Gogol in the biographical drama Belinsky by Grigory Kozintsev. His work turned out to be so bright and successful that a year later the actor again appeared before the audience in the image Ukrainian classic in the film "Composer Glinka".

From 1954 to 1961, the actor was noted in many remarkable films. In his creative biography there were such films as “Maxim Perepelitsa” with Leonid Bykov, “Twelfth Night” by Jan Frid, “Don Quixote” by Grigory Kozintsev, as well as the film “How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”, in which Vitsin again played Gogol. The directors often gave Vitsin small, one might even say, passing roles, but he always knew how to add his zest to any image. But, of course, the all-Union glory of Georgy Mikhailovich was brought by the comedies of Leonid Gaidai and the image of the Coward created by the actor, which Vitsin first embodied in the film novel “Dog Mongrel and an Unusual Cross”. Their trio with Yuri Nikulin and Yevgeny Morgunov After that, Vitsin returned to this role three more times. So, the paintings "Moonshiners", "Operation" Y "", "Prisoner of the Caucasus" became the true apogee of his career. These roles were remembered by the viewer, but it is difficult to say that after them Vitsin's career began to decline sharply.

There were many more wonderful roles in his life. The most famous and beloved by the audience were the tapes "Balzaminov's Marriage", "Gentlemen of Fortune", "Old, Old Tale".

During his life, the great Soviet actor was noted in almost a hundred films. In addition, the fame and popularity of Vitsin brought numerous roles in the theater. In addition to all of the above, Georgy Mikhailovich also worked on the dubbing of many foreign films and Soviet cartoons. In this field, he also achieved considerable success, giving his voice to countless on-screen characters.

Many years of work in the theater and cinema brought Vitsin the title of Honored, and then People's Artist of the RSFSR. In 1990, Georgy Mikhailovich was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

To the 100th anniversary of Georgy Vitsin

Georgy Vitsin behind the scenes

According to the actor's friends, Georgy Vitsin was passionately passionate all his life fine arts. He drew caricatures well, and also achieved some success in painting, sculpture and graphics.

In the early nineties, Vitsin toured Russia a lot, speaking with famous monologues and playing various excerpts from Gaidai's films with other characters of the legendary trinity. However, such a busy work schedule has never brought the actor any tangible dividends.

Having given his spacious apartment to his only daughter Natasha, Vitsin moved to the usual "Khrushchev", which he rarely left. In the last years of his life, Georgy Mikhailovich lived like a hermit, leaving the house only to take a short walk and feed the pigeons. Despite the modest living conditions, he always refused the help of friends and acquaintances. The only person who was always next to the aged and sick actor was his wife Tamara Fedorovna.

The death of George Vitsinam and everything that happened after

The actor died on October 22, 2001. Georgy Vitsin died in a Moscow clinic due to chronic heart and liver diseases. The grave of the legendary comedian is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow. After the death of the actor, a monument was erected in his honor in one of the parks of his native Zelenogorsk. The sculpture depicts him as Mikhailo Balzaminov.

Georgy Vitsin was born in Petrograd on April 18, 1917. However, according to the entry in the Metric Book of the Petrograd Holy Cross Church for 1917, Vitsin was baptized on April 23, on the day of the Holy Great Martyr George, and April 5 (April 18 according to the new style) 1917 is indicated in the “birthday” column. And his mother, Maria Matveevna, corrected the year 1917 in metrics to 1918, in order to send sickly Georgy to a health-improving forest school, where there was a place only in the younger group.

When George was eight months old, his parents moved him to Moscow. Maria Matveevna alone carried all the household chores, since her husband returned from the war as a seriously ill person - he was poisoned by gas and did not live long. When Maria Matveevna, having changed many professions, went to work as an usher in Hall of Columns Houses of the Unions, she often took her son with her to work.

Georgy Vitsin was a very shy boy from childhood. To overcome his complexes, George made a firm decision to become an actor. Georgy Vitsin really became interested in theater at the age of 12, when he began to play in school amateur performances. Here is what he recalled about this: “I grew up very shy child. And in order to get rid of this complex, I decided to learn how to perform. Went to fourth grade in theater Club. By the way, a very good remedy, even the psychologist Vladimir Levy wrote about this. I know him, he treats stutterers in this way, people with all sorts of complexes - arranges a theater at home, distributes roles, and they improvise. Here I am cured…”

IN school theater as a therapy for shyness, in one of the performances, Vitsin performed the shaman's dance so passionately and emotionally that he received advice from the teachers to seriously take up ballet. But after graduating from school, Vitsin decided to seriously engage in theater.

After leaving school, Georgy Vitsin entered the Maly Theater School. But soon he was expelled with the wording "For a frivolous attitude to the educational process." In the fall, Vitsin again decided to test his strength. He was tested in three studios at once - Alexei Diky, the Theater of the Revolution and the Moscow Art Theater-2 - and was accepted into all at once. He chose the Vakhtangov Theater School of the Moscow Art Theater Studio-2, where he studied from 1934 to 1935, where he studied with S. G. Birman, A. I. Blagonravov and V. N. Tatarinov.

In 1936, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Postyshev, in a personal conversation with Stalin, complained that there were two Moscow Art Theaters in Moscow, and not a single one in Ukraine, and Stalin immediately "gave" the fraternal republic the Moscow Art Theater - 2 with the entire troupe. The actors were offered to pack their things and go to Kyiv, and when they refused to leave the capital, the theater was disbanded, recalling in the newspapers that it had once been organized by the "renegade emigrant" Mikhail Chekhov. Actress Serafima Birman, one of the most strict theater teachers, compared Vitsin with Mikhail Chekhov.

Vitsin since 1936 served at the Yermolova Theater and brilliantly played a sexually horny impotent old man in Fletcher's play The Taming of the Tamer. The audience poured into this production, and specifically “on Vitsin”, finding out at the box office whether he was playing, and only then buying tickets. True, they were dissatisfied. One day, an angry general appeared backstage, watching a performance with his 16-year-old daughter, and demanded that the "indecent text" be cut.

Vitsin himself always treated the theater with great reverence. Even after he finally said goodbye to the stage and went to the cinema. There is no such thing as a "film actor", he believed. There is an ACTOR, and he is born on stage, in live communication with the audience.

In his theatrical experience, Vitsin found blanks for many film roles. The sexy old man who embarrassed the general's daughter turned into Sir Andrew from Jan Fried's Twelfth Night. The British press, always jealously following any adaptations of Shakespeare, caressed this picture, but about the role of "the Russian actor Vypin, who accurately grasped the specifics English humor”, although with a mistake in the surname, they were mentioned in the BBC program.

Theater critics wrote about Vitsin with pleasure, and no one then could have imagined that an actor with such a brilliant stage career could leave the theater forever for the sake of cinema.

Georgy Vitsin's cinematic career began with an episodic role as a guardsman in the film Ivan the Terrible, and continued with the role of Gogol in Kozintsev's film Belinsky in 1951.

The director's assistant, who came to Moscow from Lenfilm, selected several actors from the mass of the capital's actors at once, among whom were famous actors Vladimir Kenigson, Boris Smirnov and a number of others. However, it was in Vitsin that the assistant saw the features of Gogol's nature.

Vitsin played this role so reliably that a few months after filming this film, he was invited to work in another film, and again for the role of Gogol - in Grigory Alexandrov's film Composer Glinka.

Georgy Vitsin starred in films of various genres, but Georgy Vitsin became widely known for his roles in comedies. The first such role was the charming football player Vasya Vesnushkin in Semyon Timoshenko's film "Reserve Player", filmed in 1954. Vitsin got into this role quite by accident. The picture was shot at Lenfilm, where Vitsin was invited to audition for the role of the Gadfly in the film directed by Alexander Feintsimmer. The tests were unsuccessful, Oleg Strizhenov was approved for the role, and Vitsin was about to return to Moscow, when Semyon Timoshenko's assistant accidentally found him in one of the Lenfilm corridors. This time the test of the young actor was successful, and Vitsin was immediately approved for the role.

True, later the director was very surprised to learn that the "young actor" was not 25 years old, as it seemed to the eye, but almost 37. Vitsin's "Ageless Phenomenon" deserves a separate discussion. He was under 40 years old when he equally convincingly played a 70-year-old old man in the film "Maxim Perepelitsa" and a 17-year-old hero of Rozov's play "Good Hour!"

Before filming "Reserve Player", Vitsin trained daily at the stadium for a month to be in shape. And at the rehearsal of a boxing match, he seriously attacked Pavel Kadochnikov, who was professionally engaged in boxing. As a result, Vitsin had a crack in the rib, but he did not leave the site, but continued shooting, tightening chest towel.

In 1956, with the participation of Vitsin, the film "She Loves You" was filmed. In the film, according to the script, a complex stunt episode on water skiing was supposed. An understudy was supposed to be filmed, but the director decided to shoot Vitsin. Together with the screenwriter, they fabricated a letter from a certain fan: “Dear Comrade Vitsin! You are my ideal, I dream to meet you! Heard you're aquaplaning tomorrow? How brave are you! I will definitely look and after the shooting I will come to you. Believe me, you will not be disappointed. Klava. The quick-witted Vitsin read the letter, agreed to shoot, worked brilliantly for the whole episode, but after shooting he said to the director: “But the name of the girl could be more interesting to come up with.”

The heroes of Vitsin invariably aroused sympathy among the audience in any films in which the actor starred - in detective, historical and lyrical. In the film "The Marriage of Balzaminov", which was planned to be put into production in 1955, the only candidate for the role of the immature Misha Balzaminov was Vitsin, a longtime friend of the director Voinov for joint work in the theater-studio Khmelev. But something did not work out, and the launch of the film was postponed. After 10 years, the director had the opportunity to return to the project, and Voinov suggested leading role Vitsin again. And Georgy Mikhailovich then turned 48 years old. He flatly refused, but Voinov insisted: “It’s 48 according to your passport, but you don’t look 30 either. We’ll remove the makeup for another five years, and then the light, etc., etc.”

This reincarnation was possible because Vitsin treated his health responsibly and reverently. He did not smoke, because at the age of eight he took a puff under the stairs and received an anti-nicotine reflex for life. And did not drink, after once in New Year I decided to drink and realized - if the next morning you want to strangle yourself, it's better not to drink. But most importantly, he did yoga when no one really knew what it was. Vitsin carried out a mandatory cleansing of the body, ate right, developing high resistance to stress, conducted daily workouts and meditations, and strictly on schedule and regardless of the circumstances. Many directors got angry when, after the command "Motor!" Vitsin looked at his watch and politely but firmly stated: “Excuse me, I need to stand on one leg for seven minutes and sit in the lotus position.” Ignoring the heated atmosphere, he stepped aside, worked out his norm and calmly returned to work.

Savely Kramarov recalled how he lived with Vitsin on one of his business trips, and he amazed him with his daily yoga classes. “If I had not practiced yoga, then many of my film roles would not have been so successful,” Georgy Mikhailovich explained. - After all, the process of filming is a very difficult dreary thing. In anticipation of being filmed, you can sit all day, moreover, get so tired that all the humor will fizzle out of you by itself. How then to play? But during the filming, despite the noise, screaming, I often fell asleep for exactly ten to fifteen minutes, thereby giving the body a rest, relaxation.

The partners treated this obsession with a healthy lifestyle differently. Some were indifferent, others were skeptical, and some were rather harsh. For example, Nonna Mordyukova, who, after the episode of the kiss of the merchant's wife Belotelova with Balzaminov, told Vitsin: “Are you a man? Don't drink, don't smoke, don't hit on women. You're dead!"

“For all this, long years work in the cinema, Georgy Mikhailovich masterfully learned to play drunks, - said Vladimir Tsukerman. - However, in real life, he never learned to drink. And smoked first and last time at the age of seven. Therefore, Vitsin did not like all kinds of acting gatherings, anniversaries and creative meetings in restaurants. “The worst thing that mankind has come up with is a feast,” he said. In the cinematic environment, such a bike even went. One actor says to another: “I was at the presentation yesterday. The table was awesome. Everyone was there, everyone was drinking. Leonov, Papanov, Mironov, Nikulin, Morgunov, Vitsin ... "-" Stop, - interrupted the second, - do not lie. - “Well, everyone was there, and everyone drank. In addition to Vitsin, of course ... ".

In the 10 years that have passed between the idea and the release of Balzaminov's Marriage, a lot has happened in the fate of Vitsin. But main event took place in 1957, when Leonid Gaidai invited him to his first comedy "The Bridegroom from the Other World." The picture did not have much success, especially since the censorship dealt with the "Groom ..." quite abruptly, turning the film into a curvy short film with peripheral distribution. But the next joint work, from the very beginning focused on short films, became a cult and fateful one. In the film "Dog Mongrel and an Unusual Cross", the most famous film trinity of Soviet cinema was born - Coward, Dunce and Experienced.

First, Gaidai read a poetic feuilleton about poachers in Pravda, then he came up with three characters-masks and began to look for actors. Vitsin immediately chose Coward, Coward found Dunce, seeing Yuri Nikulin in the circus. Experienced, in the person of Yevgeny Morgunov, Gaidai was betrothed by the director of Mosfilm, Ivan Pyryev. The fourth hero - Barbosa - was portrayed by the dog Brekh, who spoiled a lot of blood for the artists, stubbornly refusing to fulfill Gaidai's ideas in the frame.

Dog Mongrel was only one of five short stories in the humorous almanac Quite Seriously, on which the Mosfilm studio did not pin much hope. But Gaidai's eccentric short film had resounding success. The viewer liked everything - tricks, music, frantic rhythm and filigree editing. New heroes instantly became characters of folklore, tales and anecdotes. Made after "Moonshiners" aggravated the situation of universal love and popularity. Bags of letters came from all over the country, in which Gaidai, in an ultimatum form, was required to make a new movie about Coward, Dunce and Experienced. Meanwhile, the trio in full force temporarily migrated to Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Give a Book of Complaints”, where she was remembered for a fight in a restaurant and Vitsin’s conceptual phrase: “You need to know the authorities by sight!”

Grigory Kozintsev, who planned to shoot Vitsin in the role of Hamlet, was shocked when he saw the artist in Gaidai's short films. No one could have imagined that a dramatic actor would turn out so brightly comedic.

The phenomenal success of Gaidai's films even influenced the inviolable laws of the Soviet planned economy. Light industry responded to potential demand and quickly launched the production of products with "triple" symbols: T-shirts, masks, toys, calendars. Coward, Dunce and Experienced reincarnated as terrible forest robbers from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians".

The audience perceived them as a single being, and even came up with a name for him - ViNiMor (according to the first letters of the surnames). But what different people made up this trio. A clown from God, a holiday man Yuri Nikulin (for him, Gaidai's films became the beginning of a film career), calm, quiet, contemplatively closed Vitsin - an artist with excellent theatrical training and solid film experience, and noisy, interfering in everything, often cheeky in communication Evgeny Morgunov, who, unfortunately, did not play anything of equal value either before or after the role of Experienced.

While working on "Operation" Y ..." Gaidai planned to complete the adventures of his heroes. The director has difficult relationship with Morgunov, who was naughty even on Moonshiners, and allowed a lot both on and off the set. In his picture "Business People" based on the stories of O. Henry Gaidai, he did not take Experienced, although both Nikulin and Vitsin played excellent roles there. However, a suitable scenario was soon found.

When Nikulin read the script for "Prisoner of the Caucasus", he flatly refused to act in "this nonsense." But Gaidai convinced him and the others that the script would be just the main canvas, on which everyone has the right to string as many fictions, tricks and gags as they can invent. And in order to stimulate the imagination of his “co-authors”, the director promised to give the inventor a couple of bottles of champagne for each idea.

According to oral tradition filmmakers, Nikulin earned 24 bottles, Morgunov - 18, and Vitsin - 1, because he did not like champagne. In fact, Georgy Mikhailovich was no less prolific than his colleagues. It is to him that we owe the cry “Beware!” Coward flying out of the door, a trick with a cucumber and a slingshot, Varley's handkerchief, which Coward is afraid of, and the famous scene under the motto "Stand to the death!" When the heroes build a living wall in front of a rushing car. In general, tricks were invented so spontaneously that it was then difficult to determine exactly who invented what. For example, Nikulin came up with a huge syringe that remains after an injection in the ass of Experienced, but the fact that the syringe will swing is Vitsin's find.

The actor was hardly persuaded to drink a mug of beer on the set of "Prisoner of the Caucasus". At first, he categorically refused: “I won’t beer, pour rose hips.” One take, a second, a third ... I have already drunk five mugs of rosehip infusion, like someone from film crew remarked: "It won't work! There is no foam! Nikulin suggested putting cotton in a mug, but Vitsin could not stand it: “Yes, the sixth mug will not fit into me. Even with cotton wool, even without!” “As you wish, Georgy Mikhailovich,” the film director Leonid Gaidai intervened. - And you still have to shoot one more take. And with real beer. And the teetotaler Vitsin had to forcefully drain a whole mug.

Pyotr Vail wrote about "ViniMore": "The heroes of the great Gaidai troika wore talking names denoting those qualities without which there is and cannot be worthy person. According to the clownish laws of comedy, these were shifting names, which, of course, did not confuse anyone. It is clear that Experienced - Evgeny Morgunov - who always gets into a puddle - is the personification of honest insecurity: the inevitable fate of the individual in society. That Dunce - Yuri Nikulin - incarnate common sense. That Coward - Georgy Vitsin - courage and resilience, beyond the control of either society or the state. With these three it was possible to make life clearer and more convincing than with Pavlik Morozov and Pavka Korchagin. Their words and phrases diverged in quanta of worldly wisdom no worse than quotes from Ilf and Petrov. If you think about it, the replica: “To live well, but to live well is even better,” has become a key one for the people huge country. It was this intelligible philosophy that led the country from a vague slogan to everyday care, brought it out of ideology and into life. All three of them had the same name in common. This name is freedom. They appeared on the screen in the early 60s, when for the first time much of what was then opened wide open a quarter of a century later opened up in the country for the first time. The eccentricity of Gaidai's cinema was reminiscent of the movements of a suddenly freed man who, once in freedom, randomly swings his arms, turns his head, jumps up and down, tries to run away. The reflex freedom of that thaw was imprinted in many ways - youth prose, the Taganka theater, intimate lyrics, and most clearly in Gaidai's comedies, where the trio Nikulin-Vitsin-Morgunov possessed something that had not been seen before: plastic free man. Dostoevsky wrote that laughter is the true test of the soul, and it is right that our freedom began with laughter.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" - favorite domestic cinema from 1967 to the present day. In the year of release, the film took 1st place at the box office, gathering 76.5 million viewers at the screens.

Actress Natalya Varley recalled Georgy Vitsin: “I can start to remember, analyze or invent, but I didn’t have the feeling that Georgy Mikhailovich was separate, Yuri Vladimirovich was separate, Evgeny Alexandrovich was separate. For me it was a group of very strong actors, wonderful people. My fear of a debutante, of course, at first did not allow me to navigate even what was happening. I was scared. Scary, joyful, interesting, and then I began to observe, analyze how different tempers why Leonid Iovich connected such dissimilar, it would seem, people and created three masks from them: Coward, Experienced, Dunce. In fact, Yuri Vladimirovich, and Evgeny Alexandrovich, and Georgy Mikhailovich were intelligent, smartest people. Georgy Mikhailovich was a deeply read man, an excellent theater actor. As a theater actor, he is known, of course, less. They mainly know his comedic roles, but I also saw him as an actor at the Yermolova Theater, even before I started acting in The Prisoner of the Caucasus. I studied at the circus school and ran to all the performances of the Yermolovsky Theater, because my classmate's aunt worked there. And I saw Georgy Mikhailovich in his theatrical works. He was from a different generation, with different values ​​and criteria. It seems to me that it would not have occurred to Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin to bargain over the fee for the role, especially if he liked the role, if he wanted to play this role. And today I understand that this old, intelligent acting school is sorely lacking. When today they say, “how can it be, he died alone, in poverty,” I want to object. First, not alone, he had a beloved wife, a beloved daughter, a beloved dog. Yes, he was an old man, toothless, who already refused to go out with concerts, because he listened to his own health. My heart was shaking, he is still so suspicious. It was quite enough for him to go out in his Coward suit, to say a monologue, which was accepted with a bang. But he lived some kind of his own, quiet, life. I think he lived the way he already wanted - to correspond to his age, not to get younger, not to put in his teeth, because you don’t need to eat meat anymore, you need to eat porridge. Feed cats and dogs. There was also a Smolensk grocery store and they left for stray cats and dogs trimming bones and meat. He walked around the yards and fed them. He just loved animals and was very worried about them. He was a very kind and gentle person. Despite the fact that he loved dirty jokes, I have a feeling of such a tender depth of soul. Here is such a person - with a very gentle soul, very vulnerable, never, it seems to me, never asking for anything for himself, never making any demands on others in relation to himself, no wealth he had never achieved in his life. The very memory of Georgy Mikhailovich is very bright. It is sad because he is gone and sad because he cannot now give a lesson in modesty, intelligence, politeness and reverent attitude to the acting profession.

The apotheosis of the troika was its end. Gaidai came to the conclusion that it was no longer possible to exploit these types without self-repetitions. In addition, on the set of "The Captive" he had a major scandal with Morgunov. Evgeny Alexandrovich appeared on the site surrounded by fans and began to make comments to the director, causing an enthusiastic reaction from the environment. Gaidai sharply ordered the director to remove all outsiders from the site, Morgunov was offended, Gaidai too, and in front of the actor tore out all the remaining episodes from the director's script.

Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov met only once on the screen, but not with Gaidai, but in Karelov's film Seven Old Men and One Girl.

In 1980, director Yuri Kushnerev tried to revive the legendary trio in the film "The Comedy of Bygone Days", combining it with the equally famous Gaidai deuce - Archil Gomiashvili and Sergey Filippov. Despite the fact that the authors of “Operation Y”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Diamond Arm” Yakov Kostyukovsky and Maurice Slobodsky took up the script, the result was not very good. Nikulin immediately abandoned the project, and the remaining four strained with all their might, but could not make “at least something out of nothing”.

In our country, the popularity of a film actor is often determined by the number of "catch phrases" he sent from the screen to the people. "Money in the morning - chairs in the evening!" (“12 chairs”), “There is no romanticism, there is no one to drink with” (“It can’t be”), “Well, quickly everyone in the caves!” ("Sannikov Land"), "Yes, yes ... OBKhSS!" (“Gentlemen of Fortune”) is all Vitsin. And as the apogee of popularity - an invitation to become a guest of the TV pub "13 chairs" by the poet Odysseus Tsypa.

Vitsin along with others popular artists often toured the country with the programs "Comrade KINO" and combined concerts. At one of these concerts, leaving the stage, he ran into a young singer standing backstage: “And I’m watching you, Georgy Mikhailovich, I’m learning from a professional to feel the stage and the audience,” Alla Pugacheva told the artist. In 1990, they were again side by side - in the "last list" for the title of People's Artist of the USSR, which Gorbachev managed to sign in front of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Georgy Vitsin said about himself: “I am generally very flexible, patient and non-aggressive. I will always turn the other cheek and will not fight... Just because it is a wise Christian rule. My dogs sometimes bite me, but I forgive them - after all, they are all so unfortunate, curs ... I'm not explosive. Nerves can pass, but I still try not to let it happen. My temperature is not such that passions play. Yes, I am afraid of them ... ".

Ivan Dykhovichny wrote about Vitsin: “There are people who live a very long time and when they pass away - no one remembers them anymore, such a terrible moment happens, but here the story is amazing, because fortunately, fortunately for us - viewers and people who knew him, Vitsin lived for many years, but most importantly, he managed to leave an image so beloved by people from and to a variety of tastes, which is also unique.

It is hard to imagine, but in life Georgy Mikhailovich possessed a truly magical charm, literally bewitching women. Moreover, the actor had this gift from his youth.

Georgy Mikhailovich was not a written handsome man, however, he had no shortage of admirers. Ladies wrote letters that they wanted to give birth to a child from him, confessed their love. Many actresses also tried to seduce a popular colleague. But Vitsin was never a supporter of fleeting connections. Nevertheless, in his personal biography there is a fact that is not typical for Georgy Mikhailovich. In his youth, Vitsin had an affair with actress Dina Topoleva, whom he took not from anyone, but from his teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Khmelev. Khmelev's studio was later transformed into the Yermolova Theatre. And, strangely, the relationship between Khmelev and Vitsin did not change at all after that. Khmelev forgave his lawful wife for treason, and the actor treated his teacher and director with respect all his life. Topoleva was much older than Georgy Mikhailovich.

Vitsin and Topoleva lived in a civil marriage for almost 20 years. And then 38-year-old George met Tamara, the niece of the famous scientist Michurin. But even when Vitsin was married to Tamara, and Topoleva was left alone and very ill, Vitsin looked after her. He brought groceries and bought medicines. And Tamara Fedorovna supported her husband in this.

Moreover, Dina remained a member of his family until her death. A. Voinova, the daughter of Vitsin's close friend director Konstantin Voinov, recalls: “He built an absolutely amazing system of relationships. He wanted a child, there (in the family with Dina) there was no child. Aunt Tamara's baby was born. The child is adored, he simply idolized his daughter Natasha. But he managed to arrange so that Natasha was admitted to Aunt Dinin's house. He brought her there because he kind of had two families. Because he supported Aunt Dina all his life. Both her and her sister, with housekeepers, with a dacha for the summer ... Vitsin could not leave Dina, she was older and needed guardianship.

Vitsin met his new wife at the Yermolova Theater. She worked there as a clerk. According to the stories of Tamara Fedorovna herself, their acquaintance took place on Easter. She came to the props room, where people brought Easter cakes and Easter. Vitsin entered with a painted egg in his hand. “Girls, I came to say goodbye,” he said. They kissed three times, looked into each other's eyes, and have since started dating. A few years later, the couple had a daughter, Natasha.

Vitsin did not need fame. He ran from her. He hid from the annoying public in his apartment or retired in nature with an easel. When the Museum of the Three Actors was opening, Yuri Nikulin called for Georgy Vitsin to take him to the presentation. And found a colleague lying on the couch. “Gosh, get up, let's go, your own museum is opening,” said Yuri Vladimirovich. “So it’s necessary to put on pants,” Vitsin replied. “What, you go without pants at all?” - "So it is necessary to put on other pants." And turned over to the other side. But then he still packed up and came.

Vitsin said about himself: “I have always tried not to draw the attention of others to myself. What is an eyesore to the people? He put on a gray cloak, pulled a cap over his eyes and tried to blend in with the crowd. There is a story that once they recognized him in the queue, they began to give way. “I am not George Vitsin, I am his brother,” the actor began to deceive people. “Man, you have such a great brother that you also have full right enjoy his fame. Come forward!"

The last time Georgy Mikhailovich starred in 1994 in the film by Andrei Benkendorf "A Few Love Stories" and one of the first domestic "horror films" "Haggi-Tragger". Sometimes he performed at the national "humor" in the former Theater film actor - he joked that he was earning food for homeless dogs. He was unmercenary in the truest sense of the word. Few people knew that Vitsin studied the works of Ovid, Horace, Plato and Petrarch, was fond of astronomy.

Vitsin was very fond of animals. The family had two parrots and a dog. One bird screamed all the time: “Why are you running around? Go to sleep!”, and about the dog, Vitsin, in all seriousness, reported that she knew how to say “mom”.

At the end of his life, poor health constantly reminded Vitsin of himself. He was often sick. There was dissatisfaction with what was happening in the country in the 1990s. The actor categorically did not like this time. He could not and did not want to adapt to him. He was rescued by the duty that he placed on himself: "I must go feed the pigeons." Every day he got out of bed, took sacks of millet and went outside to feed the birds. The surrounding stray cats and dogs got pieces of food - Georgy Mikhailovich could not pass by their troubles calmly. And so it turned out that by the time Vitsin left the house, all his pets were gathering near the entrance.

Georgy Vitsin worked a lot on dubbing cartoons. He approached his puppet and drawn characters according to the Stanislavsky system, considering this part of his work no less responsible and serious. His voice is spoken by the brownie Kuzya, the hare (“The Bag of Apples”), Giuseppe (“The Adventures of Pinocchio”), the musician beetle (“Thumbelina”) and many other animated characters.

Vitsin basically did not go to polyclinics. “And then they will find something, so you will start thinking about your sores.” He looked at all the costs of age with his characteristic humor: “Why put prostheses? If it's time to burn your bridges, don't change them for plastic ones."

Despite the fact that Georgy Vitsin was constantly ill, he periodically participated in national concerts, since his meager pension was clearly not enough for a full life. Vitsin lived with his wife, who did not work due to illness, and his daughter, an artist, whose salary was also small.

On September 6, 2001, Vitsin agreed to participate in a concert that took place in the capital's Film Actor Theater. The organizers called Vitsin two hours before the start and asked him to replace the sick artist. Vitsin, who himself did not feel well that day, agreed, setting the only condition - to speak first. But it didn't help. Immediately after the performance, he became ill with his heart. An ambulance was immediately called, which took Vitsin to the 19th city ​​hospital. He was placed in the intensive care unit. The next day, the artist felt better, and he was transferred to a double ward of the cardiology department. There, his daughter Natasha looked after him.

O. Alekseeva wrote in the newspaper “Life”: “Georgy Mikhailovich categorically forbade his wife to leave his beloved dog Boy unattended. And Tamara Fedorovna does not dare to ask someone she knows to sit with the dog. He does not want them to see the conditions in which the people's artist of Russia lives, who has played more than a hundred roles in films. The picture is indeed depressing. In the tiny hallway are books and a bowl of food for the Boy. In the room - an old black-and-white TV and again a lot of books. The shower has not been working for six months, the kitchen is not cold water. “It's not that it's unfair, it's inhuman,” says Tamara Fedorovna. - great actor, a popular favorite, but lives in such devastation. But Georgy Mikhailovich bravely endures everything, does not turn to anyone for help. And he scolds me if I start talking about it. I sometimes think, maybe - write a letter to the government, to the Union of Cinematographers? But Georgy Mikhailovich forbids, says: it’s very hard for everyone now, and he has no right to demand special attention to himself ... "

Doctors of the 19th hospital relieved Vitsin of an acute attack of angina pectoris and treated his heart. Then the daughter took the artist home. But a couple of days later he became ill again due to an attack of angina pectoris. On October 10, Vitsin was placed in a more comfortable Clinical Hospital No. 2 under the Russian Ministry of Health. When Vitsin entered the 2nd hospital, the doctors had no illusions - the actor had no chance. And he himself understood this very well. On Thursday, October 18, Vitsin got worse. He stopped eating on his own, could not sit up in bed, and spoke with difficulty. On Friday, the actor lost consciousness. Over the weekend, he woke up for a few minutes, but then fell back into oblivion.

On October 22, Vitsin's condition became extremely serious, and the doctors called his daughter Natasha. She immediately arrived, and for several hours was inseparably with her father. But he never regained consciousness. At 16.30 Georgy Vitsin died.

“He did not need time,” said Leonid Kuravlev. - He himself rejected it, rejected it. Vitsin did not need such a time with his philosophy, with his modesty, with his ability to idolize the very foundations of human morality and soul, according to which one must live on, and they are framed by the ten commandments of Christ. Here he lived according to the laws of Jesus Christ.

One of recent interviews Georgy Vitsin finished like this: “Don't fuss, people. Life takes an awful lot of time!”

Throughout his life, Vitsin portrayed a cowardly squishy man, which in real life he was not at all.

About George Vitsin was filmed documentary"Hermit".

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Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

Used materials:

Site materials www.biografii.ru
Site materials www.kino-teatr.ru
Site materials www.mad-love.ru
Site materials www.tvkultura.ru
Site materials www.art.thelib.ru
Site materials www.rusactors.ru
The text of the book by F. Razzakov "Dossier on the stars"
Text of the article "The brave coward Georgy Vitsin", author T. Boglanova
Text of the article "Georgy Vitsin lived under fake documents?", Author O. Kalnina

Acted in films:

1945 Ivan the Terrible
1951 Belinsky
1952 Composer Glinka
1954 Substitute
1955 Twelfth Night
1955 Maxim Perepelitsa
1955 Mexican
1956 She loves you
1956 Murder on Rue Dante
1957 Wrestler and clown
1957 Don Quixote
1957 New attraction
1958 Girl with a guitar
1958 Bridegroom from the Other World
1959 Vasily Surikov
1960 End of old Berezovka
1960 Revenge
1961 Artist from Kokhanovka
1961 Dog Mongrel and unusual cross
1961 Moonshiners
1962 Business People
1962 Way to the pier
1963 Cain XVIII ("Two Friends")
1963 Short Stories
1963 First trolleybus
1963 Blind bird
1964 Spring chores
1964 Give a complaint book
1964 Balzaminov's marriage
1964 Bunny
1964 Tale of Lost Time
1965 Road to the sea
1965 Operation "Y" and Shurik's other adventures
1966 Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures
1966 Who Invented the Wheel?
1966 Amazing story, like a fairy tale
1966 Rainbow Formula
1967 Save a drowning man
1968 Seven old men and one girl
1968 Old, old fairy tale
1969 At the thirteenth hour of the night
1970 How we were looking for Tishka
1970 Guardian
1970 Step from the roof
1971 12 chairs
1971 Spring Tale
1971 Gentlemen of Fortune
1971 Mortal Enemy
1971 Shadow
1972 Tobacco Captain
1973 ... Have you ever loved?
1973 Sannikov Land
1973 Incorrigible Liar
1973 Cipollino / Cipollino
1974 Car, violin and dog Klyaksa
1974 Big attraction
1974 Dear Boy
1974 My destiny
1974 Northern Rhapsody
1974 Tsarevich Prosha
1975 It can't be!
1975 Finist - Clear Falcon
1975 Step forward
1976 Cheerful dream, or Laughter and tears
1976 While the clock is striking
1976 Blue bird
1976 Sun, sun again
1977 12 chairs
1977 Marinka, Janka and the secrets of the royal castle
1980 For matches
1980 Comedy of bygone days
1981 Hands up!
1985 Dangerous for life!
1985 Rivals
1986 Pan Klyaksa's Journey
1991 The story of the meter page
1992 Shot in the coffin
1993 Brave Guys
1994 Gentlemen Artists
1994 Several Love Stories
1994 Hugy Tragger

Voiced cartoons:

1946 Peacock's Tail (animated)
1951 High slide (animated, Chick)
1953 Magic Shop (animated, shop assistant)
1954 Orange Neck (animation)
1955 "Arrow" flies into a fairy tale (animated)
1955 The Enchanted Boy (animation, Rosenbaum)
1955 Lourja Magdana (grandfather Gigo / role A. Omiadze /)
1955 Nut twig (animation)
1955 Postal Snowman (animated)
1955 Brave Hare (animation)
1956 Boat (animation)
1956 Jackal and camel (animation)
1957 In a certain kingdom (animation)
1957 Wonder Woman (animated)
1958 Cat's House (animation, Goat)
1958 Beloved beauty (animation, Trash)
1958 The Boy from Naples (animated)
1958 Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish (animation)
1958 Sportlandia (animation)
1959 The Adventures of Pinocchio (animated, Giuseppe)
1959 Three Woodcutters (animated)
1959 Mr. Pitkin Behind Enemy Lines (UK)
1960 Non-Drinking Sparrow (animated, Sparrow)
1960 Different wheels (animation)
1960 I drew a little man (animation)
1961 Dear penny (animated, Pyatak)
1961 Dragon (animated)
1961 Key (animation, father)
1961 Ant-braggart (animated)
1961 Beggar's Tale
1962 Two Tales (animation)
1964 If you want - believe it, if you want - no ... (lecturer)
1966 How to Steal a Million (USA)
1966 An amazing story, like a fairy tale (reads the text)
1967 Engine from Romashkov (animation)
1968 Diamond Hand (drunkard in the alley, sings "Song of the Bears")
1969 Puss in Boots (Japan, animation)
1970 Beavers follow the trail (animated)
1977 Stepmother Samanishvili (priest Michael)
1978 Santa Claus and Gray wolf(animated)
1978 D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers (judge, role of Vladimir Dolinsky)
1980 Taming of the Shrew (Italy)
1982 In love of his own accord (unlucky boyfriend-artist, the role of Ivan Ufimtsev)
1982 Intercession Gate (Savelyich)
1982 Wizards (1982) scientist cat
1984 House for Kuzka
1984 Adventures of a brownie
1984-1987 Brownie Kuzya (animation, brownie Kuzya)
1986 Tale for Natasha
1986 I am an outpost leader (father of Kolya Gudkov, role of Alexei Kozhevnikov)
1987 Return of the brownie

  • 1956 - Liana

Actors who most often starred in Gaidai

For many years Gaidai collaborated with the same film actors, whose brilliant acting largely determined the success of his comedies. The most frequently appearing actor in Gaidai's films was Georgy Vitsin, who starred in ten of the director's films.

  • Yury Nikulin


In some of his films, Leonid Gaidai appeared in cameos. He is usually uncredited. Most of these episodic roles reflect elements of his biography. Cameo by Leonid Gaidai:

  • "Dog Mongrel and the unusual cross" - a bear in a cut scene. When "Coward" ran into some kind of hut, and ran out of it without pants, according to the scenario, a bear with pants in its paws was supposed to get out of the hut. The budget for the short film did not include work with a live bear, so Nikulin got a stuffed bear from somewhere, which they put on Gaidai. Later, Gaidai himself cut the scene because of its unnaturalness.
  • "Operation Y" and other adventures of Shurik.
    1. The short story "Partner" - one of the actors in the episode of the morning roll call of detained alcoholic parasites (there is an unconfirmed version that this is Gaidai in disguise) says: "Announce the entire list, please!" This phrase is taken from the life of Gaidai. In 1942, he, who was striving for the front, was sent to serve in Mongolia, and when a new recruitment was still needed, Lenya shouted out to each branch of the military - cavalry, navy, infantry: "I!" To which the commissar replied: “Wait, Gaidai. Let me tell you the whole list."
    2. The short story "Obsession" - in the initial frames leaves the institute.
  • "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession."

In the scene when Shurik runs up to the radio store, which is closed for registration, a tall bearded citizen in dark glasses, a jacket and a hat walks past him with a quick business step.

  • "Diamond Hand" - Appears 3 times:
    1. In the crowd when they interview Semyon Semyonych.
    2. In the scene of Kozodoev's dream, the severed hand of Semyon Semyonych belongs to Gaidai.
    3. The drunk, who is shown only to the hips, is also Gaidai, but he was voiced by Georgy Vitsin.
  • "12 Chairs" - the most notable among the roles of Gaidai - the archivist Varfolomey Korobeinikov.
  • “The weather is good on Deribasovskaya, or it’s raining again on Brighton Beach” - the last cameo. A crazy drunk gambler in a yellow shirt, who is carried out of the casino when the hero Kharatyan comes in (Gaidai's widow, Nina Grebeshkova, said that at the end of his life Gaidai was actually carried away slot machines and lost large sums money).
  • Rumors circulated and continue to circulate on the net that Gaidai starred in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" as a lighter on the set. However, for those who are familiar with Gaidai's real appearance, it is easy to understand that there is hardly anything in common between these two people.

Parodies in Gaidai's films

  • "Sportloto-82". At the beginning of the film, a line is shown behind the detective "Murder," owned by the pen popular writer Genian Zeleny (an allusion to Julian Semyonov).
  • "Private detective, or Operation "Cooperation"". The film contains a parody of the serial film Investigation is carried out by experts. Interns Znamensky, Tomin and Kibrit (the former "experts" have gone to work in the cooperative) help to solve the case of the kidnapping of the cooperator. In addition, the surname of the police major - Cronin - is an allusion to the popular character of detectives - Major Pronin.

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