It's not that scary that it will kill. The secret of Katerina's past life


What, are you out of your mind? How can you show yourself home without a brother?

Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him!

Barbara. What are you really afraid of: the storm is still far away.

Katerina. And if it's far away, then perhaps we'll wait a little; but it would be better to go. Let's go better!

Barbara. Why, if anything happens, you can’t hide at home.

Katerina. But all the same, it’s better, everything is calmer: at home I go to the images and pray to God!

Barbara. I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid here.

Katerina. How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I'm not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you, after this conversation, that's what's scary. What's on my mind! What a sin! Terrible to say! Oh!

Thunder. Kabanov enters.

Barbara. Here comes the brother. (To Kabanov.) Run quickly!

Katerina. Oh! Hurry, hurry!

Action two

A room in the Kabanovs' house.

The first phenomenon

Glasha (gathers the dress into knots) and Feklusha (enters).

Feklush. Dear girl, you are still at work! What are you doing sweetie?

Glasha. I collect the owner on the road.

Feklush. Al is going where is our light?

Glasha. Rides.

Feklush. How long, honey, is it going?

Glasha. No, not for long.

Feklush. Well, the tablecloth is dear to him! And what, the hostess will howl or not?

Glasha. I don't know how to tell you.

Feklush. Yes, she howls when?

Glasha. Don't hear something.

Feklush. Painfully I love, dear girl, to listen, if someone howls well.


And you, girl, look after the wretched, you wouldn’t pull off anything.

Glasha. Whoever understands you, all of you are riveting each other. What's not good for you? It seems that you, strange, don’t have a life with us, but you all quarrel and change your mind. You are not afraid of sin.

Feklush. It is impossible, mother, without sin: we live in the world. I'll tell you what, dear girl: you, ordinary people, one enemy confuses everyone, but to us, to strange people, to whom there are six, to whom twelve are assigned; That's what you need to overcome them all. Difficult, dear girl!

Glasha. Why do you have so many?

Feklush. This, mother, is an enemy out of hatred against us that we lead such a righteous life. And I, dear girl, am not absurd, I have no such sin. There is one sin for me for sure, I myself know what it is. I love sweet food. Well, so what! According to my weakness, the Lord sends.

Glasha. And you, Feklusha, did you go far?

Feklush. No, honey. I, due to my weakness, did not go far; and hear - heard a lot. They say that there are such countries, dear girl, where there are no Orthodox tsars, and the Saltans rule the earth. In one land, the Turkish Saltan Mahnut sits on the throne, and in the other, the Persian Saltan Mahnut; and they do judgment, dear girl, on all people, and whatever they judge, everything is wrong. And they, my dear, cannot judge a single case righteously, such is the limit set for them. We have a righteous law, and they, my dear, are unrighteous; that according to our law it turns out that way, but according to theirs everything is the other way around. And all their judges, in their countries, are also all unrighteous; so to them, dear girl, and in requests they write: “Judge me, unjust judge!”. And then there is the land where all the people with dog heads.

Glasha. Why is it so - with dogs?

Feklush. For infidelity. I'll go, dear girl, wander around the merchants: will there be something for poverty. Farewell for now!

Glasha. Goodbye!

Feklusha leaves.

Here are some other lands! There are no miracles in the world! And we're sitting here, we don't know anything. It's good that good people there is: no, no, yes, and you will hear what is happening in the world; otherwise they would die like fools.

Enter Katerina and Varvara.

The second phenomenon

Katerina and Barbara.

Barbara (Glashe). Drag the bundle into the wagon, the horses have arrived. (Katerina.

Everyone has it classical work is the time of its highest awakening. Of course, the classics are immortal. But for each creation, there are their own cherished hours in historical and individual time, when a previously muffled, barely perceptible motive suddenly sounds loudly and bursts into the spiritual expanse with a still unfamiliar, conquering force.

Having recently opened The Thunderstorm (1859) by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823-1886), I only wanted to remember the drama a little ... But I feel that it begins, as if into a water funnel, to draw this long-familiar world into itself, does not let go, but only draws me more strongly into its depth. Familiar scenes come to life in a new way, new meanings open up, which I had never thought about before.

The dialogue between the “self-taught mechanic” Kuligin and Kudryash, a young clerk who works for the wealthy merchant Diky, is symbolic. In a public garden on the high bank of the Volga, their conversation takes place - this is how the drama "Thunderstorm" begins.

With all his heart, Kuligin admires the beauty of the world around him: “Miracles, it must truly be said that miracles! Curly! .. I’ve been looking beyond the Volga for fifty years and I can’t see enough of everything ”*. To which Kudryash replies: “Nothing!” - Kuligin does not calm down: “Delight! And you are "something!" You take a closer look, or you don’t understand what beauty is spilled in nature. ”

The spiritual barrier separating many of the heroes of Ostrovsky's play is already indicated in this first brief dialogue. On the one hand, there is admiration for the beauty bestowed on a person in this world, and on the other, complete indifference to it or its complete misunderstanding.

But the drama "Thunderstorm" is about this - about the beauty of life, feelings, a person and about complete deafness to it. And as confirmation last words Kuligin, the second phenomenon in the play opens with an ugly curse from the merchant Diky, who mocks his nephew Boris.

Kudryash accurately and harshly characterizes his master and his attitude towards people: “He has a place everywhere (swearing - E.S.). Afraid of what, he of whom! He got Boris Grigorievich as a sacrifice, so he rides on it.

In the same place, on the high bank of the Volga, where until recently the self-taught watchmaker Kuligin poured out his enthusiasm for the beauty of the world, a scene of humiliation of one's neighbor is played out.

Wild feels like the ruler of the whole city, the whole universe. No one has a decree for him - what I want, then I turn back - life credo rich merchant. And the thought involuntarily arises that even the fear of God is unknown to the Wild, not to mention respect for His creation.

Even in the first appearance of Ostrovsky's drama, in the conversation of the characters, two centers of power in the Volga city of Kalinovo are defined - Wild and Kabanikha (a rich merchant's wife, widow). These two authorities suppress everyone and everything in the art world"Thunderstorms" and administer their own COURT over everyone.

The modernity of these two characters is striking. Only money and their own power is the measure for them of their whole life. And next to it spread lush crowns full of unbridled desires and deeds - no one decrees!

The tradesman Shapkin anticipates the appearance on stage Wild words: “Look for such a scolder as Savel Prokofich! For no reason will a person be cut off ... Kabanikha is also good. “Well, that one, at least, at least, everything under the guise of piety, but this one, as if off the chain!” - Kudryash echoes Shapkin.

In the third manifestation of Ostrovsky's drama, the reader-spectator learns that somewhere in the depths, behind the stage, some kind of spiritual action is taking place, hidden from view for a while. The playwright seems to expand the boundaries of the stage, deepening the perspective of the action: all the conversations and delights of some and the abuse of others take place on the banks of the Volga, at the same time as the evening service is being performed in the city's church. "What is this? Did the people move from Vespers? - asks Kuligin. And then follows the author's note: "Several faces pass in the back of the stage." The voice of Curly is heard: “Let's go, Shapkin, in revelry! Why stand here!”

It is in the third phenomenon that the deep source coming tragic events- the impoverishment of faith, Christian love, compassion for man.

It is no coincidence that the divine service takes place somewhere far away and seems to have nothing to do with the conversations, thoughts, behavior of the characters - participants in the action unfolding on the high bank of the Volga.

Dikoy and her nephew appear on stage before the end of vespers. Kabanikha with his family (daughter Varvara, son Tikhon, his wife Katerina) enter the stage in the fifth apparition from the “opposite side”. Therefore, it is difficult to decide whether they were in the temple at the service or not. However, the conversation of the characters (and, above all, the endless attacks on their domestic Kabanikhs) is so different from the conversation of people who have left the church. Insults and endless moralizing Kabanikhi flow like a stream. Her talk about the sins of the young offends Katerina, humiliates Tikhon and irritates Varvara: “Complete, complete, don’t swear! Sin! I have seen for a long time that your wife is dearer to you than your mother.

It is characteristic that the word “sin” is the first in the drama to be pronounced by Kabanikha, who every second sins against her neighbor with every word. But “fear” becomes the second pillar on which her world rests.

Teaching his son how to live with his wife, Kabanikha repeats: “Well, what kind of husband are you? Look at you! Will your wife be afraid of you after this? To which Tikhon replies: “Why should she be afraid? It's enough for me that she loves me." And then Kabanikha, no longer holding back, bursts into an angry sermon: “Why be afraid! Yes, you're crazy, right? You will not be afraid, and even more so me. What kind of order will this be in the house?

Not the fear of God, but fear as an instrument of their own power exists for Kabanikha and her counterpart Wild.

But Katerina's soul, suffocating in the Kabanikh's house, knows a completely different fear. Katerina, who believes with all her heart, is afraid of the sin that she can commit by falling in love with Dikiy's nephew, Boris. However, it is not human judgment, not human rumor that frightens her, but the judgment of God, before which everyone will appear.

“That’s what, Varya, to be some kind of sin! Such a fear for me! Such fear! It’s as if I’m standing over an abyss and someone is pushing me there, but I have nothing to hold on to,” Katerina opens up to Varvara, unable to keep her feelings and thoughts in herself anymore.

For Katerina, the church always brought light and free joy: “I loved going to church to death! she recalls of her life in her parents' house before marriage. - Exactly, it happened that I would enter paradise and not see anyone, and I don’t remember the time, and I don’t hear when the service is over. Exactly how it all happened in one second.”

In faith, Katerina finds the harmony of the world, peace and beauty: “You know: on a sunny day, such a bright pillar comes down from the dome, and smoke goes in this pillar, like clouds, and I see that it used to be that angels in this pillar fly and sing” .

Katerina knows that sin will destroy her bright world, and the oppressive premonition of death does not leave the heroine. How can she resist the emerging feeling for Boris; as he can, he tries to avoid their meetings, fatal rapprochement and betrayal of her husband. It is no coincidence that she so fervently prays to Tikhon before he leaves for Moscow for two weeks: “For God's sake, don't leave! My dear, I beg you!" And fervently appeals to his love. But Tikhon is deaf. He is also deaf to his wife's desperate request: “Well, take me with you! Take it!.. There will be trouble without you! The fat is in the fire!" Tikhon does not believe the heavy forebodings of the young woman, and he is not up to her now at all. If only to escape from the tyranny of the mother, from the hateful house, to forget everything and go on a spree in the wild. He is not up to Katerina and her tears!

As if in a mirror, Katerina's two farewells are reflected: first with her husband before his departure for Moscow (second act, fourth appearance), and then with Boris before his departure for Siberia (fifth act, third appearance). Neither Tikhon nor Boris wish Katerina any harm, but none of them even tries to heed her plea.

The husband does not understand that she clutches at him like at the last straw, at her last hope to keep from falling, to resist her love for Boris. Before leaving for Siberia, Boris does not understand Katerina’s request: “Take me with you from here!” She does not want to think that she is grabbing for him as her last opportunity not to commit a mortal sin - suicide, on the edge of which she now stands.

Just as Katerina's two attempts to avoid sin are mirrored, so are two thunderstorm phenomena mirrored in Ostrovsky's drama. Deep mystical meaning acquires a natural thunderstorm in the whole drama and in the fate of Katerina.

She is frightened to fainting by a thunderstorm in the last ninth appearance of the first act and explains her fear to Varvara: “How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I'm not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you ... - that's what's scary.

And breaks out again heavy thunderstorm already in the fourth act, as if calling Katerina to confession. The playwright chose the perfect space best scene for the repentance of the heroine, it seems, they cannot be found: “In the foreground is a narrow gallery with the vaults of an old building that is beginning to collapse; in some places there is grass and bushes, behind the arches there is a bank and a view of the Volga. On the vaults in this old abandoned building, there are still fragments of murals that have not been corrected after a fire forty years ago - two people walking in the gallery talk about this. They also examine the paintings, which depict fiery hell, "where people of all ranks go."

Most likely, the place where Katerina's confession takes place in the fourth act is the gallery of the burnt temple. It is symbolic that in Kalinovo, a city on the Volga with rich merchants, no one even bothered to restore the church. The desolation and destruction of the temple, on the remains of which the townspeople also walk on a holiday (and a holiday means in this case Sunday - the day when they usually attend church), - clear signs spiritual impoverishment and decline of faith.

When Katerina, Kabanikha and Tikhon enter the gallery, the first thunderclaps are heard. Hearing them, Katerina becomes not herself. Seeing Boris and then the half-mad lady with her cries - “You will have to answer for everything. In the whirlpool is better with beauty! Hurry! Hurry!” - Katerina publicly admits to adultery: “I can’t stand it anymore! Mother! Tikhon! I am a sinner before God and before you!” She openly tells how she cheated on her husband during his departure for Moscow and every evening walked with Boris Grigorievich.

In Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm, a certain paradox occurs - the most sincerely believing heroine, perhaps the only one in the whole drama, commits a sin that her soul cannot bear.

Apparently, for none of the characters in the play the question arises, what will be his own answer before God. Neither Wild nor Boar with their rules and teachings; neither Boris, nor Tikhon, nor Varvara and Kudryash, leading wild life, - no one in Ostrovsky's drama, even a half-mad lady prophesying fiery hell to Katerina and everyone else, asks herself main question life. And only Katerina suffers from the perfect sin. And it seems to be exposed main nerve Drama - TO BE or TO APPEAR. To believe with all one's heart or only to feign faith by teaching and rebuking others in order to establish one's personal power in this world.

However, Ostrovsky does not create a wall of absolute alienation and misunderstanding around his heroine. Even Tikhon, the deceived husband, in the depths of his soul sympathizes with his wife: “Mother eats her, and she walks like a shadow, unanswered. Only cries and melts like wax. So I'm killing myself looking at her.

Tikhon is ready to forgive his wife. His conversation with Kuligin in the first appearance of the fifth act is amazing! Wise human advice is given to him by Kuligin: “How would it be, sir, to do something right? You would have forgiven her and never remembered. Themselves, tea, is also not without sin! Tikhon agrees with Kuligin’s speeches: “What can I say! .. Yes, you understand, Kuligin: I would be fine, but mama ... unless you talk to her! ..”

But there is no right to the Kabanikha, who is administering his own earthly court. And no longer able to endure this slow execution, Katerina decides to last step- on the mortal sin of suicide, after which they will not be able to bury her in the church or bury her in the church fence.

“Why are they looking at me like that? Why don't they kill now?" Katerina is suffering. She calls for death, but it does not come. The author manages to lead his heroine along the very edge of love, sin, repentance and immerse the viewer-reader into the very depths of her spiritual throwing.

Suffering from what she has done, Katerina does not renounce her love for Boris: “Well, it doesn’t matter, I have already ruined my soul. How I miss him!” Her love for Boris is the only thing left for her in this world.
But even having decided to commit suicide, Katerina still believes in mercy: “Sin! Will they not pray? Whoever loves will pray... My friend! My joy! Goodbye!"

Ostrovsky creates a living image loving woman. There is no share of fanaticism in her bright faith. The playwright does not simplify the world and presents a genuine tragedy in his play. human life on the ground. Therefore, in spite of everything, it is Katerina who carries the light of heartfelt faith in the drama "Thunderstorm".

Even her death turns into a last desperate flight. Like a tragic continuation of her monologue in the first act, addressed to Varvara: “I say, why people do not fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you are drawn to fly.” Katerina will not find her death in the water at the bottom of the river, but, like a bird, she will throw herself off a steep cliff and, hitting her head on an anchor right at the shore, will find peace.

"Alive?" - asks Kabanov. - "Where is she alive! She rushed high: there is a cliff, yes, she must have hit the anchor, hurt herself, poor thing! And for sure, guys, as if alive! Only on the temple is a small wound, and only one, as there is one, a drop of blood, ”a passer-by answers Tikhon, who rushed to the woman’s help.

The death of Katerina seems to awaken the previously sleeping city of Kalinov, and a wave of compassion, pity for the deceased seems to cover the high bank of the Volga. And the characters, who previously only quietly sympathized, now openly express the painful truth. Kuligin, who brought the body of Katerina with the people, fearlessly throws accusatory words: “Here is your Katerina for you. Do what you want with her! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is not yours now; she is now before a judge who is more merciful than you! (Lays on the ground and runs away.)"

Tikhon also openly blames his mother for the death of his wife, because it was Kabanikha who, after the repentance of her daughter-in-law, turned her life into a living hell.

At the very end of the play, the deceived husband throws himself on the corpse of his suicidal wife with the words: “Good for you, Katya! Why am I left to live in the world and suffer!”

pierces modern reader"Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky and, closing it last page, you sit, as if struck by thunder. Such a dramatic experience cannot but touch even the most cynical heart of the 21st century. And you never cease to be surprised how the author managed, without violating the laws of the genre anywhere, to create such a force and truth a spiritual and psychological tragedy.

The ninth phenomenon

Katerina And barbarian.

Katerina. Oh, how she frightened me! I tremble all over, as if she were prophesying something to me.

barbarian. On your own head, old hag!

Katerina. What did she say, huh? What she said?

barbarian. All nonsense. You really need to listen to what she is talking about. She prophesies to everyone. I have sinned all my life since I was young. Ask what they say about her! That's why he's afraid to die. What she fears, scares others. Even all the boys in the city are hiding from her, threatening them with a stick and shouting (mimicking): "You will all burn in fire!"

Katerina(squinting). Ah, ah, stop it! My heart sank.

barbarian. There is something to fear! Fool old...

Katerina. I'm afraid, I'm scared to death. She is all in my eyes.


barbarian(looking around). That this brother is not coming, out, no way, the storm is coming.

Katerina(with fear). Storm! Let's run home! Hurry!

barbarian. What, are you out of your mind? How can you show yourself home without a brother?

Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him!

barbarian. What are you really afraid of: the storm is still far away.

Katerina. And if it's far away, then perhaps we'll wait a little; but it would be better to go. Let's go better!

barbarian. Why, if anything happens, you can’t hide at home.

Katerina. But all the same, it’s better, everything is calmer: at home I go to the images and pray to God!

barbarian. I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid here.

Katerina. How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I'm not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you, after this conversation, that's what's scary. What's on my mind! What a sin! Terrible to say! Oh!

Thunder. Kabanov is included.

barbarian. Here comes the brother. (Kabanov.) Run quickly!


Katerina. Oh! Hurry, hurry!

65 tests cover the entire content of the drama "Thunderstorm" by A.N. Ostrovsky. Each test (question, task) is accompanied by 5 - 6 answer options, among which the subject must choose one correct one. The quizzes will help to determine students' knowledge of the text.



Tests based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

1. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is

1) comedy 4) tragicomedy

2) drama 5) farce

3) tragedy 6) vaudeville

2. "Thunderstorm" wrote

1) A.N. Ostrovsky 3) A.N. Tolstoy

2) N.A. Ostrovsky 4) L.N. Tolstoy

3. "Thunderstorm" is dramatic work V

1) one action 4) four actions

2) two steps 5) five steps

3) three steps 6) six actions

4. The action takes place in the city

1) Torzhok 4) Kineshma

2) Tver 5) Kalinov

3) Kalyazin 6) Kostroma

5. All persons, except for ..., are dressed in Russian

1) Boris 4) Kuligin

2) Katerina 5) ladies

3) Barbarians 6) Wild

6. Lady (8), Boris (5), Varvara (6), Glasha (1), Wild (2), Kabanova (3), Katerina (11), Kudryash (10), Kuligin (4), Tikhon (9 ), Feklusha(12), Shapkin(7)

Wealthy widow (f), girl in the house (l), her son (h), his wife (c), office

shchik (e), merchant (d), tradesman (b), his nephew (s), sister Tikhon (a), old woman

70 years old (j), wanderer (e), self-taught watchmaker (e).

Determine who each actor is.

1) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5d, 6e, 7e, 8g, 9z, 10i, 11k, 12l

2) 7d, 9i, 8g, 5z, 1c, 11a, 2d, 4e, 10b, 3e, 12k, 6k

3) 8g, 1a, 12k, 7d, 10i, 4e, 6c, 11e, 9z, 3k, 5d, 2b

4) 2d, 5i, 3g, 9z, 11c, 6a, 4d, 10e, 7b, 12e, 1l, 8k

7. The action takes place on the shore

1) Neva 4) Volga

2) Oka 5) Yenisei

3) Kamy 6) Irtysh

8. Kuligin

1) 33 years old 4) 49 years old

2) 37 years old 5) 50 years old

3) 44 years old 6) 57 years old

9. Boris Grigorievich's grandmother's name was

1) Pulcheria Alexandrovna 4) Tatyana Yurievna

2) Anna Sergeevna 5) Lyubov Andreevna

3) Anfisa Mikhailovna 6) Marfa Ignatievna

10. At the Wild

1) two sons 4) one son

2) son and daughter 5) teenage daughters

3) a son and a married daughter 6) three sons

11. “It hurts dashing for girls!” - declares

1) Boris 4) Wild

2) Curly 5) Kuligin

3) Shapkin 6) Tikhon

12. “Honest work will never earn us more daily bread

ba,” says

1) Boris 4) Shapkin

2) Katerina 5) Curly

3) Kuligin 6) Glasha

13. “Whoever has money, he tries to enslave the poor, so that for his free labors more money make money," he says

1) Feklusha 4) Kuligin

2) Glasha 5) Barbara

3) Boris 6) Curly

14. “I have been sinning all my life from a young age ... That’s why I’m afraid to die. Why sa-

he is afraid of something, he scares others with it, ”says

1) Varvara about Kabanikh 4) Kuligin about Varvara

2) Shapkin about Feklusha 5) Barbara about the mistress

3) Curly about Kabanova 6) Tikhon about Kabanova

15. "It's not terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all evil thoughts."

To whom do these words belong? What and who is he/she afraid of?

1) Catherine. Thunderstorms and God

2) Barbara. mother's anger

3) Wild. Lightning rod and god

4) Kuligin. Perpetuum Mobile and Wild

5) Feklushe. Human rumor and god

16. “You, ordinary people, everyone is embarrassed by one enemy (unclean spirit), but to us, to ... people, to whom there are six, to whom twelve are assigned,”


1) saint, mistress 4) holy fool, Glasha

2) rich, Kabanova 5) church, Katerina

3) strange, Feklusha 6) domineering, Wild

17. What is the name of Boris Grigorievich.

1) Kabanov 4) Shapkin

2) Wild 5) Derzhavin

3) Kuligin 6) Lomonosov

18. Where did Boris Grigorievich study?

1) at the gymnasium 4) at the Commercial Academy

2) at the university 5) at the lyceum

3) in a real school 6) in a church school

19. How many children did Boris Grigorievich's parents have?

1) one 4) four

2) two 5) five

3) three 6) six

20. What is the last name, first name and patronymic of Father Boris.

1) Lomonosov Grigory Vasilievich

2) Derzhavin Grigory Romanovich

3) Dikoy Grigory Prokofievich

4) Kabanov Grigory Petrovich

5) Shapkin Grigory Dementievich

21. Where did Boris come from in the city of Kalinov?

1) from Tver 4) from Moscow

2) from Nizhny Novgorod 5) from Kyakhta

3) from St. Petersburg 6) from Saratov

22. Boris' parents

1) burned down in their house 4) disappeared abroad

2) drowned in the river 5) died of typhus

3) died of cholera 6) poisoned by mushrooms

23. Boris fell in love with

1) Varvara 4) Katerina

2) I call 5) Martha

3) Feklusha 6) Anfisa

24. “I have one sin,” says Feklusha. Which? She

1) loves to eat sweets

2) likes to pick up what lies badly

3) likes to be sad for no reason

4) likes to gossip

5) hates his relatives

25. “And then there is the land,” says Feklusha, “where all the people with ...


1) camel 4) goat

2) dog 5) donkey

3) snake 6) horse

26. Offended Katerina with something at home, it was already dark; she ran out to the Vol-

gu, got into the boat and pushed it away from the shore. The next morning they already found it, ten miles away! She was then years old

1) fifteen 4) nine

2) thirteen 5) six

3) eleven 6) five

27. “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything,” declares

1) Varvara 4) Kuligin

2) Boris 5) Glasha

3) Katerina 6) Tikhon

28. “And in my opinion: do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered,”–


1) Curly 4) Barbara

2) Wild 5) Shapkin

3) Tikhon 6) Glasha

29. “She sharpens it now, like rusty iron,” says Varvara. Who sharpens whom?

1) the wife of her husband Wild

2) an old woman of seventy years of her old man

3) the mistress of her husband

4) Boar of her son

5) sister of her brother Boris

30. “What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, no longer

I know,” says

1) wild 4) mistress

2) Kuligin 5) Kabanova

3) Shapkin 6) Tikhon

31. “If I loved,” Kabanikha finds fault with her daughter-in-law, “so I would have learned ...”.

1) cook deliciously 4) howl

2) to please the mother-in-law 5) to endure

3) pray 6) housekeeping

32. “Quit…! No, not for anything! He is mine now, ”- resolutely

Katerina is stealing. Instead of an ellipsis, write the desired word.

1) Boris 4) Tikhon

2) an envelope with a letter 5) a key

3) knife 6) gift

33. “Why, mother Marfa Ignatievna,” says Feklusha, “fiery

They began to harness a lot of snakes: everything, you see, for the sake of speed.

The fire serpent is

1) comet 4) airplane

2) train 5) car

3) steamer 6) dragon

34. “On a high, high house, on the roof, someone is standing, black face,–

tells Feklusha about what he saw in Moscow. - And he makes with his hands, as

as if pouring something, but nothing is pouring.

Who and what, according to Feklusha, is pouring from the roof?

1) The janitor is throwing snow off the roof.

2) The boy pours grits for pigeons.

3) The chimney sweep pours soot.

4) The devil scatters tares.

5) The painter is painting the roof.

35. “I scolded, so scolded that I almost nailed it. After asking for forgiveness,

feet bowed. Here in the yard, in the mud, he bowed to him; bowed to him in front of everyone."

Who bowed to whom?

1) Wild Boris 4) Shapkin to his son

2) Kudryash Kuligin 5) wild man

3) Wild Kuligin 6) Hussar Wild

36. “The poor have no time to walk, they have work day and night. And they sleep only three hours a day, ”says

1) Katerina 4) Kuligin

2) Curly 5) Tikhon

3) Barbara 6) Glasha

37. On what musical instrument plays Kudryash?

1) guitar 4) mandolin

2) on the balalaika 5) on the violin

3) on the accordion 6) on the flute

38. Like a Don Cossack, a Cossack led a horse to water,

Good fellow he's standing at the gate.

Standing at the gate, he thinks himself

Duma thinks how he will destroy his wife.

Like a wife, a wife prayed to her husband,

In a hurry, she bowed to him:

You, father, are you a dear friend of the heart!

Don't beat me, don't kill me...

Who from actors Drama sings this song and what asks the same

on your husband?

1) Katerina. Do not kill her 4) Barbara. forgive her

2) Tikhon. Beat her 5) Glasha. lock up

3) Curly. Kill her 6) Kuligin. Send home

39. “Some girl stopped me on the street and told me to name-

but he came here, behind the Kabanovs' garden, where the path is, ”says Boris.

What is the name of this stranger?

1) Barbara 4) Anfisa

2) Glasha 5) Feklusha

3) Katerina 6) Martha

40. What is the middle name of Katerina.

1) Ivanovna 4) Petrovna

2) Vasilievna 5) Egorovna

3) Semyonovna 6) Nikolaevna

41. “We are loose about this. Girls walk themselves as they want, father and mother

there is no loss, ”says

1) Curly 4) Barbara

2) Kuligin 5) Tikhon

3) Shapkin 6) Glasha

42. “Let’s say, even though her husband is a fool, but her mother-in-law is painfully fierce,” go-


1) Kuligin 4) Wild

2) Boris 5) Shapkin

3) Curly 6) Feklusha

43. Barbara (yawning). How would you know what time it is?

Curly. First.

Barbara. How much do you know?

Curly. …

How did Kudryash determine the time? What did he answer?

1) Twelve have already struck on the bell tower

2) But look at my silver

3) You see, the fishermen went ashore, and they always

throwing nets

4) The watchman beat the board

5) The sentinel twisted the ratchet

6) The buoy worker passed with a lantern, and he always goes out at the first hour

To the shore

44. 2nd. And people of all ranks go there.

1st. Yes, yes, I understand now.

2nd. And every rank.

1st. And arap?

2nd. And araps.

Where are these people going?

1) to Jerusalem 4) to Moscow

2) to paradise 5) to a country where all people have dog heads

3) to Rome 6) to hellfire

45. 1st. And they say, my brother, she fell on us from the sky.

What fell from the sky?

1) manna from heaven 4) Lithuania

2) punishment of God 5) black locust

3) bloody cloud 6) grace of God

46. ​​How did Kuligin call the Wild?

1) your degree 4) your majesty

2) your excellency 5) your honor

3) your excellency 6) your holiness

47. “So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush, ”says

1) Boar Tikhon 4) Wild Curly

2) Kabanova to Katerina 5) Wild Boris

3) Marfa Ignatievna Glasha 6) Wild Kuligin

48. Kuligin asks Diky for ten rubles “for the common good” and agrees

sen "put your labors for nothing" so that on the boulevard

1) erect a monument to Lomonosov 4) build a lightning rod

2) hang a bell 5) build a fire tower

3) set the clock 6) put the urns

49. “Yes, a thunderstorm, what do you think it is?” asks Wild Kuligina and he answers:

1) Thunderstorm is electricity

2) Thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment

3) Thunderstorm is God's punishment

4) A thunderstorm is a reminder of God's greatness

5) The storm is the wrath of God

50. Whom does Dikoy call a "false little man"?

1) Boris 4) Tikhon

2) Curly 5) Shapkina

3) Kuligin 6) Savel Prokofievich

51. How many days did Tikhon leave for Moscow?

1) for five days 4) for twelve days

2) for a week 5) for two weeks

3) for ten days 6) for twenty days

52. How long did Boris and Katerina meet in the absence of her husband?

1) five days 4) ten days

2) a week 5) two weeks

3) nine days 6) seventeen days

53. “Repent better, if you are sinful in something. After all, you can’t hide from me; no, sha-

only! I know everything!" says Katherine

1) husband 4) sister-in-law

2) mother-in-law 5) brother-in-law

3) father-in-law 6) uncle

54. “Helicopters go out to fights, stab each other with swords. Weight-

lo! - says the lady. - The old, pious people forget about death, they are tempted to ...!

1) ladies 4) gold

2) beauties 5) money

3) girls 6) beauty

55. For adultery Katerina Kabanikha offers her

1) burn at the stake 4) bury the living in the ground

2) beat to death 5) starve to death

3) hang upside down 6) drive naked out of the house

56. Tikhon for betraying his wife

1) beat a little 4) dragged by the hair

2) drowned in the Volga 5) almost killed

3) whipped with a chaise longue 6) threw it into the basement

57. After cheating on her husband Katerina

1) continued to secretly meet with her lover

2) started walking with Curly

3) confessed in public to infidelity

4) went with Boris Grigorievich to Kyakhta

5) repented in the church

58. How does Kuligin suggest to Tikhon to deal with sinful Katerina?

1) You would kick her out of the house and forget forever

2) You would forgive her and never remember

3) Would you take her back to parental home

4) Would you help her to leave with Boris Grigorievich for Kyakhta

5) Would you go to church with your wife and consult with the priest


59. After the betrayal of the daughter-in-law Kabanova "began to lock up"

1) Katerina 4) Varvara

2) I call 5) Feklusha

3) Tikhon 6) all the maids

60. Who helped Katerina secretly meet with Boris?

1) Kuligin 4) Varvara

2) Shapkin 5) Curly

3) Glasha 6) Tikhon

61. What did Varvara do when “mother sharpened, sharpened” her for secret help to Katerina?

1) scolded the mother 4) blamed the mother for everything

2) asked her mother for forgiveness 5) ran away from home with Vanya

3) apologized to her and her brother 6) set mother's chest on fire

62. What was the name of Kabanikhi's late husband?

1) Peter 4) Cyril

2) Sergey 5) Vasily

3) Ivan 6) Semyon

63. Katerina, unable to endure mental anguish, confessed to adultery and

1) hanged herself in her mother-in-law's bedroom 4) threw herself into the Volga

2) drank poison 5) poisoned her husband and mother-in-law

3) set fire to the house and burned herself 6) went crazy

64. “You ruined her! You! You!" - Tikhon desperately shouts, rushing to the dead -

howl to wife.

"You" is

1) Boris Grigorievich 4) indifferent Kalinovites

2) Varvara 5) Marfa Ignatievna

3) a crowd on the banks of the Volga 6) Kudryash with Varvara

65. At the dead Katerina’s temple, they found “a small wound and a drop

ku blood" because

1) Boris hit her with a rock and she fell into the water

2) she hit the anchor and hurt herself

3) Tikhon beat her half an hour before the death of his wife

4) an hour before her death, locked up, she beat her head against the wall and bunk

5) Kuligin carelessly pulled the drowned woman out of the water

Keys to tests

1. 2) 14. 5) 27. 3) 40. 4) 53. 1)

2. 1) 15. 1) 28. 4) 41. 1) 54. 6)

3. 5) 16. 3) 29. 4) 42. 3) 55. 4)

4. 5) 17. 2) 30. 5) 43. 4) 56. 1)

5. 1) 18. 4) 31. 4) 44. 6) 57. 3)

6. 4) 19. 2) 32. 5) 45. 4) 58. 2)

7. 4) 20. 3) 33. 2) 46. 1) 59. 1),4)

8. 5) 21. 4) 34. 4) 47. 6) 60. 4)

9. 3) 22. 3) 35. 5) 48. 3) 61. 5)

10. 5) 23. 4) 36. 4) 49. 2) 62. 3)

11. 2) 24. 1) 37. 1) 50. 3) 63. 4)

12. 3) 25. 2) 38. 2) 51. 5) 64. 5)

13. 4) 26. 5) 39. 1) 52. 4) 65. 2)

1. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is

1) comedy 4) tragicomedy

2) drama 5) farce

3) tragedy 6) vaudeville

2. "Thunderstorm" wrote

1) A.N. Ostrovsky 3) A.N. Tolstoy

2) N.A. Ostrovsky 4) L.N. Tolstoy

3. Thunderstorm is a dramatic work in

1) one action 4) four actions

2) two steps 5) five steps

3) three steps 6) six steps

4. The action takes place in the city

1) Torzhok 4) Kineshma

2) Tver 5) Kalinov

3) Kalyazin 6) Kostroma

5. All persons, except for ..., are dressed in Russian

1) Boris 4) Kuligin

2) Katerina 5) ladies

3) Barbarians 6) Wild

6. Lady (8), Boris (5), Varvara (6), Glasha (1), Wild (2), Kabanova (3), Katerina (11), Kudryash (10), Kuligin (4), Tikhon (9 ), Feklusha(12), Shapkin(7)

Wealthy widow (f), girl in the house (l), her son (h), his wife (c), office

shchik (e), merchant (d), tradesman (b), his nephew (s), sister Tikhon (a), old woman

70 years old (j), wanderer (e), self-taught watchmaker (e).

Determine who each actor is.

1) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5d, 6e, 7e, 8g, 9z, 10i, 11k, 12l

2) 7d, 9i, 8g, 5z, 1c, 11a, 2d, 4e, 10b, 3e, 12k, 6k

3) 8g, 1a, 12k, 7d, 10i, 4e, 6c, 11e, 9z, 3k, 5d, 2b

4) 2d, 5i, 3g, 9z, 11c, 6a, 4d, 10e, 7b, 12e, 1l, 8k

7. The action takes place on the shore

1) Neva 4) Volga

2) Oka 5) Yenisei

3) Kamy 6) Irtysh

8. Kuligin

1) 33 years old 4) 49 years old

2) 37 years old 5) 50 years old

3) 44 years old 6) 57 years old

9. Boris Grigorievich's grandmother's name was

1) Pulcheria Alexandrovna 4) Tatyana Yurievna

2) Anna Sergeevna 5) Lyubov Andreevna

3) Anfisa Mikhailovna 6) Marfa Ignatievna

10. At the Wild

1) two sons 4) one son

2) son and daughter 5) teenage daughters

3) a son and a married daughter 6) three sons

11. “It hurts dashing for girls!” - declares

1) Boris 4) Wild

2) Curly 5) Kuligin

3) Shapkin 6) Tikhon

12. “Honest work will never earn us more daily bread

ba,” says

1) Boris 4) Shapkin

2) Katerina 5) Curly

3) Kuligin 6) Glasha

13. “Whoever has money, he tries to enslave the poor, so that he can make even more money on his free labors,” says

1) Feklusha 4) Kuligin

2) Glasha 5) Barbara

3) Boris 6) Curly

14. “I have been sinning all my life from a young age ... That’s why I’m afraid to die. Why sa-

he is afraid of something, he scares others with it, ”says

1) Varvara about Kabanikh 4) Kuligin about Varvara

2) Shapkin about Feklusha 5) Barbara about the mistress

3) Curly about Kabanova 6) Tikhon about Kabanova

15. "It's not terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all evil thoughts."

To whom do these words belong? What and who is he/she afraid of?

1) Catherine. Thunderstorms and God

2) Barbara. mother's anger

3) Wild. Lightning rod and god

4) Kuligin. Perpetuum Mobile and Wild

5) Feklushe. Human rumor and god

16. “You, ordinary people, everyone is embarrassed by one enemy (unclean spirit), but to us, to ... people, to whom there are six, to whom twelve are assigned,”

1) saint, mistress 4) holy fool, Glasha

2) rich, Kabanova 5) church, Katerina

3) strange, Feklusha 6) domineering, Wild

17. What is the name of Boris Grigorievich.

1) Kabanov 4) Shapkin

2) Wild 5) Derzhavin

3) Kuligin 6) Lomonosov

18. Where did Boris Grigorievich study?

1) at the gymnasium 4) at the Commercial Academy

2) at the university 5) at the lyceum

3) in a real school 6) in a church school

19. How many children did Boris Grigorievich's parents have?

1) one 4) four

2) two 5) five

3) three 6) six

20. What is the last name, first name and patronymic of Father Boris.

1) Lomonosov Grigory Vasilievich

2) Derzhavin Grigory Romanovich

3) Dikoy Grigory Prokofievich

4) Kabanov Grigory Petrovich

5) Shapkin Grigory Dementievich

21. Where did Boris come from in the city of Kalinov?

1) from Tver 4) from Moscow

2) from Nizhny Novgorod 5) from Kyakhta

3) from St. Petersburg 6) from Saratov

22. Boris' parents

1) burned down in their house 4) disappeared abroad

2) drowned in the river 5) died of typhus

3) died of cholera 6) poisoned by mushrooms

23. Boris fell in love with

1) Varvara 4) Katerina

2) I call 5) Martha

3) Feklusha 6) Anfisa

24. “I have one sin,” says Feklusha. Which? She

1) loves to eat sweets

2) likes to pick up what lies badly

3) likes to be sad for no reason

4) likes to gossip

5) hates his relatives

25. “And then there is the land,” says Feklusha, “where all the people with ...

1) camel 4) goat

2) dog 5) donkey

3) snake 6) horse

26. Offended Katerina with something at home, it was already dark; she ran out to the Vol-

gu, got into the boat and pushed it away from the shore. The next morning they already found it, ten miles away! She was then years old

1) fifteen 4) nine

2) thirteen 5) six

3) eleven 6) five

27. “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything,” declares

1) Varvara 4) Kuligin

2) Boris 5) Glasha

3) Katerina 6) Tikhon

28. “And in my opinion: do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered,”–


1) Curly 4) Barbara

2) Wild 5) Shapkin

3) Tikhon 6) Glasha

29. “She sharpens it now, like rusty iron,” says Varvara. Who sharpens who?

1) the wife of her husband Wild

2) an old woman of seventy years of her old man

3) the mistress of her husband

4) Boar of her son

5) sister of her brother Boris

30. “What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, no longer

I know,” says

1) wild 4) mistress

2) Kuligin 5) Kabanova

3) Shapkin 6) Tikhon

31. “If I loved,” Kabanikha finds fault with her daughter-in-law, “so I would have learned ...”.

1) cook deliciously 4) howl

2) to please the mother-in-law 5) to endure

3) pray 6) housekeeping

32. “Quit…! No, not for anything! He is mine now, ”- resolutely

Katerina is stealing. Instead of an ellipsis, write the desired word.

1) Boris 4) Tikhon

2) an envelope with a letter 5) a key

3) knife 6) gift

33. “Why, mother Marfa Ignatievna,” says Feklusha, “fiery

They began to harness a lot of snakes: everything, you see, for the sake of speed.

The fire serpent is

1) comet 4) airplane

2) train 5) car

3) steamer 6) dragon

34. “On a high-high house, on the roof, someone is standing, his face is black,–

tells Feklusha about what he saw in Moscow. - And he makes with his hands, as

as if pouring something, but nothing is pouring.

Who and what, according to Feklusha, is pouring from the roof?

1) The janitor is throwing snow off the roof.

2) The boy pours grits for pigeons.

3) The chimney sweep pours soot.

4) The devil scatters tares.

5) The painter is painting the roof.

35. “I scolded, so scolded that I almost nailed it. After asking for forgiveness,

feet bowed. Here in the yard, in the mud, he bowed to him; bowed to him in front of everyone."

Who bowed to whom?

1) Wild Boris 4) Shapkin son

2) Curly Kuligin 5) Wild peasant

3) Wild Kuligin 6) Hussar Wild

36. “The poor have no time to walk, they have work day and night. And they sleep only three hours a day, ”says

1) Katerina 4) Kuligin

2) Curly 5) Tikhon

3) Barbara 6) Glasha

37. What musical instrument does Kudryash play?

1) guitar 4) mandolin

2) on the balalaika 5) on the violin

3) on the accordion 6) on the flute

38. Like a Don Cossack, a Cossack led a horse to water,

Good fellow, he is already standing at the gate.

Standing at the gate, he thinks himself

Duma thinks how he will destroy his wife.

Like a wife, a wife prayed to her husband,

In a hurry, she bowed to him:

You, father, are you a dear friend of the heart!

Don't beat me, don't kill me...

Which of the characters in the drama sings this song and what does the woman ask for?

on your husband?

1) Katerina. Do not kill her 4) Barbara. forgive her

2) Tikhon. Beat her 5) Glasha. lock up

3) Curly. Kill her 6) Kuligin. Send home

39. “Some girl stopped me on the street and told me to name-

but he came here, behind the Kabanovs' garden, where the path is, ”says Boris.

What is the name of this stranger?

1) Barbara 4) Anfisa

2) Glasha 5) Feklusha

3) Katerina 6) Martha

40. What is the middle name of Katerina.

1) Ivanovna 4) Petrovna

2) Vasilievna 5) Egorovna

3) Semyonovna 6) Nikolaevna

41. “We are loose about this. Girls walk themselves as they want, father and mother

there is no loss, ”says

1) Curly 4) Barbara

2) Kuligin 5) Tikhon

3) Shapkin 6) Glasha

42. “Let’s say, even though her husband is a fool, but her mother-in-law is painfully fierce,” go-

1) Kuligin 4) Wild

2) Boris 5) Shapkin

3) Curly 6) Feklusha

43. Barbara (yawning). How would you know what time it is?

Curly. First.

Barbara. How much do you know?

Curly. …

How did Kudryash determine the time? What did he answer?

1) Twelve have already struck on the bell tower

2) But look at my silver

3) You see, the fishermen went ashore, and they always

throwing nets

4) The watchman beat the board

5) The sentinel twisted the ratchet

6) The buoy worker passed with a lantern, and he always goes out at the first hour

44. 2nd. And people of all ranks go there.

1st. Yes, yes, I understand now.

2nd. And every rank.

1st. And arap?

2nd. And araps.

Where are these people going?

1) to Jerusalem 4) to Moscow

2) to paradise 5) to a country where all people have dog heads

3) to Rome 6) to hellfire

45. 1st. And they say, my brother, she fell on us from the sky.

What fell from the sky?

1) manna from heaven 4) Lithuania

2) punishment of God 5) black locust

3) bloody cloud 6) grace of God

46. ​​How did Kuligin call the Wild?

1) your degree 4) your majesty

2) your excellency 5) your honor

3) your excellency 6) your holiness

47. “So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush, ”says

1) Boar Tikhon 4) Wild Curly

2) Kabanova to Katerina 5) Wild Boris

3) Marfa Ignatievna Glasha 6) Wild Kuligin

48. Kuligin asks Diky for ten rubles “for the common good” and agrees

sen "put your labors for nothing" so that on the boulevard

1) erect a monument to Lomonosov 4) build a lightning rod

2) hang a bell 5) build a fire tower

3) set the clock 6) put the urns

49. “Yes, a thunderstorm, what do you think it is?” - asks Dikoy Kuligina and answers himself:

1) Thunderstorm is electricity

2) Thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment

3) Thunderstorm is God's punishment

4) A thunderstorm is a reminder of God's greatness

5) The storm is the wrath of God

50. Whom does Dikoy call a "false little man"?

1) Boris 4) Tikhon

2) Curly 5) Shapkina

3) Kuligin 6) Savel Prokofievich

51. How many days did Tikhon leave for Moscow?

1) for five days 4) for twelve days

2) for a week 5) for two weeks

3) for ten days 6) for twenty days

52. How long did Boris and Katerina meet in the absence of her husband?

1) five days 4) ten days

2) a week 5) two weeks

3) nine days 6) seventeen days

53. “Repent better, if you are sinful in something. After all, you can’t hide from me; no, sha-

only! I know everything!" says Katherine

1) husband 4) sister-in-law

2) mother-in-law 5) brother-in-law

3) father-in-law 6) uncle

54. “Helicopters go out to fights, stab each other with swords. Weight-

lo! - says the lady. - The old, pious people forget about death, they are tempted to ...!

1) ladies 4) gold

2) beauties 5) money

3) girls 6) beauty

55. For adultery Katerina Kabanikha offers her

1) burn at the stake 4) bury the living in the ground

2) beat to death 5) starve to death

3) hang upside down 6) drive naked out of the house

56. Tikhon for betraying his wife

1) beat a little 4) dragged by the hair

2) drowned in the Volga 5) almost killed

3) whipped with a chaise longue 6) threw it into the basement

57. After cheating on her husband Katerina

1) continued to secretly meet with her lover

2) started walking with Curly

3) confessed in public to infidelity

4) went with Boris Grigorievich to Kyakhta

5) repented in the church

58. How does Kuligin suggest to Tikhon to deal with sinful Katerina?

1) You would kick her out of the house and forget forever

2) You would forgive her and never remember

3) You would take her back to her parents' house without swearing

4) Would you help her to leave with Boris Grigorievich for Kyakhta

5) Would you go to church with your wife and consult with the priest

no one

59. After the betrayal of the daughter-in-law Kabanova "began to lock up"

1) Katerina 4) Varvara

2) I call 5) Feklusha

3) Tikhon 6) all the maids

60. Who helped Katerina secretly meet with Boris?

1) Kuligin 4) Varvara

2) Shapkin 5) Curly

3) Glasha 6) Tikhon

61. What did Varvara do when “mother sharpened, sharpened” her for secret help to Katerina?

1) scolded the mother 4) blamed the mother for everything

2) asked her mother for forgiveness 5) ran away from home with Vanya

3) apologized to her and her brother 6) set mother's chest on fire

62. What was the name of Kabanikhi's late husband?

1) Peter 4) Cyril

2) Sergey 5) Vasily

3) Ivan 6) Semyon

63. Katerina, unable to endure mental anguish, confessed to adultery and

1) hanged herself in her mother-in-law's bedroom 4) threw herself into the Volga

2) drank poison 5) poisoned her husband and mother-in-law

3) set fire to the house and burned herself 6) went crazy

64. “You ruined her! You! You!" - Tikhon desperately shouts, rushing to the dead -

howl to wife.

"You" is

1) Boris Grigorievich 4) indifferent Kalinovites

2) Varvara 5) Marfa Ignatievna

3) a crowd on the banks of the Volga 6) Kudryash with Varvara

65. At the dead Katerina’s temple, they found “a small wound and a drop

ku blood" because

1) Boris hit her with a rock and she fell into the water

2) she hit the anchor and hurt herself

3) Tikhon beat her half an hour before the death of his wife

4) an hour before her death, locked up, she beat her head against the wall and bunk

5) Kuligin carelessly pulled the drowned woman out of the water

Keys to tests

1. 2) 14. 5) 27. 3) 40. 4) 53. 1)

2. 1) 15. 1) 28. 4) 41. 1) 54. 6)

3. 5) 16. 3) 29. 4) 42. 3) 55. 4)

4. 5) 17. 2) 30. 5) 43. 4) 56. 1)

5. 1) 18. 4) 31. 4) 44. 6) 57. 3)

6. 4) 19. 2) 32. 5) 45. 4) 58. 2)

7. 4) 20. 3) 33. 2) 46. 1) 59. 1),4)

8. 5) 21. 4) 34. 4) 47. 6) 60. 4)

9. 3) 22. 3) 35. 5) 48. 3) 61. 5)

10. 5) 23. 4) 36. 4) 49. 2) 62. 3)

11. 2) 24. 1) 37. 1) 50. 3) 63. 4)

12. 3) 25. 2) 38. 2) 51. 5) 64. 5)

13. 4) 26. 5) 39. 1) 52. 4) 65. 2)

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