Our men are the best in the world! Guys! Wild look, ridiculous manners: Russians abroad.


W and I visited the border almost a month ago, but some indelible impressions could not be erased from my memory, so I have to write them down. What shocks me most of all is not even the facts themselves and the types described, but the fact that in Russia this did not catch my eye at all. In our country, this seems to be the perfect norm.


Our women are almost always out of place. For an all-inclusive dinner where people sit in jeans and T-shirts, they come as if they were at the Oscars. Evening dress, stilettos, clutch bag and combat make-up. Somehow one of these swam into a restaurant, so the British, next to the table, after the first chuckles, directly said: "Russian check-in."

When I lived in Egypt, I constantly noted that our women looked especially wild. To hell with him, with the evening image. But I have always been surprised by the hordes of girls who Muslim country they go out to the city in the evening, wearing "shorts" that practically do not cover their ass, and translucent tops. And then they cackle indignantly: the Arabs are clinging savages! About heels and wedges on the beach - I generally graciously keep silent. Looking at our girls abroad, one always thinks: how much they want to get married, since they dress like that!


My most ardently disliked type is the "let's have fun" uncle. Woe to you if he recognizes a compatriot in you - he will track you down ten times a day, sympathetically ask why you are so sad, generously share your fumes and invite you to ride a banana. Once I hid from the company of such uncles for a whole week, quite talentedly imitating a stiff British woman. And two days before departure, she pierced - she was reading a book to herself peacefully, and suddenly it rumbled over my ear: “But I knew that you were ours!” I forgot to wrap the cover of the book with something.

A family man leaving - in my opinion, no less terrible type. If a girl in stilettos somehow turns pale by the time she leaves and merges with a crowd of mere mortals in sandals and appropriate clothes, then he is the opposite - only now he is showing himself in all his glory. And no white piano with "our song" from the repertoire of Bi2, and even the sacramental, sounding background "Dad, I pooped!", Provocatively ridiculed in everyone's favorite film of the Quartet I, does not smell here. Staggering and leaning on his washed-out wife, he stands at the passport control naked to the waist, drunk in smoke and terribly proud of the fact that he managed to deftly fill the empty bottles from the minibar with water without paying anything for them.

The desire to deceive someone is generally ours national trait, Seems like.
However, there are many warm and friendly places in the world where all these types do not get.

For example, Cyprus, from which I recently returned. I gave the travel agency a difficult task: to have something to do there, except for “rolling around under an umbrella”, so that there would be a minimum of Russians, but at the same time - cheap. As a result, I was met by beautiful Larnaca, windsurfing 500 meters from the hotel and pink flamingos on a salt lake a quarter of an hour walk along the beach. And also silence, a spacious room, a personal jacuzzi and the absence of comical characters in the hotel. Now you can go

W ri-Lanka - more expensive, of course, from 67 100 rubles, but far from possible places dwellings of drunken men and girls at the rent, dissect on the surf, overeat fruit and enjoy life. The most interesting thing when studying such options is. For example, if you fly out on Thursday, the price can be much lower. And what is the most expensive option? And the cheapest one? And if not for 8 days, but for 9, and departure a day earlier?

E that's just for an example. Actually, a very convenient search, a sensible rating of hotels, detailed descriptions resorts and, in general, all the possibilities for planning your vacation “in your mind” and not being disappointed in anything on the spot!

title photo from the TV series Holiday Romance

The craze for foreigners has become quite common for our compatriots. And not just a hobby, but sincere desire marry a native non-Russian. Allegedly, our men are immoral, stupid and incapable of anything alcoholics, and there are many beautiful and smart, wealthy and educated representatives of the strong half over the hill.

Is it really? Are Europeans or Americans waiting for Russian young ladies in their countries with open arms? And what is the true position of Russian women abroad? This will be discussed further.

For several years now, I have been watching with my own eyes how my friends and acquaintances marry foreigners and with satisfied mines wind off to more affluent and developed countries. One moved to Amsterdam, another to London, a third to Hamburg, and so on. Everyone seems to be satisfied with their personal lives, but at the same time they sometimes show longing for their homeland, for certain traditions that have been ingrained in their subcortex since childhood. Not everyone and not always manages to keep a beautiful face when bad game. And it's completely understandable why.

Here, of course, it should be said about what a Russian girl, in principle, tends to expect from any man.

Firstly, This money . Any domestic young lady, ideally, assumes that the husband is given for that, in order to provide for the family. Bring a salary home, pay all expenses, make sure to earn more than a wife. In a word, he must - feed, water, clothe, resolve issues with housing and other things.

Secondly, our ladies for the norm consider peculiar courtship from a man. For example, an abundance of gifts with or without a reason, flowers, jewelry, going to restaurants and movies at the expense of the strong half - Right way for a woman to pay attention to him. How else, without courtship and a “candy” period, to get married? It is necessary that the guy prove that he is worthy of the beautiful Russian beauty. Rogue people are the lot of stupid, unlucky ladies, give the beauties the sky in diamonds.

Third, Russian man must also be economic , in the sense that making repairs at home and nailing shelves, repairing taps and changing sockets is not the responsibility of plumbers and other craftsmen at all, but the direct prerogative of the husband. Otherwise - “what the hell are you a man if you don’t know how to hammer a nail ?!”

And fourthly , did you know that the most common word used by our woman after the expression " a real man is the word "should"? So here it is in Russia, in the female sense, a man simply simply must, and constantly and for everything.

Well, now let's imagine a Russian a la princess with imperial manners in prim Europe or in an exaggerated democratic States. Where reigns justice, unknown to Russia, and to the same extent, equality unknown to our land.

Tatyana Kosova, accountant, USA: « In families in America, often everyone has their own account and often the husband and wife are dumped and pay expenses together. Sometimes the husband, if the wife is with a child, sometimes the wife pays everything or almost everything, and the husband sits with the children, or vice versa. Everything is individual. Moreover, a man can give you a ring for 4 thousand dollars and at the same time say that you have not paid 1.3 bills for electricity and rent.

Men in America are afraid to get married, because wives (especially if they have children) will, as a rule, sue more than half of them in a divorce. And still pay alimony for his wife until her death or a new marriage. The truth is and vice versa, when a husband demands alimony from his wife during a divorce(he is a pensioner, and she works) and it is highly likely that he will receive them, although it all depends on the lawyer and the financial capabilities of his wife. Most of the relationships here are partnerships.

Overseas grooms don't really fit in with our usual female "must". However, this does not change the situation. The girls, as they went into emigration thanks to their husbands who did not speak Russian, are leaving. Whether really in modern Rus' worthy muzhiks were transferred, whether Russian ladies tend to over-idealize foreigners falling into an active desire for permanent resettlement? The question remains open.

At first, while the euphoria from everything unknown reigns, the young ladies do not even notice some in the future very important nuances and arrive in complete delight with the features of a foreign husband. But having settled down in the new territory, they begin to meet "icebergs" of misunderstanding in the form of: paying for everything in half, carrying a bag of groceries home by yourself, opening the door at the entrance to the cafe, if you are with the groom - by yourself, and in general, go faster, work and pay husband's debts for a rented house.

: “In Germany, everything is the other way around than in Russia. Here ideally. everyone pays for himself , a woman is independent and she also makes all decisions. My opinion - emancipated that no one will open the door in front of you and they won’t help you lift a heavy suitcase . I also think that this doesn’t make it any easier for men, they don’t know how to behave and to what extent they can remain “men” in general.

Those who are wealthier - another thing - more self-confident, do not squander money, of course, like Russians, in order to impress a girl, but everywhere they pay for her. However, even there is an article in the law that after parting, you can demand gifts back . Therefore, many Russian girls, first with our compatriots, meet until they stumble upon such wealthy, and then it begins: “I want this and that,” Dom Perignen seemed to rinse their brains. For a bag from Prada "Ready for just about anything. Probably the same as in Russia. I think each of them dreams of such a life, not working and walking around beauty salons and shops.

As you can see, European men seem to appreciate our women, but at the same time they are diligently trying not to infringe on them in anything. Equality same.

The key snag lies in the mentality .

Overseas representatives of the stronger sex with mother's milk absorb completely different traditions, a different attitude to life, people, feelings, and so on. They have a slightly different model of perception of the world than the Russians. Therefore, maybe it’s not worth blaming negligent foreigners for inattention or prudence at all?

: "The first thing I noticed in marriages between Russian women and foreign husbands - the husband is much older than his wife and, as a rule, he did not have a career or problems with money. Or he is in such a position that a local woman with a good education will not marry him. Let's say he doesn't have a home, no permanent job, lower education than his wife, health problems. Until our girl understands what kind of “bouquet of adventures” awaits her, a lot of time can pass. Then either she leaves her husband and looks for a new, more worthy one, or leaves back for Russia. But usually Russian wives take responsibility for a man and stay.

Often men call themselves brides for a couple of months for sex. My husband's colleague, here in England, once asked if it was difficult for a Russian woman to get a fiancé visa in England? The husband said that at first, they would probably give it for two months, and then it would be necessary to renew it, and it would take time. The husband also told a colleague that this hard to live in two countries. For what the Englishman replied that his “wife” would be enough for him for two months, and no more is needed. That is, a girl will give all the best for 2 months in the hope of marriage - in vain.

Still, the thoughtfulness characteristic of foreigners confirms the fact that, it is unlikely that a Russian maiden soul will be able to go abroad with its charter. Therefore, if a young lady decides to move to Europe or to some America for permanent residence, then it is necessary to prepare for the most unexpected, and, perhaps, not always pleasant.

It is likely that a foreign husband will turn out to be a man ten years older than the domestic beauty, who actively travels the world before they met, and now decides to settle forever in some miserable and deserted town in Finland, where they barbecue once a year for Christmas. Naturally, for dimensionless spiritual world Russians a dull foreign province and the absence of relatives, even with great love to her husband, can turn at some point into a self-constructed hell. Especially if a woman is not fond of embroidering deer on sheets or some other decorative arts that ennobles the house.

Tatyana Kosova, accountant, USA: « Longing and sadness for the homeland - was and is sometimes. For example, I miss St. Petersburg and the big city. Because in America if you have children, then you usually live in small town or in a village where there is good school, ecology, beautiful houses and clean. But no big city, beautiful, with its rhythm. In the States, live in New York and take the child to a private and expensive school few can afford."

Elnara Shafigullina, Opera singer, Holland: "What I miss here is heartfelt conversations, I miss them. And according to Russian openness in emotions.

However fresh air, tidy streets, healthy food and other amenities developed countries will remind our emigrant more than once that life over the hill is not so bad. In addition to everything, polar Russian men moral values ​​of foreigners turn out to be not as utopian as one might think at first.

Natalia Vinokurova, designer, England: « The British help their wives around the house as equals, do a lot of work with children and love them. Seeing daddy with three children while mom is in a cafe or relaxing is all the time. The local men are quite economic and seasoned, almost never raise their voices, an exquisite manner of communication. Even a person who has bad job, low position and without education will always eat with a fork and knife, like children from 3 years old, and behave like a count. As for financial issues between an Englishman and a foreign wife, in England, as a rule, husbands allocate a budget to wives, and the main expenses are either in half or to a greater extent by the man.

Elnara Shafigullina, opera singer, Holland: « Dutch men take 50% minimum to take care of children and household chores. On playgrounds there are no less men than women (in Russia, dads go out and generally take care of children not often). Dinner can be prepared by both a woman and a man, tidy up the house too, and it doesn’t matter WHO IS MORE TIRED. Dutch men do not beat their wives in the face, which is also not a minus and they do not really like to go “to the left”. They are basically do not like constant changes in the main - family life and therefore often live long with one partner, no matter what happens in the family. There are fewer divorces here.. For Russians, on the contrary, as soon as the family becomes uncomfortable, we look for warmth on the side.

Victoria Schmelter, journalist, Germany: “What’s good here is the attitude towards relationships. If together, then together, not like ours: “I went to the left - well done, man!” Women are more respected here, they are not as spoiled by female attention as Russian men, German women are not all beauties.

As for the attitude of foreign society towards our girls, then, unfortunately, there are certain unpleasant moments here. For example, the British sincerely dislike foreigners who stay in their country, especially those who try to take a position in society on an equal footing with local residents. Here we can draw an analogy with how we treat, say, migrants from Tajikistan or Azerbaijan. Approximately the same opinion and the British about the "come in large numbers" of Russian virgins.

Natalia Vinokurova, designer, England: « I like the English in general. They have a sense of justice, mutual assistance, respect for a woman. But they still have imperial manners - like what they all have " blue blood and once the whole world belonged to them. And this is felt especially in small towns, when you work, and even at a decent job. They cannot survive this, because many people have the idea that foreigners should wash the floors.. Only in big cities of course better.

That is, they have such a psychology, when you feel bad, they will always help and regret it, but if you want to learn and work at a decent job, then many cannot objectively assess it - like you are rushing for power, but the British should not be there!

In general, we can say that a Russian girl abroad, even married to a foreigner, at least one, will not be easy. You will have to learn the language, confirm your education or get it again, depending on your ambitions and your existing specialty, and most importantly, you will need to format yourself completely for new laws, taxes, rules, orders, traditions, humor, history, and so on.

Returning to the examples of my acquaintances who left for different time V different countries, and married to local men, I want to say that they all experienced in their time to some extent culture shock, adaptation, periods of indignation regarding unusual rules, as well as moments of happiness regarding some foundations that are not typical for Russia, but were once desired in it. However none of them intends to return to live in their homeland, but at the same time, each of them endlessly misses Russia.

All this reminds me of the story of a provincial who moved and fell in love with the capital, found a job in a new city and loved one, friends and favorite places, but left there, on the periphery of all relatives, childhood friends, a favorite bench in the yard and a bunch of pleasant and not very memories that just scrape at the heart with a claw. And it is clear that he will never return to his small shell, a modest town, but those who remain will call him all the time. Although the point of no return is long gone.

As for our women and their genuine interest in foreign marriages, emigration and other consequences, everything indicates that Russian girls are in demand among both Europeans and Americans. This means that marrying a German or a Dutchman if you wish is not a problem. The sad thing about this story is that the reason for the wholesale female emigration from Russia is the lack, or simply the failure of Russian men.

Practically not a single educated city dweller in Moscow or St. Petersburg wants to spend her life on a factory drunkard and a brawler, with dirty nails and a steady fumes on Fridays. That is why ladies either quickly take over the local rich, or independently create an independent business and entertain themselves with rare holiday romances, or they go abroad, having first sought out overseas old farts through online dating.

Missed with a selection of sultry foreigners our compatriots at the moment when they begin to naively believe that all "natives" are equally rich, educated and interesting.

Therefore, in order not to end up in a failed emigration, it is best to initially take a closer look at the prospects of living abroad, try on the customs and philosophy of the country to which you are about to break loose, and also inadvertently find out some details about future husband- health status, education, position at work, availability of housing and debt levels.

Perhaps, from the point of view of an ordinary Russian woman, such an approach to relations with a man looks somewhat cynical, but it is much better to warn yourself against a defective foreigner than to pay off his debts to the bank until the end of his days or pay him alimony after a divorce, because he is already a pensioner.

I wrote this article for the portal www.fashiontravel.ru, but I am happy to bring it here:) Original text on the above site:)))

More recently, about fifty years ago, Slavic men in Europe were considered the standard of beauty. "Tall, courageous, with blond hair And blue eyes ah! - sighed foreigners (especially residents of southern countries). Now, if you ask a European woman if she would agree to have sex with a Russian man, she will giggle and shrug her shoulders: “Probably not.” Behind Lately the image of the hero of the Russian land is overgrown with such myths that only the most daring will decide to go to bed with a Russian man, not to mention marry him ...

Myths of the new Europe:

Myth 1. "Russian men always wear white socks under black boots."
This is considered in Europe the height of bad taste and symbolizes the complete inability of men not only to be able to dress stylishly, but simply to be able to dress ...

Myth 2. "They always smell bad." If you are "lucky" ("lucky") - only then. And if not, also garlic with a fume ...

Myth 3. "Russian man is rude." European women believe that Russian men love "hard" sex. And also cruel. They enjoy rudely ripping off their partner's clothes, tearing her pantyhose, and slapping the woman hard on the buttocks. “That’s why Russian girls are sadists,” the Europeans say, “they want a man to“ take ”them rudely, whisper vulgarity in your ear and bite your neck to bruises!”.

Myth 4. "A Russian man beats a woman." A myth arising from myth No. 3 and regular negative stories on European TV about Russian reality. “Family violence in Russia all the time. And the Russians also have a saying: hitting means loving! Horrible!"

Myth 5. “Men in Russia drink vodka non-stop, but fight for fun.” This myth is also formed by television, where stories are regularly shown: “Russia is drinking too much”, “Russian men are dying out”, “The violent life of Russian everyday life” ...

Myth 6. “Russian men are very selfish, arrogant and show off. For example, only “Parliament” is smoked (albeit sometimes bought with the last money), thinking that it is cool, although in fact “Parliament” in Europe is not at all a prestigious brand of cigarettes.”

Myth 7. "Slavic men do not take care of themselves." They do not care what to come to work, shave or not shave. Many of them dress very cheaply.

Russian man - big child

What can be said here? Yes, it’s not easy for a Russian person now, they strive to offend and offend ... But don’t worry, dear men, there are still foreigners who risked linking their fate with a Slav. After all, getting to know a Russian better, it becomes clear that he is not at all such an egoist, does not wear white socks under black shoes, does not drink around the clock, and is not at all formidable, but even tame.
“My Russian husband,” said one American, “is a big kid. I know that outside the threshold of the house he is hooligans with friends, but at home he is a real affectionate cat. I like that a Russian man takes care of documents, real estate, our financial side life and other little things. My husband is very strong internally and there is always something to talk about with him! He is very gentle and attentive!”
“Russian man is not greedy! boasts a Swede who has been married to a Russian. He likes to impress! And he is a wonderful lover and father ... ".

The breadth of the Russian soul

Well, that a Russian man is not greedy is a well-known truth. Although the fact that Slavs throw away handfuls of money in European resorts does not at all strike a foreign woman, but is alarming. Why throw away so much money when you can get by with much less? That is why foreign women are afraid to take Russians as husbands: they will squander their family savings. But young ladies from warmer countries (Italy, Spain, Greece) and the United States, on the contrary, respect the breadth of the Russian soul and gladly agree to become spouses of Russian “lapuses”.
For example, Spaniard Consuelo Segure has been happily married to RTR TV presenter Vladimir Molchanov for many years. The famous Ukrainian footballer, player of the Italian "Milan" Andriy Shevchenko is married to American model Kristen Pazik. Rumor has it that the Russian tennis player Marat Safin, completely disappointed with Russian women, has his eye on an American, and not on any, but on the current girlfriend of Justin Timberlake, Jessica Bill. The star of the tennis court made a date for the beauty, which she did not refuse!

Russians "build" mafia out of themselves

Well, in general, how many people - so many opinions. Everywhere there are "copies": both among Russian men and among foreigners. And Europeans sometimes drink more than Russians, and mock their wives with diabolical ingenuity. Only such incidents are hushed up or simply denied by the press. As for Russian men abroad, alas, only a small percentage prove themselves with better side. “They always pretend to be a mafia, although they themselves steal from supermarkets,” the foreigners grin. “If Russian men were good, their women would not run abroad…”.
But maybe, given the demographic situation in Russia, we shouldn't judge men harshly. When for one young man there are three girls, it’s her, not him, nature dictates to fight for the best male and look like a million dollars every day, a man can relax, because he can easily find himself a new passion. Therefore, perhaps the outflow of women abroad is not so bad, because it will lead to a balance of power in the male and female "camps" of Russia...

In conclusion, I would like to say that, alas, the awareness of foreigners about Russian reality is very, very primitive, hence the absurd myths about Russian men and women. Many of the European women saw Russians only from TV screens, how would they know that our men will give odds to any European in strength, courage, wit. And in the flights of fantasy, the Russian person has no equal! Would a foreigner stick his head into a scanner to print out the unique shape of his auricle? No, the main advantage of a Russian man is that he is never bored with him!


From a Chinese student's essay:

- “Russian men are positive. They don’t immediately catch the eye, but then I understand: a good person, kind. interesting brain and a warm soul."

The Japanese writes:

"I like Russian men. They are not greedy, they read a lot, they love holidays. They have a strong character. Germans are taller, Americans have fatter, richer bodies, but Russian souls are cooler."


"Russian man - good man. He is not only interested in money, he has an interesting spiritual world"...


"The external data of Russian men is not always enticing. Not new clothes, they always shave off the bottom of their faces, they don’t comb their hair, they don’t always wash their shoes. But if you don’t pay attention to this circumstance, you can see the internal enticing qualities of Russian men. They are kind, generous, cheerful , not boring, real friends, and always give help when there is a problem"

Here is the Spanish one:

"The Spanish man has a hot body and a cold soul, the Russian man has, in principle, everything is hot, above all the inner world."


"Despite drinking vodka and not being friends with the bath, the Russian male mentality has a lot of positives."

And here is what Naomi Campbell says about her Russian fiancé Vladislav Doronin: "He wonderful person, special. I thank God for this meeting. I don't think it was time for me to have a baby before. But now, at least, I can't complain about the man. He is really wonderful. He's a man. And he is a gentleman. He looks at me, and he sees not a supermodel, but me"...

However, those who have no illusions about foreigners, but have experience of close communication, can tell how things really are.

1. Foreigners count money and don't give expensive gifts. Those who expect that a foreign man will immediately begin to shower the beauty with flowers and gifts are mistaken. Unless these are oriental men, for whom this is accepted as a sign of gratitude and admiration. But our woman is unlikely to agree to accept gifts in exchange for modest clothes, under which she will have to hide the donated jewelry. Of course, there are rich and generous men among Europeans (for example, Silvio Berlusconi is a joke), but they are hunted by hundreds of the most beautiful top models, actresses and singers from all over the world, so the concentration is small, and the competition is great to spend energy on an overseas prince .

2. foreign men not so passionate lovers. As among Russians, there are different ones. It has nothing to do with nationality. southern peoples, rather, are more demonstrative, and the northern ones are reserved. But to believe that italian man will surely turn out to be an excellent lover, and an Englishman in bed will be boring and monotonous, wrong. The Italian will talk a lot in the process and fuss, and the Englishman will "take his own", as they say, without further ado. Although it may well be the other way around.

3. They are beautiful like bodybuilders, but they are not different. high intelligence . Many complain about the unsightly appearance of the male environment, especially at the age of just over 30. There is no mass accumulation of Apollos anywhere, except perhaps in male striptease, but that doesn't count. Whereas in the same England, Sweden and Germany, it is customary for men to do fitness and pump muscles. men with beautiful body V European countries are much more common than in our open spaces. But, alas and ah, their owners, who spend too much time in gym, it does not remain in order to pump up the brains with knowledge. Therefore, it is better to simply admire them (the owners and their bodies) from a distance. Well, or, two times. Enjoy, then go read Dmitry Bykov's column.

4. The language barrier can be overcome. Mental - harder. "The Man Who Hooked" for Russian woman is a serious motivation to learn a language. At least Hungarian. The main thing is to understand when he is. Later it will be necessary to understand what he wants for dinner, as well as what kind of engagement ring he will give. If you learn it native language so good that you can host a talk show on local television, there is a high probability that you will still not understand each other. But as long as there is love, the peculiarities of culture, traditions and customs, and the prevailing way of life in his family are unlikely to bother you. So what is next? Well, who thinks about what's next when in love?

5. Foreign men are also in no hurry to walk down the aisle.. Ours take an example from them and also take care of themselves, afraid of settling down and settling down, having spent on one woman best years. In the best years, you need to go for a walk, and only when you feel a deterioration in health and presentation, then you can attach yourself to someone. To look after, love as she is, take care - in general, "create a sanatorium" for a man of pre-retirement age. Of course, not all foreigners are like that. In small towns earlier, but in the capitals and million-plus cities, men, as in Moscow, walk while they are young.

6. worthy men quickly dismantled by local young ladies. Which is natural. A line is lined up for them and it won’t even occur to them, and even far away. Lovely girls sitting on dating sites "for Russian women with foreigners", think carefully before looking for a groom on such a resource. You will find adventure, husband - big question. Perhaps you are flying somewhere at the expense of the host, which is not a great gesture for someone who has serious intentions, but a way to have fun. Some indeed.

For example, a lone Australian farmer who breeds ostriches in a place very far from civilization. He, of course, needs her - on this farm, there is no one else to talk to except for shy ostriches. Or a retired Spanish architect whose kids are older than you. He still works and even functions quite well as a man. But it is unlikely that you will want to become a nurse who provides intimate services one whose attractiveness has faded even in photographs. In general, if you want to find a worthy foreigner, you need to search not remotely or as part of a tourist trip, but on the spot, having moved to the country of your dreams. Or without leaving their homeland - in large Russian cities there are now many foreigners who have come to work under a contract.

7. Foreign men do not manipulate and do not understand them.. This is really a plus because Russian men think one thing, say another, and do a third. Many foreigners are not familiar with this “seduction technique”, so they do and say what they think. In this sense, it is easy for us with them, but it is difficult for them with us - young ladies, accustomed to confrontation of the parties and counter resistance.

As a result: perhaps this is not the ultimate truth, but still - you should not blindly believe in overseas princes. The fact that men who speak a different language are somehow special. They are also men. They can offend, change and earn little. Being in an active search, it is better to think broader and simply allow yourself - local and foreign. It will work out with those with whom love happens and it will be possible to build strong and harmonious relationships. But you need to learn at least English just in case.

Russian tourists are welcome in many countries, but there are places where Russians are especially loved. From Serbia, where Russians are called brothers, to India, where thousands of Russians leave every year.


Relations between Russia and Serbia have a long history, during which they have been repeatedly tested for strength. Although sometimes it was not so smooth. However, during periods of major upheaval - the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, the First and Second World Wars, the Yugoslav crisis of the 1990s - Russia has always come to the aid of a small Balkan country, or at least expressed its full support.

Polls public opinion held in Serbia in 2010 showed that Serbs have a much better attitude towards Russians than towards their European neighbors, despite the fact that there is also a certain negativism among the Serbian elite, associated for the most part with high expectations of support from Russia.

Now about 2.5 thousand Russians live in Serbia, some Serbian universities have a department of the Russian language.

Since 2009, a visa-free regime has been operating between Russia and Serbia, and several tens of thousands of Russians come to the Balkan country every year. However, the attitude of Serbs towards Russians is best described by a poster in the center of Novi Sad, on which it is written in Russian: “Thank you, Russia!”.


The connection between Greece and Russia has always been close, as it was based on similar spiritual and cultural values. The desire to preserve traditions is evidenced by the numerous visits of Russian leaders to Greece.

In particular, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took part in the events dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the independence of Greece after its liberation from the Ottoman yoke. This is a memorable event in which Russia also played a role.

Russians in Greece are loved and always welcome. Greece has recently been one of the priority holiday destinations for Russian tourists, which was largely facilitated by the simplification of the visa regime between the two countries.

Statistics show that over the past three years the flow of Russian tourists to Hellas has more than tripled.

In 2013, the number of tourists from Russia amounted to 1 million 352 thousand people. A Russian tourist spends on average about 1,000 euros in Greece, while tourists from other countries usually leave no more than 700 euros here.

When asked about stereotypes about Russians, Danai-Magdalini Kumanakou, the Greek ambassador to the Russian Federation, answered that "in Greece there is a positive attitude towards Russia." Repatriates from the USSR, who are well integrated into Greek society, act as a kind of bridge in the relationship between Greeks and Russians.


After the collapse of the USSR, Russia inherited close friendly and partnership relations with India. Many Russians willingly move to this Asian country where they live very comfortably.

The warm attitude of the Indians to the Russians is largely due to the all-round assistance that the Soviet Union provided to India. Russian entrepreneur Anna Tikhaya-Tishchenko notes that “it is surprisingly pleasant to be Russians in India”, also due to the similarity of the mentality of the two peoples.


Cuba has not yet forgotten the enormous financial, economic, military and political support provided by the Soviet Union. Even when Russia ceased to provide assistance to the island of Liberty in the early 1990s and embarked on the path of normalizing relations with the United States, the Cubans essentially did not change their attitude towards the Russians.

It should be noted that quite recently, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the Cuban authorities decided to allocate money for construction in Havana Orthodox church. Cubans still carefully look after the Memorial dedicated to Soviet soldiers-internationalists.

Russian tourists are always welcome guests at Cuban resorts.

It cannot be said that they are loved there more than others, but they are always welcome. Especially warm relationship, according to vacationers from Russia, in the Cuban province, which is not so spoiled by money.


In Soviet times, Nicaragua was the second most important strategic partner of our state after Cuba among the countries of Latin America. Large financial injections into the economy of Nicaragua provided significant support to the developing state. Russia also forgave almost all the debt to the Latin American country - the total amount of amnestied funds amounted to almost $6 billion.

Nicaraguans never forget the gratuitous assistance that our country has provided and continues to provide.

To this, the leadership of the country, represented by President Daniel Ortega, responds to Russia with unconditional support in the international political arena. Thus, Nicaragua became the first country after Russia to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Confirmation of the strong traditions of friendship between the two countries can be seen on the streets of Managua. "Russia - Nicaragua" - such an inscription adorns buses plying around the capital.


Russian-Venezuelan relations received a good impetus for their development as early as 1857, when Russian empire recognized the independence of the Republic of Venezuela. In 2008, after a visit to Venezuela by President Dmitry Medvedev, there was a new leap in relations between the two countries, followed by an Agreement on the waiver of visa formalities between Moscow and Caracas.

There are few Russians in Venezuela. Mostly they are tourists. Often, as the Russian guests note, if the Venezuelan likes the interlocutor, he will show the way, give necessary information, and possibly feed.

The best gratitude for the hospitable host will be a small souvenir in the form of a T-shirt or cap with the inscription "Russia".

The President of the Caribbean Dream Group, Mikhail Kranchev, who lives on Margarita Island, confirms good attitude Venezuelans to Russians. Kranchev notes that even during the presidency of Hugo Chavez, Venezuelans liked to repeat that "our presidents are friends."


Russia has a long and strong relationship with Syria. Almost since the founding of the Syrian Arab Republic The Soviet Union provided her with diplomatic and military support in the confrontation with Israel.

In 1971, the logistics unit of the USSR Navy was founded in the Mediterranean port of Tartus. Soviet firearms, cars, tanks, planes, missiles were supplied to Syria.

Thus, Syria became the most loyal state to the Soviet Union in the Middle East.

Syria was unable to pay off Soviet Union for the supplied weapons, so by 1992 its debt to Russia exceeded $13.4 billion.

Part of the Syrian debt, $9.8 billion out of $13.4 billion, was written off in 2005. To pay off the remaining amount, a number of agreements were signed between Moscow and Damascus in the field of construction, oil and gas. Syria also pledged to purchase Russian weapons and modernize the supplied Soviet times armored vehicles.


Turkey loves Russian tourists. Perhaps it historical memory. Despite the fact that Russia often fought with Ottoman Empire, post-revolution relations Soviet Russia And Turkish Republic have changed. The USSR greatly helped Turkey in its formation. He supplied food and weapons.

The Soviet government helped Ankara in the construction of two gunpowder factories, supplying equipment and raw materials for them.

Frunze allocated 100,000 rubles to the authorities of Trabzon to organize orphanage, and Aralov transferred 20 thousand lira to the Turkish army for the purchase of camp printing houses and film installations.

The Lausanne International Conference on Turkey, held from November 1922 to July 1923, led to the declaration of Turkey as an independent state, with Mustafa Atatürk as president. All foreign troops were withdrawn from the territory of the country.

During the conference, the Entente retained the straits of Turkey. When the Montreux Convention was signed in 1936, where the USSR was already a full member, and Turkey was a very strong state, the Turks returned sovereignty over the straits.

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