Olga Malyshkina Adventures of kitten Brysya. Valentin Runov - Genius of War Skobelev


- Russia is strong not by the Poles, from whom only headache Milyutin agreed. - Russia is strong with its people, to whom Your Majesty has graciously deigned to grant freedom. I carry out all the transformations in the War Department with the support of these people. Folk Russian army This is the true power of the state.

- But how will the army react to a possible change of heir? the king asked.

- Your sons are still very little known in army circles, for most officers only names. The Guard knows a little more. But they are still too young to have their opponents or supporters. For the army, the authority of Your Majesty and the reforms you are carrying out is high. The main thing is not to allow drastic changes in this course.

Milyutin left. Alexander remained alone in the office for some time. I didn't want to make any drastic decisions. Mourning for the heir was in full swing. Canceled balls and receptions in winter palace, parades and divorces on the Champ de Mars, all sorts of entertainment events in the theater and private homes. The capital plunged into mourning despondency. But Russia did not wait. The emperor ordered to invite his son Alexander to him.

Grand Duke Alexander, a large young man with a small mustache, went to the office, realizing the importance of the upcoming conversation. As the second son of the emperor, after the death of his elder brother, he was to inherit the throne. But the emperor also had a son, George.

- I invited you to decide one very important question The emperor started talking. – Russia is currently bound by some responsible agreements and has a number of its own interests in world politics. I would not want Nikolai's death to damage this policy.

What do I have to do with all this? - asked Grand Duke. “I mourn for Nikolai along with everyone else.

“That’s not enough,” said the Emperor. You are my eldest son and have full right inherit the Russian throne. But the throne is no random toy. He demands from the emperor not only power, but also responsibility.

“I, father, understand this well,” Alexander assured.

- Understand? the emperor asked. If so, it will be easier for me to talk to you. An alliance with Denmark is very important to us at the present time. The best guarantee of this union is marriage. Nicholas was to marry Princess Dagmar. If you dream of the throne, you will have to carry out these plans.

- Marry a Dane? But I'm not ready for this marriage! Alexander exclaimed.

– What are you ready for? Hanging out with regimental officers, chasing dubious women? Demonstrate your strength to drunken friends? the Emperor exclaimed angrily. – All this can be done by a simple city dweller. The Tsarevich has other occupations, other responsibilities.

Grand Duke Alexander towered over his father with his head bowed. He understood that it would not be possible to evade the decision, his father was determined.

“I, father, will marry Dagmar,” the son promised.

“Let’s go and tell the empress about this right now,” the king suggested. “Your mother will gladly accept this decision.

Soon after the funeral of Nikolai Alexandrovich, the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich was declared the heir to the Russian throne, who was to be called Tsarevich from now on. A little more time passed, and it became known that the heir to the Russian throne made an offer to the Danish princess Dagmar and received consent. On the horizon Russian history clearly defined new person, who was preparing to take the reins of a huge empire with all its problems.


The son's reflections had very good reasons: the father almost openly took a mistress who was 30 years younger than him. This story was both romantic and quite dramatic. Only the Emperor seemed not to notice.

Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgorukaya came from an old, noble, but eventually ruined family. His ancestor, Mikhail Chernigov, was martyred in the Golden Horde in 1248. Prince Alexei was known as the favorite of Peter I. Catherine's father was the captain of the guard Mikhail Dolgoruky, and her mother was Vera Vishnevichkaya, the richest Ukrainian landowner. But by the end of the 50s. the wealth of the Dolgoruky family was already in the past. Teplovka, their last estate, turned out to be mortgaged and remortgaged.

Alexander II accidentally visited Teplovka and promised to settle financial difficulties Dolgoruky family. He fulfilled his promise: Catherine's four brothers were assigned to military schools, and she herself, along with her sister, were sent to the Smolny Institute at the expense of the sovereign.

But misfortunes continued to haunt the Dolgoruky family. Four years later, Prince Michael died, leaving behind debts. Princess Vera moved to Petersburg, where she bought a very modest apartment on the outskirts of the city. This is all she could afford.

In the spring of 1865, according to tradition, the emperor visited the Smolny Institute, having previously sent, as was customary earlier, a sumptuous dinner for all teachers and pupils. Before dinner, the girls were introduced to him. Accompanying Alexander II in front of the line of pupils, the headmistress Mrs. Leontieva, apparently wanting to please him, began to praise the successes of the Dolgoruky sisters - his protégé.

The emperor lingered near Catherine and Mary, listening to the explanations. At this time, Catherine was 18 years old, her sister was 16, that is, both were already established girls who could interest a mature man - a connoisseur of women's charms. The emperor was just that.

The emperor's gaze lingered on Catherine. The older sister was a girl of average height, with a graceful figure, amazingly delicate skin and luxurious light brown hair. She had strikingly light eyes and a beautifully shaped mouth. She was generously endowed with the beauty that the emperor always liked so much.

- How are your parents doing? the king asked a meaningless question with only desire for a while to remain near the beautiful princess.

- Teplovka, in which Your Majesty deigned to visit us, unfortunately, is sold, - Catherine sighed bitterly. - But now my mother is nearby, in St. Petersburg.

“Yes, after the liberation of the peasants, not all landlords were able to successfully manage their household,” the emperor concluded.

- The reason is the death of dad, - Ekaterina softened the problem. - In Teplovka, he ran the household.

- Yeah…

The emperor himself remembered the reports about the wastefulness and gambling debts of Prince Mikhail Dolgoruky, which, apparently, became the main reason for the ruin of the family. But only about myself. The charms of young Catherine somehow did not fit in with this bitter truth.

“I’ll be glad to see you, dear young ladies, and your mother at my place in the Winter Palace,” he said, and solemnly proceeded further.

The emperor's visit was lively discussed by all the Smolensk women. The girls were distinguished by his appearance, outfit, every spoken word. The conversation between Alexander II and Ekaterina Dolgoruky was the "nail" of the institute's gossip. But especially the girls envied the sisters in connection with their invitation to balls in the Winter. Such an invitation opened the way to compiling a profitable matrimonial party, which for the girl was the second half of XIX century was the main

Catherine herself, at first, reacted without interest to the emperor's interest in her person. special interest. Of course, she was forested by the attention of the king, especially in front of her friends and teachers. But the severity of all previous education, the modesty of life did not give a flight of fancy.

Sunday, after the general morning prayer, pupils of Smolny were released to see relatives and friends. Moreover, according to tradition, charity issues were in the first place, for which the girls were prepared especially carefully.

“Let’s stop by to visit our sick relative on the way home,” Ekaterina suggested.

- How glad Nadezhda Sergeevna will be! Maria supported her sister. - But not for long. I still have a lot to do today.

As decided, so they did. On the way, the girls stopped at one of the foreign shops, which, at the same time, like mushrooms after the rain, began to appear in the capital, bought various sweets. Then they ordered the cab driver to take them to the house by the canal.

Nadezhda Sergeevna was very pleased with the arrival of her nieces - that's all. While the women chatted uncontrollably and shared news, Glasha and Alina were preparing tea. Curious Alina, setting the table, listened out of the corner of her ear to the loud chatter of the guests, marveled at what she heard.

“The Emperor spent most of his acquaintance with Katya,” Maria reported. They talked for almost five minutes.

- What was the conversation about? - asked the hostess, for whom the visit of the girls was a kind of "window" into the life to which she was accustomed and which she lost due to illness.

“Nothing,” answered Catherine, who did not share her sister’s enthusiasm. - A meaningless courtesy, and nothing more.

- Not true! Maria objected. Everyone noticed the way he looked at you. This is not an ordinary courtesy, but a sign of special attention.

“Of course, you, Maria, are well versed in this,” the hostess smiled.

“You don’t need to be especially sophisticated and knowledgeable to distinguish one from the other,” Maria justified herself.

- And you yourself, Katya, how do you feel about this? - Nadezhda Sergeevna inquired.

“Like a loyal subject to whom the tsar paid some attention,” Catherine replied. “I don't think we need to talk about it anymore. Tell me better, dear aunt, how do you feel?

The issue of well-being for the patient was relevant, and the conversation quickly moved in a different direction. The women talked a little more, the girls drank tea and left.

No one knows exactly when this story began. And since no one knows for sure, it means that everything happened once. So, one day a Kitten was born. He appeared, of course, not alone and not by himself. He had two brothers and a sister. And also mom is the most important creature in the very world to which the Kitten appeared.

True, he did not immediately understand this. The kitten thought that he was in charge. And what? Judge for yourself, I wanted to eat, squeaked demandingly - my mother is right there: she substitutes a warm, soft belly, studded with pimples, papillae, and delicious hearty milk flows from them. I don't want to drink! Got dirty? Mom is right there again: she will stick out her rough pink tongue and polish it to a shine.

The Kitten shines with thick gray-white fur in the sun - a feast for the eyes!

The only thing the kid did not like was that his mother was very fond of teaching the mind. And he wanted to study himself: both mind and mind. And tried Kitten with mom's lessons run away. But here's the problem: Mom's paws were much longer than his. While he was running away with all his might on his short ones, mother didn’t even have to move from her place - she simply stretched out her front paw (either left or right, depending on which direction the Kitten fled) and returned the fugitive to the “class”. And if he resisted and was capricious, then his mother became strict (she probably forgot that the Kitten was in charge) and with the pad of her paw she gave him an offensive slap on the back of the head.

Then the Kitten had to sit with the others next to his mother and listen to what she was saying. However, unlike his mother, the Kitten never forgot for a minute that he was in charge, and therefore he constantly argued and did not agree with anything. About myself. Because I already knew: if you do not agree out loud, then you can again earn a paw on the back of the head.

This time, my mother taught me how to brush the fur with the tongue. And the Kitten, in protest, learned arithmetic with the help of a tongue. I counted as many as four paws and one tail. He, however, did not want to be considered and also strove to escape (he went into Kitten by character!). But the Kitten showed cunning and dexterity: he waited until the tail lost its vigilance, dodged, caught the fidget with his teeth and immediately counted - one!

I also found two ears. It happened like this: first, the Kitten licked his right paw with his tongue so that it would not slip off his head. Then he rubbed his right ear with it for a long time - he was convinced that it, the right one, was one. Then he did the same with the left paw and the left ear. Then he added one plus one. Then I decided to check how many ears the brothers and sister have. While I was counting them and adding them up, I again received a scolding from my mother - they say, do not be distracted yourself and do not distract others.

And how not to be distracted if the Kitten saw one nose from relatives! After all, it was necessary to urgently feel his muzzle - what if he, like the most important, has much more noses? It turned out that he had only one nose. With two holes. But the Kitten was sure that his holes were not as tiny as those of his brothers and sisters. Otherwise, how would ticklish sunbeams get there and make you sneeze loudly?

- Chi! - the Kitten immediately escaped, and he was surprised: there were no sunbeams nearby.

- Chi! repeated the little one, for his nose itched again.

The kitten touched him with his paw - his nose was very wet. And not only the nose, but also the cheeks and forehead!

- Blams! someone suddenly said. - Blams! Blooms! Blooms!

And again he sprayed the Kitten.

- Chi-chi-chi! - answered the kid and closed his eyes, because the droplets got into his eyes and flowed through the holes in his nose. But, before closing his eyes, the Kitten managed to notice who was treating him so insidiously. This water began to fall from the sky! She hit the edge of the drainpipe, next to which mom was holding a cleaning lesson, broke into small pieces and threw them at the Kitten. Because he was sitting closest to the pipe. Very close.

Suddenly, it got very, very dark. Mom got worried, grabbed Kitten's sister and dragged her home. The house was not far away: one had to jump down through the basement window and hide in the corner of a large, very large room, where there were also all sorts of pipes, hot and cold.

The kitten knew how to hide in a corner, but for a walk and from a walk, his mother, like the others, wore it, carefully wrapping her mouth around the neck. And all because the window was located quite high. And although the Kitten considered himself the main one, he still did not succeed in jumping up to the window.

But he managed to be brave. That is, do not show your fear. Therefore, he did not try to get through to his mother without a queue, but patiently waited. He was always carried away last. Because he always sat farthest from his mother. Because I always dreamed of sneaking out of class unnoticed.

And this time he was the last in line. And when mom disappeared into the window with his second brother and no one looked at Kitten anymore, he pressed both ears to his small head and closed both eyes. He was very scared. More than ever. Because never before in his short life did night turn into day. And never before has so much water fallen from above.

If the Kitten had not closed his eyes, he would have seen how black sky became blindingly bright. Then there was such a deafening bang that the Kitten didn't want to be brave. And even got sick of being in charge. He wanted to be with his mother. Mom has already appeared at the window. She aspired to her baby, the most restless, the most naughty, the most beloved. In any case, it seemed to the mother cat that now she loved this gray and white naughty more than the rest of the children. Probably because he was in danger, and she was not next to him. A whole jump away. And she jumped. But didn't have time. She was overtaken by a stream that suddenly gushed out of the drainpipe and took away her little treasure with it ...

2. How the kitten met the fawn

The flow was very strong, and the Kitten was very light. For churning water, it was no heavier than a bird's feather. And, like a bird's feather, it twisted in whirlpools and tossed on the waves. Like in a water park. The kitten has never been to the water park, otherwise, maybe he would have liked to ride on the stream. First, in the yard, in which the Kitten was supposed to walk when he grew up a little. Then under the arch, long and dark (the sun never looked there). Then under the lattice gates on the sidewalk, where real rivers were already flowing. After all, the city had a lot of drainpipes, and therefore streams. Yes, and from the sky the water kept falling and falling. Didn't end.

So the Kitten would have been carried away to no one knows where, if a large, branchy branch had not fallen in his way. Of course, usually branches do not just fall down. Especially those big ones. They cling tightly to trees. But this time the wind blew very strongly and broke off even such a large branch. The branch fell and lay down across the pavement, right in front of the Kitten and the stream that carried him. The stream churned angrily, looking for a passage. And when he found it, he moved on. But without the Kitten. Because the Kitten was caught by the leaves that were growing on the branch. They covered him like they were wearing a green shirt. The shirt was wet and sticky. Wet - because it happened in the water. Sticky - because the leaves were young and sticky. And all together it happened because the first spring thunderstorm hit the city of St. Petersburg ...

Akishina Olesya Nikolaevna
Calendar-thematic planning for reading fiction in the second junior group. December January February


1. Reading a fairy tale. Suteev "Chicken and Duckling" .

2. Reading a story. Y. Marshak "Christmas tree".

3. Reading story L. Voronkova "It is snowing".

4. Reading Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox"

5. Reading a poem. Marshak "IN december, V december» .

6. Memorizing a poem by S. Ya. Marshak "Christmas tree".

7. Reading story B. Zhitkov "Zebra".

8. Memorizing a poem by M. Karem "My cat", per. from French , M Kudinova.

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Help children understand the content of the story. Learn to reproduce content with the help of an educator.

Develop dramatization skills.

Learn to understand the content of the story. Contribute to the emotional perception of the figurative basis of poetic works.

Introduce artwork, revive in the memory of children their own impressions of the snowfall.

To acquaint with the Russian folk tale, with the image of a fox, different from the image of foxes from other fairy tales.

Introduce the poem cultivate good feelings, positive emotions.

Develop the habit of listening carefully to the text. Teaching children to understand the meaning of the work

1. Reading a poem"The tree grew".

2. Recall a Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox".

3. Reading stories in. bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse", E. Charushina "Volchishko".

4. “Memorizing the poem by A. Prokofiev “The Snowstorm”.

5. Reading Russian folk tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats"


7. Reading a poem. Barto "Dirty Girl".

8. Telling a fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Bathing the cubs"

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Introduce the holiday « New Year» . Teach children to listen carefully to the poem. Generate a positive emotional response.

Help to remember a fairy tale read earlier; form dialogical speech; learn to read poetry expressively.

To give children an idea about the fox and the mouse, about the lifestyle of these animals, the behavior and condition of a wild animal in a person's house; develop a love for animals.

Teach children to emotionally perceive and understand figurative content poetic text, associate it with real pictures nature, convey its joyful character; enrich children's vocabulary with figurative words and expressions: fluffy snowflakes, cobwebs, flies, spins, pours, dances.

Introduce the fairy tale, make you want to listen to the work again and remember the goat's song.

To educate children in the ability to listen, memorize a short poem, read by heart slowly, clearly pronouncing the words and, especially, the endings of the words; teach children to pronounce sounds clearly.

Continue to acquaint children with the work of A. Barto "Dirty Girl"; to bring children to the understanding that cleanliness is the key to health; to encourage the implementation of elementary hygiene skills: wash hands, face, body, comb, keep clothes clean.

Continue to form an interest in books, enrich and clarify the knowledge of children about bears, their habits, the ability to adapt to their environment; introduce a new work that tells about the life of forest dwellers.

1. Reading a fairy tale. Suteev "Three kittens".

2. Memorizing a poem by A. Barto

"The girls stood in a circle".

3. Learning a song by S. Marshak "Frog Talk" translation from Czech.

4. Reading children of Russian folk tale "Zimovie".

5. Reading a poem. Y. Marshak "Where the sparrow dined".

6. Learning nursery rhymes "Our goat".

7. Learning a poem. S. Kaputikyan “Who is more likely to finish drinking?”.

8. Reading English folk song (translated by S. Ya. Marshak) "Gloves".

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Teach to listen to poems to the end, help children remember and independently recite a poem by heart.

Help children remember Russian folk tales they know. Introduce the fairy tale "Zimovie" (in arr. I. Sokolov-Mikitov).

To continue the development of children's interest in poetry through the work of S. Ya. Marshak; develop memory, speech, imagination.

Continue to introduce children to nursery rhymes. Cultivate interest in oral folk art. Make you want to listen folklore works to use them yourself.

Continue to help children memorize and expressively read the studied works.

Strengthen the ability to eat carefully, observe the rules of behavior at the table.

Continue to educate children in the ability to listen carefully, answer questions.

1. Reading a poem"At Lukomorye ..." A. S. Pushkin.

2. Reading story L. Voronkov. "How the Christmas tree was decorated".

3. Reading a poem. Yesenin "Winter sings, calls out".

4. Learning nursery rhymes "Mice dance".

5. Memorizing a poem by V. Berestov "Bear, bear, couch potato".

6. Reading fairy tale M. Zoshchenko "Smart bird".

7. Reading a song"I'm going - I'm going to my grandmother to my grandfather".

8. Reading Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Introduce children to new artwork. Help children understand the content of the poem. Make them want to talk about the content, answering the questions of the educator.

Develop attention, learn to maintain a conversation, express your point vision: emotionally perceive literary work and express their attitude towards the characters of the story.

To acquaint children with nursery rhymes as a genre of oral Russian folk art.

Increase interest in Russian folk rhymes; learn to listen and answer the teacher's questions, carefully consider the illustrations.

Teach to listen to poems to the end, follow the development of the action in the poem; help children memorize and independently recite a poem by heart.

Develop the ability to listen to new fairy tales, learn to answer questions about the content of the fairy tale; cultivate interest in fiction.

Developing the ability to stage and dramatize small songs with the help of a teacher.

To acquaint with a fairy tale, to help understand the meaning of the work;

bring up moral qualities, love for oral folk art; to teach to understand the meaning of the content of a fairy tale, its moral; maintain an immediate emotional response to literary work, his heroes.



Christmas Holidays

1. Reading a fairy tale. Suteeva "Who said "meow"?».

2. Reading story L. Voronkova "It is snowing", poems by A. Bosev "Three".

3. Reading story L. Tolstoy "Varya and siskin".

4. Memorizing a poem by V. Berestov


5. Reading excerpt from a poem by A. Shpik "ball game".

6. Memorizing a poem by A. Barto "Bear".

7. reading nursery rhymes"The grass-ant has risen from sleep.".

8. Repetition Russian folk tale "Fox and Hare" .

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Build perception skills. works by ear (without visual accompaniment).

Introduce children to the adventures of a little puppy.

Activate Dictionary

Introduce children to the story of L. Voronkova "It is snowing", reviving in the memory of the children their own impressions of heavy snowfall. Help memorize A. Bosev's poem "Three" (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorov) .

Help me remember the poem, read it expressively, answer questions coherently

Teaching children expressively repeat lines of a poem, perform movements in accordance with the text. Enrich lexicon, motor experience of children, teach to understand simple instructions. Create a good mood in children.

To teach children to expressively tell a poem, to convey a sense of compassion for the character. Bring up careful attitude to toys.

To teach children to provide all possible assistance to adults, to activate the names of serving items, dishes in speech. To form initial ideas about the role of labor in people's lives, to educate.

Teach children to follow the development of the plot. Keep children interested in reading, to the works of oral folk art.

1. Memorizing a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Month, month".

2. Reading: S. Kozlov "Winter's Tale".

3. Telling a Russian folk tale "Three piglets".

4. Telling a Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane".

5. Reading: 3. Aleksandrova "Father Frost".

6. Singing a song "Okay", Russian folk melody.

7. Reading poems A. Barto "Bear.

8. Learning Russian folk rhymes "Horse". Consideration of illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov.

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Help me remember the poem, read it expressively, answer questions coherently.

To teach children to follow the development of the plot, compare the content of the tale with illustrations, answer questions about the actions of the characters.

To develop the ability to listen to a large fairy tale and understand its content

To evoke an emotional response to what is read, to form a cognitive interest.

To teach children to follow the development of the plot, to name the heroes of the fairy tale, their actions. Explain to the children why both characters did not like visiting, introduce the children to the concept "hospitality".

Expand children's understanding of characteristics winters. Enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech, learn to compare your observations with the content of the work fiction.

To cause activity of children, interest in singing. Develop sound-altitude hearing, a sense of rhythm. Contribute to the prevention of emotional stress.

Invite the children to look at the illustrations, write a description of the fairy-tale horse, note its beauty. Develop memory, learn to recite a nursery rhyme at a calm pace, pronouncing words clearly and distinctly.


1. Reading a poem. Barto "Painter".

2. Reading Russian folk tale "Teremok".

3. Reading a poem G. Ladonshchikov "Winter Pictures".

4. Reading fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

5. Repetition of the poem. Black "Privalka".

6. Learning a poem by A. Barto "Checkbox".

7. Reading: K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree".

8. Theatrical a game: dramatization of an English folk song-poem "Gloves" in lane S. Marshak.

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

To form children's ideas about the variety of construction professions, to promote unification in the game, to stimulate the use of new knowledge and experience.

Introduce a fairy tale, arouse a desire to play, remember the words of the characters in the fairy tale.

Continue to learn to understand the content of poems. Help to comprehend the knowledge of figurative expressions.

Teach children to listen carefully to a large piece of work. Evoke an emotional response to what you hear. Develop an active vocabulary.

To teach children to understand the actions of characters and the consequences of these actions, to empathize with the characters. Generate interest in artistic word , to learn to compare the content of the poem with situations occurring in life.

To teach children to expressively recite a poem, to form an interest in artistic word. Enrich vocabulary.

To form in children an interest in poetry, the ability to listen to a work, understand its content, answer questions about the text.

To teach children to use facial expressions and gestures to express the mood of the kittens at the beginning and at the end of the performance, to achieve emotional performance. Develop creative abilities.

1. Reading Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten".

2. Reading poems A. Barto "Mashenka, "Truck", "Doll".

3. Reading: A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches", nursery rhyme "Titmouse-titmouse".

4. Reading a poem. Brodsky « sun bunnies» Fun game "Sun Bunnies".Observation of sunbeams.

5. Theatrical game based on Ukrainian fairy tale "Mitten".

6. Reading: G. Tsyferova "When there are not enough toys".

7. Reading: O. Driz "Own weather".

8. Repetition Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Teach children to follow the development of action in work of art . Take part in a joint retelling with the educator, repeat followed by separate phrases of the text. Activate vocabulary.

Encourage children to recite familiar verses, develop intonational expressiveness. Cultivate respect for toys.

Continue to acquaint children with wintering birds, pay attention to appearance birds (size, color, plumage, ways of moving on the ground. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, organize feeding. Stimulate the recitation of familiar poems, nursery rhymes.

Explain to children the essence of the observed phenomenon, teach "let the bunnies" with the help of a mirror. To bring joy to children reading a work, create a cheerful mood, contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood.

Teaching children to draw characteristics heroes, I use expressive possibilities voices, facial expressions, gestures. Develop creative abilities.

Teach children to follow the development of the plot in short story to correlate the content of the work with their personal experience.

Generate interest in artistic word, learn to compare the content of works fiction with your observations and experiences.

To instill in children good feelings for loved ones and a sense of compassion for those. Who gets into trouble.

1. Reading and dramatization of a Russian folk song "Ribushechka". consideration plot pictures (at the teacher's choice).

2. Reading E. Bekhlerov "Cabbage Leaf".

3. Flat theater: storytelling "Wolf and goats" processed by A. Tolstoy using a flannelograph.

4. Reading: E. I. Charushina "Hen".

5. Memorizing a poem by A. Bosev "Three".

6. Work in the corner of the book: looking at the construction book "Both Kitten and Puppy" L. Mayorova based on the poems of V. Berestov.

7. Reading: poems by S. Kaputikyan "Masha has lunch".

8. Examination of illustrations by E. Rachev for a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats". Reading a fairy tale.

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Introduce children to new fairy tale. Teach children to follow the development of action in work of art. Evoke an emotional response to what you hear.

To teach children to listen carefully, retell their favorite fragments of a fairy tale based on questions and illustrations. Develop coherent speech, maintain interest in reading.

To teach children to see the image of characters in planar pictures, to convey his mood in facial expressions, gestures, intonations. Replenish the dictionary with emotional-evaluative vocabulary.

To support children's interest in pets, to form the ability to listen to a story, to understand the content. Generate interest in fiction.

Help memorize A. Bosev's poem "Three" (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorova); generate interest in artistic word. Enrich vocabulary.

To draw the attention of children to familiar images, to teach them to name the heroes of the book, the actions they perform, to describe the events taking place with them, to use high-quality adjectives in speech. Learn to handle books carefully and carefully.

To teach children to listen carefully to the poem, to compare what they heard with the pictures presented on the flannelograph, to pronounce individual phrases based on the pictures, to imitate the voices of animals.

To evoke an emotional response in children to drawings, to teach them to reflect in speech their attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, to continue to teach them to see the moods of the heroes.

1. Reading: E. Lavrentieva "Friendly Kitten" looking at illustrations.

2. Work in the corner of the book: compiling a retelling based on illustrations for fairy tales "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok".

3. Learning nursery rhymes "Night has come".

4. Reading a story"Games" a series "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik" (translated from Polish by V. Prikhodko).

5. Reading a fairy tale L. Tolstoy "Wheat Spike"

6. Reading poems A. Barto on a theme "Toys".

7. Telling a Russian folk tale "Three Bears".

8. Reading: K. Chukovsky "Stolen Sun".

Two days a week children's choice of reading.

Teach children to listen carefully to the work to understand its content. Generate interest in reading, develop aesthetic sense.

To teach children to retell their favorite fragments of fairy tales based on questions and illustrations. Develop coherent speech, maintain interest in oral folk art.

Develop memory, teach children to expressively reproduce a small text by heart.

Teach children to listen carefully, discuss with. them the actions of heroes, to form an interest in reading.

To teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, to follow the course of events, to compare fragments of text with illustrations. Build listening skills literary works , develop aesthetic taste.

Instill in children a love for artistic creativity , teach to clearly pronounce the words for the teacher, memorize small poems, develop memory, attention. Draw children's attention to the positive emotions that arise when meeting with works fiction.

Introduce a fairy tale; to cultivate obedience and a sense of empathy for a girl lost in the forest.

To teach children to listen to the work, intonation expressively reproduce the most interesting and memorable passages. Replenish vocabulary, stimulate speech activity.

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