Fathers and sons Pavel Petrovich biography. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: character characteristics


Pavel Petrovich is one of the interesting characters in the work Fathers and Sons. He is tall, proud and proud, born in noble family. In the work, his image is created as an example of an aristocrat of liberal views.

Due to the fact that he and Bazarov have different views on politics, they often argued. Pavel himself is a middle-aged man, always neatly and fashionably dressed, cultured and educated. He was interesting to women, but due to the fact that his love story ended tragically, he does not start new novels.

He had successful career, beloved woman in the face of the princess. But after her tragic death, Kirsanov left the service and went to live with his brother. At the same time, participation in public affairs Pavel Petrovich did not quit, he became a defender of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

His Political Views were aimed at ensuring that every person has the right to freedom of thought and speech. He offers all these innovations for the development of his country and increase its status, both in the world and among its citizens.

But of all the ideas and principles, Paul could not translate into reality anything. His beloved and most correct country, both politically and in civil understanding, this is England. But all his views and principles are his personal worldview.

And if we compare it with Bazarov, who denies all the principles and rules. This is an example of these very representatives of fathers and children, whom the author shows in his work. Pavel Petrovich is a representative of the generation of fathers, and Bazarov is a representative of the generation of children. They are completely different, but both exist, and will carry their ideals and foundations until the end of their days.

Thanks to his good upbringing and willpower, Pavel Petrovich was still able to survive the tragedy in which he died. future wife. And he decided to live for the sake of his states, serve him and help his relatives in everything.

The hero is very self-sufficient, proud and freedom-loving, it is these character traits that help him endure all the failures in life and fight with opponents. In his youth, he served in the regiment, rose to the rank of officer. Soon he was supposed to become a captain, but because of the tragedy on the personal front, all his interests disappeared, and he became uninteresting, he quit military service.

Before serving in the army, Kirsanov often attended social balls, conquered more than one girl, and was constantly in the center of social entertainment and conversations. After the death of the princess, he went to live abroad, but after living there for four years, he returned to his homeland.

By nature, Kirsanov is kind and fair man, but he could not bring all his principles and ideas to life. And after the death of his beloved, he never found simple human happiness.

Composition about Pavel Petrovich

IN this work Turgenev reflects on the conflict between the paternal generation and the adolescent generation. Revealing the images of the characters, he thus discusses this problem in the work. The image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov should be highlighted.

Pavel Petrovich is one of the key characters in the work, who controls almost all events, using the respect of others and his position in society. Turgenev describes him as a man true to his ideals, always moving towards his goal, which he sets himself in advance. Describing him in this way, he puts before the reader a strictly described image of a purposeful, slightly selfish, self-sufficient middle-aged man who has already managed to achieve a lot in his life, including high position in society.

The image created by the author tells us about the problem of the work, namely, the old generation's rejection of the new ideas of the new generation. Pavel Petrovich, as a representative of the old conservative generation, simply cannot agree with all the innovations that the new generation is trying to bring, and, thanks to the respect he has received in his life, he instills this opinion in his environment. In truth, Pavel Petrovich's entire entourage, not counting some people, are complete conservatives who reject everything new and everything that moves progress.

Also, through his image, the author asks the reader a question. And do you really need to change something? Is it really necessary to break something that works so well? All these questions are asked by both the author himself and Pavel Petrovich. But, with the help of such questions, the character of the character is revealed. We are learning more and more about his motives, his goals, and also his beliefs. We are witnessing hesitation on the part of Pavel Petrovich about the question of his conservatism. He has not yet finally decided on his goals and needs. It is possible that he will want to bring something new into his life, and help change the lives of others, but perhaps not. This is exactly how Turgenev argues through the image of Pavel Petrovich.

Option 3

One of central characters in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov appears. He is the elder brother of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and the uncle of Arkady Kirsanov. At the time of the unfolding of events in the work, Pavel Petrovich was from five to fifty years old. Despite the fact that this man was a native of the village, he was a real aristocrat and a representative of secular society.

received in youth military education, Pavel Petrovich successfully and quickly became an officer and built a career. But it only did not last long, and the reason for this was Pavel Petrovich's unrequited love for Countess R. The beloved did not live up to his hopes, but only brought disappointment, then leaving abroad. Pavel Petrovich left his career and went after her, but was refused in response. And after some time, he did learn about the death of the countess. This finally killed any hope of finding happiness in him. Then Pavel Petrovich makes a decision and leaves to live in the village with his brother. But when Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov got married, he went to Dresden, where he lived all the time alone.

Despite his age, Pavel Petrovich looked very good outwardly: he had slim figure, well-groomed face and hands, he was in good health. To do this, he carefully watched and looked after himself. Even while in the countryside and not being able to go out, Pavel Petrovich did not deviate from his aristocratic habits. He had a lot of clothes, which he changed at the bottom several times, always followed the fashion, but did not accept all the innovations, but only what suited him and was close. By nature, he loved everything English. by the most important attributes for Pavel Petrovich there was cologne, clean clothes and a bath. This is interestingly described by the author, how he cologned his mustache several times during the day in order to radiate a pleasant aroma.

Pavel Petrovich was a fairly educated person, he closely followed the news in society in order to keep abreast of all events and be able to maintain a conversation with his interlocutor on any topic. by the most important condition development of the state, he considered progress. However, on this occasion, Pavel Petrovich had a lot of disputes with Bazarov, because he did not accept nihilistic views, since they only brought devastation. “After all, it is impossible to destroy without putting anything new in this place,” said Pavel Petrovich.

By his nature, he was a kind, honest, just and respectable person. He advocated the freedom of all people, especially peasants. It was important for him not to limit human rights, but each person must fulfill his duties with dignity. Pavel Petrovich did this himself and demanded from others in relation to himself. He had a well-developed intuition, which was often used by his brother Nikolai Petrovich, turning to him for advice on personal relationships or housekeeping.

Thus, in the image of Pavel Petrovich, the writer showed an ideal representative high society, which constantly strives for development and self-improvement, but accepts only what is useful from fashion. This means that he can analyze everything life situations and be selective in accepting important decisions. The most important thing for Pavel Petrovich is the honor of himself and his family.

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  • For Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, as well as for Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the detail in his works is very important. One such detail is the story of the life of Princess R. It seems that nothing meaningful history Princesses R. and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov turned out to be a very important element in the novel “Fathers and Sons”, and in the life of the author himself.
    First, I will describe the appearance and character of Princess R. The princess was known for a frivolous coquette, she loved to dance a lot, laugh, joke with young people, and at night she rushed around the room in tears for a long time. But with the advent of a new day, she again turned into a society lady, again went for walks, chatted with everyone and rushed towards all the entertainment. She was very well built, her golden heavy braid fell below her knees, but she could not be called a beauty, only her eyes, gray and deep, in which her inner world stood out on her face.
    The love story of Pavel Petrovich and Princess R. echoes the story tragic love Turgenev to Pauline Viardot. The portraits of these women are very similar. Pauline Viardot, like Princess R., constantly traveled abroad, led a cheerful, strange life(She was famous singer). Pauline Viardot either moved away or drew Turgenev closer to her. After long separations, their love flared up again, only to go out later.
    Pavel Petrovich, like Turgenev himself, after the break with Princess R. could not throw away thoughts about this woman. He was tormented, jealous, strove for her everywhere, until she decided to go abroad. But this did not stop him, he resigned and went after the princess. Like Pauline Viardot, the princess constantly gave new hope to Kirsanov. In Baden, she and Pavel Petrovich reunited, but a month later it was all over. Princess R. left the town and avoided meeting her former lover. Kirsanov, like Turgenev, met many women on his life path, but he carried the memory of this woman and love for her throughout his life.
    There is one mystery in this story that is supposed to have multiple solutions. Pavel Petrovich gives his beloved a ring with a sphinx carved on a stone and says that the sphinx is her. After the death of Princess R., he receives back an envelope with this ring. She drew a cruciform line over the stone with the sphinx and told him to say that the cross was the answer.
    The first version of the solution to this riddle is that Princess R. put an end to their relationship and by this she wanted to show that she had never loved Kirsanov. The second version is that the cross is the beginning of a new life, and with this, Princess R. hinted to Pavel Petrovich that he should forget her and start new life, try to find love after her death.
    The story of Pavel Petrovich and Princess R. can be compared with the myth of Oedipus. This myth tells about the sphinx, half-woman, half-lion, who made riddles to all travelers, and if they did not solve them, she ate them. found only person, Oedipus, who was able to solve all her riddles. She did not survive such grief and threw herself off a cliff. It can be assumed that Princess R. is a sphinx, and Pavel Petrovich is Oedipus. But only Kirsanov could not solve the riddle of his beloved and paid for it, losing her forever.
    The tragic love story of Pavel Petrovich plays very big role in the work. She mentally brings together the main characters, Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov, people whose ideas about the meaning of life, about fate common people are very different and whose disputes formed the basis of Turgenev's work.

    At the center of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", written on the eve of the reform of 1861, is the problem of the relationship between generations. It is considered both from the point of view of the socio-historical conflict of generations of "fathers"-liberals and "children"-nihilists, and the eternal conflict of fathers and children within the family. From the position of the first conflict, the image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is considered, and the image of Nikolai Petrovich is included in the second. This determines the difference in their role and significance in the novel, as well as the difference in the characters and destinies of the two Kirsanov brothers.

    At first it seems that there is much in common between them: they both belong to the layer of the noble intelligentsia, are well educated, brought up in the best traditions noble culture, both people are thinking and sensitive. Nikolai Petrovich is more poetic, passionate about music, while Pavel Petrovich is somewhat dry, strict in manners, and even in the countryside dresses like a "dandy of London." But in general, both of them represent, in the words of Turgenev, "cream" noble society. At the same time, each of the Kirsanov brothers experienced a lot: Pavel Petrovich had a romantic, all-consuming love for the mysterious Countess R., and Nikolai Petrovich cannot forget his beloved wife, mother of Arkady. By the time the novel began, each of them was destined to survive the loss of a beloved woman, and both of them had already crossed the forty-year milestone. True, Nikolai Petrovich is trying to create new family with a young woman, Fenechka, and with trepidation awaits how Arkady will perceive the birth of his younger brother. Pavel Petrovich has never been married, he keeps the memory of the countess, although he is also secretly in love with Fenechka.

    The Kirsanov brothers are perceived by young heroes - Arkady and Bazarov - as representatives of the generation of fathers, almost old people who are living out their lives. At the same time, both brothers do not agree with such an assessment of their capabilities: they are still full of strength and ready to defend their positions. But in how they do it, the difference in their characters and capabilities affects. Pavel Petrovich, faced with the nihilist Bazarov, is ready to rush into battle and wages an uncompromising struggle for the "principles" so dear to him. Literally everything in Bazarov irritates him - the manner of dressing, speaking, behaving, but the merciless Bazarov denial of everything that is so dear to Kirsanov Sr. is especially hateful to him. This confrontation first turns into an ideological dispute, and then leads to a duel. But the fates of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov are similar: both are doomed to a lonely, bobyl life, which ends with a break with everything that was dear to them. Bazarov dies, and Pavel Petrovich, who has become like a dead man, lives out his life in England, away from his family and friends.

    Nikolai Petrovich, on the contrary, is much softer in his attitude towards young generation, he is even ready to agree with them on something and is trying to understand what worries young people, what they aspire to. The son of Nikolai Petrovich Arkady, who arrived from St. Petersburg, is at first under great influence his friend Bazarov and is somewhat harsh towards his father and uncle. But Nikolai Petrovich is trying not to aggravate the conflict, but on the contrary, to find a way to mutual understanding. And such a position gives its beneficial results. At the end of the novel, we see how Arkady, who got rid of the “illness” of nihilism and married Katya, gets along well with his father Nikolai Petrovich, his new wife Fenechka and younger brother under the roof of his father's house in Maryino. The son successfully continues his father's business of organizing a farm. So the baton from one generation naturally passes to another - this is the norm of life, consecrated by tradition and eternal, enduring values.

    (338 words) The novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev is a socio-psychological novel of the second half of the 19th century. It represents the interests of two estates: the obsolete nobility and the new intelligentsia, whose time has not yet come. Most prominent representatives two epochs in the novel are the young nihilist scientist Yevgeny Bazarov and the former officer of the Guards Regiment Pavel Petrovich. If many works are devoted to the image of the first, then much attention is not always paid to the character of the hero from the generation of fathers. That is why I dedicate my essay to the disclosure of this character.

    Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a representative of the generation of "fathers", the brother of Nikolai Petrovich and the uncle of Arkady. He is the main antagonist of Yevgeny Bazarov, the defender of the interests of the nobility. He "arranged his life for the English taste." The hero is distinguished by pride and mockery, he tries to avoid communication with people. His appearance also speaks of his views: he is always dressed with aristocratic sophistication, his well-groomed nails are most striking. The existence of a man rests on the postulates of the liberal nobility. "Principles" for Kirsanov Sr. are the basis of life (in contrast to the lack of "principles" in Bazarov). In verbal fights with a friend of his nephew, he looks unconvincing: he is always the first to call the enemy to talk, his calmness and stiffness are replaced by irritation and misunderstanding of life without ideals. He declares freedom and equality, but only in words, in fact the hero denies progress and always loses to Bazarov in an argument.

    However, the image of Pavel Petrovich is not so simple. He was a dandy and a favorite of women until he met Princess R. He left his brilliant career and devoted his life to the love of this woman. After her death, he was devastated and began to live with his brother. Being a kind and sensitive person, he helped Nikolai Petrovich in every possible way and often borrowed money. Pavel Petrovich has feelings for Fenechka, who reminds him of his beloved. He rushes to defend the honor of his brother and his chosen one, challenging Bazarov to a duel after the kiss episode. He defends his views to the last, quietly living out his life. In all these actions we see the nobility, passion and strength of character of a proud and courageous person. At the end of the novel, we learn that Pavel Petrovich went to live in Dresden, thus marking the passing of the generation of fathers into the past.

    Thus, the image of Pavel Petrovich can rightly be considered one of the most interesting and significant in the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev.

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    "Fathers and Sons" - a novel by I. S. Turgenev, a landmark for that time. It was written in 1860. His heroes became knowing Russia an example to follow. And people like Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characteristics are given in this article, simply lived out their lives.

    What place does Kirsanov take in the novel?

    Turgenev's novel shows an acutely social period of time, when the old foundations are collapsing at an incredible speed, and they are being replaced by new, progressive ones.

    Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characterization shows his position as an "old-timer", occupies a central place in the work. He, along with several other characters, represents the "fathers", an established social class.

    In the face of Pavel Kirsanov, a whole generation is represented, which receives only reproaches and condemnation from others. And all that remains for them is to live out their lives, looking at the growing progress of society.

    From the title it is clear that the novel is a kind of confrontation: young and old, new and old. Turgenev puts Pavel Kirsanov in a pair with the nihilist and revolutionary thought Bazarov. At the end of the work, the reader must find out which of them will win.

    Life story

    The novel takes place in 1859. The landowner Nikolai Kirsanov has an older brother, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The characteristic immediately betrays in him a strong and smart person. He is a military man, graduated from the page corps. Because of his status, he has always been successful in society, especially with women.

    At twenty-eight he received the rank of captain and was preparing for brilliant career. But suddenly his whole life changed dramatically. Of course, he met a woman who became fatal for him.

    A certain Princess R. in St. Petersburg society was known as a frivolous young lady and a coquette. But Kirsanov fell in love with her without memory. The princess, who at first reciprocated his feelings, quickly lost interest in the officer.

    Pavel Petrovich was deeply struck by this outcome, but did not give up. Passion for this woman consumed him, incinerated him from the inside. It is surprising that he did not feel satisfaction from their meetings, there was no joy in his heart, only bitter annoyance in his soul.

    In the end, breaking with the princess, Kirsanov tried to return to old life. But she didn't let him go. In every woman he saw her features. Even in Fenechka, the beloved of his brother Nikolai.

    Together with his brother, he lived on the estate of Maryino, and then went to distant Dresden, where his life faded away.


    The appearance of Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich changed with the development of the events of the novel. Initially, the reader is presented with a real aristocrat, a well-groomed man dressed to the nines. Only by looking at him, one could understand that Kirsanov was a noble dandy and a secular person. The manner of holding and talking betrayed it in him.

    Turgenev points out that his gray hair was in perfect order, his face had no wrinkles and was unusually beautiful.

    However, in disputes with Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich was transformed. He no longer radiated complete calm. As his irritation grew at not understanding the views young man, the number of wrinkles increased, and the hero himself turned into a decrepit old man.


    The aristocrat Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characterization is very positive, is shown to be smart, impeccably honest, and principled. However, he is a representative of the old generation with prim habits and views.

    Kirsanov is far from ordinary people, does not understand and does not accept him. And the people are afraid of him, as Bazarov aptly put it. The hero is an adherent of everything English. This is expressed in his behavior, habits, conversations. Quotes by Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov fully reveal his character and views. The liberal principles with which he boasts remain only on the lips. But, despite this, he is a worthy opponent of Bazarov, although he always loses to him.

    Pavel Kirsanov characterizes the "old guard". His departure to Dresden is very symbolic, as it represents the departure of a whole generation into the past.

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