Pechorin's attitude to love. Was there love in Pechorin's life? The writing


Characteristics of the main characters of the work Woe from Wit, Griboyedov. Their images and description

Chief male and only positive character comedy. He was left an orphan quite early, and was brought up in the house of his father's friend, Famusov. The patron gave him an excellent education, but could not instill in Chatsky his worldview. Growing up, Chatsky began to live separately. Subsequently, he quit military service, but did not become an official.

One of the main characters in comedy. If the surname Famusov is translated from Latin, then it will mean "famous, enjoying fame." Famusov lives on the estate, but judging by his many friends, he is very a famous person in your circle. He likes to brag that he belongs to noble nobles. Famusov is hospitable, sociable, a lover of living in a big way.

Central female character comedy. Events unfold around her. Sophia is 17 years old, she was raised by her father and old Rosier. She lost her mother when she was very young. Sophia is very beautiful, smart, witty and quick-witted, but due to reading French novels, she is a bit sentimental and romantic.

Most negative character in comedy. He does not belong to upper strata society, he comes from common people. Came to work from Tver. Lives in Famusov's house, works as a secretary and takes care of his daughter Sophia. Strives to make a career. The purpose of his life is the highest ranks and wealth.

Minor but very important character comedies, a cheerful, young maid who lives and works in Famusov's house. She is a typical soubrette who helps her mistress Sophia in love affairs. We can say that Lisa is smart and very quick-witted.

A minor character, a wealthy colonel who wants to become a general, and Famusov sees in him the ideal groom for his daughter. Although Khlestova did not like him, he had weight in society. Skalozub's whole life is connected with the army. He is rude and ignorant, having been raised in the barracks.

A minor character in a comedy, one of the first guests at a ball in Famusov's house; typical representative « Famus Society", a henpecked and a hypocrite. Pyotr Ilyich appears at the ball not alone, but with his whole family - with his malicious and caustic wife Marya Alekseevna and six marriageable daughters.

A minor character in a comedy, who appears the very last at Famusov's ball. He is an old friend of Chatsky, which can be judged by the words with which he meets him: “Heart friend! Dear friend! On the other hand, very soon it becomes clear that this character is just an empty talker and a superficial person.

One of the most memorable secondary heroines of the comedy, with whom the author introduces the reader at a party at Famusov's; domineering and rude mistress-serf. Full name heroines - Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova. She is Famusov's sister-in-law, and, accordingly, Sophia's aunt.

Minor character in comedy. He appears at a dinner party in Famusov's house and perfectly complements the assembled society. He is a man of the world, well known in wide circles. He loves to go to the theater, attend balls and parties. At the same time, everyone knows that Zagoretsky is a notorious swindler, gambler and rogue.

One of the most memorable secondary characters in comedy; Famusov's guest and Chatsky's old friend. Platon Mikhailovich Gorich served with Chatsky in the same regiment. Now he has retired, married and lives in Moscow. Chatsky notices the change that has taken place in his comrade after his marriage, and is ironic about this.

Wife of Platon Mikhailovich Gorich in comedy; a prime example embodiment of female power. Natalya Dmitrievna completely subjugated her husband, treated him like a child every now and then, intrusively caring for him. With her excessive concern for the health of Platon Mikhailovich, she killed in him the excitement of life, that enthusiasm that Chatsky had previously seen in his eyes.

Speech characteristics of characters in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"

MKOU "Mogilno-Poselskaya secondary school"

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Sobolkova Natalya Vladimirovna

1.List of aphoristic expressions actors comedy


A little light - already on your feet! and I am at your feet.

- ... And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us.

And yet, he will reach the known degrees,

After all, today they love the dumb.

Wanted to travel around the world

And did not go round a hundredth.

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.

Fresh legend, but hard to believe.

Houses are new, but prejudices are old.

Rejoice, they will not exterminate

In addition to honesty, there are many joys:

They scold here, but there they thank.

So! I sobered up completely

Dreams out of sight - and the veil fell.

Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore.

I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,

Where there is a corner for the offended feeling ...!

Carriage for me, carriage!

Empty, slavish, blind imitation.

Listen, lie, but know the measure;

- Women shouted: hurrah!

And they threw caps into the air.

Pardon me, we are not guys,

Why are other people's opinions only holy?

We used to believe

That we have no salvation without the Germans.

Reason contrary, contrary to the elements.

It's good where we're not.

Mind and heart are not in harmony.


Oh! gossips scarier than a gun.

I dare not advise you.

In my summers must not dare

Have your own opinion...

Moderation and prudence.


Happy hours are not observed.

The hero is not my novel.


Bypass us more than all sorrows

And master's wrath and royal love.

Well, people in this side!

She to him, and he to me ...

And the golden bag, and marks the generals. (About Skalozub)


You can't fool me with learning.

The distance is huge.

I don't know, sir, it's my fault;

We did not serve together.


No other sample needed

When in the eyes of an example of a father.

Who is poor, he is not a couple for you.

Don't read like a sexton.

And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

That's it, you are all proud!

Would you ask how the fathers did?

What a father and son honor.

Learning is the plague, learning is the cause.

Well, how not to please your own little man.

If evil is to be stopped:

Ba! all familiar faces.

There are strange dreams, but in reality it is stranger.

To the village, to the wilderness, to Saratov!

You, the current ones, come on!

All Moscow ones have a special imprint.

Well, how not to please your dear little man?

Signed, so off your shoulders.

2. Life position of the hero

Famusov is a typical Moscow gentleman of the 19th century, with a characteristic mixture of tyranny and patriarchy. (That's it, you are all proud! Would you ask how the fathers did it?). His political ideals boil down to the glorification of everything old, established: he lives well, and he does not want any changes. The ideal person for Famusov is one who has made a profitable career; it does not matter to him by what means this is achieved. Subservience and meanness are also a good path for him, as long as they lead to desired result. The careerist Famusov does not even think about the fact that the service is not only “signed, so off his shoulders”, but also care for the people, the state. It is in education that he sees the cause of madness. young man, considers enlightenment an evil and offers a radical means of ridding the country of this evil:

If evil is to be stopped:

Take away all the books and burn them.

The puffer is all in external, humanly insignificant, soulless: noisy, pulled into a uniform, preoccupied only with military exercises by dancing. This is a typical Arakcheev officer: stupid and thoughtless, an opponent of any free thought and enlightenment. (“You won’t fool me with learning”).

Molchalin is a petty official who tries to please all people, spending his time with old people in order to be noticed and distinguished. He wants to be noble, rich, accepted in " high society". The ideal of his life for him is as follows: "And take the award, and live happily." Therefore, Molchalin is engaged in sycophancy and hypocrisy, which help him advance his career. He already has awards and is Famusov's indispensable assistant, although Molchalin, in his own words, has only two talents - moderation and accuracy.

Sophia is a typical Moscow young lady, not stupid, brought up on French novels. Having read sentimental novels, dreams of a timid, quiet, tender beloved, whom she will marry and make of him a "boy-husband", a "boy-servant".

Chatsky is a true patriot, ready to give all his strength and talents to happiness home country:("And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us..."). He returns to Russia with a desire to change better life Russian society, but sees that no changes have taken place during his absence. The country is dominated by the same conservative mores:

Houses are new, but prejudices are old.

Rejoice, they will not exterminate

Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires.

Chatsky has a lot of virtues, but he does not serve anywhere. The reason is the unwillingness to engage in hypocrisy and sycophancy, as the hero’s words clearly speak of: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.” Chatsky always defends personal opinion, he is the enemy of all authorities. Most of all, he hates despotism and slavery, stupidity and dishonor, mental and moral deafness. ("Empty, slavish, blind imitation").

3. The commonality of the worldview of representatives of the Famus society

The images of Moscow nobles in comedy have many common features. These are reactionary-minded people, persecutors of everything advanced. The first characteristic of the representatives of the Famus society is given by the names of the heroes of the comedy. Continuing the traditions of Fonvizin, Griboyedov uses the technique of "speaking surnames".

The people gathered in Famusov's house are staunch supporters of the autocratic-serf system. The past, the "golden age" of the Russian nobility is dear to them:

Then not what it is now:

Under the Empress, he served Catherine.

This society is afraid of everything new. Famusov and his guests are liberal, they speak directly and proudly of their commitment to the “gone century”:

Not that novelties were introduced - never,

Save us God! Not…

The personal qualities of a person, his soul are not of interest to these people. Here everyone is judged by wealth and origin. Everything is determined by money, medals and the number of serfs:

Be poor, yes, if you get enough

Souls of a thousand two tribal,

That and the groom.

Understanding that the number of serfs determines the place of a nobleman in society, Famusov's guests do not see people in the peasants. Serfs are sold, exchanged for dogs. Khlestova, for example, comes to the Famusovs with a dog and a “black-haired girl” and asks the owner’s daughter, Sofya:

Tell them to feed them, already, my friend.

From supper we sent a handout.

For this Moscow lady, a dog and a living person are equivalent. Famusov, angry with the servants, threatens:

To work you! to the settlement!

The purpose of the life of these gentlemen is a career, honors, wealth. Maxim Petrovich, "a nobleman in the event" under Catherine, chamberlain Kuzma Petrovich - these are role models. Hypocritical, stupid, but rich and noble people. Famusov dreams of marrying his daughter to Skalozub only because he "And the golden bag, and aims for the generals." Service Moscow nobles consider as a source of income, a means of achieving ranks. Protection, nepotism is a common occurrence in the world of these people. Nobles care about the interests of the country, but about personal gain.

The ignorant nobility is an ardent persecutor of science and education and is not ashamed of it. Such people were the stronghold of the reaction in the struggle with the mind.

The upbringing received by the Moscow barchuks makes them alien to their people. They do not know mother tongue, bow before everything foreign. The nobility is cut off from the people's soil.

4. Manifestation in aphorisms social status Molchalin, his dependence on influential representatives of aristocratic Moscow

Rootless Molchalin is obsequious and modest. He lives according to the covenant of his father: "to please all people without exception", never to express his opinion:

In my summers must not dare

Have your own opinion...

Molchalin is sensitive to any changes and, although not far off in his mind, is well oriented in social structure. He is very cunning, quirky, always able to find the “key” to every influential person:

There the pug will stroke in time,

Here at the right time the card will be rubbed ...

He considers “moderation and accuracy” his main talent.

The purpose of Molchalin's life is to go up the career ladder, slowly but surely. He dreams of becoming rich and powerful. He is not even ashamed of the fact that he will humiliate himself a lot in order to achieve his goal.

5. How is the conflict between the “current century” and the “past century” reflected in the aphorisms of Chatsky and his ideological opponents

« the main role, of course, - the role of Chatsky, without which there was no comedy, but there would, perhaps, be a picture of morals. I. A. Goncharov One cannot but agree with Goncharov that the figure of Chatsky determines the conflict of comedy - the conflict of two eras. It arises because people with new views, beliefs, goals begin to appear in society. Such people do not lie, do not adapt, do not depend on public opinion. Therefore, in an atmosphere of servility and servility, the appearance of such people makes their clash with society inevitable. The problem of mutual understanding of the “current century” and the “past century” was relevant for the time when Griboyedov created the comedy “Woe from Wit”, it is still relevant today. So, at the center of the comedy is the conflict between "one sane person" (according to Goncharov) and the "conservative majority".

Chatsky perfectly understands his incompatibility with the world of the Famusovs and Molchalins. His aphorisms are sharp and firm: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve,”

“Houses are new, but prejudices are old. Rejoice, neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires will destroy them ... ". These refined remarks of Chatsky, as it were, outline the boundary between him and the “gone century”, but not yet obsolete, not dead.

Chatsky opposes the society of ignoramuses and feudal lords. He fights against noble villains and sycophants, swindlers, rogues and scammers. In his famous monologue "Who are the judges..." he tore the mask off the vile and vulgar Famus world, in which the Russian people turned into an object of purchase and sale, where landowners changed serfs who saved "both honor and life ... more than once” to “borzoi three dogs”. Chatsky defends a real person, humanity and honesty, intelligence and culture. He protects the Russian people, his Russia from the bad, the inert and the backward. Chatsky wants to see a literate, cultured Russia. He defends this in disputes, conversations with all the characters in the comedy "Woe from Wit", directing all his mind, wit, evil, irascibility and determination to this.

Chatsky's speech is somewhat bookish (“he speaks like he writes”), which indicates his great erudition and education, but the precarious position of his ideas in this mundane society. AT syntactically Chatsky's speech is more complicated than the speech of other characters. She has features of a journalistic style, especially in his accusatory monologues, written as angry satires. He uses a lot of exclamations and rhetorical questions, this is also explained by the fact that the hero is young and in love, his speech is passionate and passionate:

And who are the judges?

Where? show us, Fathers of the Fatherland,

which we are to take as models?


He traded three greyhounds for them!!!

That Nestor of noble scoundrels...

In the sciences, he will stick the mind, hungry for knowledge ...

Chatsky's speech is most characteristic of aphorism and wit:

BUT , however, he will reach known degrees,

After all, now they love the dumb ...

And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet to us and pleasant!

6. How is the aphoristic style related to artistic method author and poetic form of comedy

The author put all the power of his poetic talent into comedy, creating a play filled with deep content, but unusually easy to read, remember and perceive by the viewer. Comedy owes this property to Griboedov's witty and lively language. The play reflects the era that came after Patriotic War 1812 Griboedov depicts the Moscow nobility of this period. Both the language and the style of the play reflect precisely this era and this society.

Features of the language of comedy are associated, firstly, with the innovation of the method and genre of comedy. Recall that comedy in the era of classicism was considered a low genre, in which colloquial language reduced to rudeness was allowed. Griboyedov partially preserves and partially breaks this tradition: the play was really written by a different spoken language, but nevertheless literate and literary, harmoniously fitting into the poetic form; the language is not reduced to rudeness and as close as possible to the literary colloquial speech.

The language of the play, if possible, is freed from borrowed foreign words, as well as from archaisms, Church Slavonicisms, characteristic of the book speech of the past century, which noticeably "facilitates" it, makes it accessible and easy to understand.

Griboyedov believed that the basis literary language must be alive vernacular. He passionately protested against the clogging of the Russian language foreign words and expressions. He fulfilled these requirements in his comedy. The language of the play is simple, colloquial, replete with well-aimed expressions.

Griboedov showed himself to be a master of aphorisms. The word for him was a smashing weapon, and many expressions from the play, thanks to their accuracy and strength, became winged - they moved from the pages of comedy to live speech and enriched her.

There are a lot of winged expressions. They serve as one of the means of characterizing the actors. Often, in the mouth of one character, the author puts a description of another: “And a golden bag, and aims for generals” (Liza about Skalozub).

Pushkin, having read Woe from Wit, was delighted with the language and verse of the comedy. "I'm not talking about poetry: half of it should become a proverb," ​​he wrote to Bestuzhev.

Griboyedov took over from Krylov the experience of using colloquial speech in poetry. The comedy is written in iambic six-foot, which is often interspersed with shorter lines. In the very first four verses of the comedy we observe this diversity:

It's getting light! Oh! how soon the night passed! (5)

Yesterday asked to sleep - refusal. (four)

"Waiting for a friend." - Need an eye and an eye, (4)

Don't sleep until you roll off your chair. (6)

Elsewhere, the four-foot iambic is replaced by a one-foot one:

... Let me make sure;


Such is the verse of comedy, conveying the rhythm of lively speech in all its variety of shades.

Griboyedov also handles rhyme freely, using different ways and rhyming order. All this gives the language of comedy a lively, colloquial character. In this freedom and diversity lies the charm of the free verse "Woe from Wit". “It is impossible to imagine,” Goncharov wrote in the article “A Million of Torments,” “that another, more natural, simple, more taken from life speech could ever appear. The rose and the verse merged into something inseparable, then, it seems, so that it would be easier to keep them in memory and put back into circulation all the mind, humor, joke and anger of the Russian mind and language collected by the author.


A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

I.A. Goncharov "A million torments"

Russian history literature XIX in. Bibliographer. index M - L. 1962.

Kichikova B.Ya. Genre originality"Woe from Wit" Griboyedov. // Russian literature. - 1996.

Griboedov's comedy Woe from Wit unfolds a confrontation between two different mindsets: the mindset of the protagonist Chatsky and the mindset of Famusov's society, the "current century" and the "past century". The characters of both sides of the conflict have completely opposite views, but Famusov, unlike the main character, has a significant numerical superiority.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky- a nobleman, a representative of the "current century". Together with Sofya, Famusov's daughter, with whom he is in love, for some time he lived and was brought up in her father's house. The hero defends freedom, opposes serfdom and the lies of the authorities, he is a true patriot. The desire for freedom and truth is similar to the Decembrists.

Based on the character of Chatsky, we can say that he is an extremely sensitive, ardent and passionate person. What is evidenced by his reaction to the views and words of Famusov, his indignation. He overreacts. Some might say that his arguing and trying to convince this vicious society are like throwing pearls in front of pigs. However, this also makes Chatsky very honest.

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov- a wealthy Moscow official, a representative of the "past century", like almost all the other characters in the play, except for Chatsky. Famusov's main ideals are rank and money. He is an adherent of the old foundations, traditions and orders. Famusov pleases the ranks above, but the ranks below do not do any good. Hates everything related to science, any education and books:

"Collect all the books and burn them."

Sofia Pavlovna Famusova- His seventeen-year-old daughter. Contrary to the ideals of his father, he loves to read, although only French novels. Smart, smart and attractive girl. because of strong love to books, she fell in love with the mean Molchalin, seeing in him the hero of the novel, but not seeing the true nature.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin- Famusov's secretary. As can be understood from his last name, he is taciturn. Cunning, sneaky liar. He deceives Sophia for the sake of profit, because she is the daughter of a wealthy official, in fact, she also takes care of the maid Lisa. Cowardly, very helpful and obsequious:

"My father bequeathed to me:
First, to please all people without exception ... "

Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub- A colonel obsessed with the army and promotions. He dreams of becoming a general. For him, Famusov wants to marry Sophia. By nature Skalozub is a very shallow and limited person.

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky- an acquaintance of Famusov. Often happens at social events, a swindler, a gambler, a deceiver and a gossip.

Repetilov- an acquaintance of Chatsky. A characteristic feature of the character of this character is the need to repeat what he heard from others. He has absolutely no opinion of his own. His words are empty and meaningless. Excessive talkativeness comes from an unconscious desire to fill the inner emptiness with something.

The Famus society cannot accept Chatsky, for them he is crazy. Chatsky in this society is doomed to loneliness.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky- a young male nobleman who adheres to new, more modern views and concepts. He goes against the old and all centuries old traditions. Chatsky believes that it is precisely because of old customs that Russia cannot become the greatest power.

Alexander has a bad attitude towards submission, lies, bribery and much more. He sees no reason to love and run in search of tender feelings. Also, Chatsky does not understand why the old people adhere to old opinions, forgetting about the present, and cannot understand that it is science that will lift the country to heaven.

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov- one of the most prominent representatives of the old time, who was accustomed to bribes and other vices. Famusov has a high rank, but he received it not thanks to his mind and ingenuity, but with the help of other people. Paul does not understand new trends and blindly believes in the old orders.

But you don't have to think that the hero has only one negative traits, there are others. After the death of his friend, he took custody of his son and raised him as his own. Famusov is an arrogant person who finds love only in money, which is why he believes that you need to get married only if it brings money, otherwise you should not worry.

Sofia Famusova- daughter of Pavel Famusov. She is a proud, brash, narcissistic woman who doesn't mind playing with a man's feelings either for profit or just for her own amusement. At one time, she fell in love with Chatsky, and for a long time "played" with him, until it was all over. Also, Sophia at one time "had fun" with Molchalin, who suited her more than his friend.

The main problem, why Sophia did not grow together with relations with Chatsky, is different outlooks on life. Like her father, a woman is quite critical of everything new, she prefers older orders and foundations.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin- is the chief secretary of Famusov. He is a rather arrogant and cunning person who in everything tries to find a benefit for himself first. Aleksey is a person who prefers to remain silent and stay away in order to enter into a conflict in time, and he has taken a more correct and advantageous position for himself.

Despite his cunning and arrogance, he is quite a dreamy person who believes in a better future. Molchalin is a careerist, and dreams of finding a rich and profitable job, having high rank to be respected and praised by others, and to ascend into high society. It is thanks to this that a man tries to please every person from high society. Molchalin does not have a noble family, therefore, in such ways, he tries to take his place under the stars.

Option 2

The main theme of the work in the form of confrontation of the century this century the past combined with love storyline is revealed by the writer in the images of the main characters of the comedy Chatsky, Famusov, his daughter Sophia and Molchalin.

Chatsky is presented as a young nobleman who does not recognize the ossified orders of the old society, criticizes the negative vices of bureaucracy, and shows true patriotic feelings.

He is opposed by a representative of the nobility in the image of Famusov, who does not accept changes in public life maintaining the status quo in a country mired in bribery and the use of necessary connections.

Famusov's daughter, Sophia, is a proud and dreamy girl who supports her father's position, considering Chatsky's proposals unreasonable.

In the image of Molchalin, the writer represents a true careerist who, with the help of flattery, servility, gains access to secular society and get a high rank.

The secondary characters of the comedy are Repetilov, depicted as an old friend of Famusov, distinguished by stupidity and empty talk, a wealthy middle-aged officer Skalozub, described as an ignorant martinet who dreams of a general's rank, and also a servant of the Famusov family, Lisa, characterized by quick wits, intelligence, but at the same time windiness.

An important place among the characters of the comedy is occupied by third-rate heroes, some of whom do not appear in the play with their own eyes, but their names are mentioned in the dialogues and monologues of other heroes of the work. Among them stand out Zagoretsky, an active participant card games, elderly spouses Tugoukhovsky, attending social events in order to marry six daughters, married couple Gorichey as part of the head of the family, Platon Mikhailovich, who is henpecked by his young wife, Natalya Dmitrievna.

In addition, among the representatives of the Famus society, the writer presents the old woman Khlestova, a pompous woman who in her old age became interested in breeding cats, as well as the barman Petrushka, a poor servant, distinguished by kindness and sincerity.

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