Winter horse triumphant on the firewood renews the path. Evaluation of student work in the lesson


People of the older generation cannot even imagine what bizarre pictures are piled up in the heads of children when reading this “rhyme”, which is no less popular than “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” ... Young parents are already used to passing obscure antiquities past their ears, and young grandmothers in modern Russian literary, they heard this “feeling” from their grandmothers and think that everyone understands the word. The smartest children will look in the dictionary, but they won't find it an outdated form of the gerund "smelling" from the verb "feel", almost equal in meaning to our usual "feel". The horse smelled the snow, felt that it was easier to drag the sleigh through the snow than the cart through the autumn mud ...

According to the definition of F. Hegel, “... a poetic representation<…>puts before our eyes, instead of an abstract essence, its concrete reality, that is, sensually perceived pictures, those sensual associations and sensations that arise in us in the process of reading. When reading, we imagine the appearance, characters and actions of people, specific landscapes, interiors, sounds, winter cold, heat in the desert, the splashing of waves and the singing of birds, and even what we consider fantastic, non-existent, incredible ... That special world is formed from all this , which is called the image of the world, art model real world. It is this model that leads us to understand the author's thought, what Hegel calls essence.

The teacher needs to firmly assimilate this truth and make it a familiar reality for students: a literary work necessarily contains an idea that is commensurate with the personality of the author, but one can come to an understanding of this idea only by getting used to all the details of the image of the world that this author created.

Often the clarification of the subject-pictorial semantic layer leads to the realization of the deep meaning of the text. Therefore, the first stage of work on literary work should consist in the greatest possible detail of the subject-pictorial side of the image of the world created by the author. To do this, the meanings of all words, real and connotative, must be explained in detail.

The study in the second grade of the stanza (Chapter V, stanza 2) from the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is customary to begin with an explanation obsolete words so that the children have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat firewood is, what they look like, what a peasant can look like and why he triumphs. But the lesson materials posted on the Internet show that the explanations are not complete enough, creating false ideas in children and, most importantly, not leading to an understanding of the true meaning of the text.

The results are unexpected. A peasant in a bright red sweater of modern thick knitting, a coachman's pink sheepskin coat - these are trifles, but they, like noise, prevent you from seeing the true picture and understanding the meaning of the stanza, which the poet created not at all for the sake of the number of lines for payment and not even for the sake of picturesqueness, entertaining the reader of a long novel.

Behind every word are background knowledge and sensual associations, which were relevant for the poet's contemporaries and ensured mutual understanding between the author and the reader, but are absent in the minds of today's children for a number of reasons. But there are also a number of reasons why we cannot help but study and skip such “difficult” texts, just as in the development of an embryo, a stage associated with ancient forms of life development cannot be missed. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare materials for sensory support of the associative background - visual and, possibly, auditory. After all, if the children themselves draw inaccurately, incorrectly, then the teacher will have to correct them, destroying the already formed impression. Images of firewood, a peasant of the 19th century. will allow you to achieve the necessary understanding without burdening the lesson with the analysis of irrelevant concepts and words.

About firewood

Firewood - not necessarily for firewood, but these are the simplest sleds, low, sometimes from a pair of logs with a floor, in which there is no seat for the rider; when there is no load supporting the back, he rules reclining. On the Internet, it is difficult to find suitable pictures so that it can be seen that the peasant updates the path those. makes a rut in the fresh snow . Should I order new pictures contemporary artists, but only attentive to the Pushkin word?

You can only go on firewood very close, for firewood to the nearest forest, to a stack of hay stored for the winter, to the river, and not along high road, but straight ahead, in a field or forest, because the firewood is practically dragged through the snow and it is almost impossible to tip over ... horse peasant, and therefore horse, which is not a heroic horse, but so-so ... And the clothes of the peasant are most likely homespun, the color of unbleached linen ...

Having understood all these details, the children will receive a drawing (real or verbal), where the whole picture will be expressed in everyday colors, where the space will be limited by the village, the nearest forest, and the road will look like a track laid on fresh snow. This is also hinted at by the exclamation that begins the stanza: any resident of Russia can imagine himself in the place of the author and remember when he, the reader, could exclaim like that.

Accumulation of voiceless consonants Cr e st janine, T O hw e st wow… will help to "hear" the creak of skids in the snow. The alliteration in the next line, with the appropriate work of the teacher, will create a background for the contrasting emphasis on the word "path":

H and others aries yah about new lays path

One fragment requires verbal actualization in the lesson: triumphant, / On firewood updates the path. The triumph of the peasant is obviously connected with the end autumn work , although modern children often explain it with joy from the first snow. In other words, only having completed the path of one season, the peasant immediately begins a new path : the poet pushes the ideas of the beginning and end of the path, emphasizing the seasonal, natural cyclicality of the peasant's life path, the isolation of the trajectory of his movement.

Coachman - trucker of past centuries

The third and fourth lines, after understanding all the meanings, will give the basis for a more vivid picture: fast movement is compared with flight, illustrated (in contrast to the peasant creak) with a sonorous articulatory-sound image br A zd s vzr awake(attention, explain to the children that the explosions have nothing to do with it! The furrows just remain, and the snow flies in all directions from the hooves and runners!) ; a daring coachman (not just a coachman!) in a red sash towers over everything around him - and all this creates a completely different sound-color coloring and emotional tone. Coachmen traveled along highways between cities and carried passengers and mail throughout the vast expanse of Russia, fulfilling the role of the current railway, aviation and truck drivers; in winter, moving off the road into a field or woods was deadly: bogged down with a horse in the snow, the driver could freeze himself and kill the passenger. Path coachman in this text, at a moment that is snatched from his life by the eyes of the author and the reader - this path itself is not named in any way, is not fixed and not limited. We do not know where and where the coachman is going, but we only know that this is his profession - to go, to be always on the road. He too blows the reins on new snow, but as if in infinity, and the verb-metaphor flies only reinforces this impression.

The game of life

The teacher, not understanding the peculiarities of the lexicon of children of the XXI century, does not consider it necessary to explain the words sled And bug, but in vain. According to the modern picture, the children will guess, but approximately. Old, pre-revolutionary pictures depict wooden sled-sleigh, and the dog must be black, because bug- this is not a nickname, but a common noun, metaphorical in origin, the name of a dog, black as a beetle .

Having understood the third picture, the children will see that the same triad - a man, an animal and a sleigh - is presented in it in a humorous way, like a child's game. The boy doesn't have his way, neither cyclical, like a peasant, nor infinite, like a coachman, he running around without a goal and a definite direction, but he is already playing in path .

By comparing all three pictures, the children will receive an image of the world, enclosed in a short stanza, as in a piece of a mirror. It has three moods, three scales, three spaces united by white snow, total time, through the idea of ​​movement and the symbolic number three.

And here we are forced to turn to another side artistic imagery the symbolism of art.

Perpetual motion

The concept of a symbol is used in everyday life, in science, and in art; as a result, the symbol is one of the most syncretic and controversial concepts.

Symbol (from the Greek sýmbolon) - among the ancient Greeks, a conditional material identification mark for members of a certain group of people, secret society. In art it is universal aesthetic category, expanding through comparison with adjacent categories artistic image and sign. The reader must constantly keep in mind that art is symbolic in principle, and verbal art, due to the power of the signifying and depicting word, is symbolic in the highest degree.

The rising sun is a conventional symbol of Japan (since the meridians are conventionally counted and the sunrise occurs in all countries), but a universal symbol of the beginning; in the same way, the sunset is a universal symbol of the end, the mountain is heights, the wind is freedom.

As a rule, the problem for the reader is precisely the universal symbols that lie behind the most ordinary things and do not attract attention: a house, window, PATH, sleigh, dog, river, blizzard...

The author of one of the dictionaries of symbols, J. Tressider, brings symbolism closer to everyday consciousness: “Symbols are often just images that imitate the shape of the creature or object with which they are associated. Their meanings are sometimes unexpected, but more often obvious, as they are based on some quality that these objects or creatures are originally inherent in: a lion - courage, a rock - stamina.

In our textbook, almost like folk song, the stanza contains at least three multi-valued and frequently used characters: path, window and number three. The main meaning of the symbol path enclosed in the expression life path»; on the way we meet Onegin for the first time, then they describe to us Tatyana's long journey to Moscow, and also a secret chapter about Onegin's journey ...

ABOUT kno separates and simultaneously connects two spaces - internal, closed (from where mother threatens the yard boy) and external, open, where this boy has already gone ...

Finally, the number three concluded in the trident of Poseidon, and in the shamrock, and in the Trinity, is found in almost every fairy tale; it symbolizes completeness and wholeness, past, present and future, it is both the formula of the universe and its spiritual beginning.

Three characters, three spaces, three moods, three paths, none intersect with the other, and only the AUTHOR sees all three...

In Slavic cultural tradition meaningful and sled as a symbol of death funeral rite, but, unlike the first three characters, it should be left for reflection at a more mature age.

If the teacher manages to convey to the current second-grader, of course, in a form accessible to him, the meaning of the stanza, which the whole of Russia mechanically memorizes in childhood, then the young reader of the novel, perhaps, will notice what place in it from the very first lines is occupied by movement in space and in time, and each character has his own path

Every person has their own WAY, and isn't that what the whole novel is about?

Tressider J. Dictionary of symbols. M., 1999. See also: HallJ. Dictionary of plots and symbols in art / Per. from English. M., 1996; Toporov V.N. Myth. Ritual. Symbol. Image: Studies in the field of mythopoetic: Selected works. M., 1995. S. 259–367; Adamchik B.B. Dictionary of symbols and signs. Minsk, 2006; Benoise L. Signs, symbols and myths. M., 2005; Guenon R. The realm of quantity and the signs of the times. M., 1994; Jean J. Signs and Symbols: Encyclopedia. M., 2005; Klimovich K. In the power of symbols. M., 2006; Popova N.N. antique and christian symbols. M., 2003; Rybakov B.A. The paganism of the ancient Slavs. M., 1997; Foley D. Encyclopedia of signs and symbols. M., 1997; Mythology: Encyclopedia / Comp. T. Zaritskaya. Minsk, 2002; Illustrated Encyclopedia of Symbols / Comp. A. Egazarov. M., 2007; Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems / Comp. V.L. Telitsyn et al. M., 2005.

Literary reading Shalaeva Galina Petrovna

"Winter! .. Peasant, triumphant ..."

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood updates the path;

His horse, smelling snow,

Trotting somehow;

Reins fluffy exploding,

A remote wagon flies;

The coachman sits on the irradiation,

In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.

Here is a yard boy running,

In the sled bug planting,

Transforming himself into a horse;

The scoundrel already froze his finger:

It hurts and it's funny

And his mother threatens him through the window ...

From the book Pickup Encyclopedia. Version 12.0 the author Oleinik Andrey

Winter Good cat and in December March. Can you tell me ... how many degrees Fahrenheit now? Excuse me, but today is such a beautiful day and wonderful sunny weather, except for the hard frost. Such beautiful girl as you walk down the street

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Winter. Skating rink 1915. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg This work wonderfully combines a vivid sense of nature - the cold northern sky with clouds turning pink from the evening sunset, the transparent lace of trees - and a subtle stylization of an old scene on a skating rink.

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WINTER Without three winters, winter does not become. There will be a hard frost if a tit squeaks strongly in the morning. moonlit nights the snow does not melt. The wind blew from the west or south-west - warming will come. People say: if there is a fierce winter, it will be hot

On firewood updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow...

This stanza of Pushkin from "Eugene Onegin" is studied in lower grades like a poem about nature. Surprisingly beautiful and picturesque lines about winter, about the first snow.

Pushkin has nothing superfluous, every word is significant and full-fledged. Winter! The peasant is jubilant. The researchers drew attention to the fact that Pushkin in the poem mentions the word peasant only once. In the courtyard of Christmas time - days that are significant for a Christian. Peasant and Christian are not just consonant. A peasant is a person who carries a cross, a Christian. He triumphs. Recall that the events refer to the 3rd of January. In those days, there was a belief that if the snow does not fall before January 2 - the day of commemoration of Sylvester Pechersky, then a terrible crop failure awaits people. But the snow fell on the 3rd night. Hence the triumph of the peasant, who must have been in despair the day before and begged the Almighty to send snow and protect him from crop failure.

The snow fell, and the peasant allowed himself to harness the horse to the sleigh (wood firewood). Maybe he went to the forest for firewood. There was no hurry, and he let his horse plod along without haste. The picture of the life of the Russian village is reflected in 16 lines of Pushkin.

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow;
Reins fluffy exploding,
A remote wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the irradiation
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Planting a bug in a sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny
And his mother threatens him through the window ...

"Winter! .. Peasant, triumphant ..." (excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin")

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood updates the path;

His horse, smelling snow,

Trotting somehow;

Reins fluffy exploding,

A remote wagon flies;

The coachman sits on the irradiation

In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.

Here is a yard boy running,

Planting a bug in a sled,

Transforming himself into a horse;

The scoundrel already froze his finger:

It hurts and it's funny

And his mother threatens him through the window.

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The creative history of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". In the draft papers of Pushkin during the Boldino autumn of 1830, a sketch of the scheme "Eugene Onegin" was preserved, visibly representing creative history novel: "Onegin" Note: 1823, May 9. Chisinau, 1830, 25

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"Eugene Onegin" (End) Pushkin's feat is great, which he was the first to poetically reproduce in his novel Russian society of that time, and in the person of Onegin and Lensky, he showed his main, that is, male, side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he is the first

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Belinsky V. G. "Eugene Onegin"

From the author's book

“Eugene Onegin” (end) Pushkin's great feat was that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, the male side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he is the first

From the author's book

N. G. Bykova "Eugene Onegin" The novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies a central place in the work of A. S. Pushkin. This is his biggest piece of art, the richest in content, the most popular, which had the strongest influence on the fate of the entire Russian

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow;
Reins fluffy exploding,
A remote wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the irradiation
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Planting a bug in a sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny
And his mother threatens him through the window...

This small excerpt from "Eugene Onegin" all Russian people know. But the further we move away from the era of A.S. Pushkin, the more difficult it is for young children to learn this poem by heart. Why? Because for 14 lines there are at least 8 obsolete words, without understanding which the child will not draw in his imagination a picture captured by the poet. He will not feel the joy and freshness of the first frosty day, the delight and unity of nature and man.

Children easily memorize verses when they understand them. Therefore, all incomprehensible words must be explained.

Drovni- this is a sleigh on which they carried firewood. reins- ruts, furrows, traces of runners in the snow. Kibitka- a covered wagon. What does covered mean? A leather or cloth top, a "hood", was attached to the sledge or flight crew, this is the prototype of the modern convertible.

A man driving horses and carts. The coachman ruled postal or coachman (similar to a taxi) wagons. He was sitting on the box, the driver's seat at the front of the wagon. Sheepskin coat - a fur coat, cut like a robe, hugging the whole body, as a rule, was belted with a sash - a belt sewn, as a rule, from a wide braid or cloth, sometimes with velvet at the ends, the sash tied a person around the waist and was used with outerwear. The red sash was a sign of panache, in addition, its color was easily recognizable from afar. The yard boy is a small servant in a manor house. Sled - our usual, manual, sled. And the Bug was the name of all black dogs. (What color should the dog be drawn for the fairy tale "Turnip"?)

Why does the wagon fly, the peasant triumphs, and the boy laughs? Because everyone is happy with the snow. Let's read the verses preceding "Winter ..." and opening the fifth chapter of the poem:

That year the autumn weather
Stood in the yard for a long time
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow fell only in January
On the third night.
Waking up early
Tatyana saw through the window
Whitewashed yard in the morning,
Curtains, roofs and fences,
Light patterns on glass
Trees in winter silver
Forty merry in the yard
And softly padded mountains
Winters are a brilliant carpet.
Everything is bright, everything is white around.

That's why everyone rejoices - the coachman, the peasant, the child, the mother: people were waiting for the snow and missed it.

Now that all unfamiliar words are understood, images begin to appear in the child. In the background, a fast wagon rushes, a fashionable coachman (a red sash!) Drives horses with daring. Snowflakes scatter around (like splashes scatter in the wake of a boat). Towards the wagon, or maybe behind it, a skinny peasant horse slowly drags along, she carries the peasant into the forest. Why not from the forest? Because the peasant horse renews the path, that is, it runs along the first snow, laying grooves, ruts, this is also an indication of part of the day. Morning, no doubt, early morning. Not everyone is awake yet.

The yard boy is not busy and can play. He rejoices in the first snow this winter, he is fiddling with a black dog and a sled, and although he is cold, he does not want to part with sunny sparks in the snow. His mother threatens him through the window, but does not interfere, she herself is glad of the snow - for her, snow means rest from field work and good winter, cheerful mood. She probably looks at her son and admires him, she probably smiles ...

Having well understood what the poem is about, and having drawn a picture in his imagination, the child will remember with pleasure the peasant, the wagon and the boy with the dog. The imagination will turn on, the feeling of frost and the winter sun will be remembered. By the way, such description poems give unlimited scope for drawing.

In connection with this work, older children can read the story of A.P. Chekhov "Not in a good mood" (1884). Main character, police officer Prachkin, for the first time in his life hears Pushkin's lines and comments on them in accordance with his life experience and bad mood after a card loss (staff bailiff - a police position in which a person led the investigation of police, executive and administrative cases):

"-" Winter ... The peasant, triumphant ... - monotonously crammed the son of the police officer, Vanya, in the next room. - The peasant, triumphant ... renews the path ... "

- "Triumphing ..." - reflects involuntarily listening to the bailiff. - "If he had been hit with a dozen hot ones, he would not have been very triumphant. Rather than triumph, it would be better to pay taxes regularly ...

- "His horse, smelling snow ... smelling snow, trots somehow ..." - Prachkin hears further and cannot refrain from remarking:

"- If only she would gallop away! What kind of trotter was found, say mercy! A nag - a nag is ...

- "Here is a yard boy running ... a yard boy, putting a bug in a sleigh ..."

- So, he ate, if he runs and indulges ... And the parents don’t have the mind to put the boy to work. Than to carry a dog, it would be better to chop wood ...

- "He is both hurt and funny, and his mother threatens ... and his mother threatens him through the window ..."

- Threat, threaten ... Too lazy to go out into the yard and punish ... I would lift his fur coat and chik-chik! chik-chik! It's better than shaking a finger... Otherwise, look, a drunkard will come out of him... Who composed this?" - in the end, Prachkin can't stand it.

- Pushkin, dad.

- Pushkin? Hm! .. Must be some kind of eccentric. They write and write, but what they write - they themselves do not understand! Just to write!"

However, here you need to act very delicately. Humor should be based on understanding the situation. Better take your time, don't read this story to children - junior schoolchildren until they are sure they understand why Apollon Grigoriev, poet and literary critic 19th century said: "Pushkin is our everything".

Tatyana Lavrenova

Comment on the article "Winter. The peasant triumphs"

I must be explaining badly. For example, I explained the meaning of the word train for a long time - these are wagons coupled to each other and a steam locomotive. He did not understand the meaning of Russian words well, where can we talk about English? They left the gymnasium by registration, went to a regular school.


It is possible (as the same colleague in the struggle for the cause and the sufferer) just with all my might, I wish everything to work out faster!

I won’t tell you about the case, but mine has some strange problem with memory (abstract?): He remembers many things from deep childhood or just little things, and the multiplication table can still stumble: (Everyone has his own kind of ...

go to a psychoneurologist, ask for a referral to the center of speech pathology and neurorehabilitation, where specialists will tell you in which direction to work.

After all, the word milk can be explained by the alternation of OLO LE: milk-milk, but the child has never heard that word milk and draw an analogy not I am my child deaf and ringing sounds I was able to teach only by showing the differences in oscillograms and spectrograms of sounds.


A little hint - when checking the spelling of adjectives with non-pronounced consonants, it is most convenient to put adj in short form: charming - charming, famous - famous. But if at all there is a problem with the selection of test words, then I advise you to do more exercises and read, read, read

Unpronounceable consonants are usually still checked. main idea that there should be a vowel after the suspicious place.
the fact that the child cannot come up with a test on his own is very inconvenient.
What exactly can't she think of? Can't think of any single-root ones? Can't think of cognates so that there is a vowel after a suspicious consonant?
Deal with the problem accordingly. It usually helps to perform rather boring exercises when there are many pairs of words "suspicious" - "test" and you need to insert or not insert a letter.
While doing a lot of these exercises, you come to an understanding of what type of word you need to look for in the test.

I'll explain why. The child likes to read about what interests him. What would be the interest if, after half an hour of panting, the child is finally a child who is just learning to read, it is difficult to read such a long word as transformers, with three consonants together.


I saw the interest in the signs. When I started trying to read them, I realized that interest woke up
She taught syllables and the form of words. That is, short ones were read immediately in words, long ones - in pieces, but not quite in syllables, but convenient for reading, as if singing a word
I learned to read in a few months, at 5.5. But then there were problems when he had to read in syllables at school, he had to represent the division into syllables.
Until the 4th I read better than anyone in the class.

Any advice for the future? DO NOT TEACH CHILDREN LETTERS until the time comes to pick up Zhukova's Primer. And you will be happy.

outdated words. Interesting on the web. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about a woman's life in the family, at work, relationships with It was because of these outdated words that my chuchundra read Rylsky's translation at first. And then she had favorite hobby compare...


For the first time I read "The Little Humpbacked Horse" on postcards, then my grandmother recited whole pieces from memory. Now we have a lovely edition, the illustrations are stylized as engravings. It was because of these obsolete words that my chuchundra first read Rylsky's translation. And then she had a favorite pastime to compare the Ukrainian version with Ershov’s text :) And I already told the pearl in Names: “Mom, why is Danilo and Gavrilo also in the Russian book? It’s in Ukrainian, but in Russian it should be Daniil and Gabriel!"

Conjugation of verbs. Lessons, extension. Education of children. Please help explain to a child (daughter's girlfriend) a foreigner who is studying Shaving, laying, resting, resting. Otherwise, they forget to give them in school textbooks, they seem to be outdated, but in the Unified State Examination they can be given for backfilling.


Does the child know French? What is the native language? I personally explained this to my absolutely Russian daughter by analogy with the verbs of groups 1-2-3 in French (for some reason, the conjugation of French verbs at school is done earlier). It immediately became clear. Is there something similar in other languages? In Finnish - for sure, but it's more difficult there.

There were two kingdoms-states.
Enemies attacked them and shouted: "Give us your women and children!!!"
In the FIRST state (I) they answered "EAT them, EAT!" (I is drawn to E)
In the SECOND state (II) they answered "SEE what you want!" (II is drawn to I)

If the verb ends with E, then this is the first conjugation
If the ending is with And, then the second

It is not clear how to explain to a 71-year-old man that now inflation is 30% per year, and interest in the bank is 10%. The amount is not very large - only 6 thousand bucks, but as a fact, they are 100% responsible for their words and perceived by relatives as adequate people, and not small children.

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