Decoration of a children's room in a rural library. What should be the design of the school library


Ten facts about the benefits of reading.

1. Reading makes you look sharper.

You will better understand and see the world and people, and most importantly, himself. good book be sure to read it again - you will surely see something new there.

2. Reading keeps you physically healthy.

Putting letters into words, words into images, realizing what the author wanted to express with them, and finding their own explanation for them is gymnastics for the brain. No risk of injury!

3. Reading has a positive effect on the environment.

If you are reading a book, it means that the tree from which it is made was not cut down in vain. There is no need to spend electricity or buy batteries to read books, and they are lighter than a laptop. You read, which means you can’t drive and walk the streets, which leads to a reduction in traffic jams and queues.

4. Reading will teach you how to communicate.

Your interesting remarks will miraculously transform even boring conversations about yesterday's sports events or television program. And your growing talent for storytelling will allow you to easily attribute adventures to yourself. fictional characters. Especially great impression it produces on people who hardly read.

5. Reading helps you have a good time. free time.

You will never get tired of reading books, because there are so many of them, several lifetimes are not enough to read them all. You have to try many different genres before you find books that you really enjoy. Don't give up until you find "your" book, because it can change your life.

6. Reading brings peace.

Parents, teachers and other adults will be so happy to see the child reading that they will not pull it once again.

7. Reading is good for your wallet.

First, books are cheaper than computer games. Secondly, your friends will not be tormented by the choice of a gift if they find out that you like to read. And thirdly, there are always libraries - books are worthless there.

8. Reading helps you concentrate.

You can read both to the music and during classes: read and not pay attention to the fuss around. A trained reader can easily watch four programs in parallel, switching channels all the time. If you wish, you can read in transport.

9. Reading is good for your figure.

Don't be afraid to gain extra pounds. A reading person does not need high-calorie food to cope with the hardships of a boring life. With a book, you can travel as far as you want and make your wildest dreams come true. It’s harder to seduce you with popcorn: after all, the “movie” is already going on in your head.

10. Reading is good for parents.

By watching a child enjoy a book, adults are drawn into reading too, even if they are too busy to read. Adults will be grateful to the child for their newfound happiness.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Using the information search and selection system in the school library to meet the information needs of readers

One of the social orders modern society is success in lifelong learning and in everyday interpersonal communication for any citizen. This can...

Every day we are confronted with information "pouring" on us from all sides. Almost everywhere, and in the library too, we see stands, leaflets, leaflets that we ... simply do not notice anymore. Do our readers read our stands? Do they find the information they need there?

Let's figure it out together. Known fact- Better to see once than hear a hundred times. For your attention I I propose Today a selection of photographs of information stands from different libraries made both professionally and with the help of design solutions of the librarians themselves. For ease of perception of information, I conditionally divided the photos into several sections.

I note that fellow methodologists on the topic of information stands have written quite good recommendations. Let's start with them, actually.

..." The main goal in attracting readers to the library is not so much the introduction of various services, but ensuring their demand, promotion of intellectual products and the same services.

Promotion- This various forms information, persuasion of users, or reminders of library services and products.

Main tasks promoting library services are:

formation of a prestigious image (image) of the library in the minds of the population, representatives of local authorities, public organizations etc.;

informing about new services introduced by the library;

maintaining the popularity of existing library services, persuading users to claim them;

informing potential users about the time, place and conditions for the provision of services;

focusing user attention on specific properties and the benefits of the library services offered, on the freeness of basic forms of service.

The first photos on the topic "library", "library". The use of these words is the most popular in the name of the stands - here is the world, and the city, and the dossier, and the corner with the courier. In my opinion, any names look decent, the main thing is that the "courier" promptly changes information, the "world" reflects the "global" scale, and the "dossier" ... by the way, what is in your "information dossier", gentlemen- librarians?

We continue to study information stands. Colleagues suggest filling the resource with the following materials:

Basic information: name of the library; the library network of which it is a part; mode of operation; FULL NAME. librarian; composition of the fund

The goals and objectives of the library in the organization of library services to the population;

Rules for using the library;

Information about the services offered by the library, about the forms of their provision;

Information about amateur associations, interest clubs (if any): work plan, goals, objectives, etc.;

Diplomas, gratitude for the results achieved in the work;

Announcements about current events, monthly work plans, etc.;

Publishing products.

Each of the stands, in my opinion, is worthy of our attention. What do you think?

And while you are looking at the photos, I will continue.We all understand thatThe information stand should be located in a convenient place for users to familiarize themselves. It is desirable to glaze the stand, especially if it is located outside the library. Materials, announcements must be updated in a timely manner so that the stand does not contain outdated information. Of course, use a computer set. What else? How do you like the presence of the word "information" in the title of the stands? Here, it seems, good word but librarians sometimes get carried away and we read and read and read "information". Better to have Library City.

Just a couple of lines about design of materials. And above in the photo and below you will see the design options. This is a personal (and financial) matter for each library. But sometimes we see such a picture - some librarians, without further ado, in the proposed "pockets" contain more text and let it hang for themselves. And some are very fond of everything shiny and it turns out that the text is no longer important.

We, librarians, very often forget that our "information" will be read by ordinary people(do not forget to separate stands for adults and children), who absolutely do not care how beautiful and long our library is called. They want to see what is happening in this library - what events, what services, when and in what department it can be done, and where to bring the child. Large-scale canvases filled with texts DO NOT WORK. Alas and ah.

Of course, we follow each other's successes, focus on foreign countries Let's come up with something of our own. The stands above are not bad or in need of improvement. Each of them is good, but the READER NEEDS ANOTHER.


good example of brevity

Very good reflections on the topic of stands, I suggest reading from one of our fellow librarians. The answers to these questions may be different for each librarian. And this is good, because in this case we will be dealing with a “non-general facial expression” Someone, for sure, can suggest more tricks and methods that make information stands really effective, and not just a set of posters that readers pass by without stopping.

1. How many stands do you need?There may be several of them: in the foyer, on the subscription, in the reading room, in other departments and functional rooms. Each of them has its own goals and objectives.

In the foyer - the most general information about the library: full name, postal and email address, founders, leaders, partners, mission, awards. Probably, information about regulatory documents is appropriate: Charter, Rules, Price lists for paid services ..., according to which the library operates. hardly worth putting full text these documents, it is enough to list them and tell where they are, who to contact for them. Here is the structure of the library: the name of the departments (branches), how they can help readers/users, how to find them, who to contact... Information about general library, district/city events and promotions.

Accordingly, in the departments - more detailed information about the departments: about employees, resources, services, events, achievements ...

2. Where and where are the stands located? Spatially: closer to the fund, to the exit, next to the catalog, with the pulpit? … It depends both on the size of the room and on concept idea. On special tablets, posters, exhibition stands, bookshelves, right on the wall, using improvised materials? ... I know that there are very original finds.

3. What stands are needed: permanent or variable? Ascertaining or navigational (explaining where, what and how to find)? There may be both. It is possible to make two parts on one stand. Then what is the ratio of the parts? Frequency of updating the variable component?

4. Sections and topics of the stand? They depend on what we want to tell readers/users, what to show, what to entice… They can also be permanent and changeable to more relevant ones.

6. How will texts, sections and topics be arranged on the stand? It is possible according to the principle book page:
left to right, top to bottom. It can be centrifugal. In the center is a non-stopper, some detail that sharply attracts attention: a question mark and the question itself, a photograph, a black spot ... In children's libraries, talismans are used for this purpose, literary heroes... , and further, to the edges of the stand - texts that reveal the meaning of non-stopper. The text and pictures located in the upper right part are best perceived: there may be the most important or urgent information here. What other ideas will there be?

7. Will the color scheme be used and how? What colors will carry the main semantic load? Be sure to clarify and correctly use color combinations. Here you can also consider what fonts can be used. Of course, computer printing looks better, but depending on the idea, why not use the exclusive work of the artist.

8. What are style features, language? Much depends on the location of the stands and, accordingly, the intended purpose. Official text - business style and language. Event invitations are naturally more emotional language. There may be style options for children and teenagers, students and retirees. The main thing is that there should be no commanding tone, prohibitive and punitive promises.

9. Will there be an appeal to readers? What kind: a greeting, a question, a call for an assessment, a review? Generalized personalized: dear friend, dear reader ..., or generalized group: respected students, pensioners ...

10. Is it supposed to be interactive? If so, how will the feedback be carried out: special pockets for notes, questions, color tokens for voting; a place for recordings online, (“fence” of reviews), contact channels of communication? What else? IN Lately libraries began to actively use electronic information tools: a running line, a computer monitor. Maybe the time will come, we will use holograms. And what do you think? And what haven't I said yet?

But most importantly, since we live in a century high technology, which means that the information that we want to convey to the masses should be located on high-tech, modern information stands.

An interactive information board that recognizes the reader by sight is no longer a fantasy! Instead of static stands in the "monologue" format, technological solutions have already been created that integrate with Digital Signage systems and allow not only to bring information to the consumer, but also to provide feedback : analyze how many people actually read the information posted on the board, how much time they spend near it, evaluate the reaction of the consumer of information, determine age, gender, social status"readers".

P.S. How to present websites to readers (on the example of a library in Arzamas)

Natalia Zubrey
Children's Library Design Tips

Advice for parents

Children's Library Design Tips.

What could be easier to organize at home children's library: Bought the book and put it on the shelf. But it turns out that everything is not as simple as we would like it to be, the formation of a circle children's reading depends on many factors: This age features child, his interest in literature and the tasks that we want, creating a home children's library. We can generally omit the conversation about this if we are adults at the stage of preschool childhood fully implemented the main tasks: development of interest in the book and respect for it. But, unfortunately, all this happens now rarely, because books in our homes have powerful rivals: TV, video, computer, tablets.

Have you ever thought about question: “What can a book give your child?” But the book is where children draw a lot knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about the connection between man and nature and the objective world, which contributes to the expansion children's outlook. Through literary works, for the first time, kids on their own courage and ability, good and evil, learn universal human values ​​​​like humanity, justice, friendship, sympathy, i.e. books open and purify the soul, educate good feelings. Books are inexhaustible source for the development of intelligence and creativity, and not only children, but also adults. In this regard, we advise very carefully and legibly treat the organization and selection of books in the house. Adults should remember that the book is attractive small child registration. Appearance books should be attractive: different forms covers, beautiful bright illustrations.

At home library there should be different types of books.

The first stage is a toy book, a picture book, which is given to the child from an early age. (up to a year). But it is not yet literature. In these books, the visual image prevails over the verbal one, the drawings are of primary importance. K. I. Chukovsky noted that this period is important in mastering speech and a book that gives rich visual impressions will be a good helper in this matter.

The child who took early age a book in hand and who has received pleasure from communicating with it will continue to reach for the book and become an avid reader.

The second stage is the cutting book. A book with a cover cut out according to the office of the subject about which in question in the text, and its playful external decor also helps to attract the child to get acquainted with the content.

The third stage is a panorama book. It is not only vividly illustrated, but also equipped with moving figures. Action with the help of these figures in it, as it were, come to life. By manipulating them, the child not only joins the rhythm of the text, but also lives through what is happening with the characters.

It must also be remembered that in library kid must have books different type reflections reality: not only fairy tales, but also realistic literature not only prose, but also poetry.

Up to 3-4 years old, children should be surrounded by picture books such as pop-ups and toy books with predominantly illustrations and a short text: “Ryaba Hen”, “Magpie-crow”, etc. After 3 years, it is important to adhere to one of the basic rules - in the field of view of the child there should be from 3 to 5 books with vivid illustrations and plots available for this age. This books: A. Barto “Toys”, “Wolf and seven kids”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, etc.

It is good to update the repertoire of books in 2 - 3 weeks, introducing one new book each, and with a surprise or encouragement, For example:

Today the book brought you a very interesting book "Cat's House".

Grandma and I decided to give you a new fairy tale- you really love and take care of books.

At 4 years old and older, it is very important to tell the child that there is food at home. children's library. And together with the child, it is necessary to organize it correctly, that is, systematize according to the type adult: fairy tales, books of one author; according to the seasons, stories about animals, books foreign authors, poems, riddles, encyclopedias, etc. It is important to isolate each division with a cardboard partition with a picture - a symbol denoting a particular section. It's good to name your library(for example, “Book House”) and gradually build it up.

But do not forget that books also love care. Next to the “Book House”, you can place the “Book Hospital” corner, where materials and tools for repairing books will be stored. We recommend that you do this with your children. This will help educate careful attitude and love for books. Pay attention to printing decor illustrations and of course the content.

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In the children's library, there are books in a row on the shelves. Take, read and know a lot, But you do not offend the book. She will open the big world, And if you do.

Organization of library space in the central children's library municipal institution culture "Centralized library system" in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. The comfort of the library beckons us: Here the lamp burns so friendly. The sofa is waiting ... Let's play in the "Corner"? Here is a piece of paper, a pencil in hand...

Our library is a free and completely accessible institution. Considering that working in the library, the child wants to change the environment after class, we introduce elements of comfort in the design of the library space. We are constantly improving our image, improving conditions, changing the interior. Our motto is "Everything for the reader!". We work from 11 am to 7 pm. We have open access to funds, 2 reading rooms for business reading, 2 subscriptions and a Recreation Corner for leisure activities for younger children school age. The library is always cozy and comfortable. Our fund is formed by classics, educational and reference literature so it is always in demand. An attractive image of the library in the eyes of readers is created thanks to a spacious room where there is free access to all sources of information. An attractive image of the library in the eyes of readers is created thanks to a spacious room where there is free access to all sources of information.

You can demonstrate your talents or participate in interesting and unique competitions. On subscriptions, someone likes to just "drown" at comfortable chair with your favorite book. Little readers enjoy spending their free time in the library. the main task of our exhibitions - to attract attention and interest, so that everyone wants to stop near them. With us, each reader finds an occupation for his reader's soul. Here you can prepare for the lessons. You can view the latest newspapers and magazines.

Our readers have the opportunity to use the electronic catalog, work in various programs, download information to any medium, print documents on a printer and use the services of a copier and a scanner. To attract readers to books, we often arrange express exhibitions with the appearance hot topic, which attract with bookmarks and icon-symbols.

On legal issues and education healthy lifestyle life we ​​arrange circular exhibitions. They are available for viewing, you can sit near them, make the necessary notes, find out the necessary phones. On legal issues and education of a healthy lifestyle, we draw up circular exhibitions. They are available for viewing, you can sit near them, make the necessary notes, find out the necessary phones.

In the formation and design of the library space on subscriptions, the age characteristics of readers are taken into account. For preschoolers and schoolchildren younger age purchased comfortable, height furniture (with sponsorship funds). Arrangement of books genre. The shelves are decorated with short and understandable headings: "Poems", "Tales", "My first story", "Travel", "Wonders of technology", "Wildlife", "Writers of Russia", "Writers of the world for children", "Recognize and be surprised." On the shelves there are sayings and toys in the form of favorite literary characters, which help to adapt to an unfamiliar book space. For preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, we purchased comfortable, tall furniture (with sponsorship funds). Arrangement of books genre. The shelves are decorated with short and understandable headings: "Poems", "Tales", "My first story", "Travel", "Wonders of technology", "Wildlife", "Writers of Russia", "Writers of the world for children", "Recognize and be surprised." On the shelves there are statements and toys in the form of favorite literary characters that help to adapt to an unfamiliar book space. Registration of racks on the senior subscription.

Exhibitions for kids contain not only books, but also objects that attract the attention of children. Attractive book fairs located on the "book tree". The book exhibitions located on the "book tree" are attractive. It would seem a trifle, but how nice it is when the hero himself recommends the book literary work! It would seem a trifle, but how nice it is when the hero of a literary work recommends a book!

And the night master of this fabulous place the library gnome Gosha creates an atmosphere of mystery. We took the legend of Gosha from Vladislav Krapivin's book "The Return of the Krechet Clipper". We tell it on each excursion when registering children in the library. And it's nice to hear when the kids say that today they were not just in the library, but were visiting Gosha.

In order to preserve the role of books in children's lives, we try to increase attention to family reading. To do this, we designed the Corner "I want to read". Parents are invited methodical literature in the form of Reminders, Hints, Bookmarks. On Sundays there are group and individual sessions with parents, and on weekdays only individual conversations, where experienced librarians try to help parents who are interested in raising reading children. As a recommendation hint in the organization of reading, a “Fairytale calendar” is drawn up for each month. Quotes for this corner are selected significant. For example, “Giving children books, we give them wings.”

The arrangement of the fund for children of middle and senior school age is systematic, by branches of knowledge. We also try to organize shelf exhibitions at the subscription to open the fund. We design “talking” exhibitions. To big literary holidays- panoramic exhibitions.

For high school students, we arrange exhibitions in the cycle “Time to read books for the soul”, and the topics and books for them are selected in accordance with the political and literary calendar. To do this, in the center of the hall there is an exhibition rack “Young Russia Reads”, on which expositions and slogans about reading periodically change: “Open a book, open your world”, “There is a book eternal love"," Reading is fashionable, visiting the library is prestigious", "Become cooler with a book!", "Don't be sad, read, laugh!" come to the library”, “Library is an intellectual store, feed your brains!”. We also design intra-shelf and “talking” exhibitions.

The library premises are also used as a place for meetings, conferences and seminars, presentations and celebrations. Glass showcases with changing expositions give a peculiar flavor to the design of the foyer. Compositions from natural flowers, balloons give this space a beautiful and festive look.

(organization of intellectual leisure of readers) summer period we are in demand by the city for organizing leisure summer camps. We traditionally hold meetings in the form of educational hours, competitions, film screenings, meetings with interesting people. An innovative moment can be called the work of the career guidance camp for work and rest "Friends of the Book". The camp is being created by the USZN for recreation, recreation and employment of adolescents from low-income families in the summer, where there is an opportunity not only to relax, but also to earn cash. He has been working in our library for 7 years. We accept 15 teenagers, provide them with our own premises, organize employment, leisure activities, and conduct educational activities.

To develop the personality of these guys, the psychologist of the SATORI youth organization holds round tables. "The world in which I live" - ​​for the formation of skills of tolerant consciousness. Round table"Computer gambling: hobby or disease", is carried out in the form frank conversation“The computer was my friend, it becomes an enemy” and testing “Are you a computer addict?”. Round table "Man and his vices" is held as a meeting-revelation "At what level is your tobacco addiction?" with training-warning "Are you predisposed to drugs?". The psychologist of the Employment Center 2 times a week conducts classes on adaptation, testing to establish the type of personality, exercises to determine the nature of the personality, as well as many classes on the classification of professions. The guys think about their place in life, about themselves, about the possibility of self-education. One of the points of the cognitive and developmental program was the meeting of young people with doctors of the youth reproductive health center. The psychologist of the Employment Center 2 times a week conducts classes on adaptation, testing to establish the type of personality, exercises to determine the nature of the personality, as well as many classes on the classification of professions. The guys think about their place in life, about themselves, about the possibility of self-education. One of the points of the cognitive and developmental program was the meeting of young people with doctors of the youth reproductive health center.

The guys of this shift worked according to a special local history program “We study the past”, to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war. The key moment was the study of the documents of the history of the region. On an excursion in the museum of the Vistula Spit, we got acquainted in detail with the history of April 1945. These are the legendary days of the assault. And as a result, the library has 4 literary historical research: "Shura Serebrovskaya", "The first inhabitants of the village. Spit”, “Western landing”, “Baltic Spit: past and present”. The children learned a lot about the history of the city and the region from the books of Lidia Dovydenko, a local local history writer. And they were very lucky that they were able to attend the presentation of her book "Secrets of Pillau", which took place in the library especially for the camp. Each teenager received a book "Secrets of Pillau" with the author's autograph as a gift.

An excursion to Schaaken Castle helped to learn about the past of the area. This castle is the epitome of the Middle Ages. It was built in the 20th century. Everyone was able to feel a bit like knights and beautiful ladies: you could ride a horse, fight with spears and swords, shoot from a bow, try on vintage clothes, eat "medieval food". But most importantly, the spirit of antiquity was in the air. True, it was creepy when the guide talked about the terrible torture that the monks used to fight heretics. The program of the trip to the rapidly developing city of Yantarny was an excursion to the present. They mined amber themselves, visited the amber museum at the plant, and the museum of superstitions, which is located in the old building of Amber. The program of the trip to the rapidly developing city of Yantarny was an excursion to the present. They mined amber themselves, visited the amber museum at the plant, and the museum of superstitions, which is located in the old building of Amber.

The theater of the book is used as component mass events held for young children, which contributes to instilling in them a love of reading through play and aesthetic perception of the text. It fosters active creative reading. After all, in early childhood understand and remember not by reason and memory, but by imagination and fantasy. Participating in the performances of the Theater of the Book, the guys are happy to go to rehearsals, read and learn texts, and then show their acting skills. The theater of the book works both as a puppet theater, and as a theater on the table, and as an animation theater and as a shadow theater. Our theater is chamber. There are usually 20-30 children present at the performance. Theatricalization is an element of a mass event. Moreover, in front of each group, the guys from the same group “play” the desired work of art. Of course, they visit us for rehearsals 2 weeks before the event. Moreover, not the most talented children play in our theater, And these, with average creative possibilities guys, in our "performances" they try very hard and are happy to show their ability to turn a small passage artwork V bright picture. The rest of the participants are active spectators of the event. They participate in competitions, quizzes, conduct a dialogue with artists, and young artists enjoy the attention of their classmates. Our theater is chamber. There are usually 20-30 children present at the performance. Theatricalization is an element of a mass event. Moreover, in front of each group, the guys from the same group “play” the desired work of art. Of course, they visit us for rehearsals 2 weeks before the event. Moreover, not the most talented children play in our theater. And these guys, with average creative abilities, are trying very hard in our “performances” and are happy to show their ability to turn a small fragment of a work of art into a vivid picture. The rest of the participants are active spectators of the event. They participate in competitions, quizzes, conduct a dialogue with artists, and young artists enjoy the attention of their classmates. Instilling a love of reading through the emotional perception of the text was also supported by teachers. We have been cooperating with teachers for several years now. primary school, who work according to our plan, rehearsing skits at the stagecraft lessons for participation in the Theater of the Book program. Instilling a love of reading through the emotional perception of the text was also supported by teachers. For several years now, we have been cooperating with primary school teachers who work according to our plan, rehearsing skits in theater lessons for participation in the Book Theater program.

Recreation corner "It's you can" was created for junior schoolchildren. Here they have at their disposal interesting books there are developing Board games, checkers and chess, constructors, puzzles, a real "Field of Miracles", albums and felt-tip pens for drawing. When a group of children gathers, we conduct loud readings, readings in faces, looking at illustrations. We see positive results when conducting conversations-reasonings. The children are happy to communicate, they are happy to enter into discussions. The recreation corner “You Can Do It” was created for younger students. Here, in addition to interesting books, they have at their disposal educational board games, checkers and chess, constructors, puzzles, a real “Field of Miracles”, albums and felt-tip pens for drawing. When a group of children gathers, we conduct loud readings, readings in faces, looking at illustrations. We see positive results when conducting conversations-reasonings. The children are happy to communicate, they are happy to enter into discussions. Here you can do homework, look through comics, chat with friends. On weekends, the Corner is visited by children with their parents. Here you can do homework, look through comics, chat with friends. On weekends, the Corner is visited by children with their parents. During school year in this library space, work is underway on additional literary development with students of the 1st grade and extended day groups. We work under the programs "My first Russian history" and "Seasons: a chronicle folk holidays and rituals in Rus'. These are loud readings of the historical and fiction, combined with the development creativity by the method of competitions and game programs. For example, according to the program “My First Russian History”, on the basis of the exhibition “How the Faith was Chosen in Rus'”, a conversation “The Baptism of Rus'” is held, a loud reading of the story of Golovin N.N. "Holy Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus'", viewing an episode from the film "Russian Rites" and a quiz. For example, according to the program “My First Russian History”, on the basis of the exhibition “How the Faith was Chosen in Rus'”, a conversation “The Baptism of Rus'” is held, a loud reading of the story of Golovin N.N. "Holy Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus'", viewing an episode from the film "Russian Rites" and a quiz.

According to the program "Seasons" in January, an exhibition-story "Winter festivities”, an informative conversation “Walk at Christmas time without looking back” was held with a loud reading of the stories of I. Shmelev from the book “Summer of the Lord” and the stories of N.S. Leskov. Then the guys took books for home reading on this topic and next week they held a game program “Christmas and holy week". In May, an exhibition was framed - a symbol of "All the months are louder than the cheerful month of May!". Conversation with videos "Holy Trinity". Loud reading of books on the topic “The work of people in spring days". Literary and educational hour with the game program “Let's go, girls, curl wreaths! Curl wreaths, curl green! In December, this is an exhibition-symbol "Frosty snow will sparkle with silver brocade." Then a conversation with videos “Happy New Year! With all kind!". Loud reading of Christmas-themed books and game program"Hello winter guest!" A survey among teachers-users of the program working on innovative technologies allowed it to be improved and further developed every year cognitive interests schoolchildren. The library space "Kolokolchikov Street" was built in the premises of the junior subscription. After the repair of the junior subscription, carried out under the program "Renewal" of the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad Region, with the involvement of sponsorship funds, today for younger readers, visiting the library is turning into little holiday. After the repair of the junior subscription, carried out under the program "Renewal" of the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad Region, with the involvement of sponsorship funds, today for younger readers, visiting the library is turning into a small holiday. Here, books "live" on double-sided shelves that look like houses. These houses can be moved because they are on wheels. And it turns out such a beautiful "street of books." Advertising often changes on the “facades of book houses” (quotes, slogans about reading). Exhibition racks are also new, and one of them is glass with backlight. And the expositions in it look just fabulous. Here, books "live" on double-sided shelves that look like houses. These houses can be moved because they are on wheels. And it turns out such a beautiful "street of books." Advertising often changes on the “facades of book houses” (quotes, slogans about reading). Exhibition racks are also new, and one of them is glass with backlight. And the expositions in it look just fabulous. IN Magic world the reader gets to the "Street of Bells" through the arch with the name of the street, decorated with real bells. Panels are painted on the walls, where, in addition to babies and babies from flower city other little men, characters settled on the Cucumber River fairy world. Here Pinocchio is talking with Aunt Tortila, Brownie Kuzka is preparing his magic chest. The reader enters the magical world of the Street of Bells through an arch with the name of the street, decorated with real bells. Panels are painted on the walls, where, in addition to kids and babies from the Flower City on the Cucumber River, other little people, characters of the fairy-tale world, also settled. Here Pinocchio is talking with Aunt Tortila, Brownie Kuzka is preparing his magic chest. Literature exhibitions are arranged on a large "book tree".

Chief Librarian S.V. Barkova introduces first graders to library space"Street of Bells" Public events we are doing it right here. After all, on the "Street of Bells" as on a podium, you can place a ramp for the Theater of the book. If you need to use video stories, then the children will have to turn on their chairs, which is also very interesting, to the video wall where the technical equipment is located.

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