Monument to the Duke of Richelieu. Damage during the Crimean War


Monument to the first mayor of Odessa Duke de Richelieu

At the beginning of August 1812 a terrible plague epidemic began in Odessa: every fifth citizen fell ill, and every eighth died. The first mayor of Odessa, Duke (translated from French - "Duke") de Richelieu, was able not only to save the city from extinction, but also to bring it to the level of a commercial port of international importance. Today is a monument to Duke - business card Odessa and the evidence of popular love and gratitude for her salvation.

Armand Emmanuel Sophia-Septimani de Vignero du Plessis, Count de Chinon, Duke de Richelieu, known in Russia as Emmanuel Osipovich de Richelieu, was the great-grandson of the famous Cardinal of France, about whom A. Dumas wrote. After the Great french revolution he was forced to leave France. As part of Russian troops he took part in hostilities, including against French Republic. In 1803, Alexander I offered him the post of mayor of Odessa.

Emmanuil Osipovich de Richelieu

Duc de Richelieu was not the founder of Odessa - the city existed before him. It had about 9 thousand inhabitants, and it could not be called prosperous. To revive trade in the port of Richelieu, he reduced the duty, with him salt mines, banking, the exchange, and wheat exports began to generate income. From Italy, he ordered acacias and planted them in the city. Over the 11 years of his reign, the population of Odessa increased to 30 thousand people, city revenues increased 25 times, customs revenues - 90 times. Odessa turned into a prosperous European port.

Monument to the Duke de Richelieu. Postcard from 1900

However, the city, in which de Richelieu lured merchants from all over Europe, in 1812-1813. suddenly found himself on the verge of collapse: an epidemic of plague suddenly broke out, claiming about 3,000 lives. In early August 1812, 30 people suddenly died, the symptoms of the disease were similar. As soon as the Duke de Richelieu found out about this, he divided the city into 5 districts, and in each of them appointed an inspector and a doctor responsible for controlling the situation. Detachments of armed Cossacks controlled the isolation of the infected areas.

Monument to the Duke de Richelieu. Postcard from 1905

By mid-autumn, the situation worsened: 4 people died from the plague the best doctor and 1720 citizens. Then de Richelieu took an extreme measure - a general quarantine. All the dugouts, in which the sick had previously been, were burned. A sanitary cordon was set up for 100 miles around the city. Food was brought only by one road. Without special permission, no resident had the right to leave his home. Food was delivered twice a day. All public, commercial and cultural and entertainment establishments were closed, even churches. Strict quarantine lasted 46 days. Fires were lit on the streets to disinfect the air. The coins were washed in vinegar before use (in those days it was considered a good disinfectant). All arrivals were expected to be quarantined for two weeks: they were settled in buildings near the sea, the entrance to which was guarded by a sentry.

Monument to Duke de Richelieu, who saved the city from the plague

A wagon with a red flag signaled the approach of those who had contact with the sick, a wagon with a black flag warned that the bodies of those who died from the plague were being carried on it. The Duke de Richelieu experienced the epidemic as a personal tragedy. Every day he raided the streets of the city, entered houses and hospitals, helped the poor with food and clothing, and when the undertakers refused to bury the plague corpses, he himself took a shovel and dug the graves. In total for 1812-1813. out of 3331 infected, only 675 townspeople managed to survive, but the plague epidemic was still stopped in a year.

Odessa is one of the largest Ukrainian cities and an important Russian history locality. Has a long history. In addition, it has been a major trade and military on the Black Sea since the 18th century.

Odessa and its sights

On the site of Odessa in ancient times was the port city of Istrian or Isiak, which was subordinate to Olbia. In the XIV century, on the lands ceded to Lithuania, the port of Kotsyubeev was founded, which, after the conquest of the territories by the Ottoman Turks, began to be called Khadzhibey in the Ottoman manner. A fortress was erected next to it. New World". In the second half of the XVIII century, under Catherine II, during Russian-Turkish war the fortress was captured by Russian troops led by Osip de Ribas, whose name was often called and written as Joseph Deribas. Later, one of the streets of Odessa was named after him - the well-known Deribasovskaya.

The second is the famous Potemkin Stairs. It was on the territory located between it and Primorsky Boulevard that the Turkish fortress "New World" was erected.

In the photo - a monument to Duke in Odessa - the third attraction of the seaside city. About him we will lead our story.

The first monument of Odessa

The monument to Duke de Richelieu in Odessa was her first monument. The monument was erected on Primorsky Boulevard in 1828. The author of the monument to Duke in Odessa is Ivan Petrovich Martos - the author of the famous monuments: Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow, "Monument to Parents" in Pavlovsky Park, a large number of unique tombstones on the territory of the necropolises of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg, a monument to Paul I in Georgia, Alexander I in Taganrog, in Kherson.

The monument is made of bronze by order of the city government. Funds for the construction of the monument began to collect the successor of Duke de Richelieu Count Langeron. And the idea was put forward by Count Vorontsov.

Duke is depicted standing in full height, with a scroll in his hand. He gazes thoughtfully at the sea, as if he were watching the ships entering and leaving the port. Richelieu is represented in the guise of a Roman soldier dressed in a toga. Between the folds of the toga, looking closely, you can see a short one on Duke's head - Laurel wreath, symbol of victory and power.

The base of the monument to Duke Richelieu in Odessa is decorated with bas-reliefs, allegorically depicting agriculture, justice and trade.

And Odessa residents say that in the 19th century there was a cannon near the monument, which was stolen.

The dimensions of the monument are not too large: the height of the sculpture is slightly larger than the actual height of Duke. In Odessa, the monument attracts interest and the most historical person of Richelieu.

Duc Richelieu: a monument to a historical figure

The man whose name was immortalized in the sculpture is Armand Emmanuel du Plessis duc de Richelieu. The word "Duke", which many consider the name of this character, is not actually a name, but is translated as "duke". Who is he, this Duke Richelieu, what did he mark in history?

This is a French aristocrat who ruled the Novorossiysk Territory from 1803 to 1814. He is a descendant of the famous French Cardinal de Richelieu. Twice he was Prime Minister of the French Republic.

Back in the years of the French Revolution, Duke Richelieu was forced to leave his native France. Arriving in Russia, he went to fight on the side of the Russians against the Turks and became famous during the capture of Ishmael.

The life of Duke Emmanuel de Richelieu was tragically cut short when he was only 55 years old: having resigned from the post of Prime Minister of the French Republic, he suddenly died of apoplexy.

Monument - in gratitude

The monument to Duke in Odessa was erected by residents in gratitude for his special contribution to the economic well-being of the city. Odessans consider Duke de Richelieu the founder of their city, although he began to manage it only nine years after its foundation and was at the head of only eleven years.

It is Duke Richelieu that Odessa owes a lot of acacias, sung in famous song and creating an amazing Odessa aroma. Acacia seedlings were delivered by his decree to the port city from Italy and planted throughout its territory.

The monument to Duke in Odessa is also a reminder that he was able to get the city tax breaks. That is why the seaside city got the opportunity to actively develop and build up. And Duke Richelieu increased the Odessa territories, taking them away from the bandits.

Long-suffering Duke

The monument to Duke Richelieu in Odessa attracts so much attention, yet many do not notice its flaws. But if you look closely, you will see bullet marks on the back of the sculpture. And from the front side, the monument was cut by fragments. In addition, the core on the pedestal is not a simple decoration or a symbolic element. It covers the trace from the projectile that damaged the pedestal during Crimean War.

Duke and modern Odessa

Every summer, at the end of August, a festival is held in Odessa. Vyshyvankas are not only worn. The traditional national shirt is also worn by Duke. Every year the color of the shirt is different. This year the inhabitants of Odessa have chosen green.

On June 17, 2017, at the monument to Duke in Odessa, a veche "Odessa - for everyone" was held. The task of the meeting of Odessa residents was to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities. Odessans believe that every person has the right to actively participate in the life of the city and build their lives in a "mode of public access." Having gathered such a veche, the townspeople continue the work of Duke de Richelieu, aimed at improving the life of their city.

Duke in Odessa August 2nd, 2016

When I was in the wonderful city of Odessa in 2009, I was surprised to find out for myself amazing story a man whose monument stands on Primorsky Boulevard in the place where the Khadzhibey fortress once stood. Directly in front of the monument is a view of the famous Potemkin Stairs leading to the Marine Station.

I think you know what Duke did in Russia and why there is a monument to him in Odessa. But who cares, let's go under the cut ...

The glory of one of the most attractive places in Odessa deservedly belongs to the monument to Duke de Richelieu, or the monument to Duke, as Odessans affectionately call it.

Who is Duc de Richelieu?

Armand Emmanuel Sophie-Septimanie de Vignereau du Plessis, Comte de Chinon, Duke de Richelieu, (fr. Armand Emmanuel Sophie Septemanie de Vignerot du Plessis, 5th duc de Richelieu; in Russia known as Emmanuel Osipovich de Richelieu; September 25, 1766, Paris - May 17, 1822) is a French and Russian statesman.

Duke, great-great-great-nephew of the famous Cardinal Richelieu. In 1783 he received a court position - he became chamberlain of King Louis XVI. During the Great French Revolution of 1789 he emigrated, first to Austria, then to Russia.

Entered on military service. Participated in the capture of Ishmael (1790), March 21, 1791 was awarded the Order of St. George 4th class

For the excellent courage shown during the storming of the fortress of Ishmael, with the extermination of the army that was there.
and personalized weapons "For Courage". In 1796 he resigned and left for Vienna.

On September 17, 1797, Emperor Paul I was appointed commander of His Majesty's Life Cuirassier Regiment. He held this position until December 1, 1800.

Since 1803, again in Russia, Alexander I appointed him the mayor of Odessa, in 1805 - the governor-general of the Novorossiysk Territory.

This well-educated man, philanthropist, was an excellent organizer. He was distinguished by iron health, tirelessness and perseverance in achieving his goals.

The locals considered Duke de Richelieu the founder of Odessa. Under his leadership, the city won the glory of the most flourishing city in Europe and turned into a major trading port. Under him, prestigious educational establishments theater was built. The city's population has quadrupled. Duke was loved and respected by all the townspeople.

With the support of the emperor in 1804, the duke achieved the removal of the tax burden from Odessa, at least for a while. He managed to prove the expediency of free transit for all goods brought by sea to Odessa and even sent to Europe. He made a great contribution to the construction of Odessa and the development of New Russia.

In 1806, Richelieu again besieged and stormed Ishmael, this time the duke already commanded the entire Russian army sent to take Ishmael. This assault was unsuccessful.

After 11 years of successful rule of the city, Duc de Richelieu left for France. According to him, in Odessa there were best years his life. Duc de Richelieu really wanted to return back to Odessa, but he died suddenly in France at the age of 56.

How was the monument built?

After Duke's death close friend and colleague Langeron organized the collection of money for the construction of the monument. All townspeople, wealthy people and ordinary workers responded to the call. Count Vorontsov, who at that time was the governor-general of Novorossiysk, commissioned a project for a monument to the sculptor Martos, who became famous for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

On the monument is a bronze statue of Duke in a Roman toga. As the author of the project explained: “The figure of the Duke of Richelieu is depicted in the moment of marching ...”. This successful decision correctly conveys the dynamic character of the Duke. Three brass bas-reliefs symbolizing "agriculture", "justice" and "trade" commemorate Duke's contribution to the development of the city.

The opening of the monument to Duke took place with a huge crowd of people on April 22, 1828 (according to the old style). French, English, Austrian and Russian flags fluttered around the monument as a reminder of international significance Odessa port founded by Duke. A solemn liturgy was held in the Transfiguration Cathedral.

It is a pity that now I will not get to this most beautiful and colorful city soon :-(

The monument to Duke in Odessa is one of the most popular symbols cities. This amazing monument is dedicated to the most famous local mayor and is surrounded by many legends and interesting beliefs.

Duke de Richelieu - the legendary founder of Odessa

Duc de Richlier ( full name- Armand Emanuel du Plessis Richelieu), in whose honor the monument was erected, is a descendant of the eminent Cardinal Richelieu, who played important role in Russian politics and history. He was a philanthropist, talented, purposeful and an educated person, had excellent organizational skills and was distinguished by tireless perseverance. In 1803, Duc de Richelieu became the first manager of the city of Odessa. Since then, the inhabitants of Odessa call him the founder of their native city.

Under the clear leadership of Duke De Richelieu, Odessa acquired the authority of the most picturesque European city and emerged as the largest commercial port. Under his leadership, as a mayor, Odessa really flourished, like Cultural Center. Prestigious educational institutions and many other structures were built in it. Duke was respected and loved by all Odessans. Under him, the population of the city increased by 4 times.

In Odessa, Duc de Richelieu successfully ruled for eleven years, after which he left for permanent place residence in France, where he was entrusted with the post of prime minister. He noted more than once that it was in sunny Odessa that his brightest and most happy years. Duke even wanted to return to his beloved city again, but at the age of 56 he died suddenly from a cerebral hemorrhage.

The history of the creation of the monument

After the death of Duke de Richelieu, his close friend Lanzheron decided to erect a memorial monument to his friend, organizing a fundraiser for its creation. Almost every citizen made his contribution to the future creation. After all, Duke was loved by both wealthy people and simple hard workers. The project of the monument was commissioned from the sculptor I.P. Martos, who was famous for the monument dedicated to Pozharsky and Minin. The monument to Duke in Odessa was the last masterpiece of this outstanding master.

The monument is a bronze statue depicting the figure of the Duke, dressed in a Roman toga. According to the explanations of the author of the sculpture, the duke is shown at the moment when he is walking in order to convey the dynamism of Richelieu's temper. The monument is decorated with three brass bas-reliefs, which symbolize Duke's grandiose contributions to the formation and development of Odessa - "trade", "justice" and "agriculture".

The grand opening of this majestic monument took place with a huge crowd of people in 1828. The monument was surrounded by flags different nationalities to recall the international significance of the port of Odessa, which was founded by Richelieu. In addition, a festive liturgy was held in the picturesque Cathedral of the Transfiguration.

Interesting fact

Surprising rumors circulate among the inhabitants of Odessa, as if looking at the monument to Duke from the water manhole, located on the left side of it, you can see the male organs. This is how the folds of the duke's clothes and the scroll look from this angle. Don't believe? You can see for yourself!

Monument to Duke today

The vicinity of the monument to Duke has been informally considered for many years as the main venue for the magnificent Odessa festival "Humorina". During the holiday, a huge number of city residents and tourists gather at the foot of the monument. The most cheerful Odessans paint the monument in different colors, giving it a special charm and a comic look.

The monument to Duke is surrounded by many legends and interesting beliefs. For example, in the last century school graduates asked him for support on the eve of exams. There is also a legend that one who touches the bas-relief symbolizing trade (a bag of money) will surely gain success and financial well-being.

Many songs and poems are dedicated to this delightful symbol of Odessa. It is deservedly considered a valuable talisman of the city and its colorful calling card.

How to get there

The monument to Duke in Odessa is located on the famous territory where in the old days there was a fortress called Khadzhibey. In front of the monument, there is a wonderful view of another local attraction - the Potemkin Stairs, which leads to. Bronze Duke invariably welcomes guests of Odessa, blessing them for a happy holiday and a bright future!

Important information

Address: city ​​of Odessa, Primorsky Boulevard, 7-8.

Where to eat: on Primorsky Boulevard, where the monument to Duke is located, there are many cafes and restaurants. For example, a restaurant "London" or restaurant "Boulevard" .

Where to stay: It would be most convenient to stay at one located nearby. Among them, a hotel with rooms from 360 hryvnia and a hostel with a cost of 79 hryvnia.

If you are going to Odessa, you will definitely see the monument to Duke. It is impossible to stroll through the sights of Odessa and not stop at this amazing creation. Let sunny Odessa and its hospitable and positive people give you the most pleasant impressions and bright emotions!

The monument to Duke, or rather, the monument to Armand Emmanuel du Plessis, Duke de Richelieu, is another attraction of Odessa and the first monument opened in this city. It was created in 1828 and is a full-length bronze figure.

How did this Frenchman deserve such an honor, and how did he end up in Odessa? The Duke de Richelieu arrived in Odessa on March 9, 1803. At that time, Odessa had already existed for 8 years, but it was a small village with a couple of hundred wooden houses. The Duke de Richelieu, who became the first mayor of Odessa, turned it into a real pearl by the sea, creating here one of the largest trading ports. During his administration, Odessa began to be actively built up, the first Odessa Opera theatre, a printing house, a commercial school and an institute for noble maidens were opened. Duke de Richelieu remained the unchanging mayor of Odessa for eleven years. During this time, the population of the city reached 35 thousand people.

However, when the Bourbons came to power again in France, he returned to his homeland, where he became prime minister. Alexander I, who visited Odessa three years after the duke left Russia, was so amazed by the metamorphoses and transformation of the city that he immediately issued a decree on awarding the Duke de Richelieu with the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The duke died at the age of 56 in France. When the news of his death reached Odessa, all the inhabitants of South Palmyra were amazed at such a sudden death of the most respected person in the city. And then Alexandre-Louis Andre de Langeron, the then mayor of Odessa and big friend Duke urged residents to collect donations for the construction of the monument. Monument sketch designed the greatest sculptor of that time, Ivan Martos, who depicted the duke in full growth, as if marching through Odessa. The permission to erect the monument was signed by Alexander I himself.

A lot of water has expired since then, a lot has changed in Odessa, but the monument to Duke is still a favorite meeting place for Odessans and a hallmark of the city.

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