According to a SUPER source, the girlfriend of football player Dmitry Tarasov, Anastasia Kostenko, is expecting a baby. Childhood and youth


Rumors around the ex-husband of the presenter, and now also popular singer Olga Buzova does not subside for a minute. Olya is credited with novels with representatives of the world of Russian show business and pop music. Dmitry has only one girlfriend - Anastasia Kostenko. She is known for her title of "Vice-Miss Russia", which Nastya received in March 2014. In this article we will try to tell you everything and even a little more about the personal life of Dmitry Tarasov's new girlfriend, Anastasia Kostenko.

Brief biographical note

This year, the girl turned 23 years old. She was born in the city of Salsk, which is located in Rostov region.

Modeling career began in 2013. Also in 2013, Kostenko won the international competition beauty, which took place in Mongolia.

In addition, in 2014 Anastasia Kostenko represented Russia at the Miss World contest in London. There she managed to take only 20th place.

The glory of Anastasia brought an affair with Dmitry Tarasov. From unverified sources it is known that it was with her that Dima cheated ex-wife. The girl prefers not to respond to such statements in her direction from Buzova's fans. Moreover, she did her best to stir up interest in her person. In general, in love triangle with Buzova, Anastasia Kostenko did not go unnoticed by the press and the public.

The girl became the owner of the title "Vice-Miss Russia"

The first joint pictures of Nastya with Dmitry Tarasov began to appear after the young man divorced. On one of recent photos lovers are having fun in their new home. The girl signed the picture “First weekend in our house.”

What is known about the pregnancy of the girlfriend of football player Dmitry Tarasov?

Requests on the Internet about the biography and personal life of Anastasia Kostenko will soon beat the requests for the biography of Tarasov himself.

Unlike Olga Buzova, her ex-husband the football player is more popular with the press. It's all his fault new girlfriend Nastya Kostenko. Gossips they say that it was because of this that Dima left Olga forever. Little is known about the personal lives of young people. Anastasia has only recently begun to publish joint pictures with her new boyfriend. Before she and Tarasov officially confirmed the relationship, Kostenko decided not to “shine” in the press and not to discredit the almost honest name of her lover.

Some time ago, information appeared in the press that Dmitry Tarasov's girlfriend was pregnant. The fact is that in her Instagram profile, the girl posted a photo in a voluminous sweatshirt with a print "Mom and Dad".

It turned out that her post is dedicated to parents. In the comments to the photo, the girl wrote the following: “Thinking about something, my dear parents. I want to express my gratitude to you, which I will carry not only in my soul.

Subscribers suggested that in this way Nastya decided to hint about her interesting position. No one doubts that if Kostenko is really pregnant, then the father of the child is none other than football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Note. When this photo appeared in the press, nothing was known for sure about the divorce of Tarasov and Buzova. Perhaps such a picture is just a reference to the fact that Kostenko is thinking about the child. It is not a fact that she decided to give a grandson or granddaughter to her parents right now. And a photo is one of the ways to warm up the attention of the press and fans to your person.

After the incident with the publication of such a provocative photo, neither Tarasov nor Kostenko commented on the situation about the girl's possible pregnancy. Fans decided that this story is a real "duck". Nastya's subscribers hope that they have become more than close to her, so the girl would immediately share the happy news about her pregnancy on her Instagram account.

Latest news about the interesting position of Anastasia Kostenko

In 2017, Anastasia Kostenko openly talks about her personal life with football player Dmitry Tarasov. In a recent interview, the girl said that she was really ready for a child and was not afraid to get pregnant.

For a long time, Nastya hid her personal life from journalists. Only recently, the girl decided to give answers to questions that concern Tarasov's fans.

Anastasia says that she loves to cook. She wants all family members to gather at the same table for dinner. The girl sees in this real happiness, which so far she has not yet been able to experience for herself.

While Kostenko is building a career as a model and studying at one of the Moscow universities, the ex-husband of Olya Buzova does not get tired of pleasing his new girlfriend with gifts and pleasant surprises. Fans believe that the couple has more than serious relationship. In other cases, Tarasov would not introduce new darling with a little daughter.

Anastasia says that she can not only cook dinner for the whole family, but also clean the house if necessary. Kostenko does not consider himself white-handed. She's ready to lead household. Naturally, if a loved one will help her at least a little.

Now Anastasia and Dmitry are finishing repairs in their new house. By the way, Tarasov started building this house back in his relationship with Olga Buzova. Now a new mistress has appeared here - Nastya. The girl says that she has changed a lot. It seems to her that this way the house has become more comfortable and livable. “We completely redesigned the house from the inside. Everything has changed in terms of colors and furniture,” says the model. It is important for a girl to feel comfortable at home. Even if it's not really her house.

Follow the changes in the biography and in the personal life of model Anastasia Kostenko on social networks.

Recently, Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko delighted fans with the news of the wedding, and the media do not stop discussing rumors about the imminent birth of their first child. the site learned from a numerologist what attracted the lovers to each other. And, what is most curious, how does Anastasia differ in the eyes of a football player from his ex-wife Olga Buzova.

Olga Pertseva

life coach, numerologist, @iperets

Very often, having experienced a breakup, we are looking for in other people the exact opposite of a former partner. So it happened with Dmitry Tarasov. That is why he got married so quickly and forgot Olga Buzova. What attracts him to Anastasia Kostenko?

Firstly, Anastasia will most likely understand how to “correctly” praise Dmitry. No matter how funny it may be, compliments to her husband should carry a very specific meaning: it is important for Dmitry that he high results compared with someone's low. In other words, he needs to be explained that he is not just a good fellow, but better than anyone else (character 111).

In addition, this pair has a very correct distribution of gender roles. Anastasia is feminine, trusting (the “logic” sector is empty). She knows how to transfer responsibility to a man, sometimes she gets lost, deciding difficult problems, sincerely hopes for the chosen one (the "debt" sector is empty + the "logic" sector is empty + the "family" sector 1). A man like Dmitry simply loves to be the best of the best, a hero, without which a woman cannot do anything at all (sector "duty" 888).

Anastasia is distinguished by sincere love of life and the ability to experience joy from every moment (sector "interest" 3333/333). In this she is very different from Olga Buzova, and this may have been the main thing for Dmitry when he chose his wife. Anastasia always has good mood, unlike Olga, who is often unhappy, her smile must be fought for, she is difficult to please. For cheerful Dmitry, this state of affairs was a burden, especially considering that his energy reserve is empty, he is not able to constantly morally support the girl.

Anastasia is very feminine and sexy (“carnal” 5). In this, too, she differs from Dmitry's ex-wife, whose sexual signals were superficial and weak.

Anastasia wanted children only when she met her husband, they were not her goal. With such a “family” sector (1), a person in a relationship relies heavily on a partner. If he wants children, then the girl does too, but she does not make such decisions on her own.

But Anastasia should be on the alert: Dmitry is very amorous (the "energy" sector is empty + 888), and his strong desire to always be in a relationship ("family" 4) is not a guarantee of devotion. There is a risk that more than Strong woman, and he will get carried away again, and Anastasia, with her innate low initiative, will helplessly watch how someone takes her man right from under her nose.

The other day, football player Dmitry Tarasov officially introduced his friends and colleagues to his new sweetheart- 22-year-old Rostov model Anastasia Kostenko. At the same time, his ex-wife Olga Buzova took this news very hard and spoke impartially about her rival. Moreover, the star of "House-2" did not choose the words. And in Once again recalled that it was Kostenko who became the reason for her divorce from her beloved.

Olga Buzova and Anastasia Kostenko

Buzova was supported, of course, by her loyal fans. Moreover, Internet users spent own investigation and found Kostenko's account on the social network, where a year ago the girl advised her friend not to destroy someone else's family, and she herself swore not to meet married men.

A fragment of Anastasia Kostenko's account on the website.

For what reason Anastasia changed her mind about relations with a married man is unknown. But in any case, Olga Buzova, she clearly crossed the road. On the air of the show "Male and Female", the TV presenter did not say anything about her rival, but she cried, remembering Dmitry Tarasov.

“For me, this is a tragedy of universal proportions. But I do not regret, because I felt and lived. I loved like I never loved anyone, ”said Buzova on the air of a talk show.

At the same time, celebrity friends who also took part in the program admitted that after Olya’s divorce, they were very worried about her.

“I saw Olya after the divorce. I was scared for her. She stuttered and couldn't speak. I had a feeling that she needed to call an ambulance, ”said Yulia Baranovskaya. Read more here.

Tarasov answered three personal questions that haunt fans

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By the way, mother Buzova Irina Alexandrovna did not like Dmitry Tarasov right away. She was worried about the conditions marriage contract, which was proposed by the football player, and his litigation with his ex-wife (read about it here). However, according to the woman, her daughter was in love with a football player and it was simply useless to tell her something.

After a divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, Olga Buzova, we recall, was left with nothing. She had to leave in one day common house to a rented apartment and cut off all relations with the former and his family. This is how the once beautiful love story of Tarabuzikov, which lasted only four years, sadly ended.

Anastasia Kostenko was born on March 29, 1994 in the city of Salsk, Rostov Region. Papa Anastasia Kostenko had his own business, and her mother was a psychologist at school. When Nastya was 5 years old, her parents separated. Soon, the mother of Anastasia Kostenko remarried and gave birth to three more children. Anastasia Kostenko graduated from the College of Arts in Stavropol with a degree in ballerina and choreography. On this, the beauty did not complete her education and decided to study further. In Moscow, she entered the Faculty of Philology Russian University Friendship of Peoples, where she studied journalism.

Anastasia Kostenko participated in many beauty contests and often won prizes. So in 2014 she won the title of "Second Vice-Miss Russia".

But what Anastasia Kostenko became most famous for was the fact that she had an affair with a married football player. Anastasia Kostenko is not afraid to step on the same rake as all previous women of Dmitry Tarasov. What seduced Anastasia Kostenko in this successful, but rustic boy? Money? Charm? Charm? Sense of humor? Rich sexual experience? Loyalty and reliability? Or maybe intelligence?

It is clear that Olga Buzova once took Dmitry Tarasov out of the family in the same way. The stump is clear that by that time they had already quarreled with Oksana Tarsova, but most likely the offended woman was still waiting for the return of the prodigal husband. Buzova, at that time, was zealously hunting for some young and promising athlete, on her part there was at first a subtle calculation, then violent passion and love. Buzova fell in love, but the calculation did not disappear. Tarasov himself was in love, but then the feelings became dull, the rose-colored glasses fell to the floor and broke, the lassoed boy was tired of his wife's excessive publicity, and even more so the fact that every minute of their personal life is always on display. Yes, anyone would have their roof blown off! And so Dmitry Tarasov, not grieving for long, went to the left, and he found himself a simply luxurious girl. It is possible that Anastasia Kostenko believes that Dmitry Tarasov will be different with her. These previous wives were fools, one was worn out, the other was an ambitious public clowness, but Nastenka will be different - caring, loving, she will devote herself to her chosen one, give birth to many children for him.

In January 2018, Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenok got married. I really want to believe that Dmitry Tarasov will break all stereotypes and will never cheat on his third wife. If modest engineers and managers manage to make mistresses, then what can we say about athletes and artists! So, with bated breath, we are waiting for news about the next adventures of Dmitry Tarasov, but for now we are enjoying his photos new wife- Anastasia Kostenko.

The age difference between Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko is 7 years.

Just look at these photos of Anastasia Kostenko, how beautiful she is. Big eyes, plump, like those of Angelina Jolie, lips, chiseled, small, neat nose.

And in this photo you see little Anastasia Kostenko, but pay attention, her lips were already plump then - which means - no silicone! Or what are they uploading now?

Depending on the make-up Anastasia Kostenko may change beyond recognition. Just take a look at this photo - Nastya here you can only recognize the lower plump sponge!

But in this photo you can see how thin the eyebrows actually are. Anastasia Kostenko, here they are plucked and expressionless. How do girls manage to draw such different eyebrows for themselves? I wonder - they have so many different options eyebrows!

And in this photo you see Anastasia Kostenko with a bang on her forehead and a cat in her arms, by the way, it’s also very beautiful!

And in this photo a small Anastasia Kostenko with a family. From left to right: Nastya, her father, mother and grandmother.

Small Nastya with grandma and monkey.

Pay attention to this photo of a small Nastya Kostenko- even then it was clear that a real beauty would grow out of this girl, but who knew then that she would contact a handsome man Tarasov?

It seems that the Tarabuzikov divorce will remain in the news TOP of domestic show business for a long time to come. All participants in this ugly story voluntarily or involuntarily continue to support this topic.

Never yet in Russian show business no one thought of turning their divorce into such a money project. Thanks to parting with Tarasov, Olga Buzova's income increased several times. The athlete himself, who never shone with loud victories on the football field, thanks to his second wife, became popular on the fields of the Internet.

And soon, those who are closely following the Tarabuziki will have a new surprise - Olga Buzova's mother promised to publish compromising evidence on her former son-in-law. The website said this the other day. Allwomens.

By the way, the new passion of Dmitry Tarasov also owes her popularity to Olga Buzova. Until recently, only her relatives and teachers from the small provincial town of Salsk knew the name of Anastasia Kostenko.

Olga Buzova's rival not only famously stole her husband from her. Anastasia Kostenko quickly entered the company of mutual friends of Tarabuziki, and regularly appears in places where Tarasov and Buzova loved to be together so much.

The bride of Dmitry Tarasov wears the clothes of Olga Buzova

Dmitry Tarasov, who until recently was outraged by the publicity of Olga Buzova and her "life for show", today he himself demonstrates his personal life on social networks. The athlete infrequently publishes pictures from training and football matches, but photos with Anastasia Kostenko regularly appear in his microblog.

At the same time, Tarasov does not close discussions on his Instagram, which is why real battles are constantly taking place there. A lot of negative comments are left to the football player and his new girlfriend, which seem to amuse Dmitry.

Tonight, a new one appeared on Tarasov's Instagram joint photo with Anastasia Kostenko. The couple, together with friends, visited the next metropolitan restaurant.

Attentive users, considering the outfit of Anastasia Kostenko, noted that it was these costumes that Olga Buzova, who is not only a singer and presenter, but also a designer, produced a few years ago.

Anastasia Kostenko was ridiculed for her choice of clothes. Tarasov's followers were divided in opinion: some believe that his new girlfriend is diligently copying Olga Buzova, others are sure that Kostenko's new costume is a gift from Tarasov himself:

mira_musy Buzova's outfits. And what to throw away, after all, Tarasov got it in the property section))) wear Kostenko to health

just_miracle81 Am I the only one who thinks she has a suit from the #olgabuzovadesign collection?

zaxarovarita From Buzovai outfit then))))))))))))

tumanova_n_a Olya wears clothes!

licicalili Nastenka rummaged through old Olga's things? Same Olga Buzova Design, but only 2015. What are you, a model, wearing such junk? Or does a rich football player not give money for new clothes? What did you find in the closet from your ex-wife, then put it on?

We mark this material in Zen and stay abreast of all the intrigues and scandals of show business.

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