How is nationality determined? What is nationality? who should define it? on what grounds? Such different "Russians"


Chapter XVIII Corporal Punishment of Women in the East

Although the slave trade is severely punished in Asia and Africa, traders, suppliers for Turkish harems, find means to get human meat at the service of Asiatic pashas.

In former times, sovereign persons kept special commissars who traveled around Georgia and the Caucasus in general with the aim of kidnapping girls famous for their beauty - in order to supply the harems of the above-mentioned persons with them. Since such a barbaric method is not practiced in our time, slave traders resort to other means: they still hunt human game, but instead of force they now use seduction, seducing a young girl with a more or less significant amount of money and trying to persuade her to leave her poor parents to live in luxury and idleness. It is not uncommon for parents to sell their daughters to these human body dealers as well.

But since the vast majority of such girls are without any education and very ill-mannered, the buyers are sent to special institutions, a kind of boarding school, where experienced women teach them manners and how to behave in their new position; because of this, their value increases significantly compared to if they were sold immediately after purchase.

Such educational boarding houses exist mainly in Asia Minor and Arabia, they are, as it were, warehouses of women, black and white, of various races, at the disposal of wealthy Muslims.

Such establishments can be visited quite freely even by Europeans; for a few gold coins, they are allowed to inspect these original boarding houses, usually arranged with great luxury, since they are often visited by very rich persons - in order to personally choose a woman.

In such establishments, women are treated as slaves and therefore treated very harshly. Is it not necessary that the future master find complete and unquestioning obedience in the one he buys for his enjoyment? That is why, if any of them is guilty of anything, then she is immediately handed over to the eunuchs, who punish her corporally.

In such a house, each slave sleeps on boards covered only with carpet, says the correspondent of the Standard newspaper, who spent four days for a lot of money in such an institution and had the opportunity to observe all orders, special blocks are put on her knees at night so that she gets used to sleeping motionless and could not subsequently wake up her future master. In the morning, these pads are removed.

After that, they are all simultaneously driven into a special room, where holes are made in the floor, designed to satisfy a natural need, which is satisfied by them all at the same time.

After they have satisfied their natural need, they are taken to the washroom, where they are carefully massaged, and then placed in a rather hot bath; after leaving which they are placed at the disposal of pedicurists and manicurists, who serve them at the same time as maids, combing and dressing them.

If any of the slaves deserves a reward for her behavior, then she is allowed to sleep without stocks or even with a friend with whom she can play with various sensual pleasures, which, in order to develop voluptuousness in her, are strongly encouraged.

Punishments are exclusively corporal and very cruel; here you can meet the most barbaric refinement with a purely diabolical cruelty.

There is a special room for punishment. All kinds of instruments of punishment are always ready in it: belt whips, rope whips, long rods lying in the water to maintain flexibility, hair brushes, steel chains equipped with more or less heavy weights, etc .; in the middle of the room there is a bench on which they are punished, quite wide and equipped with rings, hooks, ropes, belts; one kind of such a bench is terrifying ...

Usually, for a small offense, no more than twenty blows are given to a naked body with rods or a whip - the main thing when punishing is that no two blows are needed on any part of the body and the skin would not be damaged. For more important offenses, they are subjected to all kinds of tortures, while continuing to take care of the integrity of the skin. Expose and significantly more blows with rods or whips, but then, again, in order to save the skin, they flog through wet sheets, which are changed several times during punishment.

After the twentieth blow, or in general after the end of the punishment with rods or lashes, the punished woman is taken to the next bathroom, where she is immediately immersed in a cold bath.

With the correspondent, who was in the next bathroom and watched through the hole, three guilty women were punished.

The punishment took place in the presence of the owner of the house and was carried out by three eunuchs. The punished were brought in turn. All of them obediently lay down on the bench and generally let everything be done with them before the punishment, but during the punishment they screamed furiously ... Here is a description of the execution:

“The first one was brought to punish the girl as a child. She was wearing only one shirt. One eunuch stood near the bench with rods in his hands and often whistled ominously in the air with them. The girl, apparently, wanted to explain something, but they didn’t let her, and two eunuchs quickly laid her on a bench and tied her up. It was surprisingly sad to look at the naked girl lying tied up on the bench.

As soon as the eunuchs tied her up, they stepped aside. The owner came close to her and began to say something soon ...

The eunuch with the rods moved a step away from the bench and looked like a dog into the eyes of the owner. Then, probably, he ordered to start flogging her, because the eunuch whistled with rods in the air and hit her body. The whistle is harsh and disgusting. There was an inhuman scream and a red stripe lay on the body.

Every five strokes, the eunuch moved to the other side of the bench, changing the rods each time. Another eunuch counted the blows. The moment between blows seemed like an hour to me. When she was given twenty blows, the eunuchs quickly untied the girl, she stood up and began to say something to the owner. All the while she was being flogged, she screamed furiously in monosyllabic sounds, uttering some words between blows... grimace. At a sign from the owner's hand, she was taken away and a few seconds later another was brought.

This was a tall, already fully formed Circassian girl. There was no face on her ... The girl was visibly trembling, she somehow looked helplessly around, like a hunted hare ... The owner repeated one word loudly several times, - the translator translated to the correspondent that he was telling her to “lie down”.

At this time, one eunuch, who was leaving, returned with two sheets soaked in water. According to the translator's explanation, it meant that she would be punished very severely...

But she did not lie down, then two eunuchs took her, lifted her up, put her on a bench and tied her up. The owner again said something that turned out to be an order to give her two hundred blows. Even the translator said: "It hurts a lot - she has a lot of guilt!"

Again whistling, wild cries, lamentations in the intervals between blows, now the bands were not visible, but only convulsive shudders of the body.

This punished woman herself could no longer get up from the bench - she was helped by the eunuchs, who took her away, supporting ...

Finally, they brought in a third, approximately the same girl as the second. This one has been put on the bench more than once. She was subjected to breast torture, after that she was punished on a bench with a whip and, like the two previously punished, she was put in a cold bath. The latter, during the torture, fell into a fainting state ... "

We have already said that with all the tortures, they try to inflict as much torment as possible without damaging the skin.

According to the same correspondent, very often the guilty girl is punished in this way, they strip her naked, put her back against a column in a room or wall, tying her hands, raise them up and tie her hands to the wall so that one elbow covers her face, the legs of the punished tied to rings in the floor and in this position the owner or the eunuch punish her with rods on the front of the body. Since this part of the body is especially sensitive, and the punishment is usually rather cruel, it is rare for an unfortunate woman to endure the appointed number of rods without losing consciousness from the pain; but then she is brought to her senses and then they continue to flog her again until the appointed number of blows is given in full. True, such a punishment is imposed for more important offenses, such as, for example, for an escape on which other punishments do not apply, for an attempt to escape, for the loss of innocence, and for the last offense they are always punished, not sparing the skin and often notched to death.

For escaping, they are usually subjected to a similar punishment after severe torture and punishment on the back of the body, after leaving the bathroom ...

The correspondent managed to buy a drawing in Beirut depicting the punishment of a girl in a similar way by the owner of such a warehouse of slaves.

Woman corporal punishment

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    Corporal punishment in schools: who, where and how punishes children

    After the sensational statements Russian producer Yana Rudkovskaya about punishing her son with a belt, we find out how corporal punishment is treated in Russia and abroad.

    In a recent interview with Dozhd, Rudkovskaya said that her parents used a belt as a child for educational purposes, and she herself appreciates some rigidity in raising her son so that he "grows up as a man."

    This recognition caused a scandal. Wednesday produced by Dima Bilana socialite posted a video on Instagram in which her son (she calls him “Dwarf Gnomych”) calls his mother’s story about punishments a joke.

    A post shared by Yana Rudkovskaya (@rudkovskayaofficial) on Apr 4, 2018 at 8:39am PDT

    End of Instagram post,

    Without rattan sticks?

    Most psychologists and psychiatrists who have published on the subject of parenting oppose punishment, seeing no educational effect in it, but considering it purely relationship poisoning.

    Spanking children is illegal in at least 44 countries around the world. Sweden was the first country to introduce a total ban on corporal punishment in 1979.

    At the same time, in some states, the issues of corporal punishment at home and at school are separated: for example, in Scandinavian countries and Ireland it is legally prohibited to punish children everywhere, but in Britain and Russia, when school punishment is prohibited, spanking at home remains on the conscience of parents.

    By 2018, corporal punishment remains acceptable mostly in conservative countries like Egypt or Syria.

    Standing apart in this row is highly developed, urbanized Singapore, where punishment with rattan sticks is actively practiced to impose discipline among schoolchildren (but not schoolgirls).

    Until recently, this practice existed in South Korea. But since 2011, individual caning has been banned in schools. However, as in Japan, they are still used in rural schools.

    Not in the USA federal law prohibiting punishment of children. In 31 states and the metropolitan District of Columbia, however, the ban on punishment in schools has been in effect for a long time, in New Jersey - already since 1867; in other states and Washington, it was introduced between 1971 and 2011.

    Deborah Sendek, director of the Center for Effective Discipline in Ohio, a state that abolished corporal punishment less than 10 years ago, is convinced absolute harm punishments. “They can have a short-term effect, that is, the child realizes that it is impossible to do this, but for a while. In the long run, there is no benefit from spanking, let alone beatings, on the contrary, ”she said in an interview.

    "By the ear and into the sun"

    AT Soviet Russia The official ban on corporal punishment in schools has been in place since 1918. However, it was often violated, especially in labor communes, in children's institutions of the Gulag system and later in children's correctional institutions.

    Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology scientific center mental health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Sergey Enikopolov told the BBC Russian Service about the times of his childhood: “I remember well how in the third or fourth grade many of my classmates came to school and could not sit at their desks, everything was on fire there.”

    Today, by Russian legislation, parents can be held criminally liable under Article 116 of the Criminal Code for corporal punishment of children. It involves punishment in the form of a fine or compulsory work, or arrest for up to three months.

    According to Human Rights Watch data for 2012-13, up to 36,000 women and 26,000 children experience domestic violence every day.

    In 2016, the Duma discussed a bill on a complete ban on corporal punishment, but the matter did not come to the adoption of the law due to the resistance of the conservative lobby. The prison term for dissolving parents was considered "an excessive manifestation of juvenile justice."

    To this day, some representatives of religious denominations (in particular, the Russian Orthodox Church) and conservative politicians (Elena Mizulina) speak about the “benefit” of corporal punishment.

    gentlemen's factories

    Until the mid-1970s, flogging was widely practiced in British schools, including in the most prestigious private schools. educational establishments such as Eton and Harrow. And long time not only teachers, but also older students, elders, with the consent of teachers, beat the students with rods in public on the naked parts of the body.

    An explicit ban on the use of corporal punishment in public schools was introduced in the UK in 1986. However, only 17 years later they were finally banned in private institutions.

    Despite this, just 10 years ago, according to an anonymous survey by TES magazine, 22% of the kingdom's teachers considered it acceptable to hit children.

    Education consultant in the UK for Russian migrants, Irina Shumovich, told the BBC Russian Service that none of her clients considered punishing their children or feared such measures from schools.

    “I have never encountered any punishment in British schools. Russian families came with enthusiasm and believed that British education was the best, so such questions were not even asked. Some parents worried about the possible homosexuality of teachers in private boys' schools - but this suspicious people”, Shumovich noted.

    What you need to know a woman who wants to marry a Muslim

    1. Muslims are allowed polygamy (only men!)
    Are you sure that he will not take this opportunity when your relationship cools off?

    2. A Muslim (ONLY MALE!) is allowed to commit adultery (adultery) but only with a non-Muslim woman.
    Then it doesn't count as adultery.

    3. In Islam, a woman is the property of a man.

    4. Marriage in Islam is not independent

    5. Muslim women It is FORBIDDEN to file for divorce, ONLY have this right! men.

    6. Muslims are forbidden not only to marry non-Muslim women, but even to be friends with non-Muslims. This means that if you are a non-Muslim, he will have to convert you to Islam or leave you.

    7. Those who wish to convert to Islam need to know that the Qur'an provides for the death penalty by cutting off the head for leaving (refusal) from Islam.

    8. Becoming a Muslim woman, you need to be prepared for the fact that the husband receives the right, sanctioned by Allah and the Koran, to scour you.

    9. The Qur'an allows a Muslim to lie if necessary. Such a lie is called "Takiya".

    10. There are a lot of beautiful verses in the Quran dedicated to a woman, but don’t rush to believe them, maybe it’s just takiya, because there are many directly opposite verses in the Quran

    In order not to be unfounded, I will cite verses (verses) from the Koran confirming the above statements.
    Islam considers the role model and model of behavior of the Prophet Muhammad.
    This is how the Qur'an describes the personal life of the prophet.

    Item #1 Polygamy

    Muhammad himself had, according to various sources, from 9 to 21 wives.
    There is no doubt that there were at least nine of them.
    The youngest of them was nine (9) years old when Muhammad had sexual relations with her.

    Tabari VII:7 “The Prophet married Aisha in Mecca, three years before Hijr, after Khadija died when she was six.” Ishaq:281 “When the Apostle came to Medina, he was fifty-three.” Tabari VII:6 “In May, 623, the Messenger of Allah consummated the marriage with Aisha.”

    Tabari IX:131 “My mother came to me when I was swinging, she took me in her arms and lowered me to the ground. Nanny washed my face and led me away. As I approached the door, the nurse stopped to let me catch my breath. When I entered, Muhammad was sitting on the bed in our house. My motherforced me to sit on his lap. The other men and women got up and left. Prophet got in touch with me in my house when I was nine years old.”

    Koran 4:3 “And if you fear that you will not be just with the orphans, then marry those that please you, one, two, three or four. And if you are afraid that you will not be fair, then - on one or on those that your right hands seized (on captives and slaves deprived of complete freedom and personal rights, which even before the conversion to Islam became the property of Muslims). It is better not to evade (4). And give the wives their veins as a gift. If they deign to have any of these for you, then eat them for health and well-being.”

    Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 5, Number 270:
    Muhammad ibn al-Muntahir narrates:
    "Aisha said: 'I perfumed Allah's Apostle and he went around (had sexual intercourse) with his wives, and in the morning he was Muhrim (after the bath)."

    Item #2 Adultery

    Tabari VIII:62/Ibn Ishaq:496 “Ali [Muhammad's son, son-in-law, and future caliph] said: ‘Prophet, women are plentiful. You can get a replacement by easily swapping one for the other.’”

    Koran 28:24 You are forbidden married women, if your right hands have not mastered them (ie, if they are not your captives).

    Item number 3 A woman is the property of a man

    A woman has no control over her body. Even her milk belongs to her husband. (Hadith Bukhari. p 27) [She is also not allowed to restrict the birth rate.]

    A woman is not a believer if she undertakes a trip lasting three days or more without being accompanied by her husband, son, father or brother. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 431)

    A woman must hide herself even in the presence of her father, husband, brother and other male relatives. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 432)

    5. A woman is forbidden to spend money without her husband's permission, including giving food to the needy or friends. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 265)

    6. It is forbidden for a wife to perform additional prayers (Nafal) or fast (except Ramadan) without the permission of her husband. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 300)

    7. If a woman bowed to anyone other than God, then she should bow to her husband. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 428)

    8. If a man is in the mood to have sexual intercourse with his wife, it should arrive immediately, even if she is baking bread by the oven. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 428)

    If a woman is disobedient or immodest, the husband has the right to beat her, but not to break her bones. She must not allow anyone who is not loved by her husband to enter the house. (Hadith Tirmizi. r 439)

    A woman is forbidden to be seen by any man other than her husband when she is not covered or beautifully dressed. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 430)

    Hadith, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 122: Narrated by Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said: “If a woman spends the night outside her husband’s bed, then the angels send curses on her until she returns.”

    Hadith, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 460: Narrated by Abu Hurairah: Allah's Apostle said: “If a husband calls his wife to bed, and she refuses and makes him sleep in anger, then the angels will curse her until morning.”

    Item #4 Independence of marriage

    The marriage of a woman and a man is not independent. For example, if a husband's father orders his son to divorce his wife, he must do so. (Hadith Tirmizi, r 440)

    Item #5 Divorce in Islam

    A woman is the property of a man and has no right to divorce.

    Item number 6 Relations with non-Christians

    « Let Muslims not take non-Muslims as their relatives. And whoever does this has nothing in common with Allah, unless you fear them with fear. » Koran 3:27(28)

    Koran 3:28:
    Believers [meaning the followers of Muhammad] should not consider unbelievers as their helpers and friends instead of believers. And whoever does this has nothing to do with Allah except when you are really afraid of them. Allah warns you against Himself, and to Allah is coming.

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    “O you who believe! Do not take Jews and Christians as friends: they are friends to each other. And if one of you takes them as his friends, he himself is one of them. Verily, Allah does not guide the unrighteous people” (S. 5:51).

    O Arabs, marry your own and your equals, be careful about the purity of the blood of your future children, and never marry Negroes. Because the Negroes are corrupted, deformed creations and the children that will be from them will also be defective and deformed. (Muttaki, 8/24-28) Arabs are equal to Arabs. Mavali is equal to mavali. If the mavalis (guardians) are married to the Arabs, then they have committed a sin, for this is an unworthy act.
    (Muttaki, 8/24-28)

    Item #7 Rejection of Islam

    "Kill the one who has changed his faith" (Nesei 7-8/14, Bukhari 12/1883

    “They would like you to be unfaithful, as they were unfaithful, and you would be the same. Do not take friends from them until they are evicted in the way of Allah; but if they turn away, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.” (Quran 4:91(89))

    “Let not pity for them in the religion of Allah take possession of you, if you believe in Allah and the last day. "(Quran 24:2)

    "Fight the infidels and hypocrites and be hard on them." (Quran 9:74(73))

    Item #8 Flagellation and corporal punishment

    Qur'an 4:34 “Husbands are superior to their wives because Allah has given one an advantage over the other, and because they spend out of their wealth. And decent women are reverent, keep a secret in what Allah keeps. And those whose rebelliousness you fear, exhort and leave them on their beds and Flog them. And if they obey you, then do not seek a way against them - indeed, Allah is exalted, great!

    Item #9 Lies in Islam:

    « Lying is permissible only in three cases: between husband and wife, to achieve the satisfaction of each other; during the war; and lies to reconcile people » Ahmad 7/459, at-Tirmizi 3/127

    The Messenger of Allah said: « He is not a liar who [tryes] to reconcile people by saying (or: bringing to them) something good».

    Ibn Shihab said: « And I have not heard that people are allowed to lie, except for three [cases]: [when it comes to] war, [attempts] to reconcile people among themselves, and also what a husband says to his wife and what a wife says to her husband (for the sake of reconciliation between them). »

    Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda (a supporter of Muhammad) said: « We (Muslims) smile in the face of some people while we curse them in our hearts.».

    Non-Muslim interlocutors who want to engage in dialogue with Muslims should know what is meant by “justified religious pretense” - “Taqiyya”

    It is allowed, for example, to be interested in Christianity or other religions, to participate in cult activities together with "infidels" and even to take an oath, but with an internal reservation. In the Islamic view, in such a situation, Allah will not punish the liar, but the infidels who forced the Muslim into difficult situation to renunciation and necessary lies.

    In Islam, taqiyah, lying for a specific purpose, is permitted if it is necessary to protect the whole of Islam or an individual Muslim. In relation to a non-Muslim, “taqiyah” is not a deceit and a lie, since he cannot be trusted.

    Muslim scholars of the past confirm this thought: “Know that lying is not shameful in itself. It is allowed if it is the only way to achieve a good result.” (Al-Ghazali, 1059-1111)

    “Lying is a sin, but not when it serves the benefit of a Muslim.” (Al-Tabari, 839-923)

    “To encourage a Muslim, verbal lies are allowed in war if it is necessary for the fight” (Ibn Arabi, 1165-1240)

    “Who will kill this dog for me, Kaaba Ibn Al Ashraf?” And then some Mohammed bin Maslama stood up and said: “We will kill him, but for this we will have to lie to him.” Muhammad said: "Tell him what you want, you are allowed to." ……. (Bukhari 1540 (4037)

    Item number 10 Attitude towards a woman

    Hadith, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 33: Narrated by Usama bin Zayd: The Prophet said, “After me I did not leave a misfortune more harmful to men than women.”

    Hadith, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 31: Narrated by Ibn Umar: An evil omen was mentioned before the Prophet: The Prophet said: “If there is an evil omen in anything, it is in a house where there are women and horses.”

    Ibn Ishaq:584 “Say to your men who have wives: Never trust a woman.’”

    Most women will go to hell. (Muslim. R 1431)

    Hadith Bukhari:V4B55N547 “The Prophet said: ‘But among the Israelites, the meat would not have decayed, and if it were not for Eve, the wives would never have betrayed their husbands.’”

    Tabari IX:113 “Allah permits you to close them in isolated rooms and beat them, but not much. If they abstain, they are entitled to food and clothing. Treat women well, because they are like pets - they don't own anything. Allah has made it lawful for you to enjoy their bodies in his Quran.”

    Tabari I:280 “Allah said: ‘It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once a month, as she made this tree bleed. I should have also made Eve stupid, although I created her smart.’ Since Allah has corrupted Eve, then all the women of this world menstruate and are stupid.”

    Islamic Paradise as described by the Qur'an.

    “There are good, beautiful virgins ... They are black-eyed and big-eyed, kept in tents ... Neither a man nor a genie had any proximity with them before ... They will lie, leaning against them, on green pillows and embroidered carpets” (Quran, 55: 70- 76).

    "Their wives will be black-eyed, big-eyed maidens, like hidden pearls." (Quran, 56:22-23).

    Narrated by Abu Umama:
    “The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever Allah admits to Paradise will be married to 72 wives, two of them will be houris, and the remaining 70 will be inherited from the inhabitants of the Fire. They will all have pleasurable sexual organs, and he [the inhabitant of Paradise] will have an ever-erect penis.”

    Sunan Ibn Maja, Zuhd (Temperance Book), 39
    “Every time after you sleep with the houri, she will again become a virgin. Besides, the penis of the Chosen Ones will never become soft. The erection will be permanent, and the orgasm in Paradise will not compare with the orgasm in this world. Every Muslim will marry seventy houris and earthly wives, and they will all have delicious vaginas.
    as-Suyuti, al-Itqan fi ulum al-Qur'an, page 351

    Hadith: “The believer in Paradise will be endowed with such power that he will be able to enter into intimacy so many times.” He was asked: "Messenger of Allah, can he bear it?" He replied, "He will be given the strength of a hundred [men]." (At-Tirmidhi)

    Abu Hurairah said: “Once the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked: “O Messenger of Allah, will we get close to our wives in Paradise?” He replied: “Indeed, a man in Paradise will approach a hundred virgins a day!” (al-Bazzar in “al-Kashf al-astar” 3525, Abu Nu’aym in “Sifatul-janna” 1/169, at- Tabarani in al-Saghir on 2/12. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam al-Diya al-Maqdisi, Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Sheikh al-Albani. See al-Silsilya al-sahiha No. 367)

    78:31-34 Truly for the faithful will be the fulfillment of heart desires. Around are gardens and vineyards, voluptuous women and bowls full (to the brim).

    "The whipped generation": corporal punishment in Russia

    Corporal punishment was finally abolished in Russia on August 24, 1904. The well-known playwright and director Nikolai Evreinov, in his work on the history of this type of administration of justice, wrote: “The whole life of the people passed under the eternal fear of torture: the parents flogged at home, the teacher flogged at school, the landowner flogged at the stable, the masters of crafts flogged, officers flogged, volost judges, Cossacks.

    On August 24, 1904, all forms of corporal punishment were officially abolished in Russia. The well-known playwright and director Nikolai Evreinov, in his work on the history of this type of administration of justice, wrote: “The whole life of the people passed under the eternal fear of torture: the parents flogged at home, the teacher flogged at school, the landowner flogged at the stable, the masters of crafts flogged, officers flogged, volost judges, Cossacks.

    Corporal punishment in Russia until its abolition in 1904, perhaps, could be called the most frequently used type of responsibility for the commission of a crime. Representatives of the nobility became the first "unwhacked generation" after the granting of the "Letter of Letters" by Catherine II in 1785. It was this bodily sovereignty that became one of the reasons for the distrust of the lower strata of the population towards the “noble”, who, in turn, tried to compensate for their privileged position with artistic manifestations and calls for humanism. As an example, it suffices to famous poem Nekrasov "Yesterday, at six o'clock ...", describing the process of performing one of the most common types of corporal punishment - whipping.

    Children were flogged even in aristocratic families

    First Code of Laws ancient Russian state- "Russian Truth" - did not provide for corporal punishment, it only mentions monetary ransoms or execution, depending on the severity of the crime committed. Already after the 11th century, corporal punishment entered the procedural practice: beating with batogs and a whip was added to the legislation. Since the 13th century, violent sanctions against violators of the law have been found everywhere: branding begins to be used - applying special symbols to the body of the convict with a red-hot iron. The text of the treaty between the Novgorod Republic and the German free city of Gotland dated 1270 states that “a thief of a thing at the cost of half a hryvnia is punished with rods and branding on the cheek.” Despite the severity of this type of punishment, it occurs even at the end of the 18th century: then the rebels burned the letter “B” on their cheeks, and sometimes the word “thief” was completely displayed on the forehead of thieves. It is thanks to this practice that the expression “it is written on the forehead” was fixed in the Russian language. Thus, stigmatization as a punishment aimed at distinguishing the criminal from other people.

    Corporal punishment for schoolchildren was abolished in 1864

    Nevertheless, until the 15th century, a crime was viewed rather as the realization of individual dissatisfaction with any person or situation, but already in the period of the formation of the centralized Russian state, many offenses began to be perceived as acts against the whole state system, against the rule of law in general, and therefore serious punishment should have followed for their commission. So, for sedition, that is, the deliberate preparation of a rebellion or rebellion against the existing regime, “commercial execution” (public beating with a whip in the central square of the city) or self-harmful punishment (cutting off an ear, tongue or branding) was supposed.

    N. V. Orlov "The Recent Past" (Before the flogging), 1904

    Already in " Cathedral Code» Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649, the system of corporal punishment has significantly expanded and become more complicated. "Commercial execution" has often become synonymous with death penalty in general, and for a greater preventive effect, the bodies of the executed remained for a long time on public display. The hierarchy of corporal punishment was built on the principle of a talion, according to which punishments should be equivalent to the damage caused - "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." For example, cutting off a hand - for theft, selfish use of official position or an attempt on a higher social ladder; branding, cutting ears, nostrils and noses - for repeated theft or robbery, sale of tobacco to the detriment of the state monopoly; cutting off the tongue - for a false oath or denunciation. A very terrible punishment awaited those responsible for the murder of their parents - they were torn apart with ticks.

    Under Peter I, the inexorability of the state machine of punishment reached its culmination. Serious crimes were punished by burning. To do this, they built a small wooden shed, which was lined with straw and set on fire, causing the criminal to suffocate in the smoke and die. The ethnographer K. de Bruin, who visited Russia, observed in Moscow the execution of a 50-year-old woman who had killed her husband: she was buried up to her shoulders in the ground, and a towel was tied around her head and neck. The guards were careful not to give her food or drink, although the public was allowed to throw money at her, for which the condemned woman nodded her thanks. The money in such cases went to buy candles and a coffin.

    As punishments for minor crimes, beating with batogs or a whip could be used, which is why the offender could die after just a few blows. The execution mechanism was as follows: the offender lay down on the ground, and the executioner's assistants sat on his head and legs, holding the culprit while the executioner counted the number of prescribed blows. Debtors were beaten on the legs with a stick in the square: for a debt of 100 rubles - every day for a month. If after such a "suggestion" the accused refused to repay the debt, then all his property was put up for sale. And if this did not help, then the debtor with his wife and children was given to the service, which was estimated at only 5 rubles a year for a man and 2.5 rubles for a woman.

    S. Korovin "In the volost court" (1884)

    The "enlightened" Empress Catherine II tried to change the penitentiary system by proposing her draft "Charter on Prisons". It prescribed more humane conditions for keeping prisoners in cells and even contained thoughts about the need to take care of the health of criminals and about a prison hospital with regular changes of bed linen, nightcaps and a bell for an urgent call to a doctor. However, despite all the good undertakings and aspirations, fundamental changes did not follow.

    The traveler Vening describes the state of the Russian prison in this way late XVIII century: “The yard is extremely dirty; right places, which had not been cleaned for several years, so contaminated the air that it was almost impossible to endure the stench. In these places, soldiers led men and women at the same time, without any sorting or decency. The cells were also dark and dirty, and the floor had not been washed since it was made. There were up to 200 people sitting in one room, and together with the greatest, for example, a criminal bound with glands, an unfortunate boy for losing his passport.

    However, since the reign of Alexander I, the system of corporal punishment began to soften, as did the very attitude towards this type of law enforcement. In 1808, the wives of priests were released, and in 1811, ordinary monks. Post-war attempts at liberalization government controlled led to the creation in 1817 of a special committee, which decided to ban the tearing out of the nostrils and subsequently abolish commercial executions. According to the Code of Laws of 1835 and 1842, honorary citizens and clergy were no longer subjected to corporal punishment, some exceptions were introduced for children and the elderly. In the pre-reform period, the practice of corporal punishment began to be used less and less, although the statistics are striking: for example, women were punished with whips only in 1856-1858 in the Kovno province 21 times, in Novorossiysk - 18, in Orenburg - 8. The need for a complete abolition of corporal punishment has matured not only among the nobility and intelligentsia, but the government itself was keenly aware of its inevitability.

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  • You can often hear from representatives of the older generation that today's youth need to be flogged with rods. But both children and adults have little idea what kind of punishment this is and how it was carried out.

    What does "cut with rods" mean?

    This concept is absolutely transparent and has no double meaning. To whip with rods means to strike with a bunch of rods on soft ones. Usually this method was used as a fault. This procedure served several purposes. Firstly, the delivered physical pain was supposed to inspire children with fear of punishment, and therefore prevent them from committing new pranks. Secondly, the psychological factor is also very important. Flogging with rods is not only painful, but also shameful. This was especially true when the punishment procedure took place in the presence of other children, for example, playmates or classmates. left an indelible mark and hurt the child's pride.

    This method of education was very popular in England. There they flogged with rods both at home and at school. This tradition is preserved in our time, but only in certain communities.

    For some reason, it is widely believed that it was our country that became the progenitor of this cruel and even somewhat barbaric method of punishment. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Historical studies prove that rods were used in many states, including developed European ones.

    This method even has its own Latin name - "flagellation". If we consider the art of different countries, we can see such a French engraving. The picture shows a cozy living room. In front of the fireplace in an armchair is the head of the family, reading the Bible. Nearby is his wife, who is preparing rods in order to flog her daughter. A ten-year-old girl nearby is crying and

    How flogged with rods in the old days

    Historically, this method of punishment has developed a very long time ago. Children were flogged with rods not only for committing dishonorable acts, but also just like that, for the purpose of prevention, or, more simply, "to be disrespectful."

    If we consider more ancient times, then women often got it for various misconduct. Yes, in Ancient Egypt they were often flogged for adultery. With the offensive in the European world Christian faith beating women began to be regarded as an immoral act, and gradually it was used less and less.

    In the UK, the fair sex was flogged in prisons. It happened approximately as follows. The woman was brought to a room specially designated for this type of punishment. A wide and long bench was installed in it, equipped with straps for tying hands and feet. The verdict was read to the woman, in which it was stated in detail why she would be beaten. After that, the guilty person had to lie on the bench with her stomach down. Her hands and feet were tightly bound, which made her almost unable to move. Then the process of punishment began. There were heart-rending cries and pleas for help. Sekli at that time is cruel. After that, the woman was taken to her cell, very often the unfortunate were brought there in an unconscious state.

    Under Queen Elizabeth of England, flogged, as a rule, in public. Flagellation took place in the prison yard on specially equipped platforms. The area did not allow to accommodate everyone who wanted to be present at the punishment.

    What are roses?

    This question can be answered by examining historical writings teachers of past centuries. Rods are rods various breeds wood. The most commonly used hazel, willow, krasnotal, tarmarine. The rods are tied into bundles of three to five branches (if birch is used). If harder varieties of wood are taken, then one branch can be used. Each twig must be at least 60 centimeters long and no less than half a finger thick. The ends of the rod must be split after soaking so that there are no overlaps. In the old days, this option was called "velvet", since the marks on the body disappeared very quickly - from three to five days. Of course, if it was necessary to flog children for disobedience, the softest types of wood were used. They could not cause severe damage to delicate skin.

    Preparation of the instrument of punishment

    There is absolutely reliable information about how the selection of a quality spanking tool was carried out. To do this, the rods were soaked for several hours (and preferably two or three days) in ordinary running water. There is also information that in order to cause much greater suffering to the victim, the rods were placed for some time in a saline solution.

    Then the spanking caused severe pain, which then could not go away for a long time. The birth of this sophisticated technology has its roots in Ancient Greece. It was there that the guilty were flogged with rods. The philosopher and historian Homer tells about such cases in his writings.

    How it was necessary to flog with rods correctly?

    It turns out that flagellation is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There were certain rules for preparing tools for her, as well as the technique of striking. How to whip with rods? The main rule was the need to measure your strength. The person had to experience severe physical pain, but not remain mutilated. The scars were not meant to remain on the body forever. Therefore, the person who carried out the flagellation had to control the force of his blow.


    Of course time cruel punishments irretrievably gone. In modern times, such a method as whipping, or flagellation, is practically not used. Although sometimes there are cases of demonstrative beatings in order to prove one's position.

    Nationality - in modern Russian, a term denoting a person's belonging to a certain ethnic community; a complex historical formation, it is formed as a result of blood mixing of races and tribes, many redistributions of lands with which it connects its fate, and a spiritual and cultural process that creates its unique spiritual face.

    The concept of "nationality" in the understanding of philosophers

    "Nationality is a historical spiritual community of people interconnected by the unity of the Faith, spiritual and material culture. Neither territory, nor state affiliation, nor blood and anthropological type, nor way of life, nor even language in themselves are signs that distinguish a representative of one nationality from a representative of another ... "(N. Berdyaev)

    There are two opposite points of view on the existence of nationalities. Some believe that nationality is an atavism. By identifying oneself with one or another nationality, a person limits himself to the framework of this nationality, and this is just another restriction on the freedom of thought and development. Others that she is a value.

    Man enters humanity through national individuality, as national man, and not an abstract person, like a Russian, a Frenchman, a German or an Englishman. A person cannot jump over a whole step of being, because of this he would become impoverished and empty. Culture has never been and never will be abstractly human; it is always concretely human, i.e. national, individual-folk, and only in this quality ascending to universal humanity.

    The concept of "nationality" from the point of view of historians

    Anton D. Smith said: "A nationality is a group of people having a name, myths about common forefathers, common historical memories, one or more elements common culture, connection with the motherland and a certain degree of solidarity, at least among the elite."

    One nationality can consist of several racial types, and most often from their hybrids. Starting from the "Great Migration of Nations" and up to our time, there was a significant mixing of races and at certain stages historical development a person's nationality was determined by different countries in various ways.

    AT Nazi Germany nationality was determined on the basis of nationality ancestors and biologically - according to external signs. In Russia until the beginning of the 20th century, the question of ethnic background there was practically no person, although there was information about religion in the name sheet about the students and in the matriculation certificate. Since 1850, a column about the nationality of students appeared in the statement foreign origin, and information about Jews also appeared in the administrative record of the city's residents. In the passports, the column "nationality" appeared only when Soviet power, as part of the fight against any religion. At the same time, when obtaining a passport, a citizen made a choice based on the nationality of his parents. Currently, in many countries, nationality is not indicated in passports, but only citizenship.

    Nationality is a person's belonging to a particular nation. Genetics should determine it, because human DNA is very interesting thing, not always external signs make it possible to accurately determine to which nation a person belongs. But outwardly, you can also determine nationality. This is determined by the following features:

    1) skin color;

    2) eye section;

    3) the shape of the nose;

    4) figure;

    5) the structure and color of the hair.

    For example. by these signs we can easily distinguish an Ethiopian from an Asiatic. Well, what is possible in the genus of each of the bottom were Russians, only genetics can establish.

    In order to answer this question as accurately as possible, some literature should be consulted. But I also have to point out that the answer will be purely subjective and many people may not agree with this opinion.

    What is nationality

    Nationality - the definition of a person to any ethnic group. At the moment, most countries are multinational, that is, they do not have a specific nation in the country. The most multinational countries include:

    1. Russia;
    2. Switzerland;
    3. India;
    4. Philippines;
    5. African countries.

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that Russia is a secular state in which power is exercised by a multinational people. It follows from this that all citizens of the country, regardless of nationality, have the same rights.

    Who should determine nationality

    Each person accepts his nationality independently and no one can force him to call himself one or another nationality. At the moment, the indication of nationality in the passport is optional. But in the USSR passport, each person was required to indicate their nationality, which confused people who were of a different nationality than most people.

    How is nationality determined?

    Since in the Russian Federation each person determines his own nationality, there are no special signs. Although not so long ago in Nazi Germany they came up with a special device that separated true Germans from the Jews, but only this device had a very strong error, and along with the Jews, the Germans also separated. If a person voluntarily wants to determine his nationality, now there is a DNA analysis that will show what nationality you are.

    In conclusion, I can say that the division of people should be carried out according to talents and skills, but not according to nationality. Therefore, if you know a person who despises this or that nationality - a skinhead, then immediately contact the police. Because he violates the basic law of the Russian Federation - the constitution and breaks public order.

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