Christian Bale weight change. Christian Bale's dramatic weight change for roles (11 photos)


Incredible metamorphoses with the weight of Christian Bale.

To star in a particular film, actors often have to change their appearance. Some get better, others get thinner. British actor Christian Bale (Christian Bale) has repeatedly demonstrated what he is willing to go for desired role. Some of the metamorphoses that took place with his body really scared the fans. However, each of the characters he played was incredibly realistic.
1 News Sellers (1992)

Shot from the film "News Sellers" (1992).

In 1992, 17-year-old Christian Bale starred in the musical Newsboys. Then, looking at this dancing and singing guy, no one wondered what kind of perfectionist he would be in the future.

2. Velvet Goldmine (1998)

Christian Bale as journalist Arthur Stewart. Shot from the film "Velvet Goldmine" (1998).

After the release of the film Velvet Goldmine, Christian Bale was talked about as an actor who had already “grown up” to character roles.

3 American Psycho (2000)

Christian Bale as a psychopath.

In American Psycho, Christian Bale had to play a man obsessed with his perfect appearance. In order to look decent in the frame, the actor visited the gym six times a week for 4 months, gaining muscle mass.

4. Machinist (2004)

For the role in the film "The Machinist" Christian Bale had to lose 28.5 kg.

If in the film about the psychopath Bale's weight was 81 kg, then for filming in The Machinist, the actor lost weight to a catastrophic 55 kg, given that his height is 183 cm. Christian Bale's embossed body "melted" in just four months. His diet consisted of water, coffee, one apple and a can of tuna a day. The role of insomniac machinist Trevor Reznick brought Bale an award at the Catalan Film Festival in Sitges.

5 Batman Begins (2005)

Christian Bale as Batman.

Immediately after filming The Machinist, Christian Bale was offered a role in a Batman movie. From an anorexic goner, he needed to turn into a strong superhero. Bale went on a high-carbohydrate diet and resumed his rigorous three-hour gym schedule. In just a few months, the actor gained 27 kg, and during the filming - another 18 kg.

6. Saving Dawn (2006)

Christian Bale as Airman Dieter Dengler.

A year after playing the role of Batman, Bale, already a professional in matters of extreme weight loss and weight gain, again tested his body for strength. This time, the actor had to lose 24 kg for his role in the film "Saving Dawn".

7. Terminator: May the Savior Come (2009)

The main character is John Connor as interpreted by Christian Bale.

The role of John Connor in the fourth part of the "Terminator" made Christian Bale go back to the gym.

8. Fighter (2010)

Bale won an Academy Award for his supporting role.

Christian Baid won an Oscar for his role in The Fighter. To play a former boxer suffering from drug addiction, the actor had to increase the intensity of cardio training and rapidly lose weight to 66 kg.

9. The Dark Knight: Rebirth of a Legend (2012)

Batman played by Christian Bale is simply irresistible.

Batman must always look impressive.

10 American Hustle (2013)

Frame from the movie "American Hustle".

For his role in American Hustle, Christopher Bale was officially allowed to eat anything. This time he needed not to lose weight, but to gain it. The actor gladly devoured hamburgers and washed them down with Coca-Cola. He recovered by 20 kg.

Born into an artistic family. His mother was a ballerina and both grandfathers were actors. And, of course, his artistic nature could not but wake up in the boy.

Christian Bale weight transformations. The photo in the center is the result of losing almost 30 kg. The third photo is from the Batman movie (click to enlarge).

From childhood, the boy was surrounded by creative, strong-willed, success-oriented people. Very early joined the stage and began acting in films. In order to play a role well, actors have to fully get used to the role and meet the requirements that directors and screenwriters make.

So Christian Bale more than once had to literally reshape his figure, gaining weight or vice versa getting rid of extra pounds. So before the film "The Machinist" the actor had to lose a lot of weight.

Christian Bale's Cruel Diet

As Christian Bale himself says, for this he had to not eat and move a lot. According to the script, Trevor Reznick was exhausted by insomnia after not sleeping for over a year. In order to enter the role, Christian sat on a strict diet. The daily calorie content of his diet was gradually reduced to 300-400 kilocalories.

For four months, he only drank, ate canned tuna and fresh apples. In addition, he took a complex of vitamins and drank a lot of water. When the actor wanted to eat, he tried to distract himself with something else, for example, reading books. The actor tried to spend his free time at home, avoiding communication with other people.

Bale training

He supplemented the diet with grueling workouts - he ran until his muscles weakened, and he simply could not move his legs. The constant companions of such a diet were poor health and weakness. Sometimes because of this, they even had to change the time of filming.


After The Machinist was filmed, Christian Bale even had to be treated. The treatment consisted of proper nutrition and rest. In addition, it was necessary to get rid of the toxins that had accumulated in the body during fasting.

Christian Bale did something of a feat to play acting role. To do this, you need to have a very significant incentive and have an iron will and desire to achieve the goal.

The consequences of such weight loss can affect the health of the actor in the future. After all, prolonged fasting affects the overall immunity, causing hormonal imbalance and persistent health problems. Sharp jumps in weight from 83 kg to 55 kg, and vice versa, can cause disturbances in the work of the heart, which may simply not withstand such sudden changes.

And vice versa

It's funny, but for his next film "Batman" Bale had a chance to regain his fighting weight at an accelerated pace, which he did with flying colors (bringing it to 90+ kg). As it turned out, the actor overdid it, because he no longer fit into the Batman costume. So he had to lose weight again. True, not by 30 kg, but only by 10 ...

Everyone knows that Christian Bale consummate master reincarnations. His ability for short time drastically change your appearance by increasing or decreasing weight is simply amazing! Let's take a look at how the actor has changed for certain roles in films.

News Sellers (1992)

Seventeen-year-old Christian appeared in the image familiar to us in the musical "News Sellers". His hero, with a scarf around his neck, sang and danced so professionally that Bale was nominated for the Young Actor Award for this role.

Velvet Goldmine (1998)

One of the most subtle and graceful transformations in Christian's career. This film about glam rock shows the artist as a fully grown man. A man who sometimes uses shadows, but at the same time performs courageous deeds.

American Psycho (2000)

For the role of a maniac and murderer, Bale had to recruit a little muscle mass. On the creation of such sculptural forms, he spent four months, studying gym three hours six times a week.

Machinist (2004)

For the role of Trevor Resnick in The Machinist, Bale lost 28.5 kg. This is one of his most famous roles. Bale had to get rid of his athletic forms and lose 26 kg in just four months. His diet consisted of water, coffee and one apple a day. For his role in this film, Bale received an award as best actor at the Catalan Film Festival in Sitges.

Batman Begins (2005)

The actor was faced with the task of gaining weight for short period in order to portray the indestructible Batman in all its glory. Bale switched to a high-carb diet and returned to three-hour workouts. Gained 27 kg before the film and another 18 kg during filming. He was awarded the MTV award as "Best Hero".

Rescue Dawn (2006)

Already a weight management pro, Bale easily shed 24kg for his role as a hero who has to endure hardship in order to survive. Stunning makeup, depicting the last stage of exhaustion, made his image extremely realistic.

Terminator: Let the Savior Come (2009)

A new loop in the weight change roller coaster. In order to successfully fight the uprising of the machines, the film needed an actor who had sufficient muscle volume. Bale followed them back to the gym.

Fighter (2010)

To play the cocaine-addicted ex-boxer, Bale had to do intense cardio in order to lose weight and portray a credible drug addict. He received an Oscar, a Golden Globe, as well as a US Screen Actors Guild Award in the Best Supporting Actor nomination and was generally treated kindly by critics for this role.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Christian Bale's body can change as much as he wants, unlike Batman, who must always look athletic and muscular. It was for the role in the third part of the trilogy that Bale built muscle again.

From Hell (2013)

Goodbye muscles, welcome bones. The actor was again required, in Once again, significantly lose weight for the role of a tortured and driven factory worker.

American Hustle (2013)

For the sake of the role of the crime comedy "American Hustle", where he played the role of con artist Irving Rosenfeld, Bale leaned on the wrong food, mainly cheeseburgers and gained 20 kg. For this role, Christian was nominated for an Oscar, a Golden Globe Award, and a BAFTA Award for Best Actor.

Exodus (2014)

Since, in fact, no one knows exactly how much weight Moses was, so Christian simply returned to his usual weight and the standard-slender will appear in the Ridley Scott film

Christian Bale is a brilliant British actor, the star of Equilibrium and The Machinist, Batman, The Fighter, The Prestige, The Terminator, American Psycho and many other sensational films.

As a Golden Globe and Oscar winner, Bale is known not only for his excellent performances of the main and minor roles. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to repeat his cruel experiments on his own body.

The actor plays with his weight and muscle mass, like a juggler with balls - he quickly adjusts his appearance to any role, losing weight or gaining a good 50 kg!

A break between diets: the figure of Christian Bale in the film "Reign of Fire"

Christian Bale's transformations

Christian started acting at the age of 12, and by the age of 20 he weighed 83 kg with a height of 183 cm. He was an athlete with a mountain of relief muscles - but he was invited to star in the film The Machinist, for which a thin, emaciated hero was needed - skin and bones. For 4 months, Christian lost weight up to 55 kg! How did he do it?

Christian's daily diet did not exceed 250 kcal and consisted of:

  • 3 cups of coffee (for breakfast, lunch, dinner);
  • 1 apple (for breakfast);
  • 200 g tuna (for lunch).

Of course, he took a complex of vitamins and minerals, and also drank a lot. clean water without gas. With such a diet, there was a sharp loss of not only weight, but also muscle mass. But this is exactly what Christian was trying to match the future role. In addition, Christian did not stop physical training.

It was not muscle building, but cardio, aerobics, stretching and isometric exercises. True, with a minimum calorie diet and a large physical activity(shooting always requires active physical feedback) the actor often felt bad. Sometimes it was necessary to interrupt the shooting and let him rest.

Gaining weight before filming "Batman"

After the film The Machinist, Christian was invited to the film Batman Begins. Of course, a hero who saves the world cannot weigh 55 kg with a height of 183 kg. Christian quickly began a weight gain and muscle building program. To do this, he significantly increased the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates: proteins - 250 g per day, carbohydrates - 300 g per day.

Christian Bale's Mass Gaining Diet: Before and After

Christian's training also changed radically - he focused on strength exercises and many hours of training "with iron". After 5 months, the actor weighed 100 kg! The director of the film, seeing such a metamorphosis, was shocked, but said that Batman could not look like a bodybuilder, and asked to lose at least 10 kg. A couple of months later (by the start of filming), Christian Bale already weighed 86 kg.

Continuation of games with weight

Christian's experiments did not stop there. For Saving Dawn (2006), he again lost weight to 61 kg to recover to 83 kg in The Dark Knight (2008). After 2 years, he weighed 66 kg in The Fighter, and for The Dark Knight Rises (2012) recovered to 90 kg.

The actor is completely immersed in his roles and lives them together with his hero, so it was important for him not to portray someone, but to be him. With all the admiration and respect for Christian Bale, I would like to emphasize separately that such experiments on your body and health can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
I would like to note: no matter what result you want to achieve - lose weight or get better - to achieve your goal physical exercise must be mandatory and regular!

The star of the films "Batman" and "Terminator" Christian Bale puts cruel experiments on himself, which not everyone can repeat.

However, his experience can be useful for those who are going to lose weight immediately and a lot.

Christian Bale is a serious dramatic actor, and his role in The Machinist is proof of this. However, the first thing you notice in this film is not Christian's game, but his impossible thinness. According to the script, the hero of Bale does not sleep or eat for a year. To play this role, the actor had to lose 28 kilograms in 4 months. As Christian Bale himself says: “I wanted to lose more weight, but they stopped me in time.”

After an interview with a film actor, one gets the impression that he managed to lose weight, mainly due to self-discipline. Difficulties, if any, but mostly psychological nature. Christian lost weight himself, focusing only on his own well-being. Many friends were worried that he might be ill. But the actor claims that he felt good. He felt calm and even peaceful. The desire to prove to himself that he is capable of much for the sake of an interesting role, Christian calls the desire to get new impressions one of the main incentives in the fight against his own body.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Diet Christian Bale

What was the diet: Christian Bale used the following menu to lose weight:

  • Bale relied on a morning meal for a cup of black coffee, in which the actor did not add sugar or its substitutes.
  • Lunch was supposed to be canned tuna in its own juice. You could eat 200 g of this fish. The drink was again black coffee, unadorned.
  • For dinner, the actor only drank a cup of coffee.
  • During the day, 1 small green apple was allowed.
  • To reduce harm to the body, the performer of the role took multivitamin complexes.

With such a diet, not only the fat mass, but also the muscle mass disappears instantly, since the starved body used up all the reserves of the available mass to maintain vital activity.

  • In addition to the diet, the actor tried to run as long as he had the strength. His goal at that time was to burn as much muscle and fat as possible, and aerobic exercise without proper nutrition causes the body to use the available reserves of substances to the maximum.
  • In addition, Christian distracted from the desire to eat with the help of favorite activities - for example, reading books.
  • He also tried to carry out everything free time at home and did not attend star parties so that there would be no temptation to eat or drink too much.

Subsequently, Bale admitted that he managed to lose so much weight only thanks to discipline and dedication. Losing weight, he was guided only by his own feelings, practically without resorting to the recommendations of nutritionists. Friends, relatives and colleagues expressed their concern about the condition of the actor, but he himself claimed that his health was quite normal.

Consolidation of the result from Christian Bale

“When dieting, it is very important to focus on something, to concentrate your attention, to distract yourself from the desire to eat,” says Christian, who has lost weight.

During bouts of hunger, he read books - this allowed him to simultaneously relax, learn new information and, of course, forget about food for a while. During his weight loss, the actor adhered to home comfort. He did not go anywhere, as communication with relatives and friends means not only talking about life, but also additional food or drink.

After you achieve the result, you need to fix it. In pursuit of perfect body, sometimes it is worth giving up the most favorite sweets and dishes. In the first few weeks, try not to eat sugar and hot spices. You need to forget about flour immediately, introduce fatty foods gradually, eat fried and smoked meat no more than 1 time per week. Over time, when you get used to it, you can return other favorite foods to your diet, but gradually, so as not to harm the recently starved body. try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed juices will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

Continuation of the games with the weight of Christian Bale

Christian's experiments did not stop there. For Saving Dawn (2006), he again lost weight to 61 kg to recover to 83 kg in The Dark Knight (2008). After 2 years, he weighed 66 kg in The Fighter, and for The Dark Knight Rises (2012) recovered to 90 kg.

Information for men

The actor is completely immersed in his roles and lives them together with his hero, so it was important for him not to portray someone, but to be him. With all the admiration and respect for Christian Bale, I would like to emphasize separately that such experiments on your body and health can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Metamorphoses of Christian Bale

I would like to note: no matter what result you want to achieve - lose weight or get better - to achieve your goal, physical exercises must be mandatory and regular!

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