Why do Russian women like Serbian men? Dracula was Serb. Attitude towards clothes


One of the most revered saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church, a religious, cultural and political figure. He was the youngest son of the great Serbian prince Stefan Nemanja. He received a blessing to create an autocephalous (independent) Serbian Orthodox Church and became its first archbishop in 1219. Thanks to Savva, the Serbian people finally established themselves in Orthodoxy, the foundations of which allowed the Serbs to endure the era of the most difficult centuries-old Turkish yoke. Saint Sava was a great educator, so Saint Sava's Day (January 27) is celebrated by all schools in Serbia as a celebration of glory.

Tsar Stefan Dushan (Dushan the Strong)(about 1308 - 1355)

Medieval Serbian king (1331 - 1345) and the first Serbian king (1346 - 1355). He was one of the most influential rulers of the then Europe and the most powerful medieval Serbian sovereign. Dusan significantly expanded the borders of the Serbian state, up to the Gulf of Corinth, taking advantage of the internal strife of Byzantium. After conquering huge Byzantine territories Stefan Dusan in 1345 proclaimed himself king of the Serbs, Greeks and Bulgarians. Dušan raised the Serbian Orthodox Church to the rank of Patriarchy, and in 1346 received the royal crown from the first Serbian Patriarch Ioanikiy. Known for the adoption of the "Dusanov Lawyer", which became a significant step in the development of Serbia as a legal power. Despite great deeds, Dušan the Strong is the only representative of the Nemanjić dynasty who has not been proclaimed a saint.

known as Stephen the Tall (1377 - 1427)

The son of Lazar Khrebelyanovich, who died on the Kosovo field. During the reign, he was considered one of the best knights and commanders in chief. In 1403-1404. received Belgrade in possession, which he made in 1405 his patronal city and turned into one of the most developed cities in Europe at that time. Thanks to the “Law on Mines” adopted by him, Serbia made a significant leap in the development of mining and became the largest silver producer in Europe. The despot became famous as a great patron of culture and art, who accepted to Serbia many talented people from the surrounding lands who fell under the Ottoman yoke. Stefan Lazarević is considered one of the greatest medieval Serbian writers for his work "The Word of Love". Under Despot Stefan, the activity of rewriting books was also actively developing: the so-called “Resava school of copying” was located in the monastery of Manasia, the despot’s backyard.

(17.04.1814 - 08.03.1888)

Serbian physician, botanist and first president of the Serbian Royal Academy. opened the new kind coniferous plants "Serbian spruce", named after him (Serbian version of "Panchicheva omorika"). The opening of the first botanical garden in Belgrade and Serbia is associated with the name of Pancic. The name of the scientist is the highest peak of the Kopaonik Mountains - Panchichev vrh, on top of which there is a mausoleum with his posthumous remains.

(09.10.1854 – 12.03.1935)

Serbian and American scientist and researcher, Honorary Consul of Serbia in the USA. During scientific research and experiments made the most important conclusions in the field of telecommunications, wireless telegraphy and telephony, as well as radiology and electrical engineering. The creator of the so-called Pupin coils. Recipient of many scientific awards and medals, member of the US Academy of Sciences, the Royal Serbian Academy and an honorary doctorate from 18 universities.

(10.07.1856 – 07.01.1943)

Physicist, engineer, inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, the man who defined the XXI century. One of the greatest minds of all time, leaving behind as many mysteries as inventions. Nikola Tesla is the father of alternating current, the creator of the theory of planetary energy, modern wireless communications, electromechanical generators, lasers, X-rays and more than 700 patents. It was he who first used the term "field theory". Many of his inventions have not been fully studied to this day. Most lived his conscious life in the United States, from where in 1957 his posthumous remains and personal belongings were transported to Belgrade, where currently located in the Nikola Tesla Museum.

(11.10.1865 -16.01.1927)

Serbian scientist, founder of the Serbian Geographical Society, president of the Serbian Royal Academy (now SANU), professor and rector of the University of Belgrade, honorary doctor of the Sorbonne University and Charles University in Prague. He studied geography, geomorphology, ethnography, geology, anthropology and history. He laid the foundation for a new science - karstology, determined the structure and classification of the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula. He is considered the founder of Serbian geography and Balkan studies as a scientific direction.

(19.12.1875 - 04.08.1948)

One of the first women in Europe, deeply involved in mathematics and physics. First wife of Albert Einstein. There are claims that Mileva made a significant contribution to early work scientist. There is no official confirmation of this, but it is known that Einstein shared the funds from the Nobel Prize with her.

(28.05.1879 - 12.12.1958)

Serbian mathematician, astronomer, climatologist, geophysicist, civil engineer, doctor of technical sciences and popularizer of science. The most significant contribution to fundamental science is considered to be his work "The Canon of Illumination of the Earth", in which the characteristics of all the planets were given. solar system, and a theoretical explanation for the Earth's long-term climatic cycles (including the advent of ice ages), known today as the Milankovitch cycles. Milutin Milankovich is the founder of planetary climatology and co-author of the theory of tectonic plates, the creator of the New Julian calendar, adopted by a number of local Orthodox churches. In honor of Milutin Milankovic, in 1970, a crater was named on reverse side Moon.

(24.01.1847 - 17.05.1917)

Radomir Putnik (01/24/1847 - 05/17/1917) - the legendary Serbian military leader, a participant in six wars - two Serbian-Turkish, Serbian-Bulgarian, two Balkan wars and the First World War. During the First World War, thanks to Putnik, the first and important victory was won at the Battle of Cer. In addition, his decision to shorten the front during the Battle of Kolubara made it possible for the Serbian troops to rest and recover and deliver a decisive blow to the Austro-Hungarians on Suvobor. Mount Putnik in Canada is named after Radomir Putnik.

(19.07.1855 -20.01.1921)

Serbian and Yugoslav governor (marshal), especially famous for his participation in the Balkan and World War I. During the Balkan Wars, he was the right hand of General Radomir Putnik and was awarded the rank of general for his services. He gained immortal fame during the First World War. In particular, thanks to his personal efforts, in the most difficult conditions, the Serbian army won a victory in the Battle of Kolubara over a large Austro-Hungarian army. The tactics of regrouping troops, which was used by Zivojin Misic in the Battle of Kolubara, are currently being studied in all military educational institutions around the world. For outstanding service in this battle, Misic was elevated to the rank of governor, and his opponent from the Austro-Hungarian side, Oscar Pochorek, was dismissed.

(09.10.1892 – 13.03.1975)

An outstanding Yugoslav writer and diplomat, born on the territory of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose works were translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. Ivo Andrić is the only Yugoslav writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1961 "for the epic power with which he expressed the themes and depicted the fate of people in various periods of the history of his country" in the work "The Bridge on the Drina".

(05.11.1909 – 06.03.1945)

The brightest representative of mystical super-realism, one of the most interesting European artists of the period between the two world wars. During her short, abruptly ended life, she wrote more than 300 works. Many of her canvases are in her hometown of Pozharevets, the Museum contemporary art and the National Museum of Belgrade, as well as in Rome.

(09.01.1856 -28.09.1914)

Serbian composer and choirmaster. One of greatest works is a collection of "Rukoveti" - fifteen rhapsodies, which are a plexus folk motives various parts of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Bulgaria, to which Seaside tunes are added as the sixteenth composition. In addition, Mokranyats is known for works for Orthodox worship.

(22.03.1912 – 01.07.2009)

American actor of Serbian-Czech origin. During his long career, he appeared in 65 films, including A Streetcar Named Desire, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. In 1982, he starred in the Yugoslav film "Twilight" (Serb. "Suton").

Milorad Pavic (15.10.1929 – 30.11.2009)

Yugoslav and Serbian poet, prose writer, representative of postmodernism and magical realism, historian Serbian literature XVII-XIX centuries, translator, including works by Pushkin and Byron, member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, professor at the University of Belgrade. He became famous thanks to the so-called "non-linear prose" in his works "The Khazar dictionary", "Landscape painted with tea" and "Inner side of the wind". For the style he invented, he was often called "the first writer of the 21st century", and representatives of Europe, the USA and Brazil nominated Pavić for Nobel Prize in the field of literature.

Emir Kusturica(born 11/24/1954)

Serbian director and screenwriter of Bosnian origin. Kusturica's work has been marked by many awards, including such prestigious ones as two Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, for the films "Dad on a Business Trip" and "Underground". Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France), laureate of the Prize of the International Unity Fund Orthodox peoples“For outstanding work in strengthening the unity of Orthodox peoples. For the approval and promotion of Christian values ​​in the life of society" named after His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. He is the founder of two ethnic villages in Serbia ("Drvengrad" or "Kustendorf") and the Republic of Srpska ("Kamengrad" or "Andric-grad").

Novak Djokovic(born May 22, 1987)

Serbian professional tennis player. Since 07/07/2014, he has been ranked first in the ATP list in singles. Djokovic is regarded by many tennis critics, former players and rivals as one of the best tennis players of all time. During his career (since 2003) he has mastered 12 Grand Slam tournament titles: six times the Australian Open, twice the US Open and once the Roland Garros tournament in France. With a victory at Roland Garros, Novak Djokovic became the first tennis player since Rod Laver (since 1969) to win all the Grand Slam tournaments, and with six Australian Open awards, he is the absolute record holder. Together with the national team of Serbia in 2010 he won the Davis Cup.

Milla Jovovich(name at birth Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich) (born 12/17/1975)

One of famous actresses Hollywood of Serbian-Russian origin, musician, model and fashion designer. She starred in several dozen films, including the famous "The Fifth Element", created in 1997. To this day, he continues to act in films, is actively involved in charity work.

Nick Vujicic(born 12/14/1982)

Born with a rare genetic anomaly - tetraamelia, when a person has no limbs. Having only partially one foot and only two fingers, this courageous, optimistic and persistent person leads a full life and has learned not only to walk, but also to surf and skateboard. Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker who inspires people to find their purpose in life and their own purpose. He is married and has two sons who are completely healthy.

Slobodan Milosevic (20.08.1941 – 11.03.2006)

A well-known and at the same time tragic figure in the history of modern Serbia. In 1984 he headed the Communist Party of Belgrade, and in 1989 he became the President of Serbia. In 1999 he was charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity, and in 2001 he was extradited to the Hague Tribunal. Milosevic died in prison in 2006 under unclear circumstances, according to the official version, from a heart attack. At the same time, the tribunal has not yet presented evidence of Milosevic's guilt on any of the points imputed to him.

Ratko Mladic(born 03/12/1943)

Army General of the Republika Srpska, one of the Serbian leaders and head of major military operations civil war in Yugoslavia in the 90s on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1996, Mladic, along with other leaders of the Republika Srpska, was accused of committing war crimes and genocide during the siege of Sarajevo and the operation near Srebrenica. In 2011 he was arrested and deported to The Hague. He is still under investigation, and the final verdict is not expected before 2017. The arrest of Mladic led to numerous rallies and protests among the population in many cities of Serbia and the Republika Srpska.

Goran Bregovic(born 03/22/1950)

Musician and composer, leader of the Orchestra for Weddings and Funerals. Thanks to him, the world got acquainted with the folk music of Serbia. After the collapse of the most famous rock band in Yugoslavia at that time, Bijelo Dugme, he began to write music for such celebrities as Iggy Pop and Cesaria Evora. His music is featured in many famous films, including works by Emir Kusturica. Goran Bregovic actively tours and does charity work.

Zoran Milivojevic(born 12/01/1957)

Doctor of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist with many years of practice in the field of individual, partner and group therapy. The first specialist in Eastern Europe who received the the highest degree supervisor and trainer of the International and European Transactional Analysis Associations (ITAA and EATA). The author of several outstanding textbooks and books, among which the books “Emotions - psychotherapy and understanding of emotions”, “Formulas of love - how not to destroy own life In Search of True Love, Games Addicts Play—A Transactional Analysis of Problematic Drug Use, and co-author of the guide, Little Book for Big Parents. For the originality of ideas, Milivojevic was included in the group of leading world authorities in the field of the psychology of love in the framework of the Lee Bormans project " The World Book of Love, which resulted in the publication of the World Book of Love in 2014. Based on the original and unique theory of emotions presented in the book of the same name, the Institute of Criminology of the Faculty of Law of Ljubljana issued a guide “Knowledge of emotions to reduce violence in schools”, which is mandatory distributed in all schools in Slovenia.

Serbs are the people of the South Slavic tribe, most related to, with whom many South Slavic, Western European and some Russian (for example, Florinsky) Slavists unite them under one common name Serbo-Croats, Serbo-Croatian tribe or people. The common origin of the Serbs and Croats is not in doubt, but the historical life of both peoples drew a border between them: the Serbs with their Orthodox faith, with the Cyrillic script and the old Slavic-Serbian script, belong to the Eastern European, Greek Orthodox world, while the Croats with Catholicism, Latin , Old Dalmatian poetry should be attributed to the Western European, Roman Catholic world.

The mutual relations of both peoples in history represent more examples enmity than friendship. Only in the XIX century, the Croats accepted as literary language the Shtokavian dialect spoken by the Serbs. This dialect is almost the only connection between the two peoples, who do not cease to be at enmity where they live "under the same roof." Expressions such as the Serbo-Croatian language, etc., are a compromise, a mutual concession, but only on the part of a relatively small handful of intellectuals and scientists.

At the same time, it was almost impossible to draw an exact border between the settlements of Serbs and Croats even in the last century, because the Serbs during the Turkish rule, especially in the 17th and XVIII centuries, moved in large numbers from their original places to the territory of the Croats. In general, it can still be said that Serbs live in compact masses in the Kingdom of Serbia and the Principality of Montenegro and the Austro-Hungarian and Turkish regions adjacent to them: in the Kosovo Vilayet, in, in Dalmatia (in the Kotor District), where they were transferred as military colonists during the time of the Venetians (in the 17th century), in, in the former Military Frontier, where they moved in the 16th and 17th centuries. from Turkish possessions, in the South, where they moved from the Old to late XVII V. In addition, Serbs live in some places in the Danube, in Western and in Russia.

The typical Serb is rather tall than short, broad-shouldered and stately; he has a well-proportioned, beautifully set head with a thin, straight, often aquiline nose and somewhat protruding cheekbones; rather long neck with a large Adam's apple; the hair on the head is dark, sometimes ashen or light blond, rarely black. The whole figure of the Serb, with his proudly raised head and impressive posture, is distinguished by a warlike appearance. A Serbian woman has regular features, a slender figure and a noble posture, while Montenegrin women do not differ in regular features, their figure is less representative, but they are much stronger, more graceful and more elastic in their movements.
The main feature of the Serbian character is boundless, almost exalted love for independence. All Serbs consider themselves equal and equal. They became equal under Turkish rule, when all their nobility disappeared, partly dying in battles, partly converting to Islam and merging with the Turks, partly moving to other lands. In the subjugated lands, only the disenfranchised "raya" remained, in which all the remnants of the surviving noble families disappeared without a trace. The love of independence forced many to leave home and family, and go to the mountains, to the Haidut's “commemoration”, in order to take revenge on the oppressors of their people with an armed hand; at times all the people rose to their feet.

The energy of the Serbs does not flare up immediately; often he seems indifferent, even in important cases without revealing outwardly mental movement. In general, the Serbs are characterized by moderation and endurance, courage and fearlessness. He sleeps both in winter and in summer on the bare ground or the adobe floor of his hut, covered only with a straw mat or, at best, with a carpet. A thrifty, economical Serb always has his own benefit in mind; nevertheless, like all the inhabitants of the East, he is hospitable.

Serb family ties are strong; kinship is valued even remotely. In addition to consanguinity, there is also a relationship named - twinning and sisterhood, nepotism or nepotism, etc.

Religion in the life of the Serbs is of great importance, but his religious beliefs are mixed with various superstitions and beliefs, which he stubbornly adheres to. There are many customs and rituals that accompany highlights in human life, as well as famous holidays and days of the year. Serbs love music, singing and dancing. Songs accompany all rituals, both wedding and funeral.

The national clothes of the Serbs of both sexes consist of a wide canvas shirt with folds, belted with a wide belt, for which men can plug weapons - a dagger and pistols. On top of this shirt, a jacket or semi-kaftan is also worn, sleeveless or with sleeves, of different lengths - short to the waist and long to the knees and even below the knees. There is a red fez on the head, which in Montenegrins is replaced by a black cap with a red middle of the bottom. In bad weather, a cloak of coarse cloth is worn. In addition, sheepskin coats and sheepskin coats, fur hats, woolen shirts are used. This outfit is only in villages, remote from cities and roads.

The national dwelling of the Serbs consists of a adobe mud hut. To arrange it, roughly finished pillars or beams are driven into the ground, between which crossbars of poles or brushwood are stretched, and then all the empty space is filled with raw clay bricks or a mixture of clay and chopped straw; the roof is made of wood or straw. The floor is adobe; there is usually no stove or fireplace, only a hearth is arranged, the smoke from which escapes through a hole in the roof.

National dishes maize, milk, cheese, dried fish, pork fat, beans, garlic, red pepper (paprika), lamb, goat meat, pork.

11. Andrija Milosevic / Andrija Milosevic(born August 6, 1978, Podgorica) - Serbian and Montenegrin actor.
Movies: Black Horses, Change Me, Invincible Heart (TV series)

10. Gojko Kaciar / Gojko Kaciar(born January 26, 1987) - footballer, player of the German club Hamburg and the Serbian national team.

9. Djordje Bogdanovic / Djordje Bogdanovic(born in 1988 Zlatibor, Serbia) - model. Graduated from the University of Finance and Banking.

8.Andrija Bikic / Andrija Bikic(born in 1981 Belgrade, Serbia) – model. Worked with fashion brands such as Dolce & Gabbana,Giorgio Armani, Bottega Veneta, John Galliano, Salvatore Ferragamo, Givency, Paul Smith.

7. Vanja Udovicic / Banja Udovicic(born September 12, 1982, Belgrade, Serbia) - Serbian water polo player, member of the Serbian national team. Sports MinisterRepublic of Serbia since September 2013.

6. Dusan Tadic(born November 20, 1988) - Serbian footballer playing as an attacking midfielder, player of the Dutchclub "Twente" and the national team of Serbia.

5. Vojin Cetkovic(born August 22, 1971 in Zrenjanin, Yugoslavia) is a Serbian theater and film actor. Movies: Knife, Zamfirov's Zone,Ivkova Slava, Trap, Montevideo: Divine Video and others.

4. Vuk Kostic / Vuk Kostic(born November 22, 1979, Belgrade, Serbia) - actor. Films with his participation: Life is like a miracle, Trap, Love and otherscrimes, Enemy, Circles, etc.

3. Zeljko Joksimovic / Zeljko Joksimovic(born April 20, 1972, Belgrade) is a popular Serbian singer and composer. Representative of Serbia andMontenegro at Eurovision 2004 and Serbia at Eurovision 2012.

2. Gojko Mitic / Gojko Mitic(b. 1940, Leskovac) - Yugoslav film actor (by nationality - Serb), director and stuntman, became famous as a performer of the roles of the Indians. In total, he played in 15 films, where he happened to play the roles of Chingachgook, Tecumseh and others. Films with his participation: "Sons of the Big Dipper", "Chingachgook - Big Serpent"," Leader White Feather "and many others.

1. Novak Djokovic / Novak Djokovic(born May 22, 1987 in Belgrade) - Serbian professional tennis player, current world number one insingle rank.

The similarity of our people, especially the Serbs and Montenegrins, with the Russian Cossacks has been pointed out since ancient times. For example, the stolnik Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy, whom Peter the Great sent on a mission to Venice, traveling through Dalmatia and the southern coast, writes down in his diary everything that seems to him characteristic and important for the Russian court. By the way, on June 11, 1698, he noted: “We sailed to a place called Perasta (Boka Kotorska), and there are many Serbs in it, who are the essence of the Greek (Orthodox) faith. And those Serbs live adjacent to Turkish cities and villages. Those Serbs are military people, they are like the Don Cossacks in everything, they all speak the Slovenian language (Serbian). They have prosperity, houses have stone structures, they are very friendly and respectful to the people of Moscow. Near the mentioned places live free people, who are called Montenegrins. Those people of the Christian faith, the Slovene language, are a considerable number of them. They don’t serve anyone, for a while they sharpen the war with the Turks, and for a while they fight with the Venets (Venice).

Ever since the fall of Smederev and the occupation of the Serbian lands by the Turks, or even earlier, Serbs have been populating, mostly separately or in small groups, the border territories of the Russian kingdom. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to trace the ways of their resettlement to Russian territory through documents until the second half of the 16th century, when the presence of Serbs in the ranks of the Cossack communities is mentioned for the first time. Both communities were characterized by a military way of life: social community, common protection, distribution of obligations and economic relations. The chosen principle of equality and the solution of important issues at general public meetings are additional similarities between our people and the Cossacks, especially the Montenegrins. The Serbs and Montenegrins, who were constantly under the threat of Turkish invasion on their territory, formed a kind of military way of life, and a mentality corresponding to such a life, as well as an understanding of freedom as the most important value that stands above all, and for which much can be sacrificed. In the mountains of Montenegro, on this small island of freedom, “Serbian Sparta” arose over time with its own special understanding of “honor and courage” and absolute national identity, which was the key to success in resisting the invasion of agarens, to which the Old Testament answers "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." This principle turned out to be vital for the Serbian people, who were under constant threats and were the target of invasions of Asian hordes and military attacks on their lands. The most common forms of confrontation were chetovanie (Serbian couple - company) and haiduk movements. In their ranks, a number of heroes were formed who glorified Serbian weapons. The opposition of the Serbs and Montenegrins to the destruction of national and religious life and the most important national interests has long served as an example for Christian Europe. Europe itself will very soon have to defend the civilizational values ​​of its continent, which will hardly be able to resist the attack of the Ottoman conqueror.

There was such fame and admiration for the service of the Serbian detachments that all the new regiments formed under Tsarina Catherine the Great were mainly given under the command of Serbian officers. Archival data testify to this clearly and directly. Russian units are commanded by eight lieutenant generals: Ivan Samoylovich Horvat, Ivan Djordjevic Shevic, Rayko De Preradovich, Maxim Zorich, Todor Chorba, George Shevic (grandson of the first Shevic), Count Ivan Podgorichanin and Joseph Horvat (son of the old Horvat); twelve major generals: Semyon Gavrilovich Zoric, Nikola Chorba, Djordje Bogdanovic, David Nerandjic (who claimed to be from Serbian Kosovo), Djordje Horvat, Ivan Horvat (both close relatives of the old Horvat), Djordje de Preradovic, Ivan de Preradovic ( sons of the old de Preradovich), Costa Lalosh, Count George Petrovich Podgorichanin, Ivan Shterich, Semyon Charnoevich from a famous family; as well as four brigadiers, seventeen colonels, forty-two lieutenant colonels, thirty-seven majors, and a huge number of junior officers. This is enough to protect Russia.

The first mention of Serbs and Montenegrins as part of the Cossacks dates back to the second half of the 16th century. In the five-hundred register, compiled on March 30, 1581, “Marco from the Serp land” is recorded (3). “Serbs, and Bulgarians, and Montenegrins, and other Slavs went to Sich” (4). Common Orthodox Faith and related languages contributed to their rapid adaptation in the Cossack environment. The Serbian origin of individual Cossacks is evidenced by a significant number of surnames with the root "Serb" - Serbi, Serbinov, Serbinenko. The Zaporizhian Cossacks have surnames: Dukich, Zorich, Radich, Simich... Those of them who deserved trust were elected to the highest positions. Serbin Ostap in 1698 was a military clerk of the Zaporizhian Grassroots Army. In many ways, this was facilitated by the fighting qualities of the Serbs, command of the language, knowledge of the customs and military tactics of the Turks. Zaporizhzhya Sich was replenished by immigrants from the South Slavic lands until its liquidation in 1775. In the third quarter XVIII centuries, i.e. in the last period of the existence of the Zaporizhzhya "Sich", there were several dozen Serbs in it, as evidenced by the registers and military certificates.

Zaporozhye Cossack

There are documents confirming that the Serbs were represented in the regimental and even the general foreman. Serb Mitko Migai under hetman Ivan Vygovsky was a general bunker (rank in Cossack army; bunchuk keeper). Among the Little Russian noble families from among the General Sergeant Major and Colonels of the Zaporozhian Army during the period of the “Hetmanate” (1648–1764) there were several families of Serbian origin: Bozhychi, Dmitrashko-Raichi, Miloradovichi, descendants of Ivan Fedorovich Serbin, Colonel Lubensky, as well as descendants of Voytsa Serbin, Colonel Pereyaslavsky. Cossack families of Serbian origin were represented in the regimental and general foremen and enjoyed influence. In the Pereyaslav Regiment, the Serbs occupied key positions for a whole century: Dmitrashko-Raichi, Novakovichi, Serbins, Trebinskiys (Ugrichichi-Trebinskiys) from the second half of XVII V. were the foremen of the regiment.

The following Serbs in Russia should also be remembered: the most prominent Russian commander, Mikhail Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky, a Serb by origin, originally from the village of Shandor near the town of Subotica in the Bačka region (his relatives still lived there during his lifetime); Minister of War D.A. Milyutin, Minister of Finance Knyazhevich, originally from Lika; Colonel Lazar Tekelia, a Serb from Arad; cavalry general George Arsenievich Emmanuel (born in the town of Vrshats in 1775), who became famous as a Russian commander in the war against Napoleon and in the battles for the Caucasus; Lieutenant General Jovan Dmitrievich Oklopdzhia, originally from the Serbian coast, as well as many others whose names we do not know for sure, and many more who served their people and the Russian Tsar.

A.S. Pushkin

At the beginning of the 19th century, it was the Serbs and Serbian history that inspired many great Russian writers. They were attracted by the long and continuous struggle of the Serbian people against the conquerors, the peculiar national color and richness of folk life, as well as the exoticism of the Serbs who came to Russia to study or stayed forever in Russia.

This, above all, concerns the great poet A.S. Pushkin, who of all Russian writers was the first to get acquainted with Serbian heroes who bravely fought against the Turks, and then emigrated to the southern lands of the Empire. By the way, there he listened to the tempting legends about the daughter of Karageorgi, which inspired him to create the poem "Daughters of Karageorgi".

He was especially shocked by the courage of the men and the beauty of the women of the resettled Serbs, their history and military skills, thanks to which the Serbs became famous in Russia. Pushkin dedicated the poem to the immortal Karageorgi, writing it in the form of folk epic tales, with an unusual Slavic antithesis.

Lieutenant Vuich is in charge tragic hero chapter "Fantast" in the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". There have always been a large number of such heroes in Serbian history.

A.K. Tolstoy portrayed the originality of the Serbian region in the story, which he wrote in French in his youth. At the very beginning, he writes about his impressions of “the Serbs - this poor and unenlightened, but courageous and honest people, who, even under the Turkish yoke, have not forgotten either their dignity or their former independence” ─ A.K. Tolstoy by the small Balkan people.

F.M. Dostoevsky often mentioned the Serbs in the pages of The Writer's Diary, from which we present only the part that contains an answer to various hints that Russian help in liberating the Serbs from the Turkish yoke allegedly "will benefit only the Russians." Dostoevsky warns the European and Russian society of that time, as well as us, in a sense; “The great Russian spirit will leave its traces in their souls, and Serbian glory will grow from the Russian blood shed in Serbia. And the Serbs will be convinced that the Russian help was disinterested, and the Russians, dying for Serbia, had no intention of conquering it.”

Well, do we understand?

In the minds of the Serbs, who felt betrayed by the Habsburg Empire, the great Orthodox Russia was an almost mythological "Promised Land" in which they would find their new home and tranquility among the Orthodox brothers.

A year before the patriarch sent a request to the Russian Tsar, in the autumn of 1704, the Serbs sent from the Habsburg Monarchy to Russia Pana Bozic from the city of Titel to Tsar Peter the Great, in order to check the possibility of accepting the local Serbs into Russian citizenship. It is not known what the answer of the Russian Government was, but it is known that Pana Bozic became an officer and that he remained forever in Russia. A little later, in May 1710, border guards from the Potissk and Pomorish krajinas sent Captain Bogdan Popovich to the Russian Tsar with a request “Do not forget us, the smallest ones, with the invitation of the king and your mercy, and we will sweat our service for our Orthodox Tsar.”. Peter the Great needed such proposals, as he tried to strengthen the southern borders of Russia. In addition, he himself was convinced of the military virtues of the Serbs, especially in the Prut campaign (in 1711). In this battle, the Serbian detachment under the command of Joan Albanez stood out for its courage.

Before that, on February 22, 1710, Peter I published the Manifesto in connection with the insidious violation of the peace treaty by Sultan Ahmet. Thus, for the first time, Russia acted as a protector of Christians in the Balkans.

Mikhail A. Miloradovich (born in their noble Khrabren-Miloradovich family, who moved from Herzegovina to Russia in the middle of the 17th century) was born in St. Petersburg in 1771. A nobleman and Russian general, M. Miloradovich stood out especially in the war against Napoleon. He served under Suvorov in the war against Turkey and Poland. He distinguished himself in battles in Italy and Switzerland (in 1799). In 1805, he received the rank of lieutenant general for his services in the battle of Austerlitz under the command of Kutuzov. A year later, he was awarded a sword with diamonds and the inscription "For courage and the salvation of Bucharest."

During Napoleon's attack on Russia, Miloradovich turned out to be the most outstanding and most successful Russian commander in the Battle of Borodino. He commanded the Russian army in the battle of Vyazma, in which the French were finally defeated. At the Battle of Leipzig he commanded the Russian and Prussian Guards, and during 1814 commanded an Allied regiment in Holland.

By decree of Emperor Alexander II Romanov, he was allowed to wear county title, and in 1818 Miloradovich was appointed governor-general of St. Petersburg. During the time that he was an active officer in the tsarist Russian army, it was Miloradovich who received the largest number of orders.

Mikhail A. Miloradovich

The Miloradovich-Khrabren family, immigrants from Herzegovina, noble origin. Immediately after moving to Russia, they very quickly began to advance in the service, and then for a long time they were at the top of the military aristocracy of Russian society.

Dozens of members of the Miloradovich family served in tsarist army, there is not a single family that would, through military service made such a huge contribution to the Russian Empire

Starting from the first colonel Eftimiy (Eronim) Miloradovich, then come Colonel Mikhail, Colonel Alexander, Colonel Gabriel, Major Andrei, Lieutenant General Nikolai, Colonel Mikhail I. Miloradovich, Lieutenant General Andrei S. Miloradovich, Major General Peter, Guards Colonel Dmitry, Lieutenant General, Count Grigory A. Miloradovich, Life Guard Captain Boris, and up to the most prominent and crowned with a laurel wreath General of Infantry and Governor General, Count Mikhail A. Miloradovich.

In this series, Colonel Gavriil I. Miloradovich, a Cossack headman, and Colonel Mikhail I. Miloradovich, who was also a Cossack headman and commander of a free Cossack regiment near Kharkov, stand out.

Among the families that settled in Russia before the "resettlement" of Horvath, as we have already said, was the family of Peter Tekelia. He came as a lieutenant, and then in Russia he reached the highest ranks. Of all the Serbs who came to Russia, he achieved the greatest success and carried out the most successful military career. After many military merits and successes in commanding elite units in the Russian army, he was transferred to the rank of field marshal! Suvorov himself praised him very much and singled out his skill, especially in saber duels, in which no one could compare with Peter. By the way, he was the son of the famous soldier Ranko and the grandson of the even more famous Oberkapitan Aradsky and the head of the Morish police, Jovan Tekelia. The one who will lead the army of Eugene of Savoy at night to the city of Senta, where the Turks will suffer a final defeat.

Petr Tekelia

Serbian General Simeon Zoric

Among the Serbs who have reached the highest positions in the Russian state and society, General Simeon Zorich occupies a special place. He belongs to the second generation of Serbian immigrants in Russia. Born Simeon Zorich in 1742, he grew up in Russia, where he studied at the most prestigious Russian military schools.

He was promoted to the rank of general and became a favorite of Catherine the Great, who, thanks to him, got to know Serbia and the Serbs. Participated in the war against the Turks, in which he demonstrated the courage and skill of command. This opens the way for him to the very top of the Russian military hierarchy.

His life and work confirm that the Serbs in Russia did not forget their origin and generously helped their homeland, not only materially, but also politically, thanks to their influential connections at the Russian court for many years.

Early XVIII century - this is the historical period when the Serbs, being already an organized military formation on the territory of Little Russia, unite with the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhya Sich. The Serbian hussar regiment (zholnyory) under the command of Jovan Albanez moves to the territory of the Bakhmut province, not far from the Tor fortress (since 1789 - Slavyansk).

After Albanez went missing in the Persian campaign, Major Mikhail Stoyanov began to command the Serbian detachment, and since 1764 the regiment has been led by famous Peter Tekelia. At this time, i.e. V mid-eighteenth century, the Serbs in Russia were already famous for their heroism as well-trained and well-equipped soldiers. In fact, this was the time of the most massive flow of Serbian refugees from the territory of Austria-Hungary, mainly border guards, most of whom found their place in the Russian army and Cossack units. But all of them: both generals and officers, represent only a small part huge army which the Serbian people brought as a gift to Russia.

Battle of Borodino

Serbian General, Count Petar Ivelić

Serbs do not know much about the fact that ten Serbian generals and many more commanders participated in the Battle of Borodino on the side of the Russian army. lower level, junior officers and soldiers.

The composition of the tsarist army of Emperor Alexander I, under the command of Field Marshal Kutuzov, included: famous general Mikhail A. Miloradovich, General Georgy Arsenyevich Emmanuel, Lieutenant General John (Jovan) Egorovich Shevitch, Major General John (Jovan) Stepanovich Adamovich, Lieutenant General and Privy Councilor Nikolai Bogdanovich Bogdanov, Lieutenant General Nikolai Vasilievich Vuich, Cavalry General , Baron Ilya Mikhailovich Duka, Major General, Count Pyotr Ivanovich Ivelich, Major General Avraam Petkovich Ratkov and Adjutant General Nikola Ivanovich de Preradovich. These are just a few of the 37 generals of the Russian army who participated in the Battle of Borodino.

Particularly interesting is the text of Sredoe Lalich, who tries to give the exact number of Serbs who received high ranks in the Russian army in the 18th century. The basis of his research was the manuscript of Simeon Pishchevich "News collected from different authors and introduced into history by translation into the Slavic language, about the Slavic people, Iliria, Serbia ... ", which is stored in the Archives of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade.

On the basis of his own research, Lalich claims that Piscevic's list is consistent with archival documents. But the author of the study noted that Pishchevich did not list the names of a large number of Serbs - high officers of the Russian army in the 18th century. Therefore, Lalić added the names of another 56 Serbs to Piscevic's list - a total of 152 staff officers, i.e. 27 generals and 125 staff officers of Serbian origin.

A sharp increase in the number of Serbs who arrived in Russia was caused by the closure of the Pomorish-Potis military region, which lost its significance after the expulsion of the Turks across the Sava and Danube rivers. In the so-called War of the Austrian Succession (1741-1748), the existence of the Habsburg Empire was called into question, because of which Empress Maria Theresa was forced to make concessions to the Hungarian estates and eliminate the military border. Serbian border guards are forced to retire, still feeling unbearable pain and mourning for the sons and brothers who died in the wars for Austria. They did not at all want to renounce "military" benefits and become "provincial peasants." Such an attitude towards their merits, their loss of rights and privileges, only increase their desire to go to Russia - all this was described by Milos Crnyansky in his literary masterpiece.

Austrian Empress Maria Theresa

The desire of offended Serbs to go to Russia was strengthened from the very beginning, with the appearance of the first signs that their abilities and selfless devotion would be respected in Russia. On July 5, 1751, Maria Theresa was forced to allow the resettlement of Ivan (Joann) Horvath, the chief captain of the "land militia" in Pechka. He went to Russia with his associates in September of that year. His group, numbering 218 people, arrived in Kyiv on October 10. By the spring of 1752, another 1,000 new settlers had joined this group.

Then Horvath was transferred to the rank of major general and given the task of forming two hussar and two pandurian regiments from the arriving Serbs. Soon they were allotted for settlement the territories east of the Bug and Sinyukha rivers to the Dnieper, as well as the right bank of the river to the border with the Zaporizhian Cossacks. At the beginning, the headquarters center was located in the Krylov fortress on the Dnieper River, and then in the built fortress of Elisavetgrad on the banks of the Ingul River. This territory, called New Serbia, had the status of a military settlement.

On March 9 and June 10, 1759, two Serbian regiments were formed by General Horvat, and in 1760 another hussar regiment. It was the time of the Seven Years' War, in which the Serbs showed the highest courage and combat skills. For example, on October 9, 1760, lieutenant colonels Tekelia and Zorich with their hussar regiments attacked Spandau near Berlin at about 8 pm and arrested 1,000 Prussians, 15 senior officers, and also captured two cannons.

Ivan Jankovic de Mirieva

After the Serbian hussar regiments were disbanded, Russian hussar units will be restored by Tsar Paul I. In the most turbulent time of Russian history, during the war with the Napoleonic army, one such regiment will bear the name “Serbian”, in honor of former glory and merit. Hussar officers from Serbia were especially distinguished. Maxim Zorich commanded the Izyum Hussar Regiment No. 11, the former captain from Nadlak Nikola Chorba led the Kharkov Hussar Regiment, Yoann Petrovich - the Akhtyrsky Hussar Regiment No. 12, Ivan Yankovich de Mirievo - commanded the cavalry guards.

Nikola de Preradovich near Austerlitz commanded the Hussar Guards Regiment, and Major General Ivan Shevic, near Leipzig and Borodino, commanded the Cavalry Guards and the Life Guards Regiment.

No one has forgotten the glory of the Serbian hussars in Russia, so Russian volunteers will come to the aid of the Principality of Serbia in the war for freedom and independence. The Serbs and Russians who fought together and gave their lives in these battles are the greatest pledge of our brotherhood, love and mutual respect.

The Serbs, who were the first to be in the service of the Russian Tsar, had already become famous, and in the meantime, the second group of Serbs, led by Ober-Captain John Shevic and Rajko de Preradovic, was arriving in Russia, which left Hungary in September 1752. By a decision of May 17, 1753, they settled in the territory from Bakhmut to Lugan to the Don, on the southern borders of the Zaporozhian Sich, thus founding Slavic Serbia. They were given territory in the southeast of the Bakhmut province. According to the famous Russian writer Nil Popov, it was a real desert. He cites the words of one Serb, General Simeon Piscevic: “The Serbs came to a land that had not been cultivated by anyone since the creation of the world; it does not bring any benefit and is not inhabited by anyone. On such land, industrious and enterprising Serbs will soon create villages, fortresses and cities, calling them by Serbian names.

John Shevic

Russian Empress Catherine the Great

Already in 1754, the Serbs who arrived in Slavic Serbia formed powerful hussar detachments ready to defend the southern borders of Russia.

In fact, both territories were separate military autonomous regions, directly subordinate to the Senate and the Military Collegium. With such a device and strict discipline, they faithfully served their new homeland and for a long time were an impregnable border fortress and the first line of defense of the Russian Empire from the Turks and Crimean Tatars.

About how the Serbian hussar regiments turned out to be in southern Russia, already during the First Russian-Turkish war, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great herself spoke well, who after the war thanked the Serbs in a letter with the words "Thank you Serbs!"

What Peter the Great started, Anna continued, and then Catherine II - continuous expansion to the west and north against Poland and Sweden, as well as to the south against Turkey.

She, like her predecessors, needed the Serbs. The process of colonization of the Novorossiysk Territory accelerated immediately after the disbandment of the Serbian military regions and Zaporozhye. Serbian regiments from New Serbia and Slavic Serbia are transferred to the free Cossack regiments of the Yekaterinoslav vicegerency. The regiments of Ševic and Preradović were merged into one regiment. The commanders of the new regiments (created in the process of a major reorganization of the Russian army in the south of the country) were appointed exclusively Serbs from both Serbian settlements as the most experienced officers who had proven themselves in wars.

Serbs from these settlements, soldiers and officers, will participate in all wars in Russia late XVIII and the beginning of the XIX centuries, and many of them will reach the highest command positions in the Russian army. Precise data are available to support given fact, among which is a list of the headquarters officers of the Serbian and other regiments in which the Serbs served. Empress Catherine II also gave the order to form a life hussar squadron, the most elite Russian military formation, which will become Her Highness's personal escort. In 1775, the commander of the Bakhmut Hussar Regiment, Prime Minister Shevich, was given the task of forming a squadron and leading it. In the squadron, first of all, they took Serbs of exceptional physique, with the best thoroughbred horses, experienced military officers and officers, among whom were lieutenants Stoyanov and Milutinovic. In 1796, the life hussar squadron was reorganized into the life hussar regiment, which was also commanded by a Serb, Colonel Anton Rodionovich Tomic.

P. I. Tchaikovsky

Nikolai Nikolayevich Raevsky twice came to Serbia. Unfortunately, we know very little about his first visit in 1867. The second time he came ten years later, in 1876, as a Russian volunteer, in order to give the most valuable thing that a person has - life - in the battles that were fought on the Morava. So he became a legend, became the hero of the best Russian literary classics, became a hero of heroes!

It may be that, among many others (Serbs on the Russian side and Russians on the Serbian side, as brothers in the Orthodox faith and in arms), he inspired Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to create the “Serbo-Russian March” in 1876.

The march in a brilliantly luxurious style and with extraordinary musical sophistication is dedicated to the theme of the liberation of the Serbs from the Turkish yoke with the help of the Russians.

For his march, but also for ours, Tchaikovsky used the melody of the Russian anthem and three Serbian folk songs“Sunce harko ne siјash jednako”, “Prague je ovo dear Srba” and “Yer pushchani dust” (the second part of the song “Rado Srbin go to the warrior”). He found these melodies in the collection of another great composer, Slavic brother- Serb Kornely Stankovic.

Another prominent Russian will salute the Serbs. 1867 was a very important year for Russia, as well as for the entire Slavic world. Then the All-Slavonic Congress was held in Moscow, within the framework of which an ethnographic exhibition was arranged. In St. Petersburg, in the building of the Duma on May 12, an orchestra conducted by the most talented conductor M.A. Balakirev, a concert was performed, in which, in addition to other works, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's "Serbian Fantasy" was performed for the first time. At the request of the public, it was the only work that the orchestra performed twice. The audience listened while standing, and the Serbs then realized that they were "not alone, they were not abandoned."

After the Serbs began to leave the Austro-Hungarian Empire en masse, their journey to Russia was accompanied by great difficulties. The Serbs rode on horseback or in carts, and sometimes they had to walk. It was necessary to master the huge Russian steppe, moving along it on bad roads, most often off-road, suffering from hunger and disease.

Their graves marked the tragic path to the "Promised Land", mother Russia, as touchingly testified by Simeon Pishchevich in his "Memoirs"

No one has figured out exactly how many Serbs settled in Russia, but the significance of this resettlement lies not in the number, but in the fact that the Serbs in their new homeland will eventually become an important military-political factor, and will also turn out to be a strong bond that is still unites two fraternal peoples.


If we consider the most successful and most fruitful period in the eight-century history of Serbian-Russian relations and cooperation from the standpoint of today, then this, without any doubt, will be the period of the Serbian national revolution (1804-1839). During the First Serbian uprising, Russia provided significant assistance to Karageorgi in the liberation of the Serbian people from the centuries-old Turkish yoke. During the Second Serbian Uprising, Prince Milos received important support from Russian diplomacy, which played a decisive role in ensuring that the Serbs "received the highest degree of autonomy within the Ottoman Empire."

In both cases, Russia acted as an ally, and thanks to its influence and force of arms, it contributed to the fact that Serbia went along the path of creating an independent and independent state.

Prince Arsen Karageorgievich

Another famous Serb, an officer and a Cossack, glorified Serbian weapons and honored the Serbian people. He deserved good reputation among the Russian military aristocracy.
We are talking about Prince Arsen Karageorgievich (1859–1938), brother of King Peter I and grandson of the leader Karageorgi. On the mother's side, Arsen is a descendant of the well-known family of Nenadovich.
The prince received his higher military education in St. Petersburg, in famous Second Konstantinovsky Military School, where he was awarded the first officer rank - the rank of cornet, second lieutenant of the cavalry.
Although there is not enough information about the period of his life before his training in military schools, it seems very possible that he then participated in the battles as a French legionnaire.
It is likely that he participated in campaigns in Tonkin in the Far East and in Algeria, where he had already gained fame as a courageous soldier, as the then French press wrote in detail.
By the way, Prince Arsen really was an exotic and intriguing figure, about whose quick-tempered character and dexterity (in the grandfather of Black George, probably) whole poems are composed! Especially about his epic duel with his best friend, Count Manerheim.
This stately Karageorgievich, a nobleman and general of two troops (Russian and Serbian), a legionnaire and a Cossack captain, an invincible participant in duels, whom even japanese samurai, was the Serbian officer with the most awards in history! He received French, Russian and Serbian orders 18 times, among which there is one of the highest Russian awards - the Golden St. George weapon, a saber adorned with diamonds, which was worn only by four Russian generals and admirals. The saber is decorated with the royal coat of arms, the royal monogram (A II - Alexander II) and the orders of St. George and St. Anna. On the handle there is an engraving "For courage!"
As a Serbian and Russian officer, and later a general in both armies, Arsen Karageorgievich participated in numerous battles from Vietnam to the Balkans, from Warsaw to Algeria. He has always stood out for his bravery, courage and mastery of command. Particularly noteworthy is his perspicacity and the remarkable military tactics he used while driving Javid Pasha's defeated detachments through Albania.
In those rare periods of calm, when there were no wars, Arsen Karageorgievich regularly visited luxurious salons and fun. He became especially famous for numerous duels in which he defended his honor without mercy to the enemy.
Immediately after the start of the Russo-Japanese War, in 1904, Arsen became a volunteer in the Cossack cavalry. He was assigned to the Second Nerchinsk, and later to the Second Argu Regiment of the Second Brigade of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Division. Then he was transferred to the Cossack captain (captain) and he commanded first a squadron, and then a cavalry regiment. He fought in the famous battles - in Port Arthur, as well as in one of the bloodiest battles of this war, in the battle of Mukaden. For his courage, he received the rank of colonel and was awarded several distinctions, including the golden St. George's saber.
The prince himself was especially proud of his participation in the Balkan Wars, in which he participated as a divisional general and commanded a cavalry division that played a decisive role in the Battle of Kumanov, the Battle of Bitol and the famous Battle of Bregalnitsa. People who knew him well said that, given his military career, he was a very modest person. He rarely spoke about it, only occasionally recalling his Cossack life with love and respect.

The Serbs not only participated in the wars for the royal crown in Russia, as is commonly believed. The contribution to their new homeland was also made by those Serbs who owned a different type of weapon - knowledge and education. In this series, Vladimir Picheta (1878–1947), a Serb from the city of Mostar, the author of the History of Belarus, an academician of the Belarusian and Russian academies, should be especially singled out; Fyodor Yankovich Mirievsky (1741–1814) Russian reformer school system; Atanasy Stoikovich, scientist, rector of Kharkov University, to whom Alexander I presented the Order of St. Vladimir for services to Russian science. We also single out Ogneslav Kostovich Stepanovich (1851–1916), a Serbian-Russian scientist and inventor. He is the author of more than a hundred inventions, and in Russian sources they write about him as the designer and inventor of the first "airship". There are "many reasons for future generations to remember his scientific feat." Many other, less well-known Serbs also contributed, as well as all those about whom, unfortunately, information has not reached us, but in Russia they are considered honored citizens.

Ogneslav Kostovich

Savva Vladislavich Raguzinsky

Savva Vladislavich - Raguzinsky or "Count Raguzinsky" was an adviser to Tsar Peter the Great, a diplomat in the service of the Russian kingdom, the founder of the intelligence service, the man who "discovered" China and put things in order on the Russian borders, a wonderful traveler, polyglot and church virtue. He was born in the village of Jasnik, near Gacko in Herzegovina, later with his father Savvo, the Herzegovina prince, he went to Dubrovnik, and then to Herceg Novi, the town in which he grew up. From there he will go into the world and reach the highest peaks of Russian diplomacy, up to the encirclement of Tsar Peter the Great himself, which is a great honor for the Serbian people. “For 25 years, he will participate in all the most important events in the Russian Empire: he will sign a military alliance with Moldova in Yasha, a peace treaty with the Sultan in the Prut, a concordat with the pope in Rome, a pact with the Chinese tsar in Beijing on friendship and the final delimitation of Russia and China. Unfortunately, the Serbs, for the most part, do not know the fact that at the end of the “dark” 17th century, it was Count Savva who ensured that Russia and Tsar Peter the Great interceded for the liberation of the Serbs and the Balkans,” wrote his relative, writer and diplomat, Jovan Ducic.

Translation into Russian - Lilova E.E. and Vesna Vukicevic
Idea, concept and text: Dragan R. Djikanovic Production: www.mp.rs

There is a lot of talk about girls marrying Italians or Europeans. But for some reason there are not so many representatives of the fair half, who have chosen a Serb as their husband, or simply this is not made public. But, nevertheless, Serbs are getting married and many want to know what to expect from this marriage, what dangers may lie in wait after family life begins, and in general, what should be prepared for.

In principle, the Serbs, unlike other peoples, such as: Italians, Europeans, Muslims, are closest in their mentality to the Russian people, in fact, they are our blood brothers. True, one should not think that there is no difference between a Russian man and a Serb. Such an opinion would be erroneous. The nature of this small nation was also influenced by the location of the territory in which they live, as well as the numerous conflicts in which the Serbian people were drawn. So, what awaits you if you decide to marry a Serb.

Serbs special treatment to women. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that there are several times more men in Serbia than women. The men themselves are somewhat similar to the highlanders, but do not confuse them with people from the mountains, which are the Caucasians and the people close to them, who do not put women in anything. Among the Serbs it will be difficult to find a pampered guy, rather, most of them are a little rude men with a tough character. Yes, and Serbia itself is a country where patriarchy reigns, but at the same time women are very revered and respected, which is already much better than the patriarchy that rules in the East. It is quite difficult to meet a Serb who abuses alcohol. They are very reserved in their alcohol consumption.

When living with a Serb, be prepared for the blood feud that is practiced in the area. Serbs hold each other very tightly, and family is sacred to them. Therefore, if someone encroached on this shrine, then this unfortunate person can only sympathize. The whole village or city will take up arms against him.

You can not be afraid of how you will be received in the family. Today in Serbia there are a lot of girls from Ukraine, Russia and the CIS countries who married a Serb, so sometimes the snobbish desire to keep the family clean and survive as a foreigner will not be a threat to your family. As a rule, the son's wife is warmly welcomed into the house, giving her every honor. But at the same time I will expect from you respect and obedience to elders. The husband's family, and even more so his mother, will occupy one of the most important places in your newly-made family. The ideal wife for a Serb is a calm and not quick-tempered girl, because men have a quick-tempered and explosive character, and you will have to somehow extinguish the passions in his soul. It will be more problematic for a girl with a character to get along with a Serb, but the main thing here is desire and love, then you can tame this highlander. You should not expect wild romance in a relationship, but you will feel like behind a stone wall with him. Despite the fact that the Serbs are a bit rude and can make jokes about women, they protect their woman and do not give offense. And the Serbs have a special attitude towards Russian and Slavic girls, they idolize them, since the Slavic girls in the understanding of the Serbs personify ideal wife: beautiful, sexy, homely, loving family and comfort, unlike European girls who bet on a career, and only then think about creating a family.

The Serbian people are very hospitable and hospitable, and the holidays are celebrated in a big way. Especially beautiful are the festivities in the villages, where the breath of Europe has not yet penetrated. In this, the Serbs are also very similar to the Russian people, who, if they walk, then in such a way that they can be heard at the other end of the village.

It was not, of course, without its drawbacks. Most Serbs are very self-confident, and consider themselves to be such irresistible male seducers. Often such confidence is not based on anything, and in the soul it will turn out to be either a simple guy, what will the best option, or a notorious and boorish type hiding behind this mask in order to attract women.

You should not expect high education from the Serbs, discussions about the influence of the avant-garde on modern painting, the classics on the upbringing of children, and similar topics. As a rule, these men are very down to earth in their judgments and desires. They cannot be called stupid or uneducated, they just have a completely different outlook on life. They may not understand why they need to distinguish the painting of Shishkin from Sokolov, or how Bosch differs from Bach. But they can tell you many beautiful legends of their region, and they will be well versed in agriculture and agriculture, which is more important, in their opinion, in order to live normally. Therefore, if you expected to get an intellectual as a husband with whom you could have secular conversations, then choosing Serbs as husbands would not be the most ideal.

Serbs, as already mentioned, are very quick-tempered. Therefore, try in advance to get used to the fact that you will be jealous of all the men, who in your environment, if you move to Serbia, will be very numerous. It is very important to get to know your husband better before the wedding, because almost all Serbs can be divided into two groups. The first is very respectful of Russian girls, in marriage with such a man, although you will have to obey a harsh male word, in return you will receive love and affection. But the second type, on the contrary, considers girls from Russia to be persons of easy virtue who do not deserve respect. These people will not stop even before raising a hand against a woman. Fortunately, the latter are in the minority.

But the Serbs love children very much and here the attitude towards them is rather closer to the east. During a divorce, not a single Serb will give the children to the mother, but will insist and fight for the children to stay with him. You, of course, will be allowed to visit them, but they are unlikely to be given up for education.

It is best to stick to the tactics that the Serbs themselves have chosen in dealing with the Serbs. They obey their husband in everything. They will not scandalize or yell at their husband if they disagree with him in some way. But they know how to make the husband do what they want. By the way, there is a Russian proverb about this: The husband is the head, the wife is the neck. Wherever I want, I go there. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve something from the Serbs not with shouts and scandals, but with your mind and cunning. In general, among marriages with Serbs, divorce is much less than, for example, with Eastern men. The main thing is to constantly learn to be a woman and a wife, then your Serbian husband will simply idolize you.

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