N and Yaroshenko short biography. How the artist Nikolai Yaroshenko combined the incompatible - he rose to the rank of general and became a world-famous painter


Nikolai Yaroshenko (December 1, 1846, Poltava - June 26, 1898, Kislovodsk) - Russian painter and portrait painter.

Biography of Nikolai Yaroshenko

Was born future artist in 1846 in Poltava in the family of a Russian officer, later a general. In 1855 he was enrolled in the Petrovsky Poltava cadet corps. Along with daily military training and drill training on the parade ground, Nikolai was also engaged in painting.

In the city cadet corps, drawing was taught by Ivan Kondratievich Zaitsev, the son of a serf artist, who graduated from the Academy of Arts. Two years later, Yaroshenko was transferred to the First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg.

In 1860, at the age of 14, Yaroshenko began to study on weekends and holidays in the studio of the artist Adrian Markovich Volkov.

After graduating from the Cadet Corps and enrolling in Pavlovsk military school, Yaroshenko began attending evening classes at the drawing school of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists, where Ivan Kramskoy taught.

In 1867, Yaroshenko entered the Artillery Academy, at the same time, as a free student, he began to attend classes at the Academy of Arts.

It required strength of character and a passionate love for art, so that while studying at the military academy, and then serving at the St. Petersburg cartridge factory, to complete his artistic education.

Soon, after graduating from the Academy of Arts in 1874, Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko married Maria Pavlovna Navrotina, who became his faithful companion and friend until the end of his life. The first visit to Kislovodsk by young spouses belongs to the same period.

Creativity Yaroshenko

In the early 1870s, the first portraits of the artist “The Old Man with a Snuffbox”, “Peasant”, “ old jew”, “Ukrainian”.

In those days, a new democratic art developed outside the walls of the Academy. Yarosheko became a frequent regular at I. N. Kramskoy and P. A. Bryullov’s drawing evenings.

After the first portraits in the summer of 1874, Yaroshenko began to paint his first big picture"Nevsky Prospekt at night", which he presented at the IV Traveling Exhibition. The opinions of critics about the work of the young artist were divided, but even the most notorious skeptics admitted that the picture was popular with the public.

In March 1878, after the opening of VI traveling exhibition Petersburg spoke about Yaroshenko. In his works, the artist sought to express the spirit of the times, the paintings “Stoker” and “Prisoner”, presented at the exhibition of the Wanderers, became symbols of the era of reforms of Emperor Alexander II.

Yaroshenko's remarkable contribution to Russian painting was a cycle of paintings dedicated to the progressive Russian youth, the raznochinstvo revolutionary students. Yaroshenko's "Coursegirl", young, charming, was no less a revelation than the paintings "Stoker" and "Prisoner".

The canvas "Cursist" became the first image of a student woman in Russian art. The craving of women for education, for independence in that era was extremely high. Therefore, the picture of Yaroshenko was especially in tune with the times.

One of the best works Yaroshenko became the painting "Student", which appeared at the X Traveling Exhibition. This is a kind of "historical" portrait of the generation, personifying the whole stage of the liberation movement of the 1870s.

Perhaps best of all, Yaroshenko succeeded in peculiar historical images, portraits prominent people second half of XIX century, contemporaries of the artist. In them, through the characteristic of one specific person he could show typical features contemporary, was able to convey the very essence of the hero, moral and social.

Obviously, by the nature of his talent, Yaroshenko was a born artist-psychologist. And indeed, in the work of the painter, the portrait is represented by most of the paintings.

The portrait of the actress Pelageya Antipievna Strepetova was rightfully considered a masterpiece portrait painting 1870-1880s.

  • The plot of the painting "At the Lithuanian Castle" (1881, not preserved) is associated with an assassination attempt Vera Zasulich on the St. Petersburg mayor F. F. Trepov. This event was perceived as a protest against the terrible conditions of detention of political prisoners who were in the Lithuanian castle. The police authorities forbade exhibiting this painting at the Traveling Exhibition, which opened on the day of the assassination of Alexander II. Yaroshenko was subjected to house arrest, and, moreover, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Loris-Melikov, came to him "for a conversation". The painting was never returned to the artist. According to surviving sketches and preparatory materials he wrote "The Terrorist" again. Currently, the painting is stored in Kislovodsk art museum N. A. Yaroshenko.
  • A terrible blow for Yaroshenko was the actual collapse of the Partnership. Repin, Kuindzhi and others returned to the reformed Academy, citing the opportunity to teach realistic art to students there. “The walls are not to blame!” - justified Repin. “It's not about the walls,” Yaroshenko objected to him, “but about betraying the ideals of the Partnership!” In anger, Yaroshenko paints the picture “Judas,” writes from a photograph of A. I. Kuindzhi, who was once dearly beloved by him.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko entered the history of Russian art as an itinerant artist who served the principles of high spirituality, humanism, honor and conscience. Well educated, who knew perfectly several foreign languages Yaroshenko enjoyed prestige and well-deserved respect among art comrades-in-arms, friends and like-minded people. Undoubtedly, Yaroshenko's individual traits of character, first of all, are due to family education built on high moral principles.
Yaroshenko's ability to draw appeared very early, but the boy's stubborn desire to draw did not suggest to adults that he might have a talent that deserves attention and care. Parents do not imagine any other career for their son, except for the military, and at the age of 9 they assign him to the Poltava Cadet Corps.
Two years later, Yaroshenko was transferred to St. Petersburg to the First Cadet Corps, after graduating from it he entered the First Military Pavlovsk School (1863). From the Pavlovsky School, Yaroshenko was transferred to the Mikhailovsky Artillery School. During these years, he attends evening drawing classes, where he becomes his teacher, and then his friend. famous artist Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.
In 1867 N.A. Yaroshenko enters the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy, and to complete his art education, he enters the Academy of Arts. The young artist had a very difficult time. It was necessary to combine classes at the Academy of Arts with classes at the Artillery Academy, and after the end of the latter, with work at the cartridge factory as head of the stamping workshop. It required strength of character and a passionate love for art in order to complete one's artistic education under such conditions.
Soon, after graduating from the Academy of Arts in 1874, N.A. Yaroshenko marries Maria Pavlovna Navrotina, who became his faithful companion and friend until the end of his life. The first visit to Kislovodsk by young spouses belongs to the same period. The famous "Yaroshenko Saturdays" took place in Yaroshenko's St. Petersburg apartment, which became a kind of club for the progressive St. Petersburg intelligentsia. Been here famous writers People: Garshin, Uspensky, Korolenko, artists Repin, Kuindzhi, Polenov, Maksimov, artists Strepetova, scientists Mendeleev, Pavlov.
The same atmosphere Yaroshenko was transferred to Kislovodsk, to the dacha, which was purchased in 1885. Petersburg friends gathered here, as well as a large society famous artists, artists, scientists staying in the summer season on vacation and treatment. Of the numerous guests, it is enough to name only a few: these are the artists M.V. Nesterov, N.A. Kasatkin, N.N. Dubovskoy, A.M. Vasnetsov, I.E. Repin, A.I. Kuindzhi, V.E. Borisov-Musatov.
Large picnics were organized, trips to the Castle of deceit and love, to Saddle Hill, on the Bermamyt plateau. Longer trips were also undertaken: along the Georgian Military, Ossetian Military Highways, to Teberda, to the foot of Elbrus. And it was brought from everywhere a large number of paintings, sketches, sketches.
In 1897, Yaroshenko undertook a trip to Syria, Egypt and Italy, replenishing his collection of works with a large number of paintings, sketches, portraits and graphic works.
They buried Nikolai Alexandrovich not far from the house, in the fence of St. Nicholas Cathedral. A year later, a monument was erected on his grave - a bronze bust of the artist on a black pedestal, against the background of a granite stele with a relief image of a cross, a palm branch and a palette with tassels. The artists N. Dubovskoy and P. Bryullov took part in the development of the tombstone project. The author of the sculptural portrait is a friend of the artist

Gunib. Dagestan

An outstanding (and almost forgotten) Russian landscape and portrait painter of the nineteenth century.

Biography of the artist Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko

Self-portrait of the artist

Artist Nikolai Yaroshenko was born in December 1846 in Poltava.

Little Kolya began to draw very early, but his parents diligently did not notice his obvious talent for the simple reason that they saw his future connected with military service.

Papa Nikolai Alexandrovich was a retired major general. And my mother was from a family of hereditary military. Nine-year-old Nikolai was assigned to the Poltava Cadet Corps. Two years later, the boy became a cadet of the First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg.

In 1863, Nikolai Yaroshenko entered the First Military Pavlovsk School. Since young man ability to exact sciences, he was transferred to the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy.

During this period, Nikolai Alexandrovich, in parallel with the study of artillery, studied at the Academy of Arts. Time is sorely lacking. Yaroshenko tries to combine studies at the academies, and after classes he hurries to the cartridge factory, where he works as head of the stamping workshop. He also takes private drawing lessons from Andrian Volkov and attends the classes of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, where Ivan Kramskoy becomes his teacher.

In 1869, Nikolai Alexandrovich graduated from the Mikhailovsky Academy and was assigned to a cartridge factory in St. Petersburg. Yaroshenko will work at this plant for 20 years.

In 1874, the artist graduated from the Academy of Arts as an external student and married Maria Pavlovna Navrotina (a student, bestuzhev, social activist). Young people go on a honeymoon trip to Poltava, then they go to the North Caucasus to Pyatigorsk. Yaroshenko leaves his wife in Pyatigorsk, and he, whole month, writes sketches in Svaneti. These were written during honeymoon trip landscapes will subsequently be enthusiastically received by the public.

In 1875, Yaroshenko made his debut with great success at the 4th Traveling Exhibition with just one painting, Nevsky Prospekt, and a year later became a member of the Association. And he was immediately elected to the board of this association of artists. Later Comrades will say that Yaroshenko was the real conscience of the Association of the Wanderers.

The Caucasian landscapes presented to the public were received, as I wrote above, with enthusiasm. Very soon, Nikolai Aleksandrovich was given the nickname "portrait painter of the mountains."

In 1885, the Yaroshenko family moved to Kislovodsk, where the artist bought a house. In the summer, numerous guests come to Yaroshenko, who were in St. permanent members"Yaroshenko Saturdays". These are writers, composers, artists, musicians... I will not list the names of the guests, because it is easier to name those who did not stay at the Yaroshenko family's house.

In the end, the hospitable hosts added several outbuildings to the five-room house for numerous guests. In this house, known as the "White Villa", the artist settled after he retired in 1892 (with the rank of major general). For health.

Yaroshenko developed tuberculosis.

In 1897, Nikolai Alexandrovich went to big Adventure: Volga region, Italy, Syria, Egypt. From this journey, he brought a huge number of paintings, sketches, portraits and graphic works.

Yaroshenko died in June 1898. And not from tuberculosis. He painted from life on Mount Big Saddle. It began to rain and the artist decided to run to his "White Villa". These 10 kilometers were the last in his life. He ran home, but felt ill, and the next day he died due to cardiac arrest.

The ashes of the artist were buried in Kislovodsk.

After the artist, wonderful Caucasian landscapes remained (some of the works today can be seen in Tretyakov Gallery), genre paintings"civil grief", but also just great portraits.

I want to bring to your attention a small gallery of the artist's works.

Paintings by the artist Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko

Mountain landscape
red stones
Village in the mountains
Shat Mountain
Caucasus. Teberda lake
In the mountains of the Caucasus
At the doctor
Firstborn funeral
Argument between old and young
In the monastery In warm regions Portrait of a lady in a lace cape Girls with a letter Portrait of a lady with a cat Gypsy Portrait of the artist Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge Girl with a doll Portrait of an unknown Peasant female student Everywhere life

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The canvas “Teberda Lake”, among many other works by Nikolai Yaroshenko, allowed the inhabitants of central Russia to discover the North Caucasus.

The name of this artist is not well known. Whichever of my acquaintances I asked about him, they all just shrugged their shoulders. But everyone to whom I showed reproductions of his work exclaimed in surprise, “Oh, so it's him! Of course I do!” I experienced something similar myself in Kislovodsk, where vacationers are entertained various excursions- including the House-Museum of the artist Nikolai Yaroshenko. At first, I did not expect anything special from some unfamiliar painter, but suddenly I realized that I had seen these paintings more than once in the Russian Museum, and in the State Tretyakov Gallery, and even in the Native Speech textbook for the fourth grade ...

Nikolay Yaroshenko devoted himself to art without leaving military service. Listening to the story about the fate of the artist, I remembered that many glorious representatives national culture served in the army - these are Mikhail Lermontov, Afanasy Fet, Alexander Kuprin, Pavel Fedotov, Vasily Vereshchagin, Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Nikolay Yaroshenko was born in 1864 in Poltava in the family of a retired major general. From childhood, Nikolai was prepared for military career. His father dreamed that the eldest son would follow in his footsteps, and did not pay attention to the boy's interest in painting. When the time came, the general sent his son to the Poltava Cadet Corps, where he once served, and after graduation, already a young man, young Yaroshenko left for St. Petersburg and entered the Pavlovsk School there. In parallel, Nikolai took private drawing lessons, and then attended evening classes at the drawing school of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, where Ivan Kramskoy taught. The future military engineer continued his studies at the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy and at the same time began to attend the Academy of Arts.

The story of Yaroshenko's military career is very brief: he graduated with honors military academy and was assigned to the St. Petersburg Cartridge Plant, where he served for more than 20 years. Having fulfilled his father's dream and repeating his path, he retired with the rank of major general. But the story of the artist and public figure Nikolai Yaroshenko should be more extensive.

The head of the stamping workshop of the St. Petersburg Cartridge Plant, Captain Yaroshenko, continued to attend classes at the Academy of Arts in the evenings for another four years. During this time, he became close to the Wandering artists and writers who united around the magazine " Domestic notes". Yaroshenko's worldview was shaped by the ideas of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, he was inspired by the poetry of Nekrasov. At the plant, Yaroshenko talked a lot with the workers. Gradually, he became imbued with their needs, and the views very characteristic of the Russian intelligentsia of the latter became close to him. quarter XIX century. This worldview played a decisive role in the choice of subjects for his paintings, and in the mood they convey.

The painting "Nevsky Prospekt at Night" depicts two women standing on the panel of a deserted avenue on a rainy night. It was she who brought Yaroshenko the first recognition - he was accepted into the Association of Travelers art exhibitions. Soon he became a member of his board and led the society together with Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy for more than 10 years, and after the death of his teacher, he became his successor and custodian of the ideas of the Partnership. And if Kramskoy was called the “reason” of the Wanderers, then Yaroshenko was called his “conscience”.

Depicting in their paintings ordinary people living a hard and joyless life, Yaroshenko followed the realistic traditions of the Wanderers - these are his "Stoker" and "Prisoner".

He “saw” his stoker in one of the workshops of his factory, and the image he created became one of the first in a series of portraits of workers in the history of Russian art. Even the critics of those times noted that the artist expressed sympathy not only for the personality of his hero, but also for the emerging labor movement as a whole. And in the painting “At the Lithuanian Castle” (1881), Yaroshenko’s military authorities found signs of social protest at all and placed him under a week-long house arrest, after which he was invited to a conversation with the Minister of Internal Affairs Loris-Melikov. And the painting was removed from the exposition of the Traveling Exhibition, which opened on March 1, 1881, on the day of the assassination of Alexander II.

After marrying Maria Navrotina, one of the few women of that time who received higher education- Yaroshenko decided to organize a honeymoon trip. First, the newlyweds visited Poltava, and then went to the North Caucasus, to Pyatigorsk. There the artist left his young wife and spent a whole month painting sketches in Svaneti. And although later Yaroshenko traveled a lot around Russia, Western Europe, visited Egypt, Palestine and Turkey, his heart was forever captivated by the beauty of the Caucasus mountains.

In 1885, the Yaroshenko couple settled in the North Caucasus. They acquired a small estate in the settlement of Kislovodskaya, where at that time there were only seven streets. Yaroshenko spent the summer here. Numerous friends and guests began to come to them - writers, artists, scientists who often visited St. Petersburg on "Yaroshenko's Saturdays" - Sergei Rakhmaninov, Fyodor Chaliapin and Leonid Sobinov, Konstantin Stanislavsky and Gleb Uspensky, Ivan Pavlov and Dmitry Mendeleev. The artists Repin, Nesterov, Ge, Dubovskoy, Kasatkin, Kuindzhi did not forget their colleague. Lev Tolstoy was going to take refuge at Yaroshenko when he planned his first escape from Yasnaya Polyana. The hospitable hosts have added several outbuildings for guests to their cozy five-room house. The estate was called the White Villa. The painting of the house in the technique of Pompeii frescoes was done by the guests of the dacha. IN late XIX century, the White Villa became one of the main cultural centers in the south of Russia.

Today, copies of paintings that have become famous due to their social poignancy - "Stoker", "Prisoner" and "Life Everywhere", which Leo Tolstoy called "Doves" - are collected in one of the rooms of the house. The rest of the space is devoted to portraits and landscapes.

With amazing skill, Yaroshenko created expressive portraits typical representatives of his time. He painted people's faces, trying to convey not so much a portrait resemblance as a person's character. Here is a small sketch “The Old Jew” (1896), the painting “The Boy” (1892), for which the neighbor boy posed with pleasure, or “ Female portrait"(1880), which is believed to depict the artist's wife - all of them attract the viewer with their expressiveness and brightness of characters. And the portrait of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, made by Yaroshenko three years before the death of the writer, shows an elderly sick man, severely shocked by the closure of the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine, which he led for 15 years.

Particular attention should be paid to the portraits of the highlanders, who, despite the prohibitions of Sharia, posed for the artist out of respect for his skill, love and careful attitude to the history and traditions of the Caucasus.

The first Caucasian landscapes, which the artist painted during their honeymoon, delighted the public. Ilya Repin wrote: "Yaroshenko should have switched to landscapes instead of painting and portraits...", although he was worried that art was losing Yaroshenko the portrait painter. Sketches made while traveling in the mountains North Caucasus or while walking around the surroundings of Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk, they fascinate with their colors and the accuracy of conveying moods. For most of the inhabitants of the middle zone, the south of Russia was an unknown land. Therefore, when the artist brought the painting “Shat-mountain (Elbrus)” (1884) to St. Petersburg, many accepted the panorama depicted there Caucasian ridge for the fruit of the author's imagination. Following Pushkin and Lermontov, Yaroshenko discovered the beauties of the Caucasus for his compatriots, deserving, with light hand criticism of Vladimir Stasov, the nickname "portrait of the mountains". And Nikolai Alexandrovich died in the summer of 1898 the next day after he ran more than 10 kilometers from the Big Saddle mountain, where he painted from nature, to the house, fleeing the rain.

For my short life Yaroshenko created more than two thousand paintings, combining painting with service at a military factory.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a researcher of Russian art Alexander Benois called Yaroshenko the last pillar and celebrity who joined the camp of the Wanderers. The critic noted that the name of Yaroshenko should not be forgotten by posterity. Not very technically skilled, the artist, who could not devote himself entirely to painting, vividly captured in his sketches and portraits the turbulent time of female students and students, young people eager for heroism and all kinds of “martyrs of the idea”.

In March 1962, through the efforts of the artist Vladimir Seklyutsky, the house-museum of N. A. Yaroshenko was opened in the White Villa. Today it is the only museum of its kind in the south of Russia, comparable in historical and cultural significance from Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana and Repin Penates. The museum owns the entire territory of the estate, the museum staff, citizens and sponsors have restored the buildings, collected an extensive collection. 108 items of painting and graphics by Yaroshenko, 170 works of Wanderers are stored here. The house-museum of the artist remains the center cultural life region. Up to 20 thousand people visit it every year. And many of those who once visited the White Villa return to the museum again and again.

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