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driving force any career is the ability to communicate with people. Communication is a social skill that allows you to get along with others. mutual language. This quality is very valuable, and it is worth developing it throughout life. A sociable person knows how to win over the interlocutor and has a good command of his voice.

To keep the attention of the opponent, you need to know the basic psychological tricks and recognize possible reactions to the questions being asked. This will help to change the behavior model in time and not lose the location of the interlocutor.

How to develop communication skills?

Every person who thinks about the question: "Sociability - what is it and why is it needed?" - must know the basic rules. Only by following them, you can learn how to communicate with people and figure out how to make a good impression on others.

Sociability is the ability to feel the interlocutor. Every person in certain periods resorts to psychological protection. This happens at those moments when he experiences experiences or negative emotions, mental anguish or anxiety. If you train the skill of recognizing defense mechanisms, you can develop your own communication skills.

Define your role

To attract the attention of others, a person often plays the role that is beneficial to him in this moment. But it is worth remembering that such behavior will eventually become sketchy and cease to be satisfying.

"No" to projections

The development of sociability can be slow due to the fact that people often project their views on others, attributing to them those features that they do not possess. Hanging labels on the boss, friends and employees, a person will sooner or later experience disappointment when he is convinced that they are not true.

To take the responsibility

When people have difficulty communicating with others, they often blame everyone but themselves. To understand how to develop communication skills, you need to be aware of your own shortcomings. Only then will the relationship begin to change, and communication with the interlocutor will bring satisfaction. Sometimes a person himself does not notice that he is talking aggressively or, conversely, too sluggishly, and his demands on others are greatly exaggerated. This manner repels people, so they try to keep communication to a minimum.

Make sense of the action

The interlocutor can cause various emotions, but a person must be able to act soberly, not succumbing to a momentary mood. An involuntary reaction is not always good for relationships and is often a source of misunderstanding and resentment. In order not to succumb to provocation, it is necessary to learn to say a firm “no”. Communication is important quality and needs to be developed. Whatever emotions the interlocutor's story evokes, it is necessary to be able to listen to a person and not interrupt him. Only after he expresses his thought, you can answer him.

Learn constructive criticism

It often happens that people do not want to express their opinion for fear of not being liked by others and do not want to provoke a conflict. But sometimes criticism is just necessary. Expressing personal feelings, a person shows that the interlocutor himself and what he does do not leave him indifferent. But criticism should be calm and constructive, without aggression. Then the words will not hurt others, and the opinion will gain special value. Constructive criticism - good way get rid of negative emotions, anger or resentment. But you can't discuss individual characteristics and personal qualities of the opponent.

Develop the ability to empathize

People are looking for an answer to the question: "Sociability - what is it?" - but forget one important nuance. Before showing antipathy to the interlocutor, it is worth trying to feel it. psychological condition and feel it. Only understanding can prevent a superficial judgment about a person. It is necessary to ask about the motivation of the opponent and only after that express the opposite opinion.

Learn to trust

Not all people are able to trust. The reasons for this can be completely different, but often it is the fear of being deceived. Childhood experiences and unpleasant memories can exacerbate this fear. It is very difficult to live in constant tension, it depletes the inner world of a person and deprives him of joy.


First and most important rule- benevolent and sincere smile. It is not necessary to smile throughout the conversation, it is enough to show affection at the right moments for this, for example, when meeting and parting. You can make light allusions to jokes to defuse the situation without looking like a frivolous buffoon. Natural smile - the best remedy set up the interlocutor benevolently and leave a good impression about yourself. To study in more detail what a person’s sociability is, it is worth reading thematic literature.

Call the person by name more often

All people are pleased when they are called by name. It is not so important whether it is an official meeting or a friendly one, such an appeal will bring the interlocutors closer and set them on the same wavelength. If a person is older, more experienced, or simply unfamiliar, he should be addressed by his first name and patronymic until such time as he allows him to be called something else.

Not only to listen, but also to hear

Sociability is the ability of a person not only to listen to the interlocutor, but also to really hear what he says.

As a rule, any phrase is important and carries certain meaning that a person puts into it. You can’t ignore sentences that seem unnecessary, it can become big mistake when communicating.

Simplicity and Consistency

Another rule that a sociable person must follow is simplicity, as well as logic and consistency. The opponent must clearly understand what in question. Ambiguous phrases can spoil the result of communication and take the main thread of the conversation in a completely different direction. To figure out how to develop communication skills, it is necessary to present information simply and clearly, in such a way that it is convenient for the interlocutor to assimilate it.

Man, today it is known, perhaps, to everyone. But not everyone can skillfully manage it. Psychologists distinguish two types of character: introvert and extrovert. The first is immersed in his own experiences, the second has a sociable character. It is easier for him to establish friendly and business relationship, it is open and focused on the outside world.

Both types are quite flexible. And over time, for example, an introvert can develop the qualities of an extrovert. Everything will depend on personal aspirations, readiness and circumstances. However, it is worth noting that sociable does not mean sociable. So, let's understand the concept and find out how to develop communication skills. What are the benefits given quality and how to determine its degree in yourself?

Sociable person - who is it?

If for you the words "sociable" and "sociable" are synonyms, then we will hasten to deal with these concepts. A sociable person is, as a rule, an open person who easily makes contact and does not know how to hide his emotions inside. For such a person, it does not matter with whom and when he speaks, he enjoys the very process of communication.

What does communicative mean? This is a person with an asterisk. A person with is quite flexible. He knows how to adapt in communication under different types and But this has nothing to do with hypocrisy and flattery. It's just that this type of character knows to whom and with what spices to serve an information dish.

In the event of a non-standard situation, sociable people will be able to find right words. Successful Influence reinforced by the fact that they are charming, self-confident and able to quickly adapt to new conditions. Often such qualities contribute to the acquisition of high authority and leadership positions in the team.

Benefits of communication

Of course, there are many advantages to this flexibility of communication:

  • Firstly, a person can realize himself in almost any field. social activities. A sociable person is willingly hired for vacant positions because he is able to quickly and confidently negotiate with demanding and uncompromising people.
  • Naturally, the achievement of success is undeniable not only in a career, but also in creativity and personal life.
  • A pleasant bonus can also be finding the harmony of the soul with the outside world, getting rid of complexes, fears and isolation.
  • Easily resolve or even prevent conflicts. Establishing strong business and friendship relationships.

Understanding what range of privileges and pleasures one can get from such a quality in oneself, a quite reasonable question arises: is it possible to learn communication skills? The answer is definitely yes!

Today at open access there are many books from competent authors of the category “How to communicate with people?” Psychology has long since formulated universal tips which will help to reveal themselves to almost every person. You just have to want it. But before you get down to business, you need to check yourself. For this, there is a special test for sociability. Let's see how we communicate.

Sociability test

To conduct this small study, it is necessary to imagine the following situations:

  • You have been assigned to give a detailed report at a meeting or a presentation at a conference. You are upset?
  • There was a conflict between your colleagues. The boss asks you to look into it. Are you afraid of ruining relationships with colleagues?
  • There is a discussion of some problem or subject. Someone expresses his opinion, but it is wrong. Will you argue with the previous speaker, proving the truth?
  • A responsible business meeting is coming. Are you nervous?
  • A stranger on the street asks you where the nearest bakery is. Does it annoy you?

On this test for sociability is considered passed. Let's move on to the results. It is very easy to calculate them. If you answered yes to most of the questions, you should seriously think about how to develop communication skills. And if the answer “yes” is present in all points, then this is not even a property, but a problem of your character. Teamwork is simply unbearable for you. Relationships with colleagues are also difficult.

A negative answer to these questions is an indicator of sociability. The more of them, the higher its level. In any society, such a person is comfortable and practically any life situation solved easily.

There is a solution

In the presence of communicative qualities a person just needs to maintain and improve them. In case of absence, the situation should be correctly assessed. There are stories when the acquisition of such skills is not required. It is comfortable for a person to follow his own path, without delving into the intricacies of successful communication. However, for those who are determined to change themselves, there is a solution. We offer to get acquainted with the key advice of psychologists on how to develop communication skills.

Everything starts from childhood

It is known that the most significant period in a person's life is childhood. This is a serene time, devoid of serious responsibility, when the formation of the main character traits is influenced not by internal beliefs, but by external factors. The sociability of children is determined by how quickly they find friends, how easily and naturally they pour into new team(At school, creative circles and so on.). The task of parents in this case is an attentive attitude to the child, support, good advice. Therefore, when asking how to develop communication skills in a child, you just need to create harmonious conditions in the house and focus on a comprehensive education.

We do not leave communication

As for adults with formed inner world and views, then the strategy for the development of sociability is defined here more subtly and step by step. Start with simple, casual communication. And not just with specific person but with a few friends. To do this, you can use virtual communication, which is becoming increasingly popular today. But better real, live.

Gotta be first

Another question is how to develop communication skills if you have no friends, and there is nothing to talk about with neighbors and colleagues. Yes, it happens. It's time to make new friends and look for common interests. Don't be afraid to be the first to start a conversation. The conversation can be opened with a question about how to find a house or a street, or to become interested in some object that belongs to the interlocutor. Do not despair if the first attempts are not successful. In this case, practice is key.

If friends and acquaintances are in abundance, and you have not mastered the skill of communication, take the initiative. Suppose you saw a familiar person in a large department store. Do not hide or run away from him to another department. Circumstances pushed you for a reason. Take advantage of this opportunity. Walk forward boldly. At the same time, show maximum friendliness and charm. WITH classic questions"How are you?" and “how are you feeling?” you can go to the search for the right product or discuss the service.

We have fun

What is a sociable person? As already mentioned, this is a master of communication. He not only knows how to find contact with any people, but also enjoys this process. That is, openly and naturally, he can involve the participants in the conversation in interesting topic, learn the opposite point of view, adequately evaluate it and at the same time give the impression of a wise and competent interlocutor. This method should be taken into account. After all, there are often situations when a person knows for sure what kind of conversation awaits him and already sets himself up in a negative way. For example, a friend or girlfriend promises to come to visit, pass the evening. And their favorite topics are football or shopping. Do not despair that the evening is lost. Try to intercept the right of the speaker. From the first notes, literally set your motive, involve the interlocutor in the topic that interests you and combine business with pleasure.

A pinch of artistry

Psychologists distinguish two types of communication skills: verbal and non-verbal. In addition to well-aimed words and phrases, a good sense of humor, you need to master your facial expressions and gestures. This gives richness, taste to communication. It is very important when telling a story not just to keep a dry narrative, but also to decorate it with a transformation into a certain image, a change in facial expression and voice. After this, you can be sure that soon everyone will recognize: "This person is the soul of the company."

Allow yourself to be a little artist Release your inner impulses. Just feel the measure in emotions. It's not worth replaying! To better understand how to develop communication skills and in which direction to move, you can watch a few humorous monologues. And then try to reproduce them and show them in front of a mirror. This practice will positively affect not only the quality of communication, but also your mood.

Stay positive

What does "communicative" mean? Perhaps a constant synonym for this word can be "optimistic." Sociable people rarely lose heart. Even if they face serious difficulties in life, they know how to find positive moments in them and joke a little. Smiling and moving forward is the main rule of sociable people. After all, a friendly face attracts much more people than a sad expression.

If you're thinking like a pessimist, then it's time to get on the positive wave. Of course, it is impossible to be a strong and unbending optimist all the time. But it is necessary to learn to see something encouraging and promising in the negative heap of problems. You will say that this is a rare gift, and it is not subject to everyone? No matter how! The main thing is to observe yourself every day and work, removing obstacles in the way. And you will not notice how people will reach out to you, and the quality of communication will become more productive and pleasant.


So, we found out what a person’s sociability is and how it is useful in life. This is the art of communication, which, with the desire and the right guidelines, anyone can master. Do not forget that communication skills are influenced by experience and the level of intellectual training. But all this comes with time. In the meantime, it's time to take the first steps towards success.

Compatibility, sociability, contact, ease. Ant. isolation, shyness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sociability, see sociability Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M... Synonym dictionary

The ability of a person to communicate, establish contacts and connections. In English: Communicabilis Synonyms: Sociability See also: Personal qualities personnel Human communication Finam Financial Dictionary ... Financial vocabulary

- (from late Latin communicabilis connected communicating), 1) compatibility (ability to work together) of different types of information transmission systems. 2) Ability to communicate, sociability ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from Latin communicatio contact) the ability of people to establish business contacts, connections, relationships. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M .: INFRA M. 479 s .. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

COMMUNICABLE, oh, oh; flax, flax. Such, with which it is easy to communicate, deal, establish contacts. K. character. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (from lat. communicabilis connected, communicating) eng. communication; German Kommunikabilitat. 1. Ability, inclination to communicate, establish contacts, connections. 2. Compatibility, the ability to work together, live, etc. see ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

COMMUNICABILITY- (from fr. communiqué - to inform, transmit). socially psychological trait personality, the ability to communicate with other people ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

Communicabilis Sociability, a person's ability to communicate, establish contacts and connections Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

COMMUNICABILITY- (from lat. communicatio contact, connection) the ability of a person to establish business contacts, connections, relationships ... Legal Encyclopedia

- (from late Latin communicabilis, connected, communicating), 1) compatibility (ability to work together) of different types of information transmission systems. 2) The ability to communicate, sociability. * * * COMMUNICABILITY COMMUNICATION (from late late ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Communication and sociability. Practical Guidelines for Open Communication, Elisabeth Mermann. Elisabeth Mermann's book `Communication and Sociability` deals with an important topic - open communication as a solution tool professional tasks and behavior in certain life ...
  • Communication and sociability. Practical recommendations for open communication / 2nd ed., rev. Mermann, Elisabeth. Elisabeth Mermann's book "Communication and Sociability" deals with an important topic - open communication as a tool for solving professional problems and behavior in certain life ...

What is communication for modern man? Communication plays a significant role in everyone's life. Some people find it easy to make new friends. Someone, on the contrary, in every possible way avoids unnecessary contacts. But living in society, none of us can ignore its rules. In order to take a worthy place in society, willy-nilly, one has to adapt to the laws by which it exists.

Communication is a very useful skill, which is indispensable in both professional and personal spheres. Many under this concept mean the ability to communicate. But sociability is not a synonym for talkativeness. This is a special talent to receive practical benefit from the conversation. Install with a partner invisible connection. Maintain interest in your own person and not disregard your opponent.

To be able to make contacts, win over and give others freedom of expression - that's what it means to be sociable.

Communicative dialogue enriches both sides of communication. Each interlocutor takes out something new and useful for himself, ending the conversation with a feeling of complete satisfaction.

A sociable person knows how to correctly express his thoughts and accept the point of view of another. A conversation can be considered completed if the goal of both interlocutors has been achieved. Everyone received the information he needed and pleasant emotions from communication.

Of course, in order for the conversation to be productive, it is imperative to follow the rules of etiquette. No professional or personal dialogue is complete without a warm welcome and goodbye on a friendly note.

Any person striving for success must develop communication skills. This will not only help you make useful contacts, but will also open up a multifaceted interesting personality to the world.

Communication test

Testing helps to focus on your own shortcomings, objectively assess the situation, learn about the gaps and understand in which direction it is worth working.

Try to answer the following questions as truthfully as possible. Possible options answers "yes", "no", "sometimes". You should answer as quickly as possible, without hesitation. As a result, summarize the points for each answer, accruing accordingly: “yes” - 3 points, “no” - 0, “sometimes” - 1.

  1. You have to carry out the usual business meeting. Will you be nervous while waiting?
  2. You are delegated to make a public presentation at one of the meetings. Do such instructions always cause confusion or bewilderment in you?
  3. Are you pulling to the last with a visit to the doctor?
  4. The authorities are planning to send one of the employees on a business trip to an unfamiliar area. Will you make every effort so that the choice does not fall on you?
  5. How often do you tell someone about your experiences?
  6. If suddenly comes to you stranger with any request or question, do you feel irritable?
  7. Do you agree that people different generations never be able to come to a consensus?
  8. A friend does not return the debt to you for a long time. Would you be embarrassed to remind him of this?
  9. The waiter brought you an obviously stale dish. Would you prefer to remain silent without confrontation?
  10. Is it hard for you to start talking first with a stranger?
  11. Do you feel very uncomfortable if you encounter a large queue somewhere?
  12. Would you like to become a member of the commission for the consideration of controversial issues?
  13. You always have own opinion about works of painting, cinema, literature, etc. And you do not take into account someone else's point of view?
  14. If you hear that somewhere two people are arguing on a question that is obviously familiar to you, would you prefer not to intervene in their dialogue?
  15. Do you feel embarrassed if one of your colleagues turns to you for help sorting out a business issue?
  16. Do you find it easier to write about your feelings and emotions than to express them verbally?

Add up your points and find out your result.

30-31: Communication is difficult for you. You are hard to get in touch with. It is difficult for you to communicate even with your loved ones. You absolutely do not know how to work in a team and solve problems together. You have a lot of work to do on yourself. Learn to loosen up.

25-29: You do not like communication and therefore you have a narrow circle of acquaintances. You prefer to be detached from everyone and recognize this feature for yourself. But you overcome your reticence quite easily when you encounter a truly exciting topic. Focus on your strengths.

19-24: You are quite sociable, but wary of new acquaintances. You can be overly suspicious or sarcastic at times. Pay attention to your shortcomings and try to be gentler with unfamiliar people.

14-18: You perfectly know how to establish contacts, are attentive to the interlocutor, are able to interest. Easily connect with people, but at the same time feel uncomfortable at noisy events or in crowded places.

9-13: You love to communicate very much, do not experience any difficulties. You often speak with or without. Love to impose your point of view. You should learn restraint and acceptance of the opinions of others.

4-8: You are always aware of all events. Maintain close contact with others. Love to participate everywhere. Take on any request. You often get involved in solving issues in which you are not always competent. You may not finish what you started. And so colleagues treat you with distrust. Learn to concentrate, to separate the main from the secondary.

3 or less: You simply cannot live without communication. Words are beating out of you. People around you often get tired of you. You often interfere in topics that do not concern you. You should learn patience and a serious attitude to business. Understand that your opinion is not decisive.

The lack of sociability can be compensated by other available advantages. But still, the desire for development can bear fruit, both professionally and personally.

How to develop communication skills?

To reach your potential, daily training is necessary. As difficult as it may be at first, communication should not be avoided by all means. Try to go towards those who contact you. Learn to take the initiative. Try to start the conversation first. Show interest and respect for the other person.

A person with unique, versatile knowledge is interesting to others. Before you convey about yourself to society, it is advisable to do work on yourself. Engage in self-development. read useful literature good quality, open the mind. Be interested in what is happening in the world. Grow professionally.

A positively minded person pleasant impression. For people, not only words and intonation matter, but also the body language of the interlocutor.

Open up to new contacts. Approach people with a smile. Take care of your appearance. Everything should speak of acceptance and a good attitude: a relaxed posture, a straight posture, soft gestures, a confident voice. Try to keep the conversation positive from start to finish.

Development steps

Relentlessly move towards your goal. Some simple tips help you achieve the desired result.

Define our role

In every conversation, a person is assigned a certain role. Think about where you are. Success partly depends on the observance of chain of command.

If you have to pass an interview or report on the work done to your superiors, do not forget about the distance. Recruiters have a negative attitude when a person switches to “you” during a business conversation. It doesn't matter how old the interviewer is. Respectful attitude has not been canceled.

Developing a sense of responsibility

Don't take on overwhelming tasks. At the same time, if you are involved in any business, bring it to the end. Be responsible for your obligations. Let others know that you can be relied upon.

Learning Constructive Criticism

Do not try to challenge any point of view that contradicts yours. Ask leading questions that require detailed answers. Delicately approach a controversial topic. Learn to accept the opinions of others.

Don't explicitly point out flaws. State your comments in the most reasonable manner. Try to come to an agreement. Do not pay attention to circumstances that are not relevant to the essence of the matter.

Developing the ability to empathize

Never forget that in front of you is a living person with their experiences and problems. Do not take negative emotions from the interlocutor personally. Think about the fact that they can be caused by some life circumstances. Do not respond with aggression for aggression.

Learning to trust

Don't try to take on all the problems. Try to be more open with people. Delegate some of your powers. Develop the ability to work in a team. Learn to divide a large task into several smaller ones. Don't be afraid to give a question to someone else to decide.

We smile more often!

Try to make a good first impression. Start a conversation with a smile. Do not pass by the person who has addressed you. Even if you can't help, refuse with a smile. Respond positively to positive feedback.

Almost always call a person by name

It is very important to know who you are talking to. Prepare for the conversation ahead of time. Find out the name of the person you are talking to. Personal contact helps to establish contact. The mention of the name brings the interlocutors closer. The person who was contacted personally is tuned in to listen to you.

Learning not only to listen, but also to hear

Listening and hearing are not the same thing. Show interest in the speaker's speech. Draw analogies. Give your examples. Show interest. Ask clarifying questions.

How to develop communication skills, being a closed person? The path to success lies through overcoming. Go against your weaknesses. Use every opportunity to communicate. Start first no matter what. And no matter how difficult at first, everything is fixable. The desire to be liberated and open to the world will certainly bear fruit.

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