Belogolovtsev and son with cerebral palsy. Sergey Belogolovtsev now


At the end of July, in the family of the star of the comedy series "33 square meters» Sergei Belogolovtsev happened happy event. The average celebrity heir Alexander Belogolovtsev got married. The chosen one of the 30-year-old man was the actress Olga Golutskaya.

“The celebration went off with a bang,” Sasha tells StarHit. - We exchanged rings in the Griboedovsky registry office. Gathered all the closest relatives and friends. Everyone liked the holiday, received a lot of emotions and gifts!”

According to Alexander, his family chose the design of the wedding for several months. As a result, after conferring with Olga, they settled on European style. The newlyweds wanted to make everything concise and simple. According to the bride and groom, they succeeded. By the way, in choosing outfits, Sasha and Olya also preferred to abandon unnecessary pomposity. The groom wore a gray and black suit, and the bride wore a white classic dress.

“We will not celebrate the honeymoon,” Alexander continues. - We have already rested in France, so now we are in the capital. Friends have already attacked with the question: “When can I congratulate you on the replenishment?”. I assure you, it's still early!"

Despite the fact that the celebration has already passed, Sasha and Olga delight their subscribers wedding photos. The kids had a great photo shoot. The couple took memorable pictures against the backdrop of nature and in the cabin of a limousine.

“This is the most incredible day. Family, friends, thank you, relatives, loved ones and unique! You swirled us in a whirlwind of love! - the bride signed one of the frames.

The newlyweds still accept congratulations, because for many friends of the couple, their wedding was a real surprise. “How beautiful you are!”, “You are super!”, “The Belogolovtsevs, we are happy for you!”, “You are very gentle!”, Close lovers write.

Recall that the actor and presenter is happily married to journalist Natalya. Over the years family life they had three sons at once - Nikita, Alexander and Evgeny. The senior heir of Belogolovtsev is already married. Nikita and his wife Lyudmila are raising a daughter, Eva, and a son, Timothy. Evgeny Belogolovtsev is ill with cerebral palsy, but this does not prevent him from successfully building a career. The guy decided to connect his life with television. For example, he already worked as the host of the Miscellaneous News program on the Raz TV channel.

A son popular artist Sergei Belogolovtsev Evgeny is ill with cerebral palsy. However, despite a serious illness, Zhenya got a job: he became the host of a show on television.


good news Sergei Belogolovtsev himself shared. He said that his youngest son Evgeny, who is already 25 years old, recorded pilot episodes as a heading columnist in a program for one of the television channels. Furthermore, Eugene for the first time in his life received a fee.

“A week ago, my parents told me that I could become a TV presenter. We dream that I would work in my specialty - after all, after graduation theater institute I'm probably the first professional actor diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I want guys like me to believe in themselves!"- quotes Evgeny Belogolovtsev Starhit.

According to the son of the artist, at first he was confused, but then he decided to agree. For several days, Belogolovtsev Jr. rehearsed, taught the text. “Then my father went and bought me a suit for filming, in the image I should look like Larry King: a bow tie and trousers with suspenders. For these suspenders, dad wandered all over Moscow all day", - said Evgeny Belogolovtsev.

Pilot shooting was successful. The artist’s son said: “I came to the studio with my mother, but I asked her to leave, it’s easier for me. First I looked at how my colleagues were recording, and then I went myself. Although I learned the text by heart, they turned on the teleprompter and it became very easy! The fee for the shooting was a surprise for me. We will note with friends that I will also buy flowers for the psychologist Natalya Alexandrovna, without her nothing would have happened.

Recall that Evgeny Belogolovtsev is the youngest son of Sergei Belogolovtsev. The popular artist, actor of "OSP-Studio" has two more sons: Nikita and Alexander. Moreover, Sergey is already a grandfather. The eldest son Nikita has a daughter, Eva. It should be noted that very soon, in early April, Sergei Belogolovtsev will turn 50 years old.

Sergei Belogolovtsev is an artist who is simply amazingly versatile. He played on the stage of KVN-a, acted in films, led TV shows and even created his own own works as a director. Such a range of his life images inspires respect, because sometimes it seems that this person has hundreds of faces. But which ones are genuine? We will try to figure this out today.

Childhood and family of Sergei Belogolovtsev

Sergei Belogolovtsev was born on April 2, 1964 in the city of Vladivostok, but he practically did not live here and already in early childhood moved with his family to the city of Obninsk, where, in fact, he spent his childhood. However, the family of the future showman did not end there either. His family often changed service apartments, and therefore Sergei constantly had to move from one school to another.

While studying at school, our today's hero was fond of football and basketball. his beloved football team was the Moscow Spartak, and he himself played for the basketball team of the Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry. It was here, by the way, that Sergei Belogolovtsev was going to enter after school. However, such an undertaking was not appreciated by his father, who worked here as a teacher of physics. As a result, Sergey had to choose another university for himself. So the future showman ended up at the Moscow Mining Institute.

While studying at this university, Sergey first began to get involved theatrical art. He took an active part in the activities of the local amateur circle, played in performances, wrote lyrics, and at one fine moment even managed to become the head of the local Fluger ensemble.

Sergey Belogolovtsev's career in KVN

After graduating from the institute, Belogolovtsev was assigned to the distant and inhospitable Khabarovsk Territory. However, Sergei was not even going to lose heart in the local wilderness. Literally a few months after his appearance in these parts, Belogolovtsev assembled his own propaganda team and even made several attempts to organize his own rock band. But the last of these ideas remained unrealized. The reason for this was his untimely departure to Moscow, which was caused by family circumstances.

In the capital of Russia, Sergei Belogolovtsev again took up the implementation of a variety of creative plans. This time main dream the actor became his own KVN team. At first, this project "slid" due to lack of funding. However, very soon Sergei's ideas began to take on real shape. So, the KVN team "Magma" was formed.

Belogolovtsev blows up the framework of the program "Let them talk"

From the first days of its existence, the newly formed team has become the main discovery of the season major league. The team performed brightly, and therefore Sergey Belogolovtsev very soon became a real star. The audience loved him, his jokes were always perceived with a bang. However, in the KVN-ovsky fate of our today's hero, there was still one disappointment - Sergey did not become the champion of the Major League.

Sergey Belogolovtsev - TV presenter

Despite this circumstance, subsequently creative destiny turned out very, very well. In 1993, our today's hero received an offer to work on the creation of the program " The Magnificent Seven". At first, Sergei Belogolovtsev worked on the creation of new releases as a screenwriter, but very soon he began to personally appear in the frame. He was the real soul of the team, combining the qualities of a presenter, screenwriter, actor and director at the same time.

As a result, thanks to the efforts of the actor, the program received big success. The audience really liked the charismatic presenter, and therefore very soon Sergey was invited to other projects. Thus, in the late nineties, Russian television there were such projects as "OSP-studio", "Country stories", as well as comedy series"33 square meters". The last of these projects has become especially popular.

Sergei Belogolovtsev: “It will be harder to joke today”

Sergei Belogolovtsev became a real celebrity, and therefore subsequently he often participated in various television programs as a host or guest star. AT different years he had a hand in the creation of such programs as "Save, Repair!" (STS), "Scheme of Laughter" (REN-TV), "Mysteries of Show Business" (TNT), "Circus with Stars" (Channel One Russia), "Soldiers. And officers” (Ren TV), as well as some others. Most of his programs were of an entertainment nature, however, exceptions to general rule also occasionally met. A prime example This is the program “Heading (Russia-2), entirely devoted to football.

Sergei Belogolovtsev in the cinema

In addition, in parallel with the career of a TV presenter, Sergei Belogolovtsev successfully built a career as an actor. He often played on the stage of the theater, and also acted in films a lot. Over the years, twelve different films with his participation were released. Among them, the comedies "The Color of the Sky", "All So Sudden" (with Anna Semenovich in leading role), as well as new picture"Duhless", which also starred Danila Kozlovsky, Maria Andreeva, Artur Smolyaninov, Mikhail Efremov and others. In addition, Sergei Belogolovtsev also often performed small episodic roles in various Russian sitcoms. As a guest star, he appeared in the TV series My Fair Nanny, Afromoskvich, Two Antons, father's daughters", as well as in some other television projects. These roles, coupled with work as a TV presenter, brought great success to our today's hero.

Sergei Belogolovtsev today

Currently, Sergei Belogolovtsev manages to organically combine cinema, television and theater. AT this moment He is hard at work on his new projects. One of these is the surreal comedy movie"Ja's Territory", which should be released at the end of 2013.

Personal life Sergei Belogolovtsev

Also in student years our today's hero was married to a native Muscovite Natalya Barannik, who worked as a commissar of the Military Patriotic Club.

The couple currently have three sons. The two oldest of them - Nikita and Alexander - work on television. TV presenter Nikita Belogolovtsev even has a TEFI award to his credit. In addition to three sons, our today's hero also has a granddaughter, Eva Nikitichna. Thus, Sergey has been a grandfather for several years.

Interview to the magazine "Life with cerebral palsy" No. 2, 2010

Sergei Belogolovtsev:« You just have to live!»

Actor and TV presenter Sergei Belogolovtsev is known for the popular program « OSB-studio » , series about sem b e Zvezdunovs « 33 square a meters » and « Country stories » . Looking into Sergey's lively and smiling eyes, it is hard to believe that he and his family had to go through a big test - the son's illness.

- Tell me, Sergey, did you encounter problems with cerebral palsy before the birth of Zhenya, did you know what it is?
- I grew up in a small town in Obninsk Kaluga region. The boyhood years flew by quickly, leaving many vivid impressions in my memory. One of them is memories of local resident who had cerebral palsy. He was very different from those around him and terribly scared me. After birth younger son, Zhenya, I understood: people marked with the seal of this disease are much kinder, more talented and deeper than some of us.

Do you consider yourself a group of fanatical parents, or did you moderately reasonably follow the recommendations of doctors: what you could, you could, what will be, will be?
- My wife, Natasha, fanatically fought for her son, having tried everything: there were endless visits to doctors, the search for new and effective methods treatment and rehabilitation facilities. I did what I could to help her. Every year, my son and his wife went to the sea for the whole summer, they had to earn money. True, now I am trying to compensate for what I did not finish Zhenya at the time. I try to be his friend, partner in all his undertakings and creative deeds.

- Have relations in your family changed with the advent of Zhenya?
- After the birth of our son, we often asked ourselves a selfish question: “Why exactly our child, why is it for us, what have we done and how unfair it is?” We could not come to terms with the idea that our glorious and dear baby was not like other children, there were breakdowns, tears, spoiled nervous system. But the common misfortune only rallied our family, tempered it.

- What role do you assign to medicine in the treatment and rehabilitation of your son (main, auxiliary, none)?
- Complex issue. Domestic medicine lags far behind world and European medicine. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in Soviet time disabled people were hidden away from the eyes of the layman. Hundreds of young boys and girls in tracksuits, marching smoothly along Red Square at the parade of athletes, personified a healthy Soviet nation. And there were no disabled people. Work with this category of the population was reduced to the payment of pensions, allowances and compensations, and there were almost no funds left for the development of new methods of treatment and rehabilitation.

What do you think helped the most? Any method, doctor, center, sports or all together?
- Every parent whose child is ill with cerebral palsy knows about the Children's Psychoneurological Hospital No. 18, which helps to fight this serious illness. So our Zhenya was helped. In addition, over the years, the son studied with professional psychologist, they developed a trusting relationship, and these classes do not stop until now. As for sports, he loves to swim, especially with flippers, although his first steps in mastering the water element were very difficult. The son fought back and cried in every possible way, but now he simply cannot be pulled out of the water. Probably, everything in the complex helped.
Recently going through the records, we looked at the video cassettes on which the son goes to the first grade. We looked and understood: Zhenya has completely changed, his eyes look correctly (before they looked anywhere up, sideways, but not in front of him), not very quickly, but he walks independently without outside support.

- How are the relations between your two eldest sons and Zhenya?
- The older children, Nikita and Zhenya's twin Sasha, are kind to their brother, stand up for him with a mountain and, if I may say so, have contributed to the process of raising their brother. After the guys were alone with him several times, my wife and I noticed that Zhenya was making his own bed and getting dressed without outside help. To our inquiring glances, the boys answered: “Yes, he is quite independent!” So, no differences, Zhenya can do everything himself. Although if someone looks at him with a mocking or condescending look, or, God forbid, offends ... I do not envy him.

- Have you experienced child or adult cruelty because your child has a disability?
- We had problems with the teachers and mentors of the son, who did not want to reckon with him. But we have always tried to immediately extinguish the conflict. But I don’t remember that someone specifically pushed, hit or called my son. After all, our Zhenya is so bright, sometimes it seems that he moves into some kind of parallel reality, periodically there is, lives and simply does not perceive, something offensive and unpleasant. He loves everyone and everyone loves him too. That's how we raised him.

Do you think that children with visible disabilities should study in regular school along with those who do not have such restrictions? Is the risk to which the child is exposed, getting into a team where he may not be accepted, justified?
- Yes, I would even confirm it. federal law. Children who can somehow walk, move around, find contact with their peers should attend general school. This will give positive results for everyone. Children with disabilities will be able to quickly and painlessly adapt to later life, and their peers will learn delicacy, the ability to subtly feel the difficulties of another, they will see: yes, this boy or girl is different, but so nice and sympathetic.

- What things would you do as a father of a child with cerebral palsy if you were in power?
- Firstly, I would oblige every TV channel to have a program, dedicated to the problems cerebral palsy. Two leaders must participate in it. One of them is a wheelchair user or poorly walking, the other is a common person. And here they meet live, communicate with each other, discuss some issues, joke.
Second: all educational establishments, no matter public or private, should accept such children with cerebral palsy.
Thirdly, children should be socially protected from birth, receive decent pensions and scholarships.
The fourth is compulsory employment. People with disabilities should not be left alone with their grief, infirmity and problems.
And fifth - all structures, buildings must be equipped with special handrails, lifts and various other devices.

- What does Zhenya want to become?
- He absolutely unexpectedly opened up to us with creative side, struck with his special gift of figurative speech, and this with his not very good diction. It all started with the school where the son studied in theater studio, did performances and solo performances there, and even won a camera in a reading competition. Zhenya tells and recites beautifully. I would really like him to become an actor, for example, voice acting. It is within his power.

- What do you want to wish to parents who are only at the beginning of their journey?
- I wish you great patience, in no case give up and hold on. Much has changed now compared to decades ago. Do not withdraw into yourself, communicate with each other, love our difficult children and just live.

What kind of work will you please your fans and admirers, what is your great acting and humorous talent embodied in? Cinema, stage?
- In the theater I am busy in four performances, where I play with pleasure. From time to time I act in films, I played in the film "The Roof" directed by Boris Grachevsky, I will continue to act in an interesting musical series directed by Leonid Mazor "Two Antons". As for TV... recent times We didn't really understand each other. In general, I dream of making a film about the life of people with cerebral palsy, I dream that my twins will play in it, I sketched out the outline of the plot, but have not yet come up with it to the end.
In a word, there are many plans. As it turned out, with the departure from the TV, life does not end, but only becomes more diverse and interesting.

Interview with M. Sitkina and T. Sorokina

The mother of four children, supermodel Natalia Vodianova knows firsthand about the attitude of society towards the disabled, towards people with special needs. Among the thousands of families where children with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy were born, there are famous mothers and fathers.

, actress

One of the few star moms, who challenged first the doctors who advised not to leave the child, and then the society, which has not yet learned how to accept people with genomic pathologies, disorders and developmental disorders, was Evelina Bledans. Her son is already three years old - and he is a full member of society. Evelina and her producer husband Alexander Semin are convinced that their son should receive everything the same as children without special needs. The Bledans family inspires confidence and strength in thousands of mothers like her.

Sergei Belogolovtsev, actor

Another famous father of a child with special needs in show business is actor Sergei Belogolovtsev ("Duhless", "My Fair Nanny").

With his wife Natalia, they are raising three sons, the youngest of whom was born with cerebral palsy. 26-year-old Evgeny Belogolovtsev did the almost impossible among people with developmental disabilities - he became a TV presenter (the program "Various News"). Despite the fact that the TV project has already been completed, Zhenya does not despair and is ready to look for himself further. By the way, he is a professional actor.

, singer

Fyodor Bondarchuk, actor, director

A child with the same characteristics was born in the family famous director Fyodor Bondarchuk. His eldest son Sergei has younger sister Barbara with cerebral palsy. Fedor and his wife are engaged social adaptation the child is mostly abroad. The girl's mother, the director's wife, actress Svetlana Bondarchuk, explained their decision in an interview with SNC magazine by saying that life in Russia is "completely unsuitable for people with disabilities." Today Barbara is 16 years old.

The daughter of singer Lolita from her marriage to showman Alexander Tsekalo is 14 years old today. Eva was born five months old, after a while the child was diagnosed with autism. Despite the persuasion of doctors, the singer did not refuse her daughter. Milyavskaya sincerely considers Eva ordinary. The girl speaks fluent English, swims well, reads poetry and goes to fashion shows with her mother.

, producer

Producer Konstantin Meladze and his already ex-wife Yana is raising three children: two daughters Alice and Leah, 15 and 11 years old respectively, and 10-year-old son Valery. younger child was born with autism.

Here is what the boy's mother said about her son's diagnosis in an interview with KP:

“This is not a sentence, this is a shooting, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has not yet been treated in any way. It is being corrected. I am talking about a severe form of autism. the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, shame is familiar. Our society does not accept, does not recognize "different people. But when a child has the first successes, hope, faith wakes up - and that's when new point counting of true victories and bright pride for your child.

And parents do not need to be ashamed, to blame themselves. Do not think that you could do something wrong. When you understand what a responsible mission you are performing in your child's life, you will realize the value or even pricelessness of yours. And most importantly: autistic disorder should be diagnosed in the first year of a child's life! Fatal mistake doctors and parents - wait up to three years. Children with whom correct correction begins before the age of one show amazing results. And in the end, they are not much different from their peers.

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