Musical performance in kindergarten. Hello my friends


Theater for children is a fabulous action, colored bright colors artist and voiced by live multifaceted music. A fairy tale comes to life, becomes expressive, if there is a place in it. decoration and musical accompaniment.

Children's performances acquire a special color due to the use of music in them. Songs and dances, and music backgrounds in some performances they play at least important role than a word. Being a background, music decorates the performance, helps to create vivid expressive images.

In performances saturated with sounds and music, the world surrounding the heroes of the performance comes to life. The heroes of such representations turn out to be comprehensively developed personalities. Musical accompaniment naturally and harmoniously fits into the action of the fairy tale.

Performances in which music, if not the basis of the performance, but largely determines the dramaturgy of theatrical action, are called musicals. Staged songs, followed by mass and individual dances, interspersed with poetic and prose texts, and - again solo singing, and singing in a duet, in an ensemble. Each of the children knows exactly where and when he is and what to do.

Characters :

  • Sun
  • Magpie
  • Sparrow
  • Crocodile
  • Bear
  • Ram
  • Ram
  • hare

Decorations and attributes:

  1. Two chairs camouflaged with reeds painted with trees.
  2. Stumps for sleeping animals and birds: hares, magpies, sparrows, bears.
  3. Balls, a ball for a crocodile.
  4. Christmas trees are artificial.
  5. Drums.

The course of the performance

On the right in the background are two chairs, disguised by bushes (you can use reeds), Crocodile is hiding there. On the left is a stump on which the Bear sits and sleeps.

Sleeping Sparrow, Magpie and Hare are sitting in the foreground on the left. The sun is squatting in the center.

Music is playing (“The Lonely Shepherd”, composer Gheorghe Zamfir, from the repertoire of the orchestra conducted by James Last).

The sun slowly rises, dances, touches the sitting animals in front, which wake up in turn, smile.

The music is changing. The melody of the "Garbage Song" begins to sound (composer Alexander Usachev). The Crocodile runs out and, clasping the Sun in his arms, drags him into his lair.

The animals, frightened, clasping their faces in their hands, shake their heads and sob.

Sparrow(with a handkerchief) gets up, sobbing, goes to the center, sings

(melody of the song “Oh, what a woman”, from the repertoire of the group “Freestyle”):

Darkness has come
Darkness has come
Don't go through the gate!
Who got on the street
Who got on the street -
Lost and lost...
2 times

Forty run up.

Magpie sings (melody of the song “The wind blew from the sea”, composers N. Rudina, Yu. Malyshev, from Natalie’s repertoire):

Woe, woe to me, oh-ee-e-ee!
Woe, woe to all, oh-ee-e-ee!
Greedy Crocodile, scary Crocodile
The sun is gone, the sun is gone!
Darkness has come, darkness has come
Impenetrable -I-I-I-I-I.
How without sun live,
How without the sun to be,
Spread news?
Spread news?

A hare runs up to Sparrow and Magpie, they begin to sing (the melody of the song “Come out, sunshine” by R. Pauls):

Magpie and hare:

Come out, sunshine
Come out red!
Crying Sparrow:

Sparrow: Get out quick!

Magpie, Hare and Sparrow:

Get up soon
In the sky is clear
Light up, warm up
Mother Earth!
2 times

The introduction and the 1st verse of the song “Atas” sound (composer I. Matvienko, from the repertoire of the group “Lube”).

Sparrow, Magpie, Hare step aside. Come out two rams with drums, marching and drumming, they sing to the melody of the chorus:

Hurry! Get up quickly, animal class!
Do not sleep bunnies, do not cry, squirrels.
Forward! Come on, animal class
Let's go for the sun now!

The sheep step aside. Sparrow, Magpie, Hare go to the center. Sparrow and Magpie sing (melody of the song "Lavender", music by V. Matetsky, from the repertoire of S. Rotaru):

Everyone is afraid of the crocodile (2 times)
How can we fight this?
He is both ugly and sharp.
Everyone is afraid of the crocodile (2 times)
How can we fight this?
He won't give us the sun!

Bunny sings to the melody of the song "Robin" (composer E. Hanok, from the repertoire of the group "Verasy"):

Oh, shame on us, shame on us!
And where is our most important Bear? ( approaches the Bear and wakes him up)
Hey, stop it, go to sleep!
And paw sucking!
After all, the sun must be rescued.
The crocodile stuffed his stomach.
Swallowed our sun.

Bear wakes up, gets up, shakes his head.

Animals (in chorus):

Tear it apart
Get the sun out of your mouth!

The theme of the Bear sounds (the play "The Bear", music by V. Rebikov).

The bear, waddling, approaches the Crocodile and says menacingly against the background of the music:

Look, robber breed!
Snatched the Sun from the sky.
And with a full belly
Crashed under a bush!
The whole world disappears
And you have no grief!

The melody of the song "The boy wants to Tambov" sounds (music B. Lima, from the repertoire of Murat Nasyrov).

The Crocodile comes out, dances a formidable dance: stomps, steps menacingly on the Bunny, then on the rams, then on the Sparrow, then on the Magpie! Animals retreat, get scared.

Crocodile sings to the melody of the chorus:

If I want, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-ta
And I'll swallow the moon, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-ta! (continues to dance triumphantly).

hare, without letting the Crocodile finish, says:

Misha, come to us
And defeat the villain!

All animals:

Tear it apart
Get the sun out of your mouth!

The theme is Bear. The animals surround the Crocodile. He curses, throws himself in one direction or the other, raises his hands up, quickly bends down, takes out the floor with his brushes and runs away, running on his hands and feet.

The theme is the sun. Animals bring the Sun out, embrace, stand in one line.

The introduction to the song “I’m standing at the half-station” sounds (music by I. Kataev, repertoire of V. Tolkunova).

Beasts ( sing):

So that the world is always sunny,
So that the world is always sunny,
It became clear to us all today.
We need to stick together
We need to stick together.
Then there will be no problem!

The animals are dancing common dance to the melody of 2.3 verses, to the 4th - they sing, repeat the words of the 1st verse and perform bow.

The script for the musical for preschoolers "That's how absent-minded"

Railway uniform for conductors, station attendant (traffic signals: red and yellow), track inspector (orange vest, tool belt, helmet), ticket, bottle of kvass.
For absent-minded: a bag, a suitcase, an umbrella, gloves, a frying pan, a raincoat, trousers, a hat, glasses.

Pano of the railway station, flat car with a window, cash desk, buffet.

Musical accompaniment:
Phonograms of melodies from songs:
"Island of Bad Luck" from the movie "The Diamond Arm";
"Song about polar bears" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
"Song of the Three Musketeers" from the film "D, Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"
"If I were a Sultan" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
The song "Steam Engine" (gr. "Double Game")

Activities at the railway station:

(a scattered man comes out in a raincoat, glasses, gloves on his feet, holds a frying pan over his head, bags and a suitcase in his other hand)

Instead of a hat on the go
He put on the frying pan.
Gloves instead of boots
Pulled on his heels.
Here's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!

A scattered man sings a song (to the soundtrack "Island of Bad Luck")

1. Thunder will strike in the middle of the day,
Clouds will hide the sun.
They say about me:
"Unlucky man."
What should I do then?
My life is lost...
After all, my name is always -
A scattered person.

2. I forget everything
And I always lose everything
But I don't get discouraged
And I'm always cheerful.
After all, anything happens
And this is nonsense!
After all, the main thing, friends,
Don't lose yourself.

Scattered: And most importantly guys
Gotta catch the train
Ticket must be bought
And something to drink.

(Scattered goes to the scenery of the buffet and cash desk, performs actions under the words of the author)

The voice of the dispatcher is heard:
“Attention, attention, the Leningrad-Moscow train leaves in five minutes”
(fast music sounds, distracted runs from the cash desk to the buffet, from the buffet to the cash desk, finally, he buys a ticket at the box office and kvass at the buffet)

(A distracted man gets into an uncoupled car, falls asleep)

Two conductors walk past the car, sing a song:

Song of the Conductors (to the soundtrack of the song "About Polar Bears")

1.In railway form,
beautiful eyelashes,
Who are we? -
Conductor girls.
You contact us with any problem
Hurry up to come
Any malfunction
We'll fix it on the way.

2.We welcome passengers
We meet on the platform
Checking tickets
We deliver tea in the car.
We follow the order
And wake up all the people
So that everyone leaves on time
At his station.

Scattered: (wakes up and turns to the conductors)
What kind of half-station is this?
He screamed early.
And from the platform they say:

Conductors: This is the city of Leningrad.

(The distracted fell asleep again)

The station attendant walks past, sings a song:

Station attendant's song (to the soundtrack "Song of the Musketeers")

Station attendant -
My profession.
Worries, no trouble
In my work.
I'm proud of my work
Work is just class!
Do you want to know what I'm doing?
I will tell now:

1. When I show the red light -
So stop! There is no travel!
And I allow yellow
Train to go
And then I'll say:
"Bon Voyage!"

Station attendant -
My profession.
Worries, no trouble
In my work.
I know the language of signs
serious travel,
traffic lights -
These are.
(shows red and yellow traffic light attributes)

Scattered: What kind of station is this?
Dibuny or Yamskaya? -

(Scattered fell asleep)

There is a lineman of the path, he sings a song:
Song of the Pathfinder (to the soundtrack of the song "If I were a Sultan")

1. Path Inspector -
My profession.
For the safety of people
I work.
I'm repairing the tracks
I go here and there
To travel without fear
On the rails of the train.

And it's very important
Be careful,
And very important
Be brave.

2. I walk with tools
segments of the path,
Can I kilometers
For the whole day to go.
I am hardy and hardened,
Decisive and firm.
My work is difficult
More important than all work.

And it's very important
Be careful,
And very important
Be brave.

Scattered: What is this stop
Bologoe or Popovka? -
And from the platform they say:
Inspector: This is the city of Leningrad!

Scattered: What kind of joke is this!
I'm on my second day
And I came back
Did you come to Leningrad?

All the characters go on stage, stand in a semicircle and say:
Here's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!

All the heroes dance to the song "Locomotive"



Musical script for children

senior preschool age:

"There on unknown paths ..."

Explanatory note

Everyone in our country, young and old, knows and loves the works of the great classic of Russian literature, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. From early childhood we love and read his fairy tales. Fine films and cartoons were shot based on his works, performances were staged, thousands of paintings were written by artists, wonderful music was composed by composers. Despite the difficult style and not always clear words, especially for young children, we read his fairy tales with love and interest. great music his poems cause us some kind of inner awe and reverence. And strangely enough, the lines of his poems are remembered quickly and easily.
I wanted to give students the opportunity to touch literary creativity A.S. Pushkin in all aspects of children's creative activity.

The relevance of this idea is to let preschoolers feel the beauty and richness of the Russian language in the poetry of the great classic. Because in modern society the Russian language is becoming more and more simplified, we really want our children not to forget the beautiful style of verse and the spirit of the works of the great master.

For this, a lot of preliminary work was carried out with children on the project “Pushkin is our everything ...”, in which it became possible to implement this idea. As a result, the project resulted in the musical "There on unknown paths ..."

The musical was based on the scenario of the New Year's holiday

L. Oliferova, supplemented musical material and own text.

Target : To develop in children an interest in the work of A.S. Pushkin, using different kinds artistic and aesthetic activities

Preliminary work:

  • Reading the works of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "At the Lukomorye ..." - an excerpt from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes.
  • Listening musical works composers who used fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.
  • Consideration of illustrations for the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.
  • Drawing characters and plot scenes from fairy tales. Exhibition fine arts children based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin
  • Watching films and cartoons based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, puppet shows based on the tales of A.S. Pushkin


A projector with a video image, a player, a piano, an oak tree, a chest, a hut on chicken legs, a tent, a carpet, a "golden chain", costumes and attributes for fairy-tale characters.

scientist cat
Goblin Children


Oriental beauties
Baba Yaga

The screen shows a book with fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, the pages with his fairy tales are turning (music by Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Narrator: Pushkin's fairy tales come to us,
Bright and kind, like dreams,
Words are pouring, words are diamonds,
On the evening velvet of silence.
Magic pages rustle
We all want to know,

Children's eyelashes tremble,
Children's eyes believe in miracles.

Music sounds.
Narrator: Green oak by the seaside
Golden Chain on Oak Vol.
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes around in circles.
Scientist cat enters. Sings a song (Word and music by L. Oliferova)
Cat: Meow meow, I'm a learned cat
Meow meow, no big worries
I live here under the oak
I invite you all to visit.
I'll sing you a song

I'll catch fish for you
I'll put you to sleep under an oak tree,
I'll tell you a story at night.

The cat sits under an oak tree with a fishing rod, "catching fish." Mermaids peeking out from behind the curtain, picking up the cat's melody, as if mimicking, they sing.
Mermaids: Meow-meow, he is a scientist cat,
Meow meow, no big worries
Here he lives under an oak tree,
He invites all of us.

Cat: Hush you mermaids! All the fish were spooked.
Mermaids: Meet the guests kindly,
Well, at least make some tea,
Feed us, give us drink,

After all, we protect yours!
Dance of the Little Mermaids (muz."Dancing Flowers")
The cat carries cups of tea on a tray. Turns around and looks at the oak tree.
Cat: I don't know how to tell you:
It's not time for us to drink tea!
Look: there is no golden chain,
And the oak is our orphan.
Mermaids: Let's call the devils
We'll find the golden chain soon.
They know all the paths in the forest
No wonder they are considered scumbags.
Goblin enters to the music of L. Oliferova

Leshy sing and walk: By unknown paths
In Lukomorye we walk,
Miracle berries in baskets
Here and there we collect.
Then we sneak like cats
Then we rush in a crowd,
And it's really, really easy
Lure you!
Dance of mermaids and goblin. (Fragment from Stravinsky's ballet "Petrushka")
Narrator: Where did the golden chain go?
On the mighty oak
Whose evil will has been done,

Nobody knows about him.

Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone get up quickly
Have fun following me!
Only, moore! Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!
G. Gladkov " New Year's adventures Masha and Viti»

While the children are walking around the hall, a hut on chicken legs is exhibited

Narrator: There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts,

Hut there on chicken legs
It stands without windows, without doors.
Everyone stumbles upon a hut on chicken legs (all actions are accompanied by music)

Goblin: Hut, hut, stand up, as your mother put,
To us in front, to the forest back!

Hut: What else, please? And the magic word!

All in unison: Please!

The hut turns creaking.
Baba Yaga comes out from behind the hut with a broomstick. She "flies" around the entire hall and approaches the Cat with a menacing look.
. (music by M. Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition”)

Baba Yaga: Yes! It's dark in my hut

And I don't need a window

I don't need a door either.
The main thing is that there is a broom!
Why did you come to visit
Or are bones not dear to you?
Hide quickly from me
Run away whoever!

Baba Yaga dance with a broom!
Mermaids: You, Yagusya, do not shout and do not knock with a broom.
Well, better, if you can, help our grief!
We have trouble on the seashore,
The chain has gone missing!

Baba Yaga: That's the trouble, that's the trouble
Without a golden chain, we are nowhere!
Walks back and forth, thinks.

Baba Yaga: We will now ask the wind if he saw anything?
Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive clouds of clouds,
Everywhere you blow in the open, and you excite the blue sea ..
Have you seen, tell me, if you can, point out

Where can we look for a golden chain? Who fulfilled the evil will?
Backstage voice:

Yes, of course, I saw, through the forests,
Through the seas the sorcerer of the hero carried.
He is bound by a golden chain,
And in dead dream he is loaded.

(The familiar melody of the Song of the Cat sounds)
Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone get up quickly
Have fun following me!
Only, moore!. Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!

Children stand behind the cat with a train and snake to the music
leave the hall.At this time, a tent is set up and a carpet is laid.
Witch: The sorcerer sits in a tent on cushions. Oriental beauties dance to the music (oriental music)
All the heroes enter the hall, the dancers hide in the tent.

The music of M. Glinka “March of Chernomor” sounds, the Sorcerer with a long black beard and a shining ring on his finger slowly gets up and addresses the heroes
Ha-ha! Why did you come here?
What did they find in my chambers?

Goblin: Why, you cursed sorcerer, deceived the hero?
From the oak of our native gold, you pulled the chain in vain!
You have silver and gold, and so full chambers. (
shake fists)

Baba Yaga: Give it good
And then I'll grind it into a fine powder! ( Threaten with a broom).

Witch: Okay, okay, don't make noise
And don't sweep here with a broom

I exchanged the chain for gold,

Koschey gave me the ring. (shows how it sparkles)

Now look for him
Just be quiet... go away... (grabs his head like it hurts)

Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone get up quickly
Have fun following me!
Only, moore!. Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!
Children stand behind the cat with a train and snake to the music
leaving the hall

Koschey: Koschei appears to the music of D. Verdi's "March of the Bullfighter", goes and sings a song:
Day and night, day and night
I count money
Day and night, day and night
I don't know rest
Over your wealth
I'm slowly fading away

I'll look into the chests -

And gasp with happiness!
Dance of Koshchei

Step forward and speak at the same time

Baba Yaga and Cat: Happiness is not a chest of rubles,
Happiness is a circle of friends.
Give us the golden chain,
Get up in the circle of friends!

Koschei brings the chain. All characters take the chain and lift it above them. Hang on oak.
Narrator : Come on, together, come on, together
The stories are very, very necessary.
Lukomortsy smile, and
Get ready for the dance!
Dance and song of all the characters of "Lukomorye" muses. Usacheva Pinegina.

Song: Found the Golden Chain
In the kingdom of Far Far Away.
We came to the seaside
Everything is fine now.
Let the path be hard

We know without a clue
What is good stronger than evil,
Real and in a fairy tale

Narrator: The cat-scientist starts a song,
Stupa with Grandmother - Yozhka wanders.
Mermaids with Leshy are sitting,
They look at the sea from the oak!

Together: We were there, drinking honey,
They said in lisha,
They danced like a mermaid,
Reading Pushkin's fairy tales.

MDOU "Arsky Kindergarten No. 2"
Musical script. Fairy tale with the author's element "Little Red Riding Hood"
educator - Ganieva Rezida Zavdatovna,
music director- Abdullina Yulduz Ildusovna,
senior educator - Galiyakhmetova Gulusa Fakhutdinovna.

- expand and deepen children's knowledge about the world around them;
- continue to acquaint children with the forest, forest dwellers;
- teach children how to behave in the forest;
- develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination;
- stimulate mental operations;
- activate and improve lexicon, grammatical structure speech,
pace, expressiveness of speech;
- improve motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability,
- develop the emotional-volitional sphere;
- to develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other, to form experience
moral behavior;
- to bring joy to children, causing active interest, to captivate them.

Rules for preparing for the performance:
- do not overload children;
- do not impose your opinion;
- give all children the opportunity to try themselves in different roles.

Stages of the performance
1. Choice of a play or dramatization, reading, discussion.
2. Division into episodes and retelling them by children.
3. Work on episodes in the form of sketches with improvised text.
4. Search for a musical and plastic solution for individual studies, staging dances, songs, creating sketches of scenery and costumes with children and parents.
5. Transition to the text of the play: work on episodes (expressiveness of speech, authenticity of behavior in stage conditions).
6. Rehearsal of individual paintings in different compositions with details of scenery and props (can be conditional), with musical accompaniment.
7. Rehearsal of the entire play with costumes, props, scenery. Performance premiere. Discussion with children, viewers.

Little Red Riding Hood, Forest Fairy, Lesovichok, Goat, Wolf, Bear, Masha, Fox, Malvina, Frog Princess, Fly-Tsokotuha, Mom (Little Red Riding Hood), Grandmother, Baba Yaga.

musical numbers:
1. "Dance of flowers", music. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
2. "Song of the Little Red Riding Hood", music. A. Rybnikova, lyrics by Yury Mikhailova
from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood"
3. "Song of the Goat"
4. "Song of the Fox"
5. "Song of the Wolf", music. A. Rybnikova, lyrics by Yu. Entin
6. The song "Animal in the footsteps of any ..."
7. "Dance of the Hares" ("Old Polka"
8. "Dance of mushrooms", music. A. Samonova, sl. I. Chernitskaya.
9. "A true friend", op. M. Plyatskovsky, music. B. Saveliev.

The Forest Fairy enters to the music and says:
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all.
I'm kind, not evil
Fairy forest.
I want about the forest
Carry out a story
So that the meetings please you.
We want the birds to sing
So that the forests around rustle,
blue skies,
The river flowed beauty
And a silver fish
Splashed in the river clean.
Along with good music
Magic comes to you
Be careful, be careful
Don't scare him.

Baba Yaga:
Check this out? book on a stump,
Someone left it to me
I will read you a fairy tale
And I'll turn everything in it!
Well, open the book
My fairy tale begins!

Music sounds.

There was a little girl in one village: she was so pretty that there was no better girl in the world. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more.
In one of the most beautiful days on her birthday, mom says:
- Daughter, take this present from your grandmother!
- Thank you, mommy!
Since then, the girl went everywhere in her new, elegant red cap.
Neighbors said this about her:
- Little Red Riding Hood is coming!
Once mom baked pies and said to her daughter:
- Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother, take these pies and a pot of honey, and find out if she is healthy.
- Okay, mommy! Well, I went!
- Go, go, daughter of a happy journey!
Little Red Riding Hood gathered and went to her grandmother, to another village. She walks through the forest and sings her favorite song ("Song of Little Red Riding Hood")
From the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood", composer: Rybnikov A. Lyricist: Mikhailov Yu.
1. If long, long, long,
If for a long time on the track,
If long on the path
Stomp, ride and run
That, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can come to Africa!
Ah, the rivers in Africa are so wide!
Ah, in Africa, the mountains are so high!
Ah, crocodiles, hippos,
Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ah, and the green parrot!
Ah, and the green parrot!
2. And as soon as, only, only,
And as soon as on the path,
And once on the track
I will meet someone
To the one I meet
Even the beast - I believe, I believe -
I will not forget - I will, I will,
I will say hello.
3. But of course, but of course
If you're so lazy
If you're so shy
Stay at home, don't play.
Nothing is dear to you
Hillsides, mountains, mountains,
Gullies, rivers, crayfish.
Take care of your hands and feet!

Suddenly, Lesovichok appeared.
Forest birds, animals
Meet the old man.
Bushes, trees, herbs
It's called Lesovik!
And grandfather with sharp eyes
Looks at a sensitive forest.
I have lived in the forest for a long time.
I keep a close eye on the forest
So that the forest does not get sick.
To keep the branches strong
To keep the roots strong
So that the beetle does not eat the bark!
Lesovik: "Hello, Little Red Riding Hood!"
Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, who are you?
Lesovichok: “- I am an old man - Lesovichok. Lord of the forests. The forest is called the "kingdom of trees" and I protect: everything that lives in this kingdom. Why did you pick so many flowers?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “For my grandmother. She is sick, she wanted to please her.
Lesovik: “Do you know that flowers feel pain and cry? Do forest flowers wither very quickly?
Little Red Riding Hood: "Strange, I didn't notice that?"
Lesovik: “And you take a closer look and look at the stems: do you see they are wet?
Little Red Riding Hood: "I won't do that again, forgive me!"
Lesovik: "Well done! I realized my mistake!
(Goat enters to the music)
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hello, oh, and what fairy tale are you from?”
Goat: "I, I ..." Wolf and seven kids "!??
Little Red Riding Hood: “Well, I am familiar with the wolf. But you, I can’t remember, in this fairy tale? Anyway! Why are you so sad? Did someone offend you?
Goat: “Yes, the Wolf took my kids. Keeps them locked up. And I don’t know how to drive the Wolf away and free the kids, (crying)
Little Red Riding Hood: “Don't worry, we will help you. I'm not alone, look how many guys are around. We'll think of something! In the meantime, enjoy your pies!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Guys, who do you think the Wolf is afraid of? (hunters and dogs) Let's help: half of the hall will be hunters, and the other half will be dogs. Hunters: clapping and stomping; dogs are barking.
(The wolf, meanwhile, is sitting in the hut and watching what is happening, frightened by the noise, runs away)
Wolf: "Well, Little Red Riding Hood, wait!"
Goat: “Thank you Little Red Riding Hood and your friends! Here's some delicious candy for you."
Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you!
Our Little Red Riding Hood went further and suddenly to a meeting ...
Little Red Riding Hood: "Oh, who is this?"
Fox: “I am Elizaveta Patrikeevna. And who else! Almost crushed my paw!
Little Red Riding Hood: “How clumsy I am! Excuse me. Are you looking for a kolobok, do you want to eat?
Lisa: "Me? Eat? How can you say that about me? It's all in old fairy tale. And we are in another!
Little Red Riding Hood: “Well, don’t be angry, Elizaveta Patrikeevna! I did not want to offend you. Tell me, how can I correct my mistake?
Lisa: “It smells very tasty. Al pies?
Little Red Riding Hood: “Yes, I’m bringing my grandmother pies and a pot of honey. Oh, please, eat!"
Fox: "Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood!"
Little Red Riding Hood: "Cheers!! Well, I have to go!! Goodbye!!"
(rabbit dance)
She walked through the forest, Little Red Riding Hood, admired the flowers, and in her basket the pies cooled down. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Gray wolf appears ...
Wolf Where are you from and where,
Are you driving a red panama hat?
What are you carrying in a basket, ah ah,
Pretty madam?
Little Red Riding Hood: “I’m bringing pies to my grandmother, help yourself !!”
Wolf: "Does your granny live far away?"
Little Red Riding Hood: "Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house, on the edge"
Wolf: “Okay, I ran, I want to please your grandmother, first. Don't rush!"
Little Red Riding Hood: "Thank you!!"
(In the hand of gray wolf plastic bottle, goes and listens to music loudly, drinks water and throws) Here appears Lesovichok.
Lesovik: "Don't rush, Gray!! Have you forgotten the rules of conduct in the forest.
Wolf: “What other rules of conduct?
Lesovik: “Guys, let's remind you what rules of behavior you know in the forest?
(children's answers from the audience) Well, as I remembered! Well, if you do not follow these rules, then I will drive you out of the forest!!”
Wolf: "Okay, I'll fix it, I'll follow these rules of yours !!!", (runs away)
Lesovik: “You know the rules of behavior in nature quite well! It is only necessary to always fulfill them and remind others to do them. Guys, what will you do if you come to a clearing, and someone has already left various garbage behind them?”
Children: “We will collect it and take it with us”
(mushroom dance)
Bear appears on the scene.
Bear: “Little Red Riding Hood, did you see a stump nearby? Why am I tired of walking and carrying a backpack on myself. Masha told her grandparents to take it. Oh, sit down to rest.
Little Red Riding Hood: "Yes, here's the stump! Sit down, Mishenka, rest a little!
Bear: "I'll sit, I'll sit on a stump, I'll eat at least one pie!"
Masha's voice is heard from behind the scenes.
Masha: “I see everything, I hear everything, and don’t even think Misha, eat a ruddy pie !!!”
Bear: "Where is the girl sitting, that she looks so far away?"
Masha runs out and says:
Masha: “Well, Misha! I thought you couldn't be trusted with anything!"
(The song sounds from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" "The Beast in the footsteps of any ...")
Animal in the footsteps of any
I am able to know
And a giraffe and a cow
And a beetle, and a sparrow!
Whose footprints are winding
Near forest roads?
Little Red Riding Hood: "Don't be sad, Mishenka, help yourself, ( holding out a box of candy I know you like sweets!!"
Masha: “What is that? And is it all for me? Delicious but not enough! More more. more… Share with your child! (pulls a box of sweets out of the bear's hands. Masha eats sweets, and throws candy wrappers on the ground, Lesovichok looks out from behind the curtains)
Lesovik: “Well, Masha, you need to be taught everything !! Mischievous"
(Hearing the words of Lesovik, Masha quickly cleans up after herself)
Masha: "I won't do that again!!"
(Masha and the Bear leave)
Our Little Red Riding Hood goes further, and then they go to meet: Malvina, Fly-Tsokotuha, Princess Frog and cry bitterly, bitterly.
K. hat: “What happened? Why are you crying?
Malvina: “We walked in the forest, it was hot, we swam in the river and forgot who we are?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “It must have been the river of oblivion. Well, do not be upset, the guys and I will definitely help you. Do you remember anything about yourself?"
Fly-Tsokotuha: “I remember how I once found money, went to the market and bought a samovar, and then invited guests, a huge spider attacked me, and a brave mosquito saved me. So who am I? (hall answers)
Malvina: “And I was the most beautiful doll at the puppeteer long long beard. He is very angry, and one day I ran away from him with my friend poodle Artemon. And then I met the wooden nose. His name was Pinocchio. What is my name?
The Frog Princess: “And I lived in a swamp. And one day I caught the arrow of Ivan - Tsarevich, and he took me as his wife. At night I could turn into beautiful girl. Who am I?
All three: "Thank you guys for helping us remember our names!"
Fly-Tsokotuha: “Where are you going, such a beautiful Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: "I'm going to my grandmother, I'm bringing her pies!"
Malvina: “And what about jam pies?
Princess Frog: "Oh, probably delicious ???"
Little Red Riding Hood: "Help yourself, please"
Together: Goodbye! run away holding hands and laughing merrily)
(Wolf dance with hares)
The wolf comes to the door and knocks
Grandmother: "Who's there?"
Wolf: "I'm the plumber!"
Grandmother: "Pull the string and the door will open"
Wolf: "Hey, granny, get ready, I'll eat you now!" Hungry, no energy, haven’t eaten anything for three days?!”
Grandmother: “So you sit down, my dear, but you will drink hungry tea with pies?”
Wolf: "And pies with what?"
Grandmother: “With meat, of course, your favorites!!”
Here the Little Red Riding Hood arrived in time and knocked.
Wolf: "Pull the rope and the door will open!"
Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, Grandma! I came to visit you and brought you hotels - pies. (wants to get) Oh, grandmother, but there are no pies left?! ( crying)
Grandmother: “Don’t cry, granddaughter, we haven’t eaten all the pies yet, there’s enough for everyone! Sit down, eat!"
It's time to part
And say goodbye to the heroes.
But let's not be discouraged
We will invite a fairy tale.
All artists visited today
We showed you the story
Everyone tried, they were great,
Let's clap each other heartily!
The farewell song “A True Friend” sounds, op. M. Plyatskovsky, music. B. Saveliev.
1. Strong friendship will not break,
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much,
This is what it means to be a true friend.
2. We will quarrel and make peace,
"Do not spill water" - everyone around is joking.

This is what it means to be a true friend.
At noon or midnight a friend will come to the rescue,
This is what it means to be a true friend.
3. A friend can always help me out,
If something suddenly happens.

This is what it means to be a true friend.
Someone needs to be Hard time -
This is what it means to be a true friend.


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga

Christmas trees - 6 people.



Funny boys

(Music sounds, funny guys run out)

Song "White Snow"

1st: Friends, soon New Year, and you remember how fun and unusual we are

met last year.

2nd: Yes, this cannot be forgotten.

3rd: Especially a meeting with Baba Yaga and Santa Claus.

4th: And most importantly, after meeting with Santa Claus, the harmful Baba Yaga became

kind and learned to make friends.

6th: Well, New Year magical holiday and our new fairy tale starts.

(Music sounds funny guys leave)

Baba Yaga appears

sings a song "Ice Ceiling"

B.Ya: Green Christmas trees The New Year is on the doorstep, but my Christmas tree has not yet been dressed up.

It would be necessary to decorate it with toys, garlands, and invite guests.

What is the New Year without guests? Necessary

invite. And don't forget about the funny guys too.

That's where I'll start.

(comes to the screen)

B.Ya: Magic screen, help me

WITH funny guys contact me quickly

B.Ya: Hello guys, Yagusya is in touch

Glad to hear from you grandma

I'm calling to invite you

New Year's fairy tale to visit again

I invite everyone to my edge

I'll be waiting for you near the hut

We will celebrate a wonderful holiday together

Hope it gets even more interesting.

(screen guys)

- Hello, dear grandmother Yaga,

We recently thought about you

We are very glad that you have not forgotten about us.

And thank you for inviting us all.

- We will celebrate the New Year with friends

We'll see you soon at your Christmas tree.

(screen dims)

B.Ya: So, I invited guests, now I need to tidy up the hut, and then I’ll rest a bit. (Leaves to the hut)

(exit of Leshy and Kikimora)

L: And I say the New Year is coming soon!

K: No, there will be no New Year.

L: How can it not be?

K: Yes, just like that, it just won’t?!

L: How can it just not be?

K: We'll ruin it!

L: How can we just spoil it?

K: Well, you're stupid. Simple means simple.

L: You've got me completely confused. With his Kikimor words.

Say what you mean, and don't confuse me anymore.

K: So this is my plan.

We will steal all the Christmas trees in the forest. And without Christmas trees, there will be no holiday.

L: This is the plan, you are just the head of Kikimora.

Wait, and the Christmas tree at the hut of Baba Yaga, we are also the same. Let's steal.

K: And her first. Let's show granny how to forget old friends.

Song "We don't care"

(Christmas tree exit)

The song "The little Christmas tree is not cold"

(the exit of Kikimora and Leshy is stolen by Christmas trees,

the song "Hey, are you there")

(the main tree remains)

B.Ya: Why are you making noise here?

K: We don’t make any noise, but just walk, admire the Christmas trees

B.Ya: Yes, there are many beautiful Christmas trees, and my most, most beautiful, Santa Claus gave it to me, soon my friends will come to visit, we will celebrate the New Year together.

L: (whispers) New year, new year?! Let's see what your new one will be!

K: (pushing Leshy on the shoulder) Do you hear Leshy, shut up. And then our plan will be ruined.

K: Yes, indeed, your Christmas tree Baba Yaga is the most beautiful. We look at her and we cannot see

B.Ya: All right, I have no time to talk to you. You walk, and I'll go, I have things to do

still a lot. (leaves)

K .: Look, her Christmas tree is the most, the most.

L .: And soon the guests will come.

K: Well, let's see how she will surprise guests.

(music steal the remaining Christmas trees - leave)

(guys exit)

Song ___________________________

(Baba Yaga exits)

B.Ya: Oh, guys, I'm glad to see you irises. whole year passed after our

last meeting. They grew up the way they grew up.

1st: Hello, grandmother, we are also very glad to see you.

2nd: Well, tell me, grandmother, what's new with you.

3rd: How is your granddaughter Dusya-Yagusya?

B.Ya: Yes, we have fairy forest Everything is fine. Everyone lives together.

And Dusya-Yagusya became completely independent. I went to the city to study.

4th: Grandmother, where is your Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave you.

B.Ya: But here she is?! (no tree)

It's like, who is it, where is my Christmas tree? (crying)

5th: Granny, don't be upset, we'll find your Christmas tree.

6th: Let's call Santa Claus, he will help us.

(guys call Santa Claus - screen)

1st: Hello, good afternoon. We would like to hear from Santa Claus.

Snowman: Unfortunately, this is not possible. Santa Claus is busy cooking


2nd: Well, then invite the Snow Maiden, we need to tell her something very important.

Snowman: And that's impossible. Snow Maiden decorates Christmas trees In the woods.

3rd: So how can we be.

Snowman: Don't worry, she will come to you soon.

4th: Well then. We will wait for her.

Snowman: Friends, what happened to you, maybe I can help you?

1st: Yes, that's the trouble, the Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave to Grandmother Yaga was stolen by someone.

Who we don't know. And we don't know how to help Yagusa.

2nd: But the New Year is coming soon. And you can't do without a tree.

Snowman: Don't worry, I'll tell Santa Claus about your trouble. He is a must for you

will help. (screen dims)

(Snow Maiden exits)

Song "Snow Maiden"

Snow Maiden: Hello, friends, hello, Grandmother Yaga.

I have come to you with news. Can you imagine I went to the Christmas tree forest

dress up, and the forest is empty, all the Christmas trees have disappeared somewhere.

And so I came to you to find out about your New Year's beauty.

B.Ya: Yes, I don’t have a Christmas tree anymore.

Snow Maiden: Where is she?

1st: The thing is that someone stole it. Who we don't know.

Snow Maiden: No need to despair, we are in a good New Year's fairy tale.

Santa Claus will definitely help us, we just need him


B.Ya: Well, while we are waiting for Santa Claus, let's go to the hut, I'll have tea for you

(Snow Maiden guys and B.Ya. go to the hut)

(music sounds, Kikimora and Leshy come out)

L: No, we didn’t do the right thing, we shouldn’t have listened to you.

Why did we steal all the Christmas trees, we can return it before it's too late.

So I want the New Year, gifts, fun.

K: Well, you're stupid. That's how I knew I couldn't mess with you.

That you keep whining and whining. Look, you wanted New Year, gifts.

(sounds of hooves)

K: Goblin, do you hear this clatter. It's probably Santa Claus. Let's hide.

L: Where are we going to hide?

K: We will pretend to be snowdrifts, and no one will recognize us. Did you understand everything?

L: Yup! But as?

K: And so. (covered)

(the soundtrack “Hello, Grandfather Frost” sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out, guys, Yaga)

Snow Maiden: Friends, you hear, this is Santa Claus hurrying to us.

Song "Hello Santa Claus"

(Santa Claus, Snowman and Christmas trees come out)

Santa Claus: Hello my family

Small and big

I was with you a year ago

I am very glad to meet again

They grew up big

And me then you got to know

Who am I children ... (Santa Claus)

Oh, moved to tears.

Snow Maiden: Hello, Grandfather Frost

We were waiting for you

B.Ya: Santa Claus, do you know what trouble happened to me?

Someone stole my Christmas tree. How can I celebrate the New Year now?

Santa Claus: I know about your trouble granny. The snowman told me. Well, we're all

fix it.


You spin snowflakes and blizzards in a carousel

And enchant the thieves, turn them into icicles.

(Leshy and Kikimora crawl out of the snowdrifts)

K: What are you, what are you, Santa Claus do not need to turn us into icicles

L: Forgive us, we won't do it again. We don't want to be icicles.

K: We promise to live together,

Get along with everyone and be friends.

We will return Christmas trees

Even Grandmother Yaga.

Santa Claus: Well, let's believe you for the last time.

Return Christmas trees now.

(Christmas trees come out)

B.Ya: So the fairy tale is just a miracle

New Year calls friends

Well, I, on a good holiday

Calling all guests

(referring to L. and K.)

And don't be bored

We forgive you friends

Have fun with us

It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness and good!

To live all this year

Without sorrows and worries.

Snow Maiden: So that you study with success,

Well, have fun on holiday

To increase skills

And luck multiplied!

Baba Yaga: Let the New Year not be stingy:

Happiness, joy will bring!

All good things will happen!

Everything, friends, will happen!

SONG "New Year's"

(Christmas songs sound)

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