Congratulations to the village on the anniversary. Official congratulations on the day of the city, district, village, village in prose


Today the book “To you, my province! ” arrived in the Kharabalinsky district. In honor of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province, all residents of the region will be given the opportunity to leave their entry in the anniversary book. According to Governor Alexander Zhilkin, this will allow "to perpetuate the memory of outstanding fellow countrymen and ordinary workers who devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland."

IN district center culture and leisure in a solemn atmosphere among the residents of the district wishes native land left by the staff of the Vera Center. Social pedagogue Nadezhda Khrapova wrote in her book: “Our Astrakhan region- the most beautiful and amazing! We are rightly proud of the history of our province and its traditions, modern achievements and the most important wealth - hardworking, friendly and hospitable people. 300 years is already glorious history, and ahead - new achievements, new pages in the annals of our region. And what will be his tomorrow depends on each of us. I wish our Astrakhan region prosperity, so that we never lose a sense of pride in our beautiful Little Motherland.” The legal adviser of the center, Aleksey Zibrov, congratulating the residents on the anniversary, wished “eternal prosperity to this wonderful corner of the planet, let everyone here feel in demand and important figure Let there be honor and respect for all the elderly. Let the city grow, develop and take a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants.”

For those gathered at the event, cultural workers organized holiday concert. IN concert program took part amateur groups Kharabalinsky district.

Latest news of the Astrakhan region on the topic:
Your wishes in the anniversary book “To you, my province!” left by social workers of the Kharabalinsky district

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Today the book "To you, my province!" arrived in Kharabalinsky district. In honor of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province, all residents of the region will be given the opportunity to leave their entry in the anniversary book. According to Governor Alexander Zhilkin, this will allow "to perpetuate the memory of outstanding fellow countrymen and ordinary workers who devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland."

In the regional Center for Culture and Leisure, in a solemn atmosphere, among the inhabitants of the district, the wishes of the native land were left by the employees of the center "Vera". Social pedagogue Nadezhda Khrapova wrote in the book: “Our Astrakhan region is the most beautiful and amazing! We are rightly proud of the history of our province and its traditions, modern achievements and the most important wealth - hardworking, friendly and hospitable people. 300 years is already a glorious history, and ahead are new achievements, new pages in the annals of our region. And what will be his tomorrow depends on each of us. I wish our Astrakhan region prosperity, so that we never lose a sense of pride in our beautiful Little Motherland.” The legal adviser of the center, Aleksey Zibrov, congratulating the residents on the anniversary, wished “eternal prosperity to this wonderful corner of the planet, let everyone here feel in demand and an important figure, let there be honor and respect for all old people. Let the city grow, develop and take a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants.”

Cultural workers organized a festive concert for those gathered at the event. The concert program was attended by amateur groups of the Kharabalinsky district.

Guests gathered today:
Rumor passed through the yards,
What is celebrated today
The holiday is the anniversary of the village.

So it is, congratulations to the village,
We wish to flourish
So that from small to large
They didn't want to leave.

Happy village anniversary! Let it flourish
In him happy people just live,
And let nothing ever sadden them,
Ahead, let victory and joy await!

And every day children are born in the village,
To strengthen it, develop, grow,
Its inhabitants have become the best in the world
And always smiled worries out of spite!

Dear comrades, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our beloved village. Let our cozy corner be the sweetest and closest on Earth to each of you, let there be joy and fun here. I wish you all great happiness, sincere love, universal success and achievements, mutual respect and a peaceful sky.

We glorify now in a crowd
Our lovely village
Happy Anniversary
May it flourish.

Let people live well
In understanding and harmony.
We know that our people are glorious,
It means: be good!

Today is the birthday of our village!
Let the residents do well.
May everyone who works live
Luck is sure to be found here!

Fellow villagers, happiness, strength to you!
Let life be similar to flowers,
Successful work and personal affairs.
We wish you all the best!

Let there be great harvests
May you have happy holidays.
Native land, you just prosper,
Help to live better and more beautifully!

A lot of time has passed,
Our village has grown.
Generation of kids
Both girls and boys -
Imperceptibly matured.
And it's fun all around!
Beautiful on an anniversary day
We want to wish everyone
Lots of light, lots of happiness
Live, love and prosper!

This day is a miracle
It happened for all of us
Happy birthday
We are a beloved village.

Your anniversary, and, of course,
We will wish you
So that you can, as long as possible,
You are on the map.

There is no better place in the world
Old and young know this.
May everyone's life be sweet
Like milk chocolate.

Happy Anniversary
A very nice village!
Let life be more fun
So that happy life was!

So that luck rushes to you
On raised sails.
Everything worked out great
In wonderful things!

Good in our village
There is no village more beautiful in the world!
Streets to look at
And nature is good!
There will be a reason to walk
The people on this day.
Let's celebrate together
Bright holiday - anniversary!

That we were all born here
We are, of course, lucky.
Happy Anniversary
We are a beloved village.

We wish to grow
And technically grow
To be able to go into space
And launch a rocket.

And we wish you happiness
Village Council - for many years,
To get away bad weather,
Well, in life - only victories.

On this holiday merry,
Bright anniversary of the village
I wish you a new life
Like clockwork to go.

So that wealth in every hut
And a high yield.
Did you want a holiday? Nate!
Anniversary, village, meet!


Dear ____________!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the City Day _______!
Today is our common holiday. No matter how different we may be, no matter how our destinies develop, we are all united by love for our common house, participation in its fate, indifference to the appearance and traditions. We are rightly proud of the history of our city, its modern achievements, we believe in its great future.
I want to thank all the inhabitants of ______ for their devotion to their small homeland! I wish you health and prosperity, success in all good deeds and beginnings! Happy City Day, dear countrymen!

This year our city celebrates its _____ Birthday.
City Day is traditionally one of the most beloved holidays of __________! They are waiting for it, they are preparing for it. After all, the place where we were born, took our first steps, studied, made our first friends, knew our first innermost feelings, live and work, remains forever in our hearts!
This is a holiday of veterans, whose work transformed our wonderful city. The holiday of those who today increase the glory of _______ earth. And, of course, a holiday younger generation who have yet to take over the baton of responsibility for the fate of their small homeland.
With all my heart I wish our beloved city further prosperity, and you, dear _______, happiness and prosperity! I wish you good health, success and fruitful creative work for the benefit of ________! May peace, kindness and love always reign in every home. Happy holiday!

We are celebrating the birthday of our common home!
Chronicle of our ancient city inscribed in golden letters in the history of Russia. We are justifiably proud of our small homeland We cherish its traditions. With our daily work, we multiply what was done by our great ancestors.
Today ______ is rapidly growing and developing dynamically. And all because it is inhabited by caring people. Which not only work for the benefit of prosperity hometown but also give him a piece of their heart, the warmth of their soul.
Having worked hard, you need to have a good rest! These days in all institutions of culture and sports, on concert venues are held recreational activities. We invite all residents and guests of the city, every family to become participants and spectators common holiday. May these days bring everyone good mood and happy meeting! Happy birthday, _______!

Congratulations on the day of the VILLAGE, VILLAGE, VILLAGE, SETTLEMENT

Dear residents of ______________.
On behalf of the administration of the _____________ district, and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Day of _________.
Village Day is traditionally one of the most beloved holidays! They are waiting for it, they are preparing for it. This is a holiday of veterans, whose work transformed the village. The holiday of those who today increase the glory of _______ earth. And, of course, the holiday of the young generation, who have yet to take over the baton of responsibility for the fate of their small homeland.
Residents of _____ can rightfully be proud of their history and modern achievements, believe in its future and create it with their glorious work.
I want to thank all the residents for their contribution to the development of _____, for the love and devotion to their small homeland! I wish you health and prosperity, success in all good deeds and undertakings! May peace, kindness and love always reign in every house _________.
Happy Village Day, dear countrymen!

Congratulations (speech) on the Day of the city, district, village, village and others

On September 14, an opening ceremony was held on Peter I Square as part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province people's project"To you, my province!", which is a book of wishes of Astrakhan residents to their native land. The event was attended by Metropolitan Nikon of Astrakhan and Kamyzyak and Bishop Anthony of Akhtubinsky and Enotaevsky.

The solemn ceremony was opened by the head of the region Alexander Zhilkin, who stressed that the main objective project - to perpetuate the memory of outstanding fellow countrymen and ordinary workers who gave all their strength to serve the Motherland.

In his welcoming speech Metropolitan Nikon congratulated the people of Astrakhan on the 300th anniversary of our region, wished everyone God's help on life paths, success in building a peaceful and prosperous life in the region, so that every family has joy, love and faith.

The archpastor noted: “The Astrakhan land is glorified by the exploits of many saints who gave their strength and often their lives for its sake. Among them: Hieromartyr Joseph, Metropolitan of Astrakhan, Saints Theodosius, Gerasimos, Thaddeus, Saint Cyril. They strengthened Orthodox faith on our land, sought to unite all who live here. Astrakhan ascetics of piety serve all of us as an example of a highly spiritual life, an example of disinterested service to others - to everyone who needs our help and support.

Vladyka also indicated: “As part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province, on September 26-27, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' will visit our city and perform divine services in the Kazan Church and the Assumption cathedral. This visit will important event in the spiritual life of the Astrakhans. I believe that the arrival His Holiness Patriarch will serve the cause of strengthening friendship and cooperation between the peoples living on the Astrakhan land.

Then Metropolitan Nikon made an entry in the jubilee book.

Your wishes in honor anniversary date famous people in the region also left in the book: doctor of medical sciences, professor, deputy chairman of the ethno-confessional council under the governor Santro Zurnadzhan, honorary citizen of the city of Astrakhan Yuri Kochetkov, chief of staff of the Astrakhan branch of the Yunarmiya Viktor Nurtazin and others.

From the Astrakhan monument to Peter I, the book "To you, my province!" went on a journey of more than one and a half thousand kilometers. On the eve of the 300th anniversary of the province, she will visit all districts of the Astrakhan region, starting with Akhtubinsky, and will be available to everyone.

Upon returning to Astrakhan, the book will be exhibited for several days in the regional center, and residents of the city will also be able to leave their wishes and congratulations from their native province in it.

Then the project will be presented at the final event of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province in the Zvezdny sports complex on October 6. And after the festive celebrations, a folio of 200 pages will be deposited in Astrakhan local history museum. The electronic version of the book will be available on the site dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province.

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