What are the wishes of the Astrakhan province. Specialists of the social sector left their wishes in the anniversary book “To you, my province


Today the book "To you, my province!" Traveling in all regions Astrakhan region, opened its pages in the Akhtubinsky district. The purpose of this project, dedicated to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province, according to Governor Alexander Zhilkin, is “to perpetuate the memory of outstanding fellow countrymen and ordinary workers who devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland.” Anyone on one of the two hundred pages of the book can leave his entry in it.

“Our province is rich in hardworking, kind and talented people. It is they who today create its history. I would like the faces of the inhabitants of our province to be confident in tomorrow so that they have the opportunity to work conscientiously, live comfortably and meet their old age with dignity. Therefore, we want to wish prosperity and well-being to our native Astrakhan province,” Svetlana Vladimirovna noted.

Today, the book "To you, my province!" Traveling through all districts of the Astrakhan region, opened its pages in the Akhtubinsky district. The purpose of this project, dedicated to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province, according to Governor Alexander Zhilkin, is "to perpetuate the memory of outstanding fellow countrymen and ordinary workers who devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland." Anyone on one of the two hundred pages of the book can leave his entry in it.

In a solemn atmosphere in the district house of culture wishes native land recorded by the deputy director of the center social support Population Svetlana Kondratenko.

“Our province is rich in hardworking, kind and talented people. It is they who today create its history. I would like the faces of the inhabitants of our province to be confident in the future, so that they have the opportunity to work conscientiously, live comfortably and meet their old age with dignity. Therefore, we want to wish prosperity and well-being to our native Astrakhan province,” Svetlana Vladimirovna noted.

After all solemn events the book will be deposited in Astrakhan local history museum, and the electronic version will always be available on the website dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province.

Today the book “To you, my province! ” arrived in the Kharabalinsky district. In honor of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province, all residents of the region will be given the opportunity to leave their entry in the anniversary book. According to Governor Alexander Zhilkin, this will allow "to perpetuate the memory of outstanding fellow countrymen and ordinary workers who devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland."

IN district center culture and leisure in a solemn atmosphere among the inhabitants of the district, the wishes of the native land were left by the employees of the Vera Center. Social pedagogue Nadezhda Khrapova wrote in her book: “Our Astrakhan region- the most beautiful and amazing! We are rightly proud of the history of our province and its traditions, modern achievements and the most important wealth - hardworking, friendly and hospitable people. 300 years is already glorious history, and ahead - new achievements, new pages in the annals of our region. And what will be his tomorrow depends on each of us. I wish prosperity to our Astrakhan region so that we never lose a sense of pride in our beautiful Small Motherland". The legal adviser of the center Alexei Zibrov, congratulating the residents on the anniversary, wished “eternal prosperity to this wonderful corner of the planet, let everyone here feel in demand and important figure Let there be honor and respect for all the elderly. Let the city grow, develop and take a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants.”

For those gathered at the event, cultural workers organized holiday concert. IN concert program took part amateur groups Kharabalinsky district.

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Your wishes in the anniversary book “To you, my province!” left by social workers of the Kharabalinsky district

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The results of the action-wishes were summed up " Good words– to my district”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Andropov region, held by the MUK “Andropov ICRD”. It is pleasant to note that many residents of our district responded to the call of the organizer and conveyed their wishes. From a huge number of messages, the authors of the three best ones were determined. They were: Ashurova Ziba, a student of grade 9; Yakovenko Mikhail, a student of the 9th grade and Yuri Borisovich Konovalov, artistic director The socio-cultural association of the rural House of Culture - they are all residents of the village of Kurshava. We thank everyone who took part in this action. All the works of the participants of the action are published on the library website, and the best ones in the regional newspaper "Prizyv".

Kind words to Andropov district.

Oh, my district, you are a sweet corner to the heart!

Where I was born, raised and where I live

I love you with all my heart and soul

I love and always celebrate

I promise you forever

We won't part with you

Particle of the Motherland big

You give me all your blessings

You call me to the world of love

And how many songs I know about you

And I believe I'm proud of you

And I swear on my fate

You, my district, will become the main one!

Romanenko Natalya Nikolaevna

With. Watershed

Forests and mountains, rivers and valleys,

Steppes boundless fabulous flight.

There is no more beautiful you for us, beloved.

Tsveti, Andropovsky district,

and good year after year!

V.S. Glazkov


Live the area and prosper

May the harvest be strong

Narzan to score

And people lived peacefully.

Sveta Manshina


To you, my district, send congratulations

And I want to dedicate warm lines.

Live, prosper, warming with warmth

And filling our hearts with pride.

Ferisova Diana

Grade 9

With. Oak Beam

We live as one family

We've been here for 85 years

Any nationality

We have been proud for many years

Friendly people in our land

We have proven time and time again

Not days bound us, but years!

The earth itself is related to us.

May all people be happy

Fathers, children, old people.

We were! Eat! And we will forever

Our native countrymen!

My rural, small area

There are a million of them in Russia,

But you are alone in my soul -

You are celebrating your birthday today!

Yukhno L.T. - Director of the MUK "Kazinsky SDK"

With. Kazinka

Dear Andropovites!

From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on the 85th anniversary of the Andropovsky District!

May joy and inspiration enter your hearts along with this holiday.

Good health, happiness, prosperity to you, and peace and prosperity to our region!

Let the common efforts from year to year prettier and flourishes native area!

Head d / garden "Ryabinushka"

Grechkina A.N. and team

With. Kazinka

Anniversaries are our results of important deeds and serious decisions.

Anniversary is our way to the days of beautiful victories and accomplishments!

So let the champagne explosions

My heart beats happily in my chest!

May you and all your loved ones

Will better life ahead!

Tkachenko D.

With. Kazinka

Happy 85th anniversary!

Happy Birthday

And I wish you in the future

Contrary to the worries of many,

Grow and grow rich!

Shakhbazova N.

With. Kazinka

Congratulations on your 85th birthday!

Sorrows not knowing

walk straight!

And let everyone

Your step is like flying

Let the wind of luck

breath of spring

Huge wealth

the days will be full!

Korobko E.

With. Kazinka

Little Motherland - our native area

Here it is spread among the Russian steppes:

Bryk shot up into the sky, here it is

The river runs along

The iron highway lies along it.

Mineral waters in Nagutskaya are in full swing,

Forb steppes are rich in feather grass.

Bread is harvested and songs are sung.

So be happy, dear land!

Blossom our area - good for ages!

Bubyr A.B.

With. Kazinka

If you take a closer look

On big map top down,

You will definitely find a village there

With the name of the beautiful Kiankiz.

There are different stories on earth

And their rumor carries everywhere,

There is a local attachment:

Here the Nogai girl lived.

Her tribesmen called her from childhood

Very short and beautiful KIZ.

Rumors about her cherished beauty

Arrows rushed forward across the steppe.

I'm in a great big life

Gone on her untrodden path

And I understood the simple truth

That I am with you the village, and you are with me!

Fadeeva Anastasia. 14 years old.

S. Kiankis

My sweet land

My dear land! My good land

You are my beautiful Stavropol!

You are my earthly paradise,

My soul and look you are expanse.

And your salt is in the steppe.

All woven from multi-colored.

You at least draw, you at least sculpt,

She is the song that you do not sing.

Oh steppe! I come to you

And I pour out my soul before you

And until the sun goes down I wander

And I often remember my childhood

My land is a wonderful creation of nature.

May the sun always be upon you!

May there be happiness, peace, fun,

And the sky is eternal blue above you!

Shust Viktor Petrovich 54 years old.

With. Kiankiz.

Happy Holidays, dear countrymen.

Let the next anniversaries of the region will delight all of us living in the vastness of the region with their new successes and achievements.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans

Krasnoyarsk Village Council Bovkun I.S.

With. Krasnoyarsk

Swimming in the sunshine

Framed in forests and fields,

The area spread out native,

Bordered by a fast channel.

green lace wave

Will cover the forest, bringing coolness,

Lakes and ponds around

In the heat they bring us consolation.

Delicate, velvet veil

Slopes and hills are covered.

Nowhere else you will see

Such luxurious beauty!

Grigoryeva Julia, 12 years old

With. Krasnoyarsk

To love the Motherland means to live one life with it. Rejoice when the motherland has a holiday, and suffer when the motherland is hard. And most importantly, take care of her like your mother.

My homeland is the Andropov District, and everything is dear to me: the land, the people, and its history, and tomorrow.

Therefore, I wish my Andropov region prosperity and well-being. Let the fields grow, let the children smile, let the sun shine brightly!

Stashevskaya Ludmila

9 "B" class 09.08.1993

With. Krymgireevsky

I wish the Andropov region to prosper, to get good, plentiful harvests. So that people do not leave the villages, but rather return, so that the region develops Agriculture, became more educational institutions. So that there are jobs in villages and villages. To keep our area clean and beautiful. After all, we were born here and grow up and must do everything to make all wishes come true.

Prosvirnina Vera

9 "B" class 1993

With. Krymgireevsky

I wish the Andropov region to prosper and become more beautiful, to be the cleanest, friendliest, most cultured, so that all people become kinder, so that new schools, houses, and institutions are built in the villages.

I want a church to be built in the Andropov region, in every village, then adults and children will understand each other more.

Sidorenko Natalya Alexandrovna

9 "B" class

With. Krymgireevsky

Anniversaries fly like special milestones on the roads of the earth, talking about the past. And even more radiant is the living dawn! Let the sun smile again, shining, and everything that has not yet come true comes true! Congratulations from pure heart wishing, More joy, less sadness and thunderstorms!

Sycheva Yu

With. Kursavka

Let in our region

Big and beautiful

The sun will be bright and clear for us!

Kozmova Kristina

With. Kursavka

We are 85 today! Live many more - many years, and most importantly, bloom, grow!

Zabroda T.

With. Kursavka

Anniversary is our results

Important matters and serious decisions,

Anniversary is our roads

To the day of beautiful victories and accomplishments.

So let it splash under the champagne

There will be a better life ahead.

Our area on the land of Stavropol

Will be the best and all ahead.

Beloglazova T. I.

With. Kursavka

Bloom and flourish

Our Andropovsky district

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate all residents of the region on their 85th anniversary.

Sen Anna

With. Kursavka

Working in our area wonderful people who, in the difficult conditions of the steppe region, grow bread, cultivate gardens, build houses and roads, raise children, in a word, do everything that makes up the present and future of the country. I sincerely wish that everyone for his work and love for native land rewarded a hundredfold, so that the area becomes richer, prosperity, well-being, so that people live in prosperity and harmony!

Kosyak Natalia

With. Kursavka

Dear residents of the region,

Compatriots of the Andropov land!

For the anniversary that came today

I send my wishes.

This holiday is memorable and bright

Connected with the life of my homeland,

Years of battles, both furious and hot,

Great work in their own land.

I remember involuntarily everything that was,

All that has been and gone

Apparently our memory has not forgotten

The price at which they went to victories.

The planet was in turmoil

But Russia has been given a mission -

To be a bulwark of peace and salvation,

After all, the earth was created for life.

I glorify my land

Stavropol, With the names of our countrymen,

Representing the Motherland with dignity

For the past years.

Among them are military heroes,

There are Heroes of peaceful labor,

And positions in the government worthy

They even took it sometimes.

As an example of talented peoples

Serves all the peasant family,

Where was the son Yuri Andropov born,

The whole country knows this now.

Great history of the area

We lived 85 .

I want to congratulate everyone again

And words of recognition to say.

I wish our region

Like a particle of your homeland,

And a village to everyone and a house

Peaceful and happy new days.

So that the Andropovsky district, as before,

He was famous throughout the rich land,

Went to his confident hope

Get an excellent harvest.

I want people to live together

And hearts were filled with warmth.

So that we are wiser in decisions,

We did not look for the extreme without end.

So that people do not remain silent in fear,

Lived a bright dream again

To celebrate the holidays together

In the Caucasus, a friendly family.

So that hands create a miracle,

For the whole earth to prosper,

For children and grandchildren to see

How beautiful is your homeland.

I wish everyone good health

So that peace and happiness enter the house,

So that the heart is filled with love,

The field presented a generous gift.

There is no limit to beauty and happiness,

There are no limits to kindness

And it happens joyfully in bad weather,

If there are strong bridges in the souls.

And there is confidence, hope,

That adversity we will survive

If we are together, as before,

And in work, and in his holiday.

Yu. B. Konovalov

v. Kurshava

Today we are celebrating a very significant holiday for all of us, residents of the Andropovsky district - the 85th anniversary of our district. I wish every home, every family, every inhabitant of our region good and good health, happiness, success and prosperity!

I'm standing on the school playground

I look at you, Andropov land.

I love you, my father's house,

My home side.

Growing, multiplying countlessly, cities,

But one cannot live without rural labor.

All people on earth need food,

Where can I get it without hard work?

And the people work in the villages and in the villages,

In the vast fields.

Everything is better harvest from year to year -

And all the people will be full, satisfied.

The peoples of the region are equal in everything.

Here, next to the Georgian, there is a Kalmyk and an Uzbek.

Dargin, Chechen and Moldavian.

May the friendship of peoples last forever.

World peace, my dream

Let the people in the area live like a family.

Love and trust is for me.

And peace is endless throughout the Earth.

For me there would be no Russia

Without my little village.

With mother - Andropov's native land

Forever I am bound by fate!

Magomedova Louise,

7th grade

v. Kurshava

If there is a paradise in the world

This is our wonderful land!

Here, in the Andropovsky district,

If you want - collect herbs,

If you want, choose mountains

If you want - ride the steppe,

If you want - kalachi in the oven.

I wanted to - admire the flower,

Kiss in the forest with a spring,

If you want, just take a rest

Take a rest and be quiet

Pashen - thousands of hectares,

Through the meadows of sheep flocks,

You will go out into the field - bread is amazing,

Amazingly beautiful!

Yes, the native land is wonderful -

Our Andropovsky district!

Compiled by a 1st grade student

Seminichenko Nikita with parents

v. Kurshava

Who says that our area will die,

Or melt like spring ice

Or the water will wash it away

Who says this?

Andropovsky district-

Treasured land of Russia,

Land of legends and fairy tales of antiquity.

In your open spaces, young dawns

We have been in love with all our hearts since childhood.

It will be like the sun

It will be like ice.

In good houses

Our people will live!

He is generous and wise

Reputed in the world

And many summers

Let him still live!

Seminichenko Victoria

4th grade

With. Kurshava

I represent my area

I can't live without bread

Like a sea without water

Without aching blue, this is the sky,

Evening, without a twinkling star.

I want small

So that my area

Like the sun, the wonderful light did not go out.

The children of that land laughed loudly,

They were able to continue the race.

May my land be strong

Otherwise it is impossible to live in the world!

Andreeva Nastya

Grade 2

With. Kurshava

Although our district is only 85 years old, it has already achieved a lot. And near the area rich story. I would like to wish prosperity further growth district. And I hope that in the near future the external and internal appearance of our district will change for the better!

Oganjanyan Yana

With. Kurshava

There are edges that are motionless for centuries,

Buried in the mist and moss,

But there are also those where every stone

Selvinsky I.L.

With. Kurshava

Our community is 85 years old! This is a young area. I want to wish him prosperity, development of the economy, agriculture, increase in the birth rate of the population and decrease in mortality. new villages, good roads and many, many more.

Goncharova Yana

With. Kurshava

My Andropovsky district I wish you prosperity, economic improvement, agricultural development, smart and strong people. Be the best area so that we, the residents of the area, are proud of our native area!!!

Khutova Svetlana

With. Kurshava

On the 85th anniversary of our region, I wish all of us stability, decent work, more humanity towards each other, the health of the Siberian, Caucasian longevity, Eastern wisdom and beauty.

Bostanov Rasul

With. Kurshava

Grow, prosper my favorite neighborhood.

After all, my whole life is spent in it.

I want you to be great!

Don't break!

And overcome all difficulties

Do not be afraid!

For more beautiful scenery and sat down

Grow, prosper my favorite area!

Albotov Elbrus

With. Kurshava

Our Andropov district, as one big family connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. I wish our region to become more modern. Purchase more new technology, expand cultural activities our region, to develop agriculture so that villages and small settlements do not fall apart. To be cleaner for our district, attracting people from other districts.

Our area is rich in fields

And the beauty of the meadows

But development is in decline.

Let it be modern

prosperous, great

And rich and family.

Lyagina Elena

Grade 11

With. Kurshava

Today is your birthday, district.

And everyone congratulates you from the bottom of their hearts.

Let everything be fine for you

Both adults and kids will be happy.

What to wish you, I know for sure:

I want you to be the first always and everywhere,

So that the sun always shines on you

And you walked with a confident step.

Let gardens bloom on our meager land.

Let the ears be full and yellow

And may your days be blessed!

And people are rich, honest and bright!

Kiseleva Anastasia

8th grade

With. Kurshava

It stands in the Stavropol steppes

Our favorite area for a long time.

Lots of stories happened here.

There was both joy and sorrow.

Beautiful area, peace and comfort

Wide scope for dreams and for life.

Here good people live

And they donate their work for the good of the Fatherland.

Bloom, bloom, native land

We will grow up, we will increase wealth.

May there be peace here and always

Peoples live together like brothers.

MOU secondary school №12

Krasichkova Daria

3rd grade

With. Kurshava

Congratulations on the anniversary of the district,

We wish you peace and warmth.

May the sky always be clear

And we wish you much joy.

Let the birds sing merrily in the garden,

Let the sun shine brighter

Let the ducks swim in the pond

Let the wheat in the fields ripen.

Let the snowdrops bloom in the forest

And in the summer the larks sing,

May autumn bring joy to us,

Let children's laughter does not stop for an hour.

And year after year please us district,

Where we were born and live

Bloom the area, my sweet home,

where we live so happily.

5th grade students

Classroom teacher

Pirozhkova T.G.

Andropovsky district in distant years,

Under the Red Banner

Founded forever.

Time has turned into a fairy tale

We live in this fairy tale

And leafing through the pages in it,

Remembering the past:

Hunger, cold and ruin

And then there was the war...

Widows, girls and boys

You drove a tractor.

long-awaited victory

Tears, joy, sorrow in the hearts.

Our villages were reborn

Good on the eyes.

Life and strength without sparing

My countrymen worked

Sons, grandchildren, raised,

Protected their homeland.

Anniversary near the district

Turned pages

The memory of those distant days

Remember villages and villages.

V. Budko

New Yankul

We wish the region good weather

Let adversity fly past him

We wish you milk and meat and fields

And smart kids for themselves and others

We wish the region to always prosper

Don't forget about our Podgornoye

We are sitting in warmth, but so far without water

But, nevertheless, with great hope in the chest

We wish the region a clear sky

To make more grain in the fields

So that in the morning the birds chirped in the fields

So that the inhabitants of the song, laboring, sang.

It's good that my village exists

Here we take strength and wisdom

And no matter how many years passed by

Here their weight instantly disappears

It always lives with me

Wherever I go -

My village, Podgornoye native

My favorite regions.

Rural asset

Podgorny Library

Andropovsky district! We wish the region to become more beautiful from year to year, so that it flourishes, and let the people living on the Andropov land be healthy and happy!

Children's Readers

There beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Our wonderful native land

Let it not be completely new, in appearance,

We are so comfortable in it.

Live and prosper our land.

from readers of Soluno -

Dmitrievskaya library

Recently I read the poems of Ivan Blokhin "Small Motherland". I want to dedicate them and donate to my area:

Small Motherland! heart

Can't we understand you?

Here we learned from childhood

Believe, love and dream.

Here we are proud all together

The feat of our fathers,

Known from books and songs

Fallen for the will of the fighters.

Our small Motherland!

Bright childhood path,

We are neither warmer nor more beautiful

You can't be found in life.

Schukina Katya

With. Sultan

"Small Motherland" - big love!

My district is Andropovsky

Good for the ages.

Reveal your talents


And it will be near the area

Happy fate!

Karatsuba Nastya


Today the book "To you, my province!" arrived in Kharabalinsky district. In honor of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province, all residents of the region will be given the opportunity to leave their entry in the anniversary book. According to Governor Alexander Zhilkin, this will allow "to perpetuate the memory of outstanding fellow countrymen and ordinary workers who devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland."

In the regional Center for Culture and Leisure, in a solemn atmosphere, among the inhabitants of the district, the wishes of the native land were left by the employees of the center "Vera". Social pedagogue Nadezhda Khrapova wrote in the book: “Our Astrakhan region is the most beautiful and amazing! We are rightly proud of the history of our province and its traditions, modern achievements and the most important wealth - hardworking, friendly and hospitable people. 300 years is already a glorious history, and ahead are new achievements, new pages in the annals of our region. And what will be his tomorrow depends on each of us. I wish our Astrakhan region prosperity, so that we never lose a sense of pride in our beautiful Little Motherland.” The legal adviser of the center, Aleksey Zibrov, congratulating the residents on the anniversary, wished “eternal prosperity to this wonderful corner of the planet, let everyone here feel in demand and an important figure, let there be honor and respect for all old people. Let the city grow, develop and take a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants.”

Cultural workers organized a festive concert for those gathered at the event. The concert program was attended by amateur groups of the Kharabalinsky district.

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