Recreational activities for younger preschoolers project. Short-term project for children of primary, middle and senior preschool age "Funny games and fun


Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 91"

Summary of the event

for older preschoolers

"What is kindness?"

Target: To deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable quality of a person.


1. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, show goodwill to the judgments of other children, cultural communication skills, encourage understanding of universal human values ​​and understanding one's own inner position;

2. Help children learn moral categories: good, evil, generosity, love, indifference ...

3. Achieve friendly, intonational expressiveness of speech from children.

Material: magnetic board, two bags (black and bright, colored), sheets black paper, music "Barbariki", chips, crafts-suns prepared by children in advance.

Preliminary work: a conversation about politeness, about friendship; viewing the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

Prepared by:

teacher-psychologist MBDOU No. 91

Chernoguzova E.A.

Bratsk 2014

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting. (Slide 2)

Psychologist: Let's all stand in a circle and say hello. There is a good sign to give greetings to everyone in the morning.

Hello red sun!

Clear sky - hello!

People adults and kids, hello to you from the bottom of my heart!

2. Psychological attitude.

(Slide 3) Psychologist: - Every new day must start with Have a good mood. And so that our mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and convey that spark of warmth and love that lives in our heart. (Children close their eyes). And now open it and look, is it brighter in our hall? (Slide 4)

Children: - Yes!

Psychologist:- Your smiles made the sun shine brighter.

3. Reading the poem "Kindness".

Psychologist:- Guys, I will now read you a poem (Slide 5), and you listen carefully:

It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

Kindness never gets old

Kindness will warm you from the cold,

You just have to be kind

And in trouble do not forget each other.

If kindness, how the sun shines

Both adults and children rejoice.

Psychologist:- What is this poem about?

(ANSWERS of children).

Psychologist: Today we are going to talk about kindness.

4. Talk about kindness.

Psychologist:- Let's all say the word "KINDNESS" together (Slide 6). What a beautiful, amazing word. How do you understand what kindness is? Can she be touched? Does she have a smell, taste (children's answers) When can we meet her? Where can we see her?

Children: - In actions.

Psychologist:- Do you know, guys, people say: "A man without good deeds is like a tree without leaves." Let's remember our good deeds and help our tree, but with one condition, whoever remembers a good deed attaches a leaf to the tree.

Psychologist:- I knew you were good guys. How many good deeds you have done! And the tree was helped to become elegant.

5. Conversation - reasoning about politeness. (Slide 7)

Psychologist:- Everyone come out to me and listen to one story.

This boy was polite

And the right is very nice,

Taking away the ball from the younger ones,

He thanked them - he said thank you.

Psychologist: How do you think this boy is doing? What would you say to him?

Is it possible to do bad deeds and still speak kind words?

Guys, a person can be polite if he is really kind.

Let's play a game and see if you know polite words or not?

6. The game "Tell me a word." (Slide 8)

Psychologist: I will start the sentence and you will finish it. Be careful.

    A smart and developed child at a meeting says hello.(Slide 9)

    The old stump will turn green when it hears - good afternoon.(Slide 10)

    Even an ice block will melt from a warm word - thank you.(Slide 11)

    If mom scolds for pranks, I must say - please forgive me.(Slide 12)

    When we say goodbye, we always say goodbye.(Slide 13)

Psychologist:- Well done boys. Know polite words. But there are words that can offend a person ( rude words). Have you ever been told such words (children's answers). I will help you to forget them now, and you will never remember them.

7. Psychotechnics "Forget bad words».

Children are given black sheets of paper, They crumple them (crumple, tear, trample) and throw them into a black bag. (Slide 15)

Psychologist:- That's it, guys, all unpleasant, rude words are forgotten. I think you won't remember them anymore.

(Music sounds, a knock on the door, Barmaley runs in and takes the bag and goes to the magnetic board) (Slide 16).

8. Working with a magnetic board. Exercise "Sunshine"

Psychologist:- Barmaley, and that this sun has become some kind of gloomy and cold with you. And unpleasant words settled on the rays?

Barmaley: - What unpleasant words? These are wonderful, wonderful words.

Psychologist:- Guys, let's help the sun to become the same, kind and friendly. Replace bad words with good ones. (The psychologist reads the word written on the rays, and the children name antonyms)

Evil - good

Rough - affectionate,

Greedy - generous

Indifferent - attentive,

Cowardly - brave.

(Slide 17). Psychologist:- Look, the sun is smiling again. Well done guys, you helped the sun to become the same.

Barmaley: - Oh, how smart and friendly everyone is here. And I also have friends. Good ones and some bad ones.

Psychologist:- Guys, let's remember which heroes in fairy tales are good and which are evil?

9. The game "Guess the fairy-tale hero."

Psychologist:- I will call the fairy-tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap your hands; if you are evil, you cover your face with your hands.

    (Slide 18) Ivan Tsarevich.

    (Slide 19) Koschey the Immortal.

    (Slide 20) Goldfish.

    (Slide 21) Thumbelina.

    (Slide 22) Karabas-Barabas.

    (Slide 23) Cinderella.

    (Slide 24) Geese-swans.

    (Slide 25) Pinocchio.

Well done guys, remember everyone fairytale heroes and their actions. Learning to be kind is very difficult, but necessary. Good and evil always go side by side. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your actions and their results.

Guys, do you know that there are kind words in songs and people didn’t just compose them, but for us to sing them and share kindness with each other.

Let's have some rest and dance. (Slide 26).

10. Dance minute "Dance of kindness."

(The music of "Barbariki" Kindness sounds) (Slide 27).

11. The game "Choose the quality of a person."

Psychologist:- The word "kindness" is friendly with others good words, which also denote the qualities of a person. What words do you think these are?

Children: - Courage, love, generosity, decency ...

(Slide 28) Psychologist:- There are a lot of human qualities. You may remember the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City", where the characters were looking for character traits. Let's, together with the heroes of the fairy tale, also choose for ourselves the quality that we would like for ourselves. I have prepared multi-colored chips for you, where each color represents a quality of a person.

    Green - courage (heroes),

    (Slide 29) Blue - courage (hero),

    (Slide 30) Red - love (hearts),

    (Slide 31) Blue - decency (the boy gives way),

    (Slide 32) Yellow - generosity (the dog gives a bouquet "just like that"),

    (Slide 33) Orange - mind (Vasilisa the Wise)

(Slide 34) - Choose a chip for yourself and justify your choice. (Children take turns explaining their choice).

And you, Barmaley, what chip do you choose?

12. Proverbs about kindness, kindness. (Slide 35).

Psychologist:- Kindness has always been valued and at all times. Russian wisdom created many proverbs and sayings about kindness. Who knows proverbs about kindness, about kindness?

    To a good hello - a good answer.

    It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

    A kind word and a cat is pleased.

    Life is given for good deeds.

Psychologist:- Barmaley, do you know any proverb?

Barmaley:- Remember good, but forget evil.

Thank you guys, I also want to be kind, polite. Take your bag. (The black bag changes to bright pink, it contains sweets).

Psychologist:- Guys, look, our bag has become so bright, beautiful. Indeed, good always triumphs over evil.

We are very happy for you, Barmaley, that you have realized that it is better to be kind than evil.

13. Summary (Slide 36).

I really want to wish you well Good night until morning.

I wish you all good dreams, good deeds and kind words,

Will the road take you away from your favorite threshold

Let someone tell you: good hour and good luck."

I want people to have more fun with you

To kind eyes you looked at people.

(Slide 38) Children say wishes to each other, give gifts-suns and disperse (Slide 39).

The time of intensive development of the child is 4-6 years old and, as a result, many changes. Transformations affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe psyche and the physical condition of the baby. Along the way, new challenges and opportunities arise. That's why it's so important to plan free time preschooler in such a way that it is interesting and useful, so that there is a place for both work and rest.

Developmental activities for children 5-6 years old are aimed at revealing creativity children and their creative abilities.

Educational activities for preschoolers in Moscow

Children aged 4-6 will enjoy thematic excursions, where they will get acquainted with the life of animals and plants in a playful way, learn more about environment plunge into the world of music and literature.

For the development of a child of 4-5 years old, it will be useful to visit creative studios. These often happen in kids clubs. Here they will teach you how to draw, sculpt toys from plasticine, make figurines from improvised materials. Perhaps the child will enjoy the lessons foreign language or in a mini-kindergarten, where experienced teachers conduct exciting and cognitive activities in a group, usually of five people.

Educational activities for preschoolers in the Moscow region

No less entertaining programs were prepared by children's clubs and theater studios working in the Moscow region. Among them there are educational activities for preschoolers for free.

In such educational centers, everyone is given a lot of attention, the behavior of young children is controlled and corrected, if necessary, by educators-teachers. Therefore, it is easier for kids to learn to play and communicate with peers, to manage their negative emotions. Instead of spontaneous manifestation of aggressive forms of behavior, the guys learn to compromise and be friendly. After classes in the club, it is easier for the baby to enter the team of the kindergarten or elementary school.

Natalia Stepanova
Short term project for younger, middle and older children preschool age « Funny Games and fun"


Goals project:

Maximum use various types children's activities in the framework of the implementation project;

Creation of conditions for children's creativity;

Familiarization children with summer games and fun.

Tasks project:

Provide children with a complete leisure on a walk, to provide them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and recreational activities;

Help teachers preschool educational institutions and parents in organizing a variety of gaming activities, sports entertainment on a walk in the summer;

To enrich the experience of educators through mutual visits to various practical events organized in preschool educational institution;

Expand list sports games, fun and entertainment, the use of which will enrich the content of the walk in the summer;

To identify the most rational methods of organizing entertainment and motor activities children walking in summer, generalize best experience work of teachers and preschool;

Involve parents in creating conditions for summer events Location on.

Implementation timeline project: 20.06.2016 – 24.06.2016

Members project:

Head of preschool educational institution Aseeva N.A.

Senior teacher Mukhanova E.V.

Educators, children and parents of groups No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.

Musical director Gerasimova Zh.N.

Teacher-psychologist Shabanova V.N.

Stages of work

1. Organizational (preparatory).

Preliminary work on implementation project« Fun games and fun» during the summer period.

1.1. Selection of materials from the INTERNET on the topic « Fun games and fun» A exactly:

Movable ball games on the go

- "Score a Goal"

- "Jugglers"

- "Cat and Mouse"

- "Catcher"

Games blowing soap bubbles

- "Once! Two! Three! - I'm blowing bubbles


- "Catch the bubble and burst"

Breathing exercise "The wind is blowing"

mobile game "Bubble"

sand games

Preparation of a sand building competition for all groups on the sites "Sand Fantasies" on Topics: "animals", "birds", "Marine life", "locks", "palaces".

The choice of subjects for children's drawings with chalk on asphalt.

The choice of relay races for sports leisure within the framework of project.

printout theme week within project by day with the definition of the type of entertainment activity children.

1.2. Selection of a nursery fiction for reading.

1.3. A selection of didactic games on the theme.

1.4. A selection of illustrations to demonstrate to children on Topics: summer, summer sports, summer games and fun.

1.5. Inviting parents to participate in leisure activities within the framework of project« Fun games and fun»

2. Main stage. Implementation projects by day of the week:

Monday "Ball Day" Opening of the week « Fun games and fun»

Conversation with children on topics: "What do you know outdoor games What is your favorite game and why? What summer sports do you know?

Ball games on the go:

- "Score a goal!" Kicking a stationary ball into the goal with the toe of the foot.

Children push the ball with their feet

He will roll forward!

We will help them

Let's give them the ball!

- "Jugglers" Throwing the ball to each other.

Once! Two! Three! - Grab the ball!

4-5-6 - Here it is! Here he is!

7-8-9 - Who can throw?

mobile game "Ball Catcher" The host is catching up children and stains them with a ball. Whom they tarnished, he himself becomes the leader and takes the ball for himself.

Yoke with a ball "Cat and Mouse" Children stand in a circle. Two children on opposite sides are given ball: Cat and Mouse! The task is to pass the ball from child to child so that the cat does not catch up with the mouse!

Cooperation with parents: involvement of parents of all groups to participate in outdoor ball games in the air

Tuesday "Bubble Day" Blowing soap bubbles is one of the most unpretentious, but at the same time the most fun kids games! This idea is best suited for walking on fresh air! The breeze helps to send colorful soap balls on a long journey!

Once! Two! Three! - I'm blowing bubbles!

Soapy, airy, obedient to the breeze!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Bubbles fly again!

Over houses, over forests, over green gardens!

Games: "Who will blow the biggest bubble?", "Catch the bubble and burst!" and others.

Breathing exercise: "The wind is blowing"

How beautiful - look!


Flying in the wind

And they sparkle in the sun!

mobile game "Bubble"

Cooperation with parents: Inviting parents of all groups to participate in fun and games with soap bubbles.

Wednesday"Sand Fantasies" Playing with sand, children feel like real creators and artists! Children build their own world! The world is full of wonders! One of my favorites children's fun!

Sand building competition for all groups. flight of fancy and creativity for everyone and everyone! Let outlandish animals and birds, marine life, palaces and castles appear on the plots! Buildings can be played with toys and any other material.

Cooperation with parents: involvement of parents of all groups to participate in the competition "Sand Fantasies"

Thursday "Draw on asphalt!" Painting on asphalt is not only funny activity while walking. This is both creativity and knowledge of the world around the child. After all, drawing with asphalt crayons is not at all the same as drawing on paper with a pencil or brush. It's a completely different feeling here. But for preschoolers creativity is not so much a result as a process.

Children draw SUMMER on the pavement!

Who will answer me? Who will tell me?

What color will summer say!

Drawing a summer landscape, sand, water, butterflies and everything that a child's imagination is capable of!

Drawing (collective) "Sun"! Teachers and parents draw big circle, and the children draw rays to it!

Rainbow drawing! introduce children with a rhyme for memorizing the colors of the rainbow. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!

Cooperation with parents: involvement of parents for collective drawing summer landscapes chalk on asphalt.

Friday "Day fun relay races»

We invite you elder And preparatory groups To participate in FUN STARTS at the sports field!

The younger groups"Day of outdoor games" Optional and optional children.

Cooperation with parents: involvement of parents to participate in fun starts, as well as outdoor games for junior groups.

Final events: holiday "Hello summer"

3. Final stage:

positive and negative sides implementation project: during the conversation at the final stage project significantly increased the level of knowledge and understanding children O summer views sports, summer games, fun, holidays.

Children have expanded ideas about outdoor games, games with sand, soap bubbles, drawing with chalk on the pavement and much more.

Analyzing the realized project, we came to the conclusion that this project relevant for implementation in groups of both early and middle and older ages.

This project significant to all participants: y children there was an idea that in summer, as in other seasons, there are entertainment, sports and leisure activities, games and fun. At children the stock of knowledge about outdoor games, games with sand, soap bubbles, etc. has expanded. children formed the skills of independence, activity, initiative in finding answers to questions and applying their skills in games and entertainment in the summer.

Thus, implemented project« Fun games and fun» in which the children were direct participants, meets the needs of the child to self-realize in creative and sports and leisure activities. The project implemented within the framework educational program kindergarten, taking into account the annual curriculum for preschool children.

At the end project a photo gallery of outdoor games was formed with the participation of groups No. 10 and No. 13; Photo gallery of the holiday "Hello summer" with the participation of groups No. 9 and No. 10, as well as group No. 8 under the leadership of Zh. N. Gerasimova.

The result is a formed and designed short term project« Fun games and fun» .

N. V. Stepanova, S. V. Maslova educators of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 42"


Didactic games

Didactic games are games specially created or adapted for learning purposes. IN didactic games the easiest way to play with a child, because. they do not require special conditions, materials, objects, etc. They can be played before going to bed, on a long trip, etc.

1. Say a word.
This game develops lexicon, imagination, introduces the child to poetic speech. Its meaning lies in the fact that after listening to the poem, the child must finish it with one word. For example,
"He is loyal to the sea like a sailor.
Harbinger of the storm ... (ALBATROS)"

2. Family
By playing this game, children learn about themselves and their families.
Pictures depicting family members, photographs are used. During the game, you need the child to answer the questions: what can mom do? what can dad do? what can a child do? and so on. It is important that the child himself calls the words, for this you can help him with facial expressions and gestures.

Outdoor games

Outdoor games develop the physical abilities of the child and strengthen his health. In addition, such games develop dexterity, accuracy, speed of reaction, strength, endurance, and the ability to control one's body.

Outdoor games are best played outdoors.

Two players, a boy and a girl (representatives of two teams), stand in front of two lines. On a signal, they must go forward (first one, then the other), taking five steps, and for each step without the slightest mistake, hesitation (without breaking the rhythm) say some name (boys - the names of girls, girls - the names of boys). At first glance, this is a simple task, in fact, it is not so easy to complete. The winner is the one who copes with this task or manages to name more names.
You can name five other words (by topic: animals, plants, household items, etc.). There are many such words, and not everyone will be able to pick up 5 words and pronounce them one after another without delay in the rhythm of the step.

4. Fisherman and fish

A large circle is drawn on the floor or on the platform. One of the players - the fisherman - is in the center of the circle, he squats down. The rest of the players - fish, surrounded the circle, say in chorus: "Fisherman, fisherman, catch us on a hook."
On last word the fisherman jumps up, runs out of the circle and starts chasing the fish, which scatter all over the site. The one who is caught becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle.

5. Rainbow
A game known to all adults. If desired, you can change it a little. For example, think not about colors, but about clothes, hairstyles, etc.

The classic rules look like this:

Two lines are drawn. The driver is chosen - a rainbow. He gets between these lines. Everyone else is on one of them. Rainbow turns away from the children and names a color and turns around. If there is such a color in the child's clothes, then he can easily go to the other side. If not, he must run so that the rainbow does not hurt him.

6. Confusion
Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver turns away, and the players begin to get confused, climbing over each other as soon as possible. Then the driver must unravel this tangle without breaking the circle.

Role-playing games

Role-playing games are the most important games in the development of the child. It is at preschool age that he “tryes on” many roles, compares himself with adults, imitates them. Proper role-playing games help develop the mind, intelligence of the child. But without a well-developed speech, a child will not be able to play such games, because he will not be able to think through the plot, to play a role well.

7. The most simple role-playing game are mothers and daughters. The child observes the role of mother every day and can try it on. Another understandable option is the game of "hospital". Every child remembers the experiences associated with visiting the doctor and will be able to "lose" them.

8. More complicated (but also more interesting option) role-playing games are games with a large number of participants. Such games are more suitable for older preschool children. Children can play "shop" - not only sell and buy different things, but also count how much they cost, give change, etc.

In a kindergarten, you can arrange a "theater" or, for example, a "zoo".

9. Playing Journey

This game will require a large detailed map world and a small figure (dice, chip). An adult tells the child about the country (a simplified version - about the continent), the child moves the chip and tells what the imaginary hero sees. This game trains memory and imagination.

10. Complicated version of the game "journey"

apartment or kindergarten becomes a "world" that is known to "travelers" - children. Animals in the "Living Corner" and flowers in pots can easily become the impassable jungle of the Amazon, a carpet from which all the toys are removed - a desert, and a few chairs or a hill in the yard - real Alps. On the balcony you can arrange a "green parking lot" and take a break.

There is no universal recipe for a good game. One child is very mobile and does not sit still, another likes to solve riddles, for the third there is nothing better than fiddling with a doll ... The main thing is that the child likes what he plays. And then it will be possible to add elements of mobility, speech development, roles, etc. to any game.

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