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Ukrainian folk embroidery is one of the most common and accessible types of folk art. It has been improved over many centuries and has come down to us in the form of wonderful various ornaments, seams with which they are made, interesting color combinations of threads.

Samples of ancient folk embroidery amaze us with their simplicity and conciseness, diversity and artistic skill and serve as an inexhaustible source for the development of Soviet decorative and applied arts.

Since ancient times, hand embroidery has been used to decorate a variety of products that people need in everyday life. Embroidery is popular today. Modern products decorated with Ukrainian folk embroidery are beautiful and original: napkins, tablecloths, towels, panels, blouses, men's shirts and other types of clothing.

In modern Ukrainian embroidery, the color and the seams with which the patterns are made are gradually changing. Traditional ornaments are enriched with new elements and interesting compositional solutions. Designing products based on folk motives, modern craftsmen preserve the centuries-old traditions of folk embroidery, use color schemes, ornaments, and performance techniques that are typical for certain regions of Ukraine.

The process of making embroidery is fascinating. Embroidery develops aesthetic taste, instills accuracy, perseverance, diligence, creative attitude to work, forms in schoolchildren certain skills and abilities that will be useful to them in practical activities.

Types of ornaments

Creating ornaments for embroidery, artists at all times turned to nature, but not just copied it, but processed it, simplified it in stylization, preserving the most characteristic. In Ukrainian folk embroidery, there are floral, geometric, floral-geometrized ornaments, ornaments with images of animals, ornaments with emblems. In the embroidery of towels, panels dedicated to significant dates, emblems of the state are used. Floral ornaments consist of stylized (simplified) flowers, leaves, buds, stems. Geometric ornaments consist of a variety of geometric shapes: triangles, rhombuses, squares, stars, etc. In the embroidery of towels, napkins, tablecloths, panels, stylized animals, birds, insects are found in ornaments. Plant-geometrized ornaments consist of geometrized, simplified flowers, leaves, buds, stems.

Types of seams of Ukrainian folk embroideries

The seams of Ukrainian embroideries are divided into basic and additional. The main seams, in turn, are divided into countable and decorative. Counting stitches are called such seams, for the execution of each stitch of which it is necessary to count the threads of fabrics. Counted seams perform geometric or floral-geometrized ornaments. Counted seams include: straight satin stitch, oblique satin stitch, lowering, set, bottom, cross, grain output, gouging, cutting, tops, various types of hemstitches. A variety of ornaments is achieved by combining several types of seams in one pattern. So, the pattern can be made: with a straight satin stitch, cutting out, punches, grain output, retyaz, double-sided beading. In decorative stitches (they are also called free stitches), embroidery stitches are made along the drawn outline of the ornament. Therefore, decorative stitches are used to embroider floral ornaments. This is a double-sided smooth surface, Poltava smooth surface, artistic smooth surface, towel stitches. Simple decorative stitches: stitch, stalk stitch, chain stitch or tambour stitch, as well as rocking stitch, which are used to make geometric and plant-geometrized ornaments. Additional seams include: edge seams, which decorate the edges of napkins, towels; connecting seams (adjacent), which can be used to connect individual parts of such products as blouses, dresses, skirts, etc .; notching - seams that form the edges of cuffs, sleeves, collars in products, as well as assembly on a thread - puffs. In order for the work on embroidery of Ukrainian folk stitches to bring creative satisfaction, one must from the very beginning try to do everything clearly and accurately. The beauty of Ukrainian folk counted seams depends on the accuracy of counting the threads of the fabric. Floral ornaments you need to embroider exactly along the contour of the pattern.

Lesson topic: “Embroidery as one of the types of arts and crafts. Cross stitching. Technology class 2.

Akhmetdinova Gulnara Granitovna, teacher primary school first qualification category.

Target: to acquaint children with the technology of cross-stitching; expand knowledge about the history of embroidery different peoples; repeat the safety rules when working with needles.


To expand students' knowledge of the seam cross, performed horizontally, vertically, diagonally;

    to develop practical skills of placing fabric in the hoop;

    to consolidate the ability to prepare tools and materials for work on embroidery products;

    develop dexterity, coordination of movements;

    to instill accuracy and patience in work;

    develop thinking;

    promote the development of competencies;

Comply with safety regulations;

    to cultivate accuracy, organization of labor activity.

Planned results:

Subject Results:

To expand students' knowledge of the cross stitch;

To consolidate the ability to prepare tools and materials for work on embroidery products.

Metasubject Results : (developing)

Regulatory UUD:

To teach to develop figurativeness, attention, speech;

Cognitive UUD:

Ability to search and select main information from the proposed source of the book, (educational Internet resources, encyclopedias, etc.);

Communicative UUD:

Develop the skill of working in groups when performing practical work;

Find ways of creative work within group communication;

Be able to generalize and draw conclusions.

Personal results:
- ability to express creative work their emotional attitude to the acquired knowledge, to show activity, initiative when finding additional information, share it with teammates;

Cultivate curiosity, work culture, accuracy, respect for one's own and others' work.

Lesson type : study lesson.

Visual aids: embroidery samples, sketches, pattern arrangement, stylized drawings.

Equipment: textbook, workbook, kit hand tools, threads for embroidery - floss, hoops, canvas, thick fabric, patterns, posters.

Textbook: N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova "Technology" Grade 2.

During the classes:

I.Organization of the lesson:

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Questions to repeat the previous topic:

What fabric is used for embroidery?

    Why is fabric stretched in a hoop?

    Name the basic stitches and seams based on them.

    Why does the fabric need to be removed from the hoop after each embroidery session?

Verification and evaluation homework students. Show the best works.

II. Study of new material:

Tell students about the history of embroidered ornament, composition, rapport, types of ornament. Show how the "cross" and tapestry seam is made.

Teacher's explanation.

Creativity helps us discover hidden abilities, to get away from everyday problems for a while, and most importantly, to create amazing things that diversify our life and make it brighter and richer.

Embroidery is a technique with which you can decorate a wide variety of products from various materials, giving them completely the new kind. Embroidery richly decorated the lower edges of the beds that hung from the beds, towels, tablecloths and curtains, canvas sundresses, hats and scarves, wedding and festive shirts.

Many crosses of different colors and shades as separate elements of the mosaic can create a miracle and make up a landscape, still life or portrait. There are many various kinds and embroidery technique.

The embroideries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are decorative and colorful. They are dominated by geometric plant motifs patterns.

The embroideries of the peoples of the Caucasus are rich and elegant. In Georgia, embroidery with silk, wool, gold, and beads is common.

Embroidery of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are different various options overhead sewn from felt, cloth, leather. The patterns often contain curls of horns, stylized figures of animals, less often - the image of plants.

Among the peoples Far North deer fur embroidery on suede, cloth and appliqué made of fabric and leather using beads are common.

The embroidery of the peoples of the Volga region - Mari, Mordovian, Chuvash - is distinguished by geometric patterns from a combination of plants, animals and birds.

Tatar embroidery is characterized by sewing with gold and beads on velvet on various household items and clothes.

Follow the traditional cross as follows: you finish the previous cross and start the next one.

The Danish cross is done like this: first you embroider half a cross and finish the crosses as you return. (Show pictures)

Embroidery cross It is performed on dense fabric or canvas. Canvas - This is a special fabric for embroidery.

The cross stitch or semi-cross stitch technique is one of the most famous and popular in folk art. This technique has been known for a long time, but became widespread in the second half of the last century.

The cross is made with two intersecting diagonal stitches. (Show students how to do cross stitches running horizontally and vertically and diagonally)

main pattern folk embroideries the cross is a geometric, vegetative and zoomorphic (images of animals, birds) ornament.

Modern embroidery is represented by a wide variety of patterns: cartoon characters, plants, berries, animals, etc.

During practical work, physical minute.

" Butterfly". Frequently pat your cilia, that is, blink

What materials and tools do we need for embroidery with counted stitches:


    Canvas - a special mesh-like fabric for cross-stitching;

    floss threads



Safe working practices.

NEEDLE. Tapestry needles with a blunt end are used for cross stitching. Don't hold the needle in your teeth. An accidental breath - and you can swallow it. Do not stick needles into clothes, armchairs, sofas, do not leave them on the dining table. Is it dangerous!

SCISSORS. Must have sharp and tightly closed ends.

Practical work "Performing a simple cross stitch".

III.Consolidation of the studied material

Answer the question:

1. Fabric tensioner? (hoop)

2. Special mesh fabric for cross stitch? (canvas)

3. Threads used for embroidery? (mulina)


What new did you learn in the lesson?

Where in life can you use it?

What grade would you give yourself for practical work?

V. Homework

Practice cross stitching skills. To prepare for practical work. Bring canvas, thread, hoop.

Description of work:

The plan - a summary of the lesson was developed within the framework of the "Needlework" section, educational field"Technology" and is designed for students in grade 5. This material will be useful for teachers who switched to the new generation of GEF in the 5th grade.

Class: Section 5: Needlework

Topic: Embroidery as a kind of arts and crafts and its use in folk and modern costume

Target: to acquaint students with the history of embroidery and show its application in folk and modern suit. Learn the techniques of embroidery.


Educational: introduce students to the art of hand embroidery; the tools and materials used, with embroidery techniques;

Educational: develop Creative skills, sensory and motor skills;

Educational: cultivate diligence, patience, attentiveness and accuracy.

Equipment: textbook, workbook, dyed cotton fabric, a set of tools and materials for embroidery.

Lesson type: combined.

Methods: dialogical, algorithmic.

Lesson duration: 90 minutes.

During the classes:

1. Organizational and preparatory stage.


Appointment of attendants;

Identification of those absent from the lesson;

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson;

Get students ready for work.

2. Learning new material.

Today's lesson will be devoted to one of the most common types of arts and crafts, but which one, you should guess by yourself. a little story- hint. (Determining the topic of the lesson).

1. The oldest and most common type of arts and crafts. Widely distributed among all the peoples of our country. The techniques were developed by many generations of masters who carefully preserved everything of value (if the students did not guess, the second part is read out).

2. It was performed with linen, woolen, silk (usually colored), stones, coins, etc.

What are we going to talk about today? How can we formulate the theme of our lesson?

Embroidery as a kind of arts and crafts. (children open notebooks, sign the date and topic of the lesson)

Based on our topic, what tasks can we set ourselves for today's lesson?

Familiarize yourself with the history of embroidery;

Consider its use in folk and modern costume.

From time immemorial, our land has been famous for the art of craftswomen - needlewomen. All female half spun, weaved, embroidered.

What do you think embroidery is? Embroidery is the art of creating patterns on fabrics (using what?) using a needle and threads. About the existence of embroidery in the era Ancient Rus'(9th century) say the finds of archaeologists.

These are fragments of clothing, decorated with patterns made with gold threads. This difficult but fascinating work accompanied the Russian woman all her life. Starting from the age of seven or eight, girls began to prepare their dowry for the wedding. It was necessary to embroider tablecloths, bedspreads, towels, as well as various clothes. A peasant girl had to prepare a dowry for herself: wedding attire, party wear, hats, gifts. At the wedding, the bride presented the groom's relatives with products of her own work. Before the wedding, they arranged an exhibition of the dowry, which was supposed to testify to the skill and diligence of the bride.

Why do you think the craftswomen decorated their products with embroidery?

Embroidery not only made the costume more beautiful and richer, but also had a different purpose. By popular belief, it was supposed to bring happiness to a person, protect him from all evil and misfortune, bring him closer to the surrounding nature. Ancient warriors in Rus' were given white shirts with red embroidery before the campaign.

And where could the embroidery be located?

They embroidered special patterns on the chest, sleeves and along the hem, which, according to legend, protected a person in battle (lion, leopard - courage, wisdom, protection).

In ancient times, Russian embroidery was often associated with the religious beliefs of the Slavs, whose main cult was the cult of the goddess of fertility, who was depicted as a majestic female figure surrounded by flowers, birds, animals or riders.

And now we will look at the symbols that the craftswomen used for their patterns.

The sun is the source of life, which has life-giving power

Earth is an image of a female figure, mother Earth. "Nurse - mother-cheese Earth."

Horse - amulet hearth, symbol of kindness

Bird - satellites of the sun, a symbol of goodness, love, peace, harmony in the house.

The tree is a symbol of life, the unity of the family.

Fire is a cleansing power.

Spiral - a symbol of good wishes

Decorating a costume is not an empty fun. It was like cherished writings passed down from generation to generation, which were passed down from generation to generation, which can be read like a book. The main element of embroidery is the ornament.

Ornament- this is a consistent repetition of individual patterns or their whole group. Each element of the ornament had its own meaning and meaning. There are several types of ornaments: floral, zoomorphic and geometric, humanoid. Russian embroiderers' favorite ornament was geometric. They were dominated by rhombuses, rectangles, squares. These elements consisted of figures of people, animals and birds, images of plants, only they were stylized and simplified.

Physical education minute

Here we have a physical education minute,

Bent over, come on, come on!

Stretched out, stretched out

And now they've leaned back.

(tilts forward and backward)

The head is tired too.

So let's help her!

Left and right, one and two.

Think, think, head.

(head rotation)

And the seagulls are circling over the sea,

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea - we are with you!

(wave hands)

We are now sailing on the sea

And frolic in space.

More fun rake

And chase the dolphins.

(swimming motions with hands)

Look: seagulls are important

They walk along the sea beach.

(walking in place)

Although the charge is short,

We rested a bit.

In order to decorate any product with embroidery, you must use certain tools and materials.

What tools and devices are used in embroidery?

(hoop, embroidery needles, scissors, pencil, tracing paper, carbon paper)

What materials can be used for embroidery?

(fabrics - cotton, linen, silk, mixed, canvas, threads - iris, floss, garus, wool).

Today, embroidery has not lost its popularity. This is a great way to give ordinary things and clothes an original and unique look. The embroidery is very rich different types and stitching methods.

What species do you know?

(cross, satin stitch, beads, sequins, ribbons, etc.)

We will begin our study of embroidery with the simplest stitches.

Types of decorative stitches for hand embroidery.

1. The simplest seam - “needle forward” - on the front and back side, the stitches are the same.

2. Seam “forward needle with interlacing” - first, a “forward needle” stitch is performed, and then the stitches are interlaced with a thread of a different color or the same threads (to decorate clothes, table linen)

3. Seam "back needle" - forms a continuous row of stitches on the front side, on the wrong side these stitches are 2 times longer (This seam is sometimes called a "line", because it looks like a machine line). Today, embroidery has not lost its popularity. This is a great way to give ordinary things and clothes an original and unique look.

4. Stem stitch - a solid row of oblique stitches that fit snugly together. (To complete the stem of plants, to complete the monogram - ligature from initial letters name, surname)

5. Tambour stitch - a continuous row of loops coming out of one another (for embroidering flower petals, leaves, etc.)

6. Buttonhole stitch is a series of buttonhole stitches located along the edge of the product - this seam can be used to secure the appliqué, process the edge of the product

3. Practical work.

Repetition of safety rules:

when working with scissors:

Keep scissors in a case;

On the table, the scissors should lie with the blades away from you;

Do not leave scissor blades open while working.

Pass the scissors with closed blades rings forward.

when working with needles, pins:

Store needles and pins in a specific place (special box, pad, etc.);

Do not leave them at the workplace;

In no case do not take needles, pins in your mouth;

Do not inject them into clothing;

Do not use a rusty needle for sewing;

Collect pieces of broken needles or pins and give them to the teacher.

P / r: perform the simplest seams, based on samples and a technological map

4. Issuance of homework.

Textbook pp. 96-100, 108-113 entries in notebooks.

5. Summing up the lesson.

What tools and devices are used for embroidery?

What is the material in embroidery?

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What have you learned in this lesson?

Have we achieved the goals that we set at the beginning of the lesson?

Learning to embroider is not difficult, you need to show patience and perseverance. Clothes embroidered by your hands will become elegant and original.

Reflection: students are given circles, in which they must draw their mood, on reverse side write + and - lesson.

The teacher reminds the attendants of their duties: after the call from the lesson, stay and tidy up the classroom; thanks the students for their educational and cognitive activity and ends the lesson.

The topic of this combined lesson: "Embroidery as a kind of arts and crafts" - the first topic in the section "Needlework"

The chosen structure of the lesson was optimal for the tasks I set. Time is rationally allocated for studying new material and consolidating it. The transition from one stage of the lesson to another happened smoothly, logically. During the lesson we used visual aids and health-saving technologies - physical education

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