A project in a kindergarten to create a museum. Creation of a mini museum in kindergarten


Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the second junior group"JOURNEY TO A FAIRY TALE" with elements of TRIZ technologies

Target: continue to introduce children to Russian folk tale"Zayushkina hut".
to form the ability to name the heroes of fairy tales according to illustrations, to guess riddles;
consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales;
promote emotional perception of fairy tales;
develop children's ability to answer questions complete sentences;
cultivate friendly feelings, a desire to help friends.
Activities of the educator Activities of children
I. Introduction. Organizing time.
Educator: We gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend!
Let's hold hands tightly
And smile at each other!
Educator: Well done! Smiled and gave each other good mood!
- And now let's smile at our guests and say: "Good afternoon!"
Educator: I have a surprise for you - this is such a basket.
And this basket is not simple, but magical, because fairy tales like to hide in it. Do you like fairy tales?
- Now we will check what fairy tales do you know? Have a seat.
(children finish the words, the teacher shows a picture or the children themselves choose (laid out on the window))
In the basket are pictures with plots of fairy tales
1. “They lived - there were a grandfather and a woman, and they had ...
She laid a testicle, not a simple, golden one ... " 2. "Grandfather planted ...
She grew up big and big ... "
3. “... The bear sat on the roof, and crushed him,
All the animals barely managed to jump out of it ... "
4. “... Suddenly a fox met him“ Hello, my friend! How pretty you are "And he immediately sings a song to her ... "
5. “... The wolf overheard this, waited until the goat left,
went up to the hut and sang in a thin voice ... "
(In the basket, and in the window, you need to put the picture “The Fox and the Hare”, then return to it when they guess the fairy tale about the fox.)
Educator: Well, you know fairy tales)!

Ryaba chicken.
Wolf and goats.

II. Main part.
Guys, look who else is hiding in the basket?

I take it out of the basket soft toy- fox.
Teacher: Well done guys. The fox came running to us from a fairy tale, but what do you think from which one? In what fairy tales did we meet the fox? (Kolobok, Teremok, Mitten.)
Educator: Yes, indeed, in these fairy tales we meet a fox, but our guest came running from a fairy tale, where she offended a hare and drove him out of the house. (“Zayushkina’s hut”, draws attention to the picture)
Educator: That's right, guys, and the fox brought us riddles with it. Let's listen to them carefully and guess. First we listen to the riddle and only then we say the answer.

I show slides or put pictures on a magnetic board
Our animal lives in anxiety
Takes away from misfortune.
Come on, quickly guess
What is the name of the animal? (Bunny.)

Who, big and clumsy,
Did you take the honey out of the barrel with your paw?
I ate sweetness and roar.
What is his name? (Bear.)

Here's an alarm clock in the yard
He will be all at dawn.
Red smooth scallop
This is Petya- ... (cockerel)
I have excellent hearing
A sharp look and a delicate scent.
I immediately get into a fight with a cat,
Because I ... (Dog.)
Jumping through the swamp
Green frog.
Green legs.
My name is ... (Frog.)
Educator: Guys, look what animals we guessed. Are they all heroes of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"?
- That's right, guys!

Children's answers:
Bunny, bear, cockerel, dog, frog.

No, the frog is from another fairy tale.

- Chanterelle sees that you are tired and wants to play with you. Do you want to play with the fox? Then we stand in a circle.
- Hey guys, what are you sleeping,
Show us the animals.
The fox has a sharp nose
She has a fluffy tail.
Fur coat red fox
Unspeakable beauty.
The fox walks through the forest
Strokes a red fur coat.
- The hare jumped through the forest,
The hare was looking for food.
Suddenly at the hare on top
Ears rose like arrows.
Bunny jumped, turned
And crouched under a tree.
The bear got out of the den,
Misha stretches his legs,
On toes he went
And then on the heels.
Children sit on chairs.
Game: with TRIZ Elements "Magic Time Train"
Game progress: I tell the children that the dwarf Vasya loves to read and look at books, but he has all the pictures and fairy tales mixed up and he asks the guys for help. Children receive cards - wagons depicting plots of familiar fairy tales (for example: in the 2nd junior group, then "Kolobok", "Zayushkina's hut", "Geese-swans"). I ask which of the wizards will be able to help the children cope with the task, this is the wizard of "Time". I suggest that the children carefully consider the cards - wagons, name familiar fairy tales and begin to complete the task. Children build a fairy tale train in the right sequence according to one fairy tale. As a complication, you can mix several cards at once with different fairy tales, each child selects all the cards for one particular fairy tale among all the others.
Final part.
round dance game"Let's build a home for the Fox and all the animals"
"I want to build a house"
I want to build a house
(Hands folded into a house, and raised above your head)
To have a window in it,
(Fingers of both hands connect in a circle)
So that the house has a door,
(We connect the palms of the hands together vertically)
Next to the pine tree to grow.
(Hands up, fingers spread out)
So that there is a fence around, the dog guards the gate,
(Children raise their hands, showing the fence, dog ears (palms))
It was sunny, it was raining, (First we raise our hands up, fingers are "spread out". Then we lower our fingers down, we make "shaking" movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden! (We connect our palms together and slowly open our fingers - "tulip bud")
- Well done!
Control questions:
What have you learned? What game were they playing? What stories do you remember!
All well done! Thank you!

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Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group "Favorite Tales"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group

« Favorite fairy tales»


1. Form a dialogic speech, learn to answer questions.

2. Learn to recognize and name characters from friends fairy tales, transmit game actions by display.

3. Activate speech statements.

4. Exercise in correct use case forms nouns (gen. fall. n.)

5. Develop pronunciation skills, intonation expressiveness speeches, rhythmic movements.

6. Cultivate interest and love for folk fairy tales.

Development environment: record a song "Locomotive", characters fairy tales"Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", a basket with a surprise.

Lesson progress:

Guys, you love fairy tales?

Very love.

- Fairy tales live in a magical land - beyond the forests, beyond the fields, beyond high mountains. They live and are very worried, they think that you have forgotten them. And you think you can recognize them.

Let's try! We are going to visit fairy tales. We sit in a fun train.

The train is picking up

The driver looks ahead.

We hold on to each other

And no one is left behind.

The teacher sings a song with the children "Locomotive", while they make one circle along group

The train stops at fairy tale"Kolobok".

Wasn't on the window

Rolled down the track....

Who rolled down the track? (Kolobok)

Who baked Kolobok? (Kolobok was baked by Grandmother)

Whom did Kolobok meet in the forest? (Hare, wolf, bear, fox)

Who did Kolobok leave? (From a hare, from a wolf, from a bear, from a fox)

Who ate Kolobok? (Ate Kolobok fox)

Let's remember the song that Kolobok sang.

Children together with the teacher sing the song Kolobok

Do you want to play with the characters? fairy tales

speech game:

Bunny hop-hop-hop, Children jump like bunnies.

Bear top-top-top Stomp, depicting a bear.

And the fox clap-clap-clap Clap your hands.

And now, guys, let's get on the train and go further to another fairy tale.

Humming big locomotive. Small wagons answer him woo.

Children repeat after the teacher.

Here we come to fairy tale. Tell me guys what fairy tale?

Lives in this house

Very small people:

Mouse, frog, hare, fox,

Gray wolf cub - these are miracles!

Only Mishka helped them

Broke them...(Teremok.)

That's right, guys. And who lives in the teremochka? (-Mouse-louse, frog - frog, bunny - runaway, fox sister, spinning top - gray barrel and big bear)

And who broke the teremok? (Bear)

That's right, guys, the bear broke.

Let's help the heroes build a new tower (Let's help)

Knock and knock with a hammer Cam knock on the fist

We'll build a new home

The house is high. Stretch your arms up.

House with window Hands together and spread apart.

With a sharp roof and chimney. Hands in the form of a roof.

In the house we live with you We embrace.

Now let's get on the train and go to the next fairy tale.

We go from hill to hill, from hill to hill, our train rushes forward.

They move by doing a semi squat.

Look what is it? (It's a turnip)

That's right, we're in fairy tale"Turnip".

What happened to the heroes fairy tales, they quarreled, arguing over who will pull the turnip for whom. You have to arrange them correctly.

Who planted the turnip? (Grandfather)

Who did Grandpa call? (Grandma)

Who did Grandma call? (granddaughter)

Who did the granddaughter call? (Bug)

Who did the bug call? (cat)

Who did the cat call? (mouse)

Children arrange heroes fairy tales in order.

Now everything is fine.

Let's check the wheels. (Knocking fists on knees)

humming a song "choo-choo-choo-choo, tu-tu-here". (repeat words after teacher).

Who lives in this house? (Chicken, Grandfather, Baba, mouse)

What is it fairy tale? ("Ryaba Hen")

Why are Grandfather and Baba sad. (The mouse broke the testicle that the Hen laid).

What to do? (We need to help them - collect the testicle)

The game is being played "Collect an egg". Assembling a split picture of the Golden Egg "

How many beautiful eggs turned out. Grandfather and Baba are very happy.

And now, guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's get on the train and go singing a song "choo-choo-choo".

Children get into the train, holding on to each other and to the engine. "Return" V group.

Guys, did you like our fabulous journey . (Liked)

In what fairy tales we've been? Whom did you see? ( "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Turnip")

What was your mood? (joyful, cheerful).

You are great. Very kind children - helped the little animals build a new teremok, reconciled the heroes fairy tales"Turnip", helped Grandfather and Baba. And I have a surprise for you - these are magic candies. They will help you grow up kind and friendly.

Each child receives "magic" candy.

Next time we will visit other fairy tales.

Synopsis of the GCD on the development of speech in the second junior group "JOURNEY TO THE TALE"

Target: keep getting to know the kidswith the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Tasks :

  • to form the ability to name the heroes of fairy tales according to illustrations, to guess riddles;
  • consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales;
  • contribute to the emotional perception of the content of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut";
  • develop the ability of children to answer questions in full sentences;
  • arouse interest in theatrical activities, through playing out a fairy tale;
  • cultivate friendly feelings, a desire to help friends.

Educator: We gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend!
Let's hold hands tightly
And smile at each other!
Educator: Well done! We smiled and gave each other a good mood!
- And now let's smile at our guests and say: "Good afternoon!"
Educator: I have a surprise for you - this is such a basket.
And this basket is not simple, but magical, because fairy tales like to hide in it. Do you like fairy tales?
- Now we will check what fairy tales do you know? Have a seat.

(children finish the words, the teacher shows a picture or the children themselves choose (laid out on the window))

In the basket are pictures with plots of fairy tales

1. “They lived - there were a grandfather and a woman, and they had ...

She laid a testicle, not a simple, golden one ... "("Ryaba Hen")

2. “Grandfather planted ...

She grew up big and big ... ”(“ Turnip ”)

3. “... The bear sat on the roof, and crushed him,

All the animals barely managed to jump out of it ... "("Teremok")

4. “... Suddenly a fox met him“ Hello, my friend! How pretty you are "And he immediately sings a song to her ... "("Kolobok")

5. “... The wolf overheard this, waited until the goat left,

(In the basket, and in the window, you need to put the picture “The Fox and the Hare”, then return to it when they guess the fairy tale about the fox.)

Educator: Well you know fairy tales!

Guys, look who else is hiding in the basket?

The teacher takes out a soft toy from the basket - a fox.

Educator: Well done boys. The fox came running to us from a fairy tale, but what do you think from which one? In what fairy tales did we meet the fox? (Kolobok, Teremok, Mitten.)

Educator: Yes, indeed, in these fairy tales we meet a fox, but our guest came running from a fairy tale, where she offended a hare and drove him out of the house. ("Zayushkina hut”, draws attention to the picture)

Educator: That's right, guys, and the fox brought us riddles with it. Let's listen to them carefully and guess. First we listen to the riddle and only then we say the answer.

The teacher shows slides or puts pictures on a magnetic board

Our animal lives in anxiety
Takes away from misfortune.
Come on, quickly guess
What is the name of the animal? (Bunny.)

Who, big and clumsy,
Did you take the honey out of the barrel with your paw?
I ate sweetness and roar.
What is his name? (Bear.)

Here's an alarm clock in the yard

He will be all at dawn.

Red smooth scallop

This is Petya- ... (cockerel)

I have excellent hearing
A sharp look and a delicate scent.
I immediately get into a fight with a cat,
Because I ... (Dog.)

Jumping through the swamp
Green frog.
Green legs.
My name is ... (Frog.)

Educator: Guys, look what animals we guessed. Are they all heroes of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (No, the frog is from another fairy tale.)

That's right guys!


The fox sees that you are tired and wants to play with you. Do you want to play with the fox? Then we stand in a circle.

Hey guys what are you sleeping
Show us the animals.
The fox has a sharp nose
She has a fluffy tail.
Fur coat red fox
Unspeakable beauty.
The fox walks through the forest
Strokes a red fur coat.

The hare jumped through the forest,
The hare was looking for food.
Suddenly at the hare on top
Ears rose like arrows.
Bunny jumped, turned
And crouched under a tree.

The bear got out of the den,
Misha stretches his legs,
On toes he went
And then on the heels.

Children sit on chairs.

Fairy tale dramatization

I will show you a fairy tale, and you will help me (the children say individual words and phrases.) You can have a picture theater (put pictures along the way of the fairy tale) or a puppet theater, with toys that were in the basket, if the children know how to stage show themselves.

Fairy tale dramatization.

Children are given masks.

Educator: And now, guys, you turn into animals.

Leading: There lived a fox and a bunny. They decided to build each for themselves
hut. The fox built an ice one, and the bunny built a bast one. But then spring came - red, and the fox's hut melted.


Oh, oh, oh, here, oblique!
How to be? Where is my house?


Your whole hut with a porch
She ran into the river.
Don't worry too much
You move to me.

Fox (speaking to the side):

Lucky, I'll tell the oblique.
I'll kick him out of the house.
I don't want to live with him
Divide the crust of bread.

Refers to the rabbit:

Hey, listen, dear Zaya!
There is news!

Hare: Yes! Which?


There is a garden behind the forest,
There's cabbage all year round!


Is it already ripe?
Come on, come on, let's run
And look for cabbage!

Leading: The hare ran to look for cabbage, and the fox sniffed - and occupied his house.

The bunny came running, and the door was locked.
Hare: What's this? The door is closed.

Fox (looks out of the house):I live in a hut now.

Hare: Yes, this is my house!

Fox: I won't let you in, oblique!

The hare moves away, sits next to him, crying.

Leading: The hare built himself a very strong house,
Yes, the evil fox settled in it.
Who is not afraid to help a hare?
cunning fox
Who will drive away?

The dog appears.


1. Woof woof woof!
I have a hot temper!
2. I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!
Together: Show us where is your enemy?


Vaughn sits in my hut,
There are ears sticking out in the window.


Hey fox, do you hear the barking?
Woof, woof, woof, go away!


How I wag my tail
I will burn with fire, beware!

Dogs (cowardly):

Oh, we forgot, oblique!
We need to get home soon!


Sitting on a stump again
Poor hare, sad.
What to do, he does not know
He wipes tears away with his paw.

A bear appears.


I'm a couch potato
I slept long and deep.
I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!
Show me where your enemy is!


Vaughn sits in my hut,
There are ears sticking out in the window.


Hey! Who is there in the hut?
Here you get it!


How I wag my tail
I will burn with fire, beware!

Bear (cowardly):

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!
I need to get home soon!
(bear leaves)

Leading: Who is not afraid
Zainka help?
cunning fox
Who will drive away?

A cockerel appears


Coo-ka-re-coo, coo-ka-re-coo!
I will help, I will help!
Don't cry, don't cry, oblique,
Let's deal with the fox!


How I wag my tail
I will burn with fire, beware!


How to shake a comb -
And the whole house will fall apart!
I have a braid
Come on out, fox!


The fox runs out of the house and runs into the forest.


Well, thanks, Rooster!
Helped with the fox!


They began to live together in the house,
Live together and not grieve!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye
And part with the fairy tale.

Educator: Thanks to the artists! Guys, did you like the story? What does she teach us?

Educator: Thank you very much!

Round dance game "Let's build a house for the Fox and all the animals"

Fizminutka "I want to build a house"
I want to build a house
(Hands folded into a house, and raised above your head)
To have a window in it,
(Fingers of both hands connect in a circle)
So that the house has a door,
(We connect the palms of the hands together vertically)
Next to the pine tree to grow.
(Hands up, fingers spread out)
So that there is a fence around, the dog guards the gate,
(Children raise their hands, showing the fence, dog ears (palms))
The sun was up, it was raining,
First, raise your hands up, fingers "spread out". Then we lower our fingers down, do "shaking off" movement)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
(We connect our palms together and slowly open our fingers - "tulip bud")
- Well done!

Control questions:

What story did we see?

In the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" when the fox kicked out the bunny, (what he was, sad,)

Why did the dogs and the bear run away? Was the fox good or bad? What she said? Say it angrily (Children pretend to be angry)

And who helped the bunny drive out the fox? That's right, cockerel, but what do you think the mood of the bunny was when he returned to his house? (Children pretend to be happy)

How could you measure all your friends? (built a house for everyone)


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Slides captions:

Journey to a fairy tale Educator N.V. Potekhina

“There lived - there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had ... She laid a testicle, not a simple, golden one ...” (“Ryaba Hen”)

“Grandfather planted ... She grew up big and big ...” (“Turnip”)

“... The bear sat on the roof, and crushed him, Barely managed to jump out of all the animals ...” (“Teremok”)

“... Suddenly a fox met him“ Hello, my friend! How pretty you are "And he immediately sings a song to her ... "("Kolobok")

“... The wolf overheard this, waited until the goat left, went to the hut and sang in a thin voice ...” (“The Wolf and the Kids”)

"Zayushkina's hut"

Our little animal lives in anxiety, Takes away its feet from misfortune. Well, quickly guess, what is the name of the animal? (Bunny.)

Who, big and clumsy, got Honey out of the barrel with his paw? I ate sweetness and roar. What is his name? (Bear.)

Fluffy tail - beauty, And her name is .... Fox

Here is an alarm clock in the yard, It wakes everyone at dawn. Red smooth scallop This is Petya- ... (cockerel)

I have excellent hearing, sharp eyes and a delicate scent. I immediately get into a fight with a cat, Because I ... (Dog.)

Galloping through the swamp Green frog. Green legs. My name is ... (Frog.)



Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

with elements of theatricalization in the senior group

Topic: "Journey to the country of the Snow Queen"

Compiled by: POTEKHINA





Target: development of children's speech and emotional activity through the use of theatrical activities.



Create conditions for:

Formations grammatical structure speeches: enrich the dictionary with antonyms, words denoting the sign of the object and the action of the object;

Teaching by means of facial expressions and gestures to convey the most characteristic features of the characters depicted;

Consolidation of the ability to recognize and depict the main emotions by auditory perception of the text;

Improving the performing skills of children in voicing the heroes of familiar fairy tales.


Create conditions for:

Development of attention, memory and creativity;

Developing the ability to understand emotional condition another man.


Create conditions for:

Education of friendly relations, the ability to negotiate and act together in solving problem situations.

GCD progress

caregiver : Look, children, how many guests we have today. Let's take a look at them kind eyes, give them a good smile and say hello.

Children: "Good afternoon!".

caregiver : The sun has risen for a long time,

Looked into our window.

Gathered friends all in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

We'll go right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we'll all be back.

Smile, wink,

Let's go travel.

caregiver : And I have prepared a surprise for you. We have an unusual guest.

Brownie Kuzya appears from behind the chest

Kuzya: Hello, guys, I'm a brownie Kuzya, economic, homely, and I did not come empty-handed, with a chest with fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?

caregiver : Chest opens

The fairy tale begins!

Opens the chest lid. A fragment from the cartoon "The Snow Queen" is included.

Kuzya : Did you find out the name of the fairy tale and who wrote it? (children's answers)

Loud blizzard music is heard. An image appears on the screen snow queen:

I am the Snow Queen, you have entered my kingdom. Unfortunately, the mischievous trolls broke my magic mirror, and its fragments scattered throughout the ice kingdom, only the most brave, friendly, courageous children will be able to collect them.

To find the fragments you will need to perform difficult tasks. And if you do not collect the pieces and put them in a frame, eternal winter will come on earth and you will forever remain in my imprisonment.

caregiver : Yes, it's the Snow Queen herself! And what is she? (children's answers). I agree with you, she is evil. And how did you know about it? (children's answers).

What do you think needs to be done to make the Snow Queen good? (children's answers) Can we help her? (answers)

(Speech warm-up, Antonyms game, children complete sentences)

The queen is evil, and we will help her become ... ..

Her heart is cold, and we will make it ....

She does bad things, and we will teach her to do ....

After all, in fairy tales, good always wins ...

Kuzya : Winter is a wonderful season! Winter wonders happen! Or maybe it's good eternal winter? (Children's answers) Difficult trials await you! Do you know the fairy tale? I will help you! I have a map magical land Snow queen. You go strictly along this map, you will meet the heroes of a fairy tale, and after you complete their task, they will give you pieces of a mirror.

Pictures corresponding to the pictures on the map are laid out around the hall.

caregiver : Guys, are you not afraid of difficulties?

Kuzya : Bon Voyage!

caregiver : But to get into the fairy tale, let's look at the map where we need to get first. (children's answers) Then let's go! We will put on magic boots - runners (children imitate putting on). Let's knock with heels and say together: "We all need to get into the fairy tale!". Spread your arms out to the sides like birds. Let's fly! A warm wind blows us, we look at the earth from a height (a hand over our eyes). We fly into the clouds, they are soft, fluffy, cool. Let's swing a little on them (spring). Clouds like cotton, we are pleased, easy. We land, take off your boots - runners, otherwise they will take us far from the fairy tale.

Music plays and screen appears beautiful garden. Slide

caregiver : Look, we are in a wonderful garden. It is not simple, but magical. It is always summer here, and therefore the sorceress knows absolutely nothing about snow or ice. And for this, let's divide into teams using split pictures.

On the table are two cut pictures (snowflake and ice).

caregiver : Let's tell the sorceress one team about snowflakes - what are they doing ?, and another team about ice (what is it?) Each team is given one minute, for this the sorceress has hourglass. (children's answers)

caregiver . Guys, let's tell the sorceress what children do in winter, what they play.

Game "Magic Wand"

Children stand in a circle, the "Magic Wand" is passed from left to right, from hand to hand, looking into each other's eyes and at the same time is accompanied by a speech according to some predetermined order-rule

Educator: Guys, we will now transfer magic wand witches from hand to hand and say "What do children do in winter"

caregiver : The sorceress thanks you for telling her so much about snow and ice and gives us a piece of the mirror, and it's time for us to move on.

A raven appears on the screen.

caregiver : Guys, the raven lives in the palace and has never met forest animals. What animals live in the forest? (children's answers) What is another name for forest animals? (wild animals) And how do forest animals winter? Let's you and I will depict forest animals.

Quest: "Magic Transformations"

Educator: Listen carefully to the music and you will guess which animal you need to portray.

Educator: Well done! Raven was very pleased to learn about forest dwellers and gladly gave us another shard of the mirror. He invites us to meet the Prince and Princess.

The Prince and Princess appear on the screen

Educator: Guys, the prince and princess do not like to be sad, but they love to play and have fun.

And how can you know the mood of a person? (children's answers) That's right, according to the expression on the face. Let's play now.

And you, try to show the mood

(the teacher reads poems, the children depict the mood with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the teacher attaches the corresponding picture to the board)

All the kids are playing in the yard. Only the gnome is sick at home and is bored in the morning(sadness)

The dwarf caught a snowflake in winter, picked up an ice floe on a hill,

Ran home and ah! Only water was in the hands!(Astonishment)

The night has come and in the dark the shadows are moving everywhere

The dwarf crawled under the bed, hid, and began to tremble. ( Fear)

All day long he frowns and shakes his fist at everyone.

Yes, today the gnome is not in a good mood, we will visit him later.(anger)

It's his birthday today and there are countless gifts from friends.

There are books, sweets, toys, even a balloon!(joy)

Educator: You have shown everything correctly. What mood did you show?

caregiver : And let's warm up a little, and funny snowmen will help us with this.

Musical physical education "Snowmen"

Educator: Well done! We managed to amuse the prince and princess, and they gave us another shard of the mirror. It seems to me that we are waiting for a new meeting!

Music sounds, a robber appears on the screen

caregiver : Guys, this is the Little Robber. Friends, we will be able to continue our journey only after we complete a very difficult task. A misfortune happened, the favorite disk with the fairy tale of the Little Robber was spoiled. It has no sound. You need to voice this cartoon. But first we need to guess what it's called.

A frame from the fairy tale "Frozen" appears on the screen (children call the cartoon)

Educator: Friends, and now we need to voice the conversation between the Snowman and Anna. Who wants to be an artist?

"Scoring of an excerpt from the film - fairy tales" Frozen "

caregiver : Guys, the Little Robber really liked how you coped with the task and she gives us two fragments, but from the mirror!

The Snow Queen appears on the screen.

Educator: Guys, we urgently need to assemble a mirror from the collected fragments and insert them into a frame, otherwise eternal winter will come on earth and we will forever remain in the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Let's quickly collect the mirror and the magic of the Snow Queen completely collapse and we will return to kindergarten.

(Children collect a mirror from fragments) music sounds and the children return to kindergarten.

caregiver : Welcome back!

Kuzya appears from behind the chest

Kuzya: How was your trip? What good deed did you do today? What heroes did you meet along the way? What test was the most difficult for you? And which one did you like the most? (children's answers) And I have a surprise for you from the Snow Queen.

Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the second junior group on the topic


1. Enrich and systematize vocabulary.

2. Activate and reinforce the speech on the topic "Pets"

3. Develop attention, thinking, memory, visual perception.


1. Consolidation of the generalizing concept of "pets".

2. Raising attention to one's own speech, interest in classes for the development of speech.

3. Development of children's speech activity.

4. Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

5. Development of articulatory motility.

6. Formation of speech breathing.

7. Development of general motor skills.


Toy - a cat, pictures of animals and their cubs.

Lexical material:

Words are things:cat, kittens, dog, puppies, cow, calves, goat, kids, sheep, ram, lambs, horse, horse, foals, pig, piglets.

Words - signs: home.

Words - actions:meow, bark, moo, bleat, neigh, grunt.

S.Ya Marshak "Cat's House"

A.V. Kaygorodtsev "Stishat about animals"

V. Lunin "Do not shawl, my kitten"

N. Migunova "Duck"

N. Nekrasov "A man with a marigold"

E.G. Karganova "On the farm"

Lesson progress

I. Organizing moment

Let's gather children in a circle -

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

I smile at you, and you at each other,

So that we have a good mood all day long.

II. Main part

Guess who came to visit us.


I will call - and it will come, it will lie on its knees,

If I really ask, he will tell me a fairy tale.

Soft fur, round eyes,

And long mustaches diverge from the cheeks.

Rubs gently at the feet, if he wants to eat,

He likes to roll grandmother's ball with his paw.

Gray mice run away from her.

Who are they running from, you know, kids? (Cat)

"Right! It's a cat. Kitty came to our kindergarten! It's her birthday today and she decided to invite her animal friends over. Who do you think will come to our birthday girl?

D / game “Who hid?” (formation of possessive adjectives)

caregiver (shows picture). “All the guests have already arrived, but they hid to surprise the kitties. In order for the animals to come out to her, you must guess and name them.”

Children : (make sentences on the picture). “A cow came because a cow's head is visible. A dog came because a dog's head is visible. A horse came because a horse's head is visible. A goat came because a goat's head is visible. A sheep has come because a sheep's head is visible."

Breathing exercises

“So, all the animals came out and started congratulating the birthday girl.” Let's remember what sounds animals make.

Children with an exclamatory intonation finish onomatopoeia: “The dog barked - (bow-wow). The cow mooed - (mu-mu). The horse neighed - (yoke-go). The goat noticed - (me-me). The sheep bleated - (be-e-e). And the kitty meowed in response to them - (meow-meow).

How can all these animals be called in one word?”

Children: "These are pets."

- “Why are they called that?”

Children: “Because they live next to a person, they benefit him. And the man takes care of them.”

- “Well done! Today in class we will talk about pets.

Articulation gymnastics

And now, guys, let's imagine that our tongue has turned into a "Horse".

This is a horse Gray Side. When she runs, her hooves clatter. Teach your tongue to click beautifully if you want to play with a horse.

I am the horse Gray Side,

Tsok - tsok - tsok,

I will knock with a hoof,

Tsok - tsok,

If you want, I will!

Tsok - tsok.

(smile. Open your mouth. Click slowly with the tip of your tongue. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips do not move, but only the tongue works).

Composition of the fairy tale "Animal Dispute".

“The animals went out to the meadow for a walk, and suddenly a dispute arose between them: who is the most useful animal. Each of them proved that it was he who was the most useful. Now we will remember together what benefits each animal brings, and we will try to compose a fairy tale “Animal Dispute”. (Gives children animals from finger theater). Once domestic animals gathered in the owner's yard and began to argue which of them is the most necessary for a person.

Children: (in a chain they come up with a fairy tale).

"The dog said: "Bow-wow. I guard the house, the mistress with the owner, the yard and all the animals in the yard. I make sure that the hooligans do not climb into the garden, and the fox does not get into the chicken coop. I am the most needed pet.

The cat didn't agree.: "Meow meow. My most important job. I catch mice in the basement and in the attic. I am the most needed pet.

The cow intervened: “Moo. I give milk, cream, cottage cheese and sour cream to the hostess. I am the most needed pet.

Finger gymnastics "Burenushka"

Now get your hands ready, we'll play a little with the fingers.

Give me milk, Burenushka,

Show how a cow is milked: stretching your arms forward with clenched fists, alternately lower and raise them

At least a little - on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me

Make a "muzzle" of the fingers.

Little guys.

Give them a spoonful of cream

Bend fingers on both hands, starting with large ones, for each name of the dairy product

A little creativity

Oils, yogurt,

Milk for porridge.

Gives health to all

Show again how a cow is milked

Cow's milk.

But the goat was outraged: “Me - e - e. I also give milk, and even a wonderful warm fluff. I am the most needed pet.

Sheep bleated : “Be-e-e. And I give wonderful warm wool. I am the most needed pet.

The horse, after listening to the sheep, said: “Igo-go. And I drive the owner, help him do all the hard work. I am the most needed pet.”

caregiver : “At this time, the owner came out and said: “I really need all of you, everyone is of great benefit to me.” And all the animals nodded their heads in unison.”

Physical education "Cat". (Psychic gymnastics)

Improvisation of movements: squat down, pat yourself on the tummy, stand up, stretch and stroke your stomach with your hands.

“And now we will turn into cats. Turn around yourself and turn into a cat!”

Children: (perform movements in accordance with the text).

The cat sat under a bush,

Cheese ate a piece,

The cat got up, stretched,

Her fur unfurled.

D / game “Name the cubs”

Every pet has babies. Name them.

In a cat - ……… .. (kittens)

The dog has ………..(puppies)

At the cow - ……….(calves)

At the goat - ……… … (kids)

Sheep - ………… (lambs)

The horse has ... ... ... (foals)

In a pig - ……… (pigs)

D / game “Guess what kind of animal it is”

Selection of a noun suitable in meaning to a number of verbs.

Guards, gnaws, barks. Who is this?

Meows, caresses, scratches.

Grunts, digs the ground.

Neighing, running, jumping.

Bleating, butting.

Mooing, chewing, walking, giving milk.

D / game “Call it affectionately”

And now let's show the pets how affectionate we are and call all the animals affectionately.

Pets are very nice. Well done boys!

III. Summary of the lesson

“So guys, horse, cat, cow, goat, rabbit, dog, pig, sheep. Who is this?"

Children: “These animals are pets. And for a person they are very important!”

"Right! Pets live next to people. People take care of them.

Lesson completed.

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