The simplest drawings are only from geometric shapes. Drawing geometric shapes


On the planet geometric shapes.


(preparatory group for school)

Purpose: To expand the concept of space. Strengthen knowledge of geometric shapes. Develop memory, attention, imagination, Creative skills.

Preliminary work: Conducting interviews, didactic games. Selection of audio recordings of music and sounds. Making souvenirs. Coming up with mottos and greetings for teams.

(To the sound of cheerful music, teams enter the hall. The host introduces the jury members and team captains.)

Star Team Captain

We are magical stars

And I, and he, and you.

And the radiant sun

We will give you flowers.

Our motto:

Children (in chorus) One for all, and all for one.

(Give flowers to the opposing team)

Team Sunshine Captain

We are like rays of the sun

Fast, beautiful, hot.

And we give you souvenirs

Cheerful star friends.

Our motto:

Children (in chorus) Always shine, never go out.

Leading. This is where we meet the teams. Today these nice guys will go to distant unexplored planets. Before the flight, astronauts must pass tests. Is everyone ready? (All!)

First task. Teams must build spaceships in which they will travel.

The facilitator shows the diagram for one minute spaceship, then the children, using soft modules, build ships for five minutes. The jury evaluates the compliance of the buildings with the schematic representation.

Leading. Before the flight, it is necessary to check the knowledge of the astronauts. Astronauts must navigate the map to bring the spacecraft to its destination. starry sky.

Second task. Find and display the constellation Ursa Major and Pisces.

(Team members find constellations on the sky map.)

Leading. Captains competition. You must take "photos" of space objects: the planet Saturn and comets.

The captain of the "Star" team draws a comet with a felt-tip pen, the captain of the "Sun" team - Saturn.

Leading. We made sure that the teams are ready to go to distant planets. All participants know how to build a spaceship, read star charts, and can recognize constellations and space objects. It's time to hit the road. And to make the flight more fun, sing a song about friendship.

To the song “Strong Friendship” (music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky), children take their places in the ships they built. The light goes out. For a few seconds, an audio recording of the roar of engines plays.

Leading. To the right of the course is an unknown planet. Prepare for landing.

The audio recording of the roar of engines sounds again. The teacher attaches posters to the tires depicting trees, houses, Vehicle made up of geometric shapes. The light is on. Children get out of the ships.

Leading. Here we are on the surface of the planet. Notice how unusual this is.

An alien comes out from behind the screen (the role is played by an adult).

Alien. Hello! Who are you and how did you get to our planet?

Children. Hello! We are earthlings kindergarten"Flower-seven-flower".

Leading. What is the name of your planet?

Alien. Planet of geometric shapes. I am very glad that you have arrived.

Leading. On our planet, trees, cars and houses are not at all like yours.

Alien. It's hard for me to imagine that trees and houses could look different. It would be interesting to look at them.

Leading. Now the girls will draw houses and trees, and the boys will draw different kinds transport, and we will give these paintings to the inhabitants of your planet.

(Children do tasks)

Alien. thanks for wonderful drawings. Our scientists will carefully study these images. Are Earth scientists familiar with geometric shapes?

Leading. Not only scientists, but also children know geometric shapes and their names.

Alien. Now let's check.

(Points to posters with images of objects made up of geometric shapes.) Remember the images of objects and what shapes they consist of.

(Children look at the posters for one minute, then the posters are removed.)

Find on the tables the geometric shapes that made up the objects on the posters, and make the same images out of them.

(Children do the task)

Leading. Please note that there are no road signs on the Planet of Geometric Shapes.

Alien. What is road signs?

(The host shows pictures of traffic lights and road signs.)

How interesting! Some signs could be used to organize traffic on the roads of our planet. Help me choose signs that show geometric shapes.

(Team members alternately choose such signs, talk about what they mean.)

Leading. Our children not only know a lot, but they can sing and dance. Children sing the song “Together it's fun to walk” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky.) Then a dance is performed (at the choice of the music director).

You might think that mathematical calculations do not matter for art. But it's not. The reflection of the world around us, to a greater or lesser extent, is fine art, associated with the reproduction of geometric shapes and their proportions.

Sometimes these proportions are deliberately violated, created optical illusions. A master in this field can be called Maurits Escher. Dutch artist the middle of the 20th century, in the space of whose drawings everything is possible. One form flows into another, perspective does not converge at one point, objects have neither beginning nor end. This inconsistency with the laws of nature and logic captivates viewers who are trying to find a clue to the artist's graphic paintings.

avant-garde world

Representing art in a new way, using its possibilities in a way that was not done before, the avant-garde painters (fr. avant-garde- going ahead) tried to decompose object world to its constituent elements. They represented feeling through figurative and color associations. From this it turned out that the geometric figures in the paintings of painters often expressed both form and content.

An example would be creativity Wassily Vasilyevich Kandinsky. The Russian painter, a representative of the avant-garde of the first half of the 20th century, makes abstraction an end in itself in his paintings. Theoretically, Kandinsky's ideas are substantiated by the creation next to " the real world» the world of abstractions, outwardly as if it had nothing to do with reality. This new system subject to its own laws.

In his painting important role feeling plays, the artist's paintings are very musical, although they do not have sounds. The basis of his paintings is an emotional outburst, the figures are subject to this movement, they follow the emotion. Kandinsky wrote that the circle that so often becomes in a central way his painting in the 1920s. can be called "romantic". This romance is deep and contradictory, like a fire burning in ice.

The geometry of the creator of the "Black Square"

Suprematism("superiority") - an avant-garde direction, the invention of which belongs to Kazimir Malevich. His education dates back to the time of the creation of " black square"(1915). The artist imagined that in his work he came to the basis of art and stepped beyond it, stepped into that plane where there is no form, there is nothing. The geometric form in the paintings of the author of this period is given by itself, without any contexts and specific meanings.

« White on white» 1918, where a white square figure is depicted on a white canvas - a departure into even greater pointlessness. Malevich sought in these paintings to nullify all previous art. A decade later, the style of K. Malevich is undergoing changes. The artist moves to the direction later called "Russian Neo-Suprematism". Here, colors and shapes express certain thoughts, describe specific events.

« Athletes» 1932 - the picture is perfectly symmetrical. In the foreground are the impersonal figures of athletes, built mainly of vertical lines, which in the background are replaced by horizontal ones that contrast with them. Colors intersect with each other on both planes.

If you want to know what applications of geometric shapes are and want to teach kids this art form, then this article is for you.

The applications that children make are sometimes very simple and naive, but they help children develop their skills in cutting, drawing and imagining. And also, children are madly in love with sticking colored shapes on the background.

First, the children glue the figures that the adults cut out onto the background. But time does not stand still - children grow up. And over time, children learn to cut, paste and create themselves. And then the child should be taught the most interesting types of applications.

Making geometric applications, the child develops an eye and spatial thinking, learns to combine colors and gets acquainted with geometric shapes.

The simplest application of geometric shapes can be considered the drawing up of patterns on a long strip of paper. Then you can move on to design. various items, transport, animals, plants. Thanks to this, the child develops creative abilities.

For 1st grade students

Children are already more or less proficient with scissors when they enter 1st grade. Templates in this case will become indispensable helpers. With the help of them, children will be able to cut out the necessary details from paper, and it will be easier for them to create and learn how to make applications. Here are some simple geometric appliqué templates:

Here are some examples of work for children in grade 1 and their schemes:

Application "House in the village":

It seems to be nothing complicated, no complicated details. Everything is simple. House, sun, tree, but there is something unusual in this picture. In addition, the child will make this picture even more unique, because it will be the embodiment of his imagination and thinking.

Application "Cat with a kitten":

To make the application of this kitty with a kitten, the child will need to cut out a variety of different figures and create a complete image of them to your liking.

Application "Merry caterpillar":

A cheerful caterpillar will amuse your kids. It is interesting not only to consider, but also to do. After all, these circles and other details can be arranged in different ways. And each child will get their own unique funny caterpillar.

To make the above applications of the house, cat and caterpillar, you can simply print out the diagrams, then the children can cut out the figures and stick them on paper. But it's too easy. So you can make templates with your own hands. And then the children will cut out parts from different colors on them and stick them.

For children 3-5 years old

There are also apps for kids. preschool age. They are quite simple. In the course of work, children will learn a lot. And most importantly, they will get acquainted with geometric shapes and where they can be applied.

Having printed templates, you need to make an application in the following sequence:

  1. Cut out templates from paper;
  2. Glue the parts to their respective places.

Here are some other similar works.

These applications are quite simple to make, so they are suitable for children. younger age, so to speak, beginners in applications. You can choose from a wide range of designs and print the one that suits your child best.

A smaller part of the image will serve as templates, with which you will need to cut out details of different colors, stick them on most, which will serve as a background for the application.

The application is performed in the following order:

  1. Cut out the templates that are on the side of the page. Get templates;
  2. Next, you need to cut out paper according to the prepared templates desired colors parts and stick them in their respective places.

For 4th grade kids

In the course of making applications from geometric shapes for children who go to grade 4, the guys will learn to clearly mark the details according to the template, to assemble individual geometric shapes into a full-fledged image.

First, the children should be shown what the work will be like when it is completed. Children will need: colored paper, cardboard, glue, ruler, pencil, scissors and brush.

To begin with, children need to prepare workplace and prepare everything you need to make an application.

See if everything is ready for the lesson? We need: colored paper, cardboard, glue; ruler, pencil, scissors, eraser, brush; jar for glue, napkin, oilcloth.

In this order, you need to act to make the application:

  1. Preparing the base
  2. We translate and cut out the details according to the template;
  3. We create an application.

Let's get started with the application of the geometric shapes "Cat and Mouse":

These are the details needed for mice and cheese. Templates for them are easy to make. Cut out too. But it is very interesting to compose such beauty from simple geometric shapes.

Next, we move on to the cat. These are the details needed to make a cat. As you can see, among the materials there is a felt-tip pen, with which children can realize their imagination and draw a unique muzzle for a cat.

Our wonderful work is ready.

There are many more applique ideas for kids. For example, such a beautiful boat. It can be done according to the diagram below.

An interesting idea is a garland of geometric shapes. It can be made in the form of a postcard and congratulate someone on the holiday with it.

Very cool idea for children in grade 4 there will be an application of geometric shapes on free theme, that is, by heuristic methods. This is done very simply.

A variety of figures are printed on white paper, in different sizes. Then they are cut out. Then they take dark-colored cardboard and glue all these figures on it so that a certain pattern is obtained. This perfectly develops hand motor skills, since there are a lot of figures for cutting, and imagination, because children need to come up with images themselves. The figures are the same, but the applications are completely different for everyone. This is the point. Below are examples of work:

Video on the topic of the article

With this lesson, our drawing training program begins. This assignment covers the topic drawing simple geometric shapes.

Drawing geometric shapes can be compared with the study of the alphabet for one who masters foreign language. Geometric shapes are the first stage in building an object of any complexity. This is clearly seen in computer simulation, where building a 3D spaceship starts with a simple cube. In a drawing, all depicted objects always consist or are divided into simple geometric shapes. For teaching drawing, this means exactly one thing: having learned how to correctly depict geometric shapes, learn how to draw everything else.

Construction of geometric figures.

You need to start building with an analysis of the model, figuratively speaking, to penetrate deep into the structure to the level of vertices and lines. This means to present a geometric figure as a frame, consisting only of lines and vertices (the intersection of lines), by imaginary removal of planes. An important methodological technique is the depiction of invisible but existing lines. Consolidating this approach from the first lessons will be a useful technique for drawing more complex models.

Further, under the guidance of the teacher, outline the location of lines and vertices on the sheet, with light, sliding movements, without pressing the pencil.
The position of the picture on the sheet should be given special attention for several reasons:

  • Finding the central axis of the sheet will help with further construction as a starting point for vertical lines designs.
  • Definition of the horizon line, for the correct image of the perspective.
  • Consideration of light and shadow modeling, own and falling shadows, so that they fit in the space of the sheet and balance each other.

After drawing the main constructive lines, detailed drawing visible edges of the object, in the case of objects of rotation (ball, cone) these are the outer edges of the form.

Structural part is followed by line modeling. We analyze in detail the rules and techniques for applying strokes to geometric objects.

Professional drawing training can be easily compared to music lessons, where dry rules and precise schemes eventually lead the future composer to creative works. So in drawing, the laws of building forms, the rules of perspective, and the arrangement of shadows help the artist create unique masterpieces.

From what experienced artists can quickly apply complex drawings without spending a lot of time on markup, building? Because at first they firmly memorized the rules and canons, and now they clearly understand the structure of any form. schematic drawing frees the author's attention from the construction and focuses on the composition, idea, image of his creation. There is an opinion that memorized schemes will not allow the artist to fully open up.
It is worth looking at where such creative masters as Picasso and Dali started in order to understand the fallacy of this judgment. But the best test will be training in our studio, where you will see in practice the advantages of the academic approach.

We are waiting for you in our art studio!

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