A simple striptease for a beloved man. Regularity of classes


Every woman at heart is a hunter and seducer. Even a gray office mouse and a modest bank or law office employee sometimes want to throw a formal office suit at the feet of their beloved, let her hair down and dance on the table no worse than Dita Von Teese.

Back to the roots

Striptease is a dance, the performer of which demonstrates the sexual movements of the body, gradually getting naked. Strip dancers have beautiful bodies, in movement they master them to perfection. The harmony and grace of sexuality elevate striptease to the level of erotic art.

The name of the dance "striptease" comes from the English strip, which translates as "undressing, undressing." Professional dances strip look frankly, but intimate, beautiful and natural, vulgar rudeness is completely absent in them. Mastering the art of undressing to music may not involve the process at all.

Strip plastic is dance style with the addition of basic movements that imitate striptease, which is aimed at developing flexibility and emancipating the body. Strip plasticity allows you to demonstrate emotionality and express sexuality in dance, learn to control your body and present it beautifully. Strip plastic classes combine elements of classical and contemporary choreography, stretching, catwalk techniques, Pilates and the basic movements of striptease and modern styles.

Why do we need strip plastic?

Such dances are a rather energy-intensive type of physical activity, which belongs to the category of dance aerobics. They will allow you to correct flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure, change the attitude towards your own body, increase overall self-esteem, increase charm, self-confidence and attractiveness. You can not only train the body, develop coordination of movement and overall muscle tone, but also improve their elasticity and stretching. Not to mention what a wonderful surprise you can arrange for your other half. According to psychologists, a girl who moves beautifully is 70% more attractive than her more constrained friend.


To learn how to move beautifully to the beat of music, you need to know a few basic movements. When you master them, you can combine them in different orders, improvise according to your taste and create completely different moods for your dance. The main thing, as our column expert Natalia Novichkova says, is to feel the music and not be ashamed to look sexy and attractive. Even if a girl has sufficient physical data and is plastic, but at the same time she is clamped and, as it were, afraid of herself, beautiful dance will not work.

Natalia suggested that we master some simple basic strip movements.

plastics that even beginners in dancing can do. Main trick

- so that the movements are smooth and flow from one to another.

1. Wave

Starting position - feet shoulder width apart,

Keep your torso straight, hands on your hips.

Tilt your head to the right, bend your right knee, lower your right hand down.

We tilt the torso to the right, continue to bend the knee more strongly, hold right hand circle from bottom to top.

We straighten the body and lead it to the left side, bending left leg and straightening the right one, at the same time we straighten the head and run the hand along the body back to the hip.

2. Basic movements in the "standing" position

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, one slightly bent, hands on hips, keep the torso straight.

We make a circular motion with the head, without raising the shoulders.

Without lowering your arms, make a circular motion with your hips (you can make a more advanced interpretation of this movement - while the hips are spinning, run your hands over yourself, from the hips to the neck).

Little trick: when we turn the hips in right side, transfer the weight of the body to right leg, on the left side we do the same.

3. Bundle No. 1 (with a chair)

Starting position - sitting sideways to

the "object" of his dance on the edge of the chair, knees together, feet apart, left hand on the back of a chair, right on the right knee, shoulders turned towards the "public", and the head in profile thrown back.

Slowly lower your right knee to the floor, running your hand along your leg and lowering your head down.

We rise sharply, leave the torso in a horizontal position, turn our shoulders away from the audience, legs wide apart.

Using the basic “wave” movement, we raise the torso, bring the right leg in a circular motion to the left, gathering the feet together.

Is it possible to learn how to dance strip plastic at home? Yes! Is it easy? No! But you are not looking for easy ways. There is nothing that a person who has set a goal for himself cannot cope with.

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Of course, if you want to learn how to strip plastic, then start with the video tutorials that are presented at the end of the article, but we also recommend reading useful advice that are suggested in this article.

Start with stretching

You should choose a set of stretching exercises. If, suddenly, you have previously been engaged in yoga, fitness, dancing, then you should start with a more advanced stretching course, which consists of different dynamic elements (tilts, swings, and so on) and static ones (in which you linger in certain positions for a while). ). If this is your first time deciding to do physical activity, you should choose exercises for beginners, which will consist of moderate stretching elements with a subsequent increase in load. Our recommendation: If stretching causes muscle pain, you should consult your doctor.

How often should you stretch? Everyone will unanimously say: “The more often, the better!”. But this is true. Only regularity can guarantee results. It has to do with muscle structure. human body. If you have done one session a week, you will feel a soreness (this normal condition, the muscles stretch and “ache”). Now you wait until the body stops “breaking” and then start training again - believe me, the previous session has been multiplied by 0 - the muscles have returned to their normal position. But you need the opposite, when you stretch your muscles, you need to consolidate the result - on time to hold the next lesson. Thus, we advise you to stretch at least twice a week for an hour every day. But if you want fast results (3 to 6 months), you need to train at least three times a week.

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Work on coordination

After you understand that the first steps have already been taken - you have started stretching - you can continue learning strip plastic at home - add movements that develop coordination. To control the body, you need to do regular raises of arms, legs, tilts, rotations, penetrations - you can learn all these elements from video lessons. Repeat these movements as often as possible, you can perform them not only at a specific time - you can walk around the apartment, from room to room, using the “dance gait”. You can stand up during a working break and do a couple of tilts left and right, a couple of rotations. Be sure to stretch your arms and neck. If you're embarrassed, this could be your first step in overcoming your fear of public speaking! Prove to others and to yourself that you are confident.

The result of coordination classes will be confident control of the body. People learn this all their lives - the more you do, the more difficult the movements you can perform. But the basics: balancing on one foot, lifting the legs, spinning in a straight line or on one point, jumping with a clear landing, transferring weight to the heels, the ability to stand on toes, transferring weight from one foot to another - all these and other simple elements should be the ABC of your self-learning.

Develop plasticity

Naturally, the most striking skill of all strip-dance dancers is excellent plasticity. This should be given 50% of your workouts. Special exercises, which are easy to find on the Internet, will help you take the first steps. Once you have a course of exercise that you compose yourself, and you have made the first progress, you will be ready to come up with your own plastic exercises, and then your own dance elements for your dance.

Listen to music

And the last thing that is quite difficult to learn, but still possible - to listen and hear music. To make the dance organic, musical and graceful, you need to choose the appropriate music, you need to listen to the rhythm, use different movements at certain moments. They will help to beat and complement musical composition, and won't just crash into it and look out of place. It should be understood that dance is not an ordinary set of movements, it is an art to music. Especially in strip-dance, where it's nice for a dancer to be seductive, flowing, graceful, gentle - you have to become musical.

Let's summarize.
You can learn stripdance at home. Video tutorials on strip plastic and various tutorials can help you with this. You need to pay attention to musicality, coordination, plasticity and stretching. You should exercise regularly. You should practice performing in front of an audience. But don't forget that all is well in right place and on time - there is no need to show strip plastic elements where it will be “inappropriate”, as well as in front of those who do not like it or seem “vulgar”!

Video lessons

Today, elements of strip plastics are well-deservedly popular with many girls and dance teachers. Until recently, this technique was associated only with the movements of naked strippers in nightclubs, but now most people are beginning to understand that this direction and striptease are not at all the same thing.

In this article we will tell you what the elements of this dance direction are, and whether it is possible to learn them on your own at home.

Stripplasty: characteristics and types

All elements of strip plastics together represent an unusually beautiful and bewitching erotic action. The girl who performs this dance is an incredibly attractive sex object for the opposite sex.

Despite this, no type of stripplasty does not require mandatory exposure. Dancers drive men crazy only with their plastic, light and sexy movements, and not with open parts of the body.

This modern direction dance art differs from other dances in the following characteristics:

  • looseness;
  • sophisticated sexuality;
  • full emancipation;
  • sensuality;
  • smoothness of movements;
  • strict adherence to a clear rhythm;
  • nice and charming music.

Many may notice that it is precisely in its characteristics that this dance resembles a striptease. This is true, since these two directions have common roots. At the same time, they also have significant differences. Elements of professional stripping cannot be obscene, depraved or too explicit.

In fact, this type of dance is the art of seduction, but the performer of the strip plays not with her body, but with the feelings of the viewer.

Often this dance is chosen even by married young girls. There is absolutely nothing reprehensible in this, because among all dance styles it is stripplasty that helps a woman to liberate herself and diversify her family and sex life. In addition, some elements of strip plastics allow you to tighten your figure, get rid of a couple of extra pounds, strengthen muscles and improve posture.

Today there are several types of strip plastics, among them each girl will definitely choose the one that she likes, for example:

  • classic striplasty;
  • strip latina;
  • strip-R
  • strip cardio.

As is clear from the names of the second and third types, they are a mixture of strip and other dance styles. Cardio striplasty, in turn, is a combination of aerobics, choreography and light exercise.

Moreover, this includes both dynamic elements, for example, swinging legs, tilts, squats, and so on, as well as slow and smooth erotic movements. It is this type of dance that, more than other areas of strip plastic surgery, is suitable for those women who want to lose some weight and improve their health.

How to learn to dance the elements of strip plastics at home?

Learning how to dance various elements of any kind of strip plastic is not at all difficult, and this can be done without much difficulty at home. To do this, you need to choose a suitable video tutorial, many of which can be easily found on the Internet, and try to follow all the instructions in it.

Before you start exercising directly, you need to stretch. Otherwise, your unprepared body will make itself felt the next day with a mass of painful and uncomfortable sensations.

You should start with the most simple elements for stretching muscles, such as tilts, turns and swings, gradually increasing the load and intensity. During the execution of various movements, you need to remain in the same position for a while, that is, the change of elements should not occur abruptly. It is necessary to conduct stretching classes 2-3 times a week, while the duration of the exercises should be at least an hour.

After a while, when you realize that your muscles have adapted enough to exhausting stretching exercises, you should add movements that develop coordination in space. These are raising arms and legs, rotating limbs in different sides, all kinds of turns, balancing on one leg, jumping, transferring body weight to the heels, the ability to stand on heels and toes, and so on. Also at this stage, you can begin to work out the well-known "dance" gait.

Most dynamic physical exercises, among other things, develop the plasticity of the body. It is worth noting that a flexible and plastic body is half the success in mastering various elements of strip plastics.

Finally, already last step, when your muscles get used to regular exercises, your body will become dexterous, flexible and skillful, and you yourself will be able to liberate yourself so much that you are not afraid to demonstrate your skills in front of other people, you can turn on the music.

Stretching and all previous gymnastic exercises should be performed in complete silence so as not to be distracted, but to fully concentrate on what exactly you are doing.

For some reason, men just love to stare at striptease. They flock to establishments that offer them such a spectacle. And try to arrange your beloved special kind services. Striptease at home in your performance.

This will greatly update your relationship, add some zest and breathe new life in love and its intimate side. What should be prepared for a striptease? First, prepare yourself. There is an opinion that men are excited by the smell of vanilla and chocolate. Although the very sight of a lover undressing should instantly tense a man, nevertheless, it is worth preparing additionally. Therefore, get a shower gel or cream with similar smells.

How to prepare

Take care of the tenderness of the skin, pre-smearing it with an emollient or massage oil. You can stick rhinestones, tattoos, stickers in the most intimate places and not only. If you want, then do it in a beauty salon.

There is no need for a husband to invent special hairstyles on his head for a striptease. A tail will also work, which will then be effectively turned into loose hair while moving in a dance.

Pick up romantic music for striptease. If you like rock, jazz, then try to undress to these rhythms. You can rehearse a little, but during a striptease in front of your loved one, move as your instinct tells you, do not be shy, listen to the music and your desires.

What to dance a striptease for a husband?

You can wear anything for a striptease. Shoot it anyway. But try to pick up the most sexy things. It is not necessary to purchase uniforms in a store specializing in striptease clothes. You can choose a suitable bra, thongs yourself, sheathe them with sparkles or beads, if you can. If there is no possibility or desire, then underwear without trinkets will do. Here, focus on the color preferences of a man: if blue, red, white or black colors excite him, then choose clothes of similar tones. And if you do not know, then look at your taste.

Do not worry if the figure is not intended for striptease. There is nothing embarrassing about this. A girl of any shape and complexion can excite with her erotic dance. After all, if he lives, meets, sleeps with you, then it is you and your figure that attracts him.

Do not forget to prepare outerwear, which you will throw off after a few minutes of smooth movements around the room and find yourself in a negligee. It can be a bathrobe, and a light dress, and a large scarf, and a jacket with a skirt. The main thing is that nothing prevents you from erotically and at the same time quickly throw off these clothes.

Practice this, and also try to take off your bra and panties in front of a mirror, make sure you get it pretty enough. If some incident occurs during the performance of a striptease in front of a man, it does not matter. Do not focus on this, perhaps the partner will not notice. Or you can laugh together, because positive emotions only contribute to rapprochement.

If this is the first time you perform such undressing to music, then you can drink a little wine before this with your beloved for courage. And then start dancing. Do not be shy and do not be afraid. You will succeed. No need to strive for any standards. This is your striptease and you perform it the way you like best.

How to dance striptease at home

Think over for yourself an approximate scenario of striptease actions and do not be upset if you suddenly fail to follow it. You can first sit with a man over a glass of wine, then come up and put on a prepared disc with music, starting to move to the beat.

Then go to the middle of the room. Dance a striptease alone or use the back of the bed, the end of the door. You can hold on to the doorknob and gently lean back as you dance. In this case, the door will insure you from falling.

You can take a toy, a scarf, dance smoothly with them. Trust your imagination here. Then smoothly proceed to undressing - take off the top things. And while you're in your underwear, keep dancing.

You can approach your beloved, cuddle up to him, rub yourself. Move around the room and watch your partner's reaction. Choose a moment and start to take off gradually the rest of the clothes. First the bra, then the panties.

I think that your dance will be very different also in that in striptease bars it is without continuation, and yours entails joint sexual entertainment in the bedroom and is an excellent prelude.

Think everything over in advance. After all preliminary training appoint a date for your beloved and warn him to seize more money. After all, despite the fact that the striptease takes place at home, performed by a beloved girl, but no one canceled the obligation to put bills in panties.

Home striptease lessons video

Dirty Dancing
Let's assume that you know what tricks a girl uses to turn you on, but don't rush to explain it to her. Let's describe seven very simple movements strip dance. So just sit down, relax and let the girl do everything herself. It is also recommended to buy shoes for striptease, to heighten the effect).

seductive moves
Do you want to turn on your boyfriend? It's not the same as what you do with him in bed. Of course, good sex makes you a star in his eyes, but if you know how to tease him, then it will make you a legend. Don't believe? In the book "Little Secrets of Dancing Seduction for Your Lover", exotic dancer Rebecca Drury (Rebecca Drury) described the seven basic (and very erotic) movements of strip dance Lap Dance (strip dance "with a chair"), which always work on any man. . You can thank us later.

1- Circular movements
Stand 60 cm away from your partner with your feet apart a little more than shoulder width apart. Begin to make circular movements with your shoulders, while the back should be flat or tilted slightly back. Now slowly bend your knees and begin to make circular movements with them, lowering yourself, then rise. Repeat these hip undulations and dance erotically. It is very important to keep your back straight, or slightly back, because if you lean forward, you risk looking like a sumo wrestler.

2- Turn
During strip dancing, you have to show all your advantages, so sometimes you need to make turns. For greater effect, turn slowly, your friend should notice everything. If you are just practicing, then try to determine which direction you turn more naturally. And don't worry too much about how you do it; slowly and surely you will achieve the desired effect. Rotate your hips and be mindful of the movement of your arms. As far as possible, try not to lose sight of your partner when turning.

3- Spanking and stroking
Turn your back on your partner, and on straight legs bend forward a little, turn your head, look at him coquettishly, and lightly slap yourself on the backside. I guarantee it will make him smile. Another option: still, with your back to him, gently move your hand over your ankles, gradually spreading your legs. Slowly bend down so that your buttocks are at the level of his eyes. Bend one leg and straighten the other leg. Run your hand along the straightened leg from the bottom up, lift your head over the corresponding shoulder and look at it. Slap your buttocks a little harder. Repeat on the other side.

4- Lap dance
Dancing gracefully in front of your partner, stand with your back to him and bring your legs together. Make sure that you are as close to the chair (chair) as possible. Now bend your legs, keeping your back straight, and gently place your hands on his knees. Lower your buttocks to his legs until you feel the touch of trousers on your skin. Then, using your knees as a support, begin to circle your hips or move back and forth. If you can, look over your shoulder at your partner. This is quite difficult to do. Be especially careful when your buttocks are near his groin. If you hurt him, he will never let you dance for him again.

5- Touching the chest
Each girl has her own personal fragrance that collects in the hollow between her breasts, regardless of the size of her breasts or the perfume used. It is a powerful aphrodisiac. Move closer to the space between his knees. Standing in front of him on straight legs, slowly bend over and place your hands on the chair behind him. Holding firmly on the back of the chair, move your chest towards his face. His nose should be just in the hollow. To enhance the effect, try rocking from side to side to touch the bra at the end of his nose. Try to move seductively all the time.

6- Knee slaps
Facing your partner, stand near him as close as the chair allows. Put your feet between his legs. Lightly press your knee into his groin. Lean in and gently blow into his ear or face. You can even exchange a sip of wine or champagne or let him lick the wine or champagne off your chest. Alternatively, do the following: Stand in front of your partner, then squeeze one of his knees with your knees and gently slide back and forth over his thigh. Impressions are amazing. Someday ask him to do the same for you.

7- Stroking the body
Standing between your partner's legs, lean forward and place your hands on the back of the chair behind him. Place one knee on his legs and lift your body. After that, kneel down in front of him, sliding all the time over his body. To get up, use his knees and do it nice and sexy - first lift your buttocks, then swipe your hair around his face and lift your upper body.

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