Riders of Russian stars. Celebrity riders: how demanding are Russian stars


10.10.2018 |

Rider is a list of conditions that artists impose on the organizers of concerts. If any item of the list is ignored, the performer has the right to refuse to perform. Often these requirements are quite unusual.

Information about the riders is taken from open sources.

Alla Pugacheva - suite without negativity

The rider of Alla Pugacheva is kept secret. However, one thing is known for sure - the singer is fond of esotericism and claims to have clairvoyant abilities. Therefore, it is important for Pugacheva that the room where she stays has good energy. She watches the astrological forecast before going on tour.

Alla Pugacheva

In addition, the singer eats according to the lunar calendar. The organizers of the tour make up the menu, based on when Alla arrived.

Sergey Shnurov - mini-bar with elite alcohol

Rumor has it that the leader of the Leningrad group has only alcohol in his rider. According to the PR manager of the star, Sergey does not drink alcohol. But there are many expensive products on the list: mineral water, different types cheese, cold cuts, fruits, red caviar.

Sergei Shnurov

For musicians, large daily allowances are required. The rocker himself claims that he does not need anything other than water, coffee and an ashtray.

Zemfira - fruits and mineral water

According to the singer Zemfira, she has no special points in the rider. The girl asks for fresh water in the dressing room, a lot of fruit, and her favorite guitar on the plane “flyed” on a separate seat. In 2013, the organizers of the concert of the performer published a list of her requirements.


Zemfira asked for a five-star suite, an executive class Mercedes, at least 5 security guards. There should have been 10 clean towels in the dressing room. Raw eggs were on the menu. Apparently, the singer needs them in order to support her voice.

Philip Kirkorov - presidential suite and personal chef

Phillip Kirkorov has perhaps the most expensive rider. At King's Airport Russian stage two limousines meet, and the traffic police provides escort. The singer lives in a two-room suite. Dancers and musicians are provided with separate rooms. Kirkorov brings a lot of concert costumes and asks for a separate room for their storage.

Philip Kirkorov

Philip has a personal chef. The organizers must arrange for him to be allowed into the kitchen of the hotel where the singer lives. Special attention is paid to the advertising campaign. In addition to placing standard banners and posters, Kirkorov demands that films about him be shown on local television. If the performance takes place in another country, then he appears on talk shows dedicated to his activities.

Disco Crash - chicken and rubber dolls

An unusual rider for the pop group "Disco Crash". It contains a live chicken and rubber dolls. The guys need such a “props” to perform the songs “Eggs” and “Feet”. The group also uses pyrotechnics. Therefore, the organizers must prepare the stage, ensuring fire safety.

Diskoteka Avaria

Local DJs perform for 40 minutes as a warm-up at the Disco Crash. If the artists arrive concert venue in the bus, then it should have a toilet, a bar, a TV, air conditioning, a stove, a stereo system. The band members prefer to live in private hotels. Photos of the rooms are provided for approval by the managers of the team in advance.

Lolita Milyavskaya - "Oka" with a flasher

At first, Lolita Milyavskaya's requirements were simple: a suite, a limousine and bodyguards. However, later appeared in the rider strange item: at the gangway of the plane, the singer should be met by "Oka". When the organizers call to clarify this point, Lolita replies that this is a joke.

Singer Lolita

It turned out that this is how Milyavskaya checks whether customers read the list of requirements at all. In addition, the artist asks that Viennese chairs and a water gun be provided for her performance.

Alexander Rybak - bodyguard brigade

Alexander Rybak requires a suite with dark curtains for himself and eight regular rooms for the team. Next to the dressing room should be a bathroom. In the list of drinks and food - expensive beer, white wine, lemonade, diet cola, chocolate, fruit. The menu should not include pizza, hamburgers and other fast food.

Alexander Rybak

An important point for the rider is scented candles in the room. Particular attention is paid to security. Guards accompany not only Alexander, but also all dancers and musicians. Concert equipment and instruments must also be protected.

Alexander Malinin - duck for lunch

Alexander Malinin has a duck in his rider. The dish must be made from fresh meat. Administrator Malinina says that sometimes it is not easy to fulfill this requirement.

Alexander Malinin

For example, during a tour in Novosibirsk, he had to travel all over the city in search of a fresh duck. It was prepared in the restaurant of the Hilton Hotel, where Alexander was accommodated. However, after dinner, the singer's wife was not satisfied - in her opinion, the meat was frozen.

Svetlana Loboda - a new kettle

Svetlana Loboda asks that the windows of her hotel room face the quiet side and be covered with thick cloth. In the list of foods and drinks, in addition to fruits and cold cuts, two types of cognac and Italian wines not older than 2007 are required. Daily allowance not less than 200 euros.

During the performance, the temperature on the stage cannot exceed 18 degrees. However, the most unusual requirement in the Loboda rider is the presence of a clean kettle, which no one used before the singer. The organizers must provide a receipt confirming that the kettle has just been purchased.

Rapper Pharaoh - lollipop in the room

Little is known about Pharaoh's rider. However, according to the organizers of the combined concerts at which the rapper performs, he does not have too serious requests.

Rap artist Pharaoh

The most unusual requirement of the performer is the presence of a lollipop in the dressing room. This is not a joke, if the customers neglect this requirement, then the Pharaoh will turn around and leave.

Nargiz Zakirova - white towels

Nargiz Zakirova asks to always have 6 white towels in her room. Moreover, their size is strictly - a meter and a half. The singer's promoter explains that Nargiz has a special ritual.

Nargiz Zakirova

Before each concert, she wraps herself in towels and walks around the room in this form. This helps the singer to tune in to the performance.

Valeria - sober guards

Singer Valeria says that she has no special requirements, the only thing she needs is comfort. The artist moves only in new, comfortable cars. Valeria lives in a suite, and her husband lives in a separate room. She explains that before the concert she likes to be in peace and quiet. Joseph works a lot, constantly talking on the phone.

The list of products includes buckwheat, light salads, water, juice. Valeria cannot stand the smell of alcohol, so there is no alcohol in the rider. For the same reason, the singer asks to pay attention to the fact that the guards are sober and have a neat appearance.

Singer Nikita - number for the dog

Singer Nikita has a favorite chow-chow dog named Seva. He takes the dog on tour and demands that comfortable conditions be provided for Seva. The dog lives in a separate room, drives a car, eats only young meat. In addition, Seva has a specially invited groomer doing her hair.

Singer Nikita

Nikita himself has no special requests. The room where the singer lives during the tour should be in pastel colors.

Stas Mikhailov - a separate car

Stas Mikhailov carefully monitors his figure, goes in for sports, so he asks that the hotel have a fitness room with a treadmill. The artist demands silence. At the time of his arrival, the hotel should not be under renovation.

Stas Mikhailov

Mikhailov arrives in the city by train. His musicians and ballet are located in a separate carriage, while the singer himself prefers a separate compartment. At the station, Stas meets only a German car, preferably an Audi.

Stas Kostyushkin is a non-smoking Mercedes driver

Stas Kostyushkin is met at the airport by a Mercedes with a non-smoking driver. Pineapples, oranges, bananas are waiting in the dressing room.

Stas Kostyushkin

Kostyushkin also loves berries: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries. The organizers must also provide the singer with iced tea of ​​a strictly defined brand.

Any musician has his own list of requirements for customers to perform. However, if some rider's points are very simple, they mean only comfort and convenience for the star, then others can rightly be called strange. Organizers sometimes have to go out of their way to please Russian celebrities.

Rider is a list of conditions and requirements of the artist to the organizer of the concert. In general, there are two types of riders - household and technical. The first contains requirements of a domestic nature, for example, transport, hotel, food, the state of dressing rooms, etc. And the second includes technical support concert.

Note that the full implementation of all points of the rider by the organizer is necessary condition to ensure the performance of the artist. Otherwise, the artist has full right refuse to go on stage without returning the fee and indemnifying the organizer.

Many have probably heard that each performer has his own rider. With the technical rider of the musicians, everything is clear - a list of brands of microphones, monitors, "amps" and other equipment necessary for the performance. But the household rider is the biggest headache organizers of any concert. In compiling this document, the stars are as smart as they can be. I decided to dig into celebrity riders and found some pretty interesting points in them.

1. Axel Rose, of course, an eccentric, but his latest demands surprised even the most persistent. He wants a square melon. In all of my performances.

2. Classic example - band members Van Halen demanded that browns be sifted out of packs of M&M's. The case, which became the talk of the town, was actually intended to increase the attention of the bosses who read the riders.

3. Prince, for example, insists that there should always be a doctor next to him, ready with a dose of vitamin B12. He also cannot stand plates covered with cling film.

4. Maybe in Everyday life participants red hot chili peppers and do not need fresh underwear, but there is an item in the rider with such a requirement.

5. To perform in Ireland at "Tennet's Vital Festival" Eminem required the construction of a wooden pond for carp.

6. Optimistic Beastie Boys wanted to have multi-colored condoms at their disposal. To inflate them and pull them over your head.

7. James Blunt wants to be his own guy so much that he orders 120 bottles of beer, 12 bottles of cider, 4 bottles of vodka, 3 bottles of white and 2 bottles of champagne every time.

8. Coffee J Lo Stir only in a counterclockwise direction.

9. Scottish post-rockers Mogwai postmodern sense of humor. Confirmation: There should always be a photo of Princess Leia in the dressing room from " star wars" in frame.

10. Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails can't do without two boxes of cornstarch. After all, he needs to somehow pull off sweaty leather trousers after the concert.

11. Kings of spandex Motley Crue usually include in their rider everything that comes into their head. One day they needed a gun, then a detailed schedule of AA meetings in Los Angeles, and a 12-foot python as the icing on the cake.

12. Cher requires a separate room for all his wigs. Sounds like a fire hazard, to be honest.

13. Prince of Darkness Marilyn Manson, like a true prince of cold, sets the air conditioner to the lowest temperatures. In addition to air conditioners, a bald, toothless prostitute and Haribo gummy bears appear in the rider.

14. Nicki Minaj need a lot of chicken. Buckets of breasts and legs in the studio.

15. Like a true squire, sir Mick Jagger includes a shepherd's pie, a bottle of HP, and a pool table on his wish list.

16. Rider Britney Spears usually incredibly long. One item is especially catchy: 4 pints of tomato salad.

17. Rider The Stooges– a real work of art compared to their albums. For example, they need 7 gnomes, whose size is not as important as their presence, and broccoli to throw into the bucket.

18. The manners of a real diva: in the dressing room Mariah Carey should be kittens, puppies and rabbits. God knows what they do with them afterwards. Also, the toilet paper in all the toilets in the area should be replaced with pink, her favorite brand. The royal ass should also be comfortable.

19. P. Diddy. What does a person who has everything need? Monogram handkerchiefs.

20. Sir Elton John armfuls of flowers are required everywhere (God forbid you put lilies, chrysanthemums or daisies). And 74 more towels. By no means 75.

Paul McCartney rider

1. Iggy Pop

The granddaddy of punk rock, asylum frequenter Iggy Pop, made concert organizers tremble long before he appeared on the set. The rider of his ensemble The Stooges included the item "7 gnomes dressed up like the gnomes from that wonderful Disney movie". The promoters did not immediately realize that they had a playful wish in front of them.

2. Slayer

When the dark overlords of thrash metal demanded in 2011 to prepare “100 snow-white goats”, “halal butcher for slaughtering goats” and “ice bags and cold stores for storing goat meat” for their Fun Fun Fun Fest performance, it was already on the other end of the wire nobody laughed. The rider also had 50,000 live bees, bulletproof umbrellas, a pentagram-shaped sandwich tray, and a ping-pong table. Of all the above, only a table was delivered by the deadline.

3. Mötley Crue

In the 80s, Los Angeles glam decadents Mötley Crüe could afford cosmic whims. In the dressing room, the musicians expected to see a semi-automatic pistol, a 1.5-meter boa constrictor, the schedule of the local Alcoholics Anonymous club, and a bottle of Gray Poupon mustard. Moreover, having taken out the boa constrictor and the barrel, the organizers could not relax: in 1988, vocalist Vince Neil discovered another brand of mustard, became furious and threw the bottle against the wall with all his might, and the fragment that bounced off it damaged his radial artery (this is in the area thumb hands, but not pleasant).

4. DMX

Trushny American rapper always famous for his laconic but brutal rider and was content with two boxes of condoms and a gallon (almost four liters) of Hennessy. In November 2010, this sweet tradition cost him his freedom: after the concert, the rapper ended up in an Arizona state prison. Terms early release DMX was not allowed to touch alcohol, but lashed out three weeks before the end of his probation.

5. Foo Fighters

Household rider Foo Fighters gives pretentiousness. The musicians demand that behind the scenes there are DVDs with films already watched by someone - but without sports terms in the titles (and God forbid that Martin Lawrence played in at least one). Also welcome are magazines “that show us that you have a brain and interesting hobbies» (prohibited Spin, Rolling stone and People). And the food left after the concert must be donated to a shelter, a free canteen or “our roadie (road manager. - approx ..

6 Van Halen

And finally, the original source of all star riders belongs to hard rockers Van Halen. He looked like a big notebook and contained written small print text. Among other things, it talked about M&M's, and all brown candies were to be removed. It turned out that this requirement was not a sign of the moral degradation of the musicians, but of their high professionalism. If the artists saw that there were brown dragees in the bowl, they understood that the technical rider, most likely, was not completed, and now there is every reason to throw a scandal.

In our selection today - a list of quirks and whims of celebrities, which are commonly called riders.

Ridiculous riders of foreign stars

Celine Dion it is necessary that the dressing room was 23 degrees Celsius.

Britney Spears in the dressing room, at her request, held a dedicated telephone line. For a while, her accompaniment ate hundreds of McDonald's cheeseburgers before the concert. At a concert in London, she performed with a portrait of Diana.

Jennifer Lopez must surround white, if its conditions are not met, may not pay the organizers. At all.

Madonna accompanies 200 people including a personal chef, a yoga instructor, 30 bodyguards and a special person who vacuums her outfits. Pale pink lilies or roses should be fragrant in the room white color with a stem 15 centimeters long.

To describe requirements Iggy Pop and his bands The Stooges It took 28 A4 pages. One of the requirements was as follows: “We need 7 dwarfs dressed exactly like those dwarfs from the Walt Disney cartoon about a woman who falls into hibernation for a hundred years after she was bitten by a poisonous gnome, or after she pricked her finger with a sharp an apple...or something like that. Well, taller people will do too. The main thing is attitude. And don't forget the pointed hats.

Vegetarian Paul McCartney you can not offer anything that would be reminiscent of the death of animals: skins, furs and skins, meat.

Marilyn Manson requires his dressing room to have his favorite Haribo bears, popcorn and chips.

Actor and singer David Hesselhoff wants to constantly contemplate his cardboard figure in full height.

Floor and toilet in the toilet in the room Barbra Streisand should be strewn with rose petals.

Nicki Minaj to give a concert without prejudice to your interests, you need a bucket of sharp chicken wings, two heaters, bakery-scented candles, three different gum flavors, and a plate of cheese.

Mandatory attribute in the room Mariah Carey- a bottle of Cristal champagne and a straw in a glass, as well as an assistant - to throw away the used chewing gum and help her up the stairs. From furniture - a sofa in dark colors, "without these annoying patterns." The temperature in the room is 24 degrees Celsius, in the room there are white roses and vanilla-scented candles.

singer Cher she needs a separate room for wigs, of which she has an unrealistically large number.

Group members cold play you need postcards with pictures of local attractions to traditionally send them to your family.

dressing room beyoncé should be the size of a high school gym and baked chicken for dinner.

Rihanna you need a plush sofa and animal print cushions, preferably zebra or tiger stripes, no glitter, and a brand new barefoot carpet.

Rider Katy Perry“fit” on 45 pages. Required: the presence of two cream-colored egg chairs, a refrigerator with a glass door, a vintage French lamp with an ornament, a special person for washing fruits and vegetables. Strictly does not allow communication with staff.

Eminem once demanded from organizers in Ireland a hotel with a pond full of Japanese koi.

Singer M.I.A. wants to see a pair of 20-25-year-old dancers dressed in a burqa in the backup dancer, and “gruyere cheese as old as dinosaurs” in the room.

Rider Lady Gaga weird just because it's Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga's dressing room should be decorated in the style of glam rock (whatever that means), bath accessories should certainly be lavender in color and smell, a mannequin should be in the bathroom with pink hair on the forehead.

Moby 10 pairs of white cotton socks and the same number of snow-white boxers must be provided. He takes unused linen with him.

Of the rockers rider Van Halen: "The room should have a vase of M&M's with all the sweets removed Brown". This is not a stellar whim. In this way, the group checks how the organizers take into account all the little things, since every performance of the group is fraught with risk, and the slightest inaccuracy threatens with disaster.

per requirements Lolita Milyavskaya includes standard conditions: suite in a five-star hotel, bodyguards and a limousine at the gangway. And in order to determine whether the organizers read her rider, Lolita for some time added “Oka” with a flasher to it, but then, however, she clarifies: “Joke, relax!” Lolita's actual performance requires two Viennese chairs and three water cannons.

The main condition in the rider of the singer Nikita– provide a separate room, car and hairdresser for his chow-chow Seva. For himself, Nikita does not ask for anything special, the main thing is that the room be decorated in pastel colors.

In the rider Taisiya Povaliy there is a strange phrase "two-handed driver". There is a perfectly logical explanation for this. It turns out that once on tour she was served by a one-armed driver.

Alla Pugacheva does not require anything supernatural, but if the "energy" in the suite does not suit her, she will cancel the performance.

"Outdid" all Russian stars Philip Kirkorov. He will not perform from a small stage. Requirements for it: 15 meters wide, 10 meters deep and a meter high, and a starry sky in the background. Mandatory meeting in a limousine with 2 escort cars and a Mercedes bus for backup. To a popular singer A traffic police escort is also required.
Of the conditions for living, the presence of a two-room presidential suite is fundamentally important. The first room should have a huge mirror the size of Kirkorov himself, upholstered furniture, a dressing table, a wardrobe for 20 suits, a table with a snow-white tablecloth, a separate bathroom, fresh flowers and a decanter of orange juice. The second room has a wardrobe. The most ridiculous condition in Kirkorov's rider involves “preliminary showing on local TV of Kirkorov's video clips, the film “Philip Kirkorov. One Year in the Life: Love and the Stage" and commercials for his performance.

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In order for a star to agree to go on tour, she needs to create the appropriate conditions. For example, get a live rooster, a gilded toilet bowl or Kabbalistic water.

The rider contains two parts: technical and household. With the first one, everything is more or less clear: here are the requirements that the artist makes to the light, sound equipment, stage, and so on. The second part is more intricate and depends on the level of claims and fantasy of the celebrity. And if in Soviet times most of the stars were quite modest in their wishes (some were content with living in ordinary hotels in provincial cities), but now it is believed that the cooler the rider, the higher the status. Many domestic celebrities even surpassed their Western counterparts.

Oh Madonna!

During Madonna's last world tour, she was accompanied by a team of two hundred people - and everyone had to be adequately accommodated. The star was carrying ballet dancers, thirty bodyguards, a yoga instructor, a personal chef and an acupuncturist. At the request of the singer, all the furniture was taken out of the premises and replaced with her own, and it was necessary to arrange the chairs and sofas in a certain order. Madonna put forward required condition: the dressing room must be equipped with twenty international telephone lines (!). There should also be: three white orchids (stem length six inches), pale pink roses, three candles, Dead Sea salt and water from mountain springs, consecrated according to the rites of the Kabbalah.
However, the organizers of the Jennifer Lopez concert in Moscow suffered no less. Each time the singer demands to repaint the walls of the apartment in the color that best suits her mood. (During a visit to our capital in 2012, it was boiled white.) The room must have flowers, vanilla-scented candles, Venetian lamps, and several full-length mirrors. Among the singer's whims are diamond-encrusted headphones, a white sofa, affectionately called by her Love Seat, and a leather toilet seat. In addition to a team of ninety people, Jennifer brought her family to Moscow - her mother and two children. For kids, a separate room and a playground were equipped. The star turned out to be quite scrupulous in the details: bath towels for children were sewn specially, with their names and embroideries (a crocodile for one and a hippo for the second). Lopez insisted that the coffee in her cup must be stirred counterclockwise. Cuban bread was searched for in all the shops of the capital. But it did not help. Fifteen minutes before the concert, the star refused to go on stage: the Crocus City Hall complex seemed too big for her to walk through. Of course, the singer was provided with a car in which she drove exactly forty seconds.

Mariah Carey can compete with Jennifer, whose rider includes champagne worth one and a half thousand dollars, a restroom with golden taps and handles, two hundred towels and a separate room (!) For her dog. Apparently, Mariah is particularly squeamish. She can take water procedures in a huge bath with mineral water. In addition, in the hotel where the singer intends to stay, all toilets must be replaced with new ones.
Among men, too, there are capricious. So, in the dressing room of Robbie Williams should be a photograph of the Dalai Lama, bonsai and four ashtrays. Robbie often brings his rider to life with funny demands: sometimes he asks to bring a Japanese tree to his room, sometimes a live monkey.
Rapper Jay-Z's fifty-seven-item rider includes silverware and china (the star doesn't eat out of disposable plates, even on the go), freshly squeezed orange juice, and four golf carts. In addition, the musician refuses to go on stage without doping. In the dressing room, the stock of alcohol should be replenished immediately.
Sometimes the whims of the stars make the organizers clutch their heads. So, Sting on tour in Kyiv demanded to urgently paint the walls of his dressing room in pistachio color. Enrique Iglesias wanted a special fight with a juicer to follow him all the time and make fresh carrots. Musicians Rolling Stones wished to place about a dozen billiard tables behind the stage - so that there was something to do during the break. Paris Hilton ordered an aquarium with live lobsters in the room, and Depeche Mode musicians ordered four hundred kilograms of ice. And why do they need so many?! The cold probably helps rockers keep themselves in good shape. Limp Bizkit couldn't do without three vases of M&M's (green sweets in one vase, red candies in the second, and yellow candies in the third). And Iggy Pop asked for broccoli, which he ... happily threw into the trash can. Rocker said that he hated broccoli since childhood and is happy that he can now afford to deal with the product in such a radical way.
Stars are like children. And no matter what the star was amused, if only she did not refuse to perform. Paul McCartney has everything clearly written: "If there is furniture in the dressing rooms, then it should by no means be covered with leather, like the interior of a car." The ex-Beatle is a vegetarian and animal rights activist. Failure to comply with the rider threatens the organizers with at least a fine (starting from one hundred dollars for one point), and at most - the refusal of the star to give a concert. Unlike Sir Paul, the sultry macho Antonio Banderas prefers only leather furniture. Well, in life Shakira will not sit on the sofa if it is filled not with goose down, but with something else. Against the background of his colleagues, Justin Bieber is just a darling! Coca-cola, ginger ale, cotton white socks and Internet access - that's all the singer wants.

Vivat king!

Among our stars there are those who make a rider with a truly royal scope. And in the first place here, of course, is Philip Kirkorov. Residents of the city where the star of the pop scene is going on tour should be notified of this grand event in advance. In an Aeroport

A VIP meeting is organized for Philip Bedrosovich: a limousine is delivered directly to the plane's gangway, two more cars are intended for the personal protection of the singer and service personnel, and a bus brand "Mercedes" - for the team. If the tour takes place in Russia or the CIS countries, then Kirkorov wants to see traffic police cars next to his motorcade as an escort. Naturally, the singer settles only in a suite of a five-star hotel. He brings with him a personal chef, who must immediately be provided with products for the “royal meal”. Namely: French durum cheese, beef sirloin, chicken fillet, mayonnaise, seafood, Korean carrot, black and cheese bread, fish and meat platter, tomatoes, bananas, grapes ... Hot tea, coffee and mineral water should be available from the moment the equipment is unloaded. The star also needs two dressing rooms lined with vases of flowers.
Sofia Rotaru is very fond of in the CIS countries. Therefore, the organizers of her concerts do not skimp on expenses, knowing that they will pay off. A luxury car should meet the star. All the way she is accompanied by traffic police cars. For Sofia Mikhailovna, they book the best mansion in the city, or a suite in a five-star hotel: she prefers to live separately from her team. It is stipulated in the rider Three meals a day. Rotaru monitors health, so the menu necessarily includes homemade cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, fresh vegetables, still water and juices. In the dressing rooms, the star wants to see green jasmine tea bags, ground coffee, uncut fruit on a platter, as well as sandwiches with deli meats and caviar. However, after the concert, Sofia Mikhailovna is not averse to relaxing with the help of Chivas Regal whiskey. In general, the life of artists is nervous. Alcohol and cigarettes help calm many people down. Alexander Peskov insists that his team be allowed to smoke right on the bus. Two bottles of light imported beer are waiting in the room for the parodist, and Hennessy XO cognac is waiting in the dressing room. Almost all celebrities demand that the window in the room be covered with a dark curtain. Valery Leontiev has problems with his eyes, so one of his indispensable conditions is “the feeling of the night at any time of the day.” Just dark curtains are not enough here, the window needs to be covered with a thick black blanket.

Some musicians approach writing a rider with a sense of humor. So, everyone was perplexed by one of the requirements of Lolita. To meet the singer at the airport should not be a limousine, but ... "Oka" with flashing lights. As it turned out, this item was included in the document to check whether the organizers read the rider at all. “When they call me and ask again about Oka, I answer: relax, guys, this is a joke,” Lolita laughs. Otherwise, the singer is rather unpretentious: “The hotel should be good, but the number of stars is not the main thing. In the dressing room it is necessary to put large mirror, chair and table. From drinks - still water, tea, coffee and two liters of milk. I love him so much".

One-handed driver

Of course, all stars care about their own safety. Remembering what happened to John Lennon, Paul McCartney takes special care of it. He is accompanied by six guards. By the time the singer arrives, all roads must be free. Also, the ex-Beatle insists on attending the concert service dog who can find explosives by smell. During the performance, not only video and photography are prohibited, but also laser pointers and lighters. And all letters and gifts are opened by Sir Paul's personal guards in a specially designated area.
At each solo performance of Valeria, the audience is let through metal frames. And the singer herself on the tour must be accompanied by at least two high-class security guards - "sober and neatly dressed."

Boris Moiseev also makes his demands on the guards. She must control all exits, and also ensure that during the concert the audience does not throw foreign objects onto the stage. Dmitri Hvorostovsky will get into the car only if "a clean-shaven and pleasant-smelling man who does not drink, does not smoke, wears a white shirt and tie" is driving.
Singer Taisiya Povaliy insists that the driver must be ... with two hands. Her husband and producer Igor Likhuta explained why such a clause was included: “Once, on some tour, a car served us, and when we got into the salon, I saw that the driver ... had no left hand. I immediately asked to stop the car, protested, but he reassured us - they say that he worked at festivals, he has a lot of experience. We, thank God, then safely got to the place, but since then I have been writing in riders: the driver must be with two hands.
But Alla Pugacheva cares more about energy security. She may even leave the hotel prepared for her if she feels "negative influence". Before the performance, the singer puts on the talisman of her zodiac sign, and on trips she eats according to the recommendations lunar calendar. The organizers specifically calculate lunar days to prepare the menu in accordance with the Diva's diet.


What intricate demands are sometimes put forward by artists! Give the group "Disco Crash" a live rooster! No, the musicians were not going to wring his neck with their own hands. On the contrary, they assured that the feathered creature would remain safe and sound and after the concert would be returned to the organizers. It turns out that the bird was needed to perform the popular song "Eggs". Some time later, this request was removed from the rider, leaving a rather standard list. And the organizers sighed calmly, but then "Disco Crash" decided to add spice to their show again. They asked to provide for the concert ... several pairs of plastic legs from mannequins. This time it was required to illustrate the song "Feet".

Group rider " Inveterate scammers contains a rather intimate demand: fourteen rolls toilet paper without perforation. "I'm not kidding!" - the artists prudently indicate in the document. The fact is that the paper is scattered around the stage in one of the songs.
Oddly enough, shocking Shura turned out to be one of the most unassuming stars. In each paragraph of the rider, the singer politely adds the word "desirable." The only thing he cannot give up is the TV, the screen of which beckons the singer in any free time.

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