Thunderstorm novel. Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights


Nephroptosis is an excessive mobility of the kidney, as a result of which the organ is displaced downward relative to its own anatomical bed. The basis of conservative therapy is therapeutic physical culture (LFK). The positive effect of exercise is achieved with an integrated approach and regular performance. It is necessary to start classes after a thorough examination and a reliable diagnosis by a nephrologist. For each patient, exercises are selected individually, taking into account the condition and stage of the disease.

Tasks and principles of exercise therapy

Nephroptosis refers to progressive diseases, therefore, three clinical stages are distinguished. Each of them manifests itself in different ways, so the tasks of exercise therapy are also different.

Table: exercise therapy tasks depending on the stage of nephroptosis

stagesKidney displacement levelSymptomsTasks of exercise therapy
I stageThe kidney is displaced 0.5–1.5 vertebra down. On inhalation, the lower renal segment is palpated, returning on exhalation behind the lower ribNone. Sometimes there is moderate pain in the lumbar region
  • strengthening the tendon-muscular apparatus of the lower back and abdominals;
  • improvement of local blood circulation;
  • prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • return of the kidney to the anatomical bed (for stage I);
  • prevention of further displacement of the organ, reduction of pain (for stage II)
II stageOmission by 2–2.5 vertebrae. In the vertical position of the body, the kidney mainly extends beyond the ribs, and when a person lies down, it returns to its place on its own, or is painlessly set by hand into the anatomical bedSevere lower back pain that improves when the kidney returns to its place
III stage Offset three vertebrae and below. In some cases, the organ descends into the pelvisConstant pain in the lower back. The work of the kidney is disturbed, which is manifested by dysuria (urinary disorder), increased blood pressure, edema in the morningExercise therapy is prescribed after surgery to eliminate nephroptosis and sets the following tasks for those involved:
  • prevention of postoperative complications;
  • restoration of organ functions;
  • with unilateral nephroptosis - prevention of prolapse of the second kidney

Depending on the stage of nephroptosis, the kidney moves down a certain distance, which is noticeable in relation to nearby anatomical structures.

Physical training of a patient with nephroptosis is based on the following principles:

  • Regularity. Exercise therapy is effective with a comprehensive and systematic approach. Training is carried out 1-2 times a day. If exercise therapy is carried out once a day, its duration is 30-50 minutes. Doing two times, give training up to half an hour.
  • Correct sequence. The lesson consists of three parts- introductory (warm-up), main (intense exercises) and final.
  • The gradual increase in load. The initial complex, regardless of the stage of nephroptosis, consists of 10-12 special elements, each of which is repeated 2-4 times, alternating with relaxation exercises. Gradually, the load is increased by introducing additional exercises and increasing the number of repetitions up to 10-12 times. As the physical endurance of the student increases, the density of training increases by reducing the number of relaxation exercises.

When exercise therapy brings a stable improvement in the condition, which is confirmed by instrumental and clinical studies, it is impossible to refuse classes. Make them a part of your life, because prolonged lack of exercise leads to weakened muscle tone. This is especially true for people over 35–40 years old, in whom age-related changes provoke a decrease in muscle tone and tendon elasticity.

Types and features of exercises for lowering the kidneys

With nephroptosis, special and general developmental physical exercises are used.

With nephroptosis, only certain types of exercise can be used.

Special exercises act directly on the cause - a weakened tendon-muscular apparatus in the region of a lowered kidney. These include:

  • Breathing dynamic exercises - help to strengthen the skeletal muscles, help to normalize metabolic processes in the diseased organ. Breathing of varying intensity and depth is combined with movement.
  • Static - consist in targeted tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body. Fix in different positions, strain certain muscle groups. Don't forget about proper breathing.
  • People who have developed nephroptosis against the background sudden weight loss, the lesson must include static breathing exercises without excessive movements (diaphragmatic and chest breathing).

Diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing is a technique that requires concentration and daily practice. It involves a powerful muscle - the diaphragm, which separates the chest and abdominal cavities. This type of breathing is useful for enriching the blood with oxygen and preventing respiratory diseases.

Lie on your back, close your eyes and do the following:

  • Inhale slowly so that the abdomen rounds as the lungs fill with air.
  • Exhale even more slowly, pull in the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Relax.

When inhaling, the diaphragm contracts; when exhaling, it relaxes.

Chest breathing is divided into clavicular (upper) and costal (lower). The first is for older people. It is carried out due to the movement of the clavicles up and down and uses the lungs by 20%.

During training, develop lower breathing. It involves the active activity of all intercostal muscles. If in the complex therapeutic gymnastics there is chest breathing, we are talking about the lower type. The technique is as follows:

  • Inhale through your mouth and nose at the same time so that your stomach is drawn in as you inhale. The ribs are raised and rounded.
  • Exhale through the nose so that the abdominal muscles gradually relax and the chest drops.
  • Pause for 3-5 seconds before the next breath.

You can control the type of breathing by placing one palm on the stomach, and the second on chest

General strengthening exercises are used to warm up at the beginning of each session and during training. These include:

  • Preparatory elements - simple moves various parts of the body. Used to warm up all muscle groups and prevent injury.
  • Exercises for posture correction - prevention of spinal deformities and osteochondrosis. These diseases exacerbate the course of nephroptosis.
  • Coordination exercises - performed to train the vestibular apparatus.

Do all exercises for nephroptosis in such a way that the body is horizontal or at an angle of no more than 60 degrees relative to the plane.

During classes, it is permissible to use the following sports equipment:

  • rollers;
  • Evminov's inclined board;
  • small ball;
  • fitball;
  • expander tapes.

Rollers of various diameters are placed under the lower back during the lesson. This creates an elevated position for the lower body. This is true during the performance of gymnastics with stage II nephroptosis.

With a roller under the lumbar section of the back, it is convenient to perform exercises for the press

On Evminov's board, the whole body is given an inclined position. Exercises are performed to strengthen the muscles of the press and back.

Classes on the Evminov board provide a quick return of the kidneys to their anatomical plane

Squeeze a small ball with your upper and lower limbs to create a static load.

Classes with a small ball can diversify the exercise therapy complex

Fitball exercises develop coordination and flexibility, allow you to work out the muscles of the press and back. At stage I of nephroptosis, they are successfully used. The possibility of using at stage II is negotiated with the doctor.

Exercises lying on a fitball not only strengthen muscles, but also develop coordination.

Expander tapes are stretched with force by hands or feet. The muscles of the limbs are strengthened, the press is tense.

Using expander tapes, adjust the degree of load by changing the tension of the tape

Preparing for the lesson

With nephroptosis, both physical exercise and preparation for performance are important. Before starting classes, follow these important recommendations:

Charging according to Bubnovsky

Many believe that the technique of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But the professor also compiled sets of exercises that have a positive effect on the internal organs. If they are performed correctly and regularly, at stages I-II of nephroptosis, the kidney may return to its original position.

Sergey Bubnovsky is one of the founders of kinesiotherapy (treatment by movement). He believes that muscle tissue is a structure in the body that is capable of self-healing and full functioning at any age. But for this, the muscles need to be properly contracted and relaxed. Given that the human body is made up of muscle fibers by 40%, their performance affects the vital activity of most internal organs. The latter are continuously affected by the gravity of the Earth, especially while a person is in an upright position. Muscles and ligaments resist, preventing the viscera from sinking. As we age, tendons weaken and lose their elasticity. Splanchnoptosis (omission of internal organs) occurs in people with weak muscles. Therefore, it is important to strengthen muscles with training even in youth. Based on Bubnovsky’s theory, it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself, but as you grow up and age to recover physical form more time is needed.

To practice according to the Bubnovsky method, it is not necessary to visit a specialized clinic for nephroptosis. Simulators will not be needed, since weights are contraindicated.

The purpose of kinesiotherapy for kidney prolapse is to activate the activity of the deep muscles of the body.

Charging according to Bubnovsky with nephroptosis is performed lying on your back. Initially, such special exercises are recommended (from I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body):

  1. Press straight legs with effort to each other, slowly raise them while inhaling so that they are perpendicular to the floor, lower them while exhaling. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. Exercise "Bicycle". Raise your legs, bend them at the knees at a right angle. Simulate pedaling. Breathe rhythmically. Run 1-2 minutes.
  3. Bend your knees and alternately touch your chest with your hips. The number of repetitions is 10–12.
  4. Exercise "Scissors". Raise straight legs above the surface so that they form an angle of 40 ° with the floor, spread them apart, and then swing them, imitating the movement of scissors. Repeat 10-12 times.
  5. With an effort to squeeze the small ball in your knees, linger for 10 seconds, then relax. The number of repetitions is 6–8.
  6. With straight legs squeezed together, tilt left and right. Do 10-12 times.

Photo gallery: performing special exercises for nephroptosis according to the method of Professor Bubnovsky

Exercise 1 - raise, then lower straight legs Exercise 2 - "Bicycle" Exercise 3 - alternately touch the chest with your knees Exercise 4 - "Scissors" Exercise 5 - squeezing the ball with your knees Exercise 6 - tilting the legs to the right and left

As the student develops endurance, increase the number of repetitions of exercises, and also include complicated elements in the complex:

  • Exercise "Plow" is performed from and. n. lying on your back. Raise your straight legs up and take them behind your head. Try to touch your toes with your hands. Breathe rhythmically.
  • Pose "Birch" - stand on the shoulder blades. Raise your straight legs above your head. Place your hands along the body, resting them on the floor. Raise your lower back by simultaneously pushing your legs up. Transfer the center of gravity to the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and create support for the lower back with your hands. Pull your toes up. Try to keep your whole body perpendicular to the floor as long as possible.
  • "Bridge". Place your palms behind your shoulders. Bend your legs at the knees, resting your feet on the floor. Raise the torso, distributing its weight between all the limbs, which must be unbent at the same time. Bend in such a way that the stomach rises as high as possible, and the body forms an arc.

The implementation of such elements involves most of the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Given the complexity of the positions, hold them for 5-15 seconds, increasing this time with each session.

Photo gallery: exercises according to the Bubnovsky method to complicate the training process

Exercise "Plow" in addition to strengthening muscles develops flexibility Exercise "Birch" improves coordination Regular exercise "Bridge" develops the tendon apparatus of the spine

At stage I of nephroptosis, after 2–4 months of training, in the absence of progression of the disease, movements from the knee-elbow and knee-wrist positions are added, for example, bending the back up and down, alternately pushing the legs back with straightening, etc. Such exercises are performed smoothly , no stress.

Back bends up and down from the knee-wrist position are shown at stage I of nephroptosis

Most of the exercises that Dr. Bubnovsky uses in his complexes have been performed by us more than once even in physical education classes at school. Some of them have been known since ancient times, as they are analogues of yogic postures (asanas). For example, the Birch stand is the prototype of the Indian Sarvangasana. "Plow" in the language of yogis is called Halasana. Kinesiotherapist Bubnovsky considers such exercises only from the point of view of physiological influence on muscles and internal organs. A deeper understanding of the principle of the impact of exercises on the body and energy of a person will help acquaintance with yoga asanas, from which the elements of charging familiar to us originated.

Yoga classes

Yoga therapy is effective in I-II stages of nephroptosis, supports the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body. Asanas are selected individually for each student.

At stage III, yoga can be practiced with the permission of the attending physician after the operation to eliminate the pathology.

Include the following asanas in the yoga complex to correct kidney prolapse:

  • Paripurna Navasana or “Completed Boat Pose” is performed to strengthen the lumbo-iliac and abdominal muscles. It is recommended to use with caution in people with pathological lordosis of the lower back (inward deflection of the spine in the lumbar region). The starting position is the Dandasana pose - sitting on the floor, legs straight together, arms along the body, palms resting on the floor with fingers forward, back straight. Tighten your arms, draw in your stomach, move your chest forward. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and hold your breath. Slowly lean back so that the legs and torso form approximately the same angle with the floor. When a point of balance is formed, lock into it and stretch your arms forward to your feet. Resume breathing. Stay in position as long as possible. Slowly return to and. n. The number of repetitions per lesson - 2-3 times.
    Paripurna Navasana is a simple asana, during which almost all the muscles of the trunk and lower extremities are involved.
  • Ardha Pavanamuktasana with hands on the knee - performed for the same purpose as the previous pose. I.p. - lying on your back, one leg is straight, the other is bent at the knee and hip joint. Place both hands on the bent knee, press them on it. Counteract your hands with your knee. Such a static load is performed for 7-10 seconds. Breathing is free. The number of repetitions is 2–3 times. Then change your leg.
    Ardha Pavanamuktasana with hands on the knee is used to target the lumbosacral and abdominal muscles.
  • Ardha Navasana - affects the abdominal muscles, unloading the lower back. The asana is preferred for people with excessive lumbar lordosis. I. p. - Dandasana pose. Fold your fingers into the lock on the back of your head. With an exhalation, tilt the torso, lifting the legs off the floor. Connect your knees and hold in tension, pulling your feet to your face. The fulcrum becomes the sacrum. The legs are at an angle of 30 degrees to the floor, and the head and feet are on the same level. Breathing is rhythmic. Hold the pose for as long as possible. Repeat 2-3 times.
    Ardha Navasana purposefully affects the abdominal muscles, unloading the back, therefore it is indicated for people with lumbar lordosis
  • If nephroptosis is accompanied by a deficiency of adipose perirenal tissue, yogic practices based on breathing techniques and relaxation. Applied asanas - Chandra-Bhedana, Brahmari. When performing Chandra Bhedan, inhale through the left nostril, hold the breath, and then exhale through the right nostril. Do 5-7 cycles. Brahmari (buzzing bee breath) is done with closed mouth and ears. The tip of the tongue lightly touches the soft palate near the back wall of the larynx, the teeth do not close. Take a deep breath with the help of the abdominal muscles, pronouncing the sound "n", and when exhaling, make a long sound "m". Initially, perform 8-10 cycles, increasing the number of those to twenty in one session.
    Chandra Bhedana refers to breathing practices, performed sequentially: inhalation through the left nostril, holding the breath, exhalation through the right nostril

During the performance of asanas, the practitioner feels the work of the involved muscles and independently regulates the tension in them.

All of these poses are suitable for beginner yoga. As the fitness of the body increases and the kidney returns to normal anatomical boundaries, expand the arsenal of asanas. Combine yoga with exercise therapy exercises, massage and other techniques.

Video: asanas for the kidneys

Exercises for bilateral nephroptosis

With the simultaneous omission of the kidneys from both sides, therapeutic exercises are effective in the first stage of the disease. In the second stage, the patient feels severe pain in the region of the kidneys similar to renal colic. Nausea, vomiting, pallor of the skin, cold sticky sweat become a frequent occurrence. Dysfunction of the pyelocaliceal structures of the kidneys is rapidly developing. The outflow of urine is disturbed, which provokes an increase in blood pressure, swelling of the hands and face.

Therapeutic exercises are best done in the morning without getting out of bed. The complex includes 4-8 simple exercises from the supine position. Special elements alternate with respiratory ones. Avoid sudden movements, but perform each action with muscle tension. The duration of the lesson is 15–30 minutes.

An example of a simple complex of therapeutic exercises for bilateral kidney prolapse for beginners:

  1. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs together. Diaphragmatic breathing - 30 seconds.
  2. From the same position - raise the legs closed together so that they form an angle of 45 degrees with the surface. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then lower the limbs. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. Chest breathing - 30 seconds.
  4. Alternately raising straight legs 90 about.
  5. Voluntary breathing - 30 seconds.
  6. Remaining in a prone position, put a roller under your back. Inhale to bend the right leg, exhale - unbend. Then repeat with the left foot. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  7. Diaphragmatic breathing - 30 seconds.
  8. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs together raised at an angle of 90 about relative to the plane. Spread straight legs wide, and then return to and. P.
  9. Chest breathing - 30 seconds.

If the patient is recommended to wear a special corset or bandage, it is removed for the time of charging, and put on at the end. This is due to the fact that during fixation with a corset, adequate work of one's own muscles does not occur, since they do not contract with full amplitude. Exercises performed in the morning in a lying position return the kidneys within the topographic boundaries, after which the corset fixes them in this position for the whole day.

A corset (bandage) is worn so that it firmly fixes the kidney area. If you can't get enough tension on your own, ask for help.

The kidney bandage or corset is put on in the prone position immediately after exercise therapy with the abdomen maximally drawn in on its own or with outside help.

Physical activity in the displacement of the kidney stage II

The second stage of nephroptosis is more difficult than the first. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the exercises from a supine position in such a way that the lower part of the body is raised by 25–30 ° in order to return the lowered kidney to its place. This is possible on the Evminov board or by placing a roller under the lower back in the main part of the lesson. Movements are made smoothly. The emphasis is not on quantity, but on quality. The ratio of general developmental exercises to special ones was initially 1:1, then 1:2.

Table: an approximate complex of exercise therapy for nephroptosis of the second stage

No. p / pInitial positionExecution techniquePaceNumber of repetitionsNote
1. Lying on your back, arms along the body, straight legs togetherHead turns left and rightSlow10–12 The back of the head does not tear off the surface
2. Lying on your back, arms spread apart, straight legs togetherRaise straight arms up, then lower-//-//- 10–12 When raising hands - inhale, when lowering - exhale
3. -//-//- Pull the toes towards you, tilt back-//-//- 10–12
4. -//-//- Spread and bring straight legs, sliding on the surface-//-//- 10–12 When spreading the legs - inhale, when reducing - exhale
5. Lying on your back, arms along the body, legs together, knees bentDiaphragmatic breathing-//-//- 1 minute
Main part
6. Raising the legs to the level of 45 o - lowering-//-//- 4–6
7. -//-//- chest breathing-//-//- 30 seconds
8. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees rest on the floor with your feet, a roller under the lower backRaising the upper body by 30 about-//-//- 4–6 Raise the torso on the inhale, lower on the exhale
9. -//-//- Diaphragmatic breathing-//-//- 30 seconds
10. Lying on your back, arms along the body, straight legs together, a roller under the lower backTwisting the body to the right-left with the rotation of the legs closed together-//-//- 6–8
11. -//-//- Alternately lifting straight legs perpendicular to the floor-//-//- 6–8 Raise your legs on an inhale, lower on an exhale
12. -//-//- Voluntary breathing 30 seconds
13. Lying on your back, arms along the body, straight legs together, raised above the surface, a roller under the lower back"Scissors kicked"Average8–10
14. Lying on your back, hands clenched palm to palm in front of the chest, legs folded foot to footTo provide simultaneous resistance with the feet and palms relative to each other 4-6 times for 5 secondsDon't hold your breath
Final part
15. Lying on your back, one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach, straight legs togetherDiaphragmatic breathingSlow1 minuteInhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth
16. -//-//- chest breathing-//-//- 1 minute-//-//-

Contraindications and restrictions

Given the complexity of the disease, avoid the following exercises:

  • Strength training on simulators and with weights is contraindicated at all stages of the disease.
  • Exercises associated with body concussion (running, jumping, squatting) should not be performed.
  • Do not exercise on a bicycle ergometer, treadmill, orbitrek, simulators that imitate rowing or skiing.
  • Exclude sports and outdoor games.
  • Do not make sharp bends.
  • With additional health problems, the exercise therapy complex is compiled taking into account them. For example, if a patient has arterial hypertension, inflammation of hemorrhoids or varicose veins of the legs, static elements with straining that increase intra-abdominal pressure are excluded. Performing purely dynamic exercises.

Absolute contraindications to physical activity for health:

  • Nephroptosis complicated by hydronephrosis (structural changes in the kidney leading to malfunction of the organ) with impaired urine outflow.
  • Persistently high blood pressure.
  • In women, the period of menstruation.
  • Heat.
  • The threat of internal bleeding (for example, with a stomach ulcer).
  • The presence of large stones in the gallbladder or kidneys.
  • Acute infectious diseases (flu, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • oncological processes.

Video: gymnastics with prolapse of the kidneys

Physical activity is crucial for stage I–II nephroptosis. Classes will certainly bring the expected result if they become part of the patient's lifestyle. Gymnastics complexes can be constantly supplemented with new physical exercises using sports equipment and without it. If exercise makes you feel unwell or worsens your physical condition, contact a specialist in order to correct it as a sports load.

Abnormal mobility of the kidney, when the organ does not stand still and tends to go down, doctors call nephroptosis. With such a serious problem, exercise therapy becomes the main conservative method of treatment. The exercises included in it, used when lowering the kidney, help return the organ to its natural position. Classes begin after a comprehensive examination, taking into account the stage of the disease and physical fitness patient.

A useful component of classes

The kidneys are a paired organ that has a direct connection with the muscular system of the human body, so exercises for nephroptosis are suitable for both the right and left kidneys. The weakening of the muscles adjacent to the kidneys leads to disturbances in their functions and causes prolapse. And . The task of therapeutic exercises for kidney prolapse is to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back, lower back, and create reliable support for these organs.

The breathing exercises included in the complex of physiotherapy exercises contribute to the normalization metabolic processes, prevent inflammation and improve blood circulation in the kidney area. As in conventional physical education, therapeutic exercises begin with a warm-up. The degree of load allowed to the patient is determined by the doctor.

Want to get away from gymnastics real result, control the adequacy of loads. If you haven’t trained your body before, you can’t immediately mindlessly load it. Moreover, any physical overload with nephroptosis is strictly prohibited. Only its dosed distribution can return the organ to the correct location.

Features of the preparatory warm-up

In the complex of exercise therapy for nephroptosis, warm-up exercises are quite simple and are easily mastered by people with different physical training. It is important to note that the preparation exercises are performed while lying on your back. The following exercises look like this:

  1. Lie down on a hard surface. Legs are straight, arms along the body. Then we inhale, and raise both legs up to a vertical position. Slowly lowering the limbs, exhale.
  2. Having brought our hands into the castle, we raise them above ourselves. Having slightly raised our legs, we begin to turn either in one direction or in the other, so that when turning, one leg is on top of the other. We linger in each turn for a few seconds.
  3. Raising your legs by about 5 cm, you should try to keep them in this position for 10 seconds.
  4. We carry out a breathing warm-up, drawing in the stomach while inhaling, and slowly exhaling, we stick it out.

We repeat each exercise 8-10 times.

A warm-up prepares the abdominal muscles for a certain load, and makes it easier to perform the main movements of exercise therapy.

Complete medical complex

The exercise therapy complex in women with nephroptosis involves the performance of special and developmental exercises. For clarity, we have combined the exercises of the main part of exercise therapy into a table:

Special exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscular system in the kidney area. Like warm-ups, they are all performed in the supine position. The angles of elevation of the limbs depend on the stage of the disease: at the 1st stage of descent by 15 degrees, at the 2nd - by 30 degrees. Exercise examples:

  1. Everyone knows the bike. We do not raise our legs high, we turn the “pedals” for 1.5-2 minutes.
  2. We pull the right, then the left leg to the stomach, helping ourselves with our hands. We do 8-10 times.
  3. We keep our feet on the floor, lie on our back, legs bent at the knees, put a ball between our knees and squeeze it for 10 seconds, then relax the compression. Repeat 8-10 times.
  4. Raise your legs up 90 degrees, inhale and slowly spread apart. Returning to the IP, we exhale. We repeat the movements 6-8 times.
  5. We turn over on the right or left side, we swing with the leg that lies on top. We do 8 swings up and down with one foot, then the other.
  6. Final exercise. We get on all fours with emphasis on the knees and palms. We arch the back, the muscles of the lower back are tense. We bend the lower back down, the muscles are relaxed. We linger in each position for 10-15 seconds, do this 10-15 times.

After working out the abdominal and back muscles, we move on to breathing exercises that help strengthen the diaphragm that separates the abdominal and chest cavities. The fact is that most people, especially older people, breathe through their chest. It involves the muscles of the collarbone and lungs. Lower breathing puts a load on all the muscles, thereby affecting the position of the kidney. Lower breathing exercises are performed lying on your back:

  • take a slow deep breath so that both the lungs fill up and the stomach bulges out;
  • we exhale just as slowly, drawing in the top of the abdominal region;
  • relax.

Repeat 8-10 times.

You can check if you can get lower breathing in a simple way: Simply place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach and check which part of your body rises and falls as you breathe. If the stomach protrudes, then you are doing everything right.

Exercises on the side and knee-elbow position

Performing movements lying on different sides allows you to work with both the right and left kidney. When the lower back sags, the organs located in the abdominal region fall into place, and the protrusion of the back gives a load to the abdominal muscles. This complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Lie down on any side. We put our head on the hand pulled up to it. Raise the leg to the highest possible height, hold it at the top for a few seconds, then slowly lower it.
  2. Remaining in the same position, raise both limbs (arm and leg).
  3. We combine physical and respiratory movements. On inhalation, we pull the leg lying above to the stomach, on exhalation we straighten it.

We repeat everything 8-10 times.

By doing exercises in the knee-elbow position, you can work out the muscular system of the press, lower back and back well.


Massage is included in the treatment program for nephroptosis and is carried out before the start of exercise therapy. It is performed by a specialist and is of a classic nature. At the beginning of the procedure, the patient lies on his stomach, the doctor massages the lower back and back with circular stroking movements. Then, moving from below, from the sacrum, up to the cervical vertebrae, it works out the muscles adjacent to the spine. The back massage ends with kneading the muscles of the lumbar region, with a study in the kidney area.

The next step is a massage of the abdomen. Turning over on his back, stretching his arms along the body, the patient slightly bends the legs at the knees. In circular motions, the doctor strokes and kneads the abdominal muscles. Having finished with the abdomen, the specialist moves to the hips, while the patient should straighten his legs. To benefit from massage, you need to go through a course circle of 15-20 procedures 3 times a year. After the massage procedure, you need to lie down a bit calmly.

Useful video - 2 simple exercises for lowering the kidneys and bladder

Yoga asanas for nephroptosis

On I-II stages there is nephroptosis, which perfectly helps to normalize the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The choice of asanas for the treatment of kidneys is individual, and depends on the physical capabilities of the patient. The following asanas are suitable for correcting kidney prolapse:

  1. "Completed Boat Pose". Sitting on the floor, you need to straighten your legs forward, keep your hands along the torso, rest your palms on the floor (fingers look forward). We strain our arms, we retract the stomach, and we slightly protrude the chest. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and hold your breath. At this delay, you need to make a boat: lean back and raise your legs so that they rise above the floor at equal angles. The arms should be extended forward. Slowly return the body to its original position. We repeat the "boat" 2-3 times.
  2. Ardha Pavanamuktasana. We lie on our back, we keep one leg straight, we press the other to the stomach with both hands. We press on the knee, at the same time resisting pressure. We keep the position for 7-10 seconds. We breathe freely. After doing 2-3 repetitions, do the same with the other leg.
  3. Ardha Navasana. We take the same initial position as in the boat. We squeeze the palms into the lock on the back of the head. We exhale and reject the torso, and raise the legs. We squeeze our knees with tension, we pull our feet to the face. We lean on the sacrum, the legs should be at an angle of 30 degrees, and the head and feet are on the same line. The goal is to hold this position for 30 seconds. We repeat 2-3 times.

Performing yoga asanas is recommended for such patients who are diagnosed with lower lordosis (internal back deflection in the lumbar region). Class times should be set by a trained professional. If yoga is difficult for you, you can limit yourself to only the main complex of exercise therapy, but with its regular implementation.

With the omission of the kidneys, the effectiveness of exercise therapy methods is manifested only in the initial stages of the disease. By working out certain parts of the body during exercise therapy, especially the abdominal cavity, you can stop the movement of the organ down and prevent Negative consequences Problems.


In the 3rd stage of the disease, gymnastics is not relevant, a surgical solution is needed here.

The patient must clearly understand that the prevention of nephroptosis does not require excessive efforts. , but performed regularly, helps keep muscles in good shape. When performing various exercises, there is necessarily a load on the abdominal region, and, therefore, the kidneys remain in place.

Video - Strengthen the kidneys and genitourinary system

Kidney prolapse exercises help to cope with the problem quickly enough. After all, this pathology is quite serious and can threaten with complications. or nephroptosis, accompanied by the movement of an important organ of the human body from its usual place to the pelvic area. Most often, such problems are observed in women, although such patients can be found among men.

Fortunately, experts have developed sets of exercises that will help to cope with the pathology. The article describes all the recommended complexes, as well as information on what exercises can not be done when the kidney is lowered. In order not to harm your health even more, you should carefully read this article and, having prepared for wellness classes, begin self-treatment.


Exercises when the kidney is lowered, which is also called nephroptosis or "wandering kidney", people begin to perform when they notice some unpleasant internal sensations. As a rule, during inhalation and exhalation, the kidneys can move literally a couple of centimeters, but if there is a greater displacement, then the person immediately feels discomfort.

When a patient seeks help from a doctor, he will definitely take tests and undergo a professional examination, which helps to make a diagnosis. Of course, not everyone wants to go to the hospital for long-term treatment, so exercises come to the rescue when lowering the kidneys. In women and men, they manifest themselves in the same way, but the symptoms are described in more detail below.

Symptoms and complications

Usually, a person often feels pain or heaviness in the side, because these symptoms can indicate many diseases, so it is not so easy to clearly determine the presence of nephroptosis on your own. Before you know what exercises to do when lowering the kidneys, you should delve into the essence of the problem. You can do this if you pay attention to other symptoms:

  1. When the kidney is lowered, pain appears in the late afternoon, because the kidney descends throughout the day, gradually stretching the ligaments and increasing pain.
  2. With many diseases, a person cannot find a comfortable position for himself, since the pain does not stop. And the owners of nephroptosis can feel calm if you lie on your back, lowering the head and raising the pelvis. In this position, the kidney returns to its place and, accordingly, the pain stops abruptly.

The omission of the kidney, the exercises for raising which are provided below, is accompanied by squeezing of the ureter, a violation of the outflow of urine, and inflammation. In addition, the lowered kidney is able to stretch not only the ligaments, but also the vessels, thereby provoking ischemic pain.

Treatment Methods

At the earliest stage, exercises for lowering the kidney are practically not required. Doctors recommend simply reducing physical activity and not lifting objects that weigh more than 3 kg. In the fight against pathology, conservative methods of treatment are actively used, which include wearing a bandage, hydrotherapy, and massage of the lumbar region.

Kidney prolapse exercises are effective for both women and men. Gymnastics is prescribed in the first and second stages of the disease, because it not only helps to stop the moving kidney, but also return it to its place, while preventing the development of a relapse of the pathology.

Principles of gymnastics

  • physiotherapy exercises will give an excellent effect in two stages, because the exercises are aimed specifically at strengthening the muscles of the back, lower back, and also the anterior abdominal wall;
  • charging should last no more than half an hour so as not to overload the body;
  • all exercises provided in the complexes below must be done as smoothly as possible, slowly and without jerks;
  • daily exercises should be performed for about a year, because exceptionally regular therapeutic physical culture will give a positive result;
  • it is recommended to conduct classes in the morning, shortly before meals;
  • if it is still more convenient to practice during the day, then this should be done no earlier than half an hour after eating.

It is also necessary to remember that if discomfort occurs during the exercise (blackout in the eyes, dizziness, pain in the lumbar region, and so on), you should immediately stop the session and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

First stage

The initial stage is the easiest, so all the exercises on it can be safely performed at home, without the supervision of a doctor. The most optimal complex contains the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back and stretching your arms clearly along the body, you need to alternately pull your legs to your chest, bending them. You need to start with five repetitions, but every day it is worth adding the same amount more. As a result, it will be necessary to bring the number of repetitions in men to 35, and in women to 25.
  2. Having taken the same starting position, you need to raise your already straightened legs. The number of repetitions is calculated in the same way as in the previous exercise.
  3. Lying on your back and leaning on your elbows, you should bend your legs slightly and rest them against the wall. Then you need to take a few small steps up until the legs are fully extended, and then return to the starting position. Everyone sets the number of repetitions for himself, but you don’t need to do it through force.
  4. Lying on your back on a hard mattress with your feet flat on standing next to chair, you should raise the pelvis (to the "half-bridge" position) and hold it in this position for about 5 minutes. This exercise performed only once a day, so you should not overstrain your body and try to do several repetitions. In the first lessons, the chair can not be used.

Treatment in the second stage

In the event that the disease is already in the second stage, then therapeutic exercises will be carried out with increased caution. You will need to perform fewer repetitions, and make the movements even smoother. In the first days of classes, their time should in no case exceed 15-20 minutes (depending on physical fitness).

The set of exercises at the second stage of kidney prolapse includes:

  1. Lying on your back, bending your legs and resting your feet on the floor, you need to hold a gymnastic rubber ball with your knees. It must be squeezed with the knees for 10 seconds, then relax the legs, and then repeat the exercise. There should be about 8-10 approaches in total.
  2. Lying on your side and fully stretching both legs, the upper leg should be raised as high as possible, held in this position for no more than a couple of seconds and lowered to its original position. It is necessary to repeat 10 times, then turn over to the other side and do the same.
  3. Standing on all fours, you need to bend your back up, fix this position for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The number of repetitions can be from 7 to 10.


People suffering from this disease should be aware that not all physical exercises with kidney prolapse can be performed. Doctors categorically forbid lifting weights and making sharp bends. The most common is the omission of the right kidney, so you can’t lean in this direction under any circumstances, otherwise it will be quite difficult to solve the problem without hospitalization.

After treatment

Now we know how to correct the omission of the kidney. Treatment (exercise) should not be stopped, even if the doctor claims that the kidney has returned to its place. Subsequent classes must be diversified, among which there must be complicated exercises for the press, legs, buttocks, and also forearms.

Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with special physical activity will restore body stability, tones the human body, and also energizes and gives a feeling of youth.

In contact with


Charging with nephroptosis is very important. Nephroptosis is an abnormal mobility or prolapse of the kidneys. IN normal condition the kidney is held in place by the abdominal muscles, lower back, diaphragm, and renal membranes. Nephroptosis is caused by the following reasons:

  • large and rapid weight loss;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • regular weight lifting;
  • lower back injuries, severe falls.

Nephroptosis is manifested by dull, pulling pains in the lumbar region and hypochondrium. The main dangers are manifested in venous congestion, impaired urine output and, as a result, the risk of pyelonephritis.

There are three degrees of omission. At the first stage, the kidney moves slightly, it is able to return to its place by itself, one has only to lie down. In the second degree, the kidney is already moving into the abdominal cavity, it can be felt by hand. The supply of the lowered kidney with blood is disturbed. The pain intensifies and may radiate to the sciatic nerve, sacrum. Therapeutic exercises for nephroptosis of the first and second degrees is the main and successful method of treatment. In the third stage, the kidney completely moves into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic area. In this case, a surgical operation is already necessary, however, it does not protect against relapses.

Exercises during the lowering of the kidney contribute primarily to strengthening the muscles of the back and the press. You need to do it daily, preferably in the morning. The effect will be achieved only with regular exercises, in order to preserve it for many years, physiotherapy exercises for nephroptosis should become a habit, become a part of life.

The room for classes should be ventilated, but without drafts. Clothes and shoes are comfortable, not restricting movement. You can do it on the floor, on a special mat, or even on a hard bed. In summer you can go outside for fresh air.

Charging with nephroptosis begins with a simple warm-up, which will warm up the muscles. The duration of the lessons is approximately 20-25 minutes. You need to start gradually, performing about 10 exercises, repeating each of them 2-3 times. Gradually increase the load by adding new tasks and increasing the number of repetitions. Exercises are recommended to be performed slowly, with effort. Avoid sudden movements and strong twisting. Do not start exercising immediately after eating.

If during the performance of any exercises it darkened in the eyes or dizzy, you need to stop exercising.

Medical complexes

Exercise therapy for nephroptosis, performed from a supine position:

  1. Slowly raise both legs, squeezing them. Inhale. Lower slowly. Exhalation. Repeat 8 times.
  2. "Bike". A very popular exercise. Bending and unbending the legs at the knees, imitate pedaling. Run within 2 minutes.
  3. Bent at the knees, alternately pull the legs to the chest while inhaling. On the exhale, return. 10-12 repetitions.
  4. "Scissors". Raise both legs above the floor by 10-20 cm. Widely spread them to the sides and bring them back. Perform 8-10 times. If this does not work out, you can lower your legs to the floor. You can do crossovers.
  5. Slowly raise the pelvis as high as possible. The support goes to the feet and shoulders. 8-10 times.
  6. Diaphragm breathing. First, put your palm on the navel. Breathe in through your nose, inflate your belly. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth. Hold your breath again for 5 seconds. Make sure that the chest remains motionless. Repeat 6-8 times.
  7. Clamp the ball with your knees. Squeeze it with effort for 8-10 seconds. Relax. Repeat 4-6 times.
  8. Put your hands under your head and bend your legs. Bend your knees left and right, trying to get them to the floor. 6-8 slopes.
  9. Raise straight legs. Dilute, as far as possible, to the sides as you inhale, then reduce as you exhale. 6-8 repetitions.
  10. Alternately raise and lower straightened legs, simulating walking. Take 8 steps on each leg.
  11. Put your hands behind your head. With the right foot, make 4 movements in a circle of maximum amplitude. First turn in the direction of the clock, then against. Repeat with the other leg.
  12. Place a small cushion under your lower back. Inhale to bend the leg, exhale to straighten it. Repeat the same with the other leg. You can raise your legs alternately.

More complex exercises are the so-called "Plow" and "Birch". In the first case, you need to raise your legs, put them behind your head, trying to touch the floor. In the second case, a shoulder stand is performed: hands support the back, legs stretch up. Both positions are fixed for 1-2 minutes. These exercises are suitable for people who practice gymnastics for a long time.

Types of exercises performed from a lying position on the right and left side:

  1. Run 6-8 swings with your left leg while inhaling, then lower it. Roll over to the left side and repeat the same right foot. You can complicate the exercise and raise the lower leg, that is, lying on the right side, raise the right leg.
  2. Imitation of walking with the left hand and foot, that is, stretch the arm forward, take the leg back, then, on the contrary, the arm back and the leg forward.
  3. Raise the left leg and arm, hold them in this position for several seconds. Then they are lowered.

Exercises from the prone position:

  1. Spread your arms out to the sides or stretch out in front of you. Straighten your legs, keep your toes together. Raise your legs and arms at the same time, swaying and maintaining balance. It is advisable to hold out in this position for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Raise opposite limbs, i.e. right arm and left leg or left hand and right leg. Repeat for each pair 4-6 times.
  3. Place your hands in front of you. Bend the right leg and pull it to the elbow - inhale. Starting position - exhale. Do the same with the left foot.

A set of exercises from a position on all fours:

  1. Imitate the movements of a cat. Bend your back down, freeze, arch up, feel how the muscles are warming up.
  2. Gradually bending down, lead the right hand along the floor, while gradually bending the left hand. When the head reaches the floor, return to the starting position. Do the same with your left hand.
  3. Maintain balance with the right leg and left arm raised at the same time, then change the limbs and balance again.
  4. Simulate crawling under an obstacle. Bend your head to the floor, bend your back, straighten your legs, move forward, rise. Repeat 6-8 times.
  1. Get up in the knee-elbow position three times a day for 20 minutes. This contributes to a better waste of urine and relieve tension from the back.
  2. Try not to lift weights over 2 kg.
  3. Such loads as running, jumping, sharp twisting are contraindicated.
  4. Swimming, walking and sedentary games are useful.
  5. In the second stage of nephroptosis, doctors recommend wearing a bandage, especially during physical exertion. Wearing it all the time can weaken the abdominal and back muscles, which is not helpful when the kidneys are prolapsed. To properly put on a bandage, you need to lie down, exhale, then fasten the belt.
  6. You can also perform a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.
  7. With a lack of body weight, a diet is needed that contributes to its recruitment. This will lead to the formation of fatty membranes of the kidneys and better support for them.

The doctor may also prescribe therapeutic massage. It is performed as follows. The patient lies on his stomach. Start with stroking and warming up the lumbar region. Then the vertebral muscles are massaged from the sacrum up, gradually moving to the lower back. After that, the patient rolls over and slightly bends the legs. Perform stroking of the abdomen from the bottom up clockwise. Then, with bent fingers, lightly beat the stomach. The patient straightens the legs. Make several strokes from the right to the left hypochondrium. After that, they move on to diaphragmatic breathing and gymnastics.

Nephroptosis is often diagnosed by chance, practically without showing itself. best method its treatment and prevention is today exercise therapy. Regular exercises do not require too much time, but they can return the kidneys to their place, strengthen the muscular corset and maintain human health.

I wish you health and active longevity.


This is the omission of one or both kidneys; at the same time, the renal pedicle is lengthened, consisting of the renal artery, renal vein, nerves, lymphatic vessels and ureter; venous congestion appears and the outflow of urine is disturbed. The most common complication of nephroptosis is pyelonephritis. Dull back pain and moderate arterial hypertension are possible.

Wandering kidney- displacement of the kidney inside the abdominal cavity to any other side. This is a different disease, different from nephroptosis, in the likelihood of greater complications due to the unpredictability of the movement of the kidney. In a set of exercises for a wandering kidney exercises with twisting and turning the body are not included.

The physiological (normal) position of the kidneys is provided with a fixing apparatus:

  1. renal bed, which is formed by the diaphragm, the square muscle of the lower back, the transverse muscle of the abdomen and the large psoas muscle;
  2. shells of the kidneys:
  • fibrous capsule (easily separated from the substance of the kidney),
  • fat capsule of considerable thickness, creating a fat pad,
  • renal fascia (in the form of a bag open downwards consists of two sheets that cover the kidneys and are attached to the spine).
  • Between the renal fascia and the fibrous capsule there are strands of fibrous connective tissue penetrating the fatty capsule.
  • parietal peritoneum in front.

3. abdominal muscles maintaining normal intra-abdominal pressure.

Causes of kidney prolapse.

Normally, the kidneys are mobile during breathing, changing the position of the body, and physical stress. This feature is necessary to reduce the compression of the kidneys by other organs.

Pathological mobility of the kidneys occurs when

  • rapid weight loss, when the fat capsule "melts" and the kidney is left without support;
  • insufficient elasticity of the renal capsule (in diseases of the connective tissue and age-related changes in the body);
  • violations of posture and weakness of the abdominal muscles (for example, after childbirth);
  • back injuries in the lumbar region, falls from a height;
  • sudden lifting of significant weights;
  • some diseases of the organs adjacent to the kidneys: liver, large and small intestines, spleen, stomach overflow.

Now we understand that the kidneys are a vulnerable organ and must be protected.

Therapeutic exercise for nephroptosis is the main method of treatment if surgery is not required.

Therapeutic gymnastics is performed lying on a shield with a raised foot end by 30 0.

Angle-adjustable shield

Jumping, running and lifting weights are excluded. Wearing a bandage only in II and III stages of the disease only in special occasions when you need to insure against even greater omission of the kidneys (for example, when traveling by transport, where vibrations affect the body), since wearing a bandage helps to relax and atrophy the muscles of posture and abdominals, which is highly undesirable for this disease.

Therapeutic exercise for prolapse of the kidneys It is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, posture and hips.

  • with I degree of nephroptosis during exercise, do not use a shield with a raised leg end;
  • at the II degree, raise the foot edge of the shield by 15 0;
  • with III - by 30 0 in relation to the floor

because the higher the foot end of the shield is raised, the less the load on the abdominal muscles.

A set of exercises for lowering the kidneys must be learned by heart gradually. Start doing the exercises 2-3 times, not all at once, gradually mastering the whole complex. Avoid sudden movements.

Remember that you cannot do without physiotherapy exercises. Get busy every day. Now physical education should become an important part of your lifestyle.

A set of exercises for nephroptosis.

Exercises in the starting position lying on your back.

1). "Opposite limbs to the sides." Hands along the body, straightened legs together.

1- Simultaneously take the right arm and left leg to the sides (inhale).

2- Return to the starting position (exhale).

3- Simultaneously take the left arm and right leg to the sides (inhale).

4- Return to the starting position (exhale). 5 times.

Imitation of walking lying on your back.

2). "Walking while lying on your back". Alternately raise straightened legs. 8 times with each leg.

3). "Taz". Raise the pelvis as high as possible, pressing the legs tightly against each other. 10 times.

4). "Bike". Hands under the head, legs bent at the knees. Simulate cycling with each leg in turn until muscle fatigue. Subsequently, this exercise is performed with both legs.

Starting position (inhale).

Bend your knees to the left (exhale).

Starting position (inhale).

Bend your knees to the right (exhale).

5). "Knee bends". Hands under the head, legs bent at the knees. Tilt your knees to the right, then to the left with maximum amplitude. 8 times.

We draw circles alternately with each foot.

Draw circles with the foot clockwise and counterclockwise.

6). "Leg circles". Hands under the head, legs straightened.

1- Raise the right leg, "draw" 4 circles clockwise, then 4 circles counterclockwise.

2- Return to starting position.

3- Raise the left leg, "draw" 4 circles clockwise, then 4 circles counterclockwise.

4- Return to starting position.

3-4 times with each leg.

Diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale - the stomach "inflates".

Diaphragmatic breathing. Exhale - the stomach is drawn in.

7). Diaphragmatic breathing 6 times.

Lying on your back, put your hands on your stomach below the navel to control the excursion.

1 - Inhale through the nose, the stomach "inflates".

2 - Fold your lips into a tube and make a slow long exhalation through your mouth. At the same time, the stomach “deflates”, the hands, lying on the stomach, fall.

The chest is not involved in the act of breathing.

Exercise for oblique abdominal muscles.

8). "Crossroads". Hands in the lock under the head, straightened legs are closed.

1- Connect the right elbow and left knee (exhale).

3- Connect the left elbow and right knee (exhale).

Until muscle fatigue.

Ref. leg up position.

Move your left leg to the left.

9). Hands under the head, legs straightened and raised up.

1- lower your right leg in right side to the floor (inhale).

3- lower the left leg to the left side to the floor (inhale).

4- Return to ref. position (exhale).

Until muscle fatigue.

Once! Group up. Exhalation.

10). "Group". Hands to the sides, straightened legs are closed.

1- Bend your knees and bring them to your stomach, clasp your knees with your hands, raising your head and upper shoulder girdle (exhale).

2- Return to ref. position (inhale).

Exercises in the starting position lying on the stomach.

eleven). "Leg over leg". Hands in front of you, straightened legs are closed.

1- Raise the right leg, taking it as far as possible to the right side (put).

2- Move the right leg over the left, touch the floor with the foot.

3- Again take the right leg, taking it as far as possible to the right side (put).

The same with the left foot. Run 4 times with each leg.

12). "Boat" - an exercise for posture. The arms are extended forward, the legs are straightened and tightly closed. The head is between the hands at the level of the ears.

Raise your arms and legs, trying to stretch your spine. Hold this position for 1-3 minutes 1 time, breathing is arbitrary.

(Or “Airplane”: performed like “Boat, only hands are not forward, but to the sides).

Ref. pronation.

Raise your right leg and left arm, stretch your spine.

13). "Raise opposite limbs." Hands in front of you, legs straightened.

1- Simultaneously raise the right arm and left leg, stretching the spine (inhale).

2- Return to ref. position (exhale).

3- Simultaneously raise the left arm and right leg, stretching the spine (inhale).

Pull the right knee to the right elbow.

Pull the left knee to the left elbow.

14). Hands in front of you, legs straightened.

1- Bend the right leg at the knee and bring it to the right elbow (inhale).

2- Return to ref. position (exhale).

3- Bend the left leg at the knee and bring it to the left elbow (inhale).

4- Return to ref. position (exhale). 6 times.

"Swim breaststroke." Ref. position.

"Swim breaststroke" - 1. Exhale.

"Swim breaststroke" - 2, 3. Inhale.

"Breaststroke" - 4. Exhale.

"Swim breaststroke" - 1. Exhale.

15). "Breaststroke swimming". Feet together, hands in front of you. Imitate breaststroke swimming, “drawing” circles away from you with maximum amplitude (first arms forward, then to the sides, along the body, and again stretch them forward).

While moving the arms to the sides, raise the head and chest as high as possible.

And while straightening your arms forward, lower your head as low as possible. Keep your legs in a closed position. 8 times.

16). "Scissors" . 1- Spread both legs (inhale). 2- Return to ref. position (exhale). 6 times.

Exercises in the starting position lying on your side.

17). "Walking on your side". Lying on the left side, imitate walking with the right hand and foot (hand forward - foot back, and vice versa).

The same, lying on the right side.

1, 2, 3 - Raise the "lower" leg up.

18). Lying on the left side, left hand under the head, right hand and right foot in front of you.

Raise the straightened left leg up as high as possible several times until muscle fatigue.

Do the same lying on the right side.

Draw circles with your feet.

Draw circles with your feet.

Draw circles with your feet.

Draw circles with your feet.

19). Lying on the left side, “draw” circles with the straightened right leg: 4 circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

Do the same with the left foot, lying on the right side.

(Slowly, with maximum amplitude, lowering the leg to the floor and then lifting it as high as possible).

Exercises in the knee-carpal starting position (leaning on the hands and knees).

Reach forward with your right hand.

2 - Knee-carpal position.

3 - stretch your left hand forward.

4 - Knee-carpal position.

20). "Let's move forward."

1- The right hand slides forward on the floor, the left hand bends at the elbow joint, head touches the floor (exhale).

2- Return to ref. position (inhale).

3- The left hand slides forward on the floor, the right hand bends at the elbow joint, head touches the floor (exhale).

4- Return to ref. position (inhale).

Two! Knee-carpal position. Inhale.

Three! Sit on your heels. Exhalation.


21). 1- The right knee slides to the left hand (exhale).

2- Return to the knee-wrist position (inhale).

3- Sit on your heels, stretching your arms forward, touch the floor with your head (exhale).

4- Return to the knee-wrist position (inhale).

Do the same with the left foot. 4 times.

Two! Knee-carpal position.

Four! Knee-carpal position.

1- Raise your right arm forward, left leg back (inhale), maintain balance.

2- Return to ref. position (exhale).

3- Raise your left arm forward, right leg back (inhale).

4- Return to ref. position (exhale). 6 times.

Once! Lower your chest towards the floor.

Two! Move forward.

Four! Ref. position.

23). Imitation of crawling under the bar.

1- Lower your head to the floor, arms bend at the elbow joints.

2, 3- Move forward, arching your back.

4- Return to the knee-wrist position.

Four! Knee-carpal position.

24). "Mahi leg". Ref. the knee-wrist position, the right leg is laid back, the foot touches the floor.

1,2,3- Unsharp movements of the right leg up and down.

4- Return to ref. position.

4 sets with each leg.

Ref. knee-wrist position.

Right hand on the left shoulder joint.

Place your right shoulder and head on the floor.

Four! Ref. knee-wrist position.

25). "Reach to the floor with your shoulder."

1- Put the left hand on the right shoulder joint.

2-D stretch to the floor with the left shoulder joint(put).

3- Raise (return to position 1).

4- Return to the original knee-wrist position.

The same on the other side.

4 times on each side.

26). "House". Ref. position leaning on the hands and feet, legs straightened.

1- Sit on the floor to the right (exhale).

2- Return to ref. position (inhale).

3- Sit on the floor to the left (exhale).

4- Return to ref. position (inhale). 4 times.

Knee-wrist position, arms wide apart

Place your right shoulder on the floor. Exhalation.

Knee-carpal position, arms wide apart. Inhale.

Place your left shoulder on the floor. Exhalation.

Knee-wrist starting position, arms wide apart. Inhale.

27). Knee-carpal position, arms wide apart.

1- Without bending the right arm, put the right shoulder and head on the floor, the left arm bends at the elbow joint (exhale).

2- Return to ref. position (inhale).

3- Without bending the left arm, put the left shoulder and head on the floor, the right arm bends (exhale).

4- Return to ref. position (inhale). 4 times.

28). "Diaphragmatic breathing" 6 times.

(See exercise number 7).

Recommendations for the prevention of stagnation of urine in the kidneys.

1. Raise the legs of the bed on which you sleep by 10 - 15 cm (on a stable bar).

2. Before going to bed and before putting on a bandage, do exercises from the Birch or Plow yoga health system (if you can, of course).

3. Three times a day for 20 minutes, take a knee-elbow position (leaning on your knees and elbows) for a better outflow of urine from the lower parts of the kidneys and to keep the kidneys in their physiological location.

Knee-elbow position for 20 minutes 3 times a day.

4. Do not lift weights over 1kg.

5. Eliminate jumping and running, do not make sudden movements with turns and tilts.

6. Try not to fall on a slippery road (walk on a slippery surface on half-bent legs with a shuffling gait, get spiked tips for winter shoes).

7. Try to hold the act of sneezing and recover from coughing, if any, avoid screaming.

8. The bandage should be worn only with the urgent recommendation of the attending physician or, if necessary, to protect the prolapse of the kidneys when there is any physical activity. Avoid heavy loads.

9. Walking in the form of walks with a focus on correct posture. Stooping will contribute to even greater omission of the kidneys.

10. It is useful to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor from a set of exercises for urinary incontinence.

11. The doctor may prescribe a massage of the back (or only the lower back), abdomen and thighs; or segmental massage on the lumbar region. Kidney prolapse exercises are best done after a massage for a better therapeutic effect, if possible. Massage is carried out for 10-20 procedures 3-4 times a year.

12. Be sure to cure diseases of the internal organs, if any, and do not overeat, so that a full stomach does not contribute to the displacement of the left kidney.

13. Do not try to lose weight quickly - it is dangerous not only with the omission of the kidneys!

From this article, you learned how the kidneys are held in their physiological position, the causes of kidney prolapse, and received recommendations for physiotherapy exercises for nephroptosis. I hope that you have a desire to practice right now.

Well, that's all, my dear patients. Have patience, perseverance, determination and perseverance. Do exercises every day. Learn to enjoy and enjoy physical therapy, and then it will bring you much more benefit.

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Wow, I didn’t even know that physical therapy could help with kidney diseases. For some reason, I thought that exercise therapy exists only for bones.

Olga, physical therapy is magic. She has done many healings in my practice. Its main secrets are very simple: concentration of attention on your body or on a diseased organ directs healing energy into the human body; and the second secret - creating a positive mood and faith in healing. The heaviest - nervous diseases. Here is my main experience.

Indeed, magic, and only))

You wrote that physical therapy creates many healings, but the most severe are nervous diseases. And how can one receive healing among them, and among which diseases?

Good afternoon
Please tell me whether it is necessary to perform the exercises with a bandage on or without it?
If without it, then when to put on a bandage - after all, it is recommended to put it on immediately after sleep, before getting up?

Hello Irina. With nephroptosis, therapeutic exercises are done without a bandage. How to use the bandage in everyday life is discussed with the doctor, it depends on the severity of the condition. Kidneys are very important for human longevity. Therefore, try to create conditions for them to be in place: work on your posture and abdominal muscles every day (only lying down!). Sincerely, Nina Petrova.

Hello! Can you please tell me where you can find such an adjustable angle shield shown on the site?

The issue of purchasing a shield for physiotherapy exercises should be simplified. There are two options: buy a Swedish wall with an already existing shield-bench in the kit, at one end of which there are hooks that are fixed at the desired height for the crossbars of the Swedish wall. And the second option, the best one: take a board (for example, a door from an old wardrobe), in a store building materials in the department of fastening materials, buy a pair of strong wide hooks and independently make a shield wider and more comfortable. The Swedish wall will still have to be purchased. But you can put some object under one end of the shield to raise the shield to the desired height. To be honest, in practice this is of little use (using a shield), which is due to the inconvenience of creating conditions in the apartment. If you just do it on the floor, it’s also good, but you need to be careful while lifting the upper half of the body in the initial position lying on your back, because this exercise, which strengthens the abdominal muscles, helps to shift the internal organs down. If you have the opportunity to put such a shield in your apartment, that's great. But, if not, then train without a shield on the floor, but be careful with lifting the upper part of the body in the supine position. Strive to strengthen your lower abs and posture. I recommend using Su-jok therapy on the hands or feet before physical education in order to reduce the likelihood of complications from exercise therapy and enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises. It is best to consult an acupuncturist for a paid consultation about how to use Su-jok therapy for the treatment of nephroptosis on your own at home.

Hello! I have a drop of 5 cm! So I found your exercise therapy complex and started training! For the first three days everything is like clockwork, I feel good, but on the fourth, after the exercises, I began to prick my right side! Such excruciating pain. It was hard to bend over.
I understand that the muscles should hurt in the beginning, but not in one place and not like that! Or is this a normal process in this case.
Thank you!

Hello, Elena. I recommend that you see a therapist. There is a possibility of pancreatitis and biliary dyskinesia, as well as osteochondrosis of the spine. You need to determine the cause of the pain. If the doctor allows you to do exercise therapy, then include in the set of exercises exercises to strengthen the abdominals, muscles of the legs, buttocks and posture. Useful exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Do not make movements associated with twisting of the spine. Gymnastics only lying down and standing in the knee-hand position. But first get your doctor's permission.

I did an ultrasound of all organs, except for the prolapse of the kidney, they did not find any cons! It turns out badly searched 🙂?

Elena, if there are no other problems with the internal organs, except for the prolapse of the kidney, then the pain is associated with osteochondrosis of the spine. Do the “Boat” or “Airplane” exercise daily 1 time for 1 minute without rest, and in a week there will be a significant improvement in well-being, endurance and self-confidence will appear. Posture - overriding factor for spinal health, as well as for right position internal organs.

Hello Leonid. This is not required. But I would still recommend raising the back legs of the bed in order to promote the physiological position of the kidneys, as well as for a better outflow of urine from the lower lobes of the kidneys. Of course, this seems to be a little significant measure, but for a sick organism, every “little thing” matters. Considering that a person spends about 8 hours a day in bed, this sleep condition can be very helpful in kidney prolapse. Sincerely, Nina Petrova.

Good afternoon
I have nephroptosis of the right kidney of the 1st degree. Do I understand correctly that it is desirable to perform all of the above exercises?

Hello Olga. Exercises need to be done purposefully, well understanding the tasks of exercise therapy. If the kidneys are lowered, then it is necessary to create conditions for them to return to their places as much as possible. To do this, you must first work on your posture, since the stoop contributes to the displacement of the internal organs down, and work on strengthening the abdominal muscles. But here you need to be careful during the exercise with lifting the upper body to the legs bent at the knees. This exercise should be done while lying on an inclined surface upside down. In addition, exercises for the press - "Cross" (No. 8) and "Bicycle". The rest of the exercises are general strengthening. They are optional. Sincerely, Nina Petrova.

Thank you, a very detailed exercise therapy, everything is in pictures and a competent description - convenient and understandable!

Hello, thank you for the set of exercises. Can you do them with a rolled-up towel or something like that under your pelvis? It is difficult to get a shield with a lift. After all, as far as I understand, the main thing is to raise the lower abdomen during exercise?

Hello, Natalia. The task of the shield with the raising of the leg end is to shift the kidneys up, to prevent the kidneys from dropping down even more, since some exercises (especially for the abdominals) help to shift the kidneys down, but you can’t do without them. Therefore, it is a shield that is required, and not a pillow under the lower body. If there is no shield, then do the exercises without it, but carefully with lifting the upper part of the body while lying on your back while working with the abdominal muscles. It is preferable to do abdominal exercises with leg raises. If the omission of the kidneys is 3 degrees, then you can’t do it without a shield. Find some kind of wide board, for example, a door from an old wardrobe, put a roller under the foot end of the shield and do it. For convenience, you can think about how to make the surface of the shield non-slip. Sincerely, Nina Petrova.

Hello, tell me, a 9-year-old child has a prolapse of the right kidney, can he go to physical education at school with all the children?

Hello Svetlana. Only the attending physician can answer this question. It is required to establish the cause of the prolapse of the kidney, the severity and other factors (vagus kidney). The probability of attending school in the main group is small. The child needs exercise therapy. Sincerely, Nina Petrova.

Hello, Natalia. I accidentally found your site and I had a hope for improving my physical and psycho-emotional state. I am 62 years old, I work teacher-speech therapist V kindergarten. I want to work, but it became difficult due to my health condition. Yes, and life circumstances do not allow me to leave. Now I am on vacation and I really hope to support myself with the help of your recommendations for physical therapy. My weight is 40 kg. pressure became low within 3 months, was hypertensive for 7 years. I have grade 2 right kidney prolapse, MSD, erosive gastritis, grade 1 reflux esophagitis, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. I really hope for your help in choosing the most important exercises for me, taking into account my state of health. I can't do many exercises at the same time. I get very tired. Sincerely, Valentina Sergeevna.

Hello! With stenosis of the renal artery, nephroptosis of the right kidney 6m, can you perform a set of exercises recommended by you?

Those who are faced with nephroptosis know firsthand about the dangers that this disease is fraught with. Therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the better prognosis for the patient. One of the main methods of conservative therapy for kidney prolapse is exercise therapy.

Specialized exercises for nephroptosis strengthen the muscular frame of the back and abdominals, help restore the normal arrangement of the organs of the urinary system. In our review, we will consider the general provisions of physiotherapy exercises for raising lowered kidneys and analyze the most effective exercises.

How the degree of prolapse affects the possibilities of therapy

Nephroptosis is an acquired disease, which is characterized by the prolapse of the kidney below the level of 2-3 lumbar vertebrae. Normally, the urinary organ is not immobile, however, it is firmly held in a physiological position due to the action of the fascia, diaphragm, back and abdominal muscles, its own fatty or fascial structures.

The causes of pathological prolapse of the kidney can be:

  • low muscle tone due to physical inactivity, atrophic diseases;
  • reduction of the own fatty capsule of the kidney, caused by a sharp weight loss;
  • weakening of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • numerous genera;
  • prolonged standing in a standing position (for example, when working as a hairdresser, seller).

This disease is 5-6 times more common in women than in men. The typical age for diagnosing pathology is 30-60 years. In 60-70% of cases, the patient's right kidney descends (this is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure). Bilateral nephroptosis is extremely rare.

Depending on how much the kidney is lowered, 3 stages of the disease are distinguished:

Stage I Displacement of the kidney for a length of up to 1.5 vertebrae. It is difficult to diagnose, as it has practically no symptoms. Stage II Descent of the lower pole of the kidney to the level of two vertebrae. It is characterized by severe lumbar pain, which decreases when the organ returns to its place (for example, in the supine position). Stage III The degree of displacement reaches the length of three vertebrae. The patient is concerned about constant intense pain in the lower back, signs of disruption of the urinary system - edema, increased blood pressure, dysuria.

Regular gymnastics with a slight prolapse of the kidney guarantees excellent results. Grade 3 nephroptosis is an indication for surgical correction of the condition.

How can exercise therapy help with nephroptosis

All exercises when lowering the kidney are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscles of the press and lower back. A strong muscular frame is the main factor for raising the “lost” organ.

Exercise therapy classes for nephroptosis are carried out daily, preferably in the morning (1-2 hours after breakfast). The room for charging should be cool, but without drafts. choose comfortable clothes that won't restrict movement.

Exercises to raise the kidneys are performed at a slow pace, without sudden movements. They should not cause discomfort and cause pain in the lower back. Expand the load capacity gradually, increasing the volume and duration of charging every 2-3 days. To feel the effect of this method of therapy, do not skip physiotherapy exercises: they should become an important part of life.

Remember that charging always begins with a five-minute warm-up, during which you will warm up the main muscle groups and tune in to the lesson.

launch complex

The starting complex is held immediately after the warm-up. It includes the following exercises:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back (requires a firm surface). Gently raise your straight legs to the level of 90 ° and lower them just as smoothly. Repeat 10-12 times.
  2. The starting position is the same. Raise straight legs above the surface, press your hands to the body. Make twisting movements with the body alternately to the right and left sides. Repeat 6-8 repetitions according to the scheme 20 s - execution, 10 s - rest.

After rest (no more than 2-3 minutes), proceed to the main set of exercises.

Main complex

Most of the exercises of this complex are performed lying on your back. They actively involve the muscles of the press, back, as well as general endurance. Depending on the degree of nephroptosis, different body angles are used. So, for example, when lowering the kidneys of the l degree, it is recommended to raise the legs by 15 ° from the floor, with ll - by 30 °. Do not forget about proper breathing: inhale at the moment of relaxation, and exhale deeply during effort.

  1. "Bike". Raise your feet off the surface and start pedaling. Continue to perform the exercise for 1.5-2 minutes.
  2. Alternately pull the legs bent at the knees to the stomach, helping yourself with your hands. Do 6-8 reps on each side.
  3. IP - legs bent, feet on the floor, between the knees - a tight rubber ball. Squeeze it tightly with your knees for 10 seconds, then completely relax the muscles. Repeat 8-10 times.
  4. Raise your straight legs at a 90° angle. As you inhale, slowly spread them apart, as you exhale, return to the PI. Do the exercise 6-8 times.
  5. Swing your legs from a lying position on your side. Repeat 8 times.

The complex ends with a very useful for lowered kidneys exercise "Cat's back". Take emphasis on the palms and bent knees. Tighten your lower back muscles and arch your back as much as possible. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Then, on the contrary, bend well in the lower back. Repeat 10-15 times.

Important information for the patient

Despite the fact that physiotherapy exercises for kidney diseases are considered gentle and are usually well tolerated by patients, there are nuances that are important to know about:

  • Do not exercise on a full stomach: this can provoke gastrointestinal disturbances.
  • If during the exercise you feel discomfort, pulling pain in the lower back, or you feel dizzy, stop immediately. In the future, be sure to consult your doctor for advice.
  • In agreement with the nephrologist, after training, put on a bandage belt that will help fix the urinary organs in the correct position.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing also helps to train the abdominal muscles. It is carried out by inflating the abdomen at the time of inhalation and retracting it during exhalation. Such breathing can be used before, during and after training.

Exercise therapy for kidney prolapse is effective not only to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also to prevent serious complications. A strong muscular frame is able to keep the kidney in a physiological position and prevent its further descent.

In addition to physical therapy, the complex therapy of nephroptosis should include the prevention of infections of the urinary system, adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and a diet with a predominant intake of dairy and vegetable foods. With an attentive attitude to one's health, the prognosis for patients with kidney prolapse remains favorable.

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