Baba. Hello from Baba Lera


Greetings from Baba Lera ... How many years have passed, and I still hear these words. They sound in handset either masculine or female voices like the password of a strange brotherhood strangers like a signal from loneliness. As an echo of the frantic, eternally youthful “Give-eat!”, the frantic clatter of hooves, the clanging of blades and the roar of hasty shots.

Baba Lera, did you really shoot from a Mauser?

Is it hard for you to imagine that such a withered old woman had the strength to pull the trigger? And I on a bet made holes in a penny, but for some reason I always missed people.

Baba Lera ... Eternal half-smile on sunken lips, kind wrinkles and bitter eyes. Bitter even when Baba Lera laughed, and she loved to laugh very much.

You know, Alisa Koonen told me that at the age of sixteen she began her diary with the phrase: "I really want to suffer." It's funny, but I also decided to keep a diary at sixteen, but my beginning was different: “I really want to die happy ...” Dreams of high school students of the graduating class.

It was one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, the first summer of our acquaintance. And the next day, after talking about girls' diaries and dreams, I walked fourteen kilometers to Krasnogorye. I bought the thickest notebook I could find, brought it to title page"DIARY" and he wrote the first phrase: "Dear woman Lera! Live long and give people happiness for a long time. Baba Lera slowly put on her glasses, carefully read the enthusiastic introduction. Then, just as leisurely, she took off her glasses and tapped them thoughtfully on her notebook.

Giving happiness is a talent, and talent always lives less than it should. And in general, it seems to me that one should add life to years, and not years to life, dear Boris Lvovich.

Baba Lera called everyone by name and patronymic, making an exception only for the only person- for Anisya, or Anyukha Polikarpovna, as she sometimes called herself. She called her Anisha, although Anisya herself addressed Baba Lera with peasant courtesy: "Lerya Milentievna." Anisya was younger than Baba Lera - she was fifteen when she was exiled, sixteen when she was imprisoned for escaping from exile in her native village, and eighteen when they "hung" another ten for an inconceivable insolence refusal to satisfy natural desire head of the convoy, - but, stepping from adolescence into exile, prisons and camps and leaving there already an old woman, she addressed everyone only by name, or - “chief”, if she was very angry.

She stubbornly reminded me of a horse. Not a full of grace and life-giving power, a blood mare, but a stark, mossy, with a spleen, an awkward peasant Savraska. Even her arms looked like horses: heavy, long, in knots of swollen veins; the stooped, bony back, the dreary, deeply sunken eyes, and those four teeth that were still miraculously preserved were horselike. Four yellow, large as chisels, incisors in the upper jaw, with which she did not chew, but scraped bread or potatoes, shaking her head quite like a horse.

Anisha, you should have put in your teeth.

Nothing, the Lord will accept such a thing, is not identified.

Are you aiming for heaven?

And where else can I go, Lerya Milentievna? I have sinned in my life against my will. And in its own way, only once, one-disconnected for all my winters.

Anisya counted not in years, not in summers, but only in winters: “Remember, forty-nine winters have come to me, that’s it.”

Forty nine years?

Zim, honey, winter. This is your years, but my whole life is a blizzard and frost. Therefore, winters must be counted.

It was pointless to argue with her, because she did not recognize any logic, and Baba Lera herself retreated when the scythe found a stone. And this could happen suddenly, completely unpredictably, from a fleeting intonation or an accidentally broken word. Then Anisya Polikarpovna fell silent and looked at the offender for a long time with a heavy, studying look. He sometimes did not notice this, continuing to chat, but Baba Lera instantly felt the force field of protest emanating from Anisya, and tried to intervene.

Anisha, please make some fresh tea.

If Anisya meekly took the teapot and left, then the guest's fault was still small: Polikarpovna cursed alone and returned to the table. But sometimes Baba Lera's lifeline could no longer help: Anisha's nostrils turned white.

And you will sleep with mosquitoes!

Anisha, have mercy, he's still a guest.

Guest? Anisya got up, firmly grabbing the table with her palm. - There is a bone in the throat, not a guest! Get out of here, why are you sitting down?

Anisha, please leave.

Lerya Milentievna, you know me: I will lie down in your coffin for you and hide myself in your shroud, - Anisya began heartily and immediately broke into a cry:

Open your eyes, little sister-penal servitude! Yes, he is either a kicker himself, or some kind of guard son is the only one! Looks ugly looking! Get out, who do you say? Let's go before I push you into the Dvina!

However, Anisya did not rage as often as one might assume, knowing her indomitable temper and higher prisoner education. Sometimes she simply had no time to be indignant: she did not sit idle for a second, as if by voluntary labor she tried to compensate for the many years of humiliation that her soul endured from forced labor. She did everything around the house, around the house, in the garden and in the yard, everything that her insatiable kulak eyes only noticed, and Baba Lera was able to leave kitchen chores behind her, having once quite consciously offended female soul devoted Anisya:

Excuse me, but I'll cook. You, Anisha, have poison, not food.

Anisya cried and gave in, and thus at least something in their house was not performed by her hands. Food, pickles, jams and sewing, mending and mending clothes and linen became the privilege of Baba Lera, and kind Anisya did not forget to admire every meal. In general, she admired her "Lerey Milentievna" immensely, sincerely considering her a model sent to people on earth as an example, and fervently prayed to God for one mercy: to die before Baba Lera. And God heard her prayers.

I write in such detail about Anisya, because Baba Lera told me a lot at that time. last summer when left alone. Baba Lera, apparently, felt that summer was indeed the last, that she could not survive the winter, but she took it calmly. And she flatly refused to move to Krasnogorie, to the main estate, and even more so - to the city.

Very briefly The story of an unbroken woman who survived all the sorrows of the 20th century: civil war, dispossession, hunger, arrests, executions and long years Stalinist camps.

The author (narration is conducted on his behalf) meets Baba Leroy in the summer of 1963. An old woman lives in an abandoned village with Anisya Polikarpovna - Anisha. Both women went through the Gulag before settling down together.

Anisya is prone to short binges. She is suspicious of new people. If a person does not like it, she kicks him out. A few years after they met, the narrator introduces the women to the head of the regional department of culture, Vladislav Vasilievich, and he takes patronage over the old women.

IN two-storey house Lera's women come to a variety of guests, only with the pioneers she meets outside the walls of the house. For Anisya, children are a taboo topic. She gave birth to six babies in the camps, they were taken away a few months after giving birth, and she was sent to general work.

Baba Lera - Kaleria Vikentievna Vologodova - was born in 1900 in the family of a royal dignitary. In the seventeenth year, she married the former lieutenant junker Alexei, who later became a red commander. Lera did not switch to her husband's surname out of principle - he was too famous.

Lera was the secretary of her twenty-three-year-old husband, division commander. His division was famous for iron discipline. Only the commander of the cavalry brigade Yegor Ivanovich did not recognize her. His relationship with the divisional commander did not go well until he rescued Alexei from the Petliura circle.

Soon, the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Defense Council (chuso) arrived in Alexei's division. While the division commander was in combat units, he was arrested and shot. Returning, Alexei demanded that everyone be released. He was supported by Yegor Ivanovich with his brigade, and the miracle had to obey. Having achieved supreme power, he miraculously sentenced the forty-year-old commander Alexei to be shot without the right to appeal.

Lera spent eighteen years in camps, knowing nothing about children. Faith in the party helped Lera not to break down. Kaleria Vikentievna was honored for her persistent spirit even by "inveterate blatnyachki", but the camp authorities did not like it. When Lera began to “reach”, she was “attached at the hospital” as a cleaning lady - to take a break. Soon Leroux was asked to protect a man sentenced to death by the blatts. She managed to put a person in a hospital, so confusing the documents that they figured it out only a day after the departure of the stage. Kaleria was again sent to the "general", and the rescued person - Anisya - remained in the camp.

In 1956, Lera "came out of the underworld with an unshakable faith and an unshakable spirit", returned to Moscow and began looking for children. The search was unsuccessful. Only Anisya found Lera and took her to her place, in the Arkhangelsk region, where Kaleria Vikentyevna Vologodova, a hereditary Russian intellectual, became Leroy's woman.

Anisya Polikarpovna Demova was imprisoned at the age of 15, and released in 1958, allowed to live in her native land. Her native village Dyomovo, once rich, was deserted. The chairman of the collective farm invited Anisya to guard the empty huts.

Many guys looked at her, but she chose the Komsomol member Mitya Peshnev. One day they were returning home after a cell meeting. At first, Mitya was gloomy, then he spoke about love and lured Anisya into the forest. And the next day, he brought her family an order for dispossession and exile. Mitya knew about the order the day before.

In the place of her house, Anisya found the ashes. The old woman Makarovna, the only inhabitant of the village, told Anisya about Mitenka. He opened a village club in the Demovs' house, married a skinny "city teacher". The club burned down, and Mitya and his wife were taken to the Gulag.

Deciding to repent, Makarovna told about the famine, when fugitive convicts were handed over for a loaf of bread and ten liters of kerosene. She also gave up, handed over her brother Anisya when he got to his native places. Anisya ordered her to leave, while she settled herself in the house of her relatives. A week later, the chairman brought food, clothes, kerosene, and the frail peasant Fedotych. He began to mend an old house, and remained with Anisya, who dreamed of a house and a family. When Fedotich drank all Anisya's money, she almost drowned the old man, Baba Lera persuaded her " death penalty to be replaced by exile."

Baba Lera tells how she got lost in the swamp and spent the whole night remembering her first meetings with Alexei. He was best friend her older brother, Junker Kirill. In the nineteenth year, Alexei's division captured a group of white officers, among whom was her brother Kirill. The prisoners were shot. Lera did not blame her husband for the death of her brother - Alexei could not betray the idea.

That night, Baba Lera realized: faith cannot be replaced by teaching, instead of religion, the current generation needs faith in their homeland. She began to communicate with the pioneers, trying to captivate them new faith, but the eyes of the listeners remained cold. Anisya attended only Lera's first meeting with the pioneers to support her.

A friend treated Baba Lera's hobby negatively. Anisya had her own god, to whom she "complained, as the highest authority, to take action and stop the outrages." In August 1966, Anisha met a man at the mill with a thin face overgrown with a lean beard and empty eyes - the Sinner. In his youth, he was in an artel digging up Kremlin graves for the sake of jewelry. In one of the graves there was a lead coffin with a young queen. Having come into contact with the air, the beauty crumbled to dust. Since then, the Sinner has been dreaming of a dead queen, and he has no rest. Anisya took pity on him and invited him to live in the village of Demovo.

Once a thief got into a boarded up church. Young, educated person wanted to steal old icons. At the request of the woman Lera, the guy was released, and she took the icons for herself.

The sinner, Vasily Trokhimenkov, settled with old women, helped with the housework and fished. He turned out to be "extraordinarily sullen and taciturn." Watching him, Kaleria suddenly realized that he, too, was studying her.

Soon Vladislav Vasilyevich (the head of the department of culture, who took patronage over the woman) brought Lera several dozen more icons. Gradually, she developed "a whole museum."

At the end of September, the Sinner had an epileptic fit. Anisya undertook to nurse him. The sinner appreciated Anisya's kindness and gradually began to thaw.

He told her that he grew up as a homeless child, all his relatives died of starvation in the Volga region. After the artel of grave-diggers, he “went into teaching, to the factory”, got married. When he returned from the war, his wife died, he began to drink, his son went to prison, and his daughter went hand in hand. After that, the queen began to imagine him in a coffin.

The Sinner told the same story to Lera, adding that at one time he was escorting the dispossessed. Baba Lera learned from Vladislav that the Sinner was born far from the Volga region. She began to look at the tenant.

Anisya and Trokhimenkov fell in love with each other. At the beginning of winter, the Sinner again had an attack. Anisya hurried to the neighboring village, but did not find the paramedic. To shorten the way back, she decided to cross a frozen stream. The ice was thin, and Anisya fell into the water up to her waist. She ran eight kilometers to the house with a severe heart attack.

The recovered Trohimenkov did not leave Anisya's bed. Before her death, she managed to reach Lerina's room, where she died. After the funeral, the Sinner confessed to Baba Lera that he served as the head of the camp where she was imprisoned. He changed his name so that Baba Lera would not recognize him. After Stalin's death, he was expelled from the "organs", the father's children began to be shy, his wife died. He drank for a long time, and then decided to go through the suffering that he subjected other people to. I picked up an article for five years and went through the stage. When I got out of prison, I found an alcoholic daughter, a freak granddaughter, I didn’t stay with them - I became a tramp.

Having confessed, the Sinner went into a snowstorm. Baba Lera lived alone for three months of winter, she got very old, but she remained unbending. During those lonely months, she thought of her mother, who had suffered in a stampede on the Khodynka field during the coronation of Nicholas II. She remained half-hearted. Lera found out that her father was shot and her mother was arrested when her husband was awarded the third Order of the Red Banner. Taking advantage of his authority, Alexey got a pass to the Solovetsky camp.

The date with my mother was the only one. Letters came after Leray. Only when she was in the camp did she realize that her mother had been shot in the Solovetsky cellars immediately after this meeting, and the letters had been written before him.

In the summer, Baba Lera received guests and met with the pioneers. The head of the cultural department, Vladislav, has already found an old companion for her for the winter. On September 9, 1974, late at night, the author wakes up phone call, and Vladislav reports that Baba Lera was killed by a thief who came for the icons.

In the summer, the narrator meets in the village with two interesting women. (Anisya and Baba Lera). They live in old village together.

One of them, Anisya, periodically drinks. Our main character brings her to the head of the department of culture, so that he monitors and controls her pastime. The second woman is Baba Lera.

Baba Lera was born in prosperous family married a man of high status.

Baba Lera worked as a secretary for her husband, for some time she did not get along with the brigade commander, but after one incident, the relationship changed for the better.

After all these events, Baba Lera gets into a very unpleasant situation She is sent to camps. There she could not even see her children.

Eighteen years later, she was helped to get a job as a cleaner. After some time, she protects the person they wanted to kill. At her own peril and risk, she manages to save her. As it turns out later, she brought Anisya back to life.

After returning to freedom, Lera is busy looking for children. Her attempts were unsuccessful. Anisya finds her and takes her to live in the Arkhangelsk region. Women begin to live together..

The fate of Anisya was also very difficult. Her lover married another woman, only ashes remained of her house.

One ordinary day, a thief made his way into the boarded-up church in the village. As it turned out later, the young man wanted to steal the icons, but due to a favorable combination of circumstances, he failed to do this.

After some time, the head of the culture department brought Baba Lera a large number of icons. She took up the restoration of some of them and soon created a whole museum with images of saints.

Anisya begins to have feelings for the hero of the work Trokhimenkov. The Sinner lives with Anisya and Leroy, but one day he suddenly becomes ill, and she goes for the paramedic. On the way back, she falls under the water. A few days later, returning, she dies.

Baba Lera was left completely alone. She remembers her childhood, youth, early years. On September 10, 1974, Baba Lera died at the hands of a thief who came for icons.

This work teaches unbending will and fortitude of character. main character passed through the cruel tests of fate, but at the same time retained her human qualities.

Picture or drawing hello to you from Baba Lera

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Potters Ordinary History

    The action of the novel takes place in the early summer morning in the family of the landowner Adueva. The young master, Alexander Fedorovich, decides to leave for the service, and therefore all the courtyards are bustling around the whole house for a little while. Together with the young man, his servant Yevsey leaves

  • Summary London Call of the Wild

    Back the dog, a St. Bernard/Scottish Sheepdog mix, did not read the papers and did not know that thousands of people went to the North to mine gold, and for this they needed strong and hardy dogs like Buck.

  • Summary of Sea Wolf Jack London

    Famous literary critic gets into a shipwreck. The captain of the schooner Ghost picks up Humphrey Van Weyden from the water and rescues him. The captain was nicknamed Wolf Larsen for his strength and cruelty.

  • Summary of Tokmakova Maybe zero is not to blame

    On the twenty-ninth of August, Alya sat and was sad. It was raining nonstop outside. Back to top school year bought school uniform, bouquet of gladioli. Beloved Antoshka was at the dacha. From the new textbooks she came across - "Mathematics".

  • Summary Pushkin Poltava

    1828. Russia. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin carefully studies historical documents, and then writes a creative transcription of the most important historical event- Battle of Poltava and gives it a name

Children's fears must be respected

Marina IVLEVA, Vladivostok

There is someone there! Scary! I'm afraid! - the kid says anxiously, peering apprehensively into the darkness of the room.

What are you, a coward! Well, who could be there? Do not say stupid things! What a shame to be afraid! - we teach with different variations, repeating the phrases that our mothers and grandmothers told us.

Meanwhile, fears for a child are not a vice at all, but a normal stage of development.

What are children afraid of?
And if they are not there, something is wrong with the psyche. And a healthy baby has a lot of fears, they are different in different ages. You need to know them, treat them correctly, and then overcoming them will become progress and teach the child a lot. And in some cases, parents will tell what is happening deep in the soul. little man. So, how to "read" children's fears and how to deal with them, tells psychologist of the children's developing Montessori Center "Vershina" Irena Pakhomova.

More kids, less fear

Of course, fears are a natural property of the development of the psyche. And yet, some children have more of them, others have less, it depends on external circumstances. For example, from the composition of the family: in incomplete family, where more often one mother, alas, the baby has more fears. The boy has more of them, because before his eyes there is no strong, confident, reliable man who will protect, and at the age of 6-7, the boy, closely observing the behavior of his father, is already “joining” him, starting to feel just as strong. The girl is affected by the alarming state of her mother (sometimes it may not appear outwardly, but it is read on a subconscious level). The birth of a second child influences: the first, who is now seemingly deprived of attention, can use this kind of tool to attract mother's attention, and, at first, partly “playing” fear, the baby begins to feel it sincerely.

The number of children in the family also affects: the more brothers and sisters, the less fear! Firstly, children from birth get used to the noise, bustle, constant change of scenery. Secondly, parents place so many hopes on an only child that he does not have time to justify them and fears appear ...
And, of course, many childhood fears are born in the womb: if during pregnancy the mother was worried too much, the baby is born with increased anxiety. You may even need the help of a psychologist - both for the mother and the child.

How to behave?

The main principle of correct response is to respect any children's fear! Do not shame, do not scold, do not ridicule. And to recognize fear and try to "tame". “Then he will calmly leave, without “getting stuck” in the back streets of the soul, he will dissolve, strengthening his character,” says Irena Pakhomova.

At eight months, the baby begins be afraid of strangers: the nature of fear - he subconsciously compares people with the closest and most sincere person - his mother, therefore he instinctively feels the degree of sincerity of a stranger and either accepts or rejects. So there is truth in folk wisdom: the child feels good and bad people.

How to help overcome? We respect his choice: do not impose communication with those who do not like. And in order not to “distort” a healthy instinct, we do not leave the baby until 1.5-2 years old with a nanny, at least for a long time.

From the age of two, there is a fear of loneliness, heights, health workers (their “treachery” has already been tested: the aunt smiled like that, and then - an injection!), Pain, sharp sounds, animals, moving cars.

How to help overcome? If the mother herself is not overly anxious, the child easily overcomes fear. He just needs a little help. Altitude should indeed be treated with caution, but without panic. And don't go where it's scary. Methods of “educating the will” such as “let’s leave it on the bridge - let it stand” will only support fear and leave it for life, it is possible, even in the form of a phobia ... Before going to the clinic, it’s good to tell and explain what and why they will do it there, because What scares me the most is the unknown. A great way to “lose fears” is to play doctor and patient: we actively weigh and listen to dolls and animals, put a thermometer, give pills, make mustard plasters. It is more difficult with dental treatment ... But a game can help here too: we sculpt teeth from plasticine and close up “holes”. And also: at good doctor there is always a jar of vitamins or sweets on the table - for the reward of little daredevils.

At 2-3 years old - fear of sharp sounds, drills, vacuum cleaners.

How to help overcome? We buy a builder’s toy set, knock, plan, hammer in nails, at the same time explaining that “yesterday my uncle knocked behind the wall the same way.” The fear of a vacuum cleaner should be respected and not “broken”, leaving it by force near a humming car: either we leave, or we hold it on the handles.

At the age of 3, fear of punishment appears. The period proceeds gently and smoothly, without consequences, if dad or older brother is involved in the upbringing. These are the laws or mysteries of the subconscious...

At 3 years old, fear appears fairy tale characters because the imagination of the baby is rapidly developing! This is normal, but some information should alert. Is the child afraid of the wolf? This may be evidence that dad is too aggressive, cold and relations with his son or daughter do not develop. in the best way. If Babu Yaga - the relationship with the mother does not add up. Psychologists explain: for a child, parents are always “saints”, “out of jurisdiction”, “idols”, and therefore fear is transferred to those who are allowed to be afraid - to fictional characters.

How to help overcome? If necessary, we correct our behavior. In addition, we unconditionally BELIEVE the baby that there is a wolf or Grandmother Ezhka in the room, we accept the game. And we remove the veil of danger from the “terrible and terrible” heroes. For example, like this:

Hey, Baba Yaga, why did you come to us? Svetochka, she says she wants to eat! Let's call her to eat pies. You know, she is kind in fairy tales, remember, she fed and watered Ivan Tsarevich, gave him a magic ball. Call Granny Yagulya to the table!

Feeding from time immemorial establishes contact! It is also worth mentioning that Gray wolf faithfully served Ivan Tsarevich, and Barmaley corrected himself, and sometimes crocodiles are friends with Cheburashki. Such is the dialectic in the world! At the same time, we “feed” everyone, invite them to visit, and talk. And we draw.

At 3-5 years old, there is a fear of being unloved and rejected. During this period, emotions such as pity, sympathy, love are formed, and to be unloved is to survive a catastrophe.

How to help overcome? Do not under any circumstances say: "I do not love you!". Confirm as many times as the child feels the need to hear: “I love you always, I just love you!”.

At 3-5 years old, the darkness is frightening.

How to help overcome? Lots of methods! You can try the “emotional swing”: we suggest that the baby alone or together quickly run into a dark room, you can run out with noise and cheerful whooping, and just as quickly run out. He will experience emotions - from the negative pole to the positive, and slowly the fear will recede. You can play scouts: expanse for the imagination of the baby. We cover the table with a blanket and climb with a flashlight in search of the key to the box of sweets. Afraid to fall asleep in the dark - light a night light. By the way, by the age of eight, the child himself will begin to play out his fears: his favorite entertainment is huts, caves, headquarters ...

At 3-5 years - fear of water. Fear of washing your hair.

How to help overcome? Again, no violence and throwing into the water! Let him calmly and naturally splash around the bank or in an inflatable pool, fiddling with a bucket, and then the fear will pass by itself. In order not to refuse to wash your hair - wash dolls, toys. Or show: mom washes her hair and doesn’t cry, and dad too. In general, a joint bath with parents is great! Up to two years - it is possible to be heterosexual, from two - a daughter with her mother, a son - with her father.

At 3-6 years old, fear of loneliness, fear of separation from mother.

How to help overcome? Before leaving, discuss the exact time of return (so that it is visible to the baby). For example, “when you eat soup after a walk, I will come.” And be sure to get permission from the child to care - he must let go!

Appears at 6-7 years fear of death, one's own or one's parents. May result in fear of a hurricane, fire.

How to help overcome? Do not turn on films about war and violence in front of the child, do not talk about global catastrophes in front of him, worry less. If there is a conversation about death, about departed relatives, the religious beliefs of the parents, if any, can come to the rescue. But we can discuss such a “legend”: “A person moves to another world, his soul lives, it helps you and me…”.

Boris Vasiliev

Greetings from Baba Lera ... How many years have passed, and I still hear these words. They sound in the telephone receiver in male and female voices, like the password of a strange brotherhood of strangers, like a signal from loneliness. As an echo of the frantic, eternally youthful “Give-eat!”, the frantic clatter of hooves, the clanging of blades and the roar of hasty shots.

Baba Lera, did you really shoot from a Mauser?

Is it hard for you to imagine that such a withered old woman had the strength to pull the trigger? And I on a bet made holes in a penny, but for some reason I always missed people.

Baba Lera ... Eternal half-smile on sunken lips, kind wrinkles and bitter eyes. Bitter even when Baba Lera laughed, and she loved to laugh very much.

You know, Alisa Koonen told me that at the age of sixteen she began her diary with the phrase: "I really want to suffer." It's funny, but I also decided to keep a diary at sixteen, but my beginning was different: “I really want to die happy ...” Dreams of high school students of the graduating class.

It was one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, the first summer of our acquaintance. And the next day, after talking about girls' diaries and dreams, I walked fourteen kilometers to Krasnogorye. I bought the thickest notebook I could find, printed “DIARY” on the title page, and wrote the first sentence myself: “Dear Baba Lera! Live long and give people happiness for a long time. Baba Lera slowly put on her glasses, carefully read the enthusiastic introduction. Then, just as leisurely, she took off her glasses and tapped them thoughtfully on her notebook.

Giving happiness is a talent, and talent always lives less than it should. And in general, it seems to me that one should add life to years, and not years to life, dear Boris Lvovich.

Baba Lera called everyone by name and patronymic, making an exception only for a single person - for Anisya, or Anyukha Polikarpovna, as she sometimes called herself. She called her Anisha, although Anisya herself addressed Baba Lera with peasant courtesy: "Lerya Milentievna." Anisya was younger than Baba Lera - she was fifteen when she was exiled, sixteen when she was imprisoned for escaping from exile to her native village, and eighteen when they “hung” another ten for an inconceivable insolence refusal to satisfy the natural desire of the head of the convoy - but, stepping from adolescence to exile, prisons and camps, and coming out of there already an old woman, she addressed everyone only by name, or - “boss”, if she was very angry.

She stubbornly reminded me of a horse. Not a full of grace and life-giving power, a blood mare, but a stark, mossy, with a spleen, an awkward peasant Savraska. Even her arms looked like horses: heavy, long, in knots of swollen veins; the stooped, bony back, the dreary, deeply sunken eyes, and those four teeth that were still miraculously preserved were horselike. Four yellow, large as chisels, incisors in the upper jaw, with which she did not chew, but scraped bread or potatoes, shaking her head quite like a horse.

Anisha, you should have put in your teeth.

Nothing, the Lord will accept such a thing, is not identified.

Are you aiming for heaven?

And where else can I go, Lerya Milentievna? I have sinned in my life against my will. And in its own way, only once, one-disconnected for all my winters.

Anisya counted not in years, not in summers, but only in winters: “Remember, forty-nine winters have come to me, that’s it.”

Forty nine years?

Zim, honey, winter. This is your years, but my whole life is a blizzard and frost. Therefore, winters must be counted.

It was pointless to argue with her, because she did not recognize any logic, and Baba Lera herself retreated when the scythe found a stone.

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