The most famous Armenian tanker. Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan

Welding equipment and technology occupy one of the leading places in modern production. The hulls of giant supertankers and the retina of the human eye, miniature parts of semiconductor devices and human bones during surgical operations are welded together. Many designs of modern machines and structures, such as space rockets, submarines, gas and oil pipelines, cannot be made without the help of welding. The development of technology makes ever new demands on production methods and, in particular, on welding technology. Today, materials are being welded that until relatively recently were considered exotic. These are titanium, niobium and beryllium alloys, molybdenum, tungsten, composite high-strength materials, ceramics, as well as all kinds of combinations of dissimilar materials. Welded parts of electronics with a thickness of several microns and parts of heavy equipment with a thickness of several meters. The conditions under which welding work is carried out are constantly becoming more complicated: it is necessary to weld under water, at high temperatures, in a deep vacuum, with increased radiation, in zero gravity.

All this imposes increased requirements on the qualifications of specialists in the field of welding, especially welders, since it is they who directly master new welding methods and techniques, new welding machines. Today, it is not enough for a working welder to be able to perform several, even complex, operations of the welding method he has mastered. He must understand the physical essence of the main processes occurring during welding, know the features of welding various structural materials, as well as the meaning and technological capabilities of other, both traditional and new, promising welding methods.

  1. Product Description

The intended product is intended for use as a support for the installation and installation of load-bearing columns in the construction of industrial buildings.

The support is a welded box-type structure.






Fig.1. Product design
All parts of this design are made of steel grade 09G2S.

Steel 09G2S refers to low-carbon, low-alloy steels.

Steels of this class have good weldability in all types of arc welding and are widely used for the manufacture of welded structures used in the construction industry.
Table 1

Chemical composition of steel 09G2S

table 2

Mechanical properties of steel 09G2S

Rolled thickness, mm

Tensile strength σ V, MPa

Yield strength σ T, MPa

Relative elongation δ 5 %

Impact strength KCU, J/cm², at temperature,










Welded structures used as load-bearing elements in the construction of buildings and structures belong to the II group of responsibility, because their destruction during operation can lead to high material costs.

II group of responsibility requires increased attention to the quality of the work of all production cycle(from the procurement of material to the volume of the final control of the product).

Taking into account the design features of the product, the material of the incoming parts, as well as the annual production program (2000 pieces), the most optimal manufacturing method will be semi-automatic welding in carbon dioxide.

  1. Welding method

Shielded gas welding is one of the arc welding methods. With this method, a protective gas is supplied to the arc zone, the jet of which, flowing around the electric arc and the weld pool, protects the molten metal from exposure to atmospheric air, oxidation and nitriding. Welding in shielding gases has the following advantages: high productivity (2...3 times higher than conventional arc welding), the ability to weld in any spatial position, good protection of the welding zone from atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen, no need to clean the seam from slag and clean the seam in multilayer welding; small heat-affected zone; relatively small deformations of products; the possibility of monitoring the process of seam formation; availability of mechanization and automation. The disadvantages of this welding method are the need to take measures to prevent the shielding gas jet from blowing off during welding, the use of gas equipment, and in some cases the use of relatively expensive shielding gases.

The following types of welding in shielding gas are known: in inert monatomic gases (argon, helium), in neutral diatomic gases (nitrogen, hydrogen), in carbon dioxide. In practice, argon-arc welding and welding in carbon dioxide have received the widest application. Inert gas - helium is used very rarely due to its high cost. For welding critical structures, welding in a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide gases in a ratio of 85% argon and 15% CO 2 is widely used. The quality of this steel welding is very high. The arc is powered by direct current sources with a rigid characteristic. In recent years, mainly welded rectifiers of the VDU series with a universal external characteristic, i.e., rigid or steeply falling by simply switching the packet, have been used.

Alternating current is not used due to the low stability of the arcing process, poor formation and Bad quality seam. The voltage on the arc when welding in CO 2 should be no more than 30 V, since spatter and oxidation increase with increasing voltage and arc length. Typically arc voltage is 22-28V, welding speed is 20-80m/h, gas flow is 7-20l/min. Welding in CO 2 with wire gives a deeper penetration than electrodes, therefore, when switching from manual welding, it is considered justified to reduce the legs by about 10%. This is due to the increased current density per 1 mm 2 of the electrode wire. The main elements of the welding mode in CO 2 in Table 1.
Table 3

Typical parameters of the welding mode in CO 2

Wire diameter, m

Welding current, A


wire feed

Arc tension, V



Wire extension, mm



installed selection under the regime



















Welding in carbon dioxide is carried out in almost all spatial positions, which is very important in the production of construction and installation works. Welding is carried out when the arc is powered by direct current of reverse polarity. When welding with direct current of direct polarity, the stability of the arc burning decreases, the formation of the seam worsens, and the losses of the electrode metal due to waste and spatter increase. However, the deposition coefficient is 1.6...1.8 times higher than with reverse polarity. This quality is used in surfacing work Sheet material from carbon and low alloy steels is successfully welded in carbon dioxide; sheets with a thickness of 0.6 ... 1.0 mm are welded with edge flanging. It is also allowed to weld without flanging, but with a gap between the edges of not more than 0.3 ... 0.5 mm. Sheets with a thickness of 1.0 ... 8.0 mm are welded without cutting edges; in this case, the gap between the welded edges should be no more than 1 mm. Sheets with a thickness of 8 ... 12 mm are welded V-seam, and for large thicknesses - with an X-shaped seam. Before welding, the edges of the product must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, paint, oxides and scale. Welding current and welding speed largely depend on the size of the groove of the weld being welded, i.e., on the amount of deposited metal. The voltage is set in such a way as to obtain a stable welding process with the shortest possible arc (1.5 ... 4.0 mm). With a longer arc length, the welding process is unstable, metal spatter increases, and the possibility of oxidation and nitriding of the deposited metal increases.

Rice. 2. Movement of the electrode during welding in carbon dioxide when performing a multi-layer weld
The figure shows the movements of the electrode during welding in carbon dioxide when performing a multi-layer weld. It is recommended to weld the first layer at a low welding current to reduce the risk of cracking. The seam should be completed by filling the crater with metal. Then the electrode wire feed is stopped and the current is turned off. The gas supply to the welded crater continues until the metal is completely solidified.

  1. Part of the equipment

Part technological equipment, necessary to perform welding work in mechanized arc welding in shielding gases includes:

  • power supply;

  • assembly and welding fixtures;

  • gas equipment;

  • gas pipeline devices;

  • welding machine (semiautomatic).

3.1 Power supply
Power supply (IP) of the welding arc is called a device that provides the necessary type and strength of the arc current.

The power source and the welding arc form an interconnected energy system in which the IP performs the following main functions: provides the conditions for the initial excitation (ignition) of the arc, its stable burning during the welding process and the ability to adjust (regulate) the mode parameters.

An important technical characteristic of the IP, which makes it possible to work with one or another type of arc, is the dependence of the voltage on the "welding" clamps (terminals) of the IP on the welding current. This dependence is called the external current-voltage characteristic (CVC) of the IP. The most characteristic I–V characteristics for well-known IPs are: steeply dipping, gently dipping, and rigid .

According to the type of current in the welding circuit, there are:

  1. alternating current sources - welding single-phase and three-phase transformers, specialized installations for welding aluminum alloys;

  2. DC sources - welding rectifiers and generators with drives of various types.
By the number of serviced posts, there can be single-station and multi-station, and by application - general industrial and specialized power supplies.

In this case, we use a modern powerful 400-ampere inverter power supply for semi-automatic welding and surfacing in a shielding or active gas environment brand DC 400.33.

This IP has:

  • Remote control welding voltage.

  • Digital indicator of welding current and voltage.

  • Function >.

  • Food both from a stationary network and from the diesel generator.

Table 4

Specifications for inverter DC 400.33

Supply voltage, V

3 80,+10% -15 %


Source voltage (long-term adjustable), V


Welding current (continuously adjustable), A


Rated operating mode PN, % (at +40 С)


Maximum current at PN= 100%, A


Operating temperature range, С

From - 40 to + 40

Weight, kg


Overall dimensions, mm


For IP brand DC 400.33 we have selected a feeder brand PM-4.33. It is designed for solid steel, aluminum and flux-cored wires from 0.6 to 2.4 mm when working with the device DS400.33, DS400.33UKP or any other source with > current-voltage characteristic.

This PM has:

  • Execution with "open" and "closed coil"

  • Digital display of wire feed speed, welding current and voltage

  • Infinitely adjustable wire feed speed and arc voltage

  • Digital setting of all welding parameters

  • smooth ignition of the arc, thanks to the installation of a wire deceleration at the beginning of welding

  • setting the purge time at the beginning of welding and gas purge after welding

  • smooth arc quenching due to setting of wire deceleration at the end of welding

  • Four-roller wire feeder from COOPTIM Ltd., (the profile of the roller depends on the diameter and type of welding wire)

  • Gear meshing of feed and pressure rollers

  • Adjustable clamping force

  • Operation at a distance of up to 50 m from the welding source is possible

  • Shielding gas cutter

  • "Gas Test" and "Wire Test" on the front panel

  • Remote control wire feed speed

Table 5

Specifications PM-4.33

Supply voltage, V


Power consumption, kVA, no more


Wire feed speed, m/s


Wire diameter, mm



- Aluminum


- Powder


Operating temperature range, °C

-40 to +40

Weight, kg


Overall dimensions, mm


One of the leading places among diseases caused by viruses of the family herpesviridae, is occupied by cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI), the increase in the prevalence of which is currently noted in all countries of the world. Over the past decade, the list of diseases has significantly expanded, one of the causes of which is also cytomegalovirus (CMV). The concept of CMVI covers the problems of intrauterine infection, seronegative mononucleosis, hepatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, post-transfusion syndrome, organ and tissue transplantation, oncogenesis, HIV infection, since CMVI is defined by WHO experts as an AIDS indicator disease. The following definition of this disease seems to be the most successful: “Cytomegalovirus infection is a widespread viral disease mainly in young children, characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations and a standard two-component morphological picture, including peculiar, similar to an owl’s eye, cytomegalic cells and lymphohistiocytic infiltrates.”


CMVI was first described in 1881 by the German pathologist M. Ribbert, who discovered cytomegalic cells (CMCs) in kidney tissue in congenital syphilis. E. Goodpasture and F. Talbot in 1921 proposed the name "children's cytomegaly", which is still used today. CMV was isolated from cell culture by M. Smith in 1956.

The diameter of CMV virions is 120-150 nm. The virion is covered with a glycoprotein-lipid membrane. The CMV virus has the form of an ixahedron, the protein coat of which (capsid) consists of 162 symmetrically arranged capsomeres. The CMV genome is represented by double-stranded DNA. CMV is thermolabile, inactivated at a temperature of +56°C, its optimal pH is 7.2-8.0. Currently, three CMV strains have been isolated: Davis, AD 169, Kerr.


Only man is the reservoir of CMV in nature. From the infected organism, the virus is excreted in urine, saliva and lacrimal fluid. Transmission factors for CMV include maternal blood, cervical and vaginal secretions, breast milk, and semen. The prevalence of CMVI depends on the socio-economic and hygienic conditions of people's lives. Screening studies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) revealed antibodies to CMV in 33% of children under 2 years of age and in 50% of adults in countries with a high standard of living. In developing countries, specific antibodies are present in 69% of children and 100% of adults.

The main source of infection of children are mothers - carriers of CMV. Intrauterine infection of the fetus can occur at any time of antenatal development. Transplacental hematogenous infection of the fetus is facilitated by reactivation of CMVI in pregnant women and insufficient barrier function of the placenta. The risk of infection penetrating the placental barrier increases with prolonged viremia and the chronic nature of the infection. In the cervical secret, CMV is found in the first trimester of pregnancy in 2% of women, in the second - in 7%, in the third - in 12%. The fetus can aspirate amniotic fluid infected with CMV, damage to the external integument of the fetus can also serve as the entrance gate of CMV infection. 5% of newborns are infected intranatally. Infection of the fetus in the early stages of intrauterine development is the most dangerous and is often accompanied by spontaneous abortion or disorders of organogenesis and histogenesis. In CMV-infected patients later after birth, cytomegaly syndrome, transient jaundice, and hepatosplenomegaly are observed. In the future, from 10 to 30% of these children suffer from brain lesions, expressed in microcephaly with ventricular calcification, atrophy of the auditory nerve and mental retardation.

Infants can become infected through breastfeeding milk. However, with mother's milk, the child receives secretory IgA, which does not cross the placenta and is not produced in the child in the first months of postnatal life. Secretory IgA increases the resistance of the newborn to viral and bacterial infections; therefore, children infected through mother's milk suffer only a latent form of CMVI.

With close contact between mother and child, saliva can become a factor in transmitting the virus to him. There is evidence that half of children under 3 years of age attending kindergartens become infected with CMV from their peers, and then infect their mothers.

The source of CMV for adults and children can be the urine of a patient or a virus carrier.

A frequent route of infection is sexual, as the virus is contained in semen in high concentrations for a long time.

There is also an airborne route of infection. In patients with severe ARVI, which is often caused by CMVI, cytomegalovirus is found in swabs from the nasopharynx.

Blood transfusions, infusion therapy, organ and tissue transplantation are also dangerous, since biological preparations or tissues from CMV-infected donors are often introduced into the recipient's body. There is a lot of information in the literature about the infection of recipients after these manipulations. The use of immunosuppressants and cytostatics in patients after organ transplantation not only promotes the reactivation of a previously acquired latent infection, but also increases their susceptibility to primary CMVI infection.

The presence of antigenically different strains of CMV explains the possibility of reinfection with the development of a manifest form of the disease at any age.


CMV has a pronounced tropism for the tissues of the salivary glands. With a latent form of the course, the virus is found only in the epithelium of the salivary tubes, therefore sometimes CMVI is rightly called the “kissing disease”.

CMV causes significant disturbances in the regulation of the immune response, which are based on damage to the interleukin system. As a rule, the ability of infected immunocompetent cells to synthesize interleukins is suppressed due to excessive production of prostaglandins, and the reactions of target cells to IL-1 and IL-2 also change. Virus-induced immunosuppression develops with a sharp inhibition of the function of natural killers.

CMV penetrated into the blood is reproduced in leukocytes and the system of mononuclear phagocytes or persists in lymphoid organs. CMV virions are adsorbed on cell membranes, penetrate into the cytoplasm and induce cytomegalic cell metamorphosis. Viral RNA is found in T-helpers and T-suppressors even in the long term of convalescence.


A characteristic pathological sign of CMV is giant cells detected in tissues, saliva, sputum, urine sediment and cerebrospinal fluid. Cells have intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions and contain a multiplying virus. Changes in the nucleus of the cell give it a resemblance to an owl's eye. Giant cells are localized mainly in the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the salivary glands, in the epithelium of the distal nephron in the kidneys, in the epithelium of the bile ducts in the liver, and in the epithelium of the ependymal ventricles of the brain.

In response to exposure to CMV, lymphohistiocytic infiltrates appear in the surrounding interstitial tissue, sometimes having the character of nodules. In the generalized form, damage to the lungs, kidneys and intestines is more often observed, less often - to the liver and other organs. Along with giant cells and lymphohistiocytic infiltrates, a picture of interstitial pneumonia is found in the lungs, interstitial nephritis in the kidneys, ulcerative enterocolitis in the intestines, and cholestatic hepatitis in the liver.

Congenital generalized CMVI is also characterized by hemorrhagic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, hemorrhages in the internal organs and brain, significant anemia, and the development of foci of myeloblastosis in the liver, spleen and kidneys. Eye damage is also noted - uveitis, clouding of the lens and subatrophy of the iris.

CMVI classification (A.P. Kazantsev, N.I. Popova, 1980):

  • congenital CMVI - acute form, chronic form;
  • acquired CMVI - latent form, acute mononucleosis-like form, generalized form.

Clinic of CMVI in children

Acute form of congenital CMVI. The clinic of the acute form of CMVI is characterized by the most severe course with pronounced signs of toxicosis, enlargement of the liver and spleen, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic syndrome, changes in the blood count and CNS damage. This form of the disease is often referred to as fetal cytomegalovirus syndrome. Children are born prematurely, with low body weight, reflexes are depressed, sometimes there are disorders of sucking and swallowing. Jaundice occurs in 60% of cases possible reasons which may be CMV hepatitis or increased hemolysis of red blood cells. Jaundice resembles physiological, but the intensity of the disease gradually increases, and it persists for 1-2 months. In 90% of children, the liver is enlarged and protrudes 3-5 cm below the edge of the costal arch. The spleen is enlarged in 42% of cases, it is dense, painless. In the blood, 70% of children have thrombocytopenia, elevated bilirubin levels, as well as an increase in transaminase activity - up to 150 IU / l and alkaline phosphatase - up to 28 IU.

The acute form of CMVI proceeds under the guise of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Often there are also lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic syndrome and progressive dystrophy predominate.

In the acute form of congenital CMVI, the death of children occurs in the first weeks or months of life, most often from associated bacterial infections.

Chronic form of congenital CMVI. In children who have had an acute form of the disease, there is an undulating course of the chronic form of CMVI. Congenital malformations of the central nervous system are often formed, in particular microcephaly - in 40% of cases. Chronic hepatitis can develop, in rare cases turning into cirrhosis. Changes in the lungs in 25% of children are characterized by the development of pneumosclerosis and fibrosis.

The differential diagnosis of congenital CMVI is carried out with rubella, listeriosis, toxoplasmosis, as well as with hemolytic disease of the newborn, congenital syphilis and sepsis.

Latent form of acquired CMVI. The latent form is not clinically manifested in any way and is detected only during a virological examination.

Acute mononucleosis-like form of acquired CMVI. The acute form in clinical manifestations in older children resembles infectious mononucleosis and often occurs after blood transfusions. The disease is characterized by an acute onset with a rise in temperature and the appearance of symptoms of intoxication. Lymphadenopathy, tenderness on palpation of the parotid region, symptoms of acute respiratory infections, hepatomegaly are recorded. Characterized by leukocytosis, an increase in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes and atypical mononuclear cells. It is recommended to set up the Paul-Bunnel and Hoff-Bauer reactions, which are positive in the case of infectious mononucleosis and negative in cytomegalovirus mononucleosis-like syndrome.

Generalized form of acquired CMVI. The generalized form is characterized by lymphadenopathy, intoxication, fever. First of all, symptoms of damage to the respiratory organs are detected: dry, agonizing cough, shortness of breath of a mixed type. Auscultation of the lungs revealed dry and moist rales. Developing pneumonia is characterized by a protracted course, which determines the severity of the underlying disease. Due to the layering of bacterial and fungal infection, it can be difficult to isolate the symptoms of generalized CMVI.

Often CMVI occurs in association with other diseases of viral or bacterial etiology. The combination of CMVI and ARVI is especially common, in which cytomegalovirus is isolated in 30% of sick children. This flu is more severe and contributes to the activation of CMVI by suppressing immune responses.

Clinic of CMVI in adults

CMVI in adults occurs in a latent (localized) and generalized form. The latent form usually does not show clear clinical symptoms. Sometimes there are mild flu-like illnesses, unclear subfebrile condition. Diagnosis of this form of CMVI is based on the results of laboratory tests.

The generalized form of acquired CMVI in adults is rare. As a rule, its clinical signs are detected against the background of some other disease that sharply reduces immunity: after major surgical operations, against the background of leukemia or neoplasms. In these cases, the use of various immunosuppressants in the treatment of patients has pathogenetic significance. Generalized CMVI in adults is manifested by sluggish pneumonia or a kind of acute infectious disease characterized by fever, enlargement and tenderness of the liver, an increase in the number of mononuclear cells in the blood (mononucleosis caused by CMV), and damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Lymphadenopathy and tonsillitis are absent.

It is difficult to diagnose the disease. In women, latent CMVI can be suspected with repeated miscarriages and births of the dead children. The diagnosis is based on the data of cytological and virological studies.

Liver pathology occupies a special place in CMVI. Cytomegalovirus hepatitis, which develops in response to the introduction of CMV, is characterized by the degeneration of the epithelium of the biliary tract and hepatocytes, stellate endothelial cells and vascular endothelium. They form cytomegalic cells, surrounded by inflammatory mononuclear infiltrates. The combination of these changes leads to intrahepatic cholestasis. Cytomegalic cells are exfoliated, fill the gaps of the bile ducts, causing the mechanical component of jaundice. At the same time, degenerate CMV hepatocytes are destructively changed, up to necrosis, which leads to the development of cytolysis syndrome. It should be noted that in CMV hepatitis, which has a prolonged, subacute or chronic course, the leading role belongs to the cholestasis syndrome.

In the diagnosis of CMV hepatitis, the results of a puncture biopsy of the liver are of great importance (detection in the punctate of giant, 25-40 microns in diameter, cytomegalic cells in the form of an owl's eye with a huge nucleus and a narrow border of the cytoplasm), as well as cytological (detection of cytomegalic cells in the urine sediment) and serological (detection of IgM antibodies to CMVI) methods. Differential diagnosis of CMV hepatitis is carried out with other viral hepatitis: B, Epstein-Barr, herpetic hepatitis.

With CMVI, as a rule, the salivary glands are affected. They show mononuclear infiltrates. Sialoadenitis is chronic. Simultaneously with the defeat of the salivary glands, degeneration of the epithelium of the stomach and intestines is observed with the development of erosions and ulcers and lymphohistiocytic infiltrates in the thickness of the intestinal wall.

The defeat of the lymph nodes is characteristic of CMVI. At the same time, all the signs typical of this infection are preserved. It is the pathology of the lymphatic system that exacerbates the organ and systemic manifestations of CMVI.

The defeat of the respiratory system in CMVI is characterized by the development of interstitial pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis. At the same time, the epithelium of the alveoli, bronchi, bronchioles and surrounding lymph nodes undergoes specific changes. In the peribronchial tissue, infiltrates are formed from mononuclear cells, macrophages and plasma cells. CMV pneumonia often occurs with a staphylococcal layer, accompanied by purulent bronchiolitis and abscess formation. The presence of CMV is confirmed by the detection of cytomegalic cells. Often, CMV pneumonia is combined with pneumocystosis with an extremely severe course of the disease.

Kidney damage in CMVI is also observed frequently. In this case, cells of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules, the epithelium of the capsules of the glomeruli, as well as the ureters and the bladder, undergo a specific ("giant cell") change. This explains the detection of cytomegalic cells in the urine sediment.

CNS involvement in adults is rare and occurs as subacute encephalitis.

Eye lesions in CMVI are characterized by the development of chorioretinitis. Chorioretinitis is very often combined with CMV encephalitis.

Laboratory diagnostics

Currently, there are several reliable methods for determining CMV.

  • Traditional isolation of the virus on the culture of embryonic fibroblasts and the culture of human diploid cells, in which CMV exhibits its cytopathic effect. The method is the most reliable and sensitive (determination time is 2-3 weeks).
  • Accelerated virus culture method for 6 hours using monoclonal antibodies to indicate early antigens.
  • The method of cytoscopy of urine and saliva sediments, as well as light and electron microscopy of histological preparations, in particular liver biopsy, which makes it possible to identify giant CMV cells in the form of an owl's eye, with a narrow border of cytoplasm and a large nucleus.

Various methods are used to determine antibodies to CMV.

  • Complement fixation reaction (RSC). The most common way to study specific humoral immunity in CMVI. The method is not sensitive enough, since only total antibodies are detected. RSK with a titer of 1:4 is negative, 1:8 is weakly positive, 1:16 is positive, 1:32 is sharply positive.
  • Immunofluorescent analysis. Determines the increase in the titer of antibodies Ig classes M and G to CMV. This method is more sensitive than RSC.
  • ELISA (peroxidase) analysis.
  • Solid phase radioimmunoassay. It also allows you to determine Ig classes M and G.
  • Immunoblotting. Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it evaluates antibodies to CMV of various classes. This is the most modern method of specific diagnostics; it can be used to determine the entire spectrum of antibodies to CMV.


There is no reliable antiviral therapy for CMVI yet. In particular, this is due to the fact that CMV uses the metabolic apparatus of the host cell for its own reproduction. The tactics of treating patients should take into account the possibility of a primary, latent stage and repeated diseases. With congenital CMVI, complex pathogenetic treatment is carried out, depending on the severity of certain clinical manifestations. Jaundice and liver damage are guided general principles therapy for viral hepatitis. With pneumonia, often of a mixed viral-bacterial nature, antibiotics are prescribed in the usual manner. A number of drugs with different activity against CMV have been proposed in our country and abroad. These are ribavirin (virazole, rebetol), acyclovir (lovir, cyclovir, zovirax, herperax), interferon (viferon, interal, infagel), etc. The principle of their action is that they prevent the incorporation of nucleotides into the synthesized viral DNA.

Two purine nucleosides, cytarabine and vidarabine, are also effective inhibitors of viral DNA replication. They completely inhibit viral DNA polymerase, and are also incorporated into cellular and viral DNA. Since these drugs are non-specific, they have some cytotoxicity.

The action of zovirax is more specific. Zovirax is low toxic, easily penetrates virus-infected cells. It is more effective in the treatment of CMVI than cytarabine and vidarabine.

With the acquired latent form of CMVI in pregnant women, the main task is to prevent the generalization of infection and intrauterine infection of the fetus. For this purpose, desensitizing and restorative therapy is carried out, vitamins are prescribed (adaptovit, aquadetrim, alvitil, alphaVIT, benfogamma, biovital, vikasol, vitabalance 2000, vitrum prenatal, gendevit, geriavit, gerimaks, dodex, doppelgerz vitamin E, complivit, macrovit, nikodin, revivon, tocopher-200, triovit, cebion, evitol, enduracin). Normal human immunoglobulin containing specific antibodies against CMV is used as a specific agent. The drug is administered intramuscularly in doses of 6-12 ml with an interval of 2-3 weeks in the first trimester of pregnancy. Levamisole (Decaris, Levamisole) is prescribed 50 mg twice a day after meals for 3 months. If there is no effect, they switch to T-activin 100 mcg subcutaneously 2 times a week. The number of stillbirths with such tactics of treatment is reduced by 5 times.

In patients with a transplanted heart, there is a positive experience of treating CMVI with ganciclovir at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day for 2-3 weeks. In addition, ganciclovir (cemeven) is effective in 70-90% of patients with HIV infection treated for CMV retinitis and colitis. The initial dose of the drug was 5 mg/kg 2 times a day intravenously for 2-3 weeks, the maintenance dose was 5 mg/kg/day intravenously. Neutropenia, the main toxic effect, can be reduced by the use of colony-stimulating factors. In bone marrow recipients, the use of ganciclovir and CMV immune globulin resulted in a positive result in 50-70% of patients with CMV pneumonitis.

For varieties of CMV resistant to ganciclovir, foscarnet (sodium foscarnet, gefin) is effective (in the treatment of patients with CMV retinitis with HIV infection). The initial dose of foscarnet is 60 mg/kg every 8 hours for 2-3 weeks, then it is administered daily by infusion at a dose of 90-120 mg/kg. In patients after bone marrow transplantation, foscarnet is used at an average daily dose of 100 mg/kg for 3 weeks. In 70% of patients, recovery from CMVI was observed, the temperature returned to normal, and laboratory parameters improved.

Currently, new promising chemotherapy drugs against CMVI are being developed and tested.

With congenital CMVI with CNS damage, the prognosis is unfavorable, while with acquired generalized CMVI, it is determined by the underlying disease. With a latent form of acquired CMVI, the prognosis is favorable.


It is necessary to exclude the contact of pregnant women with children with congenital CMVI. If a woman gives birth to a child with congenital CMVI, the next pregnancy can be recommended no earlier than 2 years later (the period of persistence of the virus in localized acquired CMVI).

Currently, an active search for vaccines against CMVI is underway. Live vaccines have already been created in the United States and Great Britain, which are now undergoing a period of clinical trials.

It is important to remember that CMVI requires doctors to be aware of various fields of medicine and creative search for effective use proven methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Early detection of CMVI contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of care for this category of patients, as well as timely recognition of cases of HIV infection and AIDS. n

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  5. Samokhin P.A. Cytomegalovirus infection in children. — M.: Medicine, 1987.
  6. Kazantsev A.P., Popova N.I. Intrauterine infectious diseases and their prevention. - L .: Medicine, 1980.
  7. Report of the WHO scientific group "Immunological deficiency". — M.: Medicine, 1980.
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V. V. Skvortsov,Candidate of Medical Sciences
R. G. Myazin
D. N. Emelyanov, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd

Among the famous military leaders of Armenian origin, the name of Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan rightfully occupies one of the leading places. In the Soviet Union, Hamazasp Babajanyan managed to build a brilliant military career, rising to the rank of Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces. Hamazasp Babajanyan took part in the Great Patriotic War from July 1941, during the war years he was awarded numerous orders and medals, including the Gold Star medal and the honorary title of Hero Soviet Union. Marshal Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan passed away 40 years ago on November 1, 1977.

Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan was born on February 5 (February 18, according to a new style) in 1906 in the village of Chardakhly, Elizavetpol province, today it is the territory of the Shamkir region of Azerbaijan. His parents were ordinary peasants. At the same time, the family of the future marshal was an average unit of society Russian Empire the beginning of the 20th century, the family was large, it had 8 children at once, all of them required care and attention. In order to feed a large family, Amazasp's father was almost never at home, as he was forced to constantly work while his mother was busy with the housework and looked after the younger children. At the same time, the children in the Babajanyan family began to work early. Hamazasp Babajanyan, after graduating from the 5th grade of secondary school, began working on his father's farm, and then as a laborer.

It is worth noting that early start labor activity and only primary or secondary incomplete education is found in the biographies of many military men and simply famous people of that era. For most ordinary people, especially non-urban residents, education at that time was not in the first place. It was much more important to feed yourself, your family and children. At the same time, Hamazasp Babajanyan did not just work on the land, in 1923-1924 he worked on the construction of roads in the territory of today's Shamkir region.

In 1924, the future marshal of the Soviet Union joined the Komsomol, becoming the first secretary of the rural Komsomol cell. The Komsomol in those years gave people more opportunities for their development and self-realization, was one of the steps of new social elevators. Contemporaries noted that Babadzhanyan was an active member of the Komsomol, who literally gushed with various ideas and proposals. It can be said that young man with an active life position, they noticed and in September 1925 they were drafted into the ranks of the Red Army not according to the usual, but according to the Komsomol call. By distribution, he was sent to study at the Armenian Infantry School, which at that time was located in Yerevan, it was here that his brilliant officer career began. In September 1926, after this school was disbanded, he was transferred to the Transcaucasian Military Infantry School, which was located in Tbilisi.

After graduating from the infantry school, Hamazasp Babajanyan was sent to serve in the 7th Caucasian Rifle Regiment (Caucasian Red Banner Army), where he served as a platoon commander, party bureau secretary of a separate battalion, company commander. As part of the regiment, he took part in battles against gangs and participants in anti-Soviet demonstrations, and was wounded in one of the battles. Later, his colleagues recalled that Amazasp was a very mobile and enterprising person who did not like to sit still and was constantly busy with some business. At the same time, the fact that he always treated his subordinates and juniors with respect was especially emphasized.

In March 1934, Hamazasp Babajanyan was transferred to the 3rd Machine Gun Regiment, which at that time was stationed in Baku. In the regiment, he served as commander of machine-gun companies and a battalion, as well as assistant chief of staff of the regiment. In October 1937, he was appointed to the post of head of the 1st department of the air defense point of the Transcaucasian military district in Baku. In August 1938, he was appointed chief of staff of the 3rd machine gun regiment, and in October of the same year he was transferred to the Leningrad Military District to the post of assistant commander of the 2nd machine gun regiment. As part of the units of the Leningrad Military District, Babadzhanyan took part in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. During one of the battles that took place on February 18, 1940, the future marshal was wounded for the second time in his life, this wound was not the last for him.

After recovering in December 1940, the officer was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the 493rd rifle regiment, and in January 1941 to the post of deputy commander of the 751st rifle regiment, both were located in the North Caucasian military district. Just before the war, in April 1941, Hamazasp Babajanyan was appointed to the post of assistant chief of the 1st department of the operational department of the headquarters of the 19th army, located in the Kiev Special Military District.

Since July 1941, Babajanyan took part in the Great Patriotic War, this month his 19th Army arrived at Western Front where the situation was very difficult. In August, he became commander of the 395th Infantry Regiment as part of the 127th Infantry Division. He took an active part in the Smolensk defensive battle and the Yelninsk offensive. Already on September 18, 1941, the 127th Rifle Division became the 2nd Guards, and the regiment commanded by Hamazasp Babajanyan became the 1st Guards Rifle Regiment.

At the end of September 1941, the guards were included in the operational group of A. N. Ermakov, which was transferred to the eastern Glukhov region, where they fought heavy defensive battles against superior enemy forces. On October 3, the division was transferred to Kursk, in November, parts of the division fought fierce defensive battles in the area of ​​the city of Tim. In December 1941, the 2nd Guards Rifle Division took part in the counteroffensive. Soviet troops near Moscow, after which it was transferred to the South-Western Front, and then, as part of the 3rd Guards Rifle Corps, became part of the Southern Front. In March 1942, parts of the division took part in the offensive of the Soviet troops on Taganrog.

In April, according to other sources, at the beginning of June 1942, Babadzhanyan was sent from the front to study. He got on accelerated courses at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, which was evacuated to Tashkent. He studied in Uzbekistan until the end of August 1942, after which he was again sent to the front, where he became commander of the 3rd mechanized brigade, which he led until September 1944. So the former infantryman suddenly became a tanker. Before that, of course, he had to interact with tanks in a combat situation, but he had a very remote idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of combat vehicles. Therefore, literally immediately after the appointment, he had to persevere to master new technology. According to his recollections, it took up to 18 hours a day to work. Immediately upon arrival at his mechanized brigade, he summoned the deputy for the technical part and asked him to work with him daily for 5 hours a day, explaining and talking about the design of tanks and their features. These lessons were not in vain, and he soon proved it in a combat situation. Already in October 1942, the brigade under his leadership received the Red Banner. The banner of the unit was personally presented by a member of the Military Council of the Moscow Defense Zone, Major General K.F. Telegin.

Together with his brigade, Colonel Hamazasp Babajanyan took part in the Battle of Kursk, for participation in which the brigade was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. In October 1943, she received the honorary title of Guards, becoming the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade. Later, the soldiers of this unit took part in the Zhytomyr-Berdichev, Korsun-Shevchenkiv, Proskurov-Chernivtsi and Lvov-Sandomierz offensive operations Soviet troops, in which they won fame for themselves and their commander.

The 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade of Guards Colonel Babajanyan especially distinguished himself during the Proskurov-Chernivtsi offensive operation. The fighters of the brigade, together with other formations of the 1st Ukrainian Front, managed to break through the German defenses and from March 22 to March 24, 1944, a number of cities on the Right-Bank Ukraine were liberated from the enemy: Trembovl, Kopychintsy, Chertkov and Zalishchyky. One of the first formations of the front that crossed the Dniester was the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade, whose fighters were able to hold an important bridgehead for the further offensive. Later, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief V. I. Stalin, the brigade of Colonel Babadzhanyan was given the honorary name "Zaleshchitskaya", and gratitude was declared to the troops that took part in the liberation of the cities of Chertkov and Zalishchyky from the Nazis. In their honor, on March 24, 1944, a salute was fired in Moscow with 20 artillery volleys from 224 guns.

Modern panorama of the city of Zalishchyky

For the skillful leadership of the combat operations of the entrusted mechanized brigade, personal courage in battles and the successful crossing of the Dniester by the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of April 26, 1944, Guards Colonel Hamazasp Babajanyan was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal number 2077.

The success of the officer was rewarded by the fact that on August 25, 1944 he was appointed commander of the 11th Guards Tank Corps. Commanding the corps, Babadzhanyan took part in the Vistula-Oder and Berlin offensive operations. And again, his tankers were able to distinguish themselves in battles and cover themselves with the glory of the winners. For the liberation of the cities of Tomaszow, Lodz, Kutno, Lenchica and Gostyn, the corps was presented with the Order of the Red Banner, and for the capture of the cities of Tczew, Wejherowo and Puck was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree. Babajanyan's tankers also distinguished themselves in the battles for Berlin, for participation in the successful assault on the capital of the Third Reich, the corps was given the honorary name "Berlin". The awards and the corps commander were not bypassed. For excellent leadership of the troops during the storming of Berlin, personal courage, dedication and heroism, Babadzhanyan was nominated for the second title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but the award was replaced with the Order of Suvorov, I degree.

It is worth noting that Hamazasp Babajanyan was a real combat commander who did not hide behind the backs of his subordinates and actively participated in the battles. During the Great Patriotic War, he was twice seriously wounded. First time during Battle of Kursk, the second - during the fighting on the Sandamir bridgehead. He was wounded in the throat by a fragment of an exploding shell, his trachea was damaged. Despite being wounded, he refused hospitalization and continued to lead the fight. At the same time, it was difficult for him to speak, and he gave commands in a whisper, and then began to write them down on paper.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Hamazasp Babajanyan continued to build his army career and improve himself. In January 1947 he was sent to study at the Higher military academy named after K. E. Voroshilov, after completing his studies in which he received regular appointments to the army. In particular, in 1950 he became commander of the 2nd Guards Mechanized Army. And in August 1953, he was already a lieutenant general of tank troops. In 1956, he again had to put his combat skills into practice, he took part in the suppression of anti-Soviet protests in Hungary, receiving another military award- Order of Kutuzov I degree.

Further important milestones in his career were: appointment to the post of commander of the Odessa Military District in June 1959; head of the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky in September 1967; and finally, the pinnacle of a career - the position of chief of tank troops Soviet army and member of the Military Council ground forces in May 1969. On April 29, 1975, Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babadzhanyan became the Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces, for the entire existence of the title of "Chief Marshal" in the Soviet Union, only 4 artillerymen, 7 pilots and only 2 tankmen received it.

Amazasp Khachaturovich Babadzhanyan passed away in Moscow in the hospital named after P.V. Mandryka, this happened on November 1, 1977. He died at the age of 72. The chief marshal of the armored forces was buried with due honors in Moscow on Novodevichy cemetery.

Monument to the Chief Marshal of Armored Troops Hamazasp Babajanyan in Yerevan

Streets in Yerevan and Odessa, a square in the North-Western administrative district of Moscow were named in honor of the famous Soviet military leader. His name is also high school in Etchmiadzin (Armenia). On May 23, 2016, a monument dedicated to the Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces was solemnly opened in Yerevan. There is still a unit with which Babajanyan took Berlin. After the end of the war, the 11th Guards Tank Corps passed long haul, already in June 1945 it was reorganized into the 11th Guards Tank Division, and today it is the 11th Guards Separate Carpathian-Berlin Red Banner, Order of Suvorov II degree mechanized brigade, which is the pride of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus.

Based on materials from open sources

On the afternoon of May 24, 2012, His Beatitude Archbishop Jerome of Athens and All Hellas took part in the official opening ceremony of the Day Slavic writing and culture in Moscow.

Your Holiness, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' and beloved in Christ Brother Kirill, Eminent archpastors, respected representatives of the authorities, venerable fathers, beloved Christians!

With deep emotion and gratitude, I am called to remember the greatness Slavic culture, reviving in his memory the bountiful harvest that the vineyard of Saints Cyril and Methodius gave in these blessed lands. It was here that the Archpastor Christ placed them for the confession of faith and the teaching of people. The result of their teachings was a multifaceted culture, in every manifestation associated with the faith of our Church.

Being on this sacred land of glorious Russia, I reflect on and admire its long and very diverse tradition, its history. I admire her art, sports achievements and culture: literature, philosophy, classical music, folk and classical dances, architecture, painting, cinema, serious developments in the field of technology and space science, but above all, church art and tradition in the form in which they were formed and found their expression in music, icon painting and church hymns.

The centuries-old path of Russian culture was outlined and determined by our common Byzantine roots, the development of Western philosophy and, to a large extent, two centuries of cultural flourishing, starting from the era of Peter the Great.

Today, Russian cultural heritage occupies one of the highest positions in the world, spreading its spiritual influence everywhere. Numerous talented Russian craftsmen and scientists have made a huge contribution to the field of culture, decisively contributing to a significant increase in modern scientific achievements in medicine, genetics, biotechnology, space science and many other fields.

One of the richest and most beloved in the whole world is Russian literature. Its solid foundations were laid in the X century, and in the XVIII century it received a significant impetus thanks to the works of such prominent literary figures as M.V. Lomonosov and D.I. Fonvizin. The 19th century gave us writers whose names are inscribed in golden letters in the fund of world literature. This is A.S. Pushkin, who is considered the Russian Shakespeare, M.Yu. Lermontov and A.P. Chekhov, considered the fathers of literary drama, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskov and many others. In particular, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky were such outstanding personalities that literary critics all over the world unanimously rank them among the greatest writers of all time. This tradition was continued in subsequent years by the great writers I.A. Bunin, V.V. Ηabokov, I.E. Babel, Yu.K. Olesha and many others who do your country a great honor.

Russian philosophy also had a decisive influence on the world community. Its heyday, which came in the 19th century, brought such great names as N.Ya. Danilevsky and K.N. Leontiev. Russian philosophy is distinguished by a deep connection with literature and an attitude towards a revival in the world of politics, arts and science. It should be noted large figures ON THE. Berdyaev and V.N. Lossky.

I must also mention Russian architecture, with its majestic buildings, both in the period of influence of Byzantine architecture and in the subsequent period when it followed its own unique course. The 16th century gave us the excellent St. Basil's Cathedral; The 17th century, which coincided with the flourishing of the Baroque style and the reforms of Peter the Great, led to the development of the so-called "flaming" Baroque; The 18th century, the age of Rococo, the era of Catherine the Second and her grandson Alexander the First, turned the city of St. Petersburg into an open-air museum of neoclassical architecture.

Here are some of the characteristic examples of buildings - works of art: St. Sophia of Novgorod, Golden Gates in Vladimir, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Annunciation Cathedral, Archangel Cathedral, St. Basil's Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Grand Kremlin Palace, Simonov and Novodevichy Convents, Lenin's Mausoleum, White House and many others.

The whole world was influenced by classical painting, giving us works of historical significance. Creativity of masters I.I. Shishkina, V.D. Polenova, B.M. Kustodiev and others who belonged to the school realistic painting, determined the direction and set boundaries in the development of this art.

It would take me more than one hour to talk about the valuable contribution of Russian icon painters, such as Andrei Rublev and many others who represent bright examples development of Byzantine iconography. They laid the foundation for entire schools and directions based on the manner of their writing, which is proof of the fruit of the spirit of benevolence and Orthodox spirituality that adorns your people.

Russian classical music has made its way around the world. It continues to inspire us all to this day. Timeless, it is able to temper and ennoble the spirit. I consider it my duty to cite several great names, such as M.I. Glinka, M.P. Mussorgsky, P.I. Tchaikovsky, N.I. Rimsky-Korsakov and S.V. Rakhmaninov.

In conclusion of my short speech dedicated to the world-famous culture of your beautiful country, I would like to say about the great scientific discoveries that you gave to the world, thereby forever changing our lives. DI. Mendeleev discovered the periodic table of chemical elements, which is the basis modern chemistry. P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - pioneers in the field of electrical engineering, invented the first electric light bulb. A.S. Popov is one of the inventors of the radio. N.G. Basov and A.M. Prokhorov jointly invented the laser. K.E. Tsiolkovsky is the father of theoretical astronautics. His work inspired the outstanding rocket engineers S.P. Koroleva, V.P. Glushko and many others who contributed to the successful development of the Soviet space program in its early stages. In 1957, you were the first to launch an artificial satellite into orbit. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin successfully completed the first manned flight into space.

The list of achievements of your country cannot be contained in a few lines. I tried only with praise to describe the fate of your culture and in these few words to express to you our general gratitude for everything that you have done for us, and also to inform you that we expect much more from you as a natural continuation and development of your illustrious people for the glory of God .

Technology produced real revolution around the world, as rationalization in solving complex problems quickly broke down the barriers between developed and developing cities. Today we will talk about the most technologically advanced cities in the world based on the Pricewaterhouse Coopers Cities of Opportunity 6 Report.

25. Jakarta

The Indonesian capital of 10 million is the most populous city in Southeast Asia. This city is as big as all of Singapore. Thanks to the interpenetration of several cultures, including Arabic, Indian, Malay, Javanese, Chinese and Dutch, Jakarta is a true hi-tech oasis in Asia.

24. Johannesburg

Sub-Saharan Africa's financial hub, Johannesburg is today driven by technology. The "City Planning Committee" has put the main emphasis on the development of high-tech industries, especially in the field of information and communication technologies. The Johannesburg police even installed CCTV cameras on every street corner in the city center to cut down on crime.

23. Mumbai

From the list of the most technologically advanced cities in the world, the only Indian city, Bangalore (often called the "Silicon Valley of India") has replaced Mumbai. This city specializes in information technology and health technology.

22. Shanghai

The most populous city in China, Shanghai, has seen a boom in technology lately. Even several special industrial zones were created, which attracted such large corporations as ExxonMobil and Tesla Motors.

Today Buenos Aires is considered the best technology center in South America. Also, the capital of Argentina is one of the best examples of a city in which technology is used for the benefit of citizens. For example, the maintenance of almost 1,500 km of drainage pipes was fully automated.

20. Beijing

Beijing's economy has largely become an industrial city in recent decades. Its economy is currently 77% services (mainly finance, retail, and information Technology). In the city's northwest is Zhongguancun's "China Silicon Valley," home to a number of start-ups and subsidiaries of tech giants such as Lenovo, Google, and Microsoft's new Chinese research headquarters.

19. Moscow

Since the collapse of the USSR, Moscow has succeeded in creating copies of Western companies such as Yandex and VKontakte, the Russian counterparts of Google and Facebook. In modern days, the city is becoming a leader in new and less common types of technologies, such as nanotechnology.

18. Dubai

Dubai is the de facto Middle East technology hub and also home to global companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Oracle and IBM. The city is investing heavily in technology, even building solar-powered "smart palm trees" that distribute Wi-Fi and are used to charge phones.

17. Milan

The economic center of Italy, Milan is mainly known for its fashion and banking industry. But Milan is not only about glamor and money. Numerous high-tech exhibitions are held here. The city is also a leader in biotechnology.

16. Madrid

Although Barcelona is the main industrial center of Spain, Madrid has recently experienced a rapid development of high-tech industries and advanced technologies. The combination of a highly educated workforce and the headquarters of many Spanish transnational corporations made Madrid one of the leading technology hubs in Europe.

15. Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is the dream city of any programmer. It ranks 9th in the world in development software and multimedia design. The city also has lightning-fast Wi-Fi and has become a favorite haunt for freelance programmers.

14. Sydney

The largest city in all of Oceania is known for biotech and high-tech manufacturing, which accounts for 11% of the city's total production. Sydney also ranks 5th globally for internet access in education.

13. Toronto

Although Canada is already known for its high-tech industry, Toronto is one of the best technology cities in North America, ranking fifth after Washington, Seattle, Silicon Valley and Boston. Globally, the city ranks eighth in terms of digital technology.

12. Berlin

For decades (if not centuries) Berlin has been a major center for medical technology, in part because of Germany's creation of the world's oldest universal healthcare system. Berlin is particularly focused on green technology.

11. Paris

Paris is the world leader in technical progress not the first decade. Initial innovations, such as the use of glass in architecture and gas lighting throughout the city, made the city famous a century ago. The modern achievements of Paris are high-tech manufacturing industries, primarily the optical and aerospace industries.

10. Tokyo

Tokyo is widely recognized as one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world - and not just because of its bullet trains. The city hosts numerous meetings of the leadership of technology corporations, and it also occupies one of the leading places in the world in software development.

9. Chicago

Chicago has been running a program for years to train students at the city's universities in the skills needed to succeed in high technology. In October 2015, the city received a federal grant to equip every classroom with high-speed broadband and Wi-Fi.

8. Singapore

Singapore has long wanted to be the green capital of the world. In addition, the city is home to the research centers of many global companies such as Microsoft and Google. Among other things, Singapore provides its citizens with free high-speed Internet access.

7. Los Angeles

"City of Angels" - the second in the US in the digital economy and the third in environmental development. In terms of technological development, it is growing almost 30% faster than Silicon Valley.

6. San Francisco

The Bay Area is a huge tech district in the city that is home to companies like Apple, eBay and Tesla Motors. The area grew during the dot-com boom of the 1990s, when thousands of startups were launched in the city. Despite the proximity of Silicon Valley, many companies have moved from it to San Francisco.

5. New York

Most people associate New York with banking and Broadway rather than high technology. However, the local "Silicon Valley" is one of the most developed in the world, more than $ 7.3 billion of venture investments are pouring into high-tech here. The city is currently undergoing a global modernization of fiber optic telecommunications.

With one of the fastest internet speeds in Asia, Hong Kong is one of the easiest places in the world to start a business. The government regularly finances innovation, investing more than $1.8 billion in science and technology.

3. Stockholm

The fastest growing technology hub in Europe, Stockholm is the start-up capital of Europe. While much of the rest of Europe has been in financial decline since 2008, Sweden has seen steady acceleration in growth, thanks in large part to its stable economy and highly educated workforce.

2. London

The English capital ranks first in the world in multimedia design and technological innovation. London's Silicon Roundabout is the third start-up site in the world. The area attracts the world's largest technology companies, many of which are building innovation hubs and research labs in the Central/East London cluster.

1. Seoul

Seoul is the economic center of South Korea, producing 21% of the national GDP, occupying less than 1% of the country's territory. Home to tech giants such as Samsung and LG, Seoul has begun to gradually transform into a smart city (a similar initiative was previously launched in Dubai). For starters, the city is giving away used smart devices for free to low-income families to connect everyone to the city's high-speed wireless networks.

Also in the city are installed intelligent security cameras that can detect illegal entry and high-tech street lights that broadcast audio and distribute wireless Internet access.

Especially for our readers, another interesting rating - GO=https://site/blogs/060216/34920/] 15 countries with the highest life expectancy in the world.

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