Novodevichy cemetery graves of celebrities where is located. Visit to the Novodevichy cemetery


Before proceeding to the story, I apologize to the readers for such an ordinary title of the article. All the suitable headlines related to the cemetery sounded ambiguous. “How to get to Novodevichy Cemetery” or “How to get there….” - can be interpreted in different ways, not to mention "How to get to the Novodevichy cemetery." We didn’t like our standard heading “Peculiarities of a national walk….” Therefore, they left the stable phrase “Novodevichy Cemetery”. Now let's move on to summary articles:



The road to the Novodevichy cemetery lies past the Novodevichy Convent. I am adding a second section heading so that people who want to visit only the monastery can use the article.
The nearest metro station to the Novodevichy cemetery and the monastery is called “Sportivnaya”, this is the red Sokolnicheskaya metro line. Station "Sportivnaya" is located southwest of the center of Moscow.

The station has two exits. If you are coming from the center, then get into the last carriages and exit to the left. In any case, be guided by the sign "exit to the street of the 10th anniversary of October and the Novodevichy Convent."
The lobby of the Sportivnaya metro station is located on a small square. Immediately at the exit on the column there is a sign with an arrow “To the Novodevichy Convent”.

We go straight through the square to the ground pedestrian crossing.

You need to cross the narrow street of the 10th anniversary of October and immediately turn right. Now we go straight down the street.

The photo shows the street of the 10th anniversary of October.

Landmarks on the street left hand first we see the cafe "Nineteen twenty-seven"

When you reach the end of the street, you will see a white wall and the red towers of the Novodevichy Convent in the distance. Those who are going to the monastery, skip a couple of paragraphs. We are going to the cemetery. That is, BEFORE the square and BEFORE pedestrian crossing you have to turn left.

Here, BEFORE THE TRANSITION you need to turn left.

From afar, you can already see the red-brick wall of the Novodevichy cemetery.

In this image, the low red-brick wall of the cemetery is barely visible through the trees ahead.

Do not rush to cross the road at the first crossing!

Go to the next one, it will be more convenient. The second passage is located directly opposite the entrance to the territory of the Novodevichy cemetery.

Be careful, the transition is WITHOUT traffic lights!

Here is the route map from the Sportivnaya metro station (the desired lobby is marked with a red circle).

Now I'll digress for a while and tell people


We walked from the metro station "Sportivnaya" along the street of the 10th anniversary of October and parted at its end. I think you yourself guessed that the Novodevichy Convent is within easy reach, it is already clearly visible. Just be careful! You need to cross three passages on ground crossings. One is unregulated. Be careful, not all drivers give way to pedestrians!

After crossing, continue straight ahead. Two other ground crossings have traffic lights installed.
Second transition.

And the third.

It's hard to get lost here. Monastery at a glance.

We go to the entrance, to the gate of the Transfiguration Church.

If you want to walk around the territory of the Novodevichy Convent and enter the Assumption Church, immediately go through the gate.

If you are interested in exhibitions in the chambers of the monastery, then you will have to buy a ticket. The box office is located to the right of the gate.

I want to warn you that photo and video shooting on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent is paid, at the same box office you need to buy a ticket for the right to take pictures and video. Until recently, a ticket for a photo shoot cost 100 rubles, a video - 200 rubles.

Remember that the main shrine of the monastery - the Smolensk Cathedral is not heated. It is open only during the warm season, that is, in summer. Every year it is opened in different time, depending on the temperature. Sometimes a visit is possible at the beginning of May, sometimes from the end of the month or even from the beginning of June. The Smolensky Cathedral is closed in September-October. In the summer, there is also a high chance that you will find yourself at a locked gate. In rainy weather, the Smolensk Cathedral is closed. If the cathedral is open, then you will have to buy a ticket to visit it. It is considered the object of display of the Museum of the Moscow Patriarchate.

The Novodevichy Convent is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm.
An adult ticket costs 300 rubles. Schoolchildren, students, pensioners pay 100 rubles per ticket.


Though famous cemetery is located close to the monastery, the through passage through the monastery territory is closed. You need to exit the gate and turn right. At the round corner tower turn right again.

The path along the monastery wall will lead to the entrance to the Novodevichy cemetery.

Here is the map of the passage from the Sportivnaya metro station to the Novodevichy Convent (purple arrows) and from the monastery to the Novodevichy Cemetery (blue arrows).

To visit the necropolis, you need to know


Novodevichy Cemetery is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you come to the gate at 16.30, then you will be let in, but you will be asked to complete its inspection by 17 hours.


There are no restrictions for individual visits to the cemetery. If you go on your own or as a group of five, admission is free. IN flower shop you can buy flowers. You are allowed to bring your own bouquets or candles.


The entire territory of the cemetery is divided into three sections: the old territory, the new and the latest. We will offer you a traditional route.

You entered the main (and the only open gate) and found yourself in a new territory. Go straight along the central alley to the former Funeral Square.

Turn right at the intersection of two wide alleys.

To your right will be the graves of T. Samoilova, L. Zykina, S. Mikhalkov, Yu. Nikulin, M. Ladynina, I. Moiseev and others famous figures culture.

Enter the gates of the old territory.

As soon as you enter the gate, immediately turn right, go along the wall to area number 2, paying attention to the burials on the left.

You will pass by the graves of L. Kassil, N. Gogol, A. Chekhov, M. Bulgakov, K. Stanislavsky, M. Yermolova, M. Nesterov, I. Levitan, A. Tolstoy. A little short of the cemetery fence, at the grave of S. Marshak, turn left.

Graves of S.Ya. Marshak and his relatives

We follow this path.

On the left side you will see the grave of D. Shostakovich and his first wife.
Then go along the stone fence of the cemetery (it will be on your right) to the burial place of N. Alliluyeva, wife of I. Stalin.

White marble monument on the grave of N. Alliluyeva

Immediately after her grave, turn left. Don't miss the grave of People's Commissar V. Molotov (left), writer N. Ostrovsky (right), aircraft designer N. Polikarpov, People's Commissar G. Chicherin.
Once you reach a wide alley, turn left and then right to Lot 4.

Alley of the fourth section. Monument at the grave of A. Gromyko

Here you will see the burial places of A. Gromyko, A. Skryabin, S. Taneyev, F. Chaliapin. Along the central alley of the fourth section you will reach the gates of the newest territory. After leaving the gate, you will immediately see the grave of Boris Chirkov.

Burial of B. Chirkov

Here turn left, go along the wall separating the old territory from the newest.

On the right will be the burial place of N. Podgorny. Walk a little forward to the grave of the announcer Y. Levitan.

tombstone famous announcer All-Union Radio to People's Artist Y. Levitan

You have reached the 11th precinct. People's artists T. Shmyga, V. Tikhonov, M. Ulyanov, O. Yankovsky, N. Kryuchkov, L. Gurchenko, G. Zhzhenov, A. Raikin, E. Evstigneev and many other celebrities are buried on it. This area is marked with a red circle in the diagram.

Scheme of an approximate route for a walk around the Novodevichy cemetery.

Then return to the new territory again. The entrance is clearly visible in the picture.

Grave of cosmonaut No. 2 German Titov. The picture clearly shows the fence between the newest and new territory of the Novodevichy cemetery and the passage to the new territory.

To the left of the fence (it was left behind) on the new territory at the corner of the 7th section, you will see the grave of N.S. Khrushchev.

In the seventh section, you will also encounter many familiar names. When you return to the mourning square, pass by the grave of B.N. Yeltsin, go further, to the southern wall of the cemetery. There you will find the grave of R.M. Gorbacheva, to the right of it you will see a monument on the grave of General A. Lebed.


For those who do not have the opportunity to walk around the Novodevichy cemetery, we present several pictures of the burials.

Grave of aircraft designer S.V. Ilyushin
Burials of Artyom Borovik (center) and Yuri Senkevich (right)
Gravestone monument to aircraft designer A. Tupolev
Grave of B.N. Yeltsin
Grave of People's Artist Yu. Yakovlev
Graves of the wife and daughter of L. Brezhnev V. Brezhneva and G. Brezhneva
Tombstone over the burial of R.M. Gorbacheva
Grave of People's Artist V. Tikhonov
Tombstone over the grave of People's Artist L. Gurchenko
Grave of People's Artist K. Shulzhenko


You can wander around the Novodevichy cemetery for a long time. But without a guide, you are unlikely to find the grave of D. Ulyanov ( younger brother V. Lenin) and Vasily Shukshin, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Sergei Prokofiev. Of course, you can buy a booklet with a diagram of the main burials, but no booklet will tell you how the stone - “calvary” from the grave of N.V. Gogol ended up over the burial place of M.A. Bulgakov, why a copy of her sculptural portrait and where on Novodevichy you can see the “heart on the palms”. On the tour you will learn a lot of interesting and unknown to the general public information about life. famous people.

One of the famous necropolises of the capital is the Novodevichy Cemetery. It is located on the territory adjacent to the Novodevichy Convent. The cemetery is divided into three squares - old, new and newest.

During its history, it expanded several times, in 1949 and 1970. Modern territory the necropolis is more than 7 hectares, 26 thousand people are buried here.

Historical reference

The cemetery was founded in 1898, although the first burials date back to the 16th century, however, then they were buried directly in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow. Members of the Royal dynasty, famous boyars and princes, in particular, the sisters of Peter I, the daughters of Alexei Mikhailovich and Ivan the Terrible, and many others, rested on its territory. But even the remains of these burials after the reconstruction of the monastery in 1930 have not survived to this day. Metropolitan Necropolis is listed world heritage UNESCO, as well as in the list of the most famous cemeteries in the world.

The first association that visitors have when thinking about this necropolis is the multitude of celebrities. Indeed, it so happened that the most famous and the best people of their era - not only actors and musicians, but also scientists, military men, pilots, leaders of the country.

Who is buried on Novodevichy cemetery:

Celebrity graves are decorated by well-known sculptors, and many have full-length monuments. On the monument to Lyudmila Gurchenko, her fans every day put vases with fresh flowers.

Fate decreed that the monument to Khrushchev at the Novodevichy cemetery was made by the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, a representative of Russian abstractionism, with whom Nikita Sergeevich had great disputes about art during his lifetime.

The burial of Boris Yeltsin in the form of the Russian flag stands out for its unusualness. The grave of Yuri Yakovlev has not yet been decorated with a monument or a bust.

graves of famous people

Tours and directions

One of the most exciting excursions for Muscovites and guests of the capital is a tour of the Novodevichy cemetery. How to get there by metro: go to the Sportivnaya metro station and then you can walk or take buses 5,64,132,416. Address: Luzhnetsky proezd, house 2.

Opening hours: you can get into the territory from 9 to 17 hours daily, seven days a week. Entrance for all visitors is free.

When visiting the famous necropolis, you can use the services of guides who tell fascinating stories about famous people and lead you through the most famous burials, or you can walk along the alleys on your own, using the plan.

An interesting site presenting a detailed virtual necropolis and also information about other celebrity graves in Russian cemeteries.

Of course, it's interesting to wander on your own, but armed with only a plan, you'll never know. various mysteries And Mystic stories related to celebrities and their graves, for example, where to find a “heart in the palms”, how the stone from Gogol’s grave ended up at Bulgakov’s grave, who first rested in another place and only then was reburied in the Novodevichy necropolis and much more. There are a lot of excursions here, both by the tour desk and by private guides, who will tell you a lot of exciting and interesting things.

Other Famous Celebrity Necropolises

There are many other necropolises in Moscow and St. Petersburg where celebrities are buried.

  • Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg. There is a necropolis in the city with exactly the same name. In particular, the great Russian writer N. A. Nekrasov was buried there.
  • Theological cemetery in St. Petersburg where famous people are buried rock musicians: Mikhail Gorshenev (Pot) and Viktor Tsoi.
  • Moscow Vagankovskoye.
  • Troekurovskoye cemetery.
  • Danilovsky necropolis.

Possibility to buy a place

The Novodevichy cemetery is active, that is, there are new burials on its territory. Seats will be very expensive. True, in Lately bury traditional way(coffin) here is possible only in family graves. An exception is made for the most famous people. For urn burials, you can buy a place in the columbarium.

Although burials are traditionally associated with grief, a visit to the Novodevichy cemetery can tell a lot about the history and culture of the Russian people and will be of interest to every tourist.

Address: Luzhnetsky proezd, 2

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:00, admission is free, free.

How to get to the Novodevichy cemetery: st. metro Sportivnaya avt. 64, 132, troll. 5, 15. Or when leaving v. metro Sportivnaya turn right and go along the street. 10th anniversary of October to the Novodevichy Convent, then turn left and walk along the monastery wall to the cemetery gate.

The first burials in the area of ​​the current Novodevichy cemetery appeared in the 70s of the 16th century on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent. Nuns were buried in the monastery, and later others.

By the end of the 19th century, the monastery necropolis was almost full, and in 1898 two hectares of land were allocated on the south side of the monastery to increase the area of ​​the cemetery. Under the guidance of professor of architecture I.P. Mashkov, the walls of the cemetery were built and plots were planned. The official opening of the Novodevichy cemetery took place in 1904, but burials began to be made before its opening. Now the territory of this cemetery is called "the old Novodevichy cemetery".

In 1949, the cemetery was expanded even further south, and this territory was called the New Novodevichy Cemetery. During 1950-1956, walls were built around the new territory, as well as service premises. Once again, the Novodevichy Cemetery was expanded in 1970 by the "Newest Novodevichy Cemetery". Today Novodevichy Cemetery consists of four parts with total area over 7.5 hectares. About 26,000 people are buried here.

Since the beginning of the Novodevichy cemetery was laid in the necropolis of the monastery, but it is here that the most ancient burials are located. The remains of the daughter of Ivan the Terrible Anna, his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law lie in the basement of the Smolensky Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent. The daughters of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the sisters of Peter I, as well as princesses Sophia (nun Susanna), Evdokia and Ekaterina Miloslavsky, the first wife of Peter I Evdokia Lopukhina (nun Elena) are also buried here. In the 19th century, wealthy merchants, writers, scientists, musicians, prominent political and public figures began to be buried on the territory of the monastery.

In 1922, the Novodevichy Convent, together with the cemetery, acquired the status of a museum and was taken under state protection. But in 1930, it was decided to break a square with lawns and alleys on the site of the necropolis. As a result of reconstruction, out of more than two thousand ancient graves, only about a hundred remained, and they were significantly damaged.

But on the territory of the monastery, the transformations were not so destructive. Here are the graves famous hero Patriotic War 1812 of the poet Denis Davydov, Prince S. Trubetskoy, Lieutenant Colonel M.I. Muravyov-Apostol, A.N. Pleshcheev, writers I.I. Lazhechnikov and A.F. Pisemsky, the creator of the orphanage Nikolai Rukavishnikov, historian S.M. Solovyov, philosopher Vl.S. Solovyov, writer Vs.S. Solovyov, historian and writer M.P. Pogodin, founder Historical Museum Count A.S. Uvarov, General A.A. Brusilov, father of Herzen landowner Ivan Alekseevich Yakovlev, director of the Department of Spiritual Affairs of the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education - A.I. Turgenev, brothers N. A. and D. A. Milyutins. The grave of A.P. Chekhov. Chekhov died of tuberculosis in the German spa town of Badenweiler in July 1914. The body of the writer was delivered to Moscow in a special refrigerated car designed to transport oysters. At first, Chekhov was buried next to the grave of his father, and later the ashes of the writer were transferred to the "old" section of the Novodevichy cemetery.

At the apses of the Smolensk Cathedral you can see a large white marble slab - the first abbess of the Novodevichy Convent, Elena Detochkina (died November 18, 1548), is buried here. Mother Superior Seraphim Chernaya (1914-1999) was also buried on the territory of the monastery.

As already mentioned, after the revolution, the Novodevichy Cemetery turned into a burial place for high-ranking officials. When an active anti-religious campaign unfolded in the 1930s, the graves of many famous people were moved from the devastated monastery necropolises to the Novodevichy cemetery, among which were the graves of N.V. Gogol, D.V. Venevitinov, writer S.T. Aksakov, artist I.I. Levitan, Sergei and Pavel Tretyakov and others. On the old territory there is also the grave of the famous Russian bass - F.I. Chaliapin. Initially, after the death of Chaliapin, he was buried in Paris, and almost fifty years later, the ashes of the singer were reburied in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

In the old territory of the cemetery, the numbering of plots starts from the Central Alley. On the 1st and 2nd sections, the rows run in the direction of Luzhenetsky passage, and for the 3rd and 4th sections - in the direction of the "newest" cemetery. On the first section there are only 47 rows, of which 40 are located perpendicular to the monastery wall, and 7 run parallel to it. On the second section there are 41 rows, on the third - 65, and on the fourth - 61 rows.

The writers M. A. Bulgakov, V. A. Gilyarovsky, A. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Mayakovsky, I. A. Ilf, N. A. Ostrovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, L. A. Kassil, V. M. Shukshin, directors V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, E. B. Vakhtangov, S. M. Eisenstein, famous actors L.P. Orlova, O.I. Yankovsky, musicians A. N. Skryabin, I. O. Dunaevsky, S. S. Prokofiev, D. D. Shostakovich, sculptor V. I. Mukhina, scientists S. I. Vavilov, I. M. Sechenov, P. P. Kashchenko, V. I. Vernadsky, architect A. V. Shchusev, surgeon N. N. Burdenko, politicians L. M. Kaganovich, A. M. Kollontai, A. I. Mikoyan, V. M. Molotov, A. A. Gromyko, Stalin’s second wife N. S. Alliluyeva - and this is just a short list of names.

Plots 5 to 8 are considered "New" territory. It began to be used in the middle of the 20th century. Within the walls of the New Cemetery there is a columbarium for the burial of urns with ashes. Now, about 7,000 urns are stored in the columbarium of the New Cemetery. One of the most famous burials in this area is the grave of the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, which is located on the Central Alley. To the right of the entrance is the 5th section, to the left - the 6th, and to the left of the 6th section is the 8th (along the wall of the Khamovniki shaft). Plot number 7 is located in the far part of the cemetery behind plots 5, 6 and 8. Writers A. T. Tvardovsky, I. G. Ehrenburg, N. A. Zabolotsky, Yu. S. Semyonov, directors M. I. Romm, I. A. Pyryev, singers Mark Bernes, L. Ruslanova, A. Vertinsky, artist A. A. Deineka, aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev, musicians S. Richter, M. Rostropovich, ballerina G. Ulanova, actor Yu. Nikulin, politicians N. S. Khrushchev, R. M. Gorbachev, governor Krasnoyarsk Territory A. I. Lebed.

The "newest" territory of the Novodevichy cemetery arose in the early 80s on the site of a stone-cutting workshop. You can go here along the Central Alley, which starts at the entrance. On Newest cemetery actors Evgeny Leonov, Evgeny Evstigneev, Rolan Bykov, Anatoly Papanov, Rostislav Plyatt, Igor Ilyinsky, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Oleg Borisov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Clara Luchko, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Mikhail Ulyanov, Georgy Zhzhenov, Oleg Yankovsky, composers Georgy Sviridov, Alfred Schnittke are buried , Dmitry Kabalevsky, singers Ivan Kozlovsky, Claudia Shulzhenko, legendary announcer Yuri Levitan, cosmonauts German Titov and Georgy Beregovoy, heroic pilot Alexei Maresyev, academician P. L. Kapitsa, directors Sergei Bondarchuk, Sergei Gerasimov.

Novodevichy Cemetery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Many travel companies mention it as a historical and cultural monument. Beyond burials prominent personalities, the cemetery is also known for unique tombstones made by such architects as: N. A. Andreev, M. K. Anikushin, E. V. Vuchetich, L. E. Kerbel, S. T. Konenkov, V. I. Mukhina, E. I. Neizvestny, N. V. Tomsky, I. D. Shadr and others. Some graves and urns are monuments cultural heritage regional and federal significance.

Novodevichy cemetery- one of the most famous necropolises of modern Moscow. It is located in the Central District of the capital, in Khamovniki. By the way, St. Petersburg also has memorial Complex With by the same name- . The necropolis in Moscow is located on the territory adjacent to Novodevichy Convent. For its history, and Novodevichy Cemetery, according to historical information, arose in 1898, expanded several times. The first time the territory of the necropolis was enlarged in 1949, in connection with this, the so-called New Novodevichy Cemetery appeared here. The churchyard was expanded for the second time in the late 70s. This territory also received its unofficial name - the Newest Novodevichy Cemetery. Today, the area of ​​the necropolis is more than 7.5 ha. More than 26 thousand people are buried here.

History of the Novodevichy cemetery

Historians believe that the first burials appeared here in the 16th century, that is, long before the official formation of the cemetery. The ancient burial vaults were located on the territory of the then functioning Novodevichy Convent. Members of the monastery were buried in the necropolis royal families, in particular, here rested youngest daughter Ivan the Terrible Anna, daughters of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, sisters of Peter I - princesses Sophia, Evdokia and Catherine, as well as the first wife of the emperor - Evdokia Lopukhina. Representatives of famous dynasties of princes, boyars and other privileged classes were buried in the necropolis of the monastery tsarist Russia. Unfortunately, not many ancient tombstones of the monastery have survived to this day. The fact is that in 1930, in the monastery and on the territory of the necropolis, large-scale reconstruction, during which most of the tombs were not restored, but rather completely destroyed.

Monument to Yu. Nikulin at the Novodevichy Cemetery

Celebrity graves at Novodevichy Cemetery

From Soviet times to the present, the memorial complex has been a place where many of our country have found peace. On :

  • a whole galaxy of Russian: A. Barto, M. Bulgakov, V. Mayakovsky, I. Ilf, N. Ostrovsky, N. Gogol, S. Marshak, V. Shukshin, A. Tvardovsky and others.
  • outstanding ones like A. Skryabin, I. Dunaevsky, S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, M. Rostropovich, F. Chaliapin…
  • A special group of burials are tombstones belonging to Soviet Union and Russia. Here are buried L. Orlova, Yu. Nikulin, L. Gurchenko, R. Bykov, E. Leonov, A. Papanov, A. Bondarchuk, A. Raikin, I. Savvina, I. Smoktunovsky, V. Tikhonov, M. Ulyanov, O. Yankovsky and many others.
  • On Novodevichy cemetery many famous graves. So, here is the grave of the first president of Russia B. Yeltsin, N. Khrushchev, L. Kaganovich, V. Molotov, A. Mikoyan, V. Chernomyrdin, A. Lebed and other prominent figures of science, culture and art. Here, on Novodevichy, the first lady of the USSR Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva is buried.

Plan-scheme of the Novodevichy cemetery

Scheme of the Novodevichy cemetery

Excursions around the Novodevichy Necropolis

Novodevichy Cemetery officially recognized as a historical and cultural monument Russian capital. The Moscow Necropolis is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as in the list of the 100 most interesting necropolises in the world. Excursion to the Novodevichy cemetery included in many sightseeing tours organized in Moscow. In turn, on the territory of the necropolis there is a bureau that conducts free tours for everyone.

Tombstones dedicated to famous people, on the new territory of the Novodevichy cemetery

Burials of the Novodevichy cemetery

Currently, the memorial complex remains operational, that is, new burials continue to be carried out on its territory. True, the traditional (coffin) at the necropolis is made only in relatives and family graves. Meanwhile, for new burials (in the form urn with ashes) at the Novodevichy Cemetery niches are provided in the open columbarium, as well as specially allocated land plots. The place here is always very expensive, and tombstones for graves at the Novodevichy cemetery are produced.

How to get there and opening hours of the Novodevichy cemetery

How to get from the metro: on buses No. 5, 64, 132 and 415m. Stop - "Khamovnichesky Val Street".

Walks in Moscow:: Novodevichy Convent and Novodevichy Cemetery April 20th, 2013

Yesterday we happened to be in the Novodevichy area.

Model of the Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy cemetery- one of the most famous places burials of the dead in Moscow. It arose in 1898 near the southern wall of the Novodevichy Convent. It is located in the southwestern part of the Central Administrative District, in Khamovniki (Luzhnetsky proezd, 2)
Novodevichy Cemetery is included in the list of many travel companies as a historical and cultural monument of the Russian capital. The cemetery is rich tombstones performed famous sculptors, and many graves and urns with ashes are monuments of cultural heritage of regional and federal significance

Plan-scheme burials ()

And list, buried at the Novodevichy cemetery

Nikulin, Yuri Vladimirovich(1921-1997) - circus performer, film actor, director of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, People's Artist of the USSR; the author of the monument A. I. Rukavishnikov; 5 accounts 23 row at the Central Alley.

Moiseev, Igor Alexandrovich(1906-2007) - choreographer, choreographer, ballet dancer.

Monument to the heroes of the defense of Moscow in 1941 - Lev Mikhailovich Dovator, Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin, Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov.- Reburied in 1959.

Govorov, Vladimir Leonidovich(1924-2006) - Chairman of the Committee of War Veterans, General of the Army, Hero of the Soviet Union; son of Marshal of the Soviet Union L. A. Govorov.

Tikhonov Vyacheslav Vasilievich(1928-2009) - the most brilliant actor.

Gurchenko, Lyudmila Markovna (1935—2011) — People's Artist USSR, singer, director.

Luchko, Klara Stepanovna(1925-2005) - film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

Borovik Artyom Genrikhovich(1960 - 2000) - journalist.

Markov Dmitry Sergeevich(1905-1992) - Soviet aircraft designer, since 1949 - chief designer of the Tupolev Design Bureau.

Papanov, Anatoly Dmitrievich(1922-1987) - actor of the Theater of Satire, film actor, People's Artist of the USSR; the author of the monument is D. I. Naroditsky.

Kapitsa Sergey Petrovich(1928-2012) - Soviet and Russian physicist, TV presenter, Chief Editor magazine "In the World of Science" Since 1973, he has consistently hosted the popular science TV program "Obvious - Incredible". Laureate's son Nobel Prize Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa.

Margelov, Vasily Filippovich(1908-1990) - Commander of the Airborne Forces, General of the Army, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Popkov Vitaly Ivanovich(1922-2010) - lieutenant general of aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
Vitaly Ivanovich - the prototype of the commander Titarenko ("Maestro") and Lieutenant Alexandrov ("Grasshopper") from the film by Leonid Bykov Only "old men" go into battle

Oops ... I’ll tell you exactly who it is ... I really liked the face, but I didn’t look at the name ...
But I will try to rehabilitate myself and I will reason logically ...

Judging by the tombstones in the background, some of which I "know by sight" well - this sculpture is located on the 11th section, in the 3rd row, exactly with its back to the monument to Air Marshal Alexander Petrovich Silantyev.

But alas, there is no clear scheme of all burials on the Internet, and even the plan that is available at the entrance to the cemetery has gaps ... whole rows are missing, so this information is clearly not enough ....

Judging by the insignia, which are very clearly visible, namely, the epaulettes of the general of the army of the sample of 1974-1994, as well as the fact that the outline of the drawing on the general’s table is very reminiscent of the territory of the former GDR .... I dare to assume that this is a monument Ivanovsky Evgeny Filippovich- Soviet military commander, Hero of the Soviet Union, army general, who from July 1972 to December 1980 was the Commander-in-Chief of the Group Soviet troops in Germany.

If I'm wrong, please correct me, I'd appreciate it.

Maresyev, Alexey Petrovich(1916-2001) - pilot, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Due to a severe wound during the Great Patriotic War, both legs were amputated. However, despite the disability, the pilot returned to the sky and flew with prostheses.
Maresyev is the prototype of the hero of Boris Polevoy's story "The Tale of a Real Man".

Gilyarov Mercury Sergeevich(1912-1985) - Russian, Soviet zoologist, entomologist, founder of soil zoology, evolutionary biologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Levitan, Yuri Borisovich(1914-1983) - announcer of the All-Union Radio, People's Artist of the USSR.

Kasatonov, Vladimir Afanasevich(1910-1989) - Admiral of the Fleet, Hero of the Soviet Union
Bondarenko, Grigory Alekseevich(1921-1988) - Admiral (1972), Hero of Socialist Labor (1985)
Gorshkov, Sergei Georgievich(1910-1988) - Commander of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Pokryshkin, Alexander Ivanovich(1913-1985) - pilot, Air Marshal, the first three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich(1894-1971) - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR; author of the monument Ernst Neizvestny.

Excursion of guests from South-East Asia. For a very long time they were discussing something in a language unknown to us at the grave of Nikita Sergeevich :)

Caryofilli, Georgy Spiridonovich(1901-1971) - Colonel General of Artillery.

Ilyushin, Sergei Vladimirovich(1894-1977) - aircraft designer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, colonel general, laureate of Lenin and eight State Prizes THE USSR; the author of the monument is D. I. Naroditsky.

Monument to the Tu-144 crew that crashed at the Le Bourget air show in 1973.

On Sunday, June 3, 1973, at the 30th Le Bourget International Air Show (near Paris, France), the first ever supersonic airliner crash occurred. The Soviet Tu-144S was performing a demonstration flight when, in front of 250-350 thousand spectators, it suddenly went into a dive, and a few seconds later broke apart in the air and fell on residential areas located under it. A total of 14 people died in the crash.

Amet Khan, Sultan(1920-1971) - military pilot, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ptushko Alexander Lukich(1900 - 1973) - Soviet film director, cameraman, animator, screenwriter, artist, master fairy tale genre to the cinema. National artist THE USSR. It was thanks to him that “Sadko”, “Ilya Muromets”, “ Scarlet Sails”, “The Tale of Lost Time”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and many, many other paintings.

Tupolev, Andrey Nikolaevich(1888-1972) - aircraft designer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, colonel general, laureate of the Lenin and five State Prizes of the USSR).

Lebed, Alexander Ivanovich(1950-2002) - Russian military figure, lieutenant general, candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation, governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Gorbacheva, Raisa Maksimovna(1932-1999) - Soviet and Russian public figure; wife of M. S. Gorbachev.

Monument to the Soviet military delegation and the crew of the Il-18 aircraft("Aeroflot"), who died in a plane crash in Yugoslavia on October 19, 1964.
while landing at the Belgrade airport, the Il-18 collided with Mount Avala 180 meters from its top and exploded. As a result of the disaster, the Soviet military delegation, flying to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade from German occupiers and all crew members of the IL-18.

Grachev, Pavel Sergeevich(1948-2012) - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (1992-1996), General of the Army (1992), Hero of the Soviet Union.

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