How and why did Japan take one of the leading places in the world economy? Cytomegalovirus infection in the clinic of internal diseases.


There are a lot of recipes for cooking. Each method is original and unique. From the same products, an experienced culinary specialist can prepare several different dishes that have a peculiar taste and aroma.

Religious beliefs had a great influence on the culinary recipes of different countries. For example, in the countries of the East it is forbidden to eat pork and alcoholic beverages. These products successfully replace other types of meat and various sauces, juices, soft drinks, which are used in the preparation of a particular dish instead of wine.

In European countries, many recipes include a small amount of alcoholic beverages, which give dishes an unusual taste.

In addition, in Europe, wine and other alcoholic beverages are not only used in cooking, but are also traditionally served with any dish. Gourmets are of the opinion that wine sets off the taste of food, gives it piquancy and sophistication.

Depending on the geographical location of one country or another, the same recipes have been changed over a long period of time. Cooks replaced the used products, added seasonings, spices, which changed the taste of the finished dish.

The kitchen utensils in which it is cooked play a significant role in the taste and aroma of food. For example, in eastern countries, a cauldron is used to cook pilaf. In another container, this dish will not be so fragrant and tasty.

This book contains the most popular recipes Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Armenia, England, France, Mexico, United States of America and Australia.

The cuisine of each of these countries is interesting and original. The recipes in the book can be prepared at home.

Some of the dishes presented here are quite simple and do not take much time to create. Other recipes are original.

Chapter 2 provides recipes for Eastern states such as China, Azerbaijan, Armenia.

They are characterized by spicy seasonings, sauces served with meat (mainly lamb). Fish dishes are popular among the peoples of the East.

These states are characterized by light food. This is primarily salads, sandwiches, sandwiches. The dishes are traditionally served with various wines and sauces.

Chapter 4 contains recipes from Mexico and the United States of America.

Cold appetizers, poultry, vegetable dishes and seafood are widely used in the cuisine of these countries. Fast-cooking dishes that do not require much time and effort are also popular.

Chapter 5 contains Australian recipes. The population of this state prefers vegetable and fruit salads, meat dishes.

Chapter 1. Russian cuisine

One of the leading places among the most popular recipes all over the world are occupied with recipes of Russian cuisine. This is due to the fact that various peoples have lived on the territory of our country since ancient times, whose traditions have influenced the methods of cooking. Due to the fact that Russia is located in two parts of the world, Europe and Asia, the cuisine of our country successfully combines recipes popular with European and Asian peoples.

In Russian cuisine there are flour and fish dishes, pickles, jams, typical only for Russia. pickled vegetables, as well as salads, common in Europe, and hot sauces, which are an integral part of Asian cuisine.

Despite the close proximity of other states, Russian cuisine has not lost its national character. Many dishes traditional for Russia are widely known outside our country.

It is hardly possible to meet a tourist who came from another country who would not have tasted traditional Russian cabbage soup, pancakes, kulebyaki and pies.

Cold snacks

Salad "Royal"


Beef - 80 g, pickled champignons - 50 g, pickled cucumber - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons, cucumber marinade - 2 tbsp. spoons, green onion, dill, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed, the films are removed, put in a saucepan and boiled over medium heat until tender. The beef is cooled and cut into strips.

The onion is peeled and cut into half rings. Part of the green onions and dill are chopped, a few branches are left to decorate the dish.

Beef, onions and dill are placed in a deep container.

Separately mix cucumber marinade and mayonnaise, add to beef and leave for 1–2 hours in the refrigerator.

Chopped pickled mushrooms are mixed with chopped cucumber, beef, onion and dill. Salad salt, pepper, mix thoroughly.

The finished dish is placed in a salad bowl, decorated with dill sprigs and green onion feathers.

Salad "Urban"


Pork ham - 60–80 g, cucumbers - 2 pcs., Potatoes - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Egg - 1 pc., Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon, tomato sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon, lettuce, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Potatoes and carrots are boiled, peeled, cut into cubes. A hard-boiled egg is peeled and finely chopped. One peeled cucumber cut into cubes.

Another cucumber, without peeling, cut into thin slices and leave to decorate the salad. The ham is cut into strips. 2-3 lettuce leaves are left to decorate the dish, and the rest are chopped.

In a shallow container, mix mayonnaise, tomato sauce, pepper. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then vegetables, ham, egg, salt, pepper, chopped lettuce leaves are added and mixed again.

The finished salad is laid out in a deep salad bowl, decorated with herbs and cucumber slices.

beef salad


Canned red beans - 150 g, beef - 100 g, eggs - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., potatoes - 1 pc., green apple - 1 pc., mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons, butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, lettuce, green onion, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Potatoes and carrots are boiled, peeled, cut into cubes. A green apple is cut into cubes without peeling, but removing the core. Eggs are hard boiled, one of them is finely chopped, the other is left to decorate the salad.

The beef is thoroughly washed, cut into pieces, put in a pan, fried in butter, cooled, cut into strips and placed in a deep container. Chopped vegetables, an apple, a chopped egg, canned red beans, mayonnaise and salt are added to the meat. The salad is thoroughly mixed and laid out in a dish on lettuce leaves.

Decorate with onion, egg and serve.

Salad "Autumn"


Beef - 100-120 g, champignons - 100 g, eggs - 2 pcs., Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons, spinach leaves, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Beef is cut into strips, put in a pan and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring constantly. The meat is cooled and laid out in a deep container.

Eggs are hard-boiled, peeled, one of them is crushed and mixed with fried meat. The second egg is cut into 3-4 parts and left to decorate the finished salad.

Among famous military leaders Armenian origin the name of Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan rightfully occupies one of the leading places. In the Soviet Union, Hamazasp Babajanyan managed to build a brilliant military career, having risen to the rank of Chief Marshal armored forces. Hamazasp Babajanyan took part in the Great Patriotic War from July 1941, during the war years he was awarded numerous orders and medals, including the Gold Star medal and the honorary title of Hero Soviet Union. Marshal Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan passed away 40 years ago on November 1, 1977.

Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan was born on February 5 (February 18, according to a new style) in 1906 in the village of Chardakhly, Elizavetpol province, today it is the territory of the Shamkir region of Azerbaijan. His parents were ordinary peasants. At the same time, the family of the future marshal was an average cell of the society of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, the family had many children, it had 8 children at once, all of them required care and attention. In order to feed big family Amazasp's father was almost never at home, as he was forced to constantly work, while his mother was busy with the housework and looked after the younger children. At the same time, the children in the Babajanyan family began to work early. Hamazasp Babajanyan, after graduating from the 5th grade of secondary school, began working on his father's farm, and then as a laborer.

It is worth noting that early start labor activity and only primary or secondary incomplete education is found in the biographies of many military and simply famous people of that era. For most ordinary people, especially not urban residents, study at that time was not in the first place. It was much more important to feed yourself, your family and children. At the same time, Hamazasp Babajanyan did not just work on the land, in 1923-1924 he worked on the construction of roads in the territory of today's Shamkir region.

In 1924, the future marshal of the Soviet Union joined the Komsomol, becoming the first secretary of the rural Komsomol cell. The Komsomol in those years gave people more opportunities for their development and self-realization, was one of the steps of new social elevators. Contemporaries noted that Babadzhanyan was an active member of the Komsomol, who literally gushed with various ideas and proposals. It can be said that a young man with an active life position was noticed and in September 1925 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army not according to the usual, but according to the Komsomol call. By distribution, he was sent to study at the Armenian Infantry School, which at that time was located in Yerevan, it was here that his brilliant officer career began. In September 1926, after this school was disbanded, he was transferred to the Transcaucasian Military Infantry School, which was located in Tbilisi.

After graduating from the infantry school, Hamazasp Babajanyan was sent to serve in the 7th Caucasian Rifle Regiment (Caucasian Red Banner Army), where he served as a platoon commander, party bureau secretary of a separate battalion, company commander. As part of the regiment, he took part in battles against gangs and participants in anti-Soviet demonstrations, and was wounded in one of the battles. Later, his colleagues recalled that Amazasp was a very mobile and enterprising person who did not like to sit still and was constantly busy with some business. At the same time, the fact that he always treated his subordinates and juniors with respect was especially emphasized.

In March 1934, Hamazasp Babajanyan was transferred to the 3rd Machine Gun Regiment, which at that time was stationed in Baku. In the regiment, he served as commander of machine-gun companies and a battalion, as well as assistant chief of staff of the regiment. In October 1937, he was appointed to the post of head of the 1st department of the air defense point of the Transcaucasian military district in Baku. In August 1938, he was appointed chief of staff of the 3rd machine gun regiment, and in October of the same year he was transferred to the Leningrad Military District to the post of assistant commander of the 2nd machine gun regiment. As part of the units of the Leningrad Military District, Babadzhanyan took part in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. During one of the battles that took place on February 18, 1940, the future marshal was wounded for the second time in his life, this wound was not the last for him.

After recovering in December 1940, the officer was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the 493rd rifle regiment, and in January 1941 to the post of deputy commander of the 751st rifle regiment, both were located in the North Caucasian military district. Just before the war, in April 1941, Hamazasp Babajanyan was appointed to the post of assistant chief of the 1st department of the operational department of the headquarters of the 19th army, located in the Kiev Special Military District.

Since July 1941, Babajanyan took part in the Great Patriotic War, this month his 19th Army arrived at Western Front where the situation was very difficult. In August, he became commander of the 395th Infantry Regiment as part of the 127th Infantry Division. He took an active part in the Smolensk defensive battle and the Yelninsk offensive. Already on September 18, 1941, the 127th Rifle Division became the 2nd Guards, and the regiment commanded by Hamazasp Babajanyan became the 1st Guards Rifle Regiment.

At the end of September 1941, the guards were included in the operational group of A. N. Ermakov, which was transferred to the eastern Glukhov region, where they fought heavy defensive battles against superior enemy forces. On October 3, the division was transferred to Kursk, in November, parts of the division fought fierce defensive battles in the area of ​​the city of Tim. In December 1941, the 2nd Guards Rifle Division took part in the counteroffensive. Soviet troops near Moscow, after which it was transferred to the South-Western Front, and then, as part of the 3rd Guards Rifle Corps, became part of the Southern Front. In March 1942, parts of the division took part in the offensive of the Soviet troops on Taganrog.

In April, according to other sources, at the beginning of June 1942, Babadzhanyan was sent from the front to study. He got on accelerated courses at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, which was evacuated to Tashkent. He studied in Uzbekistan until the end of August 1942, after which he was again sent to the front, where he became commander of the 3rd mechanized brigade, which he led until September 1944. So the former infantryman suddenly became a tanker. Before that, of course, he had to interact with tanks in a combat situation, but he had a very remote idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of combat vehicles. Therefore, literally immediately after the appointment, he had to persevere to master new technology. According to his recollections, it took up to 18 hours a day to work. Immediately upon arrival at his mechanized brigade, he summoned the deputy for the technical part and asked him to work with him daily for 5 hours a day, explaining and talking about the design of tanks and their features. These lessons were not in vain, and he soon proved it in a combat situation. Already in October 1942, the brigade under his leadership received the Red Banner. The banner of the unit was personally presented by a member of the Military Council of the Moscow Defense Zone, Major General K.F. Telegin.

Together with his brigade, Colonel Hamazasp Babajanyan took part in the Battle of Kursk, for participation in which the brigade was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. In October 1943, she received the honorary title of Guards, becoming the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade. Later, the soldiers of this unit took part in the Zhytomyr-Berdichev, Korsun-Shevchenkovsky, Proskurov-Chernivtsi and Lvov-Sandomierz offensive operations of the Soviet troops, in which they gained fame for themselves and their commander.

The 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade of Guards Colonel Babajanyan especially distinguished himself during the Proskurov-Chernivtsi offensive operation. The fighters of the brigade, together with other formations of the 1st Ukrainian Front, managed to break through the German defenses and from March 22 to March 24, 1944, a number of cities on the Right-Bank Ukraine were liberated from the enemy: Trembovl, Kopychintsy, Chertkov and Zalishchyky. One of the first formations of the front that crossed the Dniester was the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade, whose fighters were able to hold an important bridgehead for the further offensive. Later, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief V. I. Stalin, the brigade of Colonel Babadzhanyan was given the honorary name "Zaleshchitskaya", and gratitude was declared to the troops that took part in the liberation of the cities of Chertkov and Zalishchyky from the Nazis. In their honor, on March 24, 1944, a salute was fired in Moscow with 20 artillery volleys from 224 guns.

Modern panorama of the city of Zalishchyky

For the skillful leadership of the combat operations of the entrusted mechanized brigade, personal courage in battles and the successful crossing of the Dniester by the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of April 26, 1944, Guards Colonel Hamazasp Babajanyan was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal number 2077.

The success of the officer was rewarded by the fact that on August 25, 1944 he was appointed commander of the 11th Guards Tank Corps. Commanding the corps, Babadzhanyan took part in the Vistula-Oder and Berlin offensive operations. And again, his tankers were able to distinguish themselves in battles and cover themselves with the glory of the winners. For the liberation of the cities of Tomaszow, Lodz, Kutno, Lenchica and Gostyn, the corps was presented with the Order of the Red Banner, and for the capture of the cities of Tczew, Wejherowo and Puck was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree. Babajanyan's tankers also distinguished themselves in the battles for Berlin, for participation in the successful assault on the capital of the Third Reich, the corps was given the honorary name "Berlin". The awards and the corps commander were not bypassed. For excellent leadership of the troops during the storming of Berlin, personal courage, dedication and heroism, Babadzhanyan was nominated for the second title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but the award was replaced with the Order of Suvorov, I degree.

It is worth noting that Hamazasp Babajanyan was a real combat commander who did not hide behind the backs of his subordinates and actively participated in the battles. During the Great Patriotic War, he was twice seriously wounded. The first time during the Battle of Kursk, the second - during the fighting on the Sandamir bridgehead. He was wounded in the throat by a fragment of an exploding shell, his trachea was damaged. Despite being wounded, he refused hospitalization and continued to lead the fight. At the same time, it was difficult for him to speak, and he gave commands in a whisper, and then began to write them down on paper.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Hamazasp Babajanyan continued to build his army career and improve himself. In January 1947, he was sent to study at the Higher Military Academy named after K. E. Voroshilov, after completing his studies, he received regular assignments to the active army. In particular, in 1950 he became commander of the 2nd Guards Mechanized Army. And in August 1953, he was already a lieutenant general of tank troops. In 1956, he again had to put his combat skills into practice, he took part in the suppression of anti-Soviet protests in Hungary, receiving another military award- Order of Kutuzov I degree.

Further important milestones in his career were: appointment to the post of commander of the Odessa Military District in June 1959; head of the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky in September 1967; and finally, the pinnacle of a career - the position of chief of tank troops Soviet army and a member of the Military Council of the Ground Forces in May 1969. On April 29, 1975, Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babadzhanyan became the Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces, for the entire existence of the title of "Chief Marshal" in the Soviet Union, only 4 artillerymen, 7 pilots and only 2 tankmen received it.

Amazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan passed away in Moscow in the hospital named after P.V. Mandryka, this happened on November 1, 1977. He died at the age of 72. The chief marshal of the armored forces was buried with due honors in Moscow on Novodevichy cemetery.

Monument to the Chief Marshal of Armored Troops Hamazasp Babajanyan in Yerevan

Streets in Yerevan and Odessa, a square in the North-Western administrative district of Moscow were named in honor of the famous Soviet military leader. A secondary school in Etchmiadzin (Armenia) also bears his name. On May 23, 2016, a monument dedicated to the Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces was solemnly opened in Yerevan. There is still a unit with which Babajanyan took Berlin. After the end of the war, the 11th Guards Tank Corps passed long haul, already in June 1945 it was reorganized into the 11th Guards Tank Division, and today it is the 11th Guards Separate Carpathian-Berlin Red Banner, Order of Suvorov II degree mechanized brigade, which is the pride of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus.

Based on materials from open sources

The art of building relationships with business partners and employees is an important component multifaceted activities of the manager. One of the leading places here belongs to the ability to influence people. According to American scientists M, Woodcock and D. Francis, everything is important here, even, at first glance, minor things.

Clothing and appearance. It is appropriate for managers to recall the Russian proverb: "They meet according to their clothes - they see them off according to their mind."

Posture. An example of good posture is the position of the figure of a person who does not hide his head in his shoulders, looks into the eyes of the interlocutor. Conducted studies have established that there is a direct relationship between the emotional and physical state of a person, his posture. If the manager feels calm and confident, has the right posture, then this usually makes a positive impression on others.

Behavior. A confident manager usually speaks clearly and persuasively. He knows what he wants, his actions to achieve his goal are clear.

The main causes of insecurity: lack of practice, education, lack of clear goals, underestimation of oneself, inability to present oneself in the best possible way.

Ways to achieve confidence: avoid emotional situations; be easier; strive to achieve one's own, not allowing others (subordinates) to confuse oneself; in case of mistakes (which everyone makes) do not despair; persevere in the pursuit of the task at hand.

Improving personal relationships. The main ways to establish good personal relationships are: recognition (it is necessary to pay attention to the person); establishing individuality (each person is individual); interest (express interest in a person); expression of views (disclosure of thoughts and feelings); providing support (willingness to encourage).

Reward. There are two types of managers: one finds the positive in the work of employees and notes it; the other looks for the negative (mistakes) in subordinates and punishes them. The first method gives the best results.

Ability to give instructions to subordinates. There are the following approaches:

indefinite indications - the result is usually negative;

persuasion (appeal to the logic of the development of events, personal or common interest) - the result can be positive if the employee shares the beliefs;

threats (based on fear) - a feeling of resentment may arise, as a result, someone will lose, the case will suffer;

requests - the result is positive if between the manager and employees good relations;

providing an employee with certain benefits for harder work - the result is positive if promises are kept;

requirement (combines respect for the employee and observance of subordination), clear instructions (rather formal approach) - the result may cause offense, but the task, as a rule, is solved.

One of essential qualities manager - ethics. Ethics (from Latin ethika - custom, character) is a system of norms, the morality of a person's moral behavior. Applied to a certain public]! a group of professions, we can talk, for example, about deputy ethics, medical ethics, the ethics of the manager.

ethics business communication V modern management given increased attention. Business ethics plays a special role in Russia, which is in the process of establishing a market economy. Compliance with ethics creates a favorable background for establishing strong, trusting, honest business relationships between a manager and work partners.

The activities of a manager are extremely diverse. In addition to the need to constantly address various issues of organizing production and sales of products, managing a team, he has, in fact, to face various ethical problems on a daily basis. Examples of such situations may be: the use of an official position for personal purposes, hiding from higher management or one’s subordinates omissions in own work etc. Finally, the extreme degree of unethical behavior in relation to one's own company can be, for example, transferring information to a competing company about production costs, a strategy for operating in the market, a description of a new product model, which, in essence, can be called simply treason, betrayal. Thus, we can talk about the so-called business ethics, the ethics of the manager.

There is no doubt that ethics is directly related to the performance of the company, it affects the well-being of the team and the company as a whole. People have long wondered what is good and what is evil in human behavior, what is right and what is wrong. When they say that such and such a person is good, they usually mean that he is doing the right thing. And, accordingly, vice versa. Such a discussion of human behavior is what we most strongly associate with the concept of "ethics". Human behavior is the most general subject of ethical judgments. We can say that ethics deals with the question of what is good, correct behavior. The individual perception of the concepts of “good” and “evil” by a person is realized in his behavior and in his actions. The lifestyle and specific actions that embody human behavior provide an answer to the question of his ethics.

Mankind has developed the principles of ethics and its norms during its long history. These are, in essence, standards of behavior that make it possible to compare and compare concrete actions of a person with them. Such principles are, for example, the following: the end never justifies the means; never do evil for the purpose of doing good. Of course, it is necessary to take into account in each specific case real opportunities any action and its consequences. In other words, one should consider not only the relative value of different consequences, but also the relative possibility of their implementation.

The lesser good that is most likely to be achieved should be preferred more good, but less likely if the difference in the likelihood of both kinds of good happening is large enough to outweigh the difference in value.

Since practically every person gives preference to what closely concerns himself, it is considered right that a person strives more for the achievement of the good that excites him and in which he is personally interested.

Some actions usually evoke specific moral feelings, while others do not. For example, the term "duty" is usually applied only to that group of actions that cause moral approval or the non-performance of which causes moral disapproval.

Those actions with which moral feelings are associated have two features. One is that "duties" are among the things that many people are strongly tempted not to do. Other characteristic such actions lies in the fact that failure to fulfill duties in general leads to consequences that are unpleasant not for the person who did not fulfill his duty, but for someone else. The first of these traits is more common than the second. This is due to the fact that the consequences unpleasant for other people and arising from the failure to fulfill obligations towards oneself, as well as moderation and restraint, are not so obvious.

The age-old history of management has developed specific norms (canons) of business communication, which have become generally accepted in the civilized world. For a manager who seeks to strengthen business relations with partners, it is important not only to know them, but also to use them to create and strengthen their own positive image in the eyes of others.

An image is a collective image (a set of impressions) that develops in the minds of people and is associated with specific ideas. You can talk about the image of a person, enterprise, product, country, etc.

Creation and maintenance of a worthy image, which is an important integral part activities of the manager, promotes compliance with ethical the following rules service relations:

if you want to criticize an employee, then first note the positive aspects of his work;

do not speak with people in an orderly tone;

respect the opinions of others;

the best way to achieve the best result in a controversial situation is to avoid the dispute;

if you are wrong about something, then openly admit it.

The experience of outstanding managers confirms these recommendations. Thus, the American manager L. Iacocca, who headed different time well-known automotive corporations Ford Motors Company and Chrysler, said: “A good manager needs to be able to listen in the same way as to be able to speak. Too many people fail to realize that true communication is a two-way process. If you want to inspire people who work for you to work hard and take initiative, you need to be able to listen carefully. As a manager, it gives me the greatest satisfaction to see how an employee who has already been labeled mediocre or mediocre by the apparatus actually achieves recognition, and only because someone listened to him, delved into his difficulties and helped him overcome them. .

In the process of communicating with subordinates, a manager can use the so-called body language, i.e. with the help of facial expressions of a person, his postures and gestures, to determine with a certain degree of approximation the state of people, their thoughts and desires. Body language helps the manager to talk with people, understand and inspire their confidence in him, negotiate, resolve conflicts.

Consider some examples of variants of such a language:

Look: 1) first look at you, and then pause (the interlocutor is waiting for your answer); 2) a pause in speech, the interlocutor looks away (he asks not to interrupt him).

Position: 1) against each other (this is how the rivals sit); 2) nearby (desire for cooperation, open attitude towards you, expectation of success); 3) obliquely (the interlocutor makes it possible to look away, helps you to organize yourself correctly).

Posture: deviation back (the interlocutor wants to stop communication, the case you are discussing is hopeless. If the interlocutor agrees to accept the idea of ​​the interlocutor, the posture will become different).

Gesture: 1) open hands, relaxation (openness of the interlocutor and his trust in you); 2) unbuttoning the jacket, taking it off (the same); 3) crossed arms, the jacket is buttoned up (closeness of the partner, his readiness for defense or defense); 4) the partner’s hands are clasped (you need to stop persuading and insisting; the conversation should be transferred to another topic; transfer the initiative to the interlocutor); 5) the interlocutor sits on the edge of the chair, his gaze is unblinking, his legs firmly rested on the floor (higher attention to you and at the same time an assessment of what you are saying to him); 6) hand at the cheek, head tilted to the side, scratching the chin (the interlocutor doubts and thinks hard; “Okay, let's think again together”); 7) the business partner manipulates the glasses (this allows him to pause for reflection); 8) rearranges objects on the table (he lacks information); 9) a person paces around the room; (he is thinking, maybe trying to resolve the doubt. He should not be disturbed, trying to speak at this time); 10) covers his mouth with his hand, averts his eyes (a suspicion arose, he tries to hide his position, he completely disagrees with you); 11) the interlocutor turned his legs to the side, collects his papers, did something else, listening to you (the interlocutor has lost interest in you and wants to leave); 12) hands in pockets, body tilt forward (the interlocutor shows his superiority and confidence); 13) the interlocutor is sitting, crossed his ankles, his hands tightly squeeze the armrests of the chair (he is trying to control himself and not enter into conflict); 14) the partner is standing, hands are behind his back, the hands are squeezing the wrists (the same); 15) the head lies in the palm of your hand, the eyes are half-closed (the person tries to hide his boredom from communicating with you); 16) the palms of the hands are attached to the chest (a sign of honesty and openness); 17) leg by leg, arms crossed on the chest (the person is preoccupied, it is better not to approach him with your problems); 18) standing, the interlocutor keeps his hands in his pockets with thumbs sticking out, his leg is pushed forward (he shows that he is the master of the situation and is confident in himself); 19) “Napoleon’s pose”: chest forward, one hand tucked over the side of the jacket, the other, as a rule, in the pocket (the same); 20) the interlocutor is sitting, hands are behind the head (higher self-confidence); 21) a person has a lowered head, a bent body, crossed arms and legs (an extreme expression of closeness. The person is completely fenced off from you and does not perceive what you say to him. He must be left alone or try to get him out of this state).

Distance: 1) up to 0.5 m (emotionally close relationship); 2) about 1m (informal business relationship); 3) more than 1 m (formal relationship or anxiety and nervousness in someone who stays away. The best way to build relationships with a partner is to move to a distance that is convenient for him); 4) a person sits far away from you, moves away or leans back (you are unpleasant to him or he is afraid of you).

In conclusion, let us present the methods developed by the two American scientists mentioned above. general recommendations to create a favorable psychological climate a team. For Russian managers, they are of particular interest, because in a concise, figurative and lively form they provide rich information about ways to solve one of the most acute problems of management.

The process of creating a constructive environment in the team depends on a variety of factors. Many of them (views, motives and needs of people) are difficult to control. Human prejudices, prejudices, stereotypes can nullify all the efforts of a manager. There are some general recommendations for creating an environment of trust and mutual understanding.

Creating an atmosphere of cooperation. At the time of the first meeting with employees and at the beginning of each subsequent one, you should spend a few minutes in an informal conversation. Representatives of the parties at the meeting should be given the same time to speak. From time to time it is necessary to emphasize the moments that bring employees together and unite the team.

Striving for clarity of communication. It is necessary to prepare for the meeting with the staff as carefully as possible. The manager prepares schemes, tables, drawings, diagrams, draft solutions in advance. This is done to ensure that information reaches employees quickly and without possible distortion. Equally important in communication is the ability to listen. It is useful to explain and summarize what others have said. Questions are also useful, but when there are too many, one of the parties involved in the discussion may become defensive.

Mastery of emotions. It is emotions that underlie the so-called gift of persuasion, which good speakers possess. However, emotions must be kept under strict control, otherwise logic may suffer. You need to calmly think: did your offender have any reason to treat you in this way? Instead of trying to convince the opposite side of the wrong, getting excited, the manager should explain why he treats the subordinate in this way and not otherwise. It is known that anger is a bad adviser. If someone treated you unfairly, do not rush to repay him with the same coin, "turn on your mind."

You should not be led by your feelings. Maybe the manager himself took a defensive stance in response to fair, but not delicately worded remarks? Having thought everything over and calmed down, you can safely express your claims and comments if you consider them justified.

Energetic pursuit of your goals. Usually people have much more energy than they realize.

You can increase your energy potential, for example, by improving your skills, developing innovative approaches, showing perseverance, taking risks.

Power is necessary element organizing the efficient operation of the enterprise. To successfully manage production, the manager must have the appropriate authority. Influencing his subordinates, the manager must ensure the mobilization of the team to fulfill the tasks facing the enterprise.

Power can be based on coercion, reward, authority and knowledge, example, legal rights.

The concepts of "power" and "leadership" are interrelated. The manager, having the necessary power, must be a leader for subordinates, which requires him to high level professionalism.

The manager must strive to create and constantly maintain his own positive image, as this has a beneficial effect on the team of employees and business partners.

Technology produced real revolution around the world, as rationalization in solving complex problems quickly broke down the barriers between developed and developing cities. Today we will talk about the most technologically advanced cities in the world based on the Pricewaterhouse Coopers Cities of Opportunity 6 Report.

25. Jakarta

The Indonesian capital of 10 million is the most populous city in Southeast Asia. This city is as big as all of Singapore. Thanks to the interpenetration of several cultures, including Arabic, Indian, Malay, Javanese, Chinese and Dutch, Jakarta is a true hi-tech oasis in Asia.

24. Johannesburg

Sub-Saharan Africa's financial hub, Johannesburg is today driven by technology. The "City Planning Committee" has put the main emphasis on the development of high-tech industries, especially in the field of information and communication technologies. The Johannesburg police even installed CCTV cameras on every street corner in the city center to cut down on crime.

23. Mumbai

From the list of the most technologically advanced cities in the world, the only Indian city, Bangalore (often called the "Silicon Valley of India") has replaced Mumbai. This city specializes in information technology and health technology.

22. Shanghai

The most populous city in China, Shanghai, has seen a boom in technology lately. Even several special industrial zones were created, which attracted such large corporations like ExxonMobil and Tesla Motors.

Today Buenos Aires is considered the best technological center in South America. Also, the capital of Argentina is one of the best examples of a city in which technology is used for the benefit of citizens. For example, the maintenance of almost 1,500 km of drainage pipes was fully automated.

20. Beijing

Beijing's economy has largely become an industrial city in recent decades. Its economy is currently 77% services (mainly finance, retail and information technology). In the city's northwest is Zhongguancun's "China Silicon Valley," home to a number of start-ups and subsidiaries of tech giants such as Lenovo, Google, and Microsoft's new Chinese research headquarters.

19. Moscow

Since the collapse of the USSR, Moscow has succeeded in creating copies of Western companies such as Yandex and VKontakte, the Russian counterparts of Google and Facebook. In modern days, the city is becoming a leader in new and less common types of technologies, such as nanotechnology.

18. Dubai

Dubai is the de facto Middle East technology hub and also home to global companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Oracle and IBM. The city is investing heavily in technology, even building solar-powered "smart palm trees" that distribute Wi-Fi and are used to charge phones.

17. Milan

The economic center of Italy, Milan is mainly known for its fashion and banking industry. But Milan is not only about glamor and money. Numerous high-tech exhibitions are held here. The city is also a leader in biotechnology.

16. Madrid

Although Barcelona is the main industrial center of Spain, Madrid has recently experienced a rapid development of high-tech industries and advanced technologies. The combination of a highly educated workforce and the headquarters of many Spanish transnational corporations made Madrid one of the leading technology hubs in Europe.

15. Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is the dream city of any programmer. It ranks 9th in the world in development software and multimedia design. The city also has lightning-fast Wi-Fi and has become a favorite haunt for freelance programmers.

14. Sydney

Most Big city throughout Oceania is known for biotech and high-tech manufacturing, which accounts for 11% of the city's total production. Sydney also ranks 5th globally for internet access in education.

13. Toronto

Although Canada is already known for its high-tech industry, Toronto is in the lead in this perspective - one of the best technology cities in North America, which ranks fifth after Washington, Seattle, Silicon Valley and Boston. Globally, the city ranks eighth in terms of digital technology.

12. Berlin

For decades (if not centuries) Berlin has been a major center for medical technology, in part because of Germany's creation of the world's oldest universal healthcare system. Berlin is particularly focused on green technology.

11. Paris

Paris is the world leader in technical progress not the first decade. Initial innovations, such as the use of glass in architecture and gas lighting throughout the city, made the city famous a century ago. The modern achievements of Paris are high-tech manufacturing industries, primarily the optical and aerospace industries.

10. Tokyo

Tokyo is widely recognized as one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world - and not just because of its bullet trains. The city hosts numerous meetings of the leadership of technology corporations, and it also occupies one of the leading places in the world in software development.

9. Chicago

Chicago has been running a program for years to train students at the city's universities in the skills needed to succeed in high technology. In October 2015, the city received a federal grant to equip every classroom with high-speed broadband and Wi-Fi.

8. Singapore

Singapore has long wanted to be the green capital of the world. In addition, the city is home to the research centers of many global companies such as Microsoft and Google. Among other things, Singapore provides its citizens with free high-speed Internet access.

7. Los Angeles

"City of Angels" - the second in the US in the digital economy and the third in environmental development. In terms of technological development, it is growing almost 30% faster than Silicon Valley.

6. San Francisco

The Bay Area is a huge tech district in the city that is home to companies like Apple, eBay and Tesla Motors. The area grew during the dot-com boom of the 1990s, when thousands of startups were launched in the city. Despite the proximity of Silicon Valley, many companies have moved from it to San Francisco.

5. New York

Most people associate New York with banking and Broadway rather than high technology. However, the local "Silicon Valley" is one of the most developed in the world, more than $ 7.3 billion of venture investments are pouring into high-tech here. The city is currently undergoing a global modernization of fiber optic telecommunications.

With one of the fastest internet speeds in Asia, Hong Kong is one of the easiest places in the world to start a business. The government regularly finances innovation, investing more than $1.8 billion in science and technology.

3. Stockholm

The fastest growing technology hub in Europe, Stockholm is the start-up capital of Europe. While most of the rest of Europe has been in financial decline since 2008, Sweden has seen a steady acceleration in growth, thanks in large part to its stable economy and highly educated workforce.

2. London

The English capital ranks first in the world in multimedia design and technological innovation. London's Silicon Roundabout is the third start-up platform in the world. The area attracts the world's largest technology companies, many of which are building innovation hubs and research labs in the Central/East London cluster.

1. Seoul

Seoul is economic center South Korea, producing 21% of the national GDP, occupying less than 1% of the country's territory. Home to tech giants such as Samsung and LG, Seoul has begun to gradually transform into a smart city (a similar initiative was previously launched in Dubai). For starters, the city is giving away used smart devices for free to low-income families to connect everyone to the city's high-speed wireless networks.

Also in the city are installed intelligent security cameras that can detect illegal entry and high-tech street lights that broadcast audio and distribute wireless Internet access.

Specially for our readers one more interesting rating- GO=https://site/blogs/060216/34920/] 15 countries with the highest life expectancy in the world.

Natalia Onipko
Among the most interesting and mysterious phenomena nature, children's giftedness occupies one of the leading places.

Supplementary education provides every child with the opportunity free choice educational field, the profile of programs, the time of their development, inclusion in a variety of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. Personal activity character educational process allows you to solve one of the main tasks additional educationdetection, development and support gifted children.

Gifted a child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one form or another."

Since the life of such children takes place not only at the school desk or in institutions of additional education, work with gifted children relates directly to their parents. It is they who from an early age support the child in his endeavors and shape him. giftedness.

Parents should accept children for who they are, and not consider them as carriers of talents, strive to develop personal quality: confidence, which is based on the consciousness of self-worth, understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in oneself, intellectual curiosity and readiness for research risk, respect for kindness, the habit of relying on one's own strengths ....

Education starts at family: all generations educate each other, so the clan, the family must preserve traditions and work collectively on the development of a talented child.

As the great Russian teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: "Roots are laid in the family, from which branches, flowers, and fruits then grow."

Usually singled out by parents as signs of mental giftedness high speech development, memorizing a large number of poems and fairy tales, in themselves about such giftedness cannot testify. A large amount of knowledge is also often based on a child's good memory, and good memory, although characteristic of many mentally gifted children, however, is not decisive in their development.

A distinction should be made between the inculcation of skills and assistance in the development of abilities. I often come across the fact that some parents, having taught to read and write, believe that they contribute to the development of the child. In fact, this is just a skill inculcation.

Most often in children it appears giftedness in mathematics, visual activity, music, etc. In activities related to giftedness, children remember much better, can be attentive longer, concentrated, keep working capacity longer, it is easier to assimilate the material.

Often parents create around gifted child"halo effect" expecting from him high results literally in everything. However, it is quite possible that the child's abilities are high only in certain areas.

Planning joint activities of parents and teachers of associations of early development groups of preschoolers ongoing four directions:

Psychological support of the family of a capable child;

Informational environment for parents;

joint practical activities of a capable child and his parents;

Support and encouragement of parents at the institution level.

Noteworthy system childish-parental relationship, in which the following conditions:

Recognition of the unconditional value of the child;

Creating an environment for its unconditional acceptance, that is, situations in which there is no external evaluation;

Giving the child freedom of expression;

Development and implementation of creative creativity through manifestation child's personality;

Support for the mental efforts of the child, a benevolent attitude towards his cognitive energy.

main form joint work are parent meetings.

Especially for parents of MBU DO students "Station of young naturalists" in early childhood development associations preschool age a cycle of parenting assemblies: “My child is the eighth wonder of the world”, "We do miracles together» .

Among the activities for working with parents is a significant take place not only consultations on the problems of development, training and education gifted children but also round tables, "family living room" next character:

concept giftedness. Kinds giftedness.

Psychological aspects giftedness.

Social adaptation gifted child.

One of the brightest manifestations of talent at preschool age - a wealth of fantasy. gifted children, as a rule, more often than others, they come up with something, compose. For the development of creativity and creative thinking of children jointly master classes are held with parents. Most unusual and unforgettable "Wish Collage" on which, using colorful compositions, all cherished dreams were expressed on a sheet of paper.

The experience of modern education shows that there are differences between children. Children with more developed intellect than their peers, with the ability to be creative, with the ability to classify, generalize, find relationships. They are constantly looking for answers to their questions, inquisitive, show independence, active. Such children are attracted by teachers of associations of early development groups to participate in the All-Russian Olympiads and quizzes, where children take prizes.

In the course of the programs "Educational games" And "The world" working with gifted children use interactive games with developing and learning tasks of different levels of complexity.

The child and his parents can choose the necessary tasks for different directions next sites:


Let's play

Miracle Yudo portal, etc.

Be honest. All children are very sensitive to lies, and to gifted This is more true for children.

Assess the level of development of the child.

Avoid long explanations or conversations.

Try to catch the changes in the child in time. They can be expressed in extraordinary matters or behavior and are a sign giftedness.

Respect your child's individuality. Don't try to project your own Interests and hobbies.

Develop in your children the following quality:

confidence based on one's own consciousness of self-worth;

understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in oneself and in others;

intellectual curiosity and readiness for research risk;

respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy, patience, for spiritual courage;

the habit of relying on one's own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one's actions;

ability to help find mutual language and joy in dealing with people of all ages.

In the association of groups of early development of preschool children, support and encouragement of children and parents is carried out in the form of thank you letters and letters.

World experience shows that often faith in a child's abilities, multiplied by the skill of teachers and parents, can work wonders. In life, it often turns out that it’s not even what you gave a person that matters. nature but what he managed to do with the gift that he has.

Used Books:

"Psychology giftedness: from theory to practice"/ ed. D. V. Ushakova - M; 2000

"Additional Education", No. 10, 2001; No. 11, 2001 G.

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