Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the middle group on the topic: Musical instruments. Video: musical game "Christmas trees-stumps"


Program content:

Target: educate children emotional responsiveness to music different nature V different types musical activity



To develop in children the ability to improvise to music of a different nature.

Exercise children in the ability to coordinate movements with the word, perform movements rhythmically, freely, expressively.

To form in children a desire to speak out about music, about its character and expressive means.


Develop pitch, intonation hearing, a sense of rhythm.

To develop the speech of children with the help of musical and rhythmic exercises, songs.


Continue to nurture the love of music in children. Ability to listen, respect for adults and peers, empathize.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing the teacher in singing, movement, playing musical instruments. Examination of toy characters Verbal: conversation, questions to children. Practical: exercises, situation simulation, didactic game, music games, dance game, singing perception of music.


Tambourines, bells, musical triangles.

Toys: bunny, squirrel, bear, Christmas tree, snowflakes, house, Preliminary work:

Conversations about winter winter games, about how animals prepare for winter. preliminary listening to music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "The Nutcracker" "Waltz of the Snow Flakes". Learning songs: "Christmas tree", "Snow, snowball", round dance "Hare". Learning the dance "Bears". Learning the musical-rhythmic game "Pass", "Musical bell".

Lesson progress:

Music sounds. P.I. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Snow Flakes. Children enter the hall and greet the guests.

M.r. Guys, hello! Hear what magical music meets you! This "Snowflake Waltz" and the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote this music.

The music told us that snowflakes were falling and covering the ground with snowflakes. Shall we play with snowflakes?

Musical game "Snow-snowball" mus. and sl. E. Makshantseva

M.r. Guys, what time of year is it now?

M.r. right, winter has come (logo-rhythmic game)

fluffs swirl,

To the bushes, to the houses

Snowflakes are falling.

The earth was whitewashed

The paths were swamped

Falling, spinning white snowflakes ....

Also interesting winter activity for the senior group:


Oh, look, and I caught a snowflake, but it does not melt, it must be magical.

(takes a snowflake)

Guys, listen.

The sweet-toothed bear cub was always frisky from the cradle.

He did not listen to mom, dad, the bear ate a lot of honey.

He did not want to go to bed, he wanted to walk in the winter.

You guys go to the forest - find us a bear cub!

Can we help bring the bear back to its den? Only the path ahead is difficult, distant. Are we going?

Children's answers.

Let's all join hands so as not to get lost.

They snake to the music. We went to the piano.

M.R. And here is the first obstacle - these are the guys high mountain. Let's climb it together.

(singing "Here I go up, here I go down")

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds.

The blizzard sweeps the white path.

Wants to drown in soft snow.

The wind fell asleep on the way.

Do not drive through the forest, nor pass.

Guys, how is the blizzard circling?

(motor improvisation of children to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky)

The music stops.

Guys, here we are with you in the forest ... how much snow has piled up, what big snowdrifts, we need to get through them. Go, just raise your legs high so as not to get bogged down in the snow .. let's stand one behind the other, hands on the belt.

(walking with high leg lift)

Guys, no one got lost? I'll check now.

(game "Echo" by E. Tilicheeva)

Everyone is here, no one has been lost, let's call Mishutka - no one answers. Guys, look, bear tracks, and they lead to the Christmas tree.

(children go to the Christmas tree)

It's hard, the Christmas tree, its branches were covered with snow. Let's take pity on the Christmas tree, stroke it.

(Children perform a spring and soft, stroking movements with their hands, singing: “The Christmas tree is good, the Christmas tree is beautiful”).

Does not hear! You need to warm the Christmas tree, you need to sing a song to her.

The song "The Christmas tree stood" music and lyrics by N. Karavaeva, arrangement by L. Oliferova.

And who is sitting under the Christmas tree and shivering from the cold?

Hare is small, hare is white.

Stroke, have pity on him. What is he?

Answers: soft, fluffy!

M.r. That's right! Bunny is frozen, he can't sing, he asks you guys to sing a plaintive song for him, about how his tail froze.

Children sing sadly: "It's cold for a bunny, it's cold for a white one"

The hare is jumping at the Christmas tree,

He beats his paw on his paw.

What frosts are fierce

Let's warm up the bunny, shall we? Dance, bunny with us!

Round dance "Hare" r.n. song.

Bunny warmed up, joyful.

Thank you for warming me, and now I want to play with you.

Listen to the music carefully and pass the tambourine.

Relay game with a tambourine.

Thank you, bunny. Have you seen Mishka?

I saw that he ran to us in the clearing, played, and when he had played enough, he ran further.

Thank you, bunny. Goodbye!

Walking with high legs.

Look who is jumping to us:

Guess the riddle:

Dried russula,

She picked nuts.

All stocks in the pantry

Suitable for her.

Children: Squirrel!

The squirrel sings:

Hello guys!

The children sing back.


Squirrel, have you seen the bear in the forest?

Of course I saw it. He was sledding here. He sat down and rolled down, here are the traces ..

How can we find it?

I have a funny bell. I will give it to you. You play with him, and the bear will hear and come running ...

Thank you, squirrel! See you!

The game "Bell" Muses. M. Kartushina

Oh guys, listen

Someone is cracking branches

Someone is rushing to us.

The teacher takes out the bear.

A hat, a fur coat, that's the whole bear.

He waves his paws - he dances merrily!

Guys, shall we dance?

Dance "Teddy Bear"

Yes, it is beautiful in winter and fun, but there are no raspberries, no blueberries, no mushrooms, no sweet honey in the forest. Snow and ice all around. It's good that bears sleep in winter.

And here is the bear's house. What a beautiful! What beautiful icicles on it! How do they sound?

(plays triangle)

Children's answers.

Thank you for finding me and bringing me home. In gratitude for this, I want to treat you.

M. R. Thank you, Misha!

Guys, let's put the bear to sleep. And to make him have sweet dreams, let's play a lullaby for him.

Mozart . Mozart "Lullaby" (noise orchestra)

The mouse fell asleep. The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds.

The blizzard is howling again

And sweeps the paths

Run all back

To our favorite kindergarten!

The children leave the room.

Nomination: Kindergarten, winter classes, middle group, class notes, GCD, music classes
Title: Winter activities. Synopsis in middle group musical entertainment"Looking for the Bear".

Position: music director
Place of work: GBOU School No. 1353 TO No. 4
Location: Zelenograd, Russia


- expand horizons, imagination;

- develop aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work:

- reading the work of J. Rodari;

- learning passages.






Dear Guys!

I'll tell you a secret how it happens:

A fairy tale suddenly invites us into its world,

To surprise with miracles

And teach something.

So, there lived the cruel Prince Lemon and the storm of all the poor, Signor Tomato. In their possessions, he built a house for himself Pumpkin. For so long he dreamed of having his own, albeit small, house.


I built a house with my friends

It is good to live in it.

It's cozy and warm here

Both spacious and light.

Now you are not afraid of the cold.

Autumn rain and wind.

His friends approach Pumpkin: Cipollino, Cherries, Pear, Radish, Grapes. The "Dance of Friends" is performed. There is a drum beat, ringing. Pumpkin's friends run away.

Educator. Do you hear the beat of the drum and the ringing of the bells? This is Prince Lemon approaching with his lemons and Signor Tomato.

Lemon Soldiers enter. One in front with a drum, the rest with bells. The procession is closed by Prince Lemon and Signor Tomato. The procession of "Rosimund" sounds (music by F. Schubert).


I am Prince Lemon.

Here in the country - my law:

Can't sing or have fun

You can't where you want to live.


And I am a formidable Tomato,

Sovereign and sir.

In fields and gardens

I'm putting things in order.

Who will not obey me

I'll put you in a dungeon.


What kind of house is on the way here?

I can't get through!


I built a house for myself

With friends, I spent a lot of energy.


How dare you?

Or did you want to go to the dungeon?

Or have you forgotten my law?

Get out of here!

Lemon soldiers take Pumpkin out of the house.

Laws must be followed!

I will destroy this house.


Stop, prince!

Why break it?

Here the dog Mastino

Will sleep.

Mastino runs out.

Mastino. Bow-wow! (Turns to Lemon and Tomato.)

I will live in this house

I will serve you faithfully.

To the march “Love for Three Oranges” (music by S. Prokofiev) Lemon, Tomato and lemons leave.

Educator. Our Pumpkin is sitting sad, sad. And here are the radishes.

Radishes, dancing "Charleston", approach Pumpkin.

1st Radish

Hello Pumpkin my friend!

Why are you crying all of a sudden?


Terrible Tomato and Prince Lemon

Kicked out of the house.

2nd Radish. Come with us to the musician Grusha. Will he help us?

Educator. And they went to the musician Grusha. And Grusha at that time was having fun with his friends.

A general dance is performed.

Pumpkin. Hello Grusha! I have trouble - the formidable Tomato and Prince Lemon kicked me out of the house.


Don't be sad! There are so many vegetables around.

It means you have many friends.


Oh, friends, I danced so

That the soles were torn off.


Let the shoemaker Vinograd come,

He will always be happy to help us.

Grapes and Grapes come out with hammers and metallophones.


I didn't come to you alone

He brought helpers.


Take out your hammers

We fix everyone's shoes.

Cipollino runs in.

1st Radish. Chipollino, you need to help Pumpkin.

Cipollino. And what happened?

2nd Radish

Terrible Tomato and Prince Lemon

They kicked him out of the house.


We will all go to Lemon now

And we'll sort it out quickly.

Enter Lemon, Tomato and Lemons.

Why are you threatening vegetables?

Are you kicked out of your homes?

We are tired of being afraid of you!

Let's not let Pumpkin stay without a home!

Tomato. How dare you yell at me? I am Signor Tomato! We will put you in a dungeon. Guard! Grab it!

Lemons surround Cipollino.

Cipollino. Ah well! Well, you will! (Takes off his hat.)

Now I'm going to undress

You will wash your face with tears.

Tomato, Lemon and lemons begin to cry.

Lemon. We won't do it again, forgive us.

Cipollino. Will we forgive them?

The children answer.


We are friendly guys!

We don't fight at all!

We are friendly guys

And let's say it to everyone.

Educator. Dear Pumpkin! Your friends have prepared housewarming gifts for you. We will decorate your house with them.

Children give their gifts to Pumpkin.

There are over the mountains, over the valleys

Little country.

Small fruit trees live there.

And vegetable men

And friendship is very important to them.

The song “Little Country” sounds (lyrics by I. Reznik, music by I. Nikolaev). Fairy tale characters say goodbye to the audience.

Dear guests! If you liked our magical kingdom, come back often, and we are always happy to meet you. Don't forget us. Goodbye!

Musical entertainment "Guess" for children of the middle group.

1. To develop coordination of hearing and voice, to form initial singing skills.
2. To form a desire for joint games.
3. To promote the ability to expressively recite poems by heart, guess riddles.
4. Encourage the desire of children to play together.
Entertainment progress
(the hall is decorated in Russian folk style. Children are free to enter the hall and watch the decoration).
Leading: Look how beautiful it is in the hall: the house is beautiful, and the cockerel is sitting on the fence. Everyone looked, walked around the hall, and now sit down, but listen to me carefully. Today we came to the hall to sing, have fun, play, and guess the riddles, and the answers are in my chest. Here's your first riddle:
Growth different girlfriends, do not look alike.
They all sit in each other, and only one toy.

Children: Matryoshka.
Leading (takes a nesting doll from the chest and shows it to the children). That's right, this is a nesting doll, and here are real nesting dolls sitting in the hall. Now our elegant nesting dolls will sing a song for you.

Song "Matryoshka".
Leading: And nesting dolls want to play with you.
A game(children stand around the chairs and perform to the music dance moves, as soon as the music stops playing, the children sit on the chairs, who did not have enough chair, he leaves the game).
Leading: And here's another riddle, guess it, guys.
If clouds hide the sun
The rain is knocking on your window
To keep your feet from getting wet
Get dressed soon...
. (Boots).
Well done, you guessed it, these are boots that are needed in order not to get your feet wet in the rain. There is even a song about boots, sing it soon.
Song: Boots.
Leading: And here are the boots from the chest appeared, they want to play with you.
The game "Who runs faster in boots."
Leading: It's time for the next riddle.
He takes nothing for himself, but gives everything to others.
Children: This is a spoon.
Leading: Yes, these are spoons that feed us. There are also painted wooden spoons in my chest. Come out, good fellows, please us with a game on spoons.
Orchestra "Lozhkari" (children play on spoons to a Russian folk melody). (Knock on the door, the postman enters).
Postman: Hello guys! I seem to have hit the right place. Is this Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"?
Children: Yes, this is our kindergarten.
Postman: But I won't just give you a package.
Leading: But what should we do?
Postman: Sing my favorite cartoon song.
The song of the lion and the turtle.
Postman: Oh yes, well done guys, get the package, but I have to go, I still have a lot of packages to deliver to the children today. Goodbye. (the teacher opens the parcel, and there are toys).
Leading: Guys, look how many toys they sent us. Do you know poems about toys? Of course, each of you has a favorite toy, for which you will read a verse and sing a song, and for some you will dance a dance.
Poems about toys.
Leading: With such beautiful toys I really want to dance.
Dance with toys.
Leading: So our little holiday has come to an end, we had a lot of fun, it's time to go to the group.

Olga Barmina
Musical entertainment in the middle group "Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

Goals and objectives:

Continue to nurture in children the love of music, the desire to listen to it, to enrich musical impressions, develop creative manifestations V musical activity.

Create a joyful atmosphere, promote sustained interest in your favorite character, folk art, emotionally respond to the leader's remarks, consolidate the knowledge that children have.

Continue to develop skills in singing, moving under music to show play ability.

Entertainment progress:

Sounds like music B. Shainsky, to poems by Y. Entin "There are many in the world fairy tales» , into the hall, fabulously designed, children enter, are located in the center. To the right of the central wall are shelves with pictures from Russian fairy tales, in the background a clearing with toys, balls hang.

presenter: Guys, today I invite you to do an amazing journey through a magical land called« Fairy tale» ! Do you agree?

(children happily agree)

IN fairy tale many adventures,

Very joyful excitement

Good wins in her

After all, it is stronger than evil!

(while leading "conjures", to a gentle sounding melody,

children spin in place)

presenter: So we got into the magic country. Let's take a walk on it.

Sounds like a song from the program "Visiting fairy tales» , the children walk around the hall

"snake", twist and unwind "spiral"

presenter: Children, look, we found ourselves with you in a magical meadow. How beautiful it is here! Amazing place!

(children approach one of the Christmas trees, under which they lie illustrations

To fairy tale"Masha and the Bear")

presenter: Guys, here are some pictures! (raise and examine)

(pictures can also be viewed on the interactive whiteboard)

From what fairy tales this bear?

Children: "Masha and the Bear"!

presenter: Well done, guessed it. (asks more questions): How did Mashenka find her way home?

Children: She baked pies, climbed into the box, the bear brought her home to her grandparents

presenter: What did Masha say when the bear sat down on a stump to rest?

Children: "Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie"!

presenter: As in others fairy tales call a bear?

Children: Clubfoot, stomper, Mikhailo Ivanovich!

presenter: Let's play a game "At the bear in the forest"!

A game "At the bear in the forest"

(a Bear child is selected, he puts on a bear hat)

Then the children with the leader approach another Christmas tree, a Fox toy sits under it.

Leading: Guys, look, the fox is the beauty of the whole world! And her tail is fluffy, and her muzzle is sharp. Well, just like a fox from fairy tales"Hare Hut"! Remind me, please, which of the animals came to chase the fox?

Children: Dog, bear, donkey, rooster, ram.

presenter: And what did the fox answer them?

Children: As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!

presenter: What said the cockerel to the fox?

Children: Cuckoo! I walk on my heels in red boots, I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox, get down, fox, from the stove!

presenter: What else fairy tale there is a fox?

Children: "Kolobok", "Fox with a rock", "Teremok", "Fox - sister and gray wolf"

presenter: what fox in fairy tales?

Children: Cunning, cheat, liar

presenter: Yes, she is such a fox! Yes, here she is!

An instrumental piece by Y. Slonov sounds "Red fox".

A girl in a fox costume runs out, performs several dance moves.

presenter: Let's play a fun game with the fox!

A game "Fox in the chicken coop"

Heard "Song of Kolobok", music and words M. V. Eremeeva.

Gingerbread man appears on the screen, he rolls.

presenter: Guys, who is this?

Children: Kolobok!

presenter: Tell me how it ends fairy tale"Kolobok"?

Children: The fox ate it

presenter: What a pity kolobok! And my grandfather and grandmother must have been very upset. They were looking for him, waiting. Let's sit on the grass and think of another ending fairy tales, good!

(children come up with their own endings) fairy tales)

Everyone stand in a circle and perform a fun dance "Kolobok"

(music T. Morozova)

presenter: Something we sat up here in the clearing, and The Land of Fairy Tales is big, let's go further. Only here is one condition: listen carefully music and perform movements together, otherwise you can disappear, - after all, this is a magical a country!

The children walk around the hall the music is changing, sounds "Bunny", "Bird", "Wolf", "Bear", "Fox", "Kolobok"- children jump, run in all directions on their toes, "sneak", quietly stepping on the foot, go "waddle", swaying slightly from side to side, run along the path again, stop with the end music.

Appears storyteller(teacher in Russian folk costume)

storyteller: Hello guys! I learned from the magpie that you travel around our country and decided to ask you a few riddles:

Many - many I know them

Today I will tell you

Who is attentive

He will quickly figure them out!

1. “Before the wolf, he trembled

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Got it anyway...

Children: Kolobok!

2 "Small, remote

Spoons laid out

Yes sentenced:

"This spoon is a cat,

This spoon is simple - Petina,

And this chiseled, gilded handle,

Children: Zhiharki!

3. "Ears are my ears,

What did you do?

We all listened

What about you tail?

And I prevented you from running"

From what fairy tales?

Children: "Fox with a rock"

4. What kind of forest animal

Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?

And stood among the grass

Ears bigger than head

Children: Hare!

storyteller: Oh, yes, guys - well done! I propose to stand in a circle and start a fun round dance!

(children stand in a circle)

round dance "Hare, come out", music E. Tilicheeva

storyteller: Do you guys know what fabulous heroes can be molded, drawn? Let's draw fairy tale hero and say what is it from fairy tales, agree?

Children sit at the tables and draw their favorite characters from fairy tales; sounds music.

presenter: We will give these drawings to our kind Storyteller(children present their drawings)

(You can color pre-prepared blanks

hero of any Russian folk fairy tales)

storyteller: How many interesting things do you know fairy tales! Will you show me how the goats dance from fairy tales"The wolf and the seven Young goats"? Then go out all in a circle and start the fun dance!

Children are dancing "Polka" (music by T. Lomova)

storyteller: I had a lot of fun with you, dear children,

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world

Let books come into houses with friends

Read all your life, get smart!

storyteller gives all children small books with fairy tales.

storyteller: A fairy tale is a wonderful piggy bank,

What you accumulate, you will take

And without fairy tales in this life

You will surely disappear (Elena Stepanova)

(says goodbye and leaves)

presenter: Our journey is over time to go back to kindergarten!

One and two., and five., and eight. We are moving everyone to Kindergarten!

Children spin around in place, and under music come out of the room.

Musical entertainment "Guess"

1. To develop coordination of hearing and voice, to form initial singing skills.
2. To form a desire for joint games.
3. To promote the ability to expressively recite poems by heart, guess riddles.
4. Encourage the desire of children to play together.

Entertainment progress
(the hall is decorated in the Russian folk style. Children freely enter the hall to the Russian folk melody and watch the decoration).

Attributes: big doll nesting doll, large plywood nesting doll, house, spoons, handkerchiefs according to the number of children, benches, chairs for playing
Leading: Look how beautiful it is in the hall: the house is beautiful, and the cockerel is sitting on the fence. Have you looked at everything? Now sit down and listen to me carefully. Today we came to the hall to sing, have fun, play, and guess the riddles, and the answers are in my chest.

Here's your first riddle:
Growth different girlfriends, do not look alike.
They all sit in each other, and only one toy.
Children: Matryoshka.

Musical director: (takes a nesting doll from the chest and shows it to the children). That's right, this is a nesting doll, and you want to turn into real nesting dolls? (children's answer) Now our elegant nesting dolls will sing a song for you.

Theatricalization Song "Matryoshka".

Musical director: And now the big matryoshka wants to play with you.
Game "Musical chairs"(the children stand around the chairs and perform dance movements to the music, as soon as the music stops playing, the children sit on the chairs, who did not have enough chair, he leaves the game).

Musical director: And here's another riddle, guess it, guys.
If clouds hide the sun
The rain is knocking on your window
To keep your feet from getting wet
Get dressed soon...
. (Boots).

Well done, you guessed it - these are boots that are needed in order not to get your feet wet in the rain.

Musical director: And here are the boots from the chest appeared, they want to play with you.

The game "Who runs faster in boots." Song: Boots.

Musical director: It's time for the next riddle.
He takes nothing for himself, but gives everything to others.

Children: This is a spoon.
Musical director: Yes, these are the spoons that feed us. There are also spoons in my chest, painted, wooden. Come out, good fellows, please us with a game on spoons.

Orchestra "Lozhkari" (children play on spoons to a Russian folk melody). (Knock on the door, the postman enters).

Postman - Music Director: Hello guys! I seem to have hit the right place. Is this Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"?

Children: Yes, this is our kindergarten.

Postman: But I won't just give you a package.
Sing my favorite song about Santa Claus.

Song about Santa Claus
Postman: Oh yes, well done guys, get the package, but I have to go, I still have a lot of packages to deliver to the children today. Goodbye. (the teacher opens the parcel, and there are toys).

Musical director: Guys, look how many toys they sent us. Do you know poems about toys? Of course, each of you has a favorite toy, for which you will read a verse and sing a song, and for some you will dance a dance.

Poems about toys.
Leading: With such beautiful toys, I really want to dance.
Dance with toys.
Leading: So our little holiday has come to an end, we had a lot of fun, it's time to go to the group.

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