Musical entertainment for older children. Synopsis of musical entertainment in the senior group of different ages "our fairy-tale heroes are our guests"


Leisure theme: "VISITING A FAIRY TALE"


1) Bring joy to children

2) Develop children's imagination, imagination

3)Give an idea of fairy tale, fairy tale characters in music

4) Cultivate a love of music, develop an aesthetic sense

musical material:

1) "Trap" Russian folk melody arranged by L. Sidelnikov

2) "Squirrel" music by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

3) "Circular gallop" Hungarian folk melody arranged by N. Metlov

4) "Fairy tale, fairy tale, come" music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

5) "Echo" music by E. Tilicheeva

6) "March" music by E. Tilicheeva

7) "Polonaise" (audio recording)

8) "Exercise" French folk melody

In the course of leisure were used:

2) TSO (audio recording)

3) squirrel toy

4) fairy tale costume

5) illustrations

7) handkerchiefs for the game

8) sweet prizes


1) "Musical and motor exercises in kindergarten" (Raevskaya E.P., Rudneva S.D., Soboleva G.N.)

2) "Music and movement" (S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina)

3) "Musical masterpieces" (O.P. Radynova)


Presenter: Hello, guys! Today I received a letter that we are invited to visit a fairy tale! The path there is difficult, not easy, but we are adults and we will overcome everything!

From the kindergarten, we'll go marching with you merrily

And with a strict, friendly step we will reach a fairy tale!

The guys got up straight, the backs are straight, we raise our knees high, we pull our socks.

Sounds MARCH music E. Tilicheeva

Well done, guys! We got to the magical forest, but you can’t just go through it! Maybe we will sing our song "Echo" and someone will respond! We got up evenly, we open our mouths wide.

The song "Echo" music by E. Tilicheeva is performed

No, alas! No one heard us! Oh, and I remembered, a fairy tale wrote something in a letter about this forest.

"Come on, together, you guys, guess three riddles

And then magical forest a world of wonders will open to you!"

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

Not just one thread.(answer: Hedgehog)

Who is on the tree, on the bitch

Counting: ku-ku, ku-ku?(Answer: Cuckoo)

Host: Well done guys!

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a bump at the kids?

And into the bushes through the stump

Flashed like a flame?(answer: Squirrel)

A squirrel appears (doll toy)

Squirrel: Guessed, guessed! Solved all the riddles!

I wear a fluffy coat

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak

I chew nuts.

A fairy tale sent me to bring you

So that you do not get lost, I came for you.

Presenter: Oh, guys, we are really lucky! Now we will definitely reach!

Squirrel: I galloped forward. And you do not lag behind, rather catch up!

A squirrel hides behind a curtain

Presenter: Come on, guys, in order to catch up with her, we will gallop. We stood in a circle, handles on the belt.

Performed Circular gallop Hungarian folk melody Arranged by N. Metlov

Presenter: So we got to the Fairy Tale Palace! Guys, you need to thank the squirrel for your help. Let's play it on musical instruments, us and the work is suitable! What is it called? And maybe even someone will remember who wrote it?

Children: "Squirrel", and Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky wrote - Korsakov.

Presenter: Well done! They took the tools in their pens and stood in two groups.

Performed by "Squirrel" N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan") game on DMI

Squirrel: Thank you guys! But it's time for me to run Bye-bye! (Squirrel waves his pen, disappears)

Presenter: Guys, look at the beautiful palace, let's knock! (Knock, a fairy tale comes out)

Fairy tale: Hello guys! Here we are

Sit down, relax, solve the riddles!

Harmonica in hands

On top of a cap,

And next to him is important

Cheburashka is sitting.

Friends portrait

It turned out excellent

On it Cheburashka,

And next to him...(Crocodile Gena)

Fairy tale: That's right, guessed it well!

The arrow of the young man hit the swamp,

Well, where is the bride?

And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.

The bride's name is...(Princess Frog)

Fairy tale: What good fellows you are! You guess everything! Maybe you still know how to dance? I have a ball right now in the palace! Do you know how to dance the polonaise?

Children: Yes! We can!

Story: Show me!

Presenter: Guys, stand in pairs and show the Fairy Tale how you know how to dance.

dance "Polonaise"(audio recording)

Fairy tale: Oh, the guys are good

They danced heartily! Sit on the chairs. (Children sit down)

Guys, how many fairy tales do you know?

Story: What are they?

Children: Princess-Frog, Geese-swans, Little Humpbacked Horse .....

Fairy tale: What good guys! Did you meet a squirrel on the way to me?

Fairy tale: And who guessed what fairy tale it was from? Can anyone remember the name?

Children: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Fairy tale: That's right, well done, guys!

There are a lot of fairy tales in this world of magic! Have you noticed guys?

Tale: Guys, maybe you know some song about magic, about fairy tales?

Children: We know!

Presenter: Guys, let's sing our song "Fairy tale, fairy tale, come." Stand up all in loose. (Children stand in loose around the hall)

the song "Fairy tale, fairy tale, come" is performed music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

Fairy tale: Thank you guys for such a wonderful performance! You tried, took the trouble, now it’s time to play. And I just have magic handkerchiefs!

Game "Trap" arranged by L. Sidelnikov

Fairy tale: I really liked you guys!

You can't stay in this castle for a very long time!

Moms, dads and friends are waiting for you at home.

I will now turn you into swans, we will fly to the music and you

and you will find yourself in the kindergarten faster! And never, guys, do not forget the Tale, it will still be useful to you in life! Raaaz, twoaa, three! Goodbye, guys!

sounds Exercise (collection of music and movement, exercise number 12)

Presenter: Here, guys, you are at home! Did you like our trip?

Presenter: Guys, so that you never forget her The fairy tale left you small treats! (I give out tasty prizes)

Lvova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Musical holiday for older children preschool age, dedicated to the music of R. Schumann

Hall decoration: Silver Christmas trees, candlesticks with candles, small tables, trays with flower cards in pastel colors, a portrait of R. Schumann.

(The “Melody” by R. Schumann from the “Album for Youth” sounds softly, candles are lit, children enter the living room, greet the guests.)

Hostess of the music room: Hello, children! I am very glad to see you again in our musical lounge. Look how beautiful it is here! (Music stops.) You are in magical kingdom music that will tell us about winter. Today the works of the greatest German composer Robert Schumann. You and I know well that winter road starts in the far north. From there, the winter winds come to us and sing their songs, calling for winter to come.

(The mistress of the living room invites the children to sit comfortably on chairs, get ready to listen carefully to the music as is customary in the music room.)

(The Northern Song by R. Schumann sounds.)


Decorated winter:

Fringe on the dress

From transparent ice

Snowflake stars.

All in diamonds, pearls,

In colorful lights

Radiance pours around

Whispers a spell:

"Lie down, soft snows,

To forests and meadows.

Cover the paths

Leave the branches down!

On the windows, Santa Claus,

Scatter crystal roses.

light visions,

Tricky weaves.

You, blizzard, weirdo,

Round dance backwaters,

Fly up like a whirlwind of white

Gray in the field!

Sleep, my land, sleep,

Save magical dreams:

Wait, dressed in brocade,

new dawn! (M. Pozharova)

(R. Schumann's musical work "Winter" sounds.

By the end of the work, the Mistress of the living room gradually extinguishes the candles. The music room is dark for a few moments, then the lights gradually come on.)

You probably heard and understood everything, felt how the poet spoke about winter in verse, the composer painted with musical sounds winter picture. Try to become artists too, and with the help of different colors and their shades, convey the mood expressed by the composer Robert Schumann in this work.

(The musical work “Winter” sounds again, the children pick up cards with desired color and lay out the color scheme on the floor.)

I see that in your compositions you used warm, gentle tones... What kind of winter did you get?

(Children's answers.)

You are right, winter is different. You have a quiet, sad, sad, thoughtful winter ... But Robert Schumann has another work on winter theme quite a different character. Listen. (The musical work of R. Schumann "Santa Claus" sounds.)

What winter did the music tell us about in this work? (Children's answers.)

Yes, the winter there is cold, prickly, angry, frosty, with a snowstorm, howling of the north wind, angry ... The composer called this piece of music "Father Frost".

Now remember what poems about Santa Claus you know. (Children recite poems.)

Now I will read you a poem about Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed.

I got up with icicles ringing:

“Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?

Why don't you wake me up?"

Blizzards came up

Howled: woo!

Whooped: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


The forest groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

The oaks groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

The birches groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

And Santa Claus conjures:

"Play out, blizzards!

Bend lower, pines, firs!

All that is in my forest

I’ll fall asleep, I’ll bring it in! ”

(S. Marshak)

We are not afraid of frost! Remember, children, how fun it is to play snowballs in winter!

Snowballs fly and flash

Snowballs cover your face

Snowballs blind our eyes,

Snowballs make us all happy!

(E. Alekseeva)

(The musical work of R. Schumann "The Hunting Song" sounds.)

So ended our evening in the music room, dedicated to creativity Robert Schumann! See you next time!

Equipment: Painting reproductions:

1. I.I. Levitan " big water».

2. A.I. Kuindzhi "Dnepr in the morning".

3. I.I. Levitan " Golden autumn».

4. I.E. Grabar " february blue».

Musical accompaniment:

1. Grieg E. "In the spring".

2. Strauss I. "Waltz".

3. Tchaikovsky P.I. "Seasons. April".

4. Vivaldi A. "The Seasons".

5. Russian folk song "Red Dress".

6. Russian folk song "With a weed".

7. Romance on the verses of S. Yesenin “Golden foliage whirled”.

8. Haydn I. "The Seasons".

9. Glazunov "The Seasons".

presenter: Guys, our meeting today is dedicated to the seasons. Remember how in the story by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky the boy Mitya rejoices in each of the seasons: in each of them he finds his charm. Many poets, composers, painters depicted the seasons in their works. How do we start our evening today? Let's call on Queen Harmony for help! Do you guys agree? Quiet then, I can already hear her footsteps.

(The Waltz by I. Strauss sounds. The queen appears, dances.)


Since childhood, everyone has known me,

I am Queen Harmony.

Quietly, not audibly, I enter your house,

Worthy of praise and attention.

Hello, friends! Why did you need me?

Presenter: Hello dear queen! The guys and I decided to take a trip through the seasons, but don't know where to start?

Queen: What is there to think? Of course - from the spring! No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called spring "the morning of the year."

presenter: You're right. Spring is the beginning of life, the awakening of nature. Look at the spring in the picture of I.I. Levitan "Big Water". The gaze is lost in the flood-covered space.

Queen: I propose to listen now to an excerpt from E. Grieg's play "Spring".

(An excerpt from E. Grieg's play "Spring" sounds.)

presenter: Gaining strength, spring comes into its own. Snowdrops appear on the first thawed patches.


The Snow Maiden cried, seeing off the winter,

Sadness followed her, a stranger to everyone in the forest.


Where she walked and cried, touching the birches,

Snowdrops have grown

Snow Maiden's tears.

Queen: How poetic is A. Maykov's poem. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in The Seasons has a wonderful play April. Snowdrop". Let's listen to her.

(The recording of "Dance of the Snowdrops" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds.)

presenter: Nature is renewed in spring, dressed in a luxurious outfit. Often, when describing the same phenomenon in music and poetry, one can find something similar. S. Yesenin, for example, late spring, intoxicates, attracts.

Queen: Something consonant is heard in the music of the 2nd part of "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi. Let's listen.

(An excerpt from “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi sounds, children read S. Yesenin to the music.)


Bird cherry sprinkles with snow,

Greenery in bloom and dew.

In the field, leaning towards shoots,

Rooks are walking in the band.


The silk grasses will vanish,

Smells like resinous pine.

Oh, you, meadows and oak forests,

I'm besotted with spring.

Presenter: Here we come to the summer, when warm sun warms the earth with its rays, and a light breeze rustles quietly, braiding the braids of slender birch trees.


Green hair, girlish breasts

Oh, thin birch, what did you look into the pond?

What does the wind whisper to you, what does the sand ring about?

Or do you want a lunar scallop in braid-branches?

(The Dance of the Birches is performed to the tune of "Red Sundress".)

Presenter: TO summer theme many painters applied. Pay attention to the landscape of A.I. Kuindzhi "Dnepr in the morning". Nature seemed to freeze in anticipation. But soon the sun will rise, the fog will melt and the meadows will be full of colors of herbs and flowers. As in a poem by E. Trutneva.


A meadow, just like a chintz, a scarf of all colors, -

You won’t understand where the butterfly is, where the living flower is.


Forest and field in greenery, blue river.

White fluffy clouds in the sky.

Queen: There are many Russians folk songs on the topic of summer. They are very popular with children and adults. Let's watch a dance performed by a group of our girls and try to guess its name.

(The dance-round dance "With a loach" is performed.)

Presenter: The warm summer is replaced by autumn, golden, regal, as in the picture of I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". What other lines would describe it better?


Autumn time, eyes charm,

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

In crimson and gold, clad scaffolding.

(Sounds of violin are heard.)

Presenter: What wonderful sounds! Do you recognize this voice guys? Whose is he? (Children's answer.) That's right, the voice of the violin.

Queen: This is my gift. What could be better than live, quivering sounds? Let's listen to a romance accompanied by a violin.

(The duet of educators sings the song “Golden foliage whirled.”)

Presenter: It's great!

Queen: But do not forget: everything goes on as usual, and autumn is followed by winter, snowy, crystal.


Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

Presenter: A.S. Pushkin turns green through the hoarfrost spruce. In the picture I.E. Grabar "February Blue" as in lace is a white birch. S. Yesenin's poem is very consonant with this image. Let this be a gift for you, queen. Children will now present you with an image of a winter birch in a very unusual way.

(The poem "White Birch" staged to the music of I. Haydn from the oratorio "The Seasons".)

Queen: Thank you very nice! Our meeting came to an end, it turned out beautiful. Once again we were convinced that any time of the year is beautiful in its own way. It attracts the artist, poet, composer with its special beauty, giving rise to its own, special feeling in the soul of the creator.

Hall decoration: on the central wall - a portrait of S.S. Prokofiev. In the hall - stands on which illustrations are placed.

presenter: Dear friends, we invite you on an amazing journey through the musical works of Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev, one of the most famous composers. He started writing music early. When he was 6 years old, as much as you are now, he composed his first play - "Indian Gallop", at the age of 9 the opera "Giant". S.S. Prokofiev was a conductor, writer, composer. He wrote music for operas, ballets, symphonies. He also wrote music for children. One of these works is the album "Children's Music". Let's open this album and get acquainted with the kind, sunny, music of S.S. Prokofiev.


The music is calling us to the thicket of the forest!

A minute - and the sun will rise over the forest.

The sun will warm, the animals will wake up,

And butterflies will circle over the edge.

(The melody “Morning” sounds. The children sit on the carpet and, bowing their heads, gradually raise their hands, shake them over their heads, then get up. The Sun appears - a girl in a suit. She walks in a circle, and the children gradually turn after her, shake their hands over head.)


A little morning lights up, as I am already in the garden.

For everyone who meets, I will find a gift.

For Alenka - a fairy tale,

Little dog - weasel,

Joke - maple and oak,

A joke - to the breeze.

Everyone - smile and hello.

There is nothing more expensive.

(The play “Walk” sounds. Children run to the clearing for a walk: jump, play ball. Butterflies fly in, children admire them.)

Musical director:

Girls, boys, where are your fingers?

(Hide hands behind back.)

Send fingers in the morning

(Wiggle your fingers.)

On a visit to Aunt Razygra.

(Clap your hands.)

They sat on the bench

(On thumb left hand "sit" with each finger of the right hand.)

Yes, they looked out the window,

(Fold the "windows" in front of the eyes from the fingers.)

We drank tea, I'll play tea,

(Alternate clapping and showing thumbs.)

Palms stroked the sun a little,

(Stroke your palms, massaging them lightly.)

They raised their fingers - they became rays.

(Straighten and spread the fingers of both hands.)

Musical director: Stretched your fingers? Now you can play musical instruments. Tell me, please, what is a march?

Children: This is the music you want to walk to.

Musical director: Right. Translated from French"march" means moving forward, procession. What is the most common character of a march?

Children: Cheerful, clear.

Musical director: Right. Let's play "March" from the "Children's Music" album.

(Children play flutes, drums, triangles, tambourine.)

In the album "Children's Music" there is a play called "Tarantella". This is a fun, fast Italian dance.


Right left,

Right left,

Let's dance together


Come dance with us boldly,

We all dance the tarantella.

(The girl performs an improvisation dance. Two children play along with her on tambourines.)

Musical director: In the tag, guys, let's play, "Fifteen" with a counting rhyme we begin to choose.

(Children choose a "tag", say a rhyme. With the beginning of the music, they run to different directions. "Fifteen" catches them.

The play "Fifteen" sounds.)

After a fun game, let's rest a little, sit on the mat.

When S.S. Prokofiev was small, he, like all children, was very fond of listening to fairy tales. He carried this love throughout his life.

(The play "Fairy Tale" sounds.)

In the sky of shining stars,

A fairy tale rushes to visit children.

She has a twisted

Thin gilded rod.

And above it is a clear moon.

A fairy tale rushes, rushes to the children.

Children, which Russian fairy tales are closer in spirit to the music of S.S. Prokofiev?

(Children answer, call familiar tales.)

Along with small piano pieces, which are called miniatures, S.S. Prokofiev created whole fabulous performances, ballets. They are performed by more than one orchestra. Prokofiev wrote music for the ballet based on the fairy tale "Cinderella" by C. Perrault. His music enriched fabulous images, made them brighter, more expressive. Let's remember what Cinderella was?

Children: Good, kind, hardworking.

Musical director: Now we will listen to the "Waltz" from the ballet S.S. Prokofiev's "Cinderella" and see how Cinderella and the Prince perform this dance.

(The prince is sitting on the throne. Cinderella approaches the throne, makes a bow. The prince gets up. The music from the 2nd act “Cinderella's arrival at the ball” sounds.)


How glad I am that you decided

The ball is our modest visit.

Allow me stranger

Invite you to dance.

(The Great Waltz from Act 2 sounds. The Prince and Cinderella are dancing.)


I want this castle

You stayed forever.


I won't forget this ball

But you must leave.

(The clock strikes midnight.)


Prince, farewell! Ah, terrible!

It's time for me to hurry. (Exits.)

Musical director: Guys, do you know how this fairy tale ended. The prince found his Cinderella. It's time for us to end our journey through the pages musical works S.S. Prokofiev.

And from sadness, and from boredom

Can heal us all

Sounds of mischievous melodies,

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

golden magic fish

May the music shine

And in a friendly way, with a smile,

Suddenly look into our eyes.

Maybe a song - a half-tale.

Jokingly cheer us up

And suddenly crumble into a dance,

Spin in a round dance.

Let's end our meeting with a fun improvisational dance to the music of "Katerina" arranged by S.S. Prokofiev.

The concert is over. The music suddenly stopped. But is it? It seems to be playing now. And it will be long. Sound for each of us.

Let the music of S.S. Prokofiev live in your memory, soften your heart, awaken your imagination.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten № 17"

Musical leisure in senior group

"Journey to musical train"



Antropova N.A.

Arzamas 2017

Age of children 5-6 years

Lesson type- musical leisure

Materials and equipment: interactive whiteboard, tape recorder, audio recordings of playing musical instruments, chairs

Used didactic games: "Top", "Cockerel, hen, chicken", "Make a pattern (rhythmic pattern)", "Loud-quiet", "Guess what I'm playing"

Target:development musical ability and deepening children's understanding of the means musical expressiveness



    Bring joy to children

    Develop children's fantasy, imagination

    Cultivate a love of music, develop an aesthetic sense

    To give children an idea of ​​timbre diversity and its significance in music.

    Development in children musical and auditory abilities, a comprehensive understanding of different height musical sounds and their interaction.

    The development in children of the ability to reproduce a rhythmic pattern in claps, spanks, stomps, on a musical instrument and with the help of movements.

    Expansion of musical and sound representations in children and enrichment of their musical experience.


On interactive whiteboard an image of a steam locomotive appears, the sound of a steam locomotive sounds in the background.

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us. Who is this? What is he doing? (locomotive)

Educator: This train is not simple, it is musical and on it we can go to musical journey with various interesting stops. Do you want to ride this train?

Educator: Then take your seats, it's time for us to go.

(Children sit on chairs)

Main part

Educator: In order for our musical train to become fast, let's sing a song about it:

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the first station. Stop.

Our first station "Song". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: That's right, we will sing songs on it. And in order to choose a song, I have a magic top. We will twist it and the arrow will show us who we will sing a song about.

Conducted didactic game "Top"

Game progress: The driver, or the children, take turns spinning the top with an arrow. On the circle of which are pictures for familiar songs. On which picture the top stops, the children sing a song about that.

Educator: How much good songs we know, and it's time for us to continue our journey.

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the second station. Stop.

Our second station is "Game". What do you think we will do with it?(Play)

Educator: That's right, you and I will play the Loud-Quiet game, which is very similar to the Hot-Cold game.

Game progress: First, we need to choose an object that we will hide and the driver. We blindfold the driver and send him out the door so that he does not see what we are doing. At this time, the children in the group hide the chosen object so that it would not be visible at first sight. Then the driver is called. Instead of the words "Hot and cold," the children will tell the driver the place where the object is hiding with a song. If the driver is far from him- children they sing softly, if they come close, they sing very loudly.

Educator: Who wants to be a driver? (If the children are shy, then you can choose the driver with the help of a counter.

A musical and didactic game "Loud-quiet" is being held

Educator: You are very good at telling the song where the object is hidden and looking for it. And it's time for us to continue our journey.

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the third station. Stop.

Our third station is "Notnaya". Look, our friends meet us on it - Cockerel, Hen and Chicken. Do you want to play with them?

Didactic game "Cockerel, hen, chick"

Educator: Well done. And it's time for us to continue our journey

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the fourth station. Stop.

Our fourth station is "Instrumentalnaya". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: At this station we will guess musical instruments.

The game "Guess the tool"

Game progress: The teacher turns on audio recordings of musical instruments in turn, and the children guess and imitate playing this instrument. One of the children shows a picture of an instrument from didactic game "Musical instruments".

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the game of several musical instruments?(Ensemble) Do you want to play in an ensemble?

An imitation game "Ensemble" is being held

Game progress: Children choose a musical instrument and memorize it. The teacher includes an audio recording with the game of several musical instruments. When the child hears his instrument, he begins to imitate playing the instrument. As soon as his game ends, he stops "playing".

Educator: We have a wonderful ensemble, and it's time for us to continue our journey

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the last station. Stop.

Our fifth station is "Dance". What do you think we will do with it?(Dance).

Educator: Boys, invite girls to a fun dance.

The dance song "Become a circle soon, dance with me, my friend ..." The children are dancing.

Final part

Educator: So our journey on the musical train has come to an end. Did you like it? What do you remember the most? What other stations would you like to visit?

Educator: Next time we will definitely go on a new journey on a musical train and visit new stations and meet new friends, but for now it's time for us to say goodbye to him. Goodbye steam locomotive!!!

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