Comic fortune-telling by a gypsy at a wedding to guests. Comic predictions


Tell, funny predictions gypsies?

  1. I know for sure that in spring all gypsies sell their fur coats....)))
  2. Comic predictions gypsies

    Surprises await you in life:
    Hundred-program TV,
    600th Mercedes
    The house is huge, the garden is blooming,
    Husband rich and teetotal
    And many more wonders!

    Waking up one day, you will see in the window
    Prince Charming on a white horse.
    With a smile in the saddle, he will pick up, loving,
    And in distant countries he will kill you.

    Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
    Vegetable vinaigrette,
    Jellied offal
    And dry food compote.
    Well, it's time to reveal the secret.
    So you're going to be a chef!

    You will be fat and ruddy,
    Raise geese and chickens.
    The husband will drive up on a tractor, shout loudly:
    Smoke break, Serve dinner, wife,
    And a bottle of wine!

    You will be a noble knight
    Beautiful, strong and simple.
    Know how to intercede for the weak,
    Stand firm for justice.
    And for the love of beautiful lady
    fight, asking for her hand.
    Know that love brings happiness
    Not tight wallets.

    Your house will be a full bowl,
    There is always an influx of guests,
    And your wife is the most beautiful
    There will be seven children.
    And one day you will come drunk:
    Step uneven, cloudy look
    The wife will be sad and say:
    The wolf and the seven Young goats

    Your life will be happy and long.
    With a color TV, with a white Volga
    With a yacht flying in azure waves.
    With a bronze tan on strong shoulders.

    Kohl will not come out of you
    sissies and crybabies,
    That will give you life
    New bucks!

    There are many miracles in life
    The road is wide!
    But just try to sit down
    On your horse!

    There are many ways and things in the world,
    But always be yourself!
    Then the wide road
    Will not become a narrow path!

    The husband will buy earrings, fashionable boots,
    On the hands will wear
    and do not ask for half a liter!

    The news came to you:
    There is no salt today!
    And then, you look, yes you will give birth.
    After all, everyone in the world knows
    Children are born from salt!

    You will soon be very rich.
    Be known as a millionaire throughout the district!
    Because uncle will be found in America
    Leave you a legacy without looking!

    You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
    Run, hurry up quickly!
    If you buy a bag of tickets,
    That's what you win from shoes lace!

    You not to be bored
    We must sing and dance.
    Can't sleep at all at night
    Entertain good people
    When people are happy
    You will become a pop star!

    If you want to be happy
    Then you have this advice:
    Eat 3 kilos of salt
    And a big bag of candy. ,
    Then drink some vodka...
    You will be happy, even kill!

    Every day and every hour
    Someone is thinking about you.

    Have fun looking ahead
    There wealth awaits you.

    Wait a bit,
    The road is waiting for you.

    Gingerbread and sweets
    There will be a lot of joy.

    you at the end of the week.
    Holidays and fun await.

    Appear suddenly
    You have a new friend.

    Wait without crying
    Good luck will come to you.

    The sun again and happiness again -
    You will meet new love.

    By next Saturday
    Expect success at work.

    You will always have
    Delicious food in the house.

    Fireworks of bright events await you in the third decade of the year. Start preparing immediately.

    When giving your beloved a bouquet of daisies, count all the petals. Must be love!

    Expecting a bad event, do not twist the button: it will definitely come off.

    Do not scold the black cat that crossed your path, but rather take him to your home: he will keep your 38 parrots company.

    You are lucky! Therefore, be modest and do not grab more lucky tickets.

    Do not relax too much, otherwise your road will be to the state house.

    When crossing the road, look around - there is a chance to meet your fate.

    Come to the boss from the left foot - and you will be promoted.

    If you wear clothes inside out on June 1, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!

    Smile always! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Be quiet! And no one will call a bore.

    Your life is an endless road, so choose reliable remedy for movement on it - a car. .

  3. you helped me so much thanks at our school there is a scene but here we are 4th Klaas we will make an autumn holiday and I am a gypsy girl there

It is good if the group of Gypsies is large and of different ages, with tambourines and rattles in their hands. They can manipulate their scarves, shawls, making a “circle-dance” out of them, enclosing fortunetellers in it, and “gates”, letting the public through them. Can connect theater group- "Gypsy" with a costumed "bear", performing various commands. It will be great if two or three guitarists perform gypsy songs live.


Gypsy 1 (with fake cards),

Gypsy 2(with big clay pot), Gypsy 3(with chest)

Gypsy 4(with a huge wallet).

The company of Gypsies dancing to the tune of gypsy songs, pestering the public, offering to tell fortunes.

Gypsy 1. Ay, chavale, young, blue-eyed, don't look around, look at us. We feel inside, you want to know your fate! Gild the pen, our precious one, let's spread the cards like a fan - we'll tell the whole truth, we won't hide anything. The legs feed the wolf, and the gypsies - the cards!

Gypsy 4 (holds up a huge wallet)

Gypsy 1 Put some money in a gypsy wallet - no matter how much you feel sorry for - but draw any card ... Look, do not lose!

The fortuneteller pulls out a card, Gypsy 1 explains its meaning. The cards are comic (several are attached), so you can predict anything. Gypsy 2 steps forward, interrupting her.

Gypsy 2 . Ay, you are our diamond, diamond, try again to try fate -

Fortune telling on the gypsy "thing pot" ...

Show money! Round money - Swarthy gypsy.

A gypsy will tell you everything about your fate as it is - she won’t lie, Money won’t be wasted in vain!

Gypsy 4 (again substitutes an open and already empty wallet):

Gypsy 2 money right hand you quit

A left hand put it in the pot.

It has a lot of things, but you don’t take everything,

And choose one for yourself!

Objects are stacked in a pot covered with a scarf. A fortuneteller, without looking, takes out an object from under a scarf, Gypsy 2 explains its meaning.


Ring - for an imminent wedding, a change in personal life.

Handkerchief - to parting, grief is possible soon.

Flower - to success and prosperity in business, to popularity with the opposite sex.

Candy - to tempting offers, to an easy and sweet life.

Bread crust - to life's trials, material difficulties.

Button - to big family, to the addition to the family.

Coin - to profit, wealth, unexpected inheritance, the appearance of a financial patron.

Bird feather - to the news, unexpected news, news.

The key is to a new house, apartment, housewarming, change of residence.

Horseshoe - to complete happiness in life.

Sliver - to good health.

Braid or ribbon - to long road, long trip.

Bell - to the imminent joy, great fun.

Bean or beans - to family well-being, mutual understanding in the family, love of relatives.

After divination, the removed item is returned back to the pot. Gypsy 3 steps forward, interrupting Gypsy 2.

Gypsy 3. Ah, you are our yacht, pearl, look:

Here is an old chest with the black hand of an old gypsy inside!

If you are brave at heart

That hand will tell you for a sweet deed.

The most important,

So that you give Gypsy paper money ...

Gypsy 4 (replaces an empty wallet again):

Gypsy 3 And there will be copper money -

The gypsy will become harmful.

Throw money

Yes, carefully open the chest!

The fortuneteller opens the chest, there are notes with predictions rolled into tubes.

Take any scroll, but do not strongly sherudi,

Do not wake the black hand of the old gypsy!

At the moment when the fortuneteller takes the note, Gypsy 3 slips the “old gypsy’s hand” through the back wall, decorated with black fringe, and covers his hand.
The hand is a rubber glove stuffed with sealant, with patches of wool and nails glued on. Then the fortuneteller is asked to read the note taken out aloud.


Beware of casual connections, a big problem can arise.

Refuse offers to take a walk at someone else's expense. Remember: free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Calculate with interest!

The event you started will not succeed. If you want to be happy, change your plans!

Soon you will become an object of adoration, but do not give in to feelings entirely, they can be false!

You may lose something very important, be careful!

In the near future, undoubted luck awaits you in all financial matters.

With a little effort on your part, this year it is possible to change jobs to another with better conditions.

In the near future, outbursts of anger from your boss are coming. Be on the lookout and be able to adequately repel undeserved attacks!

There is a chance of becoming the subject of unpleasant gossip, try to be more careful, then you may be able to avoid this.

Try to make friends with the person you avoid. Soon he will be able to help you in your difficult situation.

It is possible to change your living conditions.

The wind of distant wanderings awaits you.

Your marital status may change soon.

Your frank confessions friends will play a bad joke on you.

You hide a secret that torments you. Is it time to open up to your loved ones?

The long-awaited promotion is two steps away from you, make a little effort!

You will be able to make ends meet, and from now on you will confidently stay afloat.

You took one wrong step. Hurry up to fix it, otherwise you will lose the most precious thing you have!

Unexpected wealth awaits you, but do not lose your head, do not forget about your loved ones!

Stop throwing dust in the eyes of others, show them your true nature. You are not as bad as you think you are.

In the near future you will become the owner of a new property.

Something will happen that you do not expect at all, but if you approach the solution of the issue reasonably, then everything will turn out in your favor.

In your destiny, everything depends only on you. Be a little more persistent, go to your intended goal, and everything will work out!

Soon you will have a very influential patron.

In the near future you will find a new interesting acquaintance.

Wait for the good news, soon everything will change for the better.

Start paying more attention to yourself, love yourself, this is extremely necessary for you.

Avoid large meals and cheerful companies: it's time to listen to your health, otherwise it will be too late!

Do not lend money: there is a chance that they will not return to you back.

Hurry on vacation, go to the sea, this year an extraordinary a holiday romance with a sequel that will depend only on you!

You expect the appearance of new unforeseen expenses.

By the end of the year there will be new source financial well-being.

Beware, do not play with fire, your intentions threaten you with big trouble!

Gypsy 4. Ay, gray-winged dove, don't trust the gypsies...

And especially ... young gypsies!

Together. Live, dear, according to your conscience!

Loss loved one- Always tragic event. It takes time to get over it, to come to terms with the loss. So the death of my great-grandfather Nikolai Ivanovich was for relatives akin to thunder from a clear sky.

Great-grandfather, a simple rural worker, was wonderful person. True, he had one oddity: he did not like gypsies. It was rumored that as a child he was almost stolen by a camp passing through our farm.

In the first years of perestroika, many gypsies again appeared in our area: some begged for alms, some traded whatever they had to. When my great-grandfather was driving another trader out of the yard, she suddenly said:

"Don't make noise, grandfather, I won't do anything to you." But know that to drown you - do not drown and burn - do not burn out.

And she walked away. Everything might have been forgotten, but that same summer my great-grandfather went fishing and almost drowned. Since then, he firmly believed that he would have to burn! Therefore, even when old age completely overcame and illnesses tormented, great-grandfather answered the question of his fellow villagers “How are you, Ivanovich?” cheerfully replied:

- We'll live! Haven't burned yet!

And on June 30, 2001, my great-grandfather passed away. Relatives came to our small farm to see last way native person.

According to the old Orthodox custom, a grandmother-reader was invited to the funeral of the deceased. She settled down at the coffin of the deceased, lit the lamp, opened the psalter and began to read. After spending four hours in prayer, she took a break and, leaving the lighted lamp in the house, went out into the street.

I was then a little "why" and constantly poked my nose into adult affairs, asking everyone about everything in the world. It was I, as my parents said, who asked my great-grandmother the question:

Why is there smoke coming out of the window?

It turned out that the room in which the deceased lay was already blazing with might and main. After a moment of stupor, they rushed to put out the fire - filled buckets with water, pulled irrigation hoses from the garden. But the flames had already burst out of the windows and spread to the roof. It is not known how everything would have ended if at that moment the saving howl of a siren had not been heard.

It was the neighbors who called the fire department. Help arrived just in time.

The fire chief asked:

- Are there people in the house?

Great-grandmother shouting "Kolenka, my dear!" rushed to the door. The fireman pushed her aside, ripped open the door, and stepped into the fire. The flames licked the walls mercilessly, the nylon tulle on the windows melted, hissed, and dripped black drops onto the floor.

After taking a few steps, the fireman froze, shocked by what he saw.

In the middle of the room stood the coffin with the dead. Flames raged all around, smoke billowing from the ceiling. But the coffin was as if covered with an invisible veil. Neither fire, nor smoke, nor soot - nothing touched him.

When the firefighters, after knocking down the fire, carried out the deceased, all the relatives at first stood in a daze. Then someone said softly:

- They say the truth: there can be no two deaths.

Relatives later told me that they all heard a sound like a sigh. He was accepted as a sign of the repose of the great-grandfather's soul: they say that what was promised happened.

Who among us has not heard stories about gypsy fortune-telling? You can believe in the predictions of a gypsy, or you can not believe. But the story told by one young man makes you think about many things.

The story of N.S.

- Because of a single fortune-telling, everything in my life went awry! The last bum is happier than me, who put in so much effort to achieve success. Oh, if I knew where to fall, this would not have happened to me

Happy day

What can a person who has received a diploma feel? Yesterday's student, behind whom is a poor childhood, sleepless nights of preparation for defense?

On this happy day, the future was painted in the most iridescent colors - after all, everything that was planned several years ago was gradually implemented.

I defended myself better than anyone, got a prestigious job, a dorm room. Now it remains only to gain a foothold in the city of your dreams - to build a career and successfully marry.

The old gypsy fortune-teller appeared literally from nowhere.

Grasping my hand tightly, she dragged me to the nearest shop. : “Do not rush, killer whale, listen to me - all dreams will come true, you will do it at my word - you will be rich, you will become big bosses!”

From surprise, I was taken aback and dutifully followed the old woman - after all, what she was talking about was so in tune with mine. cherished dreams and wishes.

gypsy divination

The gypsy fortune-teller covered my palm with her hand, whispering:

“Devel rides a horse, the sun shines in the sky - it illuminates the path, it controls fate! Well done, handsome, like a month, you will be rich, happily married! But the lava comes to you, lies in your hands, tells you to share with me!

Then, turning her hand over, she said demandingly: “Gild the pen, killer whale! I’ll tell you how not to miss happiness, I’ll tell you what lies ahead!”

I gave her several hundred bills and the gypsy fortune-teller continued: “In a year you will marry the beautiful, rich daughter of the boss, you will become the boss yourself. When you get to the house, go through the door with your back, wave your hand at the shadow. Also gild the handle, otherwise you will talk to the devil!

Yes, it’s not like a man to run away from old grandmothers, but everyone knows what gypsies are capable of - everyone knows about stories with fortunetellers: after all, they can deprive a person of all his money.

Of course not a single word old witch I didn’t believe it, but when I got to my hostel, just in case, I did everything exactly as she told me.

And then he tried to forget about this incident, reassuring himself that he got off with small losses.

Foretold life

I remembered the predictions of the gypsy about a year later - shortly before my wedding. Rather Nastya, future wife, reminded: “Kolenka! Wow, as coincidentally - it turns out that you received your diploma on the same day that our wedding will be.

From that day on, the thought crept into my head that that gypsy fortune-teller did not predict the future for me, but rigged something disgusting. Nastya, indeed, is the daughter of a rich dad, my boss, only terrible, like a mortal sin and, on top of that, a fool stuffed!

One consolation was that in addition to my wife, I would not only get an apartment, but also protection from my father-in-law. But here everything went wrong!

Less than a month later, my father-in-law called me into the office: “Since you are now my relative, we cannot work together in the prefecture. There is no need for me to breed nepotism, to give a reason for gossip. I found a suitable place for you - now you will be an independent leader. Get ready and get started."

I became the boss - only the new appointment did not bring me any joy. My father-in-law appointed me as the director of a long-closed cemetery.

All my repaired are brooms-shovels and a couple of non-drying drunks in addition to them. At work, the salary is a penny, there is no gain, and at home, the fear-man's wife shakes her nerves.

But the father-in-law is covered in chocolate - how, such a correct leader, no nepotism and patronage of relatives!


And then the police filed a criminal case against me. The brothers buried the corpses in my cemetery, and I turned out to be the last one.

Well, yes, I knew what was going on in the entrusted territory, but if I had gone to the police, they would have buried me there too: not on the same day, then the next.

As soon as my father-in-law found out about everything, I was immediately evicted to a communal apartment, having issued our divorce with Nastya retroactively. Here is such a steep turn - I climbed a hill, but fell into a hole.

When I turned from hopelessness to, she immediately confirmed: the predictions of the gypsy had an effect on my whole life.

If you are going to attend a costume event and the theme allows you to dress up in a gypsy costume, consider yourself lucky. The image of a gypsy is very advantageous, because it allows you to sing, dance, and guess by the hand. This vivid image quite easy to implement and it will undoubtedly be remembered by all guests, you will shine in it.


To recreate the appearance of a gypsy, it is enough to find a pair of bright scarves, skirts, massive earrings and jewelry, a fan, a deck of cards. You can also use a black wig with long thick hair, it would be appropriate to add a bright flower to the hairstyle. Makeup in this image should be catchy - scarlet lipstick, black arrows on the eyes, bright shadows.

An important attribute of a gypsy is a large number of colorful skirts of different lengths, one on top of the other, while each skirt should have a visible hem. For skirts, you can wear a jacket with lush flounces and bare shoulders. Additionally, you can hold cards, a fan or a guitar in your hands if you own this instrument.


If according to the program you have a performance, then there are many options for your image - “a gypsy with an exit”, singing a song or fortune telling.

If you stopped at a dance, then on the Internet you will find a lot of useful material according to his performance, the “gypsy girl with an exit” consists of two contrasting parts - slow and fast, to which there is an acceleration in the course of the dance.

To perform a song, you can choose from a huge number of options, for example, in the movie " Cruel romance” presents several famous gypsy songs. Also popular are the songs of the robbers from the cartoon " The Bremen Town Musicians". You can surprise everyone if you do not perform the original song, but remake it with words suitable for the event. If the desired text is not available on the Internet, then you can order the text of the reworking of the song on this site.

funny divination

The image of a gypsy at an anniversary or corporate party allows you to communicate with almost every one of those present under the pretext of fortune-telling. In the form of predictions, your congratulatory speech can also be framed.

There are several options - you can "guess" by hand, on cards, or simply invite those present to try their luck by pulling a prediction out of the bag.

The main thing is to prepare in advance comic wishes that will amuse, but, in no case, will not offend those present. Predictions can be both in prose and in verse, the same Internet will come to the rescue. Options New Year's predictions you can see in the verses below.

If, on the Internet or among the options presented below, you did not find suitable verses, and you want to make unique poetic predictions, then it would be logical to order verses.

Predictions or wishes can be written on small strips of paper, folded into a tube and folded into a bag, from which guests will get them. The second option is a deck of cards, on the front side of which you stick wishes, and those present, again, will draw them out.

Options for New Year's predictions in verse

IN New Year good luck awaits you
A lot of money, and in addition -
Growth up the career ladder
And in everything your number is the first!

A long road awaits you
In the country where there is a lot of sun,
Sea, rocks and sand
And my favorite voice!

A drive and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsports are waiting for you,
And good work
If you want - believe, but if you want - no,
You will find the answer to everything!

In the magical year ahead
Love and happiness await you
Addition in everything
And a big cozy house!

Big changes await
In the coming year,
Excellent mood
Defeat the blues!

Forget about the word "rest"
Hard work awaits you!
But also in terms of income
You will be super-duper cool!

You are in your sixteenth year
Remember your childhood dream
And finally fulfilling
You will be super-well done!

Looking forward to great updates
In the coming year,
Change of scenery
And the palace on the beach!

Salary increase
Santa Claus hid in a bag,
And the Snow Maiden is a devil
Dancing smartly for you!

In the New Year of the horse you will change
Of his iron
And you can get through it
A lot of interesting!

Vacation awaits you by the sea
And a pleasant surprise soon!
And the work of the shock
You deserve gratitude!

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