The brightest quotes of Eldar Ryazanov and the heroes of his films. Films by Eldar Ryazanov, which are ashamed not to know


On November 18, the famous director Eldar Ryazanov would have turned 91 years old. Hundreds of millions of people love him for the films "Beware of the car", " Incredible adventure Italians", "Forgotten Melody for Flute", and the showing of "Irony of Fate" on the eve new year's eve became a tradition for many years. On the eve of the director's birthday, the Inter TV channel will show 4 films made by Ryazanov.

On November 17, at 8.45, watch "Hussar Ballad", at 10.45 - the film "Girl of Address Bases", at 12.30 - "Give a Book of Complaints", and at 14.10 - "Beware of the Car".

We have collected the most bright quotes Eldar Ryazanov and the heroes of his films.

Eldar Ryazanov's rules of life

Where there is humor, there is truth.
There are no unimportant periods in life.
“Those who constantly scold our generation seem to have forgotten who raised it.
“Children cannot be a bargaining chip for politicians.
- When timid people lose their temper, they should beware.
- To know everything, it is enough to tell someone alone.
“People are divided into those who survive until retirement, and the rest.
- There are things that should not bring monetary profit. Because they bring other profit - not material, but spiritual. It cannot be measured by money.
- I look with despair at how such concepts as artistic image, idea, sympathy, mercy, spirituality. And having evaporated from the cinema, they also leave the consciousness of people.
- What touched me in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties - the same touched a huge number of people, most. Today there are fewer and fewer people like me. Fellini in the eighties said: "My audience is already dead." This is the terrible truth.

Rules for the life of Ryazanov's heroes

- I myself don’t like to joke, and I won’t let people
- We will not take Baba Yaga from outside - we will educate in our team
— Comrades! Have a fun setting to welcome the new year! We must spend our new Year's Eve so no one can say anything
- If a person is morally corrupted, you should say it directly, and not laugh, you understand.
Carnival Night»)

- What a disgusting thing this your aspic fish!
You can't be offended by the truth, even if it's bitter.
("The Irony of Fate")

- Stop! Don't raise your hands! You won't wash them off for the rest of your life!
- If a woman with such external data is fighting for the truth, she is probably not married.

- One hundred grams is not a stopcock: if you pull it, you won't stop!
("Station for two")
- Chest forward!
- Breast? You flatter me, Vera.
- Everyone flatters you!

Quiet around, only the badger does not sleep.
He hung his ears on branches and quietly dances around.

- What about the circus?
- The circus is enough for me in life.

- Not only are you a liar, a coward and impudent, you are also a fighter!
Yes, I'm a tough nut!
("Love affair at work")

- Marry an orphan.
“They will put you in, but don’t steal!”
- Man, like no other living being, loves to create additional difficulties for himself.
“Listen, I got really good. I have to put myself in a horizontal position
("Watch out for the car")

Shot from the film "Zigzag of Fortune"

Eldar Ryazanov has New Year's miracles a special relationship developed, and we will mention this holiday more than once in the context of his films, but we will start with the 1968 comedy Zigzag of Fortune. Main character paintings, photographer Oreshnikov performed by the rapidly gaining popularity of Evgeny Leonov, on the eve of the holidays wins big money in the lottery. The trouble is that the money happy ticket he took from the general money accumulated by all the employees of the photo studio. Nowadays, such a plot could be made into an adventurous adventure comedy, but Ryazanov took a more romantic path - in the plot he was more interested not in the external wealth of the heroes, but in their internal state.

Key phrase:“It has long been known that money spoils a person. But the lack of money spoils it even more.”

Cameo Ryazanov: No.

Shot from the film "Promised Heaven"

Ryazanov also had a special reverence for Italy, several of his films at once are somehow connected with this southern European country. For example, "Promised Heaven" is to some extent a paraphrase of the painting "Miracle in Milan" directed by Vittorio de Sica. The latter was a kind of parable-fantasy about the ascension, so the decision of the jury of one of international festivals to give Ryazanov the prize for the best science fiction film caused the director to laugh sarcastically - for him, "Promised Heaven" was almost documentary O new Russia, in the brutal transitional economy of which there was no place for too many. The tape was supposed to be the next work of Georgy Burkov, who was destined for the role of president, but shortly before filming began, the actor first went to the hospital and then died.

Key phrase:“My native country is wide, There are many forests, fields and rivers in it, I don’t know another such country ... I don’t know another ... country ... I haven’t been anywhere! Never!"

Cameo Ryazanov: The man in the cafe.

Frame from the film "Dear Elena Sergeevna"

Perestroika and new Russian years in general, Eldar Alexandrovich was given a hard time, from a director he was forced to retrain as a producer, and as an administrator, and as a manager, which could not but have a negative effect on creative impulses. However, there is a plus in the restructuring of the country, it forced Ryazanov himself to reorganize - to film a drama about youth. The idea to film the play by Lyudmila Razumovskaya arose from Ryazanov back in the early 80s, but the then leadership of Mosfilm did not allow the film to be shot so harshly towards schoolchildren. But with the advent of Gorbachev, censorship fell, and Ryazanov issued one of the most striking, but undeservedly overlooked work with the brilliant Marina Neelova in the title role. Valeria Gai Germanika, Ivan Tverdovsky and Andrei Zaitsev have only now managed to approach the same depth of understanding inner world teenagers.

Key phrase: “You are not a woman, you are a squared notebook!”

Cameo Ryazanov: Neighbour.

Shot from the film "Say a word about the poor hussar"

Censorship left its mark on the tragicomedy "Say a word about the poor hussar." Firstly, Mosfilm refused to shoot the tape, and Ryazanov had to work with television people. Secondly, a strict scenario committee made a lot of edits to the script of Grigory Gorin and Eldar Ryazanov, resulting in plot holes that there was no time or money to fill. Finally, the management of the Goskino also “shredded” the finished film, depriving the tape of a tragic deep ending. However, even in these conditions, Ryazanov remained at his best - brilliant acting work Valentin Gaft and Stanislav Sadalsky, deep meaning and bulging characters, signature satire and interlacing historical facts and personalities to the canvas of the story - all this makes the audience run to the screens at the first sounds of the hussar regiment entering the city.

Key phrase:“Well, don’t mess with my regiment. My eagles don’t read newspapers, they haven’t seen books in their eyes - they don’t have any ideas!

Cameo Ryazanov: Confectioner.

Shot from the film "The old robbers"

In our fast-paced time, under the pressure of energetic youth, for their workplace it is not easy to hold on not only to a pensioner, but also to someone who is barely over forty. In Soviet times, the danger of losing a job was not so great, but the fear of being thrown out of the cozy world of one's habits, skills and acquaintances was as strong as it is now. In 1971, Eldar Ryazanov, together with his friend Emil Braginsky, wrote the script for the film “The Old Robbers”, which raises the topic of a retired investigator, and by releasing the film, the director earned the popular love of the older generation. The magnificent duet of Yuri Nikulin and Evgeny Evstigneev would have coped with any task alone, but the brilliant background of the actors makes the picture completely unforgettable.

Key phrase:“Actually, it is wrong that a pension is given in old age. Really it should be given from 18 to 35 years. best age. During these years, it is a sin to work, you have to deal only with your personal life. And then you can go to work. There's no point in life anyway."

Cameo Ryazanov: A passer-by at the windows of the prison.

Shot from the film "Cruel Romance"

Ryazanov's tapes rarely caused controversy among critics or among viewers, but "Cruel Romance", a free interpretation of Ostrovsky's play "Dowry", really stirred up the public and gave rise to full-fledged cultural wars. On the one hand, the picture received several awards, and the readers of the country's main film magazine "Soviet Screen" called "Romance" the film of the year, on the other hand, critics, especially theatrical ones, trampled posters in anger and tore their hair out of anger at Ryazanov, who significantly shifted the focus , arranged by Ostrovsky, and actually changed the interpretation of the plot. All the angry attacks of the "sharks of the pen", however, instantly dissolve in the air with the first gypsy chords of the picture, and the works of Alisa Freindlich, Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Myagkov were included in acting textbooks - the movie turned out to be sincere.

Key phrase:“I was looking for love and did not find it ... They looked at me and look at me as if they were fun. So, I will look for gold.

Cameo Ryazanov: No.

Shot from the film "Forgotten Melody for Flute"

It is difficult to imagine, but the play "Immoral History", which formed the basis of the script for the film "Forgotten Melody for Flute", was written by Ryazanov and Braginsky back in 1976. Of course, then there was no question of staging it, but with the proclamation of the Age of Glasnost, the incarnation on the screen satirical history about the contradiction between bureaucracy and common people became a matter of honor for Ryazanov. Alas, the work on the film seriously undermined the director’s health; on the set, Eldar Aleksandrovich suffered a stroke and combined work with rest in a hospital. Surely Ryazanov wanted to change the country with his picture, to make it cleaner, more open and sincere, but the harsh passage of time trampled on these dreams - there was even more bureaucracy, the gap between the leadership and the people only intensified, and current poverty is not even close to the poverty of life of a Soviet person .

Key phrase:“We can’t go to the collective farm — we don’t know how to do anything. We will destroy them completely. They and so on incense breathe. It's a pity collective farms.

Cameo Ryazanov: Astronomer.

Shot from the film "Hussar Ballad"

Today's pathos celebration of anniversaries makes many people think about how deeply and seriously we are immersed in business past days and how badly we imagine our future. IN Soviet years anniversaries were treated more simply (with the exception, perhaps, of the celebration of November 7), and the anniversary could well have been celebrated with a light comedy. musical film Eldar Ryazanov's "Hussar Ballad", for example, came out on the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, and its premiere took place on the day of the battle, September 7, but compare it with the current "Vasilisa", "Battalion" or "Battle for Sevastopol" A hand will not be raised - it's a completely different approach to history. "Ballad" - a playful appeal to the brightest feelings, an elegant stimulation of patriotic sentiments and faith in big love, something that is often lacking in modern tapes about the military merits of our Motherland.

Key phrase:"Cornet, are you a woman?"

Cameo Ryazanov: No.

Shot from the film "Garage"

Today, offering to watch the film "Garage" to a fourteen-year-old schoolboy is tantamount to showing him a tape about the life of a tropical tribe, moreover, in the original language and without subtitles - nothing is clear! And it's true: well, who now happily recalls the shortage of meat on the market, the business trips of scientists to collective farms, the communist subbotniks and trade union meetings - times have changed dramatically. But for those who in their lives managed to stand in lines for blue chickens, who found coupons for soap or postcards with a queue number for a Czech headset, Garage remains a real nostalgic encyclopedia Soviet life, a catalog of what we gladly got rid of, but fondly remember.

Key phrase:“Yes, what are you? How can you kick me out? I sold my homeland for a car!”

Cameo Ryazanov: Head of the Insect Department.

Shot from the film "Station for two"

Enjoying wild popularity at home, Ryazanov rarely had the pleasure of presenting his paintings to foreign audiences, especially from the countries of the so-called capitalist world. And yet, his work in Europe did not go unnoticed - the melodrama "Station for Two" was selected by the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in its competitive program. Our tape did not receive any prizes in France, but inside the Union it didn’t need it, the tape had become best movie according to the readers of the Soviet Screen, and Lyudmila Gurchenko was recognized by the same magazine best actress. And everything that happened is absolutely justified. Indeed, the tape is not very clear abroad, there are too many “Soviet nuances” in it, which make it an incomparable spectacle for our compatriots, but you can’t dig into the talented performance of your role by the beloved Ryazan actress Lyudmila Gurchenko at all - that’s really really a symbol of the Soviet woman, lonely, loving, hardworking.

Key phrase:“What did I tell you to do, you goat? I ordered those melons to guard! And what have you done?"

Cameo Ryazanov: Deputy head of the station.

Shot from the film "Carnival Night"

If we talk about Lyudmila Gurchenko, then her brilliant comedy debut, which coincided with the full-fledged debut of Eldar Ryazanov himself, the musical Carnival Night, cannot be ignored. A picture about the clash of two generations who want to celebrate in their own way common holiday, has dozens of analogues, from the ancient "Republic of Shkid" to the recent "Bitter", but even among a dozen colleagues, "Night" rises as a beautiful tower. A rare director can boast that his first film becomes the leader of the box office, but Ryazanov easily overcame this milestone. Infrequently, deserved masters agree to play in the films of debutants, but Sergey Filippov and Igor Ilyinsky came with pleasure to "Carnival Night". Finally, remember the great song "Five Minutes" from the movie - it still motivates and uplifts. And this is 60 years after the release of the picture on the screens!

Key phrase:“The speaker will make a report, briefly like this, for about forty minutes, more, I think, is not necessary.”

Cameo Ryazanov: No.

Shot from the film "Office Romance"

It's no secret that many scripts for Ryazan's films grew out of his own plays, written in collaboration with Emil Braginsky. Naturally, the plays often hit the stage before becoming the property of the State Film Fund, and among the productions there were very talented ones. But not in the case of "Co-workers", the forerunner " office romance". The play went around many theaters, but none of the director's decisions satisfied Ryazanov, and then the director decided to transfer his story to the big screen himself, since the actors were ready to follow Eldar Alexandrovich through fire and water. The lyrical comedy has become one of my favorite films. Soviet women, a talented couple played by Freindlich and Myagkov, whose energy is largely built on the improvisations of the actors, has become a standard romantic heroes late Soviet period. And how phrases from the film scattered around the world ...

Catchphrase: “We call it “our mymra”. Of course, behind the eyes.

Cameo Ryazanov: Bus passenger.

Shot from the film "Beware of the car"

per script lyrical comedy“Beware of the car” Eldar Ryazanov and Emil Braginsky (this is their first joint work) sat down back in 1963, but it turned out to be a difficult task to promote the story of the modern Robin Hood, stealing a car from crooks and transferring money for them to orphanages. Only after the script, converted into a story, was published in a magazine and received positive reviews leaders of the country, the film was given a green (actually black and white) light. Ryazanov faced the most difficult choice of whom to give the role of Detochkin - Yuri Nikulin, Leonid Kuravlev and even Waterloo by Sergei Bondarchuk auditioned for it. The producer of the European partner Dino De Laurentiis was dissatisfied with the script, but when Ryazanov added several action scenes with a plane and chases to the script and introduced a live lion into the plot, the parties came to an agreement and the joint work started. The tape is full of celebrities, the shooting took place in the most recognizable places in Leningrad, many of the stunts were performed by the actors themselves - such a film is still breathtaking. The Italians became one of the highest-grossing comedies filmed by the USSR together with film companies from other countries.

Key phrase:“Yes, what do I have to do with it, you look what is happening on your roads!”

Cameo Ryazanov: Doctor on the wing of an airplane.

Shot from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!"

It’s absolutely impossible to imagine your life without Ryazanov’s film, so it’s without The Irony of Fate. The song “I asked the ash tree”, Hippolyte, wet from tears, and the 3rd Street of Builders became the same integral attribute of the New Year holiday table like tangerines, champagne and sparklers. No matter how much negativity spills out on the Internet every year about how infantile Lukashin really is and how frivolously Nadya behaves, the pair of heroes of Andrei Myagkov and Barbara Brylsky still remains loved by millions of viewers. From year to year, TV channels fight for the right to broadcast this film by Ryazanov at the very hour when the chimes strike twelve times to once again demonstrate the miracle of unexpected love, the brilliance of sincerity and the nobility of adventurism. We, without a doubt, give the championship in our hit parade to this hymn of healthy self-irony and readiness for New Year's adventures.

Key phrase:“What a disgusting thing, what a disgusting thing this fish of yours is in aspic…”

Cameo Ryazanov: Airplane passenger.

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On the night of November 30, the cult film director and screenwriter Eldar Ryazanov died. He was 88 years old. During his film career, he shot about 30 films, almost all became box office. We have compiled for you a selection of ten Ryazanov films that you should definitely watch if you have not already done so. Or reconsider.

"Love affair at work"

The two-part tragicomedy was created by Eldar Ryazanov at Mosfilm in 1977, and became the leader of the box office in the following 1978. The main characters are the director of the Institute of Statistics, Lyudmila Kalugina, a lonely woman in her thirties, and Anatoly Novoseltsev, her subordinate, a forty-year-old man who is raising two sons. A new employee of the institution (Yuri Samokhvalov, Kalugina's deputy and Novoseltsev's friend from the institute) decides to advance at all costs career ladder comrade, offering him, shy and indecisive, to hit on the boss ... Snow on the trees with green foliage, which is in the film, fell in Moscow on September 18, 1976. Such a scene was not planned, but Ryazanov decided not to miss the whim of nature and for the sake of it extended the film by three and a half minutes.


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The action takes place in the late 70s in a fictitious organization - the Research Institute for the Protection of Animals from environment". According to the story, members of the Fauna garage cooperative, organized by the institute's employees, gathered for a meeting to reduce the number of garages - a highway should soon pass through the territory where construction is underway. Participants need to choose four employees who will not receive a garage... The view of the garages under construction at the beginning of the film was filmed on 2nd Mosfilmovsky Lane (houses 18 and 22), and appearance building of the Research Institute "Protection of Animals from the Environment" - at the address: st. Petrovka, 14. The satirical film was released in 1979.

"Station for two"

In a corrective labor colony in Siberia, an evening verification is taking place, at which the musician Platon Ryabinin is informed that his wife has come to him, and is also ordered to go to the local workshop for an accordion. He may not go on a date, but refuse to fulfill the order of his superiors - no ... Ryazanov was the first to shoot the final scene, where the main characters run across the field to the colony. According to Lyudmila Gurchenko, who played the main female role, the shooting took place somewhere in Lyubertsy with a 28-degree frost. The role of the colony where Ryabinin is serving his term was played by the Iksha educational colony for minors in the village of Novoe Grishino, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region. The film participated in the official competitive program Cannes Film Festival 1983.

"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

About this theme: How to meet New Year without TV

The most famous Soviet television film, shot by Ryazanov in 1975, we have been watching this tragicomedy on New Year's Eve for many years. The doctor Zhenya Lukashin, the tradition of drinking vodka in the bathhouse on New Year's Eve, the teacher Nadya Sheveleva, typical panels with the same furniture, women who do not take off their winter hats indoors, the poetry of Bella Akhmadulina and the delightful voice of the young Alla Pugacheva - all this is from here. The role of Zhenya Lukashin in the film could be played by Andrei Mironov, but it was impossible to say that he was not successful with women - no one would have believed it. Eldar Ryazanov played one of the episodic roles- a passenger on the plane, on which the sleeping Zhenya Lukashin falls.

"Old Robbers"

This comedy was filmed by Ryazanov at Mosfilm in 1971. The elderly investigator Myachikov, together with his best engineer friend Vorobyov, decided to organize a “crime of the century” in order to prove to the authorities their professional suitability and not be sent into retirement ... Most street scenes The film was filmed in Lvov. An attentive viewer will see architectural ensembles on Rynok Square, the Royal Arsenal, the Lviv City Hall, the Powder Tower, and the Latin Cathedral. The museum staircase was filmed at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Rembrandt's painting "Portrait young man with a lace collar”, which is kidnapped by the heroes of the picture, is stored in the Hermitage.

"Zigzag of Luck"

About this theme: “You can find a job in Moscow either in three days or never.”

IN provincial town photo studio "Sovremennik" works. Photographer Volodya Oreshnikov wins a loan of 10,000 rubles and plans to buy a camera that he has long dreamed of. The catch is that he took 20 rubles to buy the bond from the mutual benefit fund, where all colleagues put money. The latter arrange a trial for Volodya: in their opinion, the winnings should be divided among all those who regularly paid dues ... Critics called the film an incomparable satire about greed, “ female envy”, “human insignificance”, “beauty and ugliness”. The comedy was filmed at Mosfilm in 1968.

"Watch out for the car"

The plot was based on a legend about a man who stole cars from bribe-takers, sold them, and transferred money to orphanages. Here is what the director wrote about this film: “We wanted to make a sad comedy about good man, which seems abnormal, but in fact it is more normal than many others. This man is a big, pure-hearted child. His eyes are wide open to the world, his reactions are spontaneous, his words are simple-hearted, the restraining centers do not interfere with his sincere impulses. We gave him the surname Detochkin. The comedy was filmed by Eldar Ryazanov at Mosfilm in 1966.

"The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia"

About this theme: Never photograph Venice

A joint Soviet-Italian adventure comedy was filmed in 1973 by Eldar Ryazanov and Franco Prosperi. In the Union, the film was watched by about 50 million viewers in the first year of distribution. The plot is as follows: in a hospital in Rome, at the age of 93, a Russian emigrant died, who before her death managed to tell her granddaughter Olga about 9 billion Italian liras hidden in Leningrad. The secret was heard by orderlies Antonio and Giuseppe, a doctor, another patient, and mafia Rosario Agro. On the plane, on the way to Russia, they all meet, and the buffoonery begins, the working title of which was “Russian Spaghetti”.

"Hussar ballad"

The action takes place in 1812. To the retired major Azarov comes hussar lieutenant Dmitry Rzhevsky. He is engaged in absentia to Azarov's niece named Shurochka and is a priori not happy future meeting with the bride, believing that she is a cutesy girl. However, Shurochka keeps well in the saddle, knows how to joke like a hussar and handle a sword ... They say that the prototype of Shurochka Azarova is a cavalry girl Patriotic War 1812 Nadezhda Durova. Larisa Golubkina debuted in her role in the film. And Ryazanov filmed the comedy itself at Mosfilm in 1962.

"Carnival Night"

About this theme: Baby rebellion. How I Spent a Week Dressed as a Woman

"Carnival Night" became the leader of the Soviet film distribution in 1956. According to the story, the employees of the House of Culture are preparing for a costumed New Year's carnival. Comrade Ogurtsov, acting director of the Palace of Culture, does not approve entertainment program dancing evenings, circus numbers and clowns, replacing it with a lecture by an astronomer and classical music. But the workers of the House of Culture do not agree with the dry and serious program. main role the film is played by young Lyudmila Gurchenko (her second film role). By tragic coincidence circumstances, the performer of one of the main roles of this New Year's movie Yuri Belov died on New Year's Eve on December 31, 1991.

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On December 3, the whole country says goodbye to the legendary director Eldar Ryazanov, who died on November 30 in Moscow at the age of 89.

"April" remembered 10 main female images from the movies famous director because all of them - so different and so dear - are part of our common history.

1. Lenochka Krylova

Actress: Ludmila Gurchenko
Movie:"Carnival Night"
Year: 1956
Quote:“But while I was singing the song, five minutes had already flown by - New Year, XII clock is striking”

The heroine of Gurchenko, Lenochka Krylova, has remained for many decades one of the main symbols of the New Year - cheerful, light, playful, in a breathtaking dress for those times with such slim waist that, it seems, it can be clasped with the fingers of one hand.

It is interesting that Gurchenko failed the first tests, as she was filmed, according to the actress, by an inexperienced cameraman. Despite the excellent vocal skills that were necessary to play the role of Lenochka, Ryazanov did not notice the first time future star. However, the punchy student so wanted to act and so stubbornly believed in Lucky case that it simply could not happen.
As the actress wrote in her memoirs, she "walked with a bouncing gait along the corridor of the Mosfilm studio in a huge wide skirt, tightened at the waist so that Lolita Torres never dreamed of," and at that moment she was seen by the director of the film studio Ivan Pyryev. He took her by the hand and led her to film set to Eldar Ryazanov.

So Lyudmila Gurchenko got her first main role, and the Soviet audience - a new ideal of a woman, a jazz orchestra and tap dancing to boot.

2. Shurochka Azarova

Actress: Larisa Golubkina
Movie:"Hussar ballad"
Year: 1962
Quote:"And the girl would be more beautiful"

Both Svetlana Nemolyaeva and Alisa Freindlikh auditioned for the role of Shurochka Azarova, but Larisa Golubkina, who made her film debut, got it. It was she who was able to brilliantly embody the role of a daring girl on the screen, who, along with embroidery and singing, could ride a horse, and shoot a blunderbuss, and not fall into the mud in front of her fellow hussars.

As the screenwriter of the film Alexander Gladkov recalled, Ryazanov was persistently advised to attract some already popular movie star to “strengthen” the film. However, the director managed to “skillfully put Golubkina’s acting inexperience on the character of the image, making it a natural feature of the worldly shyness of the young heroine.”

3. Nadia Sheveleva

Actress: Barbara Brylska
Movie:"The irony of fate, or light steam
Year: 1975
Quote:“I have a feeling that we lived a whole life during this night ...”

Since the 70s of the last century, the role main Snow Maiden, which began to personify the New Year, passed from Lenochka Krylova to another movie heroine of Ryazanov - Nadia Sheveleva. She was performed by the Polish actress Barbara Brylska in the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!".

Since light hand Nadia and costume designer for Irony Olga Kruchinina, Soviet women of fashion began to flaunt in winter in voluminous fur hats (even indoors). The image of the heroine of the film - a curly blonde in a fox hat and a beige crepe dress - became iconic in the 70s for Soviet women.

The Russians are also very familiar with him and from childhood they know almost by heart all the dialogues and songs from this film by Ryazanov: they start showing it on all channels on December 30, and finish it by the Old New Year, when all the salads are eaten and it's time to restock.

4. Lyudmila Prokofievna

Actress: Alisa Freindlich
Movie:"Love affair at work"
Year: 1975
Quote:“Lyudmila Prokofievna, where did you pick up this vulgarity? You wiggle your hips like an obscene woman!”

The “mymra”, famous throughout the USSR and Russia, performed by Alisa Freindikh, still remains one of the most striking female images in Russian cinema. The transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly, which happened to the director of the Statistical Office at the moment of falling in love, cannot but touch even now.

In addition, there is another unforgettable female role in the film, which was played by Liya Akhedzhakova - it was her heroine Vera who taught all Soviet women that the gait should be from the hip, the eyebrows should be thin, like a thread, raised in surprise, and “creepy roses” should be leave to grandmothers.

5. Nastenka Bubentsova

Actress: Irina Mazurkevich
Movie:"Say a word about the poor hussar"
Year: 1980
Quote:“Yes, what are you? I'm a decent girl"

It's hard not to get lost in the movie with such cast- Leonov, Basilashvili, Sadalsky, Gaft ... However, Irina Mazurkevich did it well. Even a thin voice singing about “charming dandies”, curls and lace hats are not misleading - we have before us one of the most striking female roles and Mazurkevich as an actress, and all of Soviet cinema.

Nastenka Bubentsova, behind all her tenderness and innocence, hides a resolute and passionate person - she may not stop a galloping horse, but for the sake of relatives and friends, for sure the fire will pass, water and copper pipes.

6. Vera Nefedova

Actress: Ludmila Gurchenko
Movie:"Station for two"
Year: 1982
Quote:“These are not leftovers - these are leftovers. I have already explained to you what a big difference»

The film "Station for Two" is an ingenuous, wise and slightly naive picture about the life of middle-aged provincials who still hope to meet their love. Vera, who works as a waitress at the Zastupinsk station, is one of those unsettled women who is still waiting for her prince. Needless to say, there are many heroines like her all over Russia now.
"Verunchika" - a grasping, resilient and devoted woman - in this picture, one of Ryazanov's most beloved actresses, Lyudmila Gurchenko, brilliantly played. Maybe that's why the image turned out to be so multifaceted - from a stingy catering worker, speculating on melons and distinguishing leftovers from leftovers, to a faithful and selfless wife of a prisoner.

7. Larisa Ogudalova

Actress: Larisa Guzeeva
Movie:"Cruel romance"
Year: 1984
Quote:"So don't get yourself to anyone"

Despite, to put it mildly, the cool reviews of Soviet film critics, who were outraged by the frivolous image of Larisa - "she sang, danced with the guests, and then went to Paratov's cabin and gave herself to him" ("Literary Gazette", 1984) - the audience remembered the film heroine Larisa Guzeeva and liked it no less than the book "Dowry".

Eldar Ryazanov once accurately said about his heroine: “She is a creature created for love ... and simple-minded in the best sense of the word. Romantic, but not devoid of everyday prosaic considerations. She is disinterested, does not pursue wealth, but for some reason she is still in love with a wealthy person. Capable of any sacrifice for the sake of love and at the same time terribly selfish ... ".

8. Lida

Actress: Tatyana Dogileva
Movie:"Forgotten Melody for Flute"
Year: 1987
Quote:“By the way, someone promised music ... and forgot, deceived”

Show strange love"Prosperous" Soviet official Filimonov to a simple nurse Lida against the backdrop of sunset Soviet power it would not have turned out so brightly if Tatyana Dogileva had not been invited to the main female role.

According to Ryazanov, all bureaucratic grayness and mossy against her background looks exactly as intimidating as he wanted. Lida - the heroine of the future, which was so expected in the USSR - direct, plastic, funny and surprisingly lively.

9. Elena Sergeevna

Actress: Marina Neelova
Movie:"Dear Elena Sergeevna"
Year: 1988
Quote:"You are not a woman, you are a squared notebook"

“Dear Elena Sergeevna” among other Ryazanov’s films is primarily distinguished by the fact that it was the director’s first attempt to make a film on youth theme and in the genre of social psychological drama. Of course, perestroika was to blame for everything.

Despite the fact that the role of Elena Sergeevna - the simplicity and meek teacher on guard of good and justice - is a little straightforward, thanks to the subtle play of Marina Neelova, she turned out to be truly touching.

10. Old nags

Actresses: Liya Akhedzhakova, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Irina Kupchenko
Movie:"Old nags"
Year: 2000
Quote:“Better with a stranger in the car than never with anyone”

At the beginning of the 2000s, Ryazanov decided to capture on the screen not one, but four legendary actresses at once. domestic cinema- albeit aged, but young at heart. "Nags" came out perky, aphoristic and, as expected, a little sad.

At the same time, watching four original and diverse actresses get along in one frame (and in one of the scenes, one of them whistles with two fingers, and the second tap dances behind prison bars) is a pleasure that you encounter less often than you would like.
Tatiana Barbotina

film director, screenwriter and writer, National artist USSR Eldar Ryazanov.

As a child, Ryazanov wanted to become a sailor - to travel to distant exotic countries and then describe their adventures in books. He even submitted documents to the Odessa Naval School, but did not wait for an answer (there was a war on). Then the young man entered VGIK, graduated with honors and began working in cinema. And dreams of literature eventually came true: the artist published several books - stories, reflections, memoirs, collections of poems.

But fame and love of the audience Eldar Ryazanov brought his paintings.

"Beware of the Car" (1966)

The comedy was the first collaboration between Eldar Ryazanov and the playwright Emil Braginsky. The script was based folk myth about the “Soviet Robin Hood”, who stole cars from “living on unearned expenses”, sold them, and gave all the proceeds to orphanages. As the director himself said, he and Braginsky really wanted to get to know this hero, tried to find him, applied to the police with requests. But, as it turned out, the real Detochkin simply did not exist.

In 2012, in Samara, Ryazanov's homeland, a monument to Yuri Detochkin, an implacable fighter for justice, was unveiled.

Photo: Frame from the film "Beware of the car"

"Old Robbers" (1971)

This Soviet film masterpiece was also created by Eldar Ryazanov and Emil Braginsky. In the center of the plot is a couple of middle-aged, but very active old men: investigator Myachikov ( Yury Nikulin), who they want to retire (for 2 months he did not solve a single case), and his friend, engineer Vorobyov ( Evgeny Evstigneev). The adventurers decide to arrange the crime of the century, and then solve it themselves so that Myachikov is left at work.

Photo: Frame from the movie "The Old Men-Robbers"

"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" (1975)

First two-part Feature Film showed on January 1, 1976, and over time it developed good tradition to broadcast a comedy on New Year's days.

The play about the “drunken adventures” of Zhenya Lukashin was written by Braginsky and Ryazanov back in 1969 - by the time it was filmed, the play was already running in several theaters. But resounding success it was the film that brought the authors - for it the director, screenwriter, composer Mikael Tariverdiev and the performers of the main roles - Andrey Myagkov And Barbara Brylska- have been awarded State Prize THE USSR.

Photo: Shot from the film "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!"

Office Romance (1977)

The comedy was filmed in 1977, and in 1978 became the leader of the Soviet film distribution, it was watched by over 58 million viewers.

First, there was a play about the relationship between the 40-year-old shy Novoseltsev and the “mymra” Kalugina, his strict boss - “Co-workers”. The performance of the same name was in theaters with such success that the authors (Ryazanov and Braginsky) decided to make a movie - and this is how Office Romance appeared.

Photo: Frame from the film "Office Romance"

"Cruel Romance" (1984)

The feature film became the second film adaptation of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" in the USSR, and the Soviet Screen magazine named it the best film of the year in 1984.

Critics assessed the work of Ryazanov in different ways. Someone was unhappy acting young Larisa Guzeeva (who made her debut in the film), and Evgeny Danilovich Surkov, who published an article in Literaturnaya Gazeta, was outraged that main character“she sang, danced with the guests, and then went to Paratov’s cabin and gave herself to him.”

The director in his next film (“Forgotten Melody for the Flute”) answered film critics - the name of the negative heroine of Ryazanov, Evgenia Danilovna Surova, is very consonant with the name of the offender.

Photo: Frame from the film "Cruel Romance"

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