Sinyushkin well. P


Lived in the plant Ilya. Soon he buried all his relatives. From Babka Lukerya, he inherited a special inheritance - a sieve with feathers, which she had been collecting throughout the village all her life. Grandmother Lukerya ordered Ilya not to run after wealth. Good will bring only the gold that Sinyushka herself will put in her hands. There were legends in the village that Sinyushka (grandmother with the voice of a girl) guards the wealth of the region.

After the funeral, grandmother Lukerya robbed Ilya. He pinned the remaining three feathers to his hat as a keepsake. It was they who saved him from Sinyushka.

Ilya went to the mine by a short road: through the Zyuzelskoye swamp. He saw the place clean water, like a well, wanted to get drunk. Ilya's head was spinning, he lay down and could not get up. And from the well Sinyushka pulls her hands to him. Ilya buried himself in his hat, but hit Lukerya's feathers with his nose, began to sneeze, and felt better. He got to his feet and spat on Sinyushka's hand. Sinyushka began to provoke him that he would not be able to drink water from her well. Ilya promised her to return to this place on a windy day.

At the mine, Ilya said that he was late because he was burying his grandmother. And to his comrades, who laughed at the feathers attached to the hat, he said that they were dearer to him than anything in the world. Kuzma Dvoerylko heard these words, he had long envied Ilya's strength and dexterity, and stole them. Kuzma Dvoerylko began to follow Ilya. He secretly followed him to Sinyushka. Sinyushka liked the ingenuity of Ilya, who attached a ladle to a perch in order to scoop up water from her well. Sinyushka called Ilya to her on a monthly night, promised to show her wealth. Dvoorko, who heard everything, then went to Sinyushka himself and disappeared. But Ilya came and did not draw wealth in the well, he remembered grandmother Lukerya's order.

One girl appeared before him with a tray, another, but he still refuses, wants Sinyushka herself to give him an award. An 18-year-old beauty brought Ilya a grandmother's sieve with berries and feathers. Ilya guessed that this was Sinyushka.

The berries of the house turned into gems. Time passed, Ilya began to live in abundance, on his own, and the beautiful Sinyushka did not go out of his head. Once he met one among the girls who went for berries, married her, only her health and him were not enough for happiness, they died early.

A mine was opened in the Zyuzelsky swamp, but they did not scoop out all the wealth. Bottomless Sinyushkin well.

The tale of P.P. Bazhov, like all Russian fairy tales, tells us that the main good in a person's life is not gold and silver, gemstones. It is honesty, loyalty, kindness.

Why did the author name his work that way? Sinyushkin well was a test for Ilya. The hero is rewarded for not being envious, not stealing, not being greedy, and remembering his grandmother's advice. It is no coincidence that the author emphasized that the well is bottomless. Life tests people for humanity many times. and awards for moral deeds no number.

Representing a collection of ancient legends that went among the miners.

P. P. Bazhov

The writer was born in the Urals - in the city of Sysert. His father was a mining foreman. Future Writer, journalist, publicist and folklorist graduated from the factory school in Sysert. From 10 to 14 years old, the boy studied at a religious school in Yekaterinburg. Then he graduated from the seminary in Perm. After receiving his education, he taught Russian. During his summer vacation he traveled around the Urals and collected folklore.

P. P. Bazhov began to write " Ural tales» in the 1930s. At first they were published in a magazine. Then came a collection of Ural tales, which was called " Malachite Box". It was published in 1939. The author has updated the book many times.

In 1943, Pavel Petrovich received the Stalin Prize for his work.

"Ural Tales"

Bazhov P. "Ural Tales" collected, as already mentioned above, throughout the Urals. He heard many of them from miners as a child. After some time, Pavel Petrovich made an official statement that he composed the Ural Tales himself. Works are grouped into groups that are interconnected common characters. P. Bazhov thought out such a move in order to give his book more integrity. Many tales are interconnected by the place of action.

The most important wonderful character in the tales of P. Bazhov is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. She guards treasures. The hostess is unusually beautiful and possesses magical powers. Only talented stone craftsmen were allowed to descend into her domain. She could help, or she could destroy.

List of stories included in the collection

The book "Ural Tales" by P. P. Bazhov includes the following works:

  • "Mountain Master"
  • Vasina Gora.
  • "Pig-iron grandmother".
  • "Snake trail".
  • "Gift of the Old Mountains".
  • "Diamond match".
  • "Amethyst business".
  • "Two Lizards".
  • "Golden Hair"
  • "Sun Stone"
  • "Copper share".
  • "Silk Hill".
  • "Blue snake".
  • "Mistress of the Copper Mountain."
  • "About the Great Poloz".
  • "Tayutkino mirror".
  • "Distant Viewer".
  • "Crystal Lacquer".
  • "The inscription on the stone."
  • "Markov stone".
  • "The Golden Flower of the Mountain".
  • "The Mysterious Tulunkin".
  • "At the old mine."
  • "Ore Pass".

And many others.

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

This is one of the most significant, well-known and beloved by readers of the works of the book "Ural Tales". Below is a summary of this work.

A young worker named Stepan once saw a beautiful girl in the forest, with a long braid and dressed in malachite. He understood that it was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. The girl told him that she had business with him. You need to go to the factory clerk and tell him to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. The hostess promised Stepan that she would marry him if he fulfilled her order. Then she turned into a lizard and ran away. The next morning Stepan went to the clerk, and handed over everything that was ordered. For this he was flogged, lowered uphill, and chained. At the same time, they ordered to get a lot of malachite. The Hostess helped Stepan for not being afraid to fulfill her order. He got a lot of malachite. The Mistress showed him her dowry. And then she began to ask if he agreed to take her as his wife. Stepan thought, and said that he already had a bride. The Mistress praised him for not coveting her wealth. She gave Stepan a jewelry box for his bride. And then she said that he would live richly, only he must forget her. Soon he got married, built a house, the kids went. But he was not happy. Stepan began to go hunting in the forest, and every time he looked at the Krasnogorsk mine. Stepan could not forget the Mistress. Once he went into the forest and did not return - they found him dead.

"Malachite Box"

Another very famous work Cycle "Ural tales". Summary"Malachite Box" is presented in this article. This tale is a continuation of the story about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Stepan died, but his widow Nastasya kept the malachite box. Decorations were kept in it, donated by the hostess. Only Nastasya did not wear them and wanted to sell them. There were many people who wanted to buy the box. Yes, but everyone offered a small price. There was another reason why she kept the box with her. Youngest daughter, Tatyana, loved these decorations very much. Tanyusha grew up and, thanks to a wanderer who asked to spend the night in their house, she learned to embroider with silk and beads. And she was such a craftswoman that she began to earn big money. Soon the master saw the girl and was so struck by her beauty that he offered her to become his wife. She agreed, but made a condition that she would marry him if he showed her the queen in a room made of malachite by her father. The master promised to grant her wish. Once in the malachite chamber of the queen, the girl leaned against the wall and melted. Since then, no one has heard anything about her, only they began to notice that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain began to double.

"Stone Flower"

This work is the last of the cycle about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, which was created by Pavel Bazhov. "Ural tales", as you know, include several stories about this amazing beauty. " Stone Flower"- the story of the orphan Danilka, who at the age of 12 became a student of the malachite master. The boy was talented and the teacher liked him. When Danila grew up, he became an excellent master. He had a dream. He wanted to create a malachite bowl, similar to a flower. I even found a suitable stone. But he could not manage to cut a beautiful flower. Once he met the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. He asked her to show him her stone flower. The Mistress dissuaded him from this, but he insisted. He saw the flower of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, and since then he has completely lost his peace. Then he broke his unfinished bowl and left. He was not seen again, but there were rumors that he served with the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

"Silver Hoof"

P. P. Bazhov wrote “Ural Tales” for children, but they are also interesting for adults. One of the stories that readers of all ages enjoy is " silver hoof". The lonely old man Kokovanya took in an orphan. Grandfather worked every day, and the granddaughter in the hut put things in order, cooked. In the evenings, Kokovanya told the girl stories. And once he told her about a magical goat with a silver hoof, with which he knocks, and precious stones appear in that place. Once a girl was waiting for her grandfather from hunting and saw through the window that her cat was playing with the same goat from a fairy tale. She ran out to look at him. And the goat jumped onto the roof, began to beat with his hoof, and precious stones fell from under his feet. Grandfather and granddaughter collected them and lived comfortably for the rest of their lives.

"Sinyushkin well"

The book "Ural Tales" includes a story about a good fellow Ilya. He was left an orphan early on. He inherited only a sieve full of feathers from his grandmother Lukerya, who ordered her grandson not to pursue wealth. Once Ilya decided to go to the mine by a short road. And this path through the swamp lay. Ilya wanted to drink. He looks, and in the swamp there is an area with clean water, like a well. He decided to drink this water, lay down on the ground, and out of the water Sinyushka stretched out her hands to him. He managed to cope with her charms, he got up and spat on her hand. And she began to tease him that he would not be able to drink water from her well. Ilya promised Sinyushka that he would return, and left.

The young man kept his promise. Ilya returned, tied the ladle to the perch and scooped up water from the well with it. Sinyushka was amazed at his ingenuity and promised to show her wealth. Ilya came again to the well. And girls come up to him with trays full of jewelry. He remembered that his grandmother punished, and began to refuse everything. An eighteen-year-old beauty approached him with a sieve containing berries and feathers. Ilya realized that this is Sinyushka. He took the sieve from her hands. When he came home, the berries turned into gems. Ilya began to live richly, but he could not forget Sinyushka. Once he met a girl who looked very much like her, and he married her.

This tale is that the main wealth in life is not gold and gems. Sinyushkin's well is a test that only one who does not envy, is not greedy and remembers advice can pass.

"Rapid Fire"

The book written by Bazhov P. - "Ural Tales" - includes a story about a gold mine. Once the peasants were sitting by the fire, and with them - the boy Fedyunka. And suddenly they saw redhead girl who jumped out of the fire. She danced, and then she stopped near a pine tree and stamped her foot. According to legend, this is how she indicated the place where you need to look for gold. Only she deceived this time - there was nothing under the pine. Soon Fedyunka saw Poskakushka again. This time she showed him the right place. The boy found gold and lived comfortably for 5 years. The people heard about it, and everyone rushed to that mine for gold. They were coming from all directions. Yes, only gold was lost there because of this.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is a famous Russian writer. His work occupies a special place in Russian literature, since his works are based on folklore. Already as an adult, Bazhov became interested in collecting Ural legends. Later, based on them, he created many beautiful works. One of them is the fairy tale "Sinyushkin well".

Briefly about the author

The future writer was born in 1879 into a working-class family. After graduating religious school and seminary, served as a teacher for about ten years. One of the students later became his wife. They had four children. After Bazhov actively supported the new government. IN different years he took part in the opening of newspapers, worked as a journalist and editor, monitored the activities of the public education department, and opened schools for the illiterate. It was at this time that he became interested in the history of the Urals and folklore. The material accumulated by the writer formed the basis of many unique works. The writer died in 1950. "Sinyushkin well" & minus - one of the first works of Bazhov, created on the basis of the Ural legends. It was first published in 1924.

Collection "Urals were"

The book was published in the city of Sverdlovsk. It was with her, according to Bazhov, that his literary activity. The collection includes nineteen tales, including "The Blue Snake", "Silver Hoof", "Stone Flower", "Malachite Box", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Sinyushkin Well". The heroes of these works are the owners of factories and mines, clerks, and ordinary workers. All works are created on the basis of the Ural legends, which the writer collected and carefully kept for a long time.

There lived a guy named Ilya in a Ural village. He was an orphan. The deceased relatives - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother - did not leave Ilya any inheritance. the only valuable thing, inherited by the young man from deceased relatives - a sieve of feathers from grandmother Lukerya. During the funeral, they were stolen, only three feathers remained: white, black and red. Another dying grandmother told her grandson to avoid bad thoughts about wealth, because people suffer from them.

After burying Lukerya, Ilya went to work. He worked in a gold mine. At that time, the weather was hot, so the young man decided to go through the Zyuzelsko swamp. Usually people used this road in autumn, but Ilya thought that the swamp had dried up because of the heat. At first he went to right direction but then got lost. In search of a road, the young man came out to a clearing, in the center of which was a spring with clean water. Ilya wanted to get drunk, but suddenly he was very tired. He barely crawled to the side to rest a little. Suddenly, the guy noticed an old woman coming out of the water. She was dressed in a blue dress, with a scarf of the same color on her head. She was old, but her blue eyes shone with youth and enthusiasm.

The old woman held out her arms to Ilya, and the guy noticed that they began to lengthen. The young man was frightened, turned away and buried his nose in the feathers that Lukerya had left. He attached them to his hat so that he would always remember the order of his grandmother. From this he began to sneeze and immediately came to his senses. The guy got to his feet and began to taunt the old woman and her weakness: she could not raise her hands from the ground and reach him. Ilya guessed that the old woman was the one about whom the grandmother told. She guards the magic well. According to rumors, there are many riches in it, but few can get them. They argued for a long time, until Ilya promised to come to the well again. On that they parted.

Arriving at the mine, Ilya explained to the caretaker that he was late because of the funeral. He was asked about the feathers that were attached to the cap. The young man replied that they were charmed and valuable as a memory. One of the workers - Kuzka Dvoerylko - envied Ilya's mind, strength and hard work, therefore, at the first opportunity, he stole these feathers. Ilya searched for them for a long time, but did not find them. Kuzka began to follow Ilya to make sure that without feathers he would lose his luck. He saw how Ilya attached a long stick to the ladle, how on Sunday he went to the magic well and tried to outwit grandmother Sinyushka, to drink water from the well. The old woman appreciated Ilya's courage and dexterity and said that if he returns when the full moon is in the sky, he will receive a reward. Kuzka Dvoerylko heard their conversation and decided to get ahead of Ilya. Soon at the mine they noticed that he had disappeared. They searched for Kuzka for a long time, but they never found him.

Video: Sinyushkin well (1973) cartoon watch online

When Ilya returned to the well, the old woman offered him gold twice and gems, which she held in her hands on a huge tray. Both times Ilya refused, motivating his decision by the fact that a person could not carry away so much wealth. For the third time, the old woman appeared in the form of a young girl. She gave Ilya a sieve left after the grandmother and stolen by someone, full forest berries. In the very center lay the treasured three feathers.

The girl was so beautiful that upon returning home, Ilya did not know peace. The stones into which the donated berries turned into did not console him. The guy used this money wisely, paid off the master, built a new hut, bought a horse, but never married. Ilya felt so bad that he decided to return to the well. But on the way I met a girl from neighboring village, which was very similar to the mistress of a magic well. They played a wedding, but their happiness was short-lived. Both died because they were in poor health.

Video: Fourth Height (1977) Full Version

Main characters

In the tale "Sinyushkin Well" there are four main characters: Lukerya, Ilya, Kuzka Dvoerylko and grandmother Sinyushka. Lukerya is the embodiment folk wisdom. It is she who owns the words in which the main idea works: happiness is not in wealth, but in human soul. Grandma Sinyushka is magical character who sends the two young men a test. One passes it with honor, the other dies. Ilya and Kuzka &minus are two heroes who are opposed to each other. The author treats Ilya with sympathy and respect. Kuzka, on the other hand, is only honored with careless words for his tendency to steal and greed. Bazhov even gives him a speaking nickname. Kuzka Dvoerylko means two-faced.

Video: Mining master

Genre originality

“Sinyushkin well” & minus is a tale. This genre should not be confused with the folk tale. Despite the consonance of names and the presence common features, This different concepts. There are several differences, one of them is compositional. One of the features of fairy tales is the presence of a beginning. In the work of Pavel Bazhov, it is not. Despite the presence and folk tales, and the works of Bazhov of the element of magic, in the latter there is also an element of reality.

Readers' opinion

The fairy tale "Sinyushkin well" has many fans. Feedback from most readers is positive. All people who read the tale note its instructive meaning. What attracts readers is that Pavel Bazhov skillfully combines two worlds in his works: real and fictional. The heroes of his tales go through many trials on their own. life path. So Ilya will have to go through many difficulties in order to prove that he is worthy of the valuable gift of Grandma Sinyushka. Bazhov's fairy tale "Sinyushkin Well" tells the story of a young man who knew well that gold and gems are not the riches that one should wish for. Meeting with Grandma Sinyushka is a difficult test. Only one who is not greedy, does not envy and remembers the precepts of the elders can pass it.

Screen adaptation

Most of the works of Pavel Bazhov were filmed. This is not surprising: artists, composers, directors have always attracted fairy world Bazhov, in which reality and fantasy merged in a bizarre way. Among them - "Sinyushkin well". In 1973, the eponymous cartoon. The director was V. Fomin. A few years later, the artist V. Markin drew illustrations that formed the basis of the filmstrip.

Video: Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Summing up

"Sinyushkin Well" by Pavel Bazhov is a tale of ingenuity and honesty, courage and disinterestedness. Main character- a young man named Ilya - survived the ordeal of wealth and greed. For their spiritual qualities he received an award from the hands of the grandmother Sinyushka, who appears in the form of a young girl and personally bestows only those who deserve it.

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P.P. Bazhov

Sinyushkin well

silt in our plant guy Ilya. He remained a bean at all - he buried all his relatives. And from all he inherited.

From father - arms and shoulders, from mother - teeth and speech, from grandfather Ignat - pickle and shovel, from grandmother Lukerya - a special commemoration. About this and the conversation first.

She, you see, this grandmother, she was cunning - she collected feathers along the streets, she prepared a pillow for her granddaughter, but she didn’t have time. When it was time to die, grandmother Lukerya called her grandson and said:

Look, friend Ilyushenka, how much your grandmother has accumulated a pen! Almost a complete sieve! And what feathers! One to one - small and motley, it's a pleasure to look! Take it in remembrance - it will come in handy!

When you get married and your wife brings a pillow, it won’t be shameful for you: it’s not a curiosity for me - you have your own feathers, still left from your grandmother.

Only you don’t chase after this, for a pillow! Will bring - okay, will not bring

Don't grieve. Walk merrily, work cool, and you won’t sleep badly on a straw, you’ll see a sweet dream. Just as you won’t keep bad thoughts in your head, everything will go well with you, roll smoothly. And the white day will cheer, and the dark night will sip, and the red sun will delight. Well, if you start thinking bad thoughts, then even if your head is in a stump, everything will become displeased.

About what, - asks Ilya, - are you talking about bad thoughts, grandmother?

And this, - he answers, - is about money and about wealth. There are none worse. A person from such thoughts is one frustration and mayata in vain. Purely yes, in conscience, you can’t scrape together a feather on your pillow, let alone get wealth.

How then, - asks Ilya, - to understand about land wealth? Do you think of anything? It does happen...

Sometimes it happens, but it’s unreliable: it comes in lumps, leaves with dust, and makes a person sad. Don't worry about it, don't worry about it! Of the wealth of land, they say, one is pure and strong. This is when Grandma Sinyushka turns into a red girl and gives a man herself with her little hands. And Sinyushka gives wealth to a much more remote, but a simple soul. Nobody else. So you remember, friend Ilyushenka, this is my last order.

Here Ilya bowed to the grandmother:

Thank you, grandmother Lukerya, for the feathers, and most of all for the guidance. I will never forget him.

Soon the grandmother died ... Ilyukha was left alone, he was big, he was small. Here, of course, the funeral old women came running, to wash the dead woman, dress her up, and see her off to the churchyard. They - these old women - also do not run around the dead from a sweet life. One is begging, the other is peeking out. Vividly all Babkino's furnishings were snatched from hand to hand. Ilya returned from the burial ground, and in his hut he was bare naked. The only thing is that he himself has now hung on a knitting needle: a zipun and a hat. Someone and grandmother's feather self-served: completely raked out of the sieve. Only three feathers caught in the sieve. One white, one black, one red.

Ilya regretted that he had not saved Grandma's commemoration.

“It’s necessary,” he thinks, “at least to clean up these feathers, otherwise it’s not good somehow. Grandmother tried with all her heart, but it’s as if I don’t care.”

I picked up some blue thread from the floor, tied these feathers tightly and attached them to my hat.

“Here,” he thinks, “is the place for them. How to put on or take off your hat, you’ll remember your grandmother’s order. And he, you see, is useful for life. You must always keep him in your memory.”

Then he put on his hat and zipun and went to the mine. He didn’t even lock his hut, because there was nothing, nothing in it. One empty sieve, and even then no one will pick it up from the road.

Ilya was an old guy, he was considered a suitor for a long time. At the mine, he worked for six or seven years. Then, after all, at the fortress, from childhood, people were driven to work. Before marriage, another, you see, will whip a gentleman for more than a dozen years. And this Ilya, to put it bluntly, grew up in a mine.

He knew the place here inside and out. The road to the mine is not close. On Gremikha, they say, then they mined almost at the White Stone. So Ilyukha came up with:

"I'll go through the Zyuzelsko swamp. Look, what a frying pan it is. It's dried up, go, it will let me cross over. You look, and I'll gain three versts, or even all four ..."

No sooner said than done. Ilya went through the forest directly, as in autumn they ran from the mine and to the mine. At first he walked quickly, then he got tired and lost his way. Over bumps, after all, not on a straight road. You need to go there, but the bumps lead in the wrong direction at all. Jumped, jumped, jumped up to sweat. Well, I got into some kind of spoon. Lower place in the middle. Here the grass grows - mustard and broom. And from the sides there are hillocks, and on them there is a fire pine. At all, it means that the dry place has gone. One thing is bad - Ilya does not know where to go next. How many times have I been to these places, but I have never seen such a spoon.

So Ilya went in the middle, between the hillocks. He walked and walked, he sees - in the clearing there is a round window, and in it there is water, like in a spring, only the bottom is not visible. The water seems to be clean, only a little blue shadow twitched on top and a spider sits in the middle, also blue.

Ilyukha was delighted with the water, flung open the net with his hand and wanted to get drunk. Then his head was covered, - he almost poked himself into the water and immediately wanted to sleep.

“Look,” he thinks, “how tired the swamp is for me. Apparently, I need to rest for an hour.”

He wanted to get up on his feet, but he couldn't. All the same, he crawled away two fathoms to a hillock, a hat under his head, and stretched out. Looks, - and the old woman came out of that water window. No more than three quarters tall. Her dress is blue, the scarf on her head is blue, and she herself is all blue, but so skinny that the breeze will blow and blow the old woman apart. But her eyes are young, blue, and so big that they don't belong here at all.

The old woman stared at the guy and held out her hands to him, and her hands keep growing and growing. That and look, they will reach the guy's head. Hands are exactly thin, like blue fog, strength is not visible in them, and there are no claws, but it's scary. Ilya wanted to crawl away, but there was no strength at all.

"Give me, - he thinks, - I'll turn away, - everything is not so scary."

He turned away and poked his nose into the feathers. Here Ilya found sneezing. He sneezed, sneezed, his nose bled, but there is no end to the edge. Only feels - the head has become much easier. Then Ilya grabbed his hat and got to his feet. He sees - the old woman is standing in the same place, shaking with anger. Her hands reached Ilya's legs, but she could not raise them higher from the ground. Ilya realized that the old woman had a blunder - she didn’t take strength, he kept on arguing, blew his nose, and said with a grin:

What did you take, the old one? Not for you, apparently, a piece!

Wait, don't be happy! Another time you come - you won’t take your head off!

And I won’t come, - Ilya answers.

Aha! Scared, scared! - the old woman rejoiced.

Ilyukha thought it was an insult. He stopped and said:

For that matter, I will come on purpose to draw water from your well.

The old woman laughed and let's tease the guy:

You braggart, you braggart! I would say thank you to my grandmother Lukerya, that he blew his legs, and he still boasts! Yes, such a person has not yet been born to get water from the local well.

But let's see if he was born or not, - Ilya replies.

The old woman, know, keeps saying:

You are a wastelander, a wastelander! Do you get water, if you are afraid to approach. Your empty words! Can you bring other people? Cheer up yourself!

This, - Ilya shouts, - you won’t expect me to let other people down on you. Heard, go ahead, how harmful you are and how you deceive people.

The old woman did one thing:

You won't come, you won't come! Where are you! So-and-so! Then Elijah says:

Okay, no. As a good wind will happen on Sunday, so wait for a visit.

What is the wind to you? - asks the old woman.

It will be visible there, - Ilya answers. - You just wash the spit from your hand. Don't forget, look!

It doesn't matter to you, - the old woman shouts, - which hand will pull you to the bottom? Even though you, I see, and much, but everything will be mine. Do not rely on the wind and grandmother's feathers! They won't help!

Well, they had a fight. Ilya went further, he notes the road himself and thinks to himself: “Here she is, grandmother Sinyushka. ".

Ilya heard a lot about Sinyushka. At the mine, they used to talk about it more than once. Here, they say, in the deaf swampy places, and even in the old mines, people ran into Sinyushka. Where she sits, here wealth is laid. Move Sinyushka from her place - and a full well of gold and expensive stones will open. Then row as far as your hand took. Many seemed to go looking, but either returned with nothing, or perished with the end.

By evening, Ilyukha got out to the mine. The inspector at the mines, of course, attacked Ilyukha:

What's long?

Ilya explained - so and so, he buried Grandma Lukerya. The caretaker felt a little ashamed, but found a nitpick:

What are those feathers on your hat? With what joy did you get it?

This, - Ilya replies, - is Babkin's legacy. I put it here for memory.

The caretaker and others who happened close, let's laugh at such an inheritance, and Ilya says:

Yes, maybe I wouldn’t exchange these feathers for the entire master’s mine. Therefore, they are not simple, but spoken. White is for a fun day, black is for good night, and red-haired - to the red sun.

Jokes, of course. Only there was a guy - Kuzka Dvoerylko. He was the same age as Ilyukha, in one month they were birthdays, but in all respects he did not resemble Ilyukha. He, this Dvoerlko, is from the right yard at all. Kindly, such a guy doesn’t even need to go past the mine - it would be easier to find work at home. Well, Kuzka had been hanging around the gold for a long time; And it’s true, about taking someone else’s things into your pocket, Dvoorko was an expert. A little someone overlooked, - Dvoerlko has already carried away, and they can’t find it. In a word, a thief.

He had a note on this craft. He, you see, one prospector scribbled with a spatula.

I had to slip, but still the notch remained as a memory - the nose and lips fell apart in half. According to this note, Kuzka was called Dvoorlkom.

This Kuzka strongly envied Ilyukha. That one, you see, is a vigorous and capable guy, cool and cheerful, - his work went on tax. Finished work - ate and sang a song, and even went to dance. On the artel, after all, this happens. Against such a guy, where is the Double-Eared, if he has neither strength, nor hunting, and something else is on his mind. Only Kuzka understood this in his own way: “It’s not otherwise, Ilyushka knows some word, that he is lucky, and there is no work for him.”

As Ilya said about feathers, Kuzka realized to himself: "Here she is - Ilyushkin's word."

Well, you know, on the same night he stole those feathers.

The next day, Ilya missed - where are the feathers? Thinks he dropped it. Let's search for something. They began to laugh at Ilya:

Are you sane, boy! How many feet are trampling around here, and you are looking for some tiny feathers! In the dust, go, they were trampled. And what are they to you?

How, - he answers, - for what, if this is a grandmother's memo?

A reminder, they say, must be kept in a strong place or in the head, and not carried on a hat.

Ilya thinks - they say the truth - and stopped looking for those feathers. It never crossed his mind that they were taken with thin hands.

Kuzka has his own concern - to keep an eye on Ilyukha, how things are going with him now, without grandmother's feathers. So I saw that Ilya took the prospector's ladle and went to the forest. Dvoerylko after Ilya - he thinks if he has adjusted the wash somewhere. Well, there was no wash, but Ilya began to put that ladle on the perch. Fathoms four poles. Not at all handy for flushing. What is it for? Kuzka became even more alert.

Things went by autumn, it began to blow hard. On Saturday, as the workers were being sent home from the mine, Ilya also requested to go home. At first, the superintendent poked around - you, they say, recently walked, and you don’t need it - you don’t have a family, but you lost your farm - feathers - at the mine. Well, let go. Will Kuzka miss such an opportunity? Early in the morning he made his way to the place where the ladle was hidden on the perch. Kuzka had to wait a long time, but the thieves' skill is known. We didn’t say that the thief will wait out the dog, not like the owner. In the morning, Ilya came up, took out a ladle and said:

Oh no feathers! And the wind is kind. In the morning it whistles like that - by noon it completely clears up.

Indeed, the wind is such that there is a groan in the forest. Ilya went according to his notes, and Dvoorko sneaked after him and rejoiced:

"Here they are, feathers! To wealth, to know something, they show the path!"

According to signs, Ilya had to make his way for a long time, and the wind was getting quieter and quieter. As soon as it came out on a spoon, it became completely quiet - not a single twig would move. Ilya looks - an old woman is standing by the well, waiting and shouting loudly:

The warrior has arrived! Babkin lost his feathers and lost in the wind. What are you going to do now? Run home and wait for the wind! Maybe you can wait!

She herself stands on the sidelines, does not pull her hands to Ilya, and over the well the fog is like a blue hat, thick, thick. Ilya ran up from the hillside with a ladle on a pole right into that blue hat and put it and shouted:

Well, you, miserable, watch out! Do not hurt inadvertently.

Scooped up from the well and smells - hard. Barely pulled out. The old woman laughs, showing her young teeth.

I'll take a look, I'll see how you reach the ladle. How much of my water will happen to drink!

Inflame, then, the guy. Ilya sees - it’s true, it’s hard - he’s completely angry.

Drink, - shouts, - itself!

He intensified, lifted the ladle a little, and even strives to knock it over on the old woman. She moved away. Ilya follows her. She is further. Here the perch broke and the water spilled. The old woman laughs again:

You would plant a ladle on a log ... It would be more reliable! Elijah threatens in response:

Wait, wretch! I buy more! Here the old woman says:

OK. Pampered - and that's enough. I see that you are a handsome and daring guy. Come on the moon night whenever you like. I will show you all the riches.

Take as much as you can take. If I don’t happen from above, say: “I came without a ladle,” and everything will be fine for you.

I, - Ilya answers, - and that’s why I want to see how you turn into a red girl.

It will be seen from the case, - the old woman grinned, again showing her young teeth.

Dvoerlko saw it all to the droplet and heard it to the word.

"We must," he thinks, "run to the mine as soon as possible and prepare purses. If only Ilyushka didn't get ahead of me!"

Dvoerylko ran away. And Ilya went uphill to the house. I crossed the bumps through the swamp, came home, and there was one piece of news - my grandmother's sieve was gone.

Ilya marveled - who needed this? He went to his factory friends, talked with one, with another, and went back to the mine, only not through the swamp, but along the road, as everyone went.

Five days passed like this, but Ilyukha’s case does not go out of his head - he remembers at work and began to interfere with sleep. No, no, and he will see those blue eyes, or even a ringing voice will hear: "Come on a monthly night, whenever you like."

So Ilyukha decided: “I’ll go. I’ll at least see what kind of wealth there is.

At that time, just a young month was born, the nights became brighter. Suddenly, at the mine, there was a conversation - Dvoerylko was lost. Ran to the factory - no. The caretaker ordered to look in the forest - it was also not found. And then to say, they were looking for - they were not forced. Everyone thought to himself: "There is no loss from that, if the thief is lost." That's where it ended.

As the month turned full circle, Ilyukha went. Got to the place. Looks - there is no one. Ilya still did not come down from the hillock and quietly said:

Came without a bucket.

Just said, now the old woman showed up and affectionately says:

You are welcome, dear guest! I've been waiting for a long time. Come and take as much as you can take.

She herself lifted the lid over the well with her hands, and there all the riches were revealed. Filled to the top. Ilya is curious to look at such wealth, but he does not descend from the hillock. The old woman began to hurry:

Well, what are you standing for? Take it, I say, how much will go into the purse.

I don’t have a wallet, he answers, and I heard something else from Grandma Lukerya. As if only that wealth is pure and strong, which you yourself give to a person.

You see, what a picky one! Give him more! Well, have it your way!

As the old woman said, so a blue pillar swept out of the well. And a beautiful girl comes out of this pillar, equipped like a queen, and up to half a good pine in height. In the hands of this girl is a golden tray, and on it is a pile of all kinds of wealth. The sand is golden, the stones are expensive, the nuggets are almost all over the carpet. This girl comes up to Ilyukha and with a bow gives him a tray:

Take it, well done!

Ilya grew up at the mine, he also visited the gold mine, he knew how he - gold - is weighed. He looked at the tray and said to the old woman:

It's made for laughs. No one person can lift so much.

Won't you take it? - asks the old woman.

And I don’t think so, - Ilya answers.

Well, have it your way! Another gift for the ladies, says the old woman.

And now that girl - with a golden tray - was gone. Again a blue pillar swept out of the well. Another girl came out. Smaller growth. She is also beautiful and dressed up like a merchant. In the hands of this girl is a silver tray, on it is a pile of wealth. Ilya also refused this tray, he says to the old woman:

It’s not possible for a person to lift so much, and you don’t give it with your own hands.

At this the old woman laughed like a girl.

Okay, have it your way! I will amuse you and myself. Then, chur, do not regret. Wait.

She said, and immediately neither the girl with the silver tray, nor the old woman herself, was gone. Ilyukha stood and stood - there was no one. He was tired of waiting, then the grass rustled on the side. Ilyukha turned in that direction. Sees - the girl is coming. A simple girl, in ordinary human growth. Years so eighteen. Her dress is blue, the scarf on her head is blue, and on her feet there are blue barrettes. And this girl is pretty - and you can’t say. The eyes are a star, the eyebrows are an arc, the lips are raspberry, and the russa tubular braid is thrown over the shoulder, and in the braid there is a blue ribbon.

The girl came up to Ilyukha and said:

Accept, dear friend Ilyushenka, a gift from a pure heart.

And she gives him with her white hands an old grandmother Lukerya sieve with berries. Here you have strawberries, here you have princesses, and yellow cloudberries, and black currants with blueberries. Well, all sorts of berries. Half a sieve. And three feathers on top. One white, one black, one red, tightly tied with a blue thread.

Ilyukha took the sieve, but he himself stands like a fool, he can’t figure out where this girl came from, where she picked all kinds of berries in the fall. Here he asks:

Whose are you, beautiful girl? Tell me, what is your name to call?

The girl smiled and said:

People call Grandmother Sinyushka, but to a far and distant, but to a simple soul, I seem to be the same as you see. Rarely does it just happen.

Then Ilyukha understood who the conversation was with, and asked:

Where do you get your feathers from?

Yes, - he answers, - Dvoerylko came for wealth. He himself fell into the well and drowned his purses, but your feathers floated up. Simple, you can see, you are a soul guy.

So, dear friend Ilyushenka! Blue me. Always old, always young. Forever attached to the local riches.

Then she paused a little and asked:

Well, have you looked? Enough, go, otherwise it’s as if I didn’t dream in a dream.

And she herself sighed, as a knife flashed through the heart of the guy. I would give everything, if only she would become a real living girl, but she doesn’t exist at all.

Ilya stood still for a long time. The blue fog from the well crawled all over the spoon, then only began to make its way to the house. I have come into the world. He just entered the hut, and the sieve with berries became heavier, the bottom broke off, and nuggets and expensive stones fell on the floor.

With such wealth, Ilya immediately paid off the master, went free, managed a good house for himself, got a horse, but he can’t get married. All that girl does not go out of memory. Sleep-peace because of this decided. And grandmother Lukerya feathers do not help. Not once said:

Oh, grandmother Lukerya, grandmother Lukerya! You taught how to get Sinyushkino's wealth, but you didn't say how to get rid of longing. Apparently, she didn't know.

I toiled and toiled so and thought up: "It is better to dive into that well than to endure such torment."

I went to the Zyuzelsky swamp, but nevertheless I took my grandmother's feathers with me. Then the berry season came. They began to carry strawberries.

As soon as Ilya approached the forest, a girl’s artel met him. A man with a dozen, with full baskets. One girl is walking on the outskirts, so eighteen years old. Her dress is blue, the scarf on her head is blue. And pretty, I can't say. Eyebrows - an arc, eyes - a star, lips - raspberries, a russa tubular braid is thrown over the shoulder, and there is a blue ribbon in it. Well, that spilled one. One note is different: on that one there were blue barettes, and this one was completely barefoot.

Ilya was dumbfounded. He looks at the girl, and she grins and grins with her blue eyes - she shows her teeth.

Ilyukha blew out a little and says:

How is it that I never saw you?

Here, - he answers, - and look, if you want. I’m simple for this - I won’t take a penny.

Where, he asks, do you live?

Go, - he says, - straight ahead, turn right. There will be a big stump. You run and bang your head. As sparks fall from the eyes - then you will see me ...

Well, he’s scoffing, of course, as according to the girl’s rite. Then she said - whose one, on which street she lives and what is her name.

All honor honor. And she pulls with her eyes, and pulls.

With this girl, Ilyukha found his share. But not for long. She, you see, was made of marble. Then Ilyukha had not seen her before. Well, about the marble business is well known. There are no more beautiful local girls in our region, and marry such a woman - you will become a widow. From an early age, they beat around a stone - they have consumption.

Ilyukha himself did not heal for a long time. I swallowed, maybe from this and from that ill health. And soon a large mine was opened along Zyuzelka.

Ilyukha, you see, did not hide where he got the wealth. Well, they began to rummage through those places and ran into rich gold along Zyuzelka.

In my memory, it was well mined here. But the well was never found. The fog is blue, - it still holds on to those places, it seems wealth.

We are what! From above they dug a little, dig deeper ... Deep, they say, that Sinyushkin well. Passion deep. More earners are waiting.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is a famous Russian writer. His work occupies a special place in Russian literature, since his works are based on folklore. Already as an adult, Bazhov became interested in collecting Ural legends. Later, on their basis, he created many beautiful works. One of them is the fairy tale "Sinyushkin well".

Video: Malachite box.

Briefly about the author

The future writer was born in 1879 into a working-class family. After graduating from a religious school and a seminary, he served as a teacher for about ten years. One of the students later became his wife. They had four children. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Bazhov actively supported the new government. Over the years, he took part in the opening of newspapers, worked as a journalist and editor, monitored the activities of the public education department, and opened schools for the illiterate. It was at this time that he became interested in the history of the Urals and folklore. The material accumulated by the writer formed the basis of many unique works. The writer died in 1950. "Sinyushkin well" & minus - one of the first works of Bazhov, created on the basis of the Ural legends. It was first published in 1924.

Video: Blue snake - Bazhov

Collection "Urals were"

The book was published in the city of Sverdlovsk. It was from her, according to Bazhov, that his literary activity began. The collection includes nineteen tales, including "The Blue Snake", "Silver Hoof", "Stone Flower", "Malachite Box", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Sinyushkin Well". The heroes of these works are the owners of factories and mines, clerks, and ordinary workers. All works are created on the basis of the Ural legends, which the writer collected and carefully kept for a long time.

There lived a guy named Ilya in a Ural village. He was an orphan. The deceased relatives - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother - did not leave Ilya any inheritance. The only valuable thing that the young man inherited from his deceased relatives is a sieve of feathers from his grandmother Lukerya. During the funeral, they were stolen, only three feathers remained: white, black and red. Another dying grandmother told her grandson to avoid bad thoughts about wealth, because people suffer from them.

After burying Lukerya, Ilya went to work. He worked in a gold mine. At that time, the weather was hot, so the young man decided to go through the Zyuzelsko swamp. Usually people used this road in autumn, but Ilya thought that the swamp had dried up because of the heat. At first he was walking in the right direction, but then he got lost. In search of a road, the young man came out to a clearing, in the center of which was a spring with clean water. Ilya wanted to get drunk, but suddenly he was very tired. He barely crawled to the side to rest a little. Suddenly, the guy noticed an old woman coming out of the water. She was dressed in a blue dress, with a scarf of the same color on her head. She was old, but her blue eyes shone with youth and enthusiasm.

The old woman held out her arms to Ilya, and the guy noticed that they began to lengthen. The young man was frightened, turned away and buried his nose in the feathers that Lukerya had left. He attached them to his hat so that he would always remember the order of his grandmother. From this he began to sneeze and immediately came to his senses. The guy got to his feet and began to taunt the old woman and her weakness: she could not raise her hands from the ground and reach him. Ilya guessed that the old woman was the one about whom the grandmother told. She guards the magic well. According to rumors, there are many riches in it, but few can get them. They argued for a long time, until Ilya promised to come to the well again. On that they parted.

Arriving at the mine, Ilya explained to the caretaker that he was late because of the funeral. He was asked about the feathers that were attached to the cap. The young man replied that they were charmed and valuable as a memory. One of the workers - Kuzka Dvoerylko - envied Ilya's mind, strength and hard work, therefore, at the first opportunity, he stole these feathers. Ilya searched for them for a long time, but did not find them. Kuzka began to follow Ilya to make sure that without feathers he would lose his luck. He saw how Ilya attached a long stick to the ladle, how on Sunday he went to the magic well and tried to outwit grandmother Sinyushka, to drink water from the well. The old woman appreciated Ilya's courage and dexterity and said that if he returns when the full moon is in the sky, he will receive a reward. Kuzka Dvoerylko heard their conversation and decided to get ahead of Ilya. Soon at the mine they noticed that he had disappeared. They searched for Kuzka for a long time, but they never found him.

When Ilya returned to the well, the old woman twice offered him gold and precious stones, which she held in her hands on a huge tray. Both times Ilya refused, motivating his decision by the fact that a person could not carry away so much wealth. For the third time, the old woman appeared in the form of a young girl. She gave Ilya a sieve left after the grandmother and stolen by someone, full of wild berries. In the very center lay the treasured three feathers.

The girl was so beautiful that upon returning home, Ilya did not know peace. The stones into which the donated berries turned into did not console him. The guy used this money wisely, paid off the master, built a new hut, bought a horse, but never married. Ilya felt so bad that he decided to return to the well. But on the way he met a girl from a neighboring village, who was very similar to the mistress of a magic well. They played a wedding, but their happiness was short-lived. Both died because they were in poor health.

Main characters

In the tale "Sinyushkin Well" there are four main characters: Lukerya, Ilya, Kuzka Dvoerylko and grandmother Sinyushka. Lukerya is the embodiment of folk wisdom. It is she who owns the words that contain the main idea of ​​the work: happiness is not in wealth, but in the human soul. Grandma Sinyushka is a magical character who sends two young men a test. One passes it with honor, the other dies. Ilya and Kuzka &minus are two heroes who are opposed to each other. The author treats Ilya with sympathy and respect. Kuzka, on the other hand, is only honored with careless words for his tendency to steal and greed. Bazhov even gives him a speaking nickname. Kuzka Dvoerylko means two-faced.

Video: Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Genre originality

“Sinyushkin well” & minus is a tale. This genre should not be confused with the folk tale. Despite the consonance of names and the presence of common features, these are different concepts. There are several differences, one of them is compositional. One of the features of fairy tales is the presence of a beginning. In the work of Pavel Bazhov, it is not. Despite the presence of an element of magic in both folk tales and Bazhov's works, there is also an element of reality in the latter.

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Readers' opinion

The fairy tale "Sinyushkin well" has many fans. Feedback from most readers is positive. All people who read the tale note its instructive meaning. What attracts readers is that Pavel Bazhov skillfully combines two worlds in his works: real and fictional. The heroes of his tales go through many trials on their life path. So Ilya will have to go through many difficulties in order to prove that he is worthy of the valuable gift of Grandma Sinyushka. Bazhov's fairy tale "Sinyushkin Well" tells the story of a young man who knew well that gold and gems are not the riches that one should wish for. Meeting with Grandma Sinyushka is a difficult test. Only one who is not greedy, does not envy and remembers the precepts of the elders can pass it.

Screen adaptation

Most of the works of Pavel Bazhov were filmed. This is not surprising: artists, composers, directors have always been attracted by the fairy-tale world of Bazhov, in which reality and fantasy merged into one in a bizarre way. Among them - "Sinyushkin well". An animated film of the same name was released in 1973. The director was V. Fomin. A few years later, the artist V. Markin drew illustrations that formed the basis of the filmstrip.

Summing up

"Sinyushkin Well" by Pavel Bazhov is a tale of ingenuity and honesty, courage and disinterestedness. The protagonist - a young man named Ilya - survived the ordeal of wealth and greed. For his spiritual qualities, he received an award from the hands of his grandmother Sinyushka, who appears in the form of a young girl and personally bestows only those who deserve it.

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