Comparison of Pechorin and Onegin table. Comparative characteristics of Eugene Onegin and Grigory Pechorin (Comparative analysis)


IN Food Industry widespread use of sufficiently close chemical and physical properties substances - glucose and fructose. But the difference between them is very significant. What is it?

What is glucose?

Glucose is a monosaccharide that is found in large quantities in many fruits, berries, and juices. It is especially abundant in grapes. Glucose as a monosaccharide is part of the disaccharide - sucrose, which is also found in fruits, berries, especially in large quantities - in beets and cane.


Glucose is formed in the human body due to the breakdown of sucrose. In nature, this substance is formed by plants as a result of photosynthesis. But isolating the substance in question on an industrial scale from the corresponding disaccharide or through chemical processes similar to photosynthesis is unprofitable. Therefore, not fruits, berries, leaves or ready-made sugar are used as raw materials for the production of glucose, but other substances - most often cellulose and starch. The product we are studying is obtained by hydrolysis of the corresponding type of raw material.

Pure glucose looks like a substance white color without smell. She has sweet taste(although it is significantly inferior in this property to sucrose), it is highly soluble in water.

Glucose has great importance for the human body. This substance is a valuable source of energy that is needed for metabolic processes. Glucose can be used as an effective drug for disorders of the digestive system.

We noted above that due to the breakdown of sucrose, which is a disaccharide, glucose is formed, in particular, the monosaccharide. But this is not the only product of the breakdown of sucrose. Another monosaccharide that is formed as a result of this chemical process is fructose.

Let's consider its features.

What is fructose?

Fructose, like glucose, is also a monosaccharide. Found in fruits and berries as pure form, and in the composition, as we already know, sucrose. It is present in large quantities in honey, which is approximately 40% fructose. As in the case of glucose, the substance in question is formed in the human body due to the breakdown of sucrose.

It is worth noting that fructose, if we talk about the molecular structure, is an isomer of glucose. This means that in terms of atomic composition, as well as molecular weight both substances are identical. However, they differ in the arrangement of atoms.


One of the most common methods for the industrial production of fructose is the hydrolysis of sucrose, which is obtained by isomerization, in turn, of starch hydrolysis products.

Pure fructose, unlike glucose, is a transparent crystal. It also dissolves well in water. It can be noted that the melting point of the substance in question is lower than that of glucose. In addition, fructose is sweeter - in this property it is comparable to sucrose.


Despite the fact that glucose and fructose are very close substances (as we noted above, the second monosaccharide is an isomer of the first), one can distinguish more than one difference between glucose and fructose in terms of, for example, their taste properties, appearance, production methods in industry. Of course, the substances under consideration have a lot in common.

Having determined the difference between glucose and fructose, as well as fixing a large number of their common properties, we will consider the corresponding criteria in a small table.

Fructose is a very sweet substance that belongs to carbohydrates. Many people today seek to replace regular sugar with them. But is it justified? How does fructose affect the human body? Let's figure it out.

Carbohydrates are essential for metabolic processes in organism. Monosaccharides are sweet substances that are the most easily digestible carbohydrate compounds. Today, mankind knows immediately a number of natural monosaccharides: fructose, maltose, glucose and others. In addition, there is an artificial saccharide - sucrose.

Since the discovery of these substances, scientists have studied in detail the effects of saccharides on the human body, considering in detail their beneficial and harmful properties.

The main property of fructose is that this substance is absorbed by the intestine rather slowly (in any case, slower than glucose), but it breaks down much faster.

Calorie content and physical properties

The calorie content is low: fifty-six grams of the substance contains only 224 kcal, but at the same time gives a feeling of sweetness, similar to one hundred grams of regular sugar (one hundred grams of sugar, by the way, contains 400 calories).

Fructose is not as damaging to teeth as simple sugar.

According to its physical properties, fructose belongs to six-atomic monosaccharides (formula C6H12O6), is an isomer of glucose (that is, it has the same molecular composition with glucose, but a different molecular structure). Sucrose contains some fructose.

The biological role of this substance is similar to the biological purpose of carbohydrates: the body uses fructose for energy. After absorption, it can be synthesized into glucose or into fats.

In the United States, it was recently announced that sugar substitutes, in particular fructose, are to blame for the obesity of the nation. There is no need to be surprised here: the fact is that US citizens consume seventy kilograms of sweeteners a year - and this is according to the most conservative estimates. In America, fructose is added everywhere: in pastries, in chocolate, in soda, and so on. Obviously, in such quantities, the substitute is harmful to the body.

How was carbohydrate synthesized?

The formula of the substance was not derived immediately, and before getting on the table, it passed a series of tests. The creation of fructose was closely linked to the study of diseases such as diabetes. Doctors have long thought about how to help a person process sugar without the use of insulin. It was necessary to find a substitute that excludes insulin processing.

At first, sweeteners based on synthetics were created. However, it soon became clear that they cause more harm to the body than simple sucrose. Ultimately, a fructose formula was developed and doctors recognized it as the optimal solution.

At the industrial level, it began to be produced relatively recently.

Difference from sugar

Fructose is a natural sugar derived from berries, fruits and honey. But how does this substance differ from ordinary sugar, well known to all of us?

White sugar has many disadvantages, and it is by no means only high in calories. In large quantities, white sugar negatively affects the human body. Considering that fructose is almost twice as sweet as sugar, a person can consume sweets in smaller quantities.

But here, too, there is a pitfall that lies in our psychology. If a person is used to putting two tablespoons of sugar in tea, he will put two tablespoons of fructose into it, thereby further increasing the sugar content in the body.

Fructose is a universal product. It can be used by all people, even those with diabetes.

The breakdown of fructose occurs very quickly and does not endanger diabetics. However, this does not mean that diabetics can eat fructose in any quantity: in the consumption of any product, you need to know when to stop.

It should be understood that with a relatively low calorie content, fructose can in no way be considered a dietary product. By consuming foods with fructose, a person does not feel full, and tends to eat as much as possible, stretching his stomach. This kind of eating behavior is unacceptable.


Fruit sugar, properly introduced into the diet, is beneficial. Its permissible amount, allowed for daily use, is 25-45 g. Without exceeding the indicated norm, the monosaccharide benefits the following plan:

  • has a low calorie content;
  • prevents weight gain;
  • is an ideal product approved for introduction into the diet of people with diabetes, people who are overweight or prone to obesity;
  • the substance in no way affects the bone structure of the teeth, respectively, does not provoke the appearance of caries;
  • with intensive physical activity or regular hard work is indispensable because it gives a large amount of energy;
  • gives tone to the whole body;
  • a person who consumes fructose feels less tired.

For pregnant

By replacing regular sugar during pregnancy, the benefits of doing so are as follows:

  • given that toxicosis is often an inevitable phenomenon, especially in the first trimester, the use of a sweetener will save the expectant mother from discomfort;
  • the product is able to eliminate nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and normalize the level of pressure;
  • has the ability to restore the normal functioning of the endocrine organs and the genitourinary system, which during pregnancy increases the load;
  • the substance helps to prevent various pathological disorders that lead to premature birth, hypoxia or intrauterine death of the fetus.

For children

Many children are very attached to sweets, even immediately after birth. This is due to the fact that future mom during the period of bearing her child, she did not neglect sweets. But as regards child's body, then regular sugar is not very useful. Giving the baby a sweetener, the benefits are as follows:

  • if an infant whose mother loved to eat sweets during pregnancy often cries, is naughty just at the time of the introduction of complementary foods or refuses to eat, then the sweetener added to the baby's food can get rid of such a problem;
  • the use of a monosaccharide for newborns is useful because the product during splitting does not heavily burden the pancreas of the crumbs, and also does not interfere with the normal growth and formation of teeth;
  • if an older child constantly reaches for sweets, adding fruit sugar to their diet can reduce the harm caused to health by eating a large number regular sugar;
  • caries in children using a monosaccharide is much less common (about 30% fewer cases of caries);
  • children, whose daily workload is quite high, often face overwork and absent-mindedness. By adding a monosaccharide to the menu, it is possible to improve concentration and reduce child fatigue.

It is recommended, if necessary, to introduce fructose into the child's diet, to do this in an amount of no more than 20 g. It is best to consult a pediatrician who will calculate the exact rate of the product. The benefits of fruit sugar for children will be if the monosaccharide is given after meals.

What is the danger?

If you introduce this monosaccharide in your diet in excess or apply it to people who have contraindications, then there is a risk of facing the following consequences:

  • the product is able to increase the amount of uric acid produced. As a result, there is a risk of gout disease;
  • blood pressure levels will change over time and lead to hypertension;
  • the risk of various liver diseases;
  • due to the lack of a leptin production process when using a sweetener, the body may stop producing it altogether. This hormone is responsible for the feeling of satiety with food, as a result, there is a risk of bulimia, that is, a constant feeling of hunger. This disease as a consequence leads to various other diseases;
  • Based on the previous paragraph, the harm lies in the fact that due to the lack of a feeling of satiety, a person begins to eat significantly more food. This results in a set overweight;
  • monosaccharide leads to an increase in the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, which are contained in the blood;
  • If long time to eat only fructose, exceeding the permissible level, this promises the appearance of insulin resistance. This, as a result, causes the appearance of various diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.

Use in diabetes

Fructose has a low glycemic index, so people suffering from insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes can consume it in reasonable amounts.

It takes five times less insulin to process fructose than to process glucose. It should be noted that fructose is not able to cope with hypoglycemia (lowering blood sugar levels), since fructose-containing foods do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetics (most often these people are obese) should limit the amount of sweetener to 30 grams. Otherwise, the body will be harmed.

Is fructose better than glucose?

Fructose and glucose are the main substitutes for granulated sugar that manufacturers offer today. Which of these substitutes is better has not yet been finally clarified.

Both are called the breakdown product of sucrose, but fructose is somewhat sweeter.

Considering that fructose is more slowly absorbed into the blood, many scientists advise using it as a substitute for granulated sugar.

But why is the rate of absorption into the blood so important? The fact is that the more sugar in our blood, the more insulin is required to process it. Fructose breaks down at the level of enzymes, while glucose requires the indispensable presence of insulin.

In addition, it is good because it does not cause hormonal surges.

But with carbohydrate starvation, glucose, not fructose, can help a person. With a lack of carbohydrates, a person begins dizziness, trembling of the limbs, weakness, sweating. At this point, he needs to eat something sweet.

If it is a piece of ordinary chocolate, then the condition immediately normalizes due to the rapid absorption of glucose into the blood. But chocolate on fructose does not have such a property. A person will feel an improvement very soon, when fructose is absorbed into the blood.

American nutritionists see this as the main harm of fructose. According to them, it does not give a person a feeling of satiety, and this makes people consume it in huge quantities.

Fructose is an excellent weight loss tool that allows you to work and keep quite active image life without feeling weak. It is only necessary to understand that it is absorbed into the blood slowly and the feeling of fullness will not come immediately. Correct dosage - important condition its successful application.


Summing up, we can highlight the main points that you need to know for those who decide to include fruit sugar in their diet:

  • fructose is quickly and easily absorbed by both the child's body and adults;
  • it is permissible to use this substance in its pure form and as part of sweets only in a strictly defined dosage, otherwise, instead of useful properties, the substance will harm the body;
  • having a low calorie content, the substance gives the body a lot of energy;
  • in order for the body to perceive and assimilate fructose, there is no need to produce insulin, respectively, the product is indispensable for people with diabetes;
  • when using a sweetener, it is necessary to monitor own feeling hunger and remember that it is blunted.

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    A comment

    Fructose is a natural sugar found in free form in almost all sweet fruits, vegetables, and honey. Fructose (F.) stabilizes blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of caries and diathesis in children and adults. Serious advantages of fructose over sugar are associated with differences in the processes of assimilation of these products by the body.

    Features of fructose

    The sweetness of fructose is explained by the accumulation of so-called hydroxyl groups in its molecules. They melt when heated. And when they burn, they cause charring. By the way, fructose is twice as sweet as glucose.

    There is such scientific term- passive diffusion. So from the digestive tract, fructose is absorbed in this way. Once in the intestines, under the action of enzymes, it can be fermented. Depending on the type of this very fermentation, it produces less or more, such as lactic acid or acetic acid, even alcohol.

    Another feature of fructose is that, apart from liver cells, practically no others can use it. It is absorbed by the liver cells almost completely. There it is converted and stored in the form of the so-called glycogen.

    Physical properties

    Fructose forms anhydrous crystals in the form of needles, melting point 102-105 C. Molecular weight 180.16; specific gravity 1.60 g/cm3; the caloric value is approximately the same as that of other sugars, 4 kcal per 1 g. Some hygroscopicity is characteristic of fructose. Concentrated fructose formulations retain moisture. Fructose is easily soluble in water and alcohol. At 20°C, a saturated fructose solution has a concentration of 78.9%, a saturated sucrose solution 67.1%, and a saturated glucose solution only 47.2%. The viscosity of fructose solutions is lower than the viscosity of sucrose and glucose solutions.

    Biological properties

    Unlike glucose, fructose is absorbed from the human digestive tract only by passive diffusion. This process takes a comparative for a long time. Fructose metabolism is rapid and occurs mainly in the liver, but also in the intestinal wall and in the kidneys due to a special fructose-1-phosphate chain that is not regulated by insulin. It follows that fructose is useful as a sweetener and carbohydrate source for diabetic patients.

    Daily rate

    It is believed that fructose is less caloric than other carbohydrates. There are 390 calories in 100 grams of monosaccharide.

    Signs of a deficiency of a substance in the body:

    • prostration;
    • irritability;
    • depression;
    • apathy;
    • nervous exhaustion.

    Excess Symptoms:

    Fructose content in some foods

    Name The amount of monosaccharide in 100 grams of the product, grams
    corn syrup 90
    Rafinated sugar 50
    Agave dry 42
    Bee honey 40,5
    Date fruit 31,5
    Raisin 28
    figs 24
    Chocolate 15
    Dried apricots 13
    Ketchup 10
    jackfruit 9,19
    Blueberry 9
    Grape "Kishmish" 8,1
    Pears 6,23
    Apples 5,9
    Persimmon 5,56
    Bananas 5,5
    Cherries 5,37
    Cherry 5,15
    Mango 4,68
    Kiwi 4,35
    Peaches 4
    Grapes "Muscat" 3,92
    Papaya 3,73
    Currant red and white 3,53
    Plum (plum) 3,07
    Watermelon 3,00
    feijoa 2,95
    oranges 2,56
    tangerines 2,40
    Raspberries 2,35
    strawberries 2,13
    Corn 1,94
    A pineapple 1,94
    Melon 1,87
    White cabbage 1,45
    Zucchini (zucchini) 1,38
    Sweet pepper (Bulgarian) 1,12
    Cauliflower 0,97
    Apricot 0,94
    Cucumber 0,87
    Sweet potato 0,70
    Broccoli 0,68
    Cranberry 0,63
    Potato 0,5

    Fructose Benefits

    1. The good quality of this product is that its use does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. It turns out that fructose does not release hormones in the intestine that stimulate insulin production. This mechanism of work makes it available for use by people with diabetes.
    2. This product is considered, in comparison with other carbohydrates, and less high-calorie. 100 g contains 400 calories. So, by adding this particular ingredient to food, you can achieve a significant reduction in the calorie content of products.
    3. It has fructose and tonic effect. Accumulating in the liver in the form of glycogen, it contributes to recovery, and the fastest, after overwork. Whether they are physical or mental. In this perspective, it is recommended for athletes, and just people who lead a fairly active lifestyle.
    4. Another plus in the treasury of the benefits of fructose is that it does not cause tooth decay. It also accelerates the breakdown of alcohol in the blood.
    5. Fructose is considered one of the best sweeteners. Because it has no preservatives. And if sugar in baking is replaced with fructose, then such a product can remain fluffy and soft longer.
    6. It turned out that the use of fructose not only insures against the development of diabetes, but also can enhance the breakdown of alcohol in the blood of those who took an extra dose. In some cases, alcohol poisoning is treated this way - a solution of fructose is administered intravenously.
    7. English dentists discovered another useful ability of fructose - they noticed that the yellow plaque that forms on the teeth after eating is much weaker and is better removed if a person has consumed fructose rather than sugar. To verify this, we conducted an experiment on two groups of students. One of them ate using only fructose as sugar, the other - sucrose. In the first group, the incidence of caries was 30 percent lower. The reason is that the plaque formed when eating sucrose contains a dense substance called dextran, and when fructose predominates in the diet, plaque is formed from an easily destroyed compound.
    8. Fructose has another very important role in the body. When a person consumes a lot of fructose, the blood sugar level does not rise, as when consuming glucose. The fact is that fructose very quickly enters into the composition of compounds that supply the body with energy, therefore, in a state of stress, maximum tension, it is better to eat fruits and honey than sugar or chocolate - fructose will provide the body with energy much faster. Special studies have shown that if athletes took fructose before the competition, then the consumption of glycogen in the muscles was two times less than when using sucrose.

    Fructose Disadvantages

    • In some people, fructose causes severe allergies. Such patients cannot eat any fruit at all. Even vegetables are contraindicated. Food based on these ingredients is also not recommended. It's just very individual. After all, allergens can be any substance.
    • Fructose may also be the culprit of excess weight. This is facilitated by its feature to create a feeling of hunger. It turns out that with prolonged and excessive use, this product can cause disturbances in the production of certain hormones that play a very important role. These hormones are called insulin and leptin. Without them, just our body is not able to regulate the energy balance.
    • More than acceptable intake of fructose can lead to cardiovascular diseases.
    • Studies by Israeli scientists who conducted experiments on mice showed that fructose can even lead to premature aging of the body.

    The listed disadvantages of fructose do not mean that it is immediately necessary to refuse it and the products in which it is present. Moderate consumption of this natural sugar substitute does not lead to complications, but rather brings significant benefits. The optimal norm for an adult is 45 g per day.

    Fructose in diabetes

    Fructose has a low glycemic index, so people suffering from insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes can consume it in reasonable amounts.

    It takes five times less insulin to process fructose than to process glucose. It should be noted that fructose is not able to cope with hypoglycemia (lowering blood sugar levels), since fructose-containing foods do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

    Type 2 diabetics (most often these people are obese) should limit the amount of sweetener to 30 grams. Otherwise, the body will be harmed.

    Fructose for pregnant and lactating women

    During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother is at risk for impaired carbohydrate metabolism. acutely worth it this question if a woman was overweight before pregnancy. As a result, fructose will contribute to further weight gain, which means creating problems with bearing a baby, giving birth and increasing the risk of developing gestational diabetes. Due to obesity, the fetus can be large, which will complicate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

    In addition, there is an opinion that if a woman consumes a lot of fast carbohydrates during pregnancy, this leads to the laying of more fat cells in the baby than usual, which in adulthood causes a tendency to obesity. During breastfeeding, it is also better to refrain from taking crystalline fructose, since part of it is still transformed into glucose, which undermines mother's health.

    The use of fructose

    Fructose in diabetes is just one of the prescriptions of physicians. So, doctors prescribe monosugar intravenously for alcohol poisoning. The medicine does not cause side effects, but most importantly, at times speeds up the metabolism of alcohol. It is quickly broken down and excreted from the body.

    The question does not arise and is it possible for babies to have fructose. They are able to absorb monosugar already at two days of age. But glucose and galactose are often rejected by children's organisms. Hence the intolerance of many milk mixtures. So doctors prescribe fructose as a medicine in order to normalize digestion and allow the newborn to eat fully.

    Fructose is a drug for hypoglycemia. This pathology is associated with low blood sugar. Habitual sucrose only contributes to hypoglycemic reactions. Fructose in honey and fruits, on the contrary, maintains the necessary level of sugar. For the proper effect, doctors prescribe the drug in its pure form, in tablets and powders.

    The composition of fructose was also of interest to soap-making specialists. Monosugar is added to household chemicals to improve foam stability. In addition, fructose moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The additive gives the soap a special aroma. It seems to smell like dried fruits. In fact, it is the aroma of fructose.

    • It is very important to understand that between natural fructose, which is part of vegetables and fruits, and food, which is artificially added to various products, exists huge difference, exactly the same as tasty and healthy diet different from surrogates. Natural fructose is a completely harmless substance. It does not increase the level of fats in the blood - provided that it is consumed in moderation. In addition, we must not forget that from real fruits, along with fructose, we get vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements and dietary fiber. By the way, thanks to the latter, natural fructose is absorbed more slowly and leads to a gradual increase in blood sugar levels.
    • Processed, dietary fructose is treated by the body like regular white sugar. Like him, it quickly increases blood sugar, its excess turns into fat and accumulates in adipose tissue. The result is not at all sweet: weight gain, an increase in blood fat levels, the development of diabetes, an increase in blood pressure.
    • Scientists and doctors have long been concerned about the excess of processed fructose in our diets. American researchers do not get tired of repeating to their compatriots that addiction to sweet junk food is the first step to heart attack, stroke and diabetes, not to mention obesity. Italian scientists conducted a study involving 45,000 people and found that women who consume a lot of sugary foods, including honey, desserts and sweets, are 2 times more likely to suffer from heart disease than those who base their menu on complex carbohydrates(pasta and wholemeal bread, cereals, vegetables).
    • Another paradox of fructose is that it causes… hunger. How can this be, you ask. We will not torture you with a description of the research. You yourself must have noticed that fat people often suffer from increased appetite. Having eaten one piece of cake, they are able to immediately pounce on the second. Fat people are not to blame: food fructose tells them to do so. It affects not only fats, but also the hormone leptin, which in our body is responsible for the feeling of satiety. Fructose suppresses the production of this hormone, and a person who has eaten fruit sugar feels hungry.
    • Fructose has a similar effect on sports fans who are reinforced before training with energy bars.

    Refusal of fructose

    It is not only difficult to immediately and abruptly give up sugar - it is almost impossible: it is part of many products, including those containing fructose. Therefore, you should not give up sugar completely. Just start limiting your intake. To make it easier on yourself, counter sugar with proteins, especially at lunch and breakfast. According to Catelyn Des Maisons, professor of nutrition and natural nutrition in Albuquerque, protein will help when your body shows the first signs of resistance. The typical snack she recommends is eggs and toast, boiled fish and salad or pita with cheese.

    Then start limiting your consumption of white flour products: sugar is always put in them. Replace them with brown rice, oats, and whole grains. When you feel comfortable, start cutting out sugary sweets and refined sugar that you usually put in tea from your diet.

    If you feel tired and empty, eat more fruit. They are rich in natural sugar, give you the energy you need, and raise your blood sugar to the right level much better than refined sugar, says Paul Sanders, a naturopath and professor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto.

    Dr. Nan Lu, director of the International Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine in New York, recommends eating melon, pears, almonds, and ginger. And to better cope with feelings of depression, buy a complex of vitamins of group B.

    Fructose, aspartame, sorbitol, saccharin, sucrazite, sucralose, sorbitol... you won't find any names of sweeteners today!

    Harm of sugar substitutes

    Absolutely all simple carbohydrates, called sugars, are divided into two types: glucose and fructose. Most often, a single product contains a mixture of these sugars. For example, table sugar is an equal combination of them.

    It has already become quite obvious that an excess of sugar in the diet of people is harmful to health and provokes a number of diseases (caries, diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.) and shortens life. In this regard, sugar substitutes (sugar substitutes) appeared, which differ in scanty calorie content. The price of sugar substitutes is low, and this has played a role.

    Both natural and synthetic sweeteners are used. Unfortunately, many of them are harmful to health, and, oddly enough, even some natural ones (fructose, sorbitol, xylitol, etc.) are harmful.

    Saccharin (aka Sweet "n" Low, Sprinkle Sweet, Twin, Sweet 10) was made by the Germans, and during both world wars it was very popular.

    Xylitol and sorbitol, natural polyhydric alcohols, were at one time considered the main sugar substitutes for diabetes. They are also high in calories, but digest more slowly than sucrose and do not cause tooth decay. The use of these drugs is complicated by a number of circumstances. Large doses of polyhydric alcohols can cause diarrhea. Heating causes rapid decomposition. Sometimes there is individual intolerance. Now neither xylitol nor sorbitol are included in the arsenal of the fight against diabetes.

    The feeling of fullness primarily depends on the level of insulin in the blood - if there is no increase in insulin levels, then there is no feeling of fullness. Insulin seems to send signals to the body to stop eating.

    Honey contains glucose, fructose, sucrose and various biologically active substances. It is often used for medicinal purposes, especially in traditional medicine.


    Natural glucose is found in the juice of many fruits and berries. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is present in almost all berries and fruits, but it is especially abundant in apples, bananas, peaches, and honey almost entirely consists of it.

    Fructose (fruit sugar) is 1.7 times sweeter than sugar. It is also high in calories, like sugar, and therefore fructose is not a dietary product. Moreover, a number of experts associate the obesity epidemic in the United States with the use of fructose.

    Unlike glucose, fructose does not affect the increase in insulin levels - from this it was previously concluded that there is also no transfer of excess calories to fat. This is where the myth of the magical dietary properties of fructose originated.

    But it turned out that fructose is converted to fat without requiring insulin. Considering that it is twice as high in calories as glucose, one can easily imagine how its consumption affects excess weight.

    Great hopes were pinned on glucose-fructose syrups, which are similar in composition to honey. To reduce the cost of production and improve the taste of products, sugar is often replaced with high fructose glucose syrup. This syrup is found in almost all carbonated drinks, juices, confectionery, sweet sauces and fast food.

    Most nutritionists attribute the obesity epidemic to the widespread use of glucose-fructose syrup - it does not cause a feeling of fullness, but it has twice the calories of regular sugar.

    Types of sugars

    Glucose is the simplest sugar. It quickly enters the circulatory system. It is also called dextrose if added to some components. The human body, one way or another, breaks down all sugars and carbohydrates into glucose, because glucose is the form in which cells can take sugar and use it for energy.

    Sucrose (table sugar) is made up of a glucose molecule and a fructose molecule. There are many forms of white sugar. It may be in the form of powdered sugar or be granulated. Usually table sugar is made from sugar beet or sugar cane extracts.

    Fructose is one of the main types of sugar found in honey and fruits. It is absorbed more slowly and does not immediately enter the circulatory system of the body. Used very widely. Attention! Usually, fructose is associated with fruits, which also contain other nutrients. When used alone, fructose is essentially the same as simple sugars, i.e. just a lot of calories.

    Lactose is a sugar found in dairy products. It consists of a glucose molecule and a galactose molecule (galactose slows down the process of breaking down sugar and getting it into the circulatory system). Unlike glucose, which is very quickly absorbed into the intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream, lactose requires a special enzyme for absorption - lactase, which promotes the breakdown of sugars, after which they can be absorbed into the intestinal walls. Some people are lactose intolerant because their body does not produce the lactase that breaks down milk sugar.

    Maltose is made up of two glucose molecules. Found in barley and other cereals. If maltose is included in the composition of beer, it contributes to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

    Black molasses is a thick syrup that is a by-product of sugar processing. However, unlike table sugar, it contains valuable substances. The darker the molasses, the greater its nutritional value. For example, molasses is a source of micronutrients such as calcium, sodium, and iron, and it also contains B vitamins.

    Brown sugar is ordinary table sugar that turns brown when molasses is added to it. It is healthier than plain white sugar, but its nutrient and vitamin content is low.

    Raw sugar - this name is intended to mislead consumers, forcing them to think that such sugar contains useful substances and trace elements. The term raw suggests that this sugar is different from regular table sugar and is more beneficial to the body. However, in reality, such sugar simply has larger crystals and molasses is added during its production. Large crystals are not at all large molecules that promote slow absorption.

    Corn syrup is a sugar derived from corn. The extract of such sugar can hardly be called useful. In this sense, it is no better than ordinary table sugar. All syrups are concentrates: a tablespoon of syrup contains twice as many calories as a tablespoon of regular sugar. And although syrups retain an insignificant amount of vitamins and trace elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, they beneficial features do not exceed the characteristics of ordinary sugar. Because corn syrup is cheap to produce, it is a very common sweetener for drinks and juices. And since it contains a lot of calories, it is unlikely to be found on the list of healthy foods. Some people are allergic to corn, so they should read the ingredient list carefully.

    High fructose corn syrup is a sweetener containing 40% to 90% percent fructose. And of course, it's corn extract. It is cheap and widely used by food manufacturers, mainly for sweetening ready-made cereals and sodas.

    Hello, my regular readers and inquisitive guests. I have repeatedly encountered disputes on the topic of sugar and fructose in the vastness of Runet, they say, which is more useful. And I realized that I myself do not know anything about it, although about healthy eating read repeatedly. Until today, all I knew about fructose was that it is sold on separate racks for diabetics.

    Let's talk about sugar

    Personally, I heard from childhood that sugar is necessary for the body, in particular the brain, for tireless work during the day. I noticed myself that stressful situations and simple drowsiness, the horror of wanting to swallow something sweet.

    As science explains, our body feeds on energy produced from food. His biggest fear is to die of hunger, so our need for sweet treats is absolutely justified, because glucose is almost energy in its purest form. It is primarily necessary for the brain and all the systems it controls.

    What is a sugar molecule made of? This is an equivalent combination of glucose and fructose. When sugar enters the body, glucose is released through the mucous small intestine penetrates into the blood. If its concentration is increased, then the body produces insulin, aimed at its active processing.

    When the body does not receive enough glucose, it uses glucagon to remove its reserves from excess fat. This is what justifies losing weight while following a diet that severely limits all sweets. Do you know ?

    Benefits of Sugar

    Each of us feels the joy from sweet treats, but what does the body get?

    • Glucose is an excellent antidepressant;
    • Activation brain activity. Glucose is a tasty and almost harmless energy drink;
    • Favorable, partly sedative, effect on nerve cells;
    • Accelerating the elimination of toxic substances from the body. Thanks to glucose, special acids are produced in the liver, aimed at cleansing it.

    It turns out that indulging in a couple of cakes is not so bad, as these boring nutritionists say.

    The harm of sugar

    Excessive consumption of any product causes nausea, sugar is no exception. What can I say, even a weekend with your beloved wife can become an impassable quest by the end of a romantic vacation. So why is an overdose of sweets dangerous?

    • Obesity, because the body simply does not have time to process and expend energy from a large amount of sugar in a timely manner;
    • Consumption of incoming and available calcium necessary for the processing of sucrose. Those who eat a lot of sweets have more fragile bones;
    • The risk of developing diabetes. And here there is already little way to retreat, agree? Either we take nutrition under control, or read what a diabetic foot is and other passions that follow this diagnosis.

    So what are the conclusions? I realized that sugar is not bad, but only good in moderation.

    Let's talk about fructose

    Natural sweetener. Personally, the word "natural" captivates me. I have always thought that any plant based nutrient is sacred. But I was wrong.

    Fructose, like glucose, enters the intestines, but is absorbed into the blood much longer (this is a plus), then it enters the liver and is converted into body fat(this is a significant disadvantage). At the same time, the pancreas reacts equally to glucose and fructose - for it these are simple carbohydrates.

    This natural sweetener tastes much richer than sucrose, and they have almost the same calorie content. Fructose should be used less, both in drinks and in the preparation of confectionery. It not only sweetens them better, but also provides a faster appearance of an appetizing blush on pastries.

    Another moment surprised me. Glycemic index she has a low, that is, she is suitable for losing weight, athletes, bodybuilders, because she “travels” through the body for a long time. At the same time, it has been proven that it does not give a feeling of fullness for a long time, which makes an unaccustomed person "snack" his recent lunch with extra calories.

    The benefits of fructose

    If consumed in moderation, you can benefit from it:

    • Weight loss while maintaining the usual energy reserve;
    • Stable blood glucose level;
    • Low amount of insulin produced;
    • Strong tooth enamel. Plaque from glucose is much more difficult to remove;
    • Fast recovery after alcohol poisoning. It is administered intravenously during hospitalization with such a diagnosis;
    • Long-term freshness of desserts, as fructose retains moisture.

    It is indicated for people who are predisposed to the development of diabetes mellitus, but is contraindicated for everyone who suffers from overweight, since it is more easily converted into fats.

    Harm fructose

    If glucose is a universal source of energy, then fructose is not required by any cells of the human body except spermatozoa. Its unjustified use can provoke:

    • Endocrine diseases;
    • Launch of toxic processes in the liver;
    • Obesity;
    • Development of cardiovascular diseases;
    • Decrease in glucose levels to the minimum, which is no less dangerous than diabetes;
    • Elevated uric acid.

    Fructose is first converted into body fat, and only then, if necessary, is removed by the body from these cells. For example, in stressful situations or with proper weight loss, when nutrition becomes balanced.


    What conclusions have you drawn for yourself? Personally, I realized that I would not get harm from the moderate use of sugar and the sweets produced with its addition. At the same time, the complete replacement of sucrose with fructose will provoke an unfavorable chain reaction: I eat sweets - they are converted into fat, and since the body is not satiated, I eat more. And so I will become a machine that builds fat mass. Even then I could not be called either an anti-bodybuilder or just a fool. Direct road to "Weighted and Happy".

    I decided that everything is fine, but in moderation. I will advise my wife to try using fructose in some baking and preservation, as it somewhat changes their aroma and taste in better side and I love to eat. But also in moderation!

    I hope that I explained everything clearly and even a little amused. I will be glad to comments and links to the article in in social networks. Subscribe, friends, let's learn something new together. Goodbye!

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