It is worth communicating with the former if you have feelings. Do I need to communicate with ex-lovers


State your thought clearly

Men perceive speech by means of logic, therefore they hear exactly what is said, and women connect intuition and emotions, so they see hints everywhere. Therefore, if you want to achieve something from a man, talk about it directly. Even the most transparent hints in this case do not work. Just say it straight!

Male hearing is weaker than female. Women hear the subtlest intonations of the voice, and men - not always. Therefore, when you ask a man for something, do it in a soft and kind voice.

Don't ask for everything at once

You can ask a man to do something or tell him how he should do it. But not both options. If you know how to do what you need to at its best- go and do it yourself. If you want a man to do this, then first praise even a mediocre version of his work, and next time point out the shortcomings.

For example, you want a man to wash the dishes. Even if he fulfilled your request, but at the same time washed the plate badly, you do not need to wash after him or criticize. Just next time put this unwashed plate to him so that he understands what such negligence threatens him with.

dress nice

It is noticed that men are much more willing to make concessions attractive women than those who do not care about their appearance. Moreover, the vision of men is quite erotic, while women remember any details of the picture better. How can you use it for your own purposes?

You are a woman, and this is your main trump card, use it. Even if between you and your interlocutor there are no and are not planned any intimate relationships If this man is your boss or colleague, don't assume that he doesn't notice that you are a woman. Therefore, if you are going to ask for something, you must look perfect.

Get rid of the commanding tone

When asking a man, do not use imperative mood(go there, don't do that, etc.). Such a wording of a request or advice is always perceived by a man as an attempt to control him, an encroachment on his freedom. It is better to use a request-question: "Honey, I started cleaning, could you help me?", (instead of: "Vacuum the house and dust it.")

You can also use a rhetorical question: "I'm late at work tomorrow, I don't even know how to pick up the child from kindergarten?", (instead of: "Tomorrow pick up the child from kindergarten.")


The easiest way is to persuade a person to provide you with a service when he is comfortable, his physiological needs satisfied, and he feels harmony with the world around him. For men, this moment is the feeling of satiety. Simply put, ask a man to fulfill your desire after he has eaten.

A well-fed man is more accommodating and accommodating than a hungry man. Do you want to persuade your husband to make an unscheduled visit to your mother? Wait for him to eat. Looking for the right moment to ask your boss for a raise? Wait until he comes back from his lunch break.

pretend to be incompetent

Asking a man for help, in some way, you give him a compliment, that is, you make it clear that you would not have coped without him. Men really like it. Having fulfilled any of your requests, they already fall under your influence, with their help they let you know that they are ready to patronize you, to help in the future. You can skillfully use this unspoken promise. The most important thing is that your request be fulfilled.

After all, if he cannot help you, then by doing so you will put him in an awkward position, and he will have an unpleasant aftertaste from communicating with you. In the future, this may even be the reason that a man will begin to avoid you.

Biggest to Smallest

One of effective techniques how to get what you want lies in moving from a larger requirement to a smaller one in time. In fact, this technique is used quite often, just not consciously. For example, remember how you beg your loved one to please you. Perhaps like this: “Darling, you promised that for the weekend we would go out of town just the two of us. Too busy on weekends? Then let's at least go to a restaurant? Or like this: “When will we finally start to make repairs? No time? Then at least fix the faucet.”

If you learn to use this technique at the right moments, then you can achieve both the rest you dream of and the long-awaited repair.

Don't be his victim

Very often, when a woman asks for help, men use their defensive tactics. For example, to avoid housework, men use two tricks: “I can’t do anything” or “Hands in the wrong place.” As soon as you ask a man for help, he enthusiastically gets down to business, but does everything the way he does. In the end, you still have to redo everything. This is repeated until you decide that it is better to do everything yourself than to ask your man. This is exactly the outcome of events the man is trying to achieve.

Another way to shirk work is to provoke a quarrel with a woman. When the work is done, the man goes to reconciliation. How to behave in this situation?

If you feel that your man is helping you without much enthusiasm, it is best not to provoke a quarrel and avoid harsh statements. On the contrary, try to arrange it for yourself. “Darling, did you get up on the wrong foot today? Let me make you strong coffee - you will cheer up. After such words, a man is unlikely to want to quarrel with you.

Hello my friends!

In this article, I decided to touch on a very important topic - whether to ask for help and how to do it. The point is that in Lately I have come across a situation where this issue has been raised several times. And I realized that a lot of people completely misunderstand this topic. And so the idea for this article was born.

Should I ask for help?

This question is answered in different ways. And opinions here diverge literally to polar opposites. Some people believe that there is nothing wrong with asking for help and accepting it. Others, on the contrary, believe that by asking for help, they show their weakness, fall into a dependent position and then they will still have to, because nothing in this world is given just like that.

Let's take a closer look at this important issue.

Yes, indeed, by asking for help, you show that you know and can do far from everything. And here the question of your attitude to this situation comes to the fore. Those people who calmly ask for help perceive that they do not know everything and can, calmly and reasonably - well, judge for yourself, because not a single person can know and be able to EVERYTHING!

But those for whom it is difficult to ask for help are subconsciously tuned to the fact that if you cannot do something yourself, then you are not good enough. This position is also ambiguous - on the one hand, it can serve as an incentive for development (to learn, learn something new, improve), and on the other hand, it can become a reason for low (I don’t know how, I don’t know).

But in any case, such a subconscious attitude (if you can’t do something, then you’re not good enough) is inherently wrong. Each person is unique and valuable in itself, regardless of their skills and knowledge. And you have to learn to separate yourself main value for yourself in this world) and your knowledge, skills, resources, etc. It's not the same! You are not your ability or inability to cook porridge or drive a car. Please remember this!

So, if you are one of those people who find it difficult to ask for help precisely because they feel not "cool" enough, I suggest that every time you have such situations, be aware and look at everything it is logical - you are not God, to be able and know everything. So you are not at all ashamed not to understand some issues. Feel free to take it for granted.

The unwillingness to ask for help speaks of (“They won’t wait!”), (“You can’t show that I can’t do it, otherwise they will stop respecting me” (love, etc.). In principle, we can say that situations where you need to ask for help, how litmus test show your complexes, etc. Track them, "catch" with help and work on them.You can and should benefit from any situation for yourself!

Why is it important to ask for help?

Asking for help is important and necessary not only in order to get this specific help from a specific person. By voicing your request, you formulate a kind of request from the Universe to get what you want. And even if special person right now you will be denied help, the Universe has heard you. Therefore, such situations often occur when you were refused in one place, and suddenly “unexpectedly, unexpectedly” help came from somewhere else.

And here we come to a very important issue, for which I, in fact,
and I am writing this article - an appeal for help to higher powers. The fact is that often we do not even remember that we can ask the Universe, our angels, even our ancestors for help (there is a huge power in our Family!). We are struggling with some task, we are exhausted in difficult situation, we fall into despair when problems pile up ... But very, very often we continue to be in the state of “I have to deal with this!” without remembering that we are not alone and are not abandoned without support in this world!

The most important thing, which you need to know (and having learned which, I was just taken aback - it explains so much !!!) is that higher power CANNOT give us help if we DID NOT ASK for it!!! The fact is that an unshakable rule applies here - the will of a person is inviolable for higher powers. They have no right to interfere in our lives without our permission. And even if our angels see how we suffer and suffer (moreover, this causes suffering to them too!), they cannot begin to help us until we ask - that is, until we give permission to interfere in this way in our lives!

When I learned about this, a lot of things became clear to me. That is why it so often happens that people find themselves as if “abandoned” by God (as they themselves think), left without help - they simply do not allow them to help - they do not ask for it!

People who communicate with higher powers (channelers) say that our angels really want to help us, they are ready to do it every second! However, we ourselves do not give them such an opportunity! Moreover, angels become stronger the more often they are asked for help! They love to help, it's a pleasure for them! Therefore, our beliefs, such as that we should not often disturb the higher powers with our requests, are incorrect.

No wonder it is said “Ask, and it will be given to you!”. Because only by identifying our need for help, we can get this help. And please remember one simple thing- NOT A SINGLE request for help goes unnoticed by the Universe! And no request for help goes unanswered!

So ask and accept help. And you will see how much easier and more joyful your life can be when you allow yourself to receive help!

Your Ekaterina

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Many of us know how to address a person at a distance, for example, through an ad in global network or by writing a letter. Another thing is when you have to ask for help from people personally. This is where the difficulties arise due to the inability to choose Right words and correctly explain the reason for seeking a certain amount. Below we will consider recommendations on how to obtain financing, and in what places to look for rich investors.

Where to ask for financial assistance from people - options

The first step is to create a list of sponsors who can donate the amount of interest. Here you can use different options:

  • We include in the list of rich people whom we knew before. Priority should be given to those investors who have previously transferred a certain amount.
  • After creating the list, we determine who from the above list is the most promising financially.
  • We use special services with which you can identify people inclined to charity. Alternatively, you can use the "Search for Donors" program.

How to ask for financial assistance from people - a personal meeting

The next stage is more difficult, because it requires a personal meeting with a person (sponsor). If the money is raised by the company, the investor may ask how the amount transferred earlier was spent. In addition, the potential benefactor will clarify how the newly donated money will be used. To avoid rejection, it is important to come up with words and phrases in advance that will sound as convincing as possible.

If it is clear that a person is reluctant to make contact, it is important to find arguments that will convince him, help to find the necessary point of contact. It is worth considering that many managers hire employees to resolve issues with charity. It is more difficult with such persons, because they do not manage their own money and try to curry favor with the leaders.

How to ask for financial assistance from people and get it?

To minimize the risk of rejection, it is important to rehearse the appeal in advance, collect the necessary arguments “in a bunch” and highlight the most important ones. You need to start the conversation right and move the conversation in the right direction. The result of communication should be material assistance in money and necessarily in the amount of interest to the needy party.

We also take into account a few important tips:

  • Before the start of communication, we rehearse the speech in front of the mirror. By already looking into your reflection, it's easy to deduce how persuasive you are.
  • We pronounce the phrases that will be pronounced during communication out loud. At the output, they should sound natural, without trembling in the voice and with a touch of confidence. To successfully ask financial assistance in people, the appeal should sound like their own, and not memorized and imposed by an outsider.
  • We record actions (training) on ​​audio and video in order to look at ourselves from the side. It is important to understand whether your posture, words, intonation and diction make you want to invest money. We rehearse until the desired result is achieved.

Where can you ask for help from people without a personal appeal?

If the option with a personal request is not suitable, you can go more simple way- form own page help on the site The advantage is that there is no need for direct contact. You only need to register, add an ad with complete information about the purpose of raising money and the required amount, and then accept donations from rich people to a bank card, account or EPS wallet.

All people always want something, and most often it is associated with getting someone's help. Considering how much time they spend trying to convince others to help themselves, it's surprising that they rarely think about whether they're using the right methods. So, why waste time trying out new tactics when you can jump right into the science? This article has collected some tricks and methods that will help almost anyone to get someone's help.

1. Explain the reason for your request.

A person should only remember the moment when he was in a hurry somewhere, and he had to wait in line for something important. Most likely, he did not achieve something good if he simply asked: “Can I go first?”. But the chance of persuading someone to agree to this proposal would increase by more than 50 percent if he added something very important: a reason. “Can I go first because I really need to catch my flight?” or even, "Can I go first, I'm in a hurry?" The more requests, the more reasons a person needs to provide an opponent to really increase your chances of getting what they want.

2. Listen first, then ask for a favor.

This works well with people the person has never met, but one can also talk to someone they already know and still have the same effect. So, how can you present your request in a way that increases the chances that people will actually want to do it? To do this, you need to know who they are and what motivates them.

3. A real gift in exchange for a person's help.

Like the exchange of information, the norm of reciprocity is a social convention that makes people return a favor to those who, when someone helped them. Charity organisations use this principle when giving unconditional gifts. But one must be careful when using this approach: providing external incentives can actually reduce returns in certain situations, especially when we are talking about charity.

4. "Play on words."

There are many quick-and-dirty language tricks that, while seemingly minor, can still have a big persuasive advantage. For example, you can try saying "I" instead of "you". Compare: "You need to go to the grocery store" and "I'm starting to get stressed out because I have to go to the grocery store."

5. You must ask in person.

These days we all rely on email or text communication, but this is not at all as effective as looking someone in the eye and asking for help. And the difference is huge: a pair of experiments conducted by researchers in 2016 showed that completely strangers Those who receive an inquiry in person are 34 times more likely to complete a survey than strangers who were asked by email.

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