Simple and effective methods of getting rid of the gag reflex. Gag reflex: how to get rid of, causes.


The gag reflex is the body's response to get rid of foreign bodies that could theoretically cause blockage of the airways and lead to death. However, sometimes this unconditional response can become an obstacle to some manipulations, for example, in the treatment of teeth.

What is a gag reflex?

Vomiting is familiar to every person as the involuntary ejection of food from the stomach. This is a complex motor act in which the smooth muscles of the stomach and small intestine take part. The gag reflex is regulated by the structures of the brain. It is there, in the medulla oblongata, that the so-called vomiting center is located. It is activated by impulses from visual, gustatory and olfactory analyzers.

The gag reflex is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which is inherent not only in adults, but also in children. In children due to underdevelopment digestive system this phenomenon is more common, so vomiting may not always indicate a disease.

The situation is quite different with adult patients. If an increased gag reflex to common stimuli appears, you should consult a specialist, because this symptom can be a manifestation of a serious illness.

Vomit usually consists of undigested pieces of food. Also there may be gastric juice, mucus, and sometimes blood.

Vomiting in itself is a symptom that should start to worry about the state of health. In some cases, self-medication can also help in this situation. However, if any impurities appear in the vomit, especially mucus and blood, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

What is it for?

The gag reflex is necessary for a person during infancy. The fact is that the newborn still does not know how to chew, much less swallow. Therefore, if there is a threat that food will get stuck in the esophagus, its evacuation is activated. In this case, the baby simply sticks out the tongue. With the maturation of a person, it is no longer so easy to cause this reflex.

What diseases can cause the appearance of a gag reflex

Due to the fact that vomiting is a very important symptom, the need to establish what stimulates its appearance comes to the fore. There are several types of gag reflex:

  • Central origin. The vomiting center is located in the brain, so a symptom may appear with an increase in intracranial pressure, a hypertensive crisis, epilepsy, etc.;
  • Psychogenic. Appears in response to a taste, visual or olfactory stimulus;
  • Toxic. In case of alcohol poisoning, certain drugs, as well as some metabolic disorders;
  • Visceral. With irritation of the digestive system;
  • Functional.

The appearance of vomiting is not specific to any time of day. However, do not forget that the cause of the gag reflex in the morning can be not only intoxication, but also pregnancy.

Factors stimulating the appearance of the gag reflex

Gagging may occur due to irritation of the root of the tongue and the back of the throat. In this regard, the evacuation of the contents of the stomach may appear not only in connection with any diseases. Even such mundane things as brushing your teeth or dental procedures can stimulate the appearance of vomiting.

Sometimes a gag reflex can occur when smoking. This may be due to intoxication of the body, because tobacco smoke consists of substances harmful to the body. chemical compounds. They can accumulate in the smoker's body, leading to vomiting. In addition, smoking causes spasm of small vessels, which can provoke a hypertensive crisis, which means that there is a risk of vomiting of central origin.

During dental procedures

Some people have a gag reflex when brushing their teeth. This may occur due to the immunity of the body to any component of the toothpaste: taste or smell. Also, the cause may be the mechanical impact of the brush.

If vomiting occurs during brushing your teeth, then you need to check whether the procedure is performed correctly. You can consult your dentist about this.

Sometimes the gag reflex may begin to disturb the patient during certain dental procedures. Most often, discomfort appears on psychological reasons: lack of a sense of security or fear of doctors. In this regard, it is recommended to mentally prepare in advance for a visit to the dentist.

In order to make it easier to relax, you can take sedative infusions or herbs on the eve of the visit. in a good way to distract the patient from unpleasant thoughts during the procedure is a TV or music. Of course, it is worth remembering that The best way calming the patient lies in the benevolence of the specialist himself.

Another method of helping a patient with an increased gag reflex during dental treatment is the use of local anesthetics. Additionally, application tools can be used. They need to lubricate the sensitive tissues of the oral cavity: the root of the tongue and the back wall of the pharynx.

If the patient has difficulty with dental treatment due to the gag reflex, then the doctor must carefully monitor the position of the patient in the chair. The fact is that in the prone position, saliva, accumulating at the root of the tongue, can irritate it and this can lead to vomiting. Therefore, it is very important to remove accumulated saliva in a timely manner.

How to deal with the gag reflex on your own

Sometimes you have to cope with the urge to vomit on your own. For those who do not know how to suppress the gag reflex, here are a few recommendations that will help in solving the problem.

In some cases, when visiting the dentist, patients may experience a gag reflex. This phenomenon happens quite often and there is little pleasant here. For this reason, every trip to the dentist literally turns into torture. Fortunately, this process is not a pathology and is quite natural. For the most part, it is associated with psychological features body, hypersensitivity to smells and taste sensations.

The situation can be complicated by a long preparation for going to the clinic. The patient in this case inadvertently imagines the whole process of treatment, reinforcing the already tense situation. As noted by many dentists, the patient's gag reflex can be reduced by distracting his attention with something.

Necessary measures

How to treat teeth with an increased gag reflex? There are some ways that work effectively. Many doctors advise such patients to prepare a little. To do this, before going to bed, you need to take a decoction of herbs with a calming effect. You can also take one of the sedative drugs: Novopassit or Afobazol. The same should be done in the morning on the day of going to the dentist.

It is also necessary to prepare yourself psychologically: you should not imagine how the whole process will go and pull yourself up every time bad thoughts come.

Traditional medicine

Certain medications can help reduce the gag reflex. One of these is Adaptol. This drug is taken twice in the evening and in the morning, 2 tablets, when a trip to the dentist is planned. Cerucal also helps well, which is taken before going to the dentist, one tablet 3-4 times a day.

You can also use following scheme: 4 or 5 days before going to the dentist, take Motilium with Cerucal in half the dose indicated in the instructions for use. But for the day and directly on the appointed day, take the full dosage.

By by and large from an increased gag reflex, any drugs that save you from motion sickness in transport help. Some patients already after 2 or 3 visits to the dentist can already do without these funds.

Additional funds

A dentist can also take part in solving the problem: how to treat teeth with an increased gag reflex. In such cases, application anesthesia can be used, which allows you to reduce the sensitivity of oral tissues. In addition, it is desirable to treat such patients not lying down, but sitting, since saliva will accumulate at the root of the tongue, thereby irritating it, causing gusts of vomiting.

Some patients are concerned about the gag reflex during dental treatment - this is an unpleasant phenomenon, so the person begins to think in advance what to do in the dental office in order to reduce the intensity of the nausea attack.

Many days of thinking about the upcoming treatment makes you feel anxious, and sometimes causes severe stress, which can further increase the manifestation of nausea. Going to a competent specialist who knows how to relieve symptoms will create the necessary mood and help you endure dental treatment.

What is a gag reflex?

An attack of vomiting is expressed in the uncontrolled release of gastric contents. The smooth muscles of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine are involved in the process. This phenomenon is controlled by the vomiting center, which is located in the fourth ventricle. medulla oblongata. The activation of this center occurs through:

  • visual;
  • olfactory;
  • taste buds.

Scientists consider the emergence of a gag reflex as a defensive function of the body. It is present in both adults and young children.

  1. Vomiting in a child can often occur due to the unformed structure of the digestive tract. Not always regurgitation in a baby indicates the development of the disease. If the process occurs once, the crumbs are not bothered by other symptoms, then there is no particular cause for concern.
  2. When regurgitation of gastric contents occurs in an adult, this often indicates the development of the disease. When in the vomit, in addition to food residues, there are traces of blood, mucus or other pathological inclusions, this is considered a serious reason to contact a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist.

Causes of an increased gag reflex at a dentist appointment

A strong gag reflex during dental treatment may occur due to mechanical irritation of the walls of the pharynx and the root of the tongue, which is not a sign of any serious disease.

Ordinary procedures or manipulations performed by a dentist can become an incentive for nausea:

  • examination of wisdom teeth - when examining the lower “eights”, there is a high probability that the doctor touches the trigger zones, after which the patient may say that he is sick;
  • treatment without water cooling - when preparing teeth, a lot of sawdust is formed if the handpiece does not have a liquid supply. A large number of dust prevents the patient from fully breathing and can stimulate vomiting;
  • work without saliva ejector - if the patient has a tendency to bouts of vomiting during dental treatment, then the accumulation of a large amount of saliva and water in the mouth can cause it;
  • Impressions are the most common cause of the gag reflex. Before carrying out orthopedic treatment, the doctor must obtain a negative reflection of the teeth, which is done using a special spoon and impression mass.

How to remove the gag reflex during dental treatment?

There are certain effective methods for treating teeth with an increased gag reflex. Often vomiting occurs due to severe stress and fear of medical manipulations. If self-hypnosis doesn't work, try the following:

  • sedative collection - doctors advise drinking on the eve of the upcoming intervention a decoction of herbs that have a calming effect (St. John's wort, chamomile, valerian, mint);
  • sedatives - the use of medications in the evening and on the day of the upcoming treatment will help reduce anxiety (Afobazol, Novopassit, Valerian).

Taking medications will help reduce the manifestations of the gag reflex:

  1. Cerucal is a remedy that eliminates nausea. It should be consumed 3-4 times a day before the planned treatment.
  2. Dramina - drugs that help with the symptoms of motion sickness, are also suitable for combating increased bouts of vomiting.
  3. Motilium plus Metoclopramide - combined use of two drugs for 4-6 days at a low dosage.

The dentist will help to eliminate the attack of nausea during the treatment process. Sanitation of the oral cavity in such patients is carried out in a sitting position in order to prevent excessive ingress of saliva and fluid into the throat.

In addition, an anesthetic spray is often used to desensitize the oropharynx and reduce the severity of the reflex. Many people advise chewing mint gum, which will change the susceptibility to irritants and make it easier to transfer the treatment.

A pronounced gag reflex is not a reason to refuse dental treatment. Before starting the procedure, you should tell the doctor about the problem and discuss options for eliminating the attack.

Video: gag reflex during dental treatment - what to do? Dentist response.

The reflex reaction of the body to the appearance of foreign objects in the mouth is quite natural and is not a pathology. In many ways, this process is associated with the psychological mood of a person, his sensitivity to smells and tastes, the lability of the psyche in good sense this expression. It has been proven in practice that the gag reflex is significantly reduced if the patient is distracted during the procedures, his attention is switched to something else.

When a person prepares for an appointment with a dentist, he himself increases the possible stress in advance, “winds” himself in his thoughts, prepares for the picture of behavior and reaction already presented to him. And this greatly complicates the whole situation.

Reduce stress and nervousness

Doctors strongly advise patients with an increased gag reflex to prepare for admission, take a sedative infusion or herbal decoction, a sedative tablet (Afobazole, Novopassit) at night and in the morning on the day of admission. It is necessary to distract yourself from negative thoughts, not to imagine how unsuccessful and unpleasant the visit to the dentist will be, and even more so to shame yourself in advance. It is good if the patient first consults a doctor, talks to him, talks about his problem in the process of dental treatment. The sincerity and friendliness of a doctor can greatly reduce a person's stress and fear of the necessary procedures.

Medical preparations

There are a number of tools that help the patient cope with an increased gag reflex during medical manipulations. Many of them are used in other areas of medicine. Adaptol is a drug that should be taken 2 tablets in the evening and in the morning on the day of the visit to the doctor. Cerucal is a remedy for taking 3-4 times 1 tablet a day on the eve of a visit to the doctor and immediately before taking it. Another treatment regimen for the gag reflex: 4-5 days before taking Motilium + Cerucal tablets, take half the dose from the one indicated in the instructions. For the day and on the day of admission - the full dose. In general, any pills for motion sickness in transport can be used in this situation. Many patients manage to do without medical preparation already on the 2nd or 3rd visit to the doctor, which once again proves the psychological factor in the occurrence of the gag reflex.

Methods of treatment and additional means

The dentist can also help the patient and make the procedure of dental intervention easier for him. This is achieved by the use of application anesthesia (lubrication of the mucous membrane with an anesthesin gel or treatment with lidocaine spray), while the sensitivity of the tissues of the oral cavity decreases.

In addition, the position of the patient at the time of treatment is important. When lying down, saliva accumulates in the region of the root of the tongue and irritates it, causing vomiting, so these patients are best treated in a sitting position. The help of an assistant who constantly removes saliva from the oral cavity with a saliva ejector is mandatory. When treating teeth in the lower jaw, it is better to perform conduction anesthesia, in which numbness extends not only to the mucous membrane of the cheek, gums, lower lip, but also to part of the tongue. In the treatment of upper teeth, a gag reflex often occurs when the instruments touch the hard or soft palate, so it is better to anesthetize it.

If all of the above measures fail, sedative preparation with nitrous oxide vapor is recommended, in which the patient remains conscious all the time (this distinguishes this method from general anesthesia), his excitability, nervousness decreases, reflexes decrease, including emetic.

Of course, it is not so easy to immediately remove such an unpleasant reflex reaction of the body as vomiting when foreign objects enter the oral cavity. But still possible. The psychological factor in such cases is more than 50% of all causes, so it is important to find your doctor. The first few visits may take place under medical preparation, the need for which will eventually disappear by itself. If the patient is salivating profusely, he may be advised to rinse his mouth with soda or saline before taking. Strong mint-flavored lozenges have a distracting effect, but their effect continues. a short time. You can try to rinse your mouth with a strong mint or eucalyptus flavor during the treatment itself.

Dental treatment is necessary and there is no need to be embarrassed by the gag reflex. Explain the problem to the doctor in advance, discuss possible schemes for preparing for treatment and the technique itself. It may take a little more time and effort for the whole procedure, both on the part of the doctor and the patient. positive attitude and confidence in success is one of the main factors in achieving positive results!


First you need to determine, when exposed to which point of the tongue, vomiting begins. Try to take a toothbrush and slowly brush it over your tongue. Remember at what point the reflex "wakes up". You need to train this point. To do this, massage this point with a toothbrush for several days. The more often and longer you do this, the faster immunity to such influences will develop. As soon as this point stops responding to such exposure, go further. Move the brush half a centimeter further. Continue these exercises for several more days, gradually increasing the exposure time. You will need about a month of regular training to get rid of the reflex. But you need to know that if you do not train for a long time, vomiting after a while, again ...

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Simple and effective methods of getting rid of the gag reflex

The gag reflex is a terribly unpleasant thing. Not only do you constantly feel sick, but also at the reception at the therapist who examines the throat for a sore throat, and especially at the dentist, you can completely inadvertently move a freshly eaten lunch to the floor of the doctor's office, and then cover it with paint from shame for your weak body.

In fact, having a healthy gag reflex is just wonderful. It protects our body from toxins, helps eliminate Negative consequences drinking alcohol the night before or eating stale food. But when the slightest touch to the palate or tongue causes vomiting, it is difficult to call such a condition healthy. Therefore, it must be fought with all possible ways. Existing methods that really help, we will describe below.

Causes of the urge to vomit

But first, you still need to list the main reasons why ...

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The invention relates to medicine, dentistry and can be used to correct the gag reflex during prosthetics. The patient rinses the oral cavity with 10-12% sodium chloride solution at a temperature of 25-40°C for 20-25 minutes, after which, after 10-15 minutes, the prosthesis is placed in the oral cavity. This invention contributes to a prolonged decrease in the activity of the gag reflex.

The invention relates to medicine, namely to prosthetics and implantology, and can be used to correct the gag reflex.

A known method for correcting the gag reflex, taken as analogue (1). According to the method, the gag reflex is corrected with large doses of pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), which is administered orally or intravenously, 50-100 mg up to 6 times a day.

A known method for correcting the gag reflex, taken as a prototype. According to the prototype method, a decrease in the severity of the gag reflex is achieved with the help of a drug - pipolfen...

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Some patients are concerned about the gag reflex during dental treatment - this is an unpleasant phenomenon, so the person begins to think in advance what to do in the dental office in order to reduce the intensity of the nausea attack.

Thinking about the upcoming treatment for many days makes you feel anxious, and sometimes causes a lot of stress, which can further increase the manifestation of nausea. Going to a competent specialist who knows how to relieve symptoms will create the necessary mood and help you endure dental treatment.

What is a gag reflex?

An attack of vomiting is expressed in the uncontrolled release of gastric contents. The smooth muscles of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine are involved in the process. This phenomenon is controlled by the vomiting center, which is located in the fourth ventricle of the medulla oblongata. The activation of this center occurs through:

visual; olfactory; taste buds.

Gag reflex...

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How to get rid of the gag reflex?

For a couple of minutes everything was just fine and I didn’t have to complain about my well-being. And now unbearable nausea just does not allow you to breathe peacefully. How to get rid of the gag reflex immediately is hard to say. This condition is observed quite often and in order to learn how to resist it or completely overcome it, you need the advice of a specialist who can provide effective assistance.

Causes of the gag reflex

Surprisingly, almost half of the people on the planet have an increased gag reflex. The causes of the gag reflex are different, but the sensations that arise in people prone to it are identical. People note that attacks of nausea and vomiting occur most often at the same time intervals, when performing similar actions or using certain objects. This condition is not fast-paced. In complicated cases, a person may need prolonged bed rest, so ...

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The reflex reaction of the body to the appearance of foreign objects in the mouth is quite natural and is not a pathology. In many ways, such a process is associated with the psychological mood of a person, his sensitivity to smells and tastes, the lability of the psyche in the good sense of this expression. It has been proven in practice that the gag reflex is significantly reduced if the patient is distracted during the procedures, his attention is switched to something else.

When a person prepares for an appointment with a dentist, he himself increases the possible stress in advance, “winds” himself in his thoughts, prepares for the picture of behavior and reaction already presented to him. And this greatly complicates the whole situation.

Reduce stress and nervousness

Doctors strongly advise patients with an increased gag reflex to prepare for admission, take a sedative infusion or herbal decoction, a sedative tablet (Afobazole, Novopassit) at night and in the morning on the day of admission. It is necessary to distract yourself from negative thoughts, do not draw in ...

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Increased gag reflex

This page is dedicated to those who have any manipulation in the mouth, and sometimes even brushing their teeth causes a pronounced gag reflex. In some people, this reflex is very sensitive and its zone expands up to the front teeth, which creates certain difficulties at the dental appointment...

Let's try to figure out why this is happening
and how to deal with it.

The gag reflex is triggered at the back of the throat. It prevents foreign objects from entering the respiratory tract. In some people, this reflex is very sensitive and its area extends up to the front teeth. This creates certain difficulties at the dental appointment: difficulties during x-rays taking impressions, using a saliva ejector, treating posterior teeth, or wearing removable dentures. What are the mechanisms of the gag reflex?

Two types of reactions that cause the gag reflex:

physiological - a response to ...

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Where does the gag reflex come from?

If you are reading this article, then at least once you were disturbed by a gag reflex when brushing your teeth, visiting a dentist or an otolaryngologist, eating in excess. People with an increased gag reflex often have to take specific medications and follow a specific diet so that some normal daily activities do not end in embarrassment.

So why can such a disorder occur in a child or adult? How to deal with unpleasant attacks, and protect yourself from them in the future?

Why does this unpleasant reflex occur?

Normally, the gag reflex appears when there is a potential toxic threat in the body.

It is a natural physiological process designed to protect our organs and blood from various intoxications. It is also designed to eliminate foreign objects from the throat, which is very important for maintaining viability in individual situations.


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The gag reflex is the body's response to get rid of foreign bodies that could theoretically cause blockage of the airways and lead to death. However, sometimes this unconditional response can become an obstacle to some manipulations, for example, in the treatment of teeth.

What is a gag reflex?

Vomiting is familiar to every person as the involuntary ejection of food from the stomach. This is a complex motor act in which the smooth muscles of the stomach and small intestine take part. The gag reflex is regulated by the structures of the brain. It is there, in the medulla oblongata, that the so-called vomiting center is located. It is activated by impulses from visual, gustatory and olfactory analyzers.

The gag reflex is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which is inherent not only in adults, but also in children. In babies, due to the underdevelopment of the digestive system, this phenomenon is more common, so vomiting may not always indicate ...

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would replenish the missing submucosal layer of the membrane and weaken, absorb masticatory pressure on the tissues of the prosthetic bed.

The best solution to the issue is the creation and formation of the alveolar process of the desired shape in an operative way, since this reduces the time during which the functions of the oral organs are impaired. From a medical point of view, this approach is the most appropriate. However, patients do not always agree to a second operation after the extraction of teeth, therefore, in these cases, a soft plastic lining is used.

The requirements for elastic plastics are as follows: to be firmly connected to the rigid base of the prosthesis, long time maintain elasticity, have low water absorption, do not dissolve in the environment of the oral cavity, do not change color, and are well processed. It must be admitted that at present there is no elastic plastic that fully meets the listed requirements. Soft pads shown in...

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With the help of anesthetic drugs, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the sensitivity of the soft palate. When any object touches the soft palate (the inside of the mouth), an involuntary attack of vomiting occurs. To numb the sensitive part, you can use special sprays or gels used to relieve toothache. The effect lasts about an hour and avoids discomfort.

"Tame" your reflex. Regularly touching the palate can develop addiction and, perhaps, permanently get rid of excessive sensitivity. This is how circus sword swallowers train, but it takes effort and time: Find out where the sensitive spot is (best done before bed). You can use a regular toothbrush for this. Start at the front of the tongue. Rub your tongue with a brush in the most sensitive place. Of course, this can provoke a gag reflex - but it will pass quickly. Rub your tongue for ten seconds...

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The gag reflex is a natural reaction of the human body, which prevents foreign objects from entering the respiratory tract. There are people in whom this reflex occurs if you touch not the back of the throat, but closer, sometimes even at the very front teeth. Because of this, certain difficulties arise, including with dental treatment. It becomes almost impossible to take casts, treat lateral teeth or install removable dentures, since all these manipulations are accompanied by touching soft tissues, and, accordingly, provoke an increased gag reflex.

Doctors distinguish two groups of causes that increase the gag reflex:

Physiological, caused directly by mechanical action and sensitivity of soft tissues. This happens due to difficulty in nasal breathing, diseases of the stomach or during pregnancy;

Psychological, associated with the fear of dental treatment.

Patients usually experience...

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Vomiting is a very unpleasant and debilitating process for the human body. It is a consequence of alcohol abuse, the use of fatty or low-quality food, viral diseases. Today, medicine has made big breakthrough and treatment of the causes of vomiting does not cause problems. When special receptors are irritated, in the human body, chemical reaction which causes vomiting. These receptors are located in the medulla oblongata. Vomiting is a reflex in which the human body independently gets rid of negative substances, toxins and chemicals. Nausea is a reflex that occurs before vomiting and is expressed by symptoms such as: malaise, disorientation, salivation. Most often, nausea and vomiting are related. Although they can occur separately from each other.

Causes of the gag reflex (nausea and vomiting)

There are several main causes of vomiting:

1 high blood pressure;

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The sensitivity of the soft palate to foreign objects, manifested in the form of a gag reflex, is normal. defensive reaction organism. The gag reflex is stimulated and controlled by nerve endings located in the mucous membrane of the soft palate, pharynx, and pharyngeal part of the tongue. However, some patients have an increased gag reflex, which occurs even with minor dental manipulations in the oral cavity. This phenomenon is highly undesirable during the taking of impressions, complicates the patient's adaptation to prostheses, and sometimes makes it impossible to use them effectively.

It is known that an increased gag reflex can be a symptom of a number of organic diseases and functional disorders of the central nervous system, as well as helminthic invasion. In these cases, an increased gag reflex is eliminated by treating the underlying disease.

It should be noted that vomiting can be considered in a significant proportion of such patients as conditional ...

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Vomiting reflex

The gag reflex begins to periodically disturb us from the very early years. In children, it occurs quite often, and adults may encounter this unpleasant phenomenon. What does he represent? Why does it appear? How to get rid of the gag reflex? We will consider these and some other questions in detail.

Like it or not, the gag reflex is one of defense mechanisms our body. It is a response to many problems. For example, often the gag reflex helps protect our body from the ingress of dangerous substances. How does it work? Its mechanism of action is well understood. It starts, like other reflexes of our body, in the brain. When the vomiting center begins to be excited in it, the urge to vomit begins. This center is located in the medulla oblongata. What is vomiting? Vomiting is a reflex act in which the contents of the stomach are ejected through the esophagus, then it enters the pharynx, oral cavity ...

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This ailment is characterized by the fact that a person constantly, or very often, feels nausea, the result of which is vomiting. Nausea can last for several hours. Outbreaks of nausea, vomiting usually occur at the same time, almost the same in time, intensity. Also, outbreaks can occur when brushing your teeth, when taking certain foods, when visiting a dentist, or when examining the mouth, throat.

Most often, the gag reflex occurs in children 3-7 years old, but can also occur in adults. At any age, manifestations can be so intense, serious, that the patient is forced to stay in bed for several days.

How the gag reflex manifests itself, how to get rid of, the causes of this ailment - we will talk about all this today:

Gag reflex - causes

No one can say exactly how many people suffer from the gag reflex. Studies show that there are much more people suffering from its manifestations than ...

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Folk remedies for vomiting and nausea: how to stop vomiting at home

Surely many have experienced the fact that they ate something unusual or in excess and immediately there is a feeling of nausea and a gag reflex. Vomiting is a normal protective reflex of our stomach, aimed at getting rid of food and liquid. Most often, this phenomenon occurs as a result of poisoning, but there are other situations: motion sickness in transport, during pregnancy, stress, head injuries, sunstroke etc.

But increased vomiting may also indicate some kind of serious illness, so going to the doctor for an examination would be desirable. But even if the cause is not found, then treatment should be started as soon as possible, taking safe folk remedies for vomiting, so as not to aggravate the situation of our stomach.

Folk remedies for nausea and vomiting

• The first piece of advice to give when vomiting starts is to drink as much regular pure water. The eruption is hardly fast...

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Take your toothbrush and run it over your tongue from the tip to the root. Thus, determine the place, upon exposure to which you begin to gag reflex.

With a toothbrush, massage the place that is adjacent to the point you have determined. But don't try to go deeper. Massage can be done during the evening brushing your teeth or specially, at a time convenient for you. Continue it for ten seconds. This is a very unpleasant, but necessary procedure that will help you reduce sensitivity.

You will notice that after a few days of the procedure, the gag reflex is no longer so active. Continue to perform the exercise, increasing the massage time if possible.

Enlarge the area on the tongue that you are working with the toothbrush. When you stop feeling the urge to gag when treating the primary zone, move a little deeper. And now the main thing for you is to develop this zone. No need...

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