Terekhin official Instagram. Mikhail Terekhin starred in an erotic photo shoot


Mikhail Terekhin is a popular ex-participant in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2", which brought fame to a stormy romance with the TV presenter of this project. Today Mikhail Terekhin begins his career as a star lawyer.

Mikhail Terekhin was born on January 31, 1980 in Lyubertsy near Moscow. It is known that young Mikhail was fond of sports and was actively involved in swimming. Terekhin graduated from two higher educational institutions: Moscow Academy of Physical Education and Moscow Construction University. However, the guy did not begin to work in the received specialties, but entered the service in the internal affairs bodies, where he took the post of head of the criminal police and rose to the rank of major of the internal service.

But the police career of Mikhail Terekhin was suddenly interrupted by a loud scandal, in which the major became a defendant. Security officers caught Terekhin red-handed while receiving a bribe from a resident of Lyubertsy. The incident occurred on May 13, 2011, then Terekhin left work for the duration of the investigation, issued a sick leave and went to the casting of "House-2". Upon completion of the investigative work, the young major was found guilty of a crime and dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Show "Dom-2"

The biography of the former policeman became interesting to viewers when Mikhail got on the country's main reality show. Member popular show"Dom-2" Mikhail Terekhin became without much competition. Already on May 15, 2011, the young man crossed the gates of the project perimeter and was warmly received by the participants of the show.

Mikhail Terekhin in the show "Dom-2"

Mikhail in a matter of days turned out to be the object of desire of many girls. In view of this Serious relationships for a long time he didn't succeed. When the ex-policeman realized that no one was interested in him among the participants in Dom-2, Mikhail drew attention to the TV show host Ksenia Borodina.

External attractiveness, the ability to charm and seduce girls, the charisma and charm of Mikhail Terekhin did not leave Borodin indifferent, and in the end a love affair arose between them.

After the TV presenter became the object of courtship of the project participant, Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin met for some time outside the cameras of the show. However, soon the administration and the TV presenter herself decided to discuss these relations as part of a reality show.

Relations between lovers developed rapidly, but were of a variable nature - complete calm was constantly broken by powerful storms in the form of high-profile scandals and public rudeness on cameras. After some time, Mikhail Terekhin and Ksenia Borodina decided to live together and end the relationship for show.

The man left the show and moved to Borodina's apartment, in which the TV presenter lived with her little daughter Marusya from her first marriage.

Despite the fact that they tried to hide the romance of Borodina and Terekhin from the cameras, the scandals in the relationship did not disappear anywhere. For two years of enchanting relationship, the couple broke up several dozen times and converged again the same number of times. Moreover, both partings and reunions were bright and stormy, as a result of which it was impossible to hide them from others.

Borodina's entourage and admirers called the girl's chosen one a gigolo, who warmed himself on the rays of glory of a successful TV presenter.

Personal life

The personal life of Mikhail Terekhin is directly related to the show "Dom-2". It is known that before the project, the young man was married and has a son, Daniel, born in 2005. Mikhail Terekhin's wife Kristina in an interview always speaks positively about ex-husband calling him great father and responsive man.

The wedding of Terekhin and Borodina, which fans of the scandalous reality show were waiting for, did not take place - in 2014, the lovers parted on the basis of family problems and bilateral accusations.

Mikhail Terekhin did not grieve for a long time and was seen in close connection with, known to viewers from the Vacation in Mexico-2 project.

Not so long ago, a man was again at the center of a scandal after a connection with married woman. It turned out that Mikhail Terekhin and Olga Fedotova secretly met, which the paparazzi found out about. As a result of the leaked photo and video evidence, the 31-year-old wife was convicted of intimate relationships with the star of "House-2", after which her husband, businessman Alexei Fedotov, filed for divorce. The affair instantly became main theme all the news of show business, according to the usual scenario, Terekhin bypassed all kinds of TV shows.

In 2016, there were rumors that Mikhail Terekhin got married again. Journalists claimed that the ex-bride became the wife of the former participant of "House 2" scandalous singer Prokhor Chaliapin. At the time of the shocking news, Terekhin and Kalashnikova had known each other for a year, but they constantly claimed that they were connected only by friendly relations.

Anna supported the rumors about the wedding. The girl said that the ceremony took place in the forest near the lake, the holiday was held in fabulous scenery, and after the official part, a romantic dinner followed. The press suggested that the newlyweds used the services of exit registration.

Nevertheless, Mikhail Terekhin did not openly talk about marriage, and Kalashnikova herself did not answer a direct question whether the solemn event was an official ceremony or just a beautiful thematic photo shoot. The rumors were never further confirmed and faded away.

Mikhail Terekhin now

Michael decided not to stay forever former member scandalous "House 2" and the ex-husband of Ksenia Borodina in the eyes of others, so the man found a serious job and began to appear more and more often in the gossip photo alone and in a business suit.

In February 2017, the ex-star of "House 2" passed the qualifying exam for the status of a lawyer. Mikhail Terekhin started his legal career and got a position as a lawyer in the firm. The singer decided to help the newly-minted lawyer, so she not only invited Mikhail to her own law firm Gordon and Sons, but also immediately entrusted Terekhin to conduct a complex and high-profile case.

The lawyer became the official representative of the interests of Olga's ex-wife. Ekaterina Gordon commented on this choice to journalists and stated that she deliberately chose the modern sex symbol, Terekhin, as an opponent of the sex symbol of the 80s, Kazachenko. The singer wanted to demonstrate to society, and especially the female part of it, that even today there are decent men who support women, and do not sue their wives because of children and alimony.

However, in 2017, Terekhin attracted the attention of journalists again with his personal life. The man posted in Instagram"a video in which he hugs and dances with a brunette unknown to subscribers, and then joint photo with a mysterious stranger in the same bed.

In the caption to the photo, Mikhail called the girl his bride Irina and gave a link to the account of the chosen one. Terekhin's followers approved this choice and gave the girl a number of compliments. But on Irina's page, the commentators were not so happy about the girl's relationship with the former participant in the reality show and advised the bride to run away from the ladies' man, whose adventures the whole country was watching.

Some commentators are sure that there will be no wedding, and Terekhin is not going to marry, and the affair with Irina is invented in order to attract the fading attention of the public to Mikhail.


Mikhail Terekhin was born in the winter of 1980 in the city of Lyubertsy near Moscow. He got two higher education- at the Moscow Academy physical culture and in the Moscow construction university. Mikhail Terekhin worked in the internal affairs bodies in his hometown, and held a high position - head of the criminal police department.

Spring 2011 Mikhail Terekhin was detained by officers of the Department of Internal Security of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Moscow Region, in connection with suspicion of extorting a bribe in the amount of 450 thousand rubles. The police major signed a consent not to leave until the end of the investigation.

Mikhail Terekhin was married, and periodically meets with his son from his first marriage, Danila (born in 2005).

From the interview ex-wife Mikhail Terekhin: “When trouble happened in May last year, Misha called me:“ I understand how much I need you. I rushed to the prosecutor's office, waited for him there for eight hours. For the first time in my life I saw Misha crying. He was afraid that he would be imprisoned for twenty years, he repeated: "I'm sorry that I did not justify your hopes." And I decided: this story is a sign, now we will be together. But it didn't work out. In June, I went with my son to rest in Turkey, and Misha went to Dom-2.

Personal life of Mikhail Terekhin / Mihail Terehin

June 15, 2011 Mikhail Terekhin was in the perimeter of the scandalous television project"House 2". The athletic and brutal young man interested absolutely all free participants. He expressed sympathy for Evgenia Feofilaktova, but in the end he himself accepted the courtship of all the surrounding girls - Oksana Strunkina cooked dinners for him, Valentina Volkova washed his linen, and even Evgenia herself learned to make breakfasts for the sake of a new passion.

However Mikhail Terekhin not in a hurry to make a choice. Soon the reason for his behavior became obvious - the former police major had a stormy romance with Ksenia Borodina, the host of the Dom-2 show.

She later admitted in an interview that Mikhail Terekhin immediately won her heart - not a single project participant has ever come to the casting for a BMW X5.

Mikhail Terekhin and Ksenia Borodina did not hide their mutual sympathy - they went on dates outside the perimeter, sorted things out under the guns of television cameras and went on a joint vacation in the company of the TV presenter's daughter, little Marusya.

From an interview with an ex-wife Mikhail Terekhin:

I, looking at Ksenia Borodina, thought: "Ordinary." She probably wonderful person with a beautiful soul, but ... In my opinion, this is not Mishin's type. When I told him this, he replied: “The main thing is that she is a star.”

Soon, the rest of the participants in the Dom-2 project began to annoy the privileges that Mikhail Terekhin: his unquestioning opinion about everything that happened within the walls of the perimeter, his own apartments and the ability to leave the Dom-2 show at any time.

On August 15, 2011, a trial took place, which was attended by Ksenia Borodina. Mikhail Terekhin found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of 450 thousand rubles. After that, the police major received a dismissal order and returned to the project.

March 2012 Mikhail Terekhin left the perimeter of the reality show "Dom-2". He does not talk about the reasons for his departure, but periodically makes statements that he has already played enough and is ready to build his life further. He still meets with Ksenia Borodina, and communicates with his fans in in social networks. The couple finds out the relationship right on twitter, fueling the interest of the audience in their own personas.

When I left the project, new acquaintances promised mountains of gold, Good work. In the end, they let me down, nothing happened. And at that moment, my former friends supported me, to whom in my new life I spent less time than before. I reconnected with my friends. childhood. And life got better. My friends and I purchased a land plot - about 60 acres in the Sorochan area. We plan to build a small hotel there this year.

Mikhail Terekhin returned to the project in the fall of 2012, but he had a good reason - the organizers promised to arrange a competition "Terem for Two", and the couple that will gain the most percentages based on the results of the vote will receive their own house in the suburbs.

However, overnight the situation changed, and the house went to Mikhail Terekhin and his companion, the host of the Dom-2 project. In the perimeter, Ksenia Borodina actively agitated the audience to vote for their candidacies, and once brought Evgenia Feofilaktova to tears.

After the solemn presentation of the keys to the house, Mikhail Terekhin left the project again. Moreover, a scandal broke out - a case was again opened against the convicted ex-police major. As it turned out, former member show "Dom-2" Alina Sahakyan filed a lawsuit against Mikhail Terekhin, accusing him of insulting honor and dignity, and demanding 450 thousand rubles as moral compensation for the insults inflicted on her.

Mikhail Terekhin no stranger to facing justice, and this time around, the popular Russian lawyer Pavel Astakhov will be defending him.

Member Name: Mikhail Terekhin

Age (birthday): 31.01.1980

City: Lyubertsy, Moscow

Education: MGAFK

Family: married, have a child

Height and weight: 182 cm

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Reading this article:

Mikhail Terekhin was born and raised in a small town near Moscow called Lyubertsy.

After graduating from school, he receives two higher educations, first graduating from the Moscow Academy of Physical Education, then the Moscow Civil Engineering University.

But he did not work in his specialty. Instead of this he starts working in the police. He also had a wife, with whom they remained on friendly terms, since they have a common son.

The ex-wife speaks very well of Misha and assures that he is an excellent father and good man. Having received the rank of major, he is accused of bribery and caught red-handed when he receives the amount of 450,000 rubles from a guy who is guilty of one of the accidents.

While the investigation is going on, Terekhin goes on sick leave, and at that time he goes to the casting House 2. On the TV show, the inflated handsome man is immediately noticed and invited to become a member of it.

On May 15, 2011, Terekhin appeared in a clearing and announced that he had come to build love with. Mikhail was immediately appreciated by all the residents of the project. Still, a young, athletic, handsome policeman.

Evgenia accepted courtship, and the young people formed a couple, but later it turns out that Mikhail decided to use Zhenya to stay longer on the project. And the couple fled.

No one else interested Mikhail, but he himself became an object of desire. The girls just went out of their way to please the major.

But he did not reciprocate, because he began to actively look after the host, Ksenia Borodina. Ksenia began to reciprocate him and their relationship began to develop actively.

On August 15, 2011 Mikhail was tried in Lyubertsy, where he was sentenced to a fine of 450,000 rubles.

Xenia was present in the meeting room as his girlfriend. In connection with such unpleasant situation he is fired from the service. Despite this, he continued to be a member of the show House 2.

The romance of Ksyusha and Mikhail developed rapidly, more and more often the couple avoided cameras, and Terekhin began to visit the perimeter less and less, as he and Ksenia spent a large number of time together.

The presenter became noticeably prettier, and the fire of love began to flicker in her eyes. Yes, and Misha has already confessed his feelings to her.

In the fall of 2012, their couple wins the competition "Terem for Two" and wins a house near Moscow, but later luxury cottage they decide to sell.

Later, Mikhail leaves the project and moves to live in an apartment with Xenia and her daughter Marusya. Their romance was very stormy, as the couple had constant quarrels and abuse. Later, Misha was openly called a gigolo and a womanizer.

He was caught more than once in the companies of young ladies, for which Ksenia was beside herself with jealousy. Their living together lasted a little more than two years, and young people broke up with a very big scandal, which later began to be discussed on many popular programs.

On this moment Terekhin has his own small business which he is actively involved in. He also began to take care of himself more: he lost weight and visits beauty salons. Rumor has it that they began to call him to act in films and music videos. And also that he tries himself as a composer of music tracks.

As for his personal life, in the summer of 2016 he had a relationship with Anna Kalashnikova. There was even a staged wedding photo session. There are versions that these are frames for a clip or for advertising a wedding salon.

Mikhail's photo

Mikhail Terekhin has an athletic build, on his Instagram you can often see photos with his son and ex-wife as well as with training.

Intrigue Revealed recent months. Fans of Mikhail Terekhin finally found out why he is in Lately lost weight and worked hard on his body. All for the sake of a photo shoot in the style of BDSM, where the ex-boyfriend Ksenia Borodina was assigned the role of a dominant, and the girl was a submissive. Terekhin's partner was a sexy tanned beauty, whose name was not disclosed.

Mikhail Terekhin spoke about the frank photoset in his microblog, posting several pictures with intriguing captions. True, the most provocative frame, in which he appeared with a naked torso, and his partner in a mask and latex, Terekhin immediately deleted. But even without this, there is something to see! Here is Mikhail Terekhin, a real macho in a stylish suit, taking a selfie. In the foreground there is a Jacuzzi, in the back there is a bed with chains, on the bed there is a whip. "Start!" - Terekhin signs the picture. Further, he appears already with a bare torso, demonstrating his relief body. “We continue,” Mikhail Terekhin says sparingly. However, the photos are so self-explanatory that no extra words are needed! In the next picture, only Terekhin's hands are visible, the sensual partner obediently kisses her master's fingers. Fans are amazed at the candor of the scenes. Some put forward the version that all this was done for one purpose - to arouse the jealousy of Ksenia Borodina. However, Mikhail rejected these conjectures, saying that one of the women's online magazines conducted the photo shoot, and it is dedicated to her. In general, nothing personal. A game!

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