Information about the traditions and customs of different peoples. Interesting customs and traditions of different countries


Traveling, you can notice not only the difference in traditions and customs, but also in the mentality. Therefore, it is important to know unusual national characteristics etiquette.

Every person, born in a certain country, remembers the generally accepted rules and norms from childhood. Growing up, he subconsciously feels which of his actions will be evaluated adequately, and which - with a misunderstanding.

To make the distinction clearer, let's look at interesting features national etiquette For example. How do we go to visit? Often, if planned pleasant gatherings, they take a cake with them (or something else for tea), but “empty-handed” is considered bad manners. On a holiday, it’s nice to take a bunch of flowers with you for the hostess.

But among Chinese people it is absolutely not customary to go on a visit with flowers - this only offends the hostess. Bringing beautiful bouquet, the guest, as it were, hints that the house is uncomfortable, and he decided to decorate it on his own. Therefore, being in the "Celestial Empire", do not overdo it with different gifts.

  • Do not miss:

You shouldn't be too kind in Greece either. Getting into the house of new people, we are accustomed to praise something there. According to an unusual Greek custom, the owner will have to give the guest the thing he likes.

Eating traditions in different countries

Knowledge of the peculiarities of national etiquette provides for the rules of conduct at the table. What forks and knives to use, do not keep your elbows on the table, do not champ, keep your back straight, eat slowly and carefully ...

If you don't slurp at the table in China, the hosts may think that you didn't like the dishes and you eat them without pleasure. In a restaurant, you can easily offend the chef with this. Therefore, do not forget to slurp juicy, taking very tasty food. Also, don't worry about an accidentally soiled tablecloth. It is even advisable to put a small spot on purpose, thereby showing that you appreciated unusual dishes and ate with gusto.

South Korea is known throughout the world for various spicy dishes, but it is considered bad manners to hold back tears at a party. Trying to hide this fact, you show disrespect for the hospitality of the hosts. Tears and snot are the best compliment for a cook.

Interesting and unusual traditions among the peoples of Mongolia and the Republic of Buryatia, where it is not customary to restrain belching at the table. So that the owners do not feed until they lose consciousness, it is recommended to release it without permission. Until this happens, the guest is considered hungry.

Customs and drinks

In countries Central Asia do not be offended if they pour you not a full mug of tea. Pouring no more than half a cup, the hosts show a desire to continue gatherings. As soon as you finish your tea, they will immediately pour you more, paying attention. And a full mug can be perceived as “drink and go!”. This is such an interesting tradition in this part of the world.

In Georgia, your glass of wine will always be full. If you drink it, you will immediately pour another. Therefore, if you want to sit out with the people until the end of the feast, it is better to drink a little.

Traditions in relationships

In Norway, don't give up your seat on public transport. So people will think that you are trying to show your superiority. The school cannot announce grades in front of the whole class, as some students may be humiliated. No need to ask about the health of the employee after the sick leave - this is considered personal life and too intimate things.

In the United States, it is not customary to open the door for a woman, pay for her in a restaurant and help carry bags. By doing this, you show your financial or physical superiority, which is rude.

Compliments deserve special attention, which, as it turns out, not all peoples of the world are happy with:

  • Finland - compliments are not accepted in public, they can only be spoken tete-a-tete;
  • Norway - one should not get carried away admiring the virtues of a person, this is perceived as flattery;
  • USA - compliments to a woman about her appearance may be considered harassment;
  • Korea - do not look for unusual beauty in a girl, rather tell her how bad she looks: it is believed that a woman should look sickly and fragile so that a man wants to protect her.
The most unimaginable sexual customs from different parts of the Earth,which you probably haven't heard of before.

They are not very compatible with the progressive 21st century; many of them seem to be an invention of a writer with an overactive fantasy. But, whatever one may say, these things actually exist and are practiced with might and main. Offers to meet the most unimaginable sexual customs from different parts of the Earth, which you probably have not heard of before.

"Love Hut" for teenagers

In most countries, fathers try to keep their young daughters away from the opposite sex as long as possible. Things are different in the Cambodian Kreung tribe. Here the men don't just approve of the early romantic relationship their daughters, but they even build special “love huts” for them, where girls can bring their boyfriends to get to know them better and better.

In such a hut, a girl is free to bring an unlimited number of boyfriends. Dates, according to the customs of the tribe, can last until the mistress of the hut finds the very one - the guy of her dreams, with whom she will connect life. Probably, this practice is connected with the law, according to which it is strictly forbidden for married couples to get divorced.

Sharing as brothers

Some tribes in Nepal practice what is known as "fraternal polyandry". That is, several men share one woman among themselves. As a rule, such a phenomenon is characteristic of men connected by family ties, first of all, brothers. It is believed that this tradition appeared due to the lack of land suitable for Agriculture. Instead of each brother marrying and living in a separate family, men find themselves one woman and live together under one roof, using one piece of land.

night of change

In Indonesia, a holiday called "Pon" is held 7 times a year. As part of this celebration, spouses are allowed to cheat on each other - to choose a partner for sexual pleasures on the side. Participants of the holiday believe that in this way you can attract good luck. Well, the happiest, according to local beliefs, will be the one who manages to enter into a sexual relationship with the same stranger 7 times in a year.

Sex in clothes

On the small island of Inis Big, not far from Ireland, there lives a community in which sex is considered a shameful hobby. Members of this community are allowed to engage in love pleasures exclusively in underwear, without being naked.

Exhibitionism as a way of flirting

The native women of the island of Bougainville (part of the state of Papua - New Guinea) a rite of attracting partners is practiced through a public demonstration of their intimate places. As usual, if woman walking to such a gesture, it means that she invites a man to have sexual relations with her.

sex lessons

The inhabitants of the small island of Mangaia in pacific ocean it is customary to teach the younger generation of men sexual tricks. As soon as the boy turns 13, he can choose a partner for himself - a mature woman. A lady must teach a teenager all the intimate secrets accumulated over her life. the main task teachers - to explain to the student how to make sexual intercourse the longest, so that his future wife will always be satisfied.

Cocktail of masculinity

An even stranger test is experienced by adolescents from the Sambia community (again, Papua New Guinea). Here, it is customary for boys to be isolated from women for three whole years, so that they are not subjected to temptations. But this is not the worst. During the period of seclusion, teenagers are forced to drink a special cocktail, which, according to local beliefs, will help make real men out of them. The basis of the drink is the sperm of the elders of the tribe.

Love for smaller brothers

In most countries, zoosexual relations are illegal. But there are exceptions. For example, in Lebanon, men are officially allowed to have sex with a pet. True, with one caveat - the pet must be female. For communication with a male, a man is threatened the death penalty. Until 2015, such relationships were allowed in Denmark. "Love" with animals in this state was banned in April and introduced a penalty for violation - a year in prison.

Sex in front of witnesses

In the city of Cali, located in the southwest of Colombia, there is an interesting custom regarding the wedding night. According to him, a girl entering into an intimate relationship with her husband for the first time should do this in the presence of her mother, who acts as a witness.

show night

Something similar is practiced in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia). Among local residents a common custom is that spouses, entering into an intimate relationship, do not forbid their offspring to observe the process, so that they remember for the future what's what.

How many interesting and unknown are hidden in the traditions of the peoples of our planet. And, the mysterious and forbidden topic of sex could not stand aside and, naturally, was reflected in various rituals and customs, sometimes very unusual. So, let's go on a trip.


australian aborigines- wars, instead of the usual handshake for us, friendliness is demonstrated with a slightly different gesture, namely, by touching the penis of your interlocutor.

Northern Kamchatka

Until now, in the remote villages of Northern Kamchatka, a centuries-old tradition of copulation of a guest with the wife of the owner of the house has been preserved. Moreover, for the sake of the consent of the guest, the woman is ready for anything, as this is considered a great honor. And, if after the act a woman becomes pregnant, then at all, good luck and happiness will be to this house and the whole village.


In order to get married, a Tibetan girl must have at least a dozen sexual partners on her account.


Here, the number of sexual relations of the bride is not particularly important, but at the same time, she must have at least two children.


Germany, as well as many other European countries, is famous for the promiscuity of sexual relations between people. The following German custom is especially interesting: when the Cologne festival takes place, passers-by quite seriously offer each other to have sex and have it, sometimes without even getting to know each other.


Local customs force the bride to marry a virgin, and before the girl is admitted to her fiancé, she has to go through the rite of deflowering with a stone knife. The ceremony is performed by the groom's friends, who can practice with him for another three days. future wife your friend for sex. Then, the “happy” newlywed goes to other men of the tribe and, only after them, to her lawful spouse.

South Africa

The men of the local tribes, fearing to bear offspring in the form of twins, who here are a type of sin and the most terrible curses cut out one testicle. In other matters, as you know, the ministers of the harems of the East - eunuchs, subject themselves to a more terrible execution - absolute castration.

Other African tribes force the representatives of the stronger sex to undergo some kind of test before the wedding. Namely, to have sex with the mother of the bride, as many times as needed, in order to prove their worth. True, before that they undergo a mandatory inspection (in literally words: teeth, body, and so on) in front of his future father-in-law.

Central Africa: the Shilluk tribe

The leader of the tribe has the right to marry the most beautiful girls, even if there are more than a hundred of them. But, God forbid, his wives start a conversation about the fact that their husband - the leader does not satisfy them. In this case, the poor fellow is threatened not only with overthrow from his honorary post, but also with death in terrible agony, because, as the Shilluk belief says, an impotent person cannot betray the power of fertility to the earth and the barnyard.

Brazil: Jerusalem artichoke Indians

Local tribes believe that women only like the huge size of the genitals, and therefore, these very organs are subjected to the bites of the most poisonous snakes (for swelling and enlargement)

Micronesia: the Panape tribe

To excite women, bites of stinging ants are used.

Japan and Korea

Since ancient times and still, to enhance passion, Japanese and Korean women use their “crown” technique - a prick of the groin with a golden needle.
Undoubtedly, some of the customs of peoples far from us seem terrifying to us, but who knows, maybe our habits would have shocked them.

From temple prostitution in Mesopotamia to the ancient Japanese sexual tradition with the poetic name "yobai"

In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a night spent by a guest with the owner's wife was considered a special honor for the house. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest with all possible ways. And if she also managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated by the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: the Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" the men who went to fish. Well, in Tibet it was generally believed that if a guest liked someone else's wife, then the will higher powers and you can't resist them.

About quirks

For example, in Tibet, a girl was considered an enviable bride only when she changed a dozen or two partners. Virgins, as you can see, were not held in high esteem in the country of the Dalai Lama. But the Brazilians from the Jerusalem artichoke tribe made impressive sacrifices to please their ladies. The fact is that the girls found only huge genitals worthy of their attention. For this, men exposed their penises to poisonous snakes, after the bites of which male dignity met the expectations of discerning Jerusalem artichoke women.

But the Indians, experienced in love, had much more options for extreme entertainment of this kind. For example, their treatises on the art of love taught the use of "apadravia" - a male piercing made of gold, silver, iron, wood or buffalo horns! And the great-grandfather of the modern condom "yalaka" - an empty tube inside with pimples on the outside - was also invented in India. In Japan and Korea, there was a curious practice of enhancing the male orgasm. To make it more vivid and memorable, a prick in the groin with a golden needle is enough, they say. oriental traditions. The inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands were very inventive in bed comforts. What is only the habit of biting the eyelashes of a partner, this is considered their traditional caress. I would like to see the teeth of these entertainers, because in order to gnaw through an eyelash, the teeth must be at least sharp.
lovers thrill in sex, the Batta tribe of Sumatra had a tradition of putting pebbles or pieces of metal under the foreskin. They believed that this way they could deliver much more pleasure to their partner. Argentine Indians also had a similar idea in their arsenal. They attached horsehair tassels to the phallus. It is terrible to think about the hygiene of meetings with such fellows.
Interestingly, the residents of Tanzania increased their attractiveness. They did not adorn themselves and did not dress up. They stole from the man they wanted... a hoe and sandals! In those parts, the listed things have special value, so the man, willy-nilly, had to go to rescue the property, and there - what the hell is not joking.
And what about our compatriots? In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a night spent by a guest with the owner's wife was considered a special honor for the house. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest in every possible way. And if she also managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated by the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: the Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" the men who went to fish. Well, in Tibet it was generally believed that if a guest liked someone else's wife, then the will of higher powers and it was impossible to resist them.

Japan - crawl and yobai

The ancient sexual tradition with the poetic name "yobai" existed in the Japanese outback until the end. 19th century. The essence of the custom “stalking in the night” (approximate translation) was as follows: any young man, under the cover of night, had the right to enter the house of an unmarried young lady, crawl under her blanket and, if the chosen one was not opposed, engage directly in the delicious “yobai” . In Russian, however, it does not sound like the name of a tradition, but more like a call to action.
If japanese girl came across intractable, then the frustrated young man had to go home. Like any tradition, the yobai custom was governed by strict rules. A potential lover had to go on a romantic date completely naked, as a night visit dressed man was considered robbery and could end badly for him. However, the guy had the right to cover his face and appear before the girl as a beautiful stranger. These are the Japanese role-playing games.

Tibet - one way trip

Once in Tibet, visiting men were greeted with genuine cordiality. IN travel notes famous traveler Marco Polo tells about the local sexual tradition, which ordered all young girls to copulate with at least twenty different men. Either there were few men in Tibet, or fresh girls, according to custom, were intended exclusively for strangers, but travelers were worth their weight in gold here. And those poor fellows who could not stand up for themselves, sexual swindlers literally "teared slippers like Tuzik." Therefore, the trip to Tibet for some of our brothers became the last.

South America - Indian bab formation

The sexual traditions of the Kagaba tribe can forever discourage a man from conscientiously fulfilling his marital duty and having offspring. Representatives of the strong half of the tribe are terribly afraid of women. It's all about the strange ritual of initiation of young men into men: a young Kagaba Indian must acquire his first sexual experience with the oldest lady of the family. For this reason, in marital relations, a man is uninitiated, and if his wife hints at intimacy, then he prefers to cowardly hide in the jungle in a bunker pre-equipped for such purposes (like he went hunting).
It happens that several fugitives are hiding in a bachelor's lair at the same time. Then female half tribe equips a search expedition. Role-playing games of slave and mistress always end predictably. Dissatisfied wives scour the jungle until they find the caches and return their faithful to the bosom of the family.

Africa - food preferences
Who is interested in military parades? Only the military, but the common people demand bread and circuses. The king of Swaziland knows exactly how to make a feast of the soul for his subjects, and therefore every year he arranges a grand procession of virgins. Thousands of seductive scantily clad beauties cheerfully march in front of the monarch. It has become a good sexual tradition in Swaziland when the king chooses from the participants in the parade new spouse, and each failed wife is rewarded with a large bowl of food. And believe me, according to local criteria, this is a royal gift!

The sexual traditions of the peoples of the world are different, as are the standards of beauty. How can a woman from the Zambezi Valley be considered attractive if she has a mouthful of teeth like a crocodile? To become beautiful, a Batoka girl had to get married. On the wedding night, the satisfied spouse turned the “ugly” girl into a beautiful woman, knocking out her front teeth. Such a custom, accompanied by a simple plastic surgery, makes a batoka woman happy and a radiant smile never leaves her face again. In the Baganda tribe (East Africa), there is a belief that sex directly on agricultural land significantly increases their fertility. By the way, such a sexual tradition was inherent in many peoples. However, the natives did not arrange vulgar orgies in the beds of plantain (the main fodder crop of the Bagandans). For the ritual they chose married couple- parents of twins. The event was held on the field of the tribal leader and consisted of the following: the woman lay on her back, a plantain flower was placed in her vagina, and the husband had to get it without the help of hands, using only the penis. According to the custom, the family of agronomists had to demonstrate the miracles of balancing act only on the leader's field. In the gardens of their fellow tribesmen, it was not necessary to play role-playing games, it was enough to dance a little.

Mesopotamia - temple prostitution

Every inhabitant of ancient Babylon had to make a sacrifice to the goddess of love, Ishtar. To perform the ritual, the lady went to the sanctuary of the goddess, sat down in a conspicuous place and waited to be chosen unknown man. The client gave the chosen one a coin, after which they went to some secluded corner, where they made a generous sacrifice.
Once was enough. However, some especially zealous Babylonians constantly practiced such role-playing games, offering strangers interesting vacation for the money that later went to the needs of the temple. It was impossible to leave his territory before the end of the ritual, so a pretty girl “shot back” quickly, and an unsightly young lady had to wait for her prince for a long time, sometimes even for years! Housing and food were provided. Similar sexual traditions existed in Cyprus, and Greek girls sacrificed to the goddess Aphrodite.

Russia is a country of councils

Family life in Rus' is not easy! The couple to be married had to feel this statement already at the wedding. All night before the holiday, the bride according to the ancient Slavic custom she untwisted her braids and sang dreary songs with her girlfriends. In the morning, a bunch of tiring wedding ceremonies awaited her, which continued until late in the evening and on an empty stomach. Even during the festive feast, the bride was not allowed to eat. The groom was also not sweet - all the celebration he was obliged to cheerfully gallop around numerous relatives.
And finally, the feast ended. Exhausted young found themselves alone in the bedchamber and were going to have unrestrained sex and fall asleep. Dreaming! Sexual tradition assumed the active participation of relatives on the wedding night of the newlyweds - the guests screamed obscene ditties under the bedroom windows until morning, and one of them (specially chosen for this purpose) periodically knocked on the door and asked: “Is the ice broken?”. In such an environment, the groom soon began to realize that the mission was impossible, and his efforts were in vain, despite the narrowed body immobilized from fatigue. That's why young spouse gave the opportunity to rehabilitate over the next few nights. If the matter still did not go well, then experienced advisers were connected to it: the brother or father of the groom. It is known that in some villages in Ukraine, an authorized prompter sat comfortably under the bed, from where he helped the newlyweds with good advice on how to do everything right, and at the same time created an atmosphere of an unusual holiday with his presence.

Micronesia - love with a spark

If you are sure that role-playing games with elements of sadomasochism were invented by the notorious marquis, I hasten to disappoint - this is a common misconception. The natives of Truck Island were addicted to self-mutilation during sex even before the mother of the Marquis de Sade faked an orgasm in a simple missionary position. The custom was as follows: while the partner diligently puffed, making reciprocating movements, the ardent lover set fire to small breadfruit balls on his body. It is rather difficult to imagine how she did this during sex ... It can be assumed that the man did not copulate with the whole lady, but with a distant part of her (for example, the heel). These natives are such pranksters!

If you saw a flag hung out the window in Denmark, then you should know that at this moment someone's birthday is being celebrated there.

There is such a holiday "Song Kran" - it is celebrated by the indigenous people of Thailand, when they try to pour water on passers-by and this is considered a wish of good luck and prosperity. In this country, the lion's share of the population considers themselves to be Buddhists.

It is believed that the human head is a divine temple for the soul, and therefore touching the head will mean gross violation personal space and offend a person.

The male population in some Eskimo tribes, lines up in front of a stranger so that everyone can greet him in turn.

The first man to greet a stranger hits him on the head and expects to receive a similar courtesy in return.

This happens until one of the welcoming parties falls to the ground.

An interesting custom exists among the natives living in South America, when they see each other, they begin to spit, thus greeting. And the population of some African peoples, generally prefer to greet by sticking out their tongue.

But this tradition won us over, it comes from Korea, so to show the guests that you are satisfied with their hospitality and you liked the food on the table, just champ loudly while sitting at the table, this will be the highest manifestation of gratitude.

For several thousand years there has been an unusual funerary tradition deceased in the Philippines in the depths of the islet of Lawson. A man, feeling his death, begins to gouge a place in the tree to store his body.

The relatives of the deceased person then take the log with the body far into the mountains and leave it in a cave. In some caves you can find a large number of such burial logs. Even creepy!

We eat our food with a fork and spoon, Asians prefer bamboo sticks for such purposes, Eskimos eat with a knife, and they eat such a well-known dish "Besh-Barmak" with their hands.

If you translate the name, then "Besh" is five, and "Barmak" is fingers.

When a Chinese greets his friend, he says “Have you eaten?”, an Iranian means “Be cheerful”, and a Zulu says to a relative “I see you!”

China is a country ancient customs in which the dogmas in relation to the family have been unshakable for many centuries. In this country, the leading role is given to the father-breadwinner, who must leave behind a strong family branch, take care of the continuation of the family. Therefore, the birth of a boy is a special happiness, but girls bring only misfortune and loss to the family, according to custom. Therefore, the number of men here significantly exceeds the number of women.


Japan is also characterized by patriarchy, but now the differentiation by gender is not so obvious here. We have an unusual attitude towards children under 6 years old - all their desires are immediately realized, so children's crying here can be heard extremely rarely. This feature is due to the fact that at the age of 5-6 children are taken to a school where strict rules and regulations prevail. The mother devotes the first 6 years of the child's life only to his upbringing. The whole family lives under one roof.


In Italy, the meaning of the family is very special: all relatives, even the most distant, are considered a family. It is customary to arrange joint dinners, where everyone can talk, discuss pressing problems. Important role an Italian mother plays, on which a lot depends (and the choice of daughters-in-law and sons-in-law, too).


In Germany, marriage is entered quite late - on average after thirty years (it is believed that by this time the bride and groom will already be able to build a career to provide for the family). Children are brought up at home until the age of 3, and then go to the so-called "play groups".

Great Britain

In Great Britain, the upbringing of children sets itself the goal of forming a true Englishman, according to strict requirements. From childhood, children are taught to restrain emotions, parents do not show love too clearly, but this does not mean that they love their children less than others.


Americans think socializing should be done as early as possible, so they take their children wherever they can (including parties). It is believed that this will help the guys in adulthood.


But in Mexico, the importance of marriage is very small, but the role of amigo is much higher. Amigo is a community of men who support each other and help solve important problems. Often marriages are simply not registered, because they have no social value in a given society.


French women devote very little time to raising children and go to work as soon as possible so as not to lose precious career opportunities. Therefore, a network of kindergartens is widely developed in France.

There are a huge number of customs in the world that govern family relationships. It should be remembered that even thousands of years of tradition should not in any way neglect the value of human life.

In Denmark, a flag hung in a window indicates that someone is celebrating a birthday in this house.

In Thailand, on the Song Kran holiday, it is customary to pour water on passers-by, this is considered a wish of good luck. Also in Thailand where most of The population professes Buddhism, the head of a person is considered a sacred repository of the soul, and touching it is considered a serious insult.

Men from some Eskimo tribes line up to greet a stranger. Whereupon the first of them steps forward and gives the stranger a good slap on the top of the head, and expects a similar response from the stranger. Slaps and kicks continue until either side falls to the ground. natives South America greet each other by spitting. And among some peoples of Africa, a protruding tongue serves as a sign of greeting.

In Korea, to show that the feast turned out good and that everything is very tasty, you need to slurp as loudly as possible.

For many centuries, the peoples of Northern Kamchatka have understood that if a guest has sexual contact with the host's wife, then by doing so he does him a great honor. The mistress of the house made every effort to make the guest want to share the bed with her. And it was considered a special success for this house if a woman became pregnant from this connection. The birth of a child was celebrated by the whole village.

A unique burial custom has existed for two thousand years in the depths of the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The dead are buried in logs hollowed out by themselves, and then carried to caves high in the mountains. In some caves, there are up to several hundred original coffins.

We eat with a spoon and fork, peoples East Asia chopsticks are often used for this, the Eskimos manage with a knife, and the Central Asian dish besh-barmak is called so because they eat it "besh" - five, "barmak" - fingers.

Enter christian church wearing a headdress means committing sacrilege. The one who enters the synagogue or mosque with his head uncovered also blasphemes.

In some places in the East, women still hide their face and body under ridiculous shapeless clothes. Many Africans still believe that a short apron is the height of what they can afford to put on themselves to the detriment of ancient customs ordering total nudity.

To rest in the middle of the day, we sit on a chair. A Tajik or an Uzbek would prefer to sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish style. The Zulu will think that his European and Central Asian friends simply do not know how to relax and are completely devoid of imagination. There are so many ways to sit! Moreover, they are their own, special, for Zulu men and women. And representatives of one of the North Australian tribes most of all like to relax in a surprisingly uncomfortable, in our opinion, position. They stand on one leg, resting the foot of the other leg on the knee.

Greeting, the European extends his hand, the Japanese crouches, and the kamba in Kenya, as a sign of high respect, spits at the oncoming one. A Maasai man at a meeting solemnly spits, then moistens own hand saliva and only after that allows himself to shake hands with a friend. Mangbettu in the north of the Congo greet quite in a European way, by the hand, but at the same time they politely crack the knuckles of the middle fingers.

If you are not tired of the enumeration, you can continue it. In Tanganyika, to say hello, they get down on one knee, take a handful of earth and pour it crosswise on their chest and arms. On the Zambezi, under similar circumstances, they clap their hands and make a curtsy, and when meeting a white man, it is also considered necessary to shuffle your foot: why not the European 18th century?

Greeting a friend, the Chinese ask: "Have you eaten?", the Iranian wishes: "Be cheerful!", the Zulu says: "I see you" ...

It turns out that kissing is by no means as common as even someone who knows that wild chimpanzees are good at kissing might think. So, since ancient times, the Chinese rubbed their noses instead, and so did the Eskimos. The ancient Egyptians kissed from time immemorial, and among the ancient Greeks, according to Herodotus, this fascinating pastime took root relatively late.

IN African tribe Masai people greet each other by jumping. The higher you jump, the more respect you will show.

Aborigines of the Maori tribe from New Zealand rub their noses against each other when they meet, this is such a greeting. By smell, they distinguish fellow tribesmen from strangers.

IN Latin America hugs and kisses are accepted at every meeting and acquaintance.

It is better to greet the Japanese with a bow in the same way as he does you. Now modern Japanese are no longer surprised by the outstretched hand of a foreigner.

In China, there is one ancient tradition- avoid the number four. Because "four" sounds the same as "die." If you need to get to the fourth floor, you simply will not find it, even if the house has five floors.

In the East, guests are traditionally treated to tea. The bowl is not poured full, but little by little. A guest who stays too long will be poured a full bowl, which will mean "Drink and go away."

If in Greece you were invited to visit, do not praise the decoration of the house, because old tradition everything that the guest liked, the hospitable host should give him.

In Spain, breakfast is at 2 pm and lunch is at 10 pm. At the table, they try to avoid such topics as personal life, bullfighting and the period of Franco's rule.

In Malaysia, men are greeted with a bow, and married women it is forbidden to take by the hand.

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