What is the originality of Russian literature. The originality of ancient Russian culture


Outline of a lesson on literature on the topic: Introduction. Historical and literary process and periodization of Russian literature. The originality of literature.

Organization: State educational institution Republic of Khakassia middle vocational education"Montenegrin Mining and Construction College"


    Reveal the originality of Russian classical literature 19th century.

    Help the student to be constantly included in the process of mental activity.

    Complication of the semantic function of students' speech.

    To teach students to generalize and systematize the material.

A task: Ensuring students' emotional involvement in their own activities and the activities of others.

Lesson type: Communication of knowledge and skills.


    Periodization of Russian literature.

    The originality of literature.

"Only the young can call old age a time of rest"

(S. Lukyanenko)

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Update basic knowledge and skills: questions about the curriculum.

    1. “Not only the abundance of talents born in Russia in the 19th century excites me to insane pride, but also their astonishing diversity” (M. Gorky).

How do you understand these words?

    1. What talented poets and writers is M. Gorky talking about? (Of course, about such famous writers and poets as A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, who entered the "golden age" of Russian literature; I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, etc.).

  1. New topic. Teacher's word.

    1. Introduction. Dictionary:

Questions for students:

What does the word intelligence mean?

What does the word ideal mean?

What does the word raznochinets mean?

What does the word revolutionary mean?

What does the word liberal mean?

Intelligentsia - people of mental labor with education and special knowledge in various fields of science, technology, culture.

Ideal - The perfect embodiment of something (in other words, it is the best that exists).

Revolutionary - a person who makes a revolution, opens up new paths in some area of ​​life, in science, in production.

Raznochinets - in pre-revolutionary Russia: a native of petty bureaucracy, engaged in mental work. Various ranks: teachers, doctors, engineers, etc.

    1. Historical and literary process.

In Russia, literature has always been in alliance with the liberation movement. The powerless position of one part of the population (peasants) against the background of the easy life of the nobility contributed to drawing attention to the problem of serfdom on the part of enlightened and humane representatives of the educated stratum, prompted their sympathy and compassion.First of all, this applies to writers.

Inevitable clashes, ideological conflicts lurked in the very essence of Russian life, and the writer, penetrating this essence, could not fail to notice them. Many Russian writers did not share revolutionary convictions. Everyone, however, agreed that fundamental changes were needed in Russia. The West had already gone through a series of revolutionary upheavals, but Russia did not yet know them. The revolutions that have died down in the West have brought people more disappointments than joys.The best hopes turned out to be unjustified.

The greatest innovation of Russian literature lies in the interweaving of its destinies with the destinies of the Russian revolution. By the end of the 19th century, Russia had accumulated such an amount of energy that humanity had never, at any time, had. And this was witnessed by Russian literature.

Pushkin gave Russian literature both a national and universal character. Pushkin is a like-minded person of the first generation of Russian revolutionaries.

The main provisions of the features literary process second half of the 19th century:

1) Russia faces a choice further ways development, the main questions: "Who is to blame?" and "What to do?". Decisive democratization fiction. Civil pathos of literature.

2) Literature specialization: Goncharov, Tolstoy - epics, Levitov, Uspensky - essay writers, Ostrovsky - playwright, etc.

3) The plots of the novels are simple, local, familial, but through the plots, the word artists rise to universal human problems: the relationship of the hero with the world, the interpenetration of the elements of life, the renunciation of personal good, shame for one's own well-being, epic maximalism, unwillingness to participate in the imperfection of the world.

4) The new hero reflects the state of the individual in an era of social change; he, like the whole country, is on the way to self-consciousness, the awakening of the personal principle. Heroes various works(Turgenev, Goncharov, Chernyshevsky, Dostoevsky) are polemical towards each other, but this feature unites them.

5) Increased demands on the personality of a person. Self-sacrifice - national trait. The good of others is the highest moral value. Personality, according to Tolstoy, is represented as a fraction:

moral qualities


6) Both Tolstoy and Chernyshevsky see the source of Russian strength and Russian wisdom in popular feeling. The fate of man in unity with the fate of the people did not turn into a humiliation of the personal principle. On the contrary, at the highest level spiritual development the hero comes to the people (the epic novel "War and Peace").

3.3. Periodization of Russian literature.

1 period: 1825-1861 - noble;

2 period: 1861-1895 - Raznochinskiy;

3 period: 1895-… proletarian.

Peasant unrest swept across the country. The issue of the liberation of the peasants became very relevant. The upsurge of peasant unrest caused an upsurge in public opinion.Since 1859 2 historical forces stand out: revolutionary democrats, liberals.

    1. The originality of literature.

The second half of the 19th century is a “golden” time, but unlike the first half, the second half has its own characteristics associated with social conditions. In the literature of the first half of the 19th century, the hero was a nobleman - an "extra" person who approached great deeds, but was spoiled by his upbringing. By the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, the nobility had exhausted its progressive possibilities, and began to revive:Pechorin, Onegin gradually turned into Oblomov.

The nobility leaves the stage of political struggle. They are being replaced by rogues. The appearance on the stage of the political struggle of the raznochintsy did not take place without the merit of Russian literature.Russian literature is the literature of social thought.

And also before thinking people numerous “whys” constantly emerged relating to public life and to human relationships.Literature has taken the path of a comprehensive study of life.

In the literature of the 19th century, styles and attitudes are closely intertwined, artistic means and artistic ideas. As a result of the interaction of all these trends, realism begins to take shape in Russia as a completely new stage in literature's understanding of man and his life.The founder of this trend is A.S. Pushkin. Its basis is the principle of life's truth, which guides the artist in his work, striving to give a complete and true reflection of life. At the core critical realism lay positive ideals - patriotism, sympathy for the oppressed masses, the search for goodie in life, faith in the bright future of Russia.


Questions for consolidation:

    1. What are the main provisions of the features of the literary process of the second half of the 19th century?

      What are the periods of the Russian liberation movement?

      What is the originality of Russian literature?

  1. Homework:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Estimates, conclusions.

Russian literatureXIXcentury

The 19th century is the heyday of Russian literature, which develops at a feverish pace; directions, currents, schools and fashions change with dizzying speed; Each decade has its own poetics, its own ideology, its own artistic style. The sentimentalism of the tenth years gives way to the romanticism of the twenties and thirties; the forties see the birth of Russian idealistic “philosophy” and Slavophile teachings; the fifties - the appearance of the first novels by Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy; the nihilism of the sixties is replaced by the populism of the seventies, the eighties are filled with the glory of Tolstoy, the artist and preacher; begins in the nineties new bloom poetry: the era of Russian symbolism.

By the beginning of the 19th century, Russian literature, having experienced the beneficial effects of classicism and sentimentalism, was enriched with new themes, genres, artistic images and creative techniques. She entered her new century on the wave of the pre-romantic movement aimed at creating a national literature, original in its forms and content, and meeting the needs of the artistic development of our people and society. It was a time when, along with literary ideas, all kinds of philosophical, political, and historical concepts that had formed in Europe at the turn of the 19th century began to penetrate into Russia.

In Russia romanticism as an ideological and artistic trend in the literature of the early 19th century, was generated by the deep dissatisfaction of the advanced part of Russians with Russian reality. The formation of romanticism

Associated with the poetry of V.A. Zhukovsky. His ballads are imbued with the ideas of friendship, love for the Fatherland.

Realism It was established in the 30s and 40s along with romanticism, but by the middle of the 19th century it became the dominant trend in culture. In its ideological orientation, it becomes critical realism. At the same time, the work of the great realists is permeated with the ideas of humanism and social justice.

For some time now it has become customary to talk about nationalities, demand nationality, complain about the lack of nationality in works of literature - but no one thought to determine what he meant by this word. “Nationhood in writers is a virtue that may well be appreciated by some compatriots - for others, whether it does not exist or may even seem like a vice” - this is how A.S. Pushkin

Living literature must be the fruit of a people fed, but not suppressed, by sociability. Literature is and is literary life, but its development is hampered by the one-sided imitative trend that kills the people, without which there can be no complete literary life.

In the mid-1930s, critical realism was established in Russian classical literature, opening up enormous opportunities for writers to express Russian life and the Russian national character.

The special active force of Russian critical realism lies in the fact that, pushing aside progressive romanticism as the predominant trend, he mastered, preserved and continued its best traditions:

Dissatisfaction with the present, dreams of the future. Russian critical realism is notable for its bright national identity in the form of its expression. The truth of life, which was the basis of the works of Russian progressive writers, often did not fit into the traditional genre-species forms. Therefore, Russian literature is characterized by frequent violations of genre-specific forms.

The most resolutely condemned the fallacies of conservative and reactionary criticism was V. G. Belinsky, who saw in Pushkin’s poetry a transition to realism, considering Boris Godunov and Eugene Onegin to be the peaks, and who abandoned the primitive identification of the people with the common people. Belinsky underestimated Pushkin's prose and his fairy tales; on the whole, he rightly outlined the scale of the writer's work as the focus of literary achievements and innovative undertakings that determined the further development of Russian literature in the 19th century.

In Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" one can feel the desire for nationality, which early manifests itself in Pushkin's poetry, and in the poems "The Fountain of Bakhchisaray", "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Pushkin moves to the positions of romanticism.

Pushkin's work completes the development of Russian literature at the beginning of the 19th century. At the same time, Pushkin stands at the origins of Russian literature, he is the founder of Russian realism, the creator of the Russian literary language.

The brilliant work of Tolstoy had a huge impact on world literature.

In the novels Crime and Punishment and The Idiot, Dostoevsky realistically portrayed the clash of bright, original Russian characters.

The work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is directed against the autocratic-feudal system.

One of the writers of the 30s is N.V. Gogol. In the work “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, the bureaucratic world is disgusting to him and he, like A.S. Pushkin, plunged into fairy world romance. Maturing as an artist, Gogol abandoned the romantic genre and moved on to realism.

The activity of M.Yu. Lermontov also belongs to this time. The pathos of his poetry lies in moral issues about the fate and rights of the human person. The origins of Lermontov's work are connected with the culture of European and Russian romanticism. AT early years he wrote three dramas marked by the stamp of romanticism.

The novel "Heroes of Our Time" is one of the main works of literature of psychological realism of the 19th century.

The 1st stage of the critical activity of VG Belinsky belongs to the same time. He had a huge impact on the development of literature, social thought, reader tastes in Russia. He was a fighter for realism, demanded simplicity and truth from literature. The highest authorities for him were Pushkin and Gogol, to whose work he devoted a number of articles.

Having studied the letter of V. G. Belinsky to N. V. Gogol, we see that it is directed not only against Gogol's anti-social, political and moral sermons, but in many respects also against his literary judgments and assessments.

Under the conditions of post-reform life, social thought in Russia, which found its predominant expression in literature and criticism, turned more and more insistently from the present to the past and future in order to reveal the laws and trends of historical development.

Russian realism of the 1860-1870s acquired noticeable differences from Western European. In the works of many realist writers of that time, motifs appeared that foreshadowed and prepared for the shift towards revolutionary romance and socialist realism that would occur at the beginning of the 20th century. With the greatest brightness and scope, the flowering of Russian realism manifested itself in the novel and story in the second half of the 19th century. It was the novels and stories of the largest Russian artists of that time that acquired the greatest public outcry in Russia and abroad. The novels and many short stories by Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky almost immediately after their publication received a response in Germany, France, and the USA. Foreign writers and critics felt in the Russian novel of those years the connection between specific phenomena of Russian reality and the development of all mankind.

The heyday of the Russian novel, the desire to penetrate into the depths human soul and at the same time to comprehend the social nature of society and those laws in accordance with which its development takes place, became the main distinguishing quality of Russian realism of the 1860s-1870s.

The heroes of Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chekhov, Nekrasov thought about the meaning of life, about conscience, about justice. In the structure of the new realistic novel and the story, their hypotheses were confirmed or rejected, their concepts and ideas about the world, when confronted with reality, were too often dispelled like smoke. Their novels should be regarded as a real feat of the artist. For the development of Russian realism, I.S. Turgenev did a lot with his novels. The greatest popularity was acquired by the novel "Fathers and Sons". It depicts a picture of Russian life at a new stage in the liberation movement. Turgenev's last novel, Nov, was received by Russian critics. In those years, populism was the most significant phenomenon in public life.

The flowering of critical realism also manifested itself in Russian poetry in the 1860s and 1870s. One of the pinnacles of Russian critical realism of the 60-80s is the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. The brilliant satirist, using allegories, personifications, skillfully posed and conducted the most acute questions modern life. Accusatory pathos is inherent in the work of this writer. The stranglers of democracy had a sworn enemy in him.

A significant role in the literature of the 80s was played by such works as “ Little nothings of life”, ”Poshekhonskaya satire”. With great skill, he reproduced in them the terrible consequences of serf life and no less terrible pictures of the moral decline of post-reform Russia. “The Tale of How a Man Feeded 2 Generals” or “The Wild Landowner” are devoted to the most important problems of Russian life, they went into print with great censorship difficulties.

The greatest realist writers not only reflected life in their works, but also looked for ways to transform it.

The literature of post-reform Russia, worthily continuing the traditions of critical realism, was the most philosophical and social in Europe.


    History of Russian literature of the XI-XX centuries

    Russian Literature Textbook

(Yu.M. Lotman)

3. Great Russian writers of the 19th century

(K.V. Mochulsky)

4. Russian literature of the 19th century

(M.G. Zeldovich)

5. The history of Russian literature of the first

half of the 19th century

(A.I. Revyakin)

6. History of Russian literature XIX century

(S.M. Petrova)

7. From the history of the Russian novel of the 19th century

(E.G. Babaev)


    N.V. Gogol (1809-1852)

a) the story "Overcoat"

b) the story "Viy"

c) the poem "Hanz Küchulgarten"

2. F.M. Dostoevsky (1821-1881)

a) the novel "Demons"

b) the novel “Notes from the House of the Dead”

c) the novel "Player"

d) the novel "Teenager"

3. V.A. Zhukovsky (1783-1852)

a) the ballad "Lyudmila"

b) the ballad “Svetlana”

4. A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837)

a) the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

b) the drama "Boris Godunov"

c) the poem "House in Kolomna"

d) the poem "Gavriliad"

e) the story "Kirdzhali"

f) the fairy tale "Groom"

5. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889)

a) the fairy tale "Sheep-not remembering"

b) fairy tale “Konyaga”

c) the fairy tale “Worker Emelya and an empty drum”

d) fairy tale “Self-sacrificing hare”

e) the novel “Gentlemen Golovlevs”

6. M.Yu. Lermantov (1814-1841)

a) the poem "Mtsyri"

b) the drama “Masquerade”

7. L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910)

a) Anna Karenina

b) the story "Polikushka"

c) the novel "Resurrection"


1. The assertion of humanism, citizenship and nationality in the literature of the first half of the 19th century

2. Development of realistic traditions in literature

post-reform Russia.


by culturologists

Theme: Russian literatureXIXcentury

Student: Golubova Elena Alexandrovna

Teacher: Slesarev Yury Vasilievich

Faculty: accounting and statistical

Speciality: accounting, analysis and audit

Lesson on the topic "Stages in the development of world literature (repetition and generalization of what was studied in grade 9). The universal significance of Russian literature, its originality and national identity."

Publication date: 20.11.2015

Short description:

material preview

Theme. Stages of development of world literature (repetition and generalization

studied in 9th grade). The universal significance of Russian literature,

its identity and national identity.

    generalize and systematize students' knowledge about the stages of development of world literature, about the historical and literary process;

    show the features of Russian literature: its universal significance, originality and national character;

    introduce the concept of historiosophy;

    develop logical thinking students: the ability to highlight the main thing, summarize the studied material, draw up abstracts;

    improve skills in working in small groups;

Equipment: portraits of A.S. Pushkin, W. Shakespeare, Dante, Sappho,

J.-B. Molière, V.A. Zhukovsky, N.M. Karamzin;

handout - article "Global Importance

and features of Russian literature.


    Introductory conversation.

So you have turned another page in the book of your life. What's on it? It's up to you guys. For you comes a difficult and at the same time very interesting time: selection time life path. You will need willpower, the ability to concentrate all your forces to achieve your goal, the ability to determine personal priorities and at the same time reckon with those who are nearby. The task is not an easy one. But I think literature can help you solve it. Magic power art will be your good helper.

    Let's remember why literature is called one of the art forms.

    Define an artistic image. Name two sides.

    What is the power of the artistic image?

A distinctive feature of literature as one of the art forms is figurativeness. An artistic image is a picture of the world created by an artist and imbued with his thoughts, feelings, experiences. Two components of the artistic image: what the author wanted to say, and how the reader (viewer, listener) understands what was said. The power of an artistic image lies in the limitless possibilities of its perception.

    Stages of development of world literature. Compiling a table.

Portraits of writers are shown: N.M. Karamzin, V.A. Zhukovsky, Sappho, J-B. Moliere, A.S. Pushkin, W. Shakespeare, Dante.

Before you portraits famous writers whose work you are already familiar with.

    What are their names and the works of these authors known to you .

    What literary eras are they associated with?

    Arrange the names of these periods in the history of literature in chronological order.

    Define the term "literary process".

    Fill the table.

In the course of students' answers on the board and in notebooks, the following entry is made:

N.M. Karamzin - sentimentalism

V.A. Zhukovsky - romanticism

Sappho - antiquity

J-B. Molière - classicism

A.S. Pushkin - romanticism, realism

W. Shakespeare - Renaissance

Dante - Middle Ages.

The literary process is a historically and nationally conditioned change literary trends, trends, styles and genres of artistic works.

Lit. era

Time of existence



VIII century BC -

Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Sappho, Anacreon, Homer

Middle Ages

5th - 13th centuries

Dante, Metropolitan Hilarion


XIV - XVII centuries

F. Petrarch, W. Shakespeare,

M.de Cervantes




Enlightenment realism

XVII - XVIII centuries.

J-B. Moliere, M.V. Lomonosov

J.-J. Rousseau, N.M. Karamzin

Voltaire, D.I. Fonvizin


XVIII - XIX centuries

J. Byron, V.A. Zhukovsky,

A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov

A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.S. Turgenev, N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy

    Small group work ( 6 groups - according to the number of lit. eras ) .

    The task: name the most memorable episode from any work belonging to the literary era on which your group will be working, and say:

    What exactly made the biggest impression on you?

    what you liked and what you didn't;

    what features of the corresponding literary era is in this work.

    The responses of the representatives of the groups.

Analysis and synthesis of responses.

    What has changed in literature during its existence, and what has remained unchanged?

    What do you think: why are works written many centuries ago of interest to the modern reader?

Over time, the era depicted in literary works changes, new types of heroes, new themes and problems, new genres appear, the styles of works and their language change. But at the same time, humanity is still worried about the so-called " eternal themes”: love, the meaning of life, relationships between generations, etc. - they all remain the subject of reflection in literature, and it is precisely such works that are always relevant.

3. Acquaintance with the concept of historiosophy. Teacher's word with conversation elements.

When reading a work of art, we involuntarily “try on” those life situations, into which his characters fall, and internally agree or disagree with their choice. Some of us mistake what is written in books for honest truth, others claim that everything in them is a fiction, a lie.

As we have already said, in a literary work we see artistic image- a picture of the world - such as represents its author. It is he who puts into his creation his own idea of ​​a person, about the relationship between people, about problems and ways to solve them. The reader is free to accept or reject author's point of view. At the same time, the knowledge of the deep meaning artwork- Not only a fun activity. The most important thing in this process is the knowledge of the surrounding world and oneself in it.

The system of views of the writer on the world, on historical process, to the place of a person in it, to the relationship between people is called historiosophy.

IV . Artistic achievements of Russian literature. Her national characteristics . Group work.

Note. Material about the features of Russian literature can be presented in different ways: in in electronic format(in a classroom equipped with a sufficient number of computers), in the form of a textbook article (although there are textbooks on new program in early September, I doubt it very much), in the form of handouts - the text of the article.

The task: read the article, make up its thesis.

Article variant

Russian literature is one of the most important components of the world literary process. A special role in this process belongs to Russian literature of the 19th century, namely the literature of critical realism.

At the basis of the exceptional development of Russian realism in

The 19th century is the growth of the liberation movement, the center of which by the end of the 19th century moves from the West to Russia and leads to revolutions at the beginning of the 20th century. In the second half of the 19th century, Russian realism began to exert a powerful influence on world literature.

The creative scope of Russian realism manifested itself, among other things, in a variety of genres, especially novels. This is a philosophical and historical novel by L.N. Tolstoy, a socio-political novel by I.S. Turgenev, a psychological novel by F.M.

Western literature showed the tragedy of the individualistic personality under the bourgeois system - Russian literature put forward the tragedy of the people in the first place and made the tragedy of man dependent on it. This is its historicism. The Russian writer makes his hero responsible for the entire course of history, and therefore guilty of its unsuccessful course.

Another distinguishing feature of Russian literature is nationality. Remember at least the works of N.A. Nekrasov. In them - folk life, people's perception of life, the soul of the people.

But the most amazing, bewitching thing in Russian literature is its psychological analysis. In this regard, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky had a huge impact on the entire world literature.

Russian literature of the 19th century plays an important role in the world literary process.

From the second half of XIX century, Russian realism has influenced the development of world literature.

The variety of genres of the novel is one of the manifestations of the creative scope of Russian literature of the 19th century.

Historicism of Russian literature - in the image of fate individual hero as part of the fate of the people, responsibility individual person for the course of history.

A distinctive feature of Russian literature is nationality, understood as a reflection of the people's soul.

The psychologism of the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky had a huge impact on world literature.

    Reflection. Group work.

    1. Compilation of sencanths on the topic "Literature".


Note. SENKANT is one of the forms of work of students in the method of critical thinking. Represents a kind of poem in prose, each subsequent line of which, with the exception of the last, is longer than the previous one by one word. Allows you to summarize the studied material in a concise form.


1. Word (topic).

2. 2 words (adjectives).

3. 3 words (actions)

4. A phrase of four words.

5. Word (synonymous with the topic).


1. Literature

2. Folk, realistic.

3. Criticizes, investigates, influences.

4. Russian literature is distinguished by historicism.

5.Picture of the world.

    Development and protection of projects for the cover of a textbook on literature for grade 10.

In the summer, you read some of the works studied in the 10th grade, and you formed a certain opinion about this period in the history of literature. Discuss these opinions in groups and suggest a cover for a 10th grade literature textbook. Get ready to defend your project.

    Writing an article "Advice to ninth-graders when studying literature."

The task: your younger comrades, ninth graders, are now at the beginning of the path that you have already traveled over the past year. Share your experience with them - write an article in the school wall newspaper "Tips for ninth-graders when studying literature."

3.1. Students of the first group, who have the skills to create such works, write them on their own.

    The teacher works with the students of the second group, who find it difficult to write such an article on their own.

Stages of work.

    Determining the range of ideas for a future article: individually, then collective discussion;

    systematization of ideas;

    step-by-step writing of an article according to a rough plan:

    1. Literature as a school of life.

      Thoughtful reading of the text is the basis for understanding the author's intention.

      The influence of the ideas of the era on the image of the world and man in a literary work.

      The ability to see the universal meaning of the images created by the writer.

      Studying the foundations of literary theory - necessary condition deep understanding of a literary work.

      Knowledge of literature is one of distinguishing features cultural, educated person.

3.3. The students of the third group, who are at the initial level of learning to write such works, (not to be confused with entry level knowledge!) get the "skeleton" of the future article.

Dear friends!

You have already seen in the lesson schedule a subject that is well known to you - literature. For some, studying it is... (boring duty), for others, communication with literary works, their ... (authors) and … (heroes) has long been... (an integral part of life). Using the right of a senior comrade, I want to say: “Literature is not a part of our life, it is ... (life itself), and in books you can find... (answers to your questions)» . What is needed for this?

Primarily - … (read the text carefully). Any attempts to quickly read "through the line", with difficulty capturing only the general course of the plot, is an absolutely useless exercise that gives nothing to either the mind or the heart. It's best if you read... (with pencil in hand), noting those thoughts that ... (sounded interesting to you). Then reading will become for you not a boring necessity, but ... (a fascinating observation of the movement of the author's thoughts and feelings).

Reading some lines, you will find confirmation ... (to the thoughts that have been worrying you for a long time), while reading others - ... (fundamentally disagree with the author). This is how it should be: any writer is a person ... (of his era), and you are separated by centuries. But still… .

And yet the heroes of Aeschylus, W. Shakespeare, J. Molière, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Griboyedov are still alive! We admire their power... (spirit, feelings) their bright... (individuality), we grieve, we rejoice, we laugh with them. Look at each of them as... (person, person) try... (understand it)- it will enrich your... (personal life experience).

And let me give you one more piece of advice. Let questions of literary theory not seem to you... (something completely unnecessary)- they … ( the key to understanding the author's intent).

By following these tips, you will... (think critically, express your point of view competently and convincingly). Reading literary works will enrich ... (your spiritual world ). And all this will become a pledge ... (your life success).

    Discussion of student work.

    House. the task.

    1. Whole class:

      • compose abstracts for the article "Stages in the development of world literature";

    2. Individual tasks - messages

"Main Features of the Renaissance"

"The Life and Works of Dante".

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Russian literature has an impact not only on the spirituality of the Russian people, but also on the formation of culture and art throughout the world. The originality and depth of Russian literature is also known in other countries, because it has made an invaluable contribution to the history of the world literary process.

It has never been nationally closed, on the contrary, Russian writers have always raised universal human questions in their brilliant works that remain eternal for world literature. But the important thing is how they did it - after all, the works of Russian classics are imbued with humanity and the spirit of freedom, detailed psychologism and a thorough study of the human soul.

Foreign readers first came to know the power and grandeur of Russian literature in 1879, when Tolstoy's "War and Peace" was translated into English. French. After that, the literature of Russia began to win back important role in the world literary process, such Russian writers as Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Chekhov influenced the spiritual life of many foreign countries.

It is believed that with late XIX century, Russian literature has taken one of the leading places in the development of world culture. Since Russia experienced constant crises since the beginning of the 20th century, its literature was of a revolutionary nature.

This prompted a radical renewal of the literary process in Russia, new forms and styles appeared, and constantly changing historical events led to the flowering of crisis art. In 1909, English writers wrote that Russian literature was becoming a torch...

Identity and General Tendencies of Russian Literature

Other Russian writers become known to foreign readers: Nekrasov, Lermontov, Pushkin, Gogol. Based on the works of Tolstoy, Chekhov and Dostoevsky, performances are still staged in other countries, films are made, and their literary heritage carefully studied.

After all, Russian literature is rich in aestheticism and morality, subtle understanding of human morality and deep penetration into the human soul. It can be called general trends world literary process, but Russian writers treated and treat them with special sincerity and deep psychologism, which allows us to find various interpretations of Russian novels so far.

This originality of Russian literature has always amazed foreign writers, its penetration and moral values have no analogues in the world. Many Russian classics are recognized as great thinkers and philosophers, the ideas they put into their work cause real delight and a spiritual response from people, regardless of nation and place of birth.

The works of Russian classics carry humanist traditions, and Russian realism and patriotism has long been known to all the world. Foreign critics have always noted the high ideological and artistic level of Russian literature, so its world value is undeniable.

Russian literature had a huge impact on the formation and development of the world literary process, its spirituality and pronounced moral values ​​shaped the course of the spiritual and cultural life not only at home, but all over the world.

The progressive literary trend, in which a whole group of new, young talented writers gradually united, continued the traditions of Russian realism of 182030. - traditions realistic creativity Pushkin, Lermontov and especially Gogol. Back in the 1830s, Gogol's work was highly appreciated by Belinsky, who already then saw in Gogol the "head" of Russian literature, a writer who took the place left by Pushkin.

In the early 1840s, Belinsky joined the new period ideological development. He sought to influence new progressive writers with his articles, demanding from their work "fidelity to reality", to the traditions of Gogol's realism. Soon Belinsky began to call them the "Gogol school" in Russian literature, and then also the "natural school".

Soon, from the same positions, the progressive 1840s began to portray the serfs. This topic was not new in Russian literature. But realistic image Everyday life and the inner peace of the peasantry did not exist until the 1840s.

Significant changes in the content and forms of Russian fiction, which marked its transition to a new stage historical development took place as early as the 1840s. An atmosphere of heavy government reaction prevailed in the country. Literature and journalism were under unbearable censorship. But the profound shifts that were taking shape in the bowels of Russian society activated social thought and aroused new ideological interests. By the mid-1840s, a certain social upsurge reappeared in the country, and literary life was revived.

Writers new school showed the life of the people in the irreconcilable social contradictions. At the same time, they revealed not only the suffering of the peasants under the rule of the landlords, but also those inner wealth, those inclinations of human development that lurked in people doomed by serfdom to downtroddenness and underdevelopment.

The most important side of the work of the writers of this school was a sharply increased interest in the moral and domestic relations of the life of urban, democratic strata of the population to inner world their representatives, the desire to show and protect their moral dignity. By the mid-1840s, in the work of the nipples of the new school, the image of the disadvantaged people in their daily lives had become one of the important tasks of fiction. Writers portrayed the urban poor, doomed to an abnormal existence, and contrasted their deprivation with the brilliant and prosperous life of the privileged strata of society. Of the writers of the older generation, Gogol came closest to such an understanding of life in The Overcoat, published just three years before the book took shape. natural school". And Dostoevsky had full foundation say later about himself and other representatives of this school: "We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat."

The leading writers of the 1840s followed Gogol in the very principles of depicting life. One of the most important aesthetic achievements of Gogol was the awareness of life in its social and everyday characteristics and the use of many portrait, everyday and speech details as a means of typing the characters. Thus, the progressive literature of the 1840s took a significant step forward in expanding and deepening the problematic of a realistic depiction of life. She possessed, at the same time, a significant aesthetic adherence to principles. Belinsky supported the realistic quests of young writers. So, in the 1840s, the struggle between sharply defined literary trends intensified again. In them, new currents of social thought that were just emerging at that time found their creative and theoretical expression.

Much more clearly and sharply than in the 1830s, in literature and criticism, two camps came out against each other: the progressive and the conservative. In each of them appeared young
many writers and critics who sought to express new social ideas. Both sides put forward new views on the tasks and essence of artistic creativity. New literary trends were clearly taking shape in Russian literature.

Therefore, it is very important to find out the main features of the public views of the most significant writers and critics of this time. Of particular importance are public and literary views Belinsky.

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