important events in everyone's life. Repetition of events in a person's life


In general, I have already written, but sometimes special cases of this very life can confuse a person, due to the lack of an answer to the question “why did this happen?”. If you, like me, tend to analyze everything that happens in your life, then you will inevitably encounter situations, incidents and people whose presence in your life cannot be explained either from the point of view of logic, or psychological, or any in another way. Again, if you, like me, do not like this state of affairs, you tend to keep looking for explanations for these phenomena, again and again returning to unexplained events of the past. As we know, being in the past mentally deprives us of a decent part of the real present, since it takes both time and time. A general explanation like “this is a life experience” is also not always suitable, so I propose to understand this difficult issue today.

Explanation one, karmic

Without going into details, this is the life energy of a person, which he brings with him into the world, being born in the next incarnation. Karma can be improved and corrupted in one lifetime, it can remain unchanged for several lifetimes if a person does not change anything and does not learn some lessons. There is an opinion that all the people we meet in our lives, from loved ones, friends and colleagues, to one-time business partners and fellow travelers on an airplane, are those with whom we knew each other in a past life.

The concept of "shared karma" provides an explanation for the illogical partner choices many people make. Almost every person has an acquaintance or acquaintance who is married to a completely unbearable half - those who treat him badly, do not put him in anything, etc. At the same time, the marriage is saved, although everyone around tells this person that he lives with a monster. What does the doctrine of karma tell us in this case? That these two have some karmic task, which they must "work out", and until this happens, they will continue to meet each other in subsequent lives, marry and swear. In this case, intervention from outside is useless, because the situation will not be resolved until one of them (or both, depending on the task) realizes something that he must realize and change the situation.

Explanation two, based on the fact that man is not omniscient

Knowing everything and understanding the meaning of every event that happens in life is a task not for a person, but for the Divine power. Often our misunderstanding of some incidents and vicissitudes of life is based on a banal lack of information. Has it ever happened to you that a year or even more after some event that you could not explain to yourself, something happened that made you understand why was it necessary? This happens to me all the time, and it happens because I simply cannot understand all the connections and anticipate everything. possible options development of events in my life, and therefore I cannot predict what will subsequently make sense and what will remain meaningless.

As an example, I'll give a psychology teacher who, well, did not want to write a doctoral dissertation when she was young. She did it under pressure, because her then boss strongly insisted on it. Why this was necessary, the woman understood almost twenty years later, when she came to get a job as a teacher at the institute and found out that her salary was almost 4 times higher than that of a teacher without any degree.

Explanation three, chain

Your life is not a chaotic set of events, even if it sometimes seems so to you. In fact, all events are related to each other, one thing leads to another - this is how your life is built. Very often we perceive changes as the end of the world, especially if they concern. During such periods, there are only two questions for us: “why did we break up?” and “why did we even meet?”. I won't tell you the answers to these questions, you can find them yourself). The thing is: you will still meet yours, and then even at the mere thought that you might not meet her, because you would still be with that past person, you will be pierced by icy sweat.

And in situations that are not so dramatic, this connection can be traced. - nothing just happens and sometimes it takes a lot of patience to see the next step, the next link in the chain. It is equally important to be able to let go of the situation and not resist what is persistently knocking at your door. Let's take a closer look at these two points. First, sometimes we get too hung up on what “should” happen: “I good man, I must meet my love”, “I must become a mother”, “I must be promoted”, etc. The events that should happen to you will happen when when you're ready for it, and the time will come (circumstances will turn out in a favorable way).

So don't spend all your energy right now on what "should" happen, trying to speed it up. If you have done everything in your power, but there is no result yet, then you just need to lower the situation and switch to something else. And, secondly, people tend not to notice what is under their noses (resources, opportunities, people) and zealously resist the arrival of positive changes in their lives, because these changes are not served to them under the usual sauce, but come V new form . Be open to everything new, do not miss your windows (which God opens for a person by closing the door) and be grateful for everything that happens in your life, even if you cannot explain it.

The development of world history was not linear. At each of its stages there were events and periods that can be called "critical points". They changed both geopolitics and the worldview of people.

1. Neolithic revolution (10 thousand years BC - 2 thousand BC)

The term "Neolithic Revolution" was introduced in 1949 by the English archaeologist Gordon Child. Child called its main content the transition from an appropriating economy (hunting, gathering, fishing) to a producing economy (agriculture and cattle breeding). According to archeology, the domestication of animals and plants took place in different time independently in 7-8 regions. by the most early center The Neolithic revolution is considered to be the Middle East, where domestication began no later than 10 thousand years BC.

2. Creation of the Mediterranean civilization (4 thousand BC)

The Mediterranean region was the hotbed of the emergence of the first civilizations. The emergence of the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia is attributed to the 4th millennium BC. e. In the same 4th millennium BC. e. Egyptian pharaohs united the lands in the Nile Valley, and their civilization quickly expanded across the Fertile Crescent to the east coast mediterranean sea and so on throughout the Levant. This made Mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Syria and Lebanon part of the cradle of civilization.

3. Great migration of peoples (IV-VII centuries)

The Great Migration of Nations turning point history that determined the transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages. Scientists still argue about the causes of the Great Migration, but its consequences turned out to be global.

Numerous Germanic (Franks, Lombards, Saxons, Vandals, Goths) and Sarmatian (Alans) tribes moved to the territory of the weakening Roman Empire. The Slavs reached the coast of the Mediterranean and the Baltic, settled part of the Peloponnese and Asia Minor. The Turks have reached Central Europe, the Arabs began aggressive campaigns, during which they conquered the entire Middle East to the Indus, North Africa and Spain.

4. Fall of the Roman Empire (5th century)

Two powerful blows - in 410 by the Visigoths and in 476 by the Germans - crushed the seemingly eternal Roman Empire. This jeopardized the achievements of ancient European civilization. A crisis ancient rome did not come suddenly for a long time matured from within. The military and political decline of the empire, which began in the 3rd century, gradually led to the weakening of centralized power: it could no longer manage the expanded and multinational empire. For changing ancient state feudal Europe came with its new organizing center - the "Holy Roman Empire". Europe for several centuries plunged into the abyss of confusion and discord.

5. Schism of the church (1054)

In 1054 there was a final split christian church to East and West. Its reason was the desire of Pope Leo IX to receive territories that were subject to Patriarch Michael Cerularius. The dispute resulted in mutual church curses (anathemas) and public accusations of heresy. The western church was called Roman Catholic (Roman world church), and the eastern one - Orthodox. The path to the Schism was long (almost six centuries) and began with the so-called Akakievsky schism of 484.

6. Little Ice Age (1312-1791)

Beginning of Small ice age, which began in 1312, entailed a whole ecological catastrophe. According to experts, during the period from 1315 to 1317, almost a quarter of the population died out due to the Great Famine in Europe. Hunger was a constant companion of people throughout the Little Ice Age. In the period from 1371 to 1791, there were 111 famine years in France alone. In 1601 alone, half a million people died of starvation in Russia due to crop failures.

However, the Little Ice Age gave the world not only famine and high mortality. It also became one of the reasons for the birth of capitalism. Coal became the source of energy. For its extraction and transportation, workshops with hired workers began to be organized, which was a harbinger of the scientific and technological revolution and the birth of a new formation public organization- capitalism. Some researchers (Margaret Anderson) also associate the settlement of America with the consequences of the Little Ice Age - people traveled for a better life from "God forsaken" Europe.

7. The era of the great geographical discoveries (XV-XVII centuries)

Age of the Greats geographical discoveries radically expanded the ecumene of mankind. In addition, it created an opportunity for the leading European powers to make the most of their overseas colonies, exploiting their human and Natural resources and deriving huge profits from it. Some scholars also directly link the triumph of capitalism to transatlantic trade, which gave rise to commercial and financial capital.

8. Reformation (XVI-XVII centuries)

The beginning of the Reformation is considered to be the speech of Martin Luther, doctor of theology at the University of Wittenberg: on October 31, 1517, he nailed his “95 Theses” to the doors of the Wittenberg Castle Church. In them he spoke out against existing abuses catholic church in particular against the sale of indulgences.
The reformation process gave rise to many so-called Protestant wars, which seriously affected the political structure of Europe. Historians consider the signing of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 to be the end of the Reformation.

9. Great French Revolution (1789-1799)

The French Revolution that broke out in 1789 not only turned France from a monarchy into a republic, but also summed up the collapse of the old European order. Its slogan: "Freedom, equality, fraternity" excited the minds of the revolutionaries for a long time. French revolution not only laid the foundations for democratization European society- she appeared as a cruel machine of senseless terror, the victims of which were about 2 million people.

10. Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815)

The irrepressible imperial ambitions of Napoleon plunged Europe into chaos for 15 years. It all started with an invasion French troops to Italy, and ended with an inglorious defeat in Russia. Being a talented commander, Napoleon, nevertheless, did not shun threats and intrigues, by which he subdued Spain and Holland to his influence, and also convinced Prussia to join the alliance, but then unceremoniously betrayed her interests.

During the Napoleonic Wars, the Kingdom of Italy, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and a number of other small territorial entities. In the final plans of the commander was the division of Europe between two emperors - himself and Alexander I, as well as the overthrow of Britain. But the inconsistent Napoleon himself changed his plans. The defeat in 1812 from Russia led to the collapse of Napoleonic plans in the rest of Europe. The Treaty of Paris (1814) returned France to its former borders of 1792.

11. Industrial Revolution (XVII-XIX centuries)

The industrial revolution in Europe and the USA made it possible to move from an agrarian society to an industrial one in just 3-5 generations. The invention of the steam engine in England in the second half of the 17th century is considered to be the conditional beginning of this process. Over time, steam engines began to be used in production, and then as a driving mechanism for locomotives and steamships.
The main achievements of the era of the Industrial Revolution can be considered the mechanization of labor, the invention of the first conveyors, machine tools, and the telegraph. The advent of the railroads was a huge step.

Second World War was on the territory of 40 countries, and 72 states took part in it. According to some estimates, 65 million people died in it. The war markedly weakened Europe's position in global politics and economics and led to the creation of a bipolar system in world geopolitics. Some countries during the war were able to achieve independence: Ethiopia, Iceland, Syria, Lebanon, Vietnam, Indonesia. In countries of Eastern Europe employed Soviet troops socialist regimes were established. World War II also led to the creation of the UN.

14. Scientific and technological revolution (mid. XX century)

Scientific and technological revolution, the onset of which is usually attributed to the middle of the last century, made it possible to automate production, entrusting the control and management of production processes to electronics. The role of information has seriously increased, which also allows us to talk about the information revolution. With the advent rocket and space technology human exploration of near-Earth space began.

With every important event in a person’s life, experience and wisdom come to him, allowing him to pass new tests with his head held high and appreciate what he already has and what will be.

Any event, both good and bad, is connected with the people around the person - relatives, loved ones, friends. In dealing with them, a person gains strength for new achievements, learns to love and accept people with their good and bad sides, as well as make difficult and important decisions.

It all starts with a family in which a little person grows up and at different periods of his life he learns the most important truths:

  • The most powerful force is faith. Gradually, with age, a person understands that the biggest and most powerful force is faith. The faith of parents in their child is boundless. How often you can see that the success of a child largely depends on how much parents believe in him and how strongly they support him in striving to achieve success in what is important and necessary for the child. In addition, in the family, in addition to faith in their own strength, the child learns to overcome their fears, doubts and insecurities.
  • The biggest obstacle is fear. Then the child may not yet be fully aware, but understand that the greatest obstacle in life is his own own fear, which binds a person and does not allow to move forward. Any path has obstacles and it is important to never lose heart in this confrontation, because it is not in vain that trials are sent to a person. In them, he finds new friends, learns to appreciate people and things nearby, discovers something new for himself and in himself, which will allow him to avoid any difficulties in the future.

The most big mistake- lose heart. It is important at this time to support a person, to give him hope that all this is temporary and he can overcome all the difficulties.

  • Inspiring hope, a person has a chance and a great desire to realize their dreams. Dreams that will help him strengthen in this life and support their descendants.
  • The most insidious feeling is envy. With age, a person has more and more new acquaintances, someone becomes a friend, someone becomes an enemy. If a person does something better than another, then the most insidious feeling may appear - envy of other people's successes and a different life. However, you can never envy, because for sure no one knows how a person paid for this success - children, health, free time, which he could spend with elderly parents.
  • Since you never know what to expect from him in the next minute. Often in the environment of everyone there is a person who constantly lies and hypocrites.
  • The most best protection- smile. You can only fight offenders with a smile, as this is the best defense. Smiling - you leave no chance for ill-wishers. Therefore, find the strength in yourself not to go on about the offender who wants to spoil your mood.
  • The most beautiful thing to do is to forgive. This is the ability to give up your grievances to the one who hurt you. The ability to forgive is a skill that will help you overcome your anger and find the path of reconciliation with a sincere heart.

The best gift is love. The love of parents, the love of a husband or wife, the love of children and grandchildren inspires a person, makes him strong and happy on the one hand, and more calm, gentle and caring on the other.

It's never too early

Anna Boldyreva (24):

“I gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18. Being a young mother is difficult: you have just entered adulthood, and there is such a responsibility right away. But the child helped to prioritize. For a long time I could not decide on a specialty: I was torn between computer science, medical examination, and the Chinese language. Due to pregnancy, I had to take a break from my studies, and while I was at home with my child, I was able to understand what I was really interested in. With the advent of my daughter, I became much more feminine. As a mother of a girl, I feel a great responsibility for my behavior and appearance. Family is great, loved ones give me a sense of stability, confidence in tomorrow. And of course they make me happy."

It's never too late

Nadezhda Aksenova (39):

“I believe that motherhood is the main purpose of a woman. Therefore, becoming a mother is good at any time. I gave birth at 38. I wanted a child for a long time, but somehow it didn’t work out, hope was replaced by despair, and vice versa. And then a daughter was born. Now it seems that my whole world revolves around her.

It is not difficult to give birth physically. Maybe my birth went well, because I was preparing for them: I went to special courses, studied. Of course, pregnancy is not a project, but it requires knowledge and preparation. I'm glad I gave birth at this age. A more mature attitude helps to better understand the child, give him more attention and enjoy the time spent together.

Find your favorite thing

It's never too early

Anna Stupenkova(23):

“For almost half of my life I was engaged in journalism and could not even imagine that I would switch to something else. But shortly before receiving my diploma, I heard from friends about the school of Yandex managers. At that moment, I was in charge of the site and thought that it would be nice to understand Internet technologies. After the training, I successfully defended the project and was offered a job. I was wildly confused. On the one hand - a favorite profession, experience, a good position. On the other hand, it’s like I’m 15 years old again, and I don’t know anything at all, I’m starting from scratch. I was scared by the prospect of communicating with the team: incredibly smart and tech-savvy people. Mostly men older than me. And yet I decided to take a chance, because there will be no second chance.

I know that many graduates, having received a diploma and realizing that they are interested in something completely different, do not dare to send 5 years of their life down the drain. I am sure: education is education, but it will be more and more difficult to change a profession with age. Now I am enthusiastically mastering statistics and programming, learning to understand complex terminology, and my colleagues help me. This company has a special atmosphere: no matter how old you are, what gender and nationality you are. The main thing is to think and have a sense of humor. By the way, all my friends noticed that I have it when I announced my decision to change my specialty.

It's never too late

Alla Shakhova(44):

“I was a regional representative for the sale of cosmetics, a makeup artist. But one day I got bored of painting brides.

It wasn't easy. People living in the regions, like me, value stability and do not like to take risks. But the theater inspired me so much that I was not afraid of anything. And the last thing I cared about was my age.”

meet love

It's never too early

Larisa Surkova (36):

“My husband and I met on September 1 at the university. I was 17 and he was 9 older. The difference was tangible: I'm more of a teenager, and he is already an adult. But it was love at first sight, and we got married the following summer. A year later we were born eldest daughter. The husband was transferred to the correspondence department, but it was necessary to feed the family. Over the past 17 years, we both graduated, had a good career and had three more children.

At first, my parents were skeptical about our marriage. Especially my mother - it seemed to her that I could find a better prince. And I was a maximalist, to whom give love immediately and for life. It seems to me that the secret of our happiness is that my husband is older than me. He is wiser, calmer, always supports in difficult periods. And this is very important, for example, for a pregnant woman whose mood depends on hormones.

In general, it seems to me that everything depends not on age, but on two people. From how important it is for them to be together and love each other.

It's never too late

Ekaterina Goncharova(40):

“For the first time I got married right after graduation. You could say it didn't work out, but to be honest, it was a nightmare. After the divorce, I even moved to another city. I categorically did not want to repeat such an experience, so I got carried away with work. Of course, I wanted a family, children, but somehow I did not believe that this was possible.

This would have continued if one day I had not seen an interesting comment on the social network under the photo of my classmate. The man left him. I went to his page, we met and began to correspond. Somewhere in six months, we decided to meet on neutral territory, in St. Petersburg. For about a year, relations at a distance lasted: we periodically met in one city, then in another. Until a loved one proposes. I was 38, I did not want to get married, but I was also afraid of losing him. He is so wise, calm, reliable. Never rushed me. I doubted for a long time and asked the Universe to give me some kind of sign. When I saw two strips in a pregnancy test, I realized that this is it. It's funny, but later my husband told me that he was also looking for signs. And found! We lived in different cities in apartments with one number - 26. My surname is Goncharova, and he lived in Moscow on a street with the same name. We got married and soon our son was born. And now I am sure that at the age of 40 the most interesting things are just beginning.”

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