Important events in a person's life. The Matrix - the root cause or why what happens to us happens


Events implying important changes or transitions in different aspects human life. The classification includes events such as the loss of a spouse, divorce, retirement, etc. Because of their direct association with significant changes in lifestyle, they are often referred to as "critical events." However general classification ignores subtleties individual approach. For some people, divorce is a significant milestone. life path, with extremely painful and long-term consequences; others are much more sensitive to the death of a pet or unfair treatment bosses at work. It should be noted that life events can also be those events that did not occur - for example, if a person was not promoted or he did not go to college. Psychologists who support the "life events" model view the changes that occur in adulthood and old age as the result of critical events that we experience and our attempts to adapt to these events. So, for example, changes in adulthood are considered to be less gradual and prolonged than is assumed in the theory of life development. In early models, life events were considered as a source of pathology and stress factors in a person's life. When tested on the Holmes and Reich "social readjustment scale", respondents indicate the most important events that they experienced in the last twelve months. Each event is evaluated according to the degree of its potential stress for the individual. As the main benchmarks, marriage is worth 50 points, and the death of a spouse is given the highest mark of 100 points. Even Christmas is included in this list as a period of potential stress, which can lead to noticeable material and personal turmoil. The larger the overall result, the higher the likelihood that a person is faced with various psychological problems(The most common reaction is usually depression.) According to more modern views on the nature of life events, they are not just separate processes. Life events do cause an initial reaction of shock and disbelief (how do you take the news that you won 20 million in national lottery?) But then the person gets the opportunity to enter into new period life, accumulating positive and constructive experience about their experience. Life event to be done integral part being, not allowing it to dominate daily affairs. The widow becomes a "lonely woman" and the disabled becomes a "partially disabled person". A person's ability to survive such an event and develop a constructive attitude towards it is determined by his internal and external resources. They can be social (friends and relatives who are ready to help) and personal (health, self-esteem, psychological stability).

life events

life events) - events that significantly change a person's life (schooling, marriage, acquiring a profession, serious illness, loss of important values, transition from one age category to another, etc.). There are few studies of children's reactions to life events. However, three stressful events: a) change of residence; b) change of school and c) family crises (divorce, death of one of the parents) have been studied repeatedly, but gave, however, ambiguous results. However, it has been established that children tolerate single stresses or even their sequences more easily than combined stresses. It was also found that with age, children become more negative emotional reactions, and positive emotional reactions, as judged by children's reports, are associated with life events reflecting interactions with parents and peers.

life events

life events) Researchers have long sought to understand how a person and his environment affect each other, and, first of all, to describe and explain age features behavior and individual differences. One such attempt is related to the study of life-changing events. J. s. indicates the current patterns of life specific person or the need for them significant change. These events can take place in different areas (family, health, work) and can be related to age (school, marriage, retirement), the course of history (war and economic recession) or the vicissitudes of life. individual person(illness, divorce). Most of publications devoted to the life of adolescents and adults, reflects the sociological tradition of evaluating the impact of Zh. as a change of basic roles, age transitions, acquisition and loss of status, etc. When an event occurs with many people of the same age, the probability of its occurrence is high, and this may become the basis for distinguishing the stage of anticipatory socialization. Such normative events were classified by some researchers depending on the nature of the environment, as biological, social or physical. Dr. specialists prefer to use the stress model when classifying. J. s. and talk about social, psychol. and physiologist. reactions to phenomena that carry harm, threat or challenge. Typically, people are asked to rank a set of life events according to the degree of stress or behavior change they cause, and then these ratings are analyzed to identify synchronicity, orderliness, and clustering of events. Some theorists have suggested the existence of a basic structure adult life. D. J. Levinson proposed a model of a universal sequence of periods and transitions in human development, within the framework of which Zh. have their impact. The primary task of a person in stable periods is to build the structure of life, making certain choices and directing his efforts to achieve certain goals. the main task on transition periods- do away with the existing structure of life and start creating a new one, reevaluating the decisions made earlier and moving towards achieving new goals. There seems to be a connection between affective positivity and control over life events. When events are evaluated positively, people tend to believe that they controlled these events or influenced their course. It has also been suggested that states that produce positive emotions may increase an individual's ability to adapt to stress. In addition, the absence of negatively colored events correlates with adaptation. Research reactions of children to Zh. are very few, and therefore we still do not have information about the normative patterns of such reactions. However, three stressful events in children's lives - change of residence, change of school, and family crises such as divorce or the death of a parent - have nevertheless been the subject of systematic research, with mixed results. It has also been shown that the experience of single stresses or even a sequence of stresses in children has less detrimental consequences than the experience of combined stresses; moreover, boys suffer more from family discord and breakdown than girls. It was found that with age, negative emotional reactions become more, and positive emotional reactions, judging by the reports, are associated with F. s., reflecting interactions with parents and peers. See also Career Options, Development social behavior people F. Deutsch

The life of every person consists of a series of changing events, but sometimes events in a person's life repeat too noticeably. Usually a person's success is followed by failure, or just a temporary lull. Everything in the world is balanced: there is nothing that lasts forever.

People tend to believe in fate, fate, coincidence. Someone relies only on himself, while the other is waiting for help from any passer-by, but there is one fact that undoubtedly baffles even the most sane person. This is the cyclicity of unfinished periods repeating in his life. By the way, you can also watch a video on this subject on our video channel.

A lot of articles have already been written about the cyclical repetition of events in human life, but I would like to touch on a slightly different side of its manifestation. Most often, people do not even notice that similar events happen to them every day, such is the current rhythm of life.

Not everyone will think of stopping on the run and analyzing at least a day of their lived life, but some succeed. And they open very Interesting Facts and patterns.

Maybe you noticed that events happened in your life or people appeared who repeat the previous ones in amazing trifles. This is very unusual, but if you figure it out, at least once every person has experienced this.

Have you ever wondered why this is happening? Why is the situation repeating itself? Why do new relationships repeat, like two drops of water, the previous ones? Why new career following the old pattern?

Why do situations repeat themselves?

So, there is an answer to this question, and it is much simpler than you imagine. To start a cycle of recurring life events, you need spontaneity and giving the event significance.

A cycle is essentially a block that consists of our already lived thoughts. And we put this block at the moment of our greatest vulnerability, when we cannot control the course of our thoughts.

If you caught yourself thinking that this has already happened to you, then remember how it all ended. The repetition of the situation is given to us intentionally. This means that we made a mistake in our past experience, or ended up the way we should not have.

And this cycle will repeat itself like a broken record until we find the correct solution to the problem. Nobody says it's easy. First of all, you need to understand yourself and listen to your inner world. You, the real one, already know the answers to all questions, the main thing is just to listen to your Self.

How to get out of the circle of repetitive situations in life?

And to get out of the circle of repetitive situations in life, you have to wean yourself from the habit of lying to yourself. As long as you play the game with yourself, absolutely nothing will be decided, and the cycles will repeat endlessly.

What is it like not to lie to yourself?- you ask.

This is very, in given time, a hackneyed phrase, but very the right job above oneself. Take off the mask and be what you want, not society, be in harmony with yourself, take responsibility for everything that happens around you. After all, every day starts with you. And you are not in the mood because the reason is inside, and not in the outside world.

Think about how you can change your day today, making it more beautiful, not only for yourself, but also for other people.

Another factor for cycling is your memories.

We all hear constantly that thoughts are material, that the past must be left in the past and live, enjoying every second.

But it doesn't always work out. Every now and then various thoughts, memories from past experience climb into my head. Climbing is one thing, so we are still starting to analyze it and consider other outcomes of the development of the situation.

What is the repetition of the past

Memories provoke a repetition of situations from the past, as your tactile sensations, smell, join simple memories. An accurate projection of the time that you remember is launched. And you force yourself to relive everything. And, oh miracle! You will definitely survive soon!

But in fact, the situation is no longer there, it is in the past. Why analyze it, clogging the brain with unnecessary information?

To get rid of the habit of living in the past, meditation will help a lot. And it doesn't have to be sitting in the lotus position. You can just put on your favorite music, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Just, without thinking about anything, spend half an hour for the benefit of yourself.

The repetition of the fate of parents

Also, very often there is a repetition of the fate of the parents.

Here the regularity is the same as above, and only you yourself are able to complete it. Analyze what is happening, draw an analogy, and you will find a way out of this situation, because everything is much simpler than you think.

You should not rely on fate, feeling sorry for yourself unfortunate, you should not run around magicians and healers in search of curses and evil eye, throwing out fabulous sums. You can solve all such questions by yourself, just by listening to yourself.

The main thing to remember is that all the trials and troubles are for your benefit and not be upset. After all, God gives each person those tests that he can endure, that is, the tests of one person will not be identical to the tests of another person. And just as Life itself arranges at each stage of verification, so wisdom comes with time, and therefore the truth is revealed only to those who really try to comprehend it, but everything has its time.

According to these important events and dates, a person’s life is built, his lifestyle and certain conclusions are drawn.
These include: the birth of a child, baptism, graduation from school, receiving the first wages, promotion, marriage, buying a car, buying a living space, getting a passport, pregnancy, retirement, military service, etc.
Each of the events in a person's life is a certain stage that requires a lot of strength, energy, aspiration and improvement.
Passing through each stage of life, a person acquires something, becomes wiser, more mature and acquires a certain status and significance.

All important events are stored in the memory of both the person himself and those close to him and those around him. They often happen only once in a person's life, so they are remembered and appreciated.

Absolutely every person has important events in life. He plans his life, and strives to have as many such events as possible in his history.
Each of us is pleased to go through certain life stages and thanks to these stages to be able to move on, confidently looking forward.

The most unusual, most pleasant and most solemn event that can only happen is, of course, the birth of a new life and the birth of a person. It completely changes the lives of parents, and becomes the most important and significant date not only for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, but also for the person who was born.

Now a person needs to grow, develop and move forward, shaping his life, if I may say so in chapters. Movement through life forms new important life stages, which years later will form into a person's biography. And the life of the person himself will be judged by these important dates and events.

Life is so fleeting that after birth, further events come very quickly and just as quickly fly by, giving way to new ones.
Someone the most significant event counts hiring and movement career ladder. For some, the most important thing is the wedding. Someone considers the purchase of real estate to be the most important. All people are different, everyone strives for something specific, everyone sets priorities for themselves. But, no matter how they are placed, and no matter what event is considered the most important and significant special events, there is still no way to avoid it. And a certain list will be accumulated for each person.

It so happens that not everything that happens in life can be attributed to good events and festive ones. There are also bad ones that make you look at life from a new angle, change something in it, rethink something. Such events also remain for a long time in our memory, and perhaps change our lives completely. It is better not to concentrate all your attention on them. We must try to survive what happened and with bright and sound thoughts to move forward. Forming a bright life streak.

Such an important event as a wedding makes a person move forward, forming a cell of society. And the wedding pulls a series of certain others important events. These are, such as the birth of a child, the purchase of real estate, career events, the acquisition of new friends, new anniversaries, new dates, new holidays.
There are so many important events in life. Try to protect yourself from the bad ones. Confidently look ahead, realize your wildest plans and dreams. And you will have something to remember, something to tell your friends and family, something to be proud of and something to admire.

Based on these important events and dates, a person’s life is built, his way of life is determined, and certain conclusions are drawn.
These include: the birth of a child, baptism, graduation from school, receiving the first salary, promotion, marriage, buying a car, buying a living space, getting a passport, pregnancy, retirement, military service, etc.
Each of the events in a person's life is a certain stage that requires a lot of strength, energy, aspiration and improvement.
Passing through each stage of life, a person acquires something, becomes wiser, more mature and acquires a certain status and significance.

Based on the results obtained in this study, we have empirical data indicating that there is no consistent grouping and theoretical meaning of the events lived in the study population. Each life event is also created by everyone, constituting a subjective experience, although it can be activated during external environment. Thus, we are faced with the difficulty of constructing a scale that groups them into factors.

Thus, the question is asked whether to conduct some epidemiological studies based on the magnitude of events. In other cases, overall positive and negative ratings are obtained from the lists, regardless of specific events and subjective assessments of respondents regarding the perception of events.

All important events are stored in the memory of both the person himself and those close to him and those around him. They often happen only once in a person's life, so they are remembered and appreciated.

Absolutely every person has important events in life. He plans his life, and strives to have as many such events as possible in his history.
Each of us is pleased to go through certain life stages and thanks to these stages to be able to move on, confidently looking forward.

In addition, no scales have been identified in the literature that suggest simultaneous positive and negative evaluation of events. The results of the present study show that no event is negative or positive. In general, events were rated as more positive or more negative, varying the intensity of positive and negative assessments. However, for five of them there was no significant difference in the means of positive and negative ratings.

As limitations of the present study, we can cite the constitution of the sample for convenience and its wide scope. age group, the fact that it was not evaluated when the events occurred, and the number of occurrences of events was not quantified. We suggest that future studies explore these variables.

The most unusual, most pleasant and most solemn event that can only happen is, of course, the birth of a new life and the birth of a person. It completely changes the lives of parents, and becomes the most important and significant date not only for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, but also for the person who was born.

In future research, we propose to investigate the relationship between these phenomena, as well as to deepen the consequences of including positive and negative ratings separately for the same event. London: Bedford New College, University of London.

Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer. Age variation of life events and their relationship with common mental disorders in the national survey population. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric and Epidemiological Journal, 611. Attitude of recalled life events, childhood relationship with parents, and meaning in life. Research on Education by Steiner, 1, 96.

Now a person needs to grow, develop and move forward, shaping his life, if I may say so in chapters. Movement through life forms new important life stages, which years later will form into a person's biography. And the life of the person himself will be judged by these important dates and events.

Life is so fleeting that after birth, further events come very quickly and just as quickly fly by, giving way to new ones.
Someone considers getting a job and moving up the career ladder the most significant event. For some, the most important thing is the wedding. Someone considers the purchase of real estate to be the most important. All people are different, everyone strives for something specific, everyone sets priorities for themselves. But, no matter how they are placed, and no matter what event is considered the most important and significant special events, there is still no way to avoid it. And a certain list will be accumulated for each person.

Brazilian version of Pikel's interview for recent events in life. Brazilian Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 4, 47. Stressful life events, protective factors, and depressive disorders in mid-adulthood. Rott, The Many Faces of Health, Competence, and Well-Being in Old Age: Integrating Epidemiological, Psychological, and Sociological Perspectives. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

According to the Law of Attraction, or any law, almost every passage of the day is a specific answer to my question, concern, or thought. One of the options is karma and uneducated lessons, the other is the power of my thoughts, which, despite my many attempts, due to my inadequate ability to control negative thoughts, cause only unwanted events. My question is: why are the same events in my personal and professional life keep repeating for about 5 years, for 2-3 years, which cause real chaos in both areas of my life?

It so happens that not everything that happens in life can be attributed to good events and festive ones. There are also bad ones that make you look at life from a new angle, change something in it, rethink something. Such events also remain for a long time in our memory, and perhaps change our lives completely. It is better not to concentrate all your attention on them. We must try to survive what happened and with bright and sound thoughts to move forward. Forming a bright life streak.

What approach do you propose to break this vicious circle? There is nothing on earth that happens randomly, everything follows a strict regularity that determines the event in people's lives. Those who think that life is luck are deeply blinded, because behind every success or failure is the path that came to the person who pushed him to the event. And the good and difficult moments of life are important and important for the soul, because they enrich it and make it study new experience which will help her to move forward on the path of development.

Such an important event as a wedding makes a person move forward, forming a cell of society. And the wedding pulls a series of certain other important events. These are, such as the birth of a child, the purchase of real estate, career events, the acquisition of new friends, new anniversaries, new dates, new holidays.
There are so many important events in life. Try to protect yourself from the bad ones. Confidently look ahead, realize your wildest plans and dreams. And you will have something to remember, something to tell your friends and family, something to be proud of and something to admire.

That's why we came to earth to learn and cultivate, few people realize it and feel it in their hearts. Now the mass of people on earth accept life as an eternal delay, without thinking about the consequences of their actions, these people do not understand that sooner or later the day will come for the summit. If people follow their hearts, guided by the light and love in it, then on the day of reckoning for them there will be happy moment because they will get a lot of gifts. But if people have allowed evil to influence them, then they will pay the price for all the evil that they realized or did not do.

What determines the events in our life? The popular answer is from ourselves. This is both true and wrong at the same time. Of course, the person himself is responsible for his life, absolutely true. And if you say "himself", then what does "himself" include? What is a person made of? From thoughts, feelings, emotions, physical body. All this makes up the personality of a person, his I.

It can also be said that a person has a consciousness and a subconscious, one can single out the role of the unconscious in the life of a person and even society. All of the above affects the life of a particular person, his fate, as well as events that are repeated or similar in content to each other.

When the same event passes through life, it means that we still need something new. As we said nothing happens by chance in life, realize it, accept it and start asking questions to help you understand why something happens to you. It is said that anyone who seeks is sometimes not easy to reach the truth, because every truth must be paid for by a life event that will make you realize it and feel it with your heart and soul.

When the same event is repeated constantly and results in negative feelings in a person, making him feel bad, then know that all the negative energy that this event provokes, so that you radiate lies around the lesson, teach you. This negative energy, like fog, envelops you and prevents you from seeing and understanding the meaning of what is happening in your life. You need to do this in order to transform the negative energy deposited into positive. No matter how the pain and discomfort brought you to this event, try to radiate your love and gratitude, feeling in your heart that when this happens to you, it is meant to help you learn something new.

It is possible to change these components of oneself: engage in self-education, contact specialists different profile so that they help to build the course of life and the events in it the way you want.

Root Cause - Matrix

In the life of any person there are events that repeat themselves. There are many examples: a person always and everywhere is an excellent student, or every time you get a prestigious job when you get a job, or you get to constantly travel and visit many countries, etc. And there may be other unpleasant examples: there is always not enough money for something, or accidents occur, or difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, etc. Anything can happen and be repeated in general, on a small or large scale. Each person has their own set of such events.

Never forget that everything in life happens for your own sake, seeking to push you to explore new, soul-elevating experiences. Sometimes experience is paid for with pain and discomfort, but it is short-lived and has its end, and the experience gained will serve the soul forever. Your thoughts and attention should be directed to finding the root of each event that weighs you like a heavy weight, and not the pain and discomfort that it creates for you, because if you allow yourself to transfer negative emotions, you will feed them with your energy and so you will spin in vicious circle until you gain strength and energy and you fail with love and gratitude from the swamp to leave.

Events can develop like turns of a spiral, circles on the water from a stone throw, or like a set of matryoshka dolls stacked one inside the other.

Negative, unpleasant events create problems, and if you start working seriously on eliminating some kind of tormenting problem, then in the end you can find or a specialist can say that eliminate the root cause so that the reoccurrence of the problem disappears completely. Otherwise, the elimination of problems will be reduced to pulling out branches, although the root still exists and grows.

Read more about this topic in books. Previous posts on the topic. Kabbalists have discovered that the science of Kabbalah can be divided into two parts. The first section is preparation for studying the control system and preparation for getting to know the Creator. the second part is the study of the actions of the Creator. We study his actions with the help of Kabbalistic originals, such as "Introduction to the Science of Kabbalah", "The Teaching of the Ten Sufirites", science articles Baal HaSulam.

But the problem is that if we just read them, it doesn't really understand. We can fantasize and deceive ourselves as if we understand the letter, but we don't. Because we are exploring an unfamiliar world, a system that is controlled by our Higher Power hidden by us. We don't feel this system, so behind the words we don't understand hidden meaning. Because the child remains helpless for the explanations of adults, which he has not yet matured.

Root Cause or Matrix- some initial program that is beyond the understanding of a person in the unconscious field and affects the occurrence of certain similar friend to other events. The matrix is ​​a template for recurring events. This program is similar in its action to computer program, which has a repeat function with variables and constants.

From this it follows that the most important part of the training is preparation aimed at revealing the Creator. It, in turn, includes many divisions and is usually called "Torah". On preparatory stages we need to gather people who really strive to discover the Creator. People who understand that the "Creator" is the essence of the power of initiation, and will have to reveal it within themselves, changing internally, moving from payment. They will have to give up their selfishness and change their usual approach to life.

And all this is not in words, no matter how beautiful they are. No, Kabbalah is a practical science. We are working on the "material" in which changes occur, and this material is us. As a consequence, we need to join a group of ten people so that, thanks to the pressure of the teacher and comrades, we accept changes, whether we like it or not. To be honest, it's impossible to do. There is agreement in principle, and the rest is under pressure, despite our nature, which does not want it.

For example, a person is prone to accidents. Place, time and surrounding people are variables, an accident can happen anywhere and in any way, from the micro to the macro level. It can be as small as a cut on the finger as it is a serious car accident or even an event that does not seem to fit exactly into the accident program, but the meaning is the same. The constant is the content of the situation, the essence. Accident events will continue indefinitely until the program is changed.

Include comrades in yourself. Everything is realized thanks to the fact that each of us is trying hard to bend himself and somehow join his comrades. In fact, there are no comrades, it is the Creator who “plays” with me and thus demonstrates Himself in the form of different people.

However, it is impossible to overtake events here, everything will happen by itself. To me He and they are no different. And this happens exactly where pride prevails. Thus, the whole success of our striving to discover and live in an eternal, perfect world depends on preparation, on how much we can communicate with each other.

Field, ether, unconscious

Where is the program that affects the occurrence of events? In your head? No. This the program is not realized, the human mind does not participate in it. It is even possible that a person understands with his head, but the situation still happens again and again, because the engine for what is happening is outside the human mind.

This union requires special work from us. Today we are little egoists, and this is our job. We should strive to be together as much as possible, as much as we can unite and allow the light to influence us. This does not mean running around and hugging everyone with sincere and devoted love.

Congress in Guadalajara "One Heart for All". When we unite, our desires, so different, opposite, far from each other, merge into one desire. It turns out that on the one hand, we are very far away, but, on the other hand, we are one, and therefore we begin to reveal the unified force of nature.

The program is in the information field, on the air or in the unconscious. In this case, these are the names of the same. That is, it is something that is outside and above human consciousness. The concepts of field and ether are described in more detail by physics, the unconscious - by psychology, psychiatry and other sciences.

This happens precisely because we have a lot of egoism, but over it we are trying to achieve unity. Kabbalah science is revealed only to those people who have a special sensitivity - they both feel their disunity and unity with each other. Therefore, it will be gradually revealed to the whole world.

It is very gratifying to see how our Kabbalistic groups are springing up all over the world. Many people come to study and want to understand the unification methodology. Every year humanity becomes more and more confused, losing its goals, despairing, like a small child who has lost, made a mistake and does not know where to go.

How to eliminate negative events?

To change events in life, you need to change the driving program. But for this it needs to be realized, i.e. to see exactly that program in the field, which is the root cause, the matrix and separate it from everything else that may still be in the unconscious.

Many areas of psychotherapy are devoted to isolating and / or changing the root cause: psychoanalysis, body-oriented psychotherapy, systemic family constellations, etc.

In the vast majority of cases, it is very important that the person with whom the negative events occur participate in the process of changing the program. Events from the unconscious level must be brought to the conscious, clear and distinct. It is necessary that a person understands what is happening to him. And then the program can be rewritten, reprogrammed.

Making a decision to live differently

To change your negative program a person must take responsibility for his life and make a decision ... The essence of the decision depends on the program itself. In other words, a person must intend to think, feel and act in some other way than the previous program.

outside help

It is rather difficult to independently understand the essence of the program, the matrix, since a person lives inside this information field, like in an aquarium, and does not notice the features of his environment, and sometimes does not even suspect that it is possible to live somehow differently. Therefore, outside help is needed to change the negative matrix.

It must also be remembered that ether(field) is a physical quantity, therefore, equipment and wave means of communication can fail at times of strengthening the program and when trying to get help from outside. For example, computers, mobile phones may fail, the Internet connection may be interrupted, etc.

People who are under the influence of the information field in which the matrix operates will not be able to help, because. their field makes program participants - variables.

It happens that the psychotherapist also becomes a participant in the program of his client, so it is important for the psychotherapist to be aware and attentive to the manifestation of such programs in the client.

The best help can be obtained from a person who is not included in this field and/or has high level awareness. For example, a person who has already solved the same problem for himself (even if not completely, but has just begun to move forward in solving it) and understands how such programs work can help. A psychotherapist can help, and it is desirable that the psychotherapist has already solved the same problem in himself or is in the process of solving it. In this case, the program can take a clear concrete shape and it will be possible to change it.

In any case, in order to change the matrix program and reprogram the event series, the unambiguous readiness of the person himself to work on the problem and invest his time and effort in solving it is important.

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