Faithful love in Eugene Onegin. Helping a student


On life path each of the heroes of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" meets love - a wonderful feeling. And it was quite a bold act in those stiff times - to bring to the fore love relationship and make the fate of people dependent on them. After all, look at how it was customary to treat love. Tatyana Larina's nanny says that in her time she had not even "heard of love." When Tatyana's mother was young, they not only “heard” about love, but also read French novels that determined the minds of girls. But it had no real impact on life. The eldest Larina loved, but was married to another person. At first she was very sad and cried, but over time she reconciled and got used to it. Habit became her happiness. Pushkin puts it this way:

A habit from above is given to us: It is a substitute for happiness.

So no love was given of great importance, it existed, but society did not consider it. And dreamy girls, getting married, forgot about love, which was replaced by habit.

Tatyana has a different attitude to this feeling. She loves Onegin selflessly. This sincere love will remain in her soul throughout the entire action of the novel. Even being married, preferring the fulfillment of her duty to her husband to possible happiness, Tatiana still loves Onegin and, without hypocrisy, tells him about her feelings.

By this, Pushkin throws down a daring challenge to society, he puts the holy feeling of love above mercantile concepts and claims that a person’s happiness depends on it.

After all, Vladimir Lensky’s love for Olga Larina is similar in strength and sincerity to Tatyana’s feelings: “He sang love, obedient to love ...” Pushkin admires Lensky’s feeling: “Ah, he loved, as in our years they no longer love ...”

Another thing is Onegin. At first, he is disappointed in women ("... beauties were not the subject of his habitual thoughts for a long time ..."), but then he experiences the collapse of his former attitude. Eugene writes to Tatyana: I thought: liberty and peace Replacement for happiness. My God! How wrong I was, how punished!

Indeed, Onegin comes to a different understanding of love at the end of the novel. Before you freeze in agony, Turn pale and fade away ... that's bliss!

Could Onegin have said such words from the first chapter? He came to the understanding of love through torment, and this was the main discovery in his life for him.

Sincere, natural, pure and sublime, the feeling that does not fade with time is sung by the author in the novel. Such is the attitude of A. S. Pushkin to love. According to him, this is the most beautiful human feeling.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" was created with amazing poetic skill, which found expression both in the composition and in the rhythmic organization of the novel.

The protagonist of the work of A. S. Pushkin is a young, attractive, very intelligent man, a nobleman. The author treats his hero with sympathy and with a significant amount of irony. In the first chapter, the poet talks about life young rake Eugene Onegin in St. Petersburg, about how and by whom he was brought up:

First, Madame followed him, Then Monsieur replaced her, The child was sharp, but sweet.

At the time of his youth, Eugene behaved exactly like the young people of his circle, that is, "he could speak and write in French, he easily danced the mazurka." But his main science, Pushkin admits, "was the science of tender passion." A victim of love, as we later learn, and Eugene fell.

The author emphasizes that "hard work was sickening to him", he talks about Onegin's life spent in restaurants, theaters, balls, courting women. Thousands of young nobles lived the same way. This way of life was familiar to the nobility. Onegin occupied a certain place in secular society, where he had a "happy talent" and aroused "the smile of the ladies with the fire of unexpected epigrams."

So his life would have flowed measuredly, if not for the meeting with Tatyana Larina. She writes a letter to Eugene with a confession and asks him a question: "Who are you, my guardian angel, or an insidious tempter ...".

Seemingly incapable of a serious feeling, Onegin rejects her love, which for Tatyana becomes the meaning of life. A dreamy, thin girl believes that "Eugene is sent by God." Onegin is touched by Tatyana's confession, but nothing more. The next rash step is his relationship with Olga Larina. Onegin just like that, out of boredom, begins to court the bride of Vladimir Lensky. The girl is fond of Eugene, which, of course, causes jealousy of the groom.

The turning point was the duel between Yevgeny and Lensky. The duel ends tragically for Vladimir. And here our hero seems to see clearly: “Onegin with a shudder” sees the work of his own hands, how the “frozen corpse” of the young men is being carried in a sleigh. Lensky was killed by a "friendly hand". The senselessness of this act becomes obvious.

But what about Tatyana? She silently supports her sister in grief. However, Olga "did not cry for a long time", but was carried away by a certain lancer, with whom she soon went down the aisle.

Love for Yevgeny and dislike for him, as for the murderer of Lensky, are fighting in Tatyana. The girl suddenly begins to understand that Eugene is not the same as she imagined him in her dreams. A windy egoist, a heartthrob, a person who brings pain and tears to others, but he himself is not able to sympathize.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Eugene meets another Tatyana - a secular woman, a "trendsetter". He learns that she is now married to an important general, a hero Patriotic War. An amazing transformation is taking place. Now Eugene is looking for a date with Tatyana, who has become "an indifferent princess, an impregnable goddess", languishes, suffers. Yes, she stopped looking like a provincial noblewoman. How much royalty in the eyes! How much grandeur and negligence! Eugene is in love, he pursues her, looking for a reciprocal feeling.

Alas! A letter was written, but Eugene did not receive a response to it. And finally they met. What a shock, what a disappointment! Onegin is rejected: "I ask you to leave me." “As if struck by thunder” stands Eugene and feels inner devastation, his uselessness. Here is a fitting ending to the novel.
A. S. Pushkin tested his hero true feeling- love. But, alas, he did not pass this test. main character novel: frightened, retreated. When the insight came, it turned out that it was already too late, nothing could be returned and corrected. Thus, the novel "Eugene Onegin" is not only a story about an era in which "the century and modern man", but also Touching story failed love.

"Eugene Onegin" - famous novel in verse, feathered Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, written between 1823 and 1831. It is a classic, exemplary work, recognized as a masterpiece of the Russian style, not only in Russia, but also abroad. Today, perhaps, everyone is more or less educated person the plot and characters of the work "Eugene Onegin" are known. The theme of love, the theme of friendship, the theme of the secrecy of human and romantic relationship, problems of a moral and ethical nature - all this is just a small list of issues that the poet raises in the work. And not only raises, he reflects on them, putting his heroes in non-trivial situations, observing their behavior and reactions. While reading the work, from time to time there is a feeling that the novel lives its own life, that the characters have their own principles and desires, and that maybe now Eugene will read the letter and find a response to it in his heart, falling in love with the unfortunate Tatyana. But no, this is not Eugene Onegin. The theme of love does not touch him, he is tired, he is bored, and his heart is not ready for love on the global scale that Larina offers him. The hero politely but convincingly renounces the feelings that the girl revealed to him. And, thus, Tatyana's love goes from the category of "secret feeling" to the category of " unrequited love". However, she is so strong that even after many years, having married another and radically changing her life, Larina will not stop loving Onegin. We see confirmation of this at the very end of the novel, where Tatyana directly says to her hero: I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. I love you (why dissemble?), But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever. However, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" the theme of love is revealed not only from the point of view of Tatyana, a strong and firm woman who carefully carries the feeling of love throughout her life, but also from the point of view of the hero - Eugene. At one time, he pushed away the "nice girl Tanya", but when, years later, he ran into her in high society, realized that she attracted him like a magnet. And even more than that - previously cold, rational and straightforward Eugene - now, intoxicated by the current Tatyana, he acts like she once did - writes her a letter in which he admits: Having accidentally met you sometime, Noticing a spark of tenderness in you, I believe her did not dare. He blames himself for fatal mistake, In that bad joke fate, which now throws him at the feet of Princess Tatyana. Repents and cries at the feet of his beloved, defeated Eugene Onegin. The theme of love turns for him from a secondary and unnecessary, into the only important one. He submits to Tatiana's decision: But so be it: I myself Can't resist anymore; Everything is decided: I am in your will And surrender to my fate. In the novel "Eugene Onegin" the theme of love is revealed in a multifaceted and difficult way, but a happy ending, no matter how sad it is, should not be. There is love, it does not disappear anywhere, but above this feeling is morality and duty. This means that even if the heroes cannot be together, they must be happy, because the Lord gave them the highest experience and the highest happiness - love! It is worth recognizing that from this point of view, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" the theme of love is presented as joy and blessing, no matter what.

"Eugene Onegin" is, one might say, philosophical work, because it deals with many "eternal" topics, including love. Love itself in the poem appears before readers in different guises: it is Tatyana's sincere and tender love, Onegin's belated passionate love, Olga's windy love, ardent and romantic love Vladimir Lensky. Also, love in the poem is considered from the side of mutual and from the position of unrequited feelings.

Tatyana is an image of pure and sincere love. She fell in love with Onegin with a first and tender love, dreamed about him, comparing herself with the heroines of the novels she had read. Of course, Tatyana, inexperienced in love affairs, idealized Eugene in many ways. In her letter, she honestly opens her soul to him, entrusting her fate into his hands. She confesses to him that in her dreams she imagined her beloved in this way and immediately recognized him at the first meeting, realizing that he was her destiny. Tatyana was frank in her letter, she treated Yevgeny as her betrothed, ready to connect her whole life with him. Tatyana's love is pure and disinterested, she fell in love with Yevgeny the way she saw him for the first time, idealizing him in many ways, because in fact she did not know him at all. Her love is tender, girlish, bright and sincere, but, unfortunately, Eugene did not respond to her feelings.

Eugene himself was very tempted in love, it was no longer possible to surprise him with anything, although Tatyana's sincerity touched his heart. But Eugene honestly admits that she cannot be a good husband that he is not worthy of her. He knows himself well and understands that a quiet and obedient wife will quickly bore him, that his lifestyle is not suitable for a family hearth, because Onegin is used to entertainment and a carefree life. But at the same time, Onegin appreciated Tatyana's sincerity, did not laugh at her feelings, but treated them with due respect and understanding. Among secular coquettish young ladies, he rarely met such deep and worthy girls as Tatyana. In a conversation with her, he tells her extremely honestly about himself and about his attitude towards family life. Onegin admits that if he wanted to start a family, he would certainly choose Tanya, believing that she would best wife, but so far he did not want to tie the knot.

Love still overtook Onegin, but it was too late - Tatyana was married to a general. Would Tatyana Yevgeny have liked her if she had been the former modest and sincere girl? Hardly. It was Tatyana's inaccessibility, coldness and restraint, her greatness and indifference that captivated Onegin. "How less woman we love, the easier she likes us, ”Onegin himself said. The same applies to men. Accessible and in love with Tatyana, Onegin did not need “easy prey”, but the majestic woman who belonged to another man charmed him. Tatyana demonstrates in the poem the beautiful traits of nobility and fidelity. She faithful wife who cannot break her word, cannot betray her husband, even if she is not loved by her. “But I am given to another, I will be faithful to him for a century,” she says to Onegin, not giving him a chance to have an affair with her.

Tanya's sister, Olga, is a windy girl who is not capable of deep feelings. She is easily carried away by men, which Onegin proved at Tatyana's name day. He was able to easily turn her head and charm her, despite the fact that she was Lensky's bride. Also after the death of Vladimir Olga in Once again proves her frivolity, because, after not grieving for a short time, she will soon marry another. Olga's love is deceptive, superficial, fickle, she is not able to completely dissolve in her beloved and devote herself to him.

A young poet, Vladimir Lensky, experienced more serious and passionate feelings, all his thoughts were connected with his beloved girl, he composed poems for her, defended her honor, wanted to connect his life with her. Lensky dies, sacrificing himself, hoping to protect Olga from the seducer Onegin. Vladimir's love is sacrificial, sincere, but too passionate and romantic. He loves Olga for her beauty, for her flirtatiousness, in many ways representing her better than she really is. Olga just allows him to love herself, she is pleased with his courtship, but they have no spiritual connection, because Olga could not even feel that Vladimir was going to die. Before the duel, he came to her, but she behaved as always, at ease and windy, not remembering that she offended his feelings with her flirting with Onegin.

The relevance and scale of this work by Pushkin are amazing. In the image of her heroes, one can see the features of many modern people. Since the life of the poet, in fact, nothing has changed. Still, passionate and romantic young men fall in love with windy beauties who “love them less”, and worthy girls are fascinated by Onegins. And the principle: “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us” - still works.

Tatiana's love
(based on the work "Eugene Onegin").

She was a girl
she was in love.

“Love is the creator of all that is good, sublime, strong, warm and bright.”
One of the wonderful poets who sang this wonderful feeling was A.S. Pushkin. According to Pushkin, love is the natural state of the human soul; this feeling, even if it is not mutual, brings joy, not suffering. The poet treats life with reverence, perceiving it as an amazing divine gift, and love as a kind of heightened sense of life. Just as life moves by its own laws, so love arises, blossoms and disappears. This theme is also reflected in the novel "Eugene Onegin".
Tatiana - main character novel, "the nature is deep, loving, passionate." On the formation of her character and views act native nature, interest in books. She reads French novels, educating in her dreaminess, sensitivity, but at the same time high moral principles.
She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything for her;
She falls in love with deceptions
And Richardson and Rousseau.
Tatyana is endowed with "a rebellious imagination ... And a fiery and tender heart." The desire for an ideal, created by her in the image of the noble heroes of the novels she read, helped to flare up love for Onegin, who was not like other acquaintances in a boring circle of neighbors. Tatyana again turns to books: after all, she has no one to entrust her secret to, no one to talk to. In the novels, she seeks explanations and advice, and her imagination creates her own image of Onegin.
"Whole inner world Tatyana was in the thirst for love, nothing else spoke to her soul, her mind was asleep ... Love for her could be either the greatest bliss, or the greatest disaster of life, without any conciliatory middle. With the happiness of reciprocity, the love of such a woman is an even, bright flame; otherwise, a stubborn flame, which willpower may not allow to break out, but which is the more destructive and burning, the more it is squeezed inside.
Why is Tatyana more guilty?
For the fact that in sweet simplicity
She knows no lies
And believes the chosen dream?
For what loves without art,
Obedient to the attraction of feelings ...
Tatyana loves not jokingly,
And surrender unconditionally
Love like a sweet child.
Tatyana gave her heart, her soul to Onegin for life. She could not imagine another person capable of capturing her feelings. There is a saying in Spain: True love lasts until death. This phrase is very accurate to the feelings of the heroine.
Despite Onegin's rebuke, Tatyana continues to languish and yearn, never ceasing to love him and think about him. After visiting the deserted estate of Eugene, the heroine came to the conclusion that he was not at all the hero she had created in her imagination, not the person she wrote the letter to.
Has the riddle been solved?
Has the word been found?
Pushkin, recalling Radishchev’s reasoning about “marriages involuntarily,” writes: “In general, the misfortune of family life is distinguishing feature in the morals of the Russian people. This theme resounds throughout the novel, and in the final it becomes dominant. Scene last date recalls the distant first explanation in the garden. In the "indifferent princess" we see the former Tatyana, but already wiser by the sad experience of life, deeply feeling, faithful moral principles.
I got married. You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know there is in your heart
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.
Tatyana rejects Onegin because she cannot betray herself, her views on life, her moral principles. So due to her last fatal decision, her rejection of love, of personal happiness, forever associated for her with Onegin.
“A woman cannot despise public opinion, but she can sacrifice it modestly, without phrases, without boasting, realizing the greatness of her sacrifice, the entire weight of the curse that she takes upon herself, obeying another higher law - the law of her nature, and her nature is love. and self-sacrifice.

In ASPushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" along with other problems, not unimportant place is given to the theme presented in the title of this work, namely the theme of friendship and love.

It all starts with the fact that in the first chapter the author says about Onegin - "friends and friendship are tired." But why, who is to blame? Probably, partly Onegin himself, who chose the individualism or even egoism of Byron's works as his ideal. In addition, after a few chapters we learn that there was a bust of Napoleon in Onegin's office, and Pushkin will say: "We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones. We all look at Napoleons ...". Isn't this, to some extent, about Onegin? One of the reasons why Onegin is tired of friendship is his melancholy. But why did she take possession of him, but not the Author, who appears in the novel as his friend? They are both smart, honest, they both understand the shortcomings of society, but in Onegin there is no desire to act, a desire to change something, a desire to go against this society. Inaction, doing nothing bored him (as well as balls, and secular society), but he does not want to do anything either.

And Onegin made friends with Lensky at first, simply because there was no one else in the village where he ended up after the death of his uncle. Pushkin calls them (Lensky and Onegin) "nothing to do friends." It was so - both of them really had nothing to do - Onegin because of his boredom and blues, and Lensky because of his inexperience and naivety - he did not know real life, he could not adapt to her. Both the Author and Onegin - they were older than Lensky - it is not surprising their ironic and playful attitude towards his romantic nature. Onegin, of course, was much more experienced, taught by life - he was his friend's mentor, patron.

Lensky's love for Olga is also a figment of his romantic imagination. No, he did not love Olga, he loved the image created by himself. Romantic image. And Olga ... An ordinary provincial young lady, whose portrait the Author is "tired ... immeasurably." No wonder Onegin, who was much wiser and more experienced than Lensky, said: "I would choose another one if I were like you, poet ...". But why is Onegin so sure that he will not be able to love himself? He meets Tatyana, the same “other”, and she confesses her love to him (it should be noted, however, that Tatyana is not in love with the completely real Onegin, but partly, again, with an image created on the basis of sentimentalist books). But what about Onegin?

He is sure that he is "not made for bliss", this is actually not the case. He is simply afraid to fall in love, afraid to awaken feelings that have been killed during his stay in the world. Yes, it was there, in a secular society, that he forgot how to truly be friends and love. There such concepts as friendship and love are absent - they are replaced by lies, slander, public opinion. Yes, by the same public opinion that will destroy both Onegin and Lensky!

Onegin and Lensky quarreled because of one incident that happened at the ball - Onegin twice invited Olga to dance. It would seem that what happened is a small revenge of Onegin, because Lensky invited him to the ball, where the whole district gathered, the "rabble" that Onegin hated. For Onegin, this is just a game - but not for Lensky. His pink, romantic dreams collapsed - for him this is a betrayal (although this, of course, is not a betrayal at all - neither for Olga, nor for Onegin). And Lensky sees a duel as the only way out of this situation.

At the moment when Onegin received the challenge, why couldn't he dissuade Lensky from the duel, find out everything peacefully, explain himself? He was prevented by this notorious public opinion. Yes, it had weight here in the village too. And it was stronger for Onegin than his friendship. Lensky is killed. Maybe, no matter how scary it sounds, it was the best way out for him, he was unprepared for this life.

And now - Olga's "love", she cried, grieved, married a military man and left with him. Another thing is Tatyana - no, she did not stop loving Onegin, it's just that after what happened her feelings became even more difficult - in Onegin she "should ... hate her brother's murderer." Should, but can't. And after visiting Onegin's office, she begins to understand the true essence of Onegin more and more - the real Onegin opens before her. But Tatyana can no longer stop loving him. And probably never will.

So, three years pass, and Tatyana and Onegin meet again. But already in a different setting - in St. Petersburg, in a secular society, Tatyana is married, Onegin returned from his wanderings. And now, having met Tatyana in a new capacity, as a secular lady, love awakens in Onegin. Love for the one he graciously refused a few years ago. What drives them? Does he love the old Tatyana, or only the way she has become now? No, Tatyana has not changed - Onegin has changed. He was able to "renew his soul." He was able to love. But it's too late. No, Tatyana did not stop loving him, but she was "given to another" and will be "faithful to him forever" ... Tatyana, despite the fact that she did not marry for love, cannot destroy the life of her husband, a person who loves her, only for the sake of your happiness.

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