The whole truth about paid forecasts. Sports Predictions


Manual for creating a selling site with sports predictions. The topic and the niche itself are very lively, and will live for a very long time. There are enough places for everyone, there are really a lot of customers, and the competition is weak. The manual describes everything related to a particular niche. How to create a website, what to do, where to get forecasts, where to get clients, free and paid methods, and much more.

Today in the article

33 Steps to Building a Selling Sports Prediction Website

Choosing a Specific Niche

First of all, it makes sense, it will be determined what forecasts you will offer to your clients. It has become a habit on the Internet that everyone is called either predictions for sports, which means in 90% of cases predictions for football, or separately predictions for basketball, hockey or tennis. On my own, I recommend doing everything and choosing sports predictions. But you can also take, say, forecasts for basketball or hockey. For example, perhaps someone is more interested in forecasts for hockey than for basketball, and similarly vice versa, so think, don’t rush anywhere, you will always have time to earn money.

Choosing a domain name

I hope everyone knows that a domain is how you will be remembered. Specifically, in our niche, this is just important factor. The most important thing is easy to pronounce, and as short as possible. Words that can be added to the domain: capper, betting, tips, bet - there are a lot of them, work with Google translator, it will help, look for analogues of the words forecasts and so on. Words like football, soccer, basketball, sport, ball will also work. To put it mildly, there are plenty to choose from, but try to make the domain as short as possible or at least medium, so that it would be easier for you to remember and write your address yourself in the search and not only.

Hosting choice

There are no problems here, in fact, a site with forecasts is most often 100-200 visitors a day, it rarely happens more, so take the most common hosting with the most common tariff. From myself I will advise Fozzy hosting, tariff start, good hosting + tech. top notch support. But last decision for you, the main thing here is not to overpay, it's not worth it. Don't increase costs, minimize them.

Choosing a CMS for the site

The choice of CMS is not really important point but it's worth talking about. Personally, I work with two CMS, these are: DLE and WordPress. Ultimately, choose the one that is closer to you, the site with forecasts does not require special plugins and other chips, so any engine will work here.
See which of your CMS's has available free templates that can be nicely customized to fit your theme in a few steps, I personally do that most of the time, and only then choose the CMS.

Website design creation

Moving on, now let's talk about the design of the site with forecasts. In fact, this is the most common one-pager, with several pages. Again, no chips and other site does not require brevity, accuracy and nothing more. You can look for one-page templates for your site, or you can even make a landing page with several pages.

Now about the importance of design on sites of this kind. I will say right away that this is a very important and serious thing. Design is one of the main reasons for a client to trust your site, so don't be stingy. But at the same time, this does not mean that you need to pay 10-20 thousand just to make a design for your site. Just try to find a beautiful design that can be slightly modified and installed on your site.
If you know how to draw patterns yourself, it's better to spend time. If you don’t know how, it doesn’t matter, follow the previous advice.
I advise you to pay special attention to the colors of the site, one should be in two or three colors, and the logo of your site. We download logos on sites with Photoshop lessons in PSD formats and remake them for your site, everything is easy and simple. As for the tones, let's take, for example, the orange and white tones of the site, or black and green, something like this, improvise, read on the Internet there are articles where they write which colors inspire confidence in customers, this is not nonsense, believe me.

Creating and filling pages

And so, the domain and hosting are registered, the CMS is chosen, the design is ready - it's time to move on to creating pages. I will say right away that in my manual I will consider all the options for creating pages on the site, but the main ones are still the main page, forecast statistics, payment for forecasts. These are the three main pages, but again, I will cover every page that can be created on any sports betting site. You can take all these pages and make them on your site, but it’s not a fact that this will inspire strong trust among customers, take it in parts, everything doesn’t happen at once. As an option, you can try, and I think it will even work out, over time, add a page with your services.

The main page of the selling site with sports predictions

The main page is, in fact, the key page. On it, you must do everything so that the client does not leave the site after the first five seconds of viewing, as is the case with many online stores and not only.
What can be added there. Well, firstly, I recommend making a menu with a logo in the header of the site. Just below you can make a description of the site, talk about the advantages of your resource. A little lower, without fail, you make statistics of the last 10 or 15 of your predictions.
If the description is not necessary, then the statistics should be in any case, the client will immediately see what kind of traffic you have and an example of a decision whether to continue watching your site or leave it. By the way, in the free space on home page be sure to leave your postal address so that customers can ask you their questions. Not everyone does this, and in this way they lose not a small part of their customers. Working with clients via mail is one of your main responsibilities, so pay attention to it.
I advise you to install extensions for your browsers, which will notify you immediately after receiving a message in the mail.

Forecast statistics

Forecast statistics are also very important, but an easier point. Create 1 page with an archive of statistics for the past months, and add links to all results by month there. You can fit everything on 1 page, but it's a matter of taste, if you have statistics for 6 months, let's say, it won't be pretty. As an option on one page, you can do it through a spoiler, i.e. when clicked, statistics by month will drop out.

Now about the first and main option: for each page, month of statistics, remember. Statistics can be done in two ways: first, you create a table on the site in an HTML editor, the second way is to create an Excel table, after which you take a screenshot of the statistics, cut it out in Photoshop and add it to the site. Do what is more convenient for you.
Remember that you will need to do this every day, so think carefully and take your time.

Payment for forecasts

Personally, I had one payment method on the site, this is a transfer to a Qiwi wallet, it is most convenient. There were, of course, individual cases when I had to make concessions and accept payment on Yandex Money, but not always. Most often, this wallet is used by all those people who place bets.
But from my own experience, I’ll say that it’s better to make the payment function once directly on the site from any convenient wallet than fiddling around, as I did.
There were simply cases when people wrote to me both from Italy and from Bulgaria, but I could not accept payment. On the payment page, leave all kinds of details or still set up an automatic payment function. There are different services, there are a lot of them, like Glopart and so on, I'm sure you know about them. If you are not familiar, look on the Internet, there are really a lot of them and different conditions everywhere.

Account promotion

Now let's talk about secondary pages that do not have to be added to the site, but you can. You can, as I said, and try over time, when people will spin on the site, and a new service will appear on your site, which may be of interest to your regular customers and potential ones.

Promotion of the account is a trust management of the client's account to you. Those. he gives you his bookmaker account which you have to multiply. If you don’t know how to do this, then don’t interfere, ruin your reputation more, but few people return money in such cases, I don’t think you want to either. If you still decide on this, be responsible, do not try to deceive someone, you will make it worse for yourself.
On the page, describe your conditions for promotion, the percentage that you take for yourself, your minimum, and provide screenshots of your successful promotions. Most often they do promotions from 2-5 thousand rubles, they take 50% of their net income for themselves. For example, you were given an invoice for 5,000 rubles, you multiplied it, the client takes 7,500 for himself, and transfers 2,500 to you.
The thing is interesting, you can try your luck, but let me remind you, you can ruin your reputation. Well, I’ll also add that there are also smart customers who understand that you can easily not return this money.
Let me explain: this function on your site can even say negatively and make a potential client who wanted to buy forecasts leave your site.

Our guarantees

Also enough interesting page, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, everything in moderation.

Leave your guarantees that you are ready to give to your customers. For example, renewing a subscription for another month, in case the last month went negative.
Or tell them that if you lose, the next prediction is free. Also, if you wish, leave your data, all kinds of details, screenshots of personal rates according to your forecasts.
Improvise, and think about what would inspire confidence and perhaps induce you to buy a forecast on your site.
Customers are people just like you, remember.

Betting strategy

The advantage of betting strategies is that you do almost nothing. Personally, I wrote it once, and just received payment and sent it to buyers. The average price is 1000 rubles, but depending on the price, you can play with the price.
You can rewrite the strategy or write it yourself, look on the Internet, there are many different ones, try to make something really good, and there will be sales. For example, there are a lot of strategies on the Vprognoz website: you can rewrite in more beautiful text, and it will turn out not bad, but personally I would recommend writing something of my own.
If you decide, then leave guarantees here too, describe the strategy and show some screenshots, without revealing the whole essence of the strategy to the public.

Express rate

Let me explain, usually forecasters give forecasts with odds of 1.80-2.10, but here you can consider an express with a coefficient of, for example, 3.
It is rare to give such predictions, only on football or sports days, when there are a lot of matches. It is also necessary to keep separate statistics on express bets. The price most often should be two to three times higher than the cost of a regular single forecast on your site.
Not a very necessary page, but it may come in handy for someone and I could not pass by. But I personally did not provide such a service on my site, I limited myself to others.

Site statistics and Yandex Metrica

Now let's move on to the site statistics itself, set the Metrics without fail. She helped me a lot with the design of the site, she understood what needed to be removed and where to move it. You will clearly see which page the visitor left your site on. In general, any selling site needs this, do not forget about it. I also recommend installing counters to your taste, with which we have already worked, on your website.

Site optimization

Now let's talk about search engine optimization, here in fact there is nothing new to say probably. We customize all pages for good search queries. The competition in this niche is not strong, but very big, yes, it is worth recognizing. But the key point is that it is not big, and the sites are simply even poorly optimized, not to mention the purchase of thematic links, which probably only a few sites know about.
For the main page, I will advise top queries like: Paid sports predictions, sports predictions from professionals and other search queries, look through Wordstat. You can try other search queries on the topic of sports, football, basketball and hockey, which may also return results.

Congratulations, the site is ready!

And so, the site is ready, now it's time to start advertising and promoting it. I will tell you about all the methods that can be applied. Now it will be like this: BSR is a free way of advertising, PSR is a paid way of advertising.
By good ways a lot, but two were key for me: sending forecasts and spamming to Vkontakte groups and sites where people organize clubbing and there are simply people who bet on other people's forecasts. About everything in order.

Free forecaster search

The easiest, free, affordable and possibly The best way prediction finds. Go to the Forecast site, look at the right column, there are top forecasters, you can take their free forecasts, most often they publish them every day, you can also take statistics for your site from them.
The second option is also related to Forecast, for example, you need a forecast for tomorrow, go to the Forecast website and select the top bets in the site navigation, select the sport there and look at the top bets, after which we click and get the statistics of all forecasters who made their bets. There, in the form of diagrams, it is shown how many people and what bet they made, and choose your bet.
Well, the third option, although not the last, but one of the most working. We go to the website of forecasters Vplus (we drive in Yandex or Google search) and see a similar resource, there on the main page every day there are at least a few rates of the day, we choose, and we offer our customers.

Paid forecaster search

There is such a site:, there are many paid forecasters who have statistics and different types subscriptions.
We look at the statistics, choose the right person for the price and take a subscription from him, thus reselling his forecasts.
It also makes sense to try to work directly with the forecaster, perhaps getting a not bad discount, which they are most often ready to give to regular customers.

Reselling Predictions

The topic is also quite well-known, many people know about it, and even my ordinary friends not from the Internet once said that you can earn money in this way. But there are pluses and minuses here, for example, in the 18th step, which is slightly higher, the statistics are verified, and it is 100% clean.

But when reselling forecasts, you can get caught on a site that simply draws statistics and that's it.
But if you still found a site with good traffic and possibly with good reviews then do not rush to buy. You can save at least 50%, we are looking for clubbing on the Internet and in Vkontakte groups. Lots of people make predictions, the main thing is to look at the resources that I will mark in this course.

BSR: advertising on sites with forecasts (spam)

I'll start by advertising your site on sites with free forecasts. There are three sites:, and
The first site, the best, I highly recommend it and the mailing list brought me the main income.
We register on it and go to the Pooling section, on this page we now give a link to your site and talk about it, or ask a question or something like that. In general, two types of advertising, or open spam, we write best predictions and a link to the site. Or the second way, we write it with a question like: who checked the site? Who buys from them? And so on, improvising again.
Now about the other two sites, they also give an influx of visitors and customers. After 1-2 days, we leave links to our site and a forecast on them, which you publish there for free, and sell on your site.
People often come from there, and the advantage of this business is that if he has time to publish a forecast for the day before lunch, he most often appears in many top VKontakte groups that publish paid forecasts for free, and this gives even more visitors to your site.
Don't worry, no one will wait for months in the same way for your forecasts, 99% of the people who are interested in your forecasts through these sites will purchase subscriptions from you.

BSR: Mailing List

My second key method is the mailing list. Main question: where to get the client base? There are many ways, actually. Personally, I did this, climbed and collected all the postal addresses that are there.
Most often, people who either want to participate in the clubbing or offer clubbing leave their mails there. From them, clients grow up to be very good, so take care of mailing seriously, but do not bother your base, if a person does not want to buy, he will not buy.
I also recommend climbing the forecasters' forums, and just football forums and collecting postal addresses there. Look on the Internet for programs that pull out all the email addresses from the site, so you can collect a lot of customers, I assure you. There are many of them in free access, the main thing is to look and try.

BSR: Vkontakte group

Go ahead, create a Vkontakte group. We make a nice design in it, fill at least 1000 people and keep open statistics of your forecasts in screenshots, talk about news sites and more.
In fact, many forecasters have very decent money from one group (without a website), if you focus on two fronts, this will be a big plus for your earnings.
According to forecasts, it is difficult to get into the top Vkontakte, but it still makes sense to have your own group. Getting to the top is not the main thing, the main thing is to have a Vkontakte group, which will also add trust to your customers and increase the conversion of the site.
Remember that everything is interconnected, one ad pushes another.

BSR: Instagram account

Fashion, fashion for the people, where would Instagram be on our list.

As for the contact, I’ll say that there are a couple of good forecasters with the same accounts in this social network who only earn good money for a living there.

But unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, an account in this social network is not as necessary as in the first social network. You can, of course, create a page, wind up subscribers for 1000, post winning screenshots, under which you can specify the necessary tags like #sportsbets,
#bets, #forecastsports and so on, see the top ones.

But, I repeat, there is little sense in this, at least for initial stage I would advise to work more in another direction. As an extension of your site, Instagram is not a bad thing, but not the main one.

BSR: Spam Vkontakte

Prepare a pair of left accounts or a pair of left SIM cards, according to how much Vkontakte spam gives a result.
The main type of spam is advertising your site in groups open with a wall, where there is something about football or forecasts.
Also spam in videos, football and not only. Well, I’ll burn one chip out of this case, go to the top Vkontakte groups with forecasts and repost the latest and pinned entries, write about your site in the comments to the repost.
There are definitely visitors from this, and there everything depends on your site. This is most likely the third way that brought me the same income.

BSR: sales in the forehead through Vkontakte

To be honest, I've never done that, but maybe it would be useful. In fact, these are the same mailing lists, so think about it.
Again we go to the top groups with forecasters, look at the latest entries, and see who liked it, add it as a friend, or simply write with an offer to see your resource.
Try it, only in this way you will understand which methods for your site are best used in order to attract customers.

RPS: Advertising in Sopki

For those who are in the tank, Sopki are broadcasts football matches, a lot of people watch them, most often the prices are the same, 1 match - 200-400 rubles, about 5-15 thousand people watch, your link in the form of a picture is left on the edge.
You can take subscriptions for weeks, months, and so on, while not bad saving. If there is a budget for advertising, then I think it makes sense to let most right here. By how much this is one of the most profitable ways of advertising.
Many bookmakers and forecasters advertise like this, there is an influx. There was a case when he found out from a client how he found out about us, he wrote that he had seen it once in a hill, and then by chance he saw Vkontakte and decided to try it. This is exactly the exact case when one advertisement pushed the client, and the second one led to us.

RPS: Vkontakte Advertising

One of the most important paid ways to find your client. How many Yandex Direct and Google Adwords do not allow us to advertise with them, Vkontakte - main way give an advertisement.
We take advertising in all sports groups, but mostly we try to take in football groups - that's where the most potential customers are. It does not need a large budget, for one advertisement it is not a fact that it will be possible to attract customers.
As well as an option, you can buy a place in the group in the "Links" block, the thing is good, I advise you, the price does not bite.

RPS: Teaser Networks

I am not a fan of working with teaser networks, but I tried it anyway. It turned out more empty traffic. You need to try hard to make the right settings in order to find your customers.

Work with the topics of sports and age from 14 to 20 years old, men, more often it is by these characteristics that you can find a client.

RPS: Banner Advertising

This advertisement did not give a special result, it is more branding, at least in my opinion. But whoever doesn’t think so, try it on your health, the prices are not high, we look through Rotaban.
Or, as an option, look for football sites and negotiate directly with the administrator. Do not forget to ask for a good discount, in 90% of cases you will receive it.

RPS: Advertising on YouTube/Rutube

The method is not tested, I learned about it late. But I am sure that the method is 100% working, we buy ads before videos or in the description of the video with links to your site.
There are a lot of football channels, the main thing is to look for Russian ones. Prices are not particularly bite, try boldly.
I somehow found out in the top group and on the top site with football reviews such a thing cost about 100k rubles a month. The price is high, but I'm even afraid to imagine how many customers there are. But start with YouTube channels, there will be income, take it higher, don't be afraid.

RPS: Website promotion in search engines

Our last method is, in fact, partly the most difficult, because prediction sites rarely provide good or unique information that search engines will like.

Thus, they will advance, it will be several times harder. But do not forget that you have equal conditions with your competitors, which means you can try, and I would say it is necessary if you expect to make a website in the long term.

First sales

Congratulations, after at least half of the actions that I described above from my personal experience, I'm sure you have started the first sales.
Try to use maximum amount ways to attract customers, so you will achieve maximum income. And there are no maximums in this niche, so work and you will get results.

Discounts and promotions

Periodically, let's say once every three months, pamper customers with discounts, this is a powerful method that increases the influx of customers.
How many customers visit your site once a day just to see the statistics and learn something new, and by visiting Once again on your site, the client will see that your site has promotions or discounts, he will definitely participate, they do not miss such a chance.
But, do not abuse it, as long as it can discourage customers, we do everything in moderation.


From myself I advise you to be honest with your customers, not to lie or deceive.

Be kinder and sociable with clients, even if they ask you the same question 5 times, be restrained and patient, if not today, tomorrow he will become your client, success!

Sell ​​Sports Predictions
The site itself:

Hi all. The article is devoted to where and how you can sell your sports predictions. We will consider only one site, if you have more examples - write in the comments, we will discuss. For sports connoisseurs, this income is well suited, you may finally be able to create your own passive source of income. Especially if this is your hobby - you can earn decent money! To learn how to sell sports predictions, read the article below:

To start selling your sports predictions, you will need to get acquainted with one site where you can easily sell sports predictions and sell them all the time. True, first you will need to pay for access to such earnings. But don't be afraid! The cost of entering a special group "Tipsters" is low and affordable for everyone! Namely - 300 rubles. Let's consider everything in more detail:

A site where we can share forecasts or sell them -

Registration is simple and no unnecessary problems will not deliver. We go into your account, and the first thing we will need to do is confirm the phone number.
Click "My Profile"
On this page, click "Add"
And, after that, you will need to send an SMS text to a special number. After a few minutes, click on "Next".

4. Your phone number is now verified. It remains to join the Tipsters group.

P.S: The cost of SMS is from 20 to 30 rubles. SMS comes quickly. Immediately after confirming the number, you are given a bonus 100 credits (the site's internal currency; 1 credit = 1 WMR).

Joining the "Tipsters" group will also not take much time. Everything is easy and simple. But first you need to fund your account. To do this, in the "Authorization" window, click

And replenish your account with 201 rubles.

And in order to add a paid forecast and be able to earn money, click "Add paid forecast"

How much can you earn selling predictions

The average price of one forecast is about 60-70 rubles. As for me, very good. Let's say you posted 5 predictions. Each forecast was bought by 10 users. This is more than 3000 rubles!

Of course, not every forecast will buy a large number of visitors, so I advise you to start at least a little to fill the rating with free forecasts. For example, gain a rating of +10 (approximately 10-15 accurate forecasts) and start posting paid predictions. If you regularly give accurate bids, you will be joined by followers who will see your posts in their feed. So I advise you to gain subscribers!

About the site

In conclusion, I will tell you a little about the site itself. The site has been in existence since 2007. There are more and more visitors every year, which, of course, is a big plus for cappers who sell their forecasts. There is no doubt about honesty. There has not been a single complaint about the withdrawal of money yet (withdrawal from 200 rubles) ... by the way, they also have an affiliate program. Moderators and administration on the site are constantly online, it rarely happens when at least one moderator was not on the site. Honestly, I don't remember.

In general, you can earn good money on this site. For fans of this business, of course, I can not advise him. At least it will be more profitable than the "initial" earnings - earnings on clicks, reading letters, surfing. Even at times!


So our article has come to an end on how to sell sports predictions and constantly earn money on it. For many, I'm sure it will be a combination of business and pleasure. Also, if you still don’t know how to correctly bet on sports, I advise you to read the article “Sports betting at bookmakers”, and then this type of income will also become available to you.

It remains to wish good luck, and all the best!

Edited by totalisator (09/30/2013 00:03:51, 5 years 6 months ago)

The topic is closed and archived, do not disturb the author unless absolutely necessary!

Hello dear readers. This article is dedicated to those who know how to make high-quality forecasts and want to make money on it. I will not mention pseudocappers here, for which main reason sales of forecasts, this is a log cabin of the dough of gullible customers. They can pass by. I mean cappers who have decided to work for the long term, who are building up their permanent customer base and who only at the beginning offer their services. This is enough, then the clients themselves will find and ask you to sell forecasts, if you are one of them, because there are many cappers as such, few good ones.

Why sell forecasts?

Firstly, bookmakers treat winning players badly and start to put spokes in the wheels. This includes cutting accounts (limiting the maximum bets), and requiring additional verification. There is even a risk of account blocking by different reasons, for example, suspicions of foul play. Therefore, it is beneficial for the capper that others bet and give him a percentage of the profit.

Secondly, dispersion is smoothed out. Those. in the life of every better there are different periods in rates. Sometimes, everything works out and predictions come one after another, and sometimes there comes a losing streak when you spend your time, analyze matches from all sides, and some unforeseen event in the match breaks your prediction and game already underway according to an unforeseen scenario. And so time after time. At the same time, you do not risk your money, your customers suffer first of all, to whom, in the end, you can explain the showered failures.

Third, increased self-discipline. You will no longer be able to go offline and take a break without warning anyone in advance. And if you sell forecasts on a monthly subscription, then you have to work it out. Those. you need to work and produce results, and there are times when it is very difficult to force yourself to do this, but it is still necessary. Thus, you increase your productivity and, accordingly, earnings.

How to find clients

But how to find such clients at the initial stage, when no one knows about you, because there must be an element of trust, whether you charge money for a subscription or expect payment after the match. Here everything is decided by your reputation, first you work for it, then it will work for you. There are 2 options for cooperation. Through sports betting forums or through your website. Either way, you need good stats. Ordinary screenshots of bets in a bookmaker's office will not work, since at present, people do not trust it too much, since it is easy to fake. For such statistics to be credible, it must be monitored either by third-party resources such as , or posts on the forum, latest date changes in which can serve as direct evidence of its authenticity. For greater efficiency, it is better to use both methods.

Build a reputation

So, the procedure is this. You register on popular sports betting forums (type “sports betting forum” into the search engine and you will get all the necessary links.create a topic in a section like “Tipsters” or “ Free Predictions”, and within at least two (the longer the term, the more trust and more customers) months you publish your forecasts for free. Then you do Commercial offer by adding a link either to your service of paid forecasts, or by indicating your contact details along with details and working conditions.

Advice:in order to make it profitable for customers to work with you, do not put in the terms of the offer (agreement specifying the terms of cooperation) a 50-50 sharing of profits. You still won't be able to verify this profit. It is better to take a fixed fee for a forecast or subscription for a certain period (a week or a month, sometimes a quarter).

Of course, the prices must be adequate. Estimate what an average bank your audience can have. The price of the forecast should not be more than half of your possible average winnings. For example, if you show a bank growth of 10% per month, then it makes no sense for your player to buy a forecast for a month for more than 5%. Or if he bets an average of 1000 rubles per match, then the price of one prediction can be approximately 50 rubles (if a fee is charged for one prediction).

Be sure to write down that in case of negative results, you will give forecasts for free or renew your subscription on the same gratuitous basis for the same period. Until you get out of the drawdown. This will add seriousness to your offer and, most importantly, credibility.

One more tip:know your worth. If you will good reputation, you will not need to make concessions to your potential customers. There are conditions of the offer. Arranges? - Great, let's work. No? - go past. Even without you, I have someone to sell to.

Account promotion

There is also an account promotion option, where the client provides his data to enter the bookmaker's website. Here, the 50 to 50 option is quite acceptable, especially if the client's game bank is large. It's better to write in the contract the minimum amount such a bank, because otherwise the payment for your efforts will be small. I must say that here the benefit may be greater, but if, God forbid, a losing streak follows, the damage to reputation will be incommensurable with the possible benefits from such cooperation. But it's up to you.

Possible difficulties

In the process of working as a capper, various difficulties may arise. This is the inadequacy of clients who need predictions with a 100% pass or for a certain outcome (they can also beg to make a payment after the match, do not get fooled by this), while reading unflattering reviews about themselves and listening to insults. And the need to work during a drawdown is free, when you get profit only from new customers, but there is no desire to work. You need to be prepared for this, because possible stresses occur in any job related to probabilities (and not only).

Possible Benefits

But let's end on a positive note. Let's note a couple of advantages of working as a capper.

  1. no geo-referencing. You can go to warmer climes for the winter and work from there if you like summer.
  2. semi-flexible work schedule. Yes, you still need to strain, but no one will scold you when you start working a little later, and not strictly on schedule.
  3. larger income. Earnings are also much higher than normal work. It all depends on your success. But remember one thing:“You will always earn more than your customers, because unlike the latter, you do not have the risk of losing money” .

So go ahead, the article gave good reasons to engage in privateering. Even if you are not doing well right now, keep statistics of bets at least on paper and with experience, the results will come, just as you will understand how to get an advantage over the bookmaker.

Today, the Internet is simply full of offers for the sale of paid predictions for sports events.

Online betting is Goldmine not only for the bookmakers themselves, but also a paradise for scammers who pretend to be successful forecasters and try in every possible way to attract the attention of gullible players. Access to paid forecasts can be realized in different ways . They can be received via email e-mail, SMS or directly from a website that offers paid mailings.

Let's start with the scammers.

The intentions of persons or companies offering us predictions from paid mailing lists are primarily designed for the naivety and incompetence of players. Based on the "drawn" statistics, players see in paid predictions, easy profits and expect to have a decent income from bets already during the first month of the game. But such a simple and easy "earnings" in bookmakers does not exist. And this is regardless of whether we use paid forecasts or the best ones.

To have a stable income from sports betting, you do not need to rush to find the most profitable newsletters. You first need to gain theoretical knowledge and experience, choose the best strategy that suits you. If you carefully study all the material on our website, we guarantee that you will not need either privateers or their mailings. You will be able to earn in bookmakers on your own!

We do not want to say that all marques selling their forecasts are scammers. On the Internet, there are quite a few very reliable sites and services that have been selling their predictions for many years. Such distributions of forecasts have archived statistical data confirmed by verifiers. The authors of such mailings have authority among subscribers. Not infrequently they communicate on specialized forums where they have respect. Such privateers and their mailing lists are the most reliable source of information.

The problem is that it is very difficult to find an adequate and reliable source of paid predictions, as they are a tiny percentage of total all mailings. If we take into account that professional players make up no more than 1% of all players in bookmakers, then only a few of this 1% are engaged in sales.

The sad thing is that the vast majority of all other mailing list authors do not even have basic knowledge of betting. They don’t even have an elementary one, and they put “passability” as the basis for the success of their bets.

It's funny when a privateer offers to buy a choice of forecasts such as: cross-country forecast, golden express, VIP forecast, etc. Already by such proposals it is easy to identify scammers without delving further into the archive of their forecasts.

Paid sports betting mailing lists usually have several subscription options that cater to bettors depending on the "wallet size" of the subscribers. Possible 1-day, weekly, monthly subscription, subscription to specific types of bets or sports. There are also piece paid forecasts.

Forecasts are usually sent via email, SMS, or are simply made available on the website after payment has been made in advance.

Send us an email. mail the site to which you have shown interest and have shown a desire to buy forecasts there. We will do detailed analysis this mailing list. We will definitely do detailed overview newsletters on our website, where we will indicate all the strengths and weaknesses of it. We will express our opinion and give recommendations.


Observant and inquisitive players often ask: » Why does a person who has such good results sell forecasts, because he earns anyway? »

The main reasons for the sale of forecasts by successful players:

  1. If these are forecasts for small markets, then the player rests on the limits of bookmakers. In addition, bets on the maximum possible amount on these markets are not always liked by bookmakers. After large and frequent bets, may follow. Therefore, it is very reasonable for a privateer to put a relatively small amount of money on the predicted outcome, and “finish off” part of the profit at the expense of subscribers. Privateers specializing in rare sports sometimes cannot bet more than $15-20 on an outcome at all. That is, they can have ROI within 20% but not have enough profit due to small limits.
  2. Privateers living in those countries whose laws prohibit betting in bookmakers. In the corresponding field when registering at the bookmaker's office, even their country is missing. In case of violation of the prohibition, these actions are strictly suppressed by law. It turns out that the privateer has no way to place bets on his own, even on the Internet. Creating a paid mailing list in this case becomes quite logical.
  3. Novice successful players who do not have a sufficient amount of the game bank. Usually, such marques offer their services through a forecast verifier, as it is in their interest to earn credibility with their mailing list.


Remember - even paid forecasts of successful marques are not a guarantee of your profit!

There are many stories on the net when privateers, after having acquired a large number of subscribers, went into a big loss and the whole was lost.

However, in parallel with this, it is not uncommon for players selling forecasts to take responsibility for the money of their subscribers and give a guarantee of profit for a certain time. This promotes their self-discipline and responsibility.

If we find a reliable source of paid predictions with a good income, we should have a sufficient game bank, because the final profit should still cover the mailing costs. Given that high-quality paid mailings have average price about $80-100 per month, then for a tangible income our game bank should be more than $1000, since the average ROI of successful mailings is approximately + 7-10%.

Therefore, not every novice player can afford such a pot size.

Let's move on to an example that will give you a better understanding of investing in sports betting through paid newsletters.

Let's calculate the profitability:

$30(3% bet amount) x 100 (number of predictions) = $3000(turnover amount).

Subtract 10% (return on turnover) from 3000 (invested amount) = $300 (money won)

Considering that, due to certain conditions, we will receive a profit at the end of the month by 20-30% less than the privateer indicator, then it is not advisable to use paid mailings with a bank of $1000.

But if we have much large sum money to invest - we will not always have the expected return. Already at bets of $100 per outcome, we may encounter the problem of the maximum bet in the office, especially on . Therefore, when choosing a privateer, this moment must also be taken into account.

A common mistake novice players make is a rash subscription to forecasts, having at their disposal a bank of only $100-200, or even less. They are ready to give $100 for a subscription and have the same amount for the game. In order to "recapture" the profit for the newsletter and have additional income, they begin to bet 10% of the bank per bet instead of the recommended 2-3%. Attempts to get rich at the expense of paid forecasts with available small bank- lead to ruin. This happens due to ignorance in elementary theoretical knowledge of sports betting.

Paid predictions. Underwater rocks!

It would seem that the strategy of making money on paid forecasts is easy and understandable - buy a newsletter, deposit money into an account at the office, repeat the bets after a professional player, and at the end of the month withdraw the money earned in the office. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. And here we don't even take into account the size of the game bank. creating paid types is easy.

Inevitable problems that we will have to face when betting on paid tips:

Problem number 1.Falling odds

By purchasing forecasts from a trusted source, we familiar with its profitability at a distance. However, we can be sure that in our case the income will be the same as in the mailing statistics.

This is explained by the fact that the owners of the mailing list usually give us odds that are an order of magnitude higher than those on which we will have time to place bets. For example: the coefficient in the advice is 1.95, but in fact we will see 1.87 in the line. And this will happen 90% of the time. The drop in coefficients immediately after the release of a paid mailing list occurs due to:

  1. Before sending the forecast, as a rule, the privateer makes a bet on this event on his own. After that, the odds will decrease depending on the amount of the bet and the betting market.
  2. Subscribers. If the mailing list has a good profit, then it has subscribers who are trying to place a bet as quickly as possible at the most favorable odds. (the principle is the same as in the first paragraph)
  3. The bookmakers themselves correct the line and lower the odds. The staff of the bookmaker's office has. Their duty is to keep abreast of all sports news. Considering that 99% of the success of betting profits consists in finding fresh information and finding inflated odds, then the tasks of bookmakers are similar. They also track information on: injuries, suspensions, roster changes, weather conditions and adjust odds.

Therefore, if high-quality forecasts became available to you at 12-00, and you didn’t have time to place bets on them right away, then after 20-30 minutes, the odds on them will already be fairly squandered! The higher the quality of the forecast, the more significant the drop in the coefficients is observed. As an option - try to have time to place a bet immediately after the release of the forecast. It is not superfluous to have accounts in several bookmakers with low margins, but this also does not guarantee that the odds there will be higher each time.

Problem number 2. Cutting the game account.

To “put down” behind privateers means to do smart bets. Since after such bets on there is a sharp drop in the coefficient, then on the opposite coefficient. at the time of a sharp “load”, the bookmaker is forced to raise quotes. Thus, he does not have time to accept bets for balance and does not benefit from the margin. It turns out that because of such bets, the bookmaker takes a risk. As a necessary measure - the application of sanctions, in the form of cutting the account of "non-random" players. After reducing the betting limit to economically unprofitable limits, the game becomes impractical. For betting on the advice of professional players, bookmakers can “cut the score” at any time of betting. This can happen both after 1-3 days and after a month of bets, it all depends on: the bookmaker, the type of bets and their markets, the size of the bet, the number of bets, profit, etc.

If the betting limits are “lowered” during the first days of the subscription, then we, alas, will not return the money spent on it. You can try to register new account on friends or relatives and try to play there, but first you need to withdraw money from the first account. To do this takes time. When requesting money for a payout, the bookmaker will require us to verify the account: provide a photo of a passport or driver's license, certificates for utility services, etc. Account verification can take from 3 days to up to 2 months.


The decision to buy paid forecasts should be well thought out and mathematically justified. You should know that paid forecasts of even an honest and good marque are never profit guarantee in rates.

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