Yasnaya Polyana competition. Yasnaya Polyana (Literary Prize)

29 Jan 2018

The nominees can be publishing houses, "thick" literary magazines, winners of the previous years' awards, writers' unions. Books published after 2015 can be nominated.

In the main nomination "Modern Russian prose" literary award " Yasnaya Polyana» notes outstanding work contemporary author, which carries the ideals of philanthropy and which is important to read right now, because it defines the circle of literary trends of the present time.

"The Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize in the nomination "Modern Russian Prose" is not limited to books last year editions. Fate modern book usually short, including due to the seasonal cyclicality of premiums. We want to give a chance to books that were missed for some reason in previous seasons, and return them to the information field,” commented Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, chairman of the award jury.

Nomination " Foreign literature» is saved. She, as before, will celebrate the most significant foreign book of the XXI century and its translation into Russian. The long list is formed by a limited circle of nomination experts: literary critics, translators and publishers. The long list will be announced in mid-February. Previously, the Foreign Literature award was given to Ruth Ozeki (2015), Orhan Pamuk (2016) and Mario Vargas Llosa (2017)

Last year, the Yasnaya Polyana Prize featured nomination "Event", marking a significant, according to the jury and experts, an event in cultural life(festival, theatrical production, media, teen book, film adaptation). The first prize was awarded to the Tula Children's Book Festival "LiteraTula" and its curator Irina Rocheva. The decision in the nomination "Event" is made by the jury. Anyone can write a recommendation to the award's mail for consideration.

The distribution of the prize fund among the winners in the nominations in 2018:

  • The laureate in the Modern Russian Prose nomination receives 3 million rubles. Authors included in short list, divide among themselves 1 million rubles;
  • The nomination "Foreign Literature" consists of two parts: 1 million 200 thousand rubles are received by the laureate - a foreign writer, 500 thousand rubles - the translator of the laureate's book into Russian;
  • Laureate new nomination"Event" receives 500 thousand rubles.

The Samsung Readers' Choice Special Award will remain part of the award. Traditionally, it will be received by the author of the book that scored the largest number votes based on the results of an open reader's Internet voting. The winner in this nomination is awarded a trip to South Korea.

MOSCOW, November 2 - RIA Novosti. Laureates literary prize"Yasnaya Polyana"-2016 were Marina Nefedova with the book "The Forester and His Nymph", Narine Abgaryan and her novel "Three Apples Fell from the Sky" and Alexander Grigorenko with the story "The blind man lost his pipe".

The names of the winners were announced at the awards ceremony on Wednesday.

Five Russians bid for the Lindgren Memorial Prize for LiteratureThe Astrid Lindgren International Literary Prize was established by the Swedish government in 2002 after the death of famous writer to promote the development of children's and youth literature.

This year the Yasnaya Polyana award is presented for the fourteenth time. Vladimir Tolstoy, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture, said that this year the jury members read over a hundred novels to determine the winner in the nominations.

“There has never been such an agonizing choice as this year in the entire history of the award. The works of the short list all deserve to be declared laureates. Our heart bled when we were forced to make our difficult choice,” Tolstoy emphasized.

Before announcing the winners of this season, the jury members presented the books from the short list, explaining the structure of each novel, the relevance of the work and its artistic features. Evgeny Vodolazkin, Lev Anninsky, Pavel Basinsky, Alexei Varlamov, Valentin Kurbatov, Vladislav Otroshenko spoke to the guests of the ceremony.

The award was established in 2003 on the initiative of the Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate with the support of Samsung Electronics. The award is given to the best work of art in the traditional form in four categories. In the nominations "XXI century" and "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" the jury names short lists, and the finalists of the nominations "Foreign Literature" and " Modern classic" will be determined at a solemn ceremony in October. In addition, according to the results of an open reader's Internet voting, a special prize "Readers' Choice" is awarded. Vladimir Tolstoy is the chairman of the jury.

Winner in the nomination "XXI century", which is awarded topical works contemporary Russian literature will receive 2 million rubles, and the shortlisted authors will share 1 million rubles among themselves. The winner of the nomination "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth", in which books for young readers participate, receives 500 thousand rubles, and 300 thousand rubles are distributed among the finalists.


The winner in the nomination "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" was Marina Nefedova with the book "The Forester and His Nymph", which was published by the publishing house "Nikeya". Head of the Department of Culture of Moscow Alexander Kibovsky, presenting the award to the laureate, said that the works of all the winners will end up in the city's libraries.

"It's great that at one time Lev Nikolayevich (Tolstoy) wrote a trilogy of the same name, and this nomination appeared. Often literature for teenagers is considered niche, and Yasnaya Polyana singled out this nomination. It seems to me that literature for children and adolescents is very important, because this is the kind of reading that later affects the rest of your life,” said Nefedova, receiving the award.

Two writers became the winners in the nomination "XXI century" - Narine Abgaryan "Three apples fell from the sky", which was published by the AST publishing house, and Alexander Grigorenko's story "The blind man lost his pipe", published in the magazine "October".

“We suffered terribly and agreed on two nominees,” Vladimir Tolstoy explained the decision of the jury members.

Presenting Abgaryan's book, Aleksey Varlamov said that in the book "Three Apples Fell From the Sky" there are many wonderful and, at the same time, ordinary things.

"This is a local story that shows human life With different angles. Narine tells amazing story, a myth deployed in reverse. Her book is one of those apples that everyone should get," Varlamov said.

Evgeny Vodolazkin: I build novels as a dialogue with the readerIn an interview with RIA Novosti, the writer Evgeny Vodolazkin told how to make the reader a co-creator of a work and why literary awards are the best navigator in the book world.

The second laureate, Alexander Grigorenko, was unable to attend the ceremony. Vladislav Otroshenko told about his story to those present in the hall. He emphasized that for the first time the genre of the story is shortlisted for the award.

"Sometimes in a novel there are gaps, emptiness, even in good novels. The story has the ability to keep the mark of narration from the first word to the last. Grigorenko's story is poignant," Otroshenko said.

The winner in the nomination "Modern Classics" was Vladimir Makanin, who was awarded for the novel "Where the sky converged with the hills." The artistic director of the Theater of Nations Yevgeny Mironov read out a fragment from the work from the stage.

Orkhan Pamuk and his novel "My Strange Thoughts" translated by Apollinaria Avrutina became a laureate in the nomination "Foreign Literature". Aleksey Varlamov noted the work of the translator, who was able to convey "the melodious intonation and atmosphere of Istanbul."

"This is a large leisurely book, clearly not written in pursuit of success. This is a declaration of love hometown, Istanbul. It reminds me of One Hundred Years of Solitude. This is a long saga that is connected with a distant place that becomes close," Varlamov said. Orkhan Pamuk will receive his award later, at the Yasnaya Polyana estate.

The last to be announced was the winner in the Readers' Choice category, for whom readers voted online. In this case, the choice of readers coincided with the opinion of the jury and the award was given to Narine Abgaryan. The winner received a themed trip for two to Seoul.

Yasnaya Polyana (Literary Prize)

From 2003 to 2005, the Yasnaya Polyana Prize was awarded in two categories: Outstanding Work of Art in Russian Literature and Outstanding Debut Work of Art in Russian Literature. The winners in these two categories were:


  • Viktor Likhonosov (story "Autumn in Taman").
  • Nominations "Outstanding Debut Artwork of Russian Literature" - Vladislav Otroshenko (the story in the stories "The Yard of Great-Grandfather Grisha".


  • Nomination "Outstanding work of art of Russian literature" - Timur Zulfikarov (book of legends "The Golden Parables of Khoja Nasreddin").
  • Nomination "Outstanding Debut Artwork of Russian Literature" - Anton Utkin (novel "Round Dance").

2005 year

  • Nomination "Outstanding work of art of Russian literature - Anatoly Kim (the novel "Squirrel").
  • Nomination "Outstanding Debut Artwork of Russian Literature" - Alexander Yakovlev (collection of short stories "Autumn Woman").


Since 2005, the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize has changed its format and began to determine the winners in the nominations: Modern Classics and XXI Century ( Bright work modern prose).


  • Vasily Belov (story "The usual business")
  • Nomination "XXI century" - Alexey Ivanov (novel "Gold of rebellion or down the river Tesnin")


  • Nomination "Modern Classics" - Leonid Borodin (novel "The Year of Miracle and Sorrow")
  • Nomination "XXI century" - Zakhar Prilepin (novel "Sankya")


  • Nomination "Modern Classics" - Petr Krasnov (story "High Larks")
  • Nomination "XXI century" - Lyudmila Saraskina (biography "Alexander Solzhenitsyn")

year 2009

  • Nomination "Modern Classics" - Vladimir Lichutin (novel "Split")
  • Nomination "XXI century" - Vasily Golovanov (novel "Island")

Prize and jury

To date, the prize in the nomination "Modern Classics" is 500,000 rubles, in the nomination "XXI Century" - 250,000 rubles.

Member of the jury of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize in different time famous Russian writers, critics and public figures:

  • Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, director of the L.N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana", journalist;
  • Anatoly Andreevich Kim, prose writer, playwright, translator, academician of the Academy of Russian Literature;
  • Lev Aleksandrovich Anninsky, writer, critic, member of the Academy of Russian Literature;
  • Igor Petrovich Zolotussky, writer, critic, vice-president of the International Association "World of Culture";
  • Valentin Yakovlevich Kurbatov, writer, publicist;
  • Pavel Valerievich Basinsky, literary critic;
  • Vladislav Olegovich Otroshenko, writer, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize for 2003.


  • Literary award "Yasnaya Polyana" // Official site of the museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana" .
  • Laureates of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize for 2009 Announced // samsung.com . - 16.06.2009
  • The biography "Alexander Solzhenitsyn" by Lyudmila Saraskina became the winner of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize-2008 // AST-Press . - 29.09.2008
  • Zakhar Prilepin received the Yasnaya Polyana Prize -2007 // Lenta.ru . - 2.10.2007
  • Laureates of the literary award "Yasnaya Polyana"-2006 announced // Newspaper.ru . - 3/10/2006


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Yasnaya Polyana (Lipetsk region)
  • Yasnensky district of the Orenburg region

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    Yasnaya Polyana (literary award)- This term has other meanings, see Yasnaya Polyana (meanings). The Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize is an annual all-Russian literary prize established in 2003 by the State Memorial and nature reserve"Estate Museum ... Wikipedia

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Long list of Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize Announced

This year, 120 works were nominated for the award, published both in the form of a separate book and in literary magazines. After a thorough study by the jury members, only 30 texts by contemporary authors were included in the long list. Every year since 2003, the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize has been awarded to writers whose works inherit the traditions classical literature. In 2017, the award turned 15 years old, and in honor of the anniversary season, its structure was changed. This year the jury selects the best works of art in two categories: "Modern Russian Prose" and "Foreign Literature", and also chooses a laureate in the new nomination "Event". The long list of nomination "Modern Russian prose" includes books: 1. Avilov Sergey. V. N. L. (Faith. Hope. Love). 2. Aflatuni Sukhbat. Ant king. 3. Theological Romance. Trumpeter at the gates of dawn. 4. Gigolashvili Mikhail. secret year. 5. Share Arthur. Leninsky Prospekt . 6. Dragoon Xenia. Kolokolnikov - Podkolokolny. - M.: October, 2017. - No. 1. 7. Evseev Boris. Executed bell. 8. Ermakov Oleg. Song of the Tungus. 9. Zherebtsova Polina. Donkey breed. 10. Krusanov Pavel. Iron steam. 11. Kirilin Anatoly. Parrot seeds. 12. Martinovich Victor. Lake of Joy. 13. Medvedev Vladimir. Zahhok. 14. Melikhov Alexander. Date with Quasimodo. 15. Month Vadim. Striptease on the 115th road. 16. Novikov Dmitry. Bare flame. - M.: Journal "October", 2016. - No. 7. 17. One Bible Michael. Queue. 18. Pankratov Georgy. Lunar cat. - Journal "Ural", 2016. - No. 3. 19. Pokrovskaya Olga. Half the kingdom. 20. Popov Valery. You forgot your wing. 21. Popov Mikhail. On rising crosses. - M.: Magazine "Moscow", 2016-2017. - No. 10-12, No. 1. 22. Rubanov Andrey. Patriot. 23. Ryabov Oleg. Girl in the garden. 24. Sadulaev German. Ivan Auslander. 25. Slapovsky Alexey. Uncertainty. 26. Tugareva Anna. Inshallah. Chechen diary. - M.: Friendship of peoples, 2017. - No. 1. 27. Fetisov Egor. The ark. 28. Filipenko Sasha. Red Cross. 29. Shapko Vladimir. At the foot of the vast world. 30. Shevchenko Ganna. Miner deep. - M.: Friendship of peoples, 2016. - No. 2. 30% W.N.L. (Faith. Hope. Love.) 1 photo Sergey Avilov Helikon Plus 918 643 р. ALREADY BUYED TO CART 33 % Red Cross 19 rec. 5 photos Filipenko Sasha Time: It's time! 483 324 rubles Cashback ALREADY BUYED IN THE CART 30% Unknown. Romance of the century. 1917-2017 3 rev. 16 photos Slapovsky Alexey Ivanovich Edited by Elena Shubina: New Russian classics 544 381 р. ALREADY BUYED IN THE CART 30% Striptease on the 115th road 1 rec. 15 photos Month Vadim Gennadievich Eksmo: The Odyssey of a Russian Man. Prose by V. Month RUB 437,306 ALREADY BUYED TO CART 33 % Donkey breed. A story in stories 108 op. 18 photos Zherebtsova Polina Viktorovna Time: Documentary novel 483 324 р. Cashback ADD TO CART ALREADY BUYED Secret Year 5 Rec. 15 photos Gigolashvili Mikhail Georgievich AST 844 р. NOT AVAILABLE ALREADY BOUGHT 30 % Executed bell 2 rec. 26 photo Evseev Boris Timofeevich Eksmo: Wanderings of the soul. Prose by Boris Evseev 417 292 р. ALREADY BUYED 30% IN THE CART Ivan Auslender 4 op. 35 photos Sadulaev German Umaralievich Edited by Elena Shubina: Prose of our time 497 348 р. ALREADY BOUGHT TO THE CART The works of the short list of the award will be announced in September, and in October the jury will traditionally name the winners in all categories. In 2017, the premium fund of the Modern Russian Prose nomination increased by almost 1.5 times and amounts to 3 million rubles. Prize fund for the authors of the short list remained unchanged - the finalists will share 1 million rubles among themselves. In March of this year, a list of books included in the long list of the "Foreign Literature" nomination was announced. There is no short list in this nomination, the name of the laureate will be announced at the awards ceremony in October.

Literary Prize "Yasnaya Polyana" announced the Long List in the category "Foreign Literature"

Text: Lyudmila Prokhorova/Year of Literature.RF
Photo: press service of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize

In the building of the Moscow Theater of Nations, a long list of the best foreign books was announced according to the experts of the Yasnaya Polyana literary award, established by the Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate and Samsung Electronics.

The category "Foreign Literature" has been in existence for the fourth year. It highlights the most significant foreign book XXI century and its translation into Russian. Or, as the writer said, a jury member of the award Vladislav Otroshenko, "we reward the amazing symbiosis of writer and translator". In past years, the laureates have been Ruth Ozeki, and. By the way, the name of a living classic, Nobel laureate Llosy and his novel The Modest Hero, translated by Kirill Korkonosenko, were added to the list right at the 2017 long list announcement ceremony. He also had the honor of receiving the award.

Compared to the previous premium season, the list of 2018 added in number - it contains 35 works against 28 in 2017. However, the names familiar from previous years also migrated to it: with his “Benevolence”, with “Sinlessness”, and Drago Janchar. A reasonable question followed: is there any point in re-nominating the same works? If they have not already won once, it is unlikely that, with an abundance of worthy new products, the jury will choose them. Answer of the chairman of the jury, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture and art Vladimir Tolstoy made it clear that the chances of the "newly nominated" books are not so much. However, there are no restrictions on renomination in the rules, and the jury meets the needs of experts who again want to pay attention to worthy works.

Some experts were also driven by "personal motives." So, Natalia Kochetkova admitted that she put forward the book by Ishiguro, as well as by Pascal Quinard, because she wants to meet with these authors. The main condition of the award is that the writer must personally attend the award ceremony.

Is in long list 2018 and books just published in Russian - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie with the novel "Americanha", "Vegetarian" Han Gan - by the way, the first South Korean novel in this category, and "even more existential than his previous novels" "Here I am » Jonathan Safran Foer. Two authors are represented by two works at once - American Toni Morrison and Israeli writer Amos Oz.

Jury member, writer Pavel Basinsky noted that the nomination "Foreign Literature" is distinguished by the complexity of determining the criteria for selecting works: "Authors like Oz and McEwan should be given an award based on merit", but there are also talented works of young writers ...

This year, the Yasnaya Polyana Prize appealed not only to individual experts, but also to organizations. Thus, the Center for German Books in Moscow (and at the same time the Representative Office of the Frankfurt book fair in Russia) drew attention to the absence of German authors in the Long List last year. This season, the gap is filled: the long list includes three German books - "F" by Daniel Kelmann, which the jury member, writer Evgeny Vodolazkin defined as "virtuoso in terms of technology", as well as "He / she" by Boto Strauss and "On the example of a brother" by Uwe Timm.

They also noted the presence of Slavic authors in the list - “a five-part book as thick as two iPhones”, “I saw her this night” by Drago Jancar, “The Navel of the Earth” by the Macedonian writer Venko Andonovsky and Matei Vishniak with the book “Mr. K. at large”.

In the list of 2018 there was a place for children's literature. Critic, editor-in-chief of the God of Literature.RF portal Michael Wiesel put forward a novel by an American writer about the friendship of a boy and a fox. "This book is not so much a children's book as it is addressed to the inner child that lives in each of us", he remarked.

Ahead of the jury is waiting for the most exciting - reading and discussion. Readers will have to wait for the announcement of the winner in this category. in October(there is no shortlist in the nomination "Foreign Literature").

By the way, one more nice moment. Since the establishment of the nomination, its monetary component has also changed. It all started with a million rubles for the author of the best foreign novel and 200 thousand for the translator. In 2018, the author will receive 1.2 million rubles, and his translator into Russian - 500 thousand.

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