Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy House in Yasnaya Polyana. Sights of Yasnaya Polyana


In the Shchekino district of the Tula region there is an ancient village of Yasnaya Polyana. For a long time we wanted to visit it and the nearby estate famous writer. And on a warm April day, we loaded into our new horse and set off. And for a horse, this is also the first long-distance trip, a run-in.

From Pushkino near Moscow to the village. Yasnaya Polyana according to the navigator 216 km. South. And that means it's warmer. Indeed, in the Tula region greener noticeably. The road there took 3.5 hours with a stop at a gas station and a snack. The road is good (most of the Simferopol highway). I managed to experience the cruise, I liked it ... There is a large parking lot in front of the estate. Parking was no problem at 11 am. But by lunchtime, the cars were already on the side of the road.

The entrance to the estate is located between two watchtowers (previously guards used to sit in them). And now the guards are like this.

You need to buy a ticket in the machine - the entrance to the territory of the Yasnaya Polyana estate costs 100 rubles. (children free of charge). To the left of the entrance to the estate there are excursion ticket offices. There are many excursions, every 10 minutes for groups of 15 people. Us at 11 o'clock. offered only at 12 noon. nearest one (everything is booked). The tour costs 400 rubles, without benefits, lasts about 2 hours. While waiting for the tour, we walked near a large pond.

The history of the estate Yasnaya Polyana.

The tour starts from the entrance. We were not very lucky with our tour guide. A certain Evgenia Petrovna constantly stammered and spoke very quietly. But in general, the tour is very interesting and informative.

The estate was purchased by Leo Tolstoy's maternal great-grandfather Sergei Volkonsky in 1763. His son Nikolai Sergeevich successfully advanced in the service under Catherine II, retired as a general under Paul I, and went to live in his estate. He began the construction of the Yasnaya Polyana ensemble, which was completed by his son-in-law Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, the writer's father. Lev Nikolaevich's parents died quite early, and at the age of 19 he became the owner of the estate. And after the death of the writer, one of his sons Sergei and the youngest daughter Alexander lived here. With coming Soviet power and the nationalization of the estate, she became the first director of the museum.

Sights of the estate Yasnaya Polyana.

From the entrance towers up to Tolstoy's house there is a wide birch alley decorated by the writer's grandfather.

Immediately at the entrance to the estate on the left is the Big Pond. In it, Lev Nikolaevich swam in the summer, skated with the village children in the winter.

Behind the pond begins an apple orchard. There are many gardens in the estate. The whole estate occupies 400 hectares, and the gardens are spread over 40 hectares. N.S. Volkonsky was also engaged in apples as a household activity, and his grandson Leo developed this activity.

Engaged in Tolstoy and the apiary. In several places in the gardens there are now apiaries.

By right side from the main alley is the lower park (or English garden) - favorite place walks of mother Lev Nikolaevich.

The oldest building of the estate is Volkonsky's house. The great-grandfather and grandfather of the writer lived in it. And after the death of his grandfather in 1821, his only daughter Maria married Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy. They settled in Yasnaya Polyana. They built a big house. And the grandfather's house was used as an outbuilding: servants lived there, there were laundries, the manager's office, etc. Now there is a library.

Opposite Volkonsky's house are the stables.

Now the estate contains about two dozen horses. The fat ones knew a lot about them. They had their own stud farm not far from Yasnaya Polyana.

From Volkonsky's house, the excursion goes higher to the wing left in the estate from big house. Lev Nikolaevich sold the big house himself when he needed funds. The wing is called the Kuzminsky's house. For many years, the family of Tatyana Kuzminskaya, the sister of Tolstoy's wife, who became the prototype of Natasha Rostova in the novel War and Peace, stayed there for many years.

In the same house was located, created in 1859 by Lev Nikolaevich, a school for peasant children. He taught there himself.

A stone has now been erected in place of the main part of the large house.

Opposite - a guest house for those who came to the writer. There was also a medical station. Lev Nikolaevich demanded from doctors that they treat all the peasants who asked for help here. An unprecedented thing in those days, like the school in general ...

L. Tolstoy was physically well developed, every day he worked out on this horizontal bar.

Instead of the large house sold, Tolstoy built new house. Sofya Andreevna Burns, the daughter of a Kremlin doctor, a German and a Russian noblewoman, became the hostess in it. Her grandfather lived in the Tula province. And one day, on the way from Moscow to the grandfather's estate, they stopped in Yasnaya Polyana. Although Sophia was familiar with Leo, but that time he saw her for the first time adult girl. And fell in love. They lived in this house most life.

They had 13 children, eight of whom survived to adulthood.

House tour.

The house takes up most of the tour. Leading us through the rooms, the guide tells about the life of the writer and his family. The tour starts from the living room.

Lev Nikolaevich did not like luxury, so the most valuable things in the house are portraits of relatives and personal belongings. Everyone had their own place at the table. At the head of the table sat Sofya Andreyevna.

The situation in the writer's office is the same as it was on the last day of his stay in the house.

No food was cooked in the house. We didn’t take a tour to the utility yard, but we understood that the kitchen was to the left of the house.

The writer's bedroom is also modest. He always cleaned it himself.

From here he went to his recent journey in 1910 from which he did not return alive. Tolstoy was excommunicated for his views on religion. But when they went to bury him, the whole procession began to sing the funeral prayer.

Lev Nikolaevich was buried on the outskirts of the Yasnaya Polyana estate near the ravine in which he was looking for a “green stick” as a child. The older brother told him in childhood that if you find her, then she can make all people happy.

Posted Thu, 21/07/2016 - 23:48 by Cap

Yasnaya Polyana - a unique Russian estate, family estate the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Here he was born, lived most of his life, here he is buried. Here was his only favorite home, the nest of his family and clan. Exactly at Yasnaya Polyana you can really "plunge" into the world of Tolstoy and his works - every year this famous museum visited by a huge number of people from all over the world.
The first information about Yasnaya Polyana dates back to 1652. WITH mid-eighteenth centuries, the estate belonged to the ancestors of the writer on the maternal side, the princes Volkonsky. During the XVIII and 19th century here a unique manor landscape- parks, gardens, picturesque alleys, ponds, a rich greenhouse, an architectural ensemble was created, which included a large manor house and two outbuildings.

Together with the architectural ensemble, this landscape has been preserved for more than a hundred years - following the model of 1910, the last year of Tolstoy's life. One of the estate outbuildings eventually became a home for the writer and his family. Here Tolstoy lived for more than 50 years, here he created masterpieces of world literature. All interior items and works of art are authentic and preserve the atmosphere of the life of Lev Nikolayevich and his family. The museum's collection includes more than fifty thousand exhibits, the most unique of which are the furnishings of the House of L.N. Tolstoy and the writer's library, included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.

Centuries-old trees and young growth, picturesque alleys of parks and secluded forest paths, the hall expanse of ponds and the bottomless sky - all this is Yasnaya Polyana, wonderful world who inspired Leo Tolstoy. The writer did not leave this world even after his death - his grave is located in the Old Order forest, on the edge of a ravine. Tolstoy himself indicated the place of his burial, connecting it with the memory of his older brother and his story about the "green stick", on which the secret of universal happiness is written.

Fate has been kind to family nest Tolstoy throughout the 20th century. The manor was not damaged in years civil war- out of respect for the memory of Tolstoy, the Yasnaya Polyana peasants saved her from a pogrom. Eleven years after the death of the writer, in 1921, through the efforts of his youngest daughter Alexandra Lvovna opened a museum in Yasnaya Polyana. The descendants of Lev Nikolaevich continued to take part in the fate of the museum. In 1941, when the threat of occupation loomed over Yasnaya, the granddaughter of the writer Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya-Yesenina, who was in charge of the museum, organized the evacuation of most of the exhibits of the Tolstoy House to Tomsk.

Volkonsky House

Absolutely new stage in the development of Yasnaya Polyana began in 1994, when the great-great-grandson of Lev Nikolayevich Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy became the director of the museum. From this moment on, we can talk about the return of the Tolstoys to Yasnaya Polyana and a return to the history, roots, traditions of the old Russian noble estate. These traditions are continued by the current director of the museum, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Tolstaya, who took up this post in 2012.

On this moment Yasnaya Polyana is a large museum complex, recognized Cultural Center world importance. In addition to the Tolstoy Museum, it includes a whole network of branches. But the estate still remains the center - a real, "alive", exactly the way Tolstoy knew and loved it. Many species are preserved here. economic activity: apples are picked in huge gardens, an apiary brings honey, graceful horses delight the eye ... The whole "Yasnaya Polyana" estate with its unique beauty retains not only its original appearance, but also the spirit of the Tolstoyan era.

Yasnaya Polyana is a manor in the Shchekinsky district of the Tula region (14 km southwest of Tula), founded in the 17th century and belonging first to the Kartsev family, then to the Volkonsky and Tolstoy families. On August 28 (September 9), 1828, Leo Tolstoy was born in it, he lived and worked here (War and Peace, Anna Karenina, etc. were written in Yasnaya Polyana), his grave is also located here. main role N. S. Volkonsky, the writer's grandfather, played a role in creating the appearance of the estate.

The architectural ensemble of the estate
House of Leo Tolstoy
Volkonsky House
Wing Kuzminsky
Entry Tower
Stables and carriage house
Instrument shed
Blacksmith and carpentry
garden house
Life and Riga
Bench L. N. Tolstoy
birch bridge
Gazebo tower

Kucherskaya in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana

House-Museum of Leo Tolstoy
Having moved to the estate, Leo Tolstoy expanded one of the outbuildings. The writer lived in this house for more than 50 years and created most of his works in it. Now the House is a museum of Leo Tolstoy.

The museum was created by the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on June 10, 1921, largely thanks to the efforts of A. L. Tolstoy, the daughter of Leo Nikolayevich. She and her brother Sergei Lvovich were the first directors of the museum. During the Great Patriotic War its exhibits were evacuated to Tomsk, and Yasnaya Polyana itself was occupied for 45 days. During the retreat of the Nazi troops, Tolstoy's house was set on fire, but the fire was extinguished. By May 1942 the estate was reopened to visitors. In the 1950s, large-scale restoration work was carried out.

The exposition of the museum includes the original furnishings of the estate, personal belongings of Leo Tolstoy, his library (22,000 books). The situation in the house-museum of Leo Tolstoy is left the same as the writer himself left it, leaving Yasnaya Polyana forever in 1910. The current director of the museum (2015) is V. I. Tolstoy, great-great-grandson of L. N. Tolstoy.

Volkonsky House
Prince N. S. Volkonsky, grandfather of L. N. Tolstoy, completely rebuilt the estate. His house is oldest building on the estate.

Wing Kuzminsky
In this house in 1859-1862 there was a school opened by Leo Tolstoy for peasant children. Then guests stayed in the wing, more often than T. A. Kuzminskaya, the sister-in-law of Lev Nikolaevich, stayed.

In the 1890s, the writer built a swimming pool on the Middle Pond in an English park, which different years either knocked together from boards, or woven from brushwood.

Bridge for the former Yasnaya Polyana mill
During the life of L.N. Tolstoy, there was a mill on the territory of the Yasnaya Polyana estate on the Voronka River, which was used for household needs. Currently, she is not. Only the bridge, adapted for the installation of the mill, remained; one of the parts of the mill (a stone circle) lies on the shore.

autumn morning in Yasnaya Polyana

natural composition
entrance gate

big pond
lower pond
middle pond
Alley "Preshpekt"
Kliny Park
Abramov landing
Afonina grove
oblique meadow
"Christmas Trees"
red garden
old garden
young garden
lower park
native forest
Guseva glade
"Tree of love" (birch and oak growing from one place and intertwined with each other)
funnel river

Preshpekt is a birch alley that appeared in Yasnaya Polyana around 1800. It starts from the entrance towers and goes to the Writer's House. "Preshpekt" was repeatedly mentioned in the works of Lev Nikolaevich.

Grave of Leo Tolstoy

In the last years of his life, Tolstoy repeatedly asked to be buried in the forest of Stary Zakaz, on the edge of a ravine, in the "place of a green stick." Tolstoy heard the legend of the green stick in childhood from his beloved brother Nikolai. When Nikolai was 12 years old, he announced to the family about great secret. It is worth opening it, and no one else will die, there will be no wars and diseases, and people will be “ant brothers”. It remains only to find a green stick buried on the edge of the ravine. The secret is written on it. The Tolstoy children played "ant brothers," sitting under armchairs hung with handkerchiefs; sitting all together in close quarters, they felt that they were good together "under the same roof" because they loved each other. And they dreamed of an "ant brotherhood" for all people. Already an old man, Tolstoy writes: “It was very, very good, and I thank God that I could play it. We called it a game, and meanwhile everything in the world is a game, except for this. L. N. Tolstoy returned to the idea of ​​universal happiness and love in artistic creativity, and in philosophical treatises, and in journalistic articles.

Tolstoy also recalls the story of the green stick in the first version of his will: “So that no rituals are performed when my body is buried in the ground; a wooden coffin, and whoever wants to, will take or carry the Old Order into the forest, opposite the ravine, in place of the green stick.

Other facts
The museum was badly damaged during the Great Patriotic War. documentary footage the consequences of the plundering of the estate by German troops are presented in the Soviet film "The Defeat German troops near Moscow".
The commander of the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps, General Belov, whose troops participated in the liberation of those places in December 1941, recalls this as follows:
With the assistance of our reconnaissance detachment, soldiers of the 217th Infantry Division of the 50th Army liberated Yasnaya Polyana. The scouts visited the museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy. When they returned, they spoke with indignation about how the Nazis abused the memory of the great writer. They ripped off the walls rare photos Tolstoy and carried away. Guderian came to the museum. One of his officers captured several valuable exhibits as "souvenirs" for his superior. The soldiers stationed in the estate stoked the stoves with pieces of furniture, paintings, and books from Tolstoy's library. Museum workers offered them firewood, but the soldiers laughed in response: “We don't need firewood. We'll burn everything that's left of your Tolstoy." The Nazis desecrated Tolstoy's grave, which people from all over the world came to worship.

ABOUT family customs and the traditions of the count family tells Valeria Dmitrieva, researcher of the department traveling exhibitions Museum-Estate "Yasnaya Polyana"

Valeria Dmitrieva
- Before meeting Sofya Andreevna, Lev Nikolayevich, at that time a young writer and an enviable groom, had been trying to find a bride for several years. He was gladly received in houses where there were girls of marriageable age. He corresponded with many potential brides, looked, chose, evaluated ... And then one day Lucky case brought him to the house of the Berses, with whom he was familiar. This wonderful family brought up three daughters at once: the eldest Lisa, the middle Sonya and the youngest Tanya. Lisa was passionately in love with Count Tolstoy. The girl did not hide her feelings, and those around her already considered Tolstoy to be the eldest of the sisters. But Lev Nikolayevich had a different opinion.
The writer himself had tender feelings for Sonya Bers, which he hinted to her in his famous message.
On the card-table the count wrote with chalk the first letters of three suggestions: V. m. and p. s. With. and. n. m.m.s. and n. With. In c. With. With. l. V. n. m. and c. With. L. Z. m. from v. With. T". Later Tolstoy wrote that it was from this moment that his whole future life depended.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, photo, 1868

According to his plan, Sofya Andreevna had to unravel the message. If she deciphers the text, then she is his destiny. And Sofya Andreevna understood what Lev Nikolaevich meant: “Your youth and the need for happiness remind me too vividly of my old age and the impossibility of happiness. There is a false view of me and your sister Lisa in your family. Protect me, you and your sister Tanechka. She wrote that it was providence. By the way, Tolstoy later described this moment in the novel Anna Karenina. It was with chalk on the card table that Konstantin Levin encrypted Kitty's marriage proposal.

Happy Lev Nikolayevich wrote a marriage proposal and sent it to the Bers. Both the girl and her parents agreed. The modest wedding took place on September 23, 1862. The couple got married in Moscow, in the Kremlin Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Immediately after the ceremony, Tolstoy asked his young wife how she wanted to continue family life: whether to go to Honeymoon abroad, whether to stay in Moscow with his parents or move to Yasnaya Polyana. Sofya Andreevna replied that she immediately wanted to start a serious family life in Yasnaya Polyana. Later, the countess often regretted her decision and how early her girlhood ended and that she never went anywhere.
In the autumn of 1862, Sofya Andreevna moved to live in her husband's estate Yasnaya Polyana, this place became her love and her destiny. Both remember the first 20 years of their lives as very happy. Sofya Andreevna looked at her husband with adoration and admiration. He treated her with great tenderness, reverently and with love. When Lev Nikolaevich left the estate on business, they always wrote letters to each other.
Lev Nikolaevich:
“Nothing is needed but you. 1863 January 29 - February. Moscow."
“I am glad that this day was entertained for me, otherwise, dear, I was already scared and sad for you. It's funny to say: as I left, I felt how terrible it was to leave you. - Farewell, darling, be a good boy and write. 1865 July 27. Warrior.
“How sweet you are to me; how you are better for me, cleaner, more honest, dearer, sweeter than everyone in the world. I look at your children's portraits and rejoice. 1867 June 18. Moscow.

Sofia Andreevna
Sofia Andreevna:
“Lyovochka, dear darling, I really want to see you at this moment, and again in Nikolskoye to drink tea together under the windows, and run away on foot to Aleksandrovka and again live our sweet life at home. Farewell, darling, dear, I kiss you tightly. Write and take care of yourself, this is my testament. July 29, 1865"
“My dear Lyovochka, I survived the whole day without you, and with such a joyful heart I sit down to write to you. This is my real and greatest consolation to write to you even about the most insignificant things. June 17, 1867"
“It is such a labor to live in the world without you; everything is not right, everything seems wrong and not worth it. I did not want to write you anything like that, but it broke so badly. And everything is so cramped, so petty, something better is needed, and this is the best - it's only you, and you are always alone. September 4, 1869"
Fat people loved to spend time all over big family. They were great inventors, and Sofya Andreevna herself managed to create a special family world with their own traditions. Most of all it was felt in the days family holidays, as well as at Christmas, Easter, Trinity. They were very much loved in Yasnaya Polyana. The Tolstoy went to the liturgy at the parish church of St. Nicholas, located two kilometers south of the estate.
For a festive dinner, a turkey and a signature dish - Ankov pie were served. Sofya Andreevna brought his recipe to Yasnaya Polyana from her family, to whom it was given by the doctor and friend Professor Anke.
Tolstoy's son Ilya Lvovich recalls:
“Since I can remember myself, on all solemn occasions of life, on big holidays and on name days, the “Ankov pie” has always and invariably been served in the form of a cake. Without this, the dinner was not a dinner and the celebration was not a celebration.
Summer in the estate turned into an endless holiday with frequent picnics, tea parties with jam and games on the fresh air. They played croquet and tennis, swam in the Funnel, and went boating. arranged musical evenings home performances...

birch bridge

We often dined in the yard, and drank tea on the veranda. In the 1870s, Tolstoy brought such fun to children as "giant steps". This is a large pole with ropes tied at the top, on which there is a loop. One leg was inserted into the loop, the other was pushed off the ground and thus jumped. The children liked these "giant steps" so much that Sofya Andreevna recalled how difficult it was to tear them away from the fun: the children did not want to eat or sleep.
At 66, Tolstoy began cycling. The whole family worried about him, wrote letters to him so that he would leave this dangerous occupation. But the count said that he was experiencing sincere childish joy and in no case would he leave the bicycle. Lev Nikolayevich even studied cycling at the Manezh, and the city council issued him a ticket with permission to ride the streets of the city.
Moscow city government. Ticket number 2300 issued to Tolstoy for cycling through the streets of Moscow. 1896
In winter, the Tolstoys enthusiastically skated, Lev Nikolaevich loved this business very much. He spent at least an hour at the rink, taught his sons, and Sofya Andreevna taught his daughters. Near the house in Khamovniki, he poured the ice rink himself.
Traditional home entertainment in the family: reading aloud and literary bingo. Excerpts from works were written on the cards, it was necessary to guess the name of the author. IN later years Tolstoy was read an excerpt from Anna Karenina, he listened and, not recognizing his own text, highly appreciated it.
The family loved to play Mailbox. Throughout the week, family members dropped leaflets with anecdotes, poems, or notes about what was bothering them into it. On Sunday the whole family sat in a circle, opened the mailbox and read aloud. If they were playful poems or short stories, they tried to guess who could write it. If personal experiences - understood. Modern families we can take this experience into service, because now we talk so little with each other.
By Christmas, a Christmas tree was always put up in the Tolstoy house. They prepared decorations for it themselves: gilded nuts, figurines of animals cut out of cardboard, wooden dolls dressed in different costumes, and much more. A masquerade was organized on the estate, in which both Lev Nikolaevich and Sofya Andreevna, and their children, and guests, and courtyards, and peasant children took part.
“On Christmas Day 1867, the Englishwoman Hannah and I longed to make a Christmas tree. But Lev Nikolaevich did not like either Christmas trees or any festivities and then strictly forbade buying toys for children. But Hannah and I asked permission for a Christmas tree and for us to be allowed to buy Serezha only a horse, and Tanya only a doll. We decided to call both yard and peasant children. For them, in addition to various sweet things, gilded nuts, gingerbread and other things, we bought naked wooden skeleton dolls, and dressed them in a wide variety of costumes, to the great delight of our children ... about 40 guys gathered from the household and from the village, and the children and I were joyfully handing out everything from the Christmas tree to the children.
Skeleton dolls, English plum pudding (a pudding doused with rum was lit while serving), a masquerade become an integral part of the Christmas holidays in Yasnaya Polyana.
Sofya Andreevna was mainly engaged in the upbringing of children in the Tolstoy family. The children wrote that most of the time their mother spent with them, but they all respected their father very much and were afraid in a good way. His word was the last and decisive, that is, the law. The children wrote that if they needed a quarter for something, they could go up to their mother and ask. She will ask in detail what you need, and with persuasion to spend carefully will give money. And it was possible to approach the father, who would simply look at point-blank range, burn with his eyes and say: “Take it on the table.” He looked so penetratingly that everyone preferred to beg for money from their mother.

family of Leo Tolstoy

A lot of money in the Tolstoy family was spent on the education of children. They all got good homemade elementary education, and the boys then studied at the Tula and Moscow gymnasiums, but only the eldest son Sergei Tolstoy graduated from the university.
The most important thing that children in the Tolstoy family were taught was to be sincere, kind people and treat each other well.
In the marriage of Lev Nikolaevich and Sofya Andreevna, 13 children were born, but only eight of them survived to adulthood.
Death was the biggest loss for the family. last son Vanya. When the baby was born, Sofya Andreevna was 43 years old, Lev Nikolaevich - 59 years old.

Vanechka Tolstoy
Vanya was a real peacemaker and united the whole family with his love. Lev Nikolayevich and Sofya Andreevna loved him very much and experienced an untimely death from scarlet fever of their youngest son, who did not live to see seven years of age.
“Nature is trying to give the best and, seeing that the world is not yet ready for them, takes them back ...”, - Tolstoy said these words after the death of Vanechka.
In the last years of his life, Lev Nikolaevich did not feel well and often gave his relatives cause for serious concern. In January 1902 Sofya Andreevna wrote:
“My Lyovochka is dying ... And I realized that my life cannot remain in me without him. I have lived with him for forty years. For everyone he is a celebrity, for me he is my whole existence, our lives went one into another, and, my God! How much guilt, repentance has accumulated ... It's all over, you can't return it. Help, Lord! How much love and tenderness I gave him, but how much of my weaknesses grieved him! Forgive me, Lord! Forgive me, my dear, dear dear husband!”
But Tolstoy understood all his life what a treasure he got. A few months before his death, in July 1910, he wrote:
“My assessment of your life with me is as follows: I, a depraved, deeply vicious sexually man, no longer my first youth, married you, a clean, good, smart 18-year-old girl, and despite this, my dirty, vicious past you lived with me for almost 50 years, loving me, labor, hard life giving birth, feeding, raising, caring for children and for me, not succumbing to those temptations that could so easily capture any woman in your position, strong, healthy, beautiful. But you lived in such a way that I have nothing to reproach you with.”

Plan-scheme of Yasnaya Polyana

TRIP TO Yasnaya Polyana
Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" is a popular attraction of Tula and the entire Tula region. Perhaps only the Museum of Weapons is able to compete with Yasnaya Polyana in popularity. And yet, nevertheless ... These are things of a different order. Leo Tolstoy is the universe, the genius of Russian literature. It is impossible to know where all this came from without getting to know his estate.
Saying the phrase "On a visit to Leo Tolstoy", in fact, you do not prevaricate. Here is the House of the Writer. He was born in Yasnaya Polyana, lived for almost 60 years, here he conceived and wrote many of his immortal works("War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", etc.). Here he is buried. Leo Tolstoy is a man of legend, everyone who loves Russian literature and history should visit this place.
Elena Sebyakina tells about her trip to the Yasnaya Polyana estate. This post is a continuation of her story about her acquaintance with Tula and its environs.
Two weeks before the trip, I heard a program about L.N. Tolstoy, learned a lot of new and interesting things. This is probably why the idea of ​​a trip to Tula was born, with the condition of a subsequent visit to Tolstoy's house.
It was decided to start the trip to Yasnaya Polyana from the Kozlova Zasek station. The distance from the hotel turned out to be only 14 kilometers. This is the railway station where Tolstoy received his mail, from where he called. From here, he secretly went south in November 1910, fell ill on the way and died a few days later at the Astapovo station. The coffin with the body of the writer was brought to the same station two days later.
In 2001, restoration work was carried out here and the exhibition " Railway Lev Tolstoy". The station is very clean and beautiful. I didn’t like the museum, maybe I should have taken a tour, especially since the price of a ticket with a tour is only 40 rubles.
The presented objects simply allow you to understand the appearance of the station at the time of sending Tolstoy to his last way. Here is a train model from the beginning of the 20th century, old photographs, travel items, a telegraph, and a telephone. There are many such museums… In general, a walk around the station seemed more exciting, although it was raining and it was very dank.
From the station to the estate is only 4 kilometers, the road is good. Entrance to the manor park is paid. A walk around the estate without visiting the houses is 50 rubles, a guided walk around the estate and houses is 250 rubles.
Excursions in Yasnaya Polyana start every half an hour, but the system is very strange. First, you go to the window and they give you a card with the time, what time there are places for the tour, and only then you come to the time with this card and buy a ticket. While you are waiting, there is an opportunity to wander around the souvenir shops, since there are a lot of them.
The tour starts right from the manor gate. We came across a guide, in relation to whom I initially had a feeling of incompetence, but then I realized that the person knows a lot, is in a hurry to tell, is worried, stutters a little and is embarrassed by this.
The tour is long, the children can not stand it. There were three children with us in the group, probably 5, 7 and 10 years old, all three were very tired by the end, and it was evident.
I liked the estate, but I still had one question that did not receive an answer, where such a huge family lived. The house, it seemed to me, was very small for such a family. Expanse, ponds, a variety of plantings, beautiful views from the windows, paths running in all directions and the feeling that now you will see a living Tolstoy - this is probably how I can describe the estate. I really want to come back here in the spring, because I think that all those gardens that are on the territory of the estate bloom unusually and smell too.
Tolstoy was very fond of this alley of birches. He loved the noise of the wheels of carriages driving up to the house and loved one of the ponds along the avenue, where he told him to think well.

How to get there, where is it located:
How to get to the museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana"?
It is not difficult to go to Tula, but it is a must to visit.
By car, Yasnaya Polyana can be reached via M2. From Moscow to the estate is only 200 kilometers - 3 hours drive.
Driving directions from Moscow.
On its own - by train from the Kursk station on the train "Swallow" Moscow-Kursk to go only 2 hours. 737 train runs daily. Departure from Moscow at 08:30, arrival in Tula at 10:38 - 10:40. Fare - from 363 to
534 r. You can buy a ticket on the website Lastochka-poezd.ru
If time is short and the trip is a one-day trip, then it makes sense to immediately take a taxi from the railway station to the estate (450 rubles).

June 10 marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the State Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana".

Yasnaya Polyana is the family estate of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Here he was born and spent most of his life. The estate is located in the Shchekino district of the Tula region (14 km to southwest from Tula).

The Tolstoys believed that Yasnaya Polyana got its name from the wide sunny valley, which opens when turning to the estate from a road, and possibly along the Yasenka River, which flows nearby.

The history of the estate dates back several centuries. IN XVI-XVII centuries one of the notches (Malinovaya) of the Muscovite state passed through the Yasnaya Polyana forests, protecting Russia from nomadic raids. In the 16th century, the village of Yasnaya Polyana was one of the fortifications in this area - "ostrozhok" - and was located not far from the Raspberry Gate fortress.

In 1627, for their faithful service to the tsar, the boyar Grigory Kartsev and his son Stepan were granted land in the Solovsky (later Krapivensky) district. The boyar's possession also included the village of Yasnaya Polyana, in which he founded his estate. In 1763, the great-grandfather of Leo Tolstoy, Prince Sergei Fedorovich Volkonsky, bought Yasnaya Polyana in the name of his wife. In addition to him, five more landowners owned land in Yasnaya Polyana, their parts were bought out later. After the death of Sergei Volkonsky in 1784, the estate passed to his son Nikolai Volkonsky, who fundamentally changed its appearance during a radical reconstruction.

From Prince Nikolai Volkonsky, Yasnaya Polyana passed to his only daughter, the mother of Leo Tolstoy, Maria Nikolaevna. The writer's father, Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, completed a 32-room Empire house here, enlarged the garden and household services.

Leo Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana on September 9 (August 28, O.S.), 1828, and he lived here for more than 50 years. In 1847, the Yasnaya Polyana estate became the property of Leo Tolstoy under an act of division of property between the brothers.

In 1986, the Yasnaya Polyana Museum received the status of the State Memorial and Natural Reserve, in 1993 the status of a cultural object of particular importance. In 1994, Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, a descendant of Leo Tolstoy, was appointed director of the museum.

State memorial and nature reserve"Museum-estate of L. N. Tolstoy" Yasnaya Polyana "for Lately significantly pushed the limits of the usual museum activities expanded both territorial and professional and departmental boundaries. Today, the museum estate "Yasnaya Polyana" is a complex system of objects, a network of branches that determine various forms interaction between the museum and society.

It includes:

Museum-estate of L.N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana", which includes the House-Museum of L.N. Tolstoy, the Kuzminsky House, the Volkonsky House, outbuildings, a stable, etc. on the territory of the reserve, total area of which 412 ha;

Scientific and cultural center in Tula, which includes the Publishing House, tourism department, souvenir and bookstores, art gallery;

Tourist and hotel complex "Yasnaya Polyana", which includes a hotel, an administrative building and buildings intended for storage, a center for folk crafts and pottery workshops, etc.;

Cafe "Preshpekt";

Kindergarten "Ant Brotherhood" in the village of Yasnaya Polyana;

Cultural center of the village of Yasnaya Polyana;

Industrial and motor transport bases;

Regional Museum and Complex historical buildings in with. Krapivna;

Museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy in the village. Nikolskoye-Vyazemskoye;

Memorial house of M. N. Tolstoy in the village. Small Pirogovo;

Memorial house of P. I. Tolstoy in the village of Pokrovskoye;

Manor and park ensemble in the village. Big Pirogovo;

Museum and tourist complex at the railway station Kozlova Zasek.

But the Yasnaya Polyana estate itself remains the same as Tolstoy knew and loved it. Memorial landscapes of the estate (gardens, parks, ponds, forests planted by Tolstoy), as well as buildings late XVIII - early XIX centuries, are maintained in their unchanged historical form.

The main memorial buildings of the estate:

The Volkonsky House is the oldest stone building in Yasnaya Polyana; under Leo Tolstoy it had an economic purpose, today it is the administrative building of the museum; the house also has an exhibition hall;

House of L.N. Tolstoy, where Tolstoy lived for over 50 years and wrote most of his works; preserved as of 1910 ( Last year writer's life)

Kuzminsky's wing building of Tolstoy's Yasnaya Polyana school, later - a guest house; now it houses temporary exhibitions;

Memorial stable, which today contains about 30 horses, as well as various outbuildings.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources.

“Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. Without Yasnaya Polyana, maybe I can see more clearly general laws necessary for my fatherland, but I will not love him to passion, ”said L.N. Tolstoy.

Yasnaya Polyana- a manor in the Shchekinsky district of the Tula region (14 km south-west of Tula), founded in the 17th century and belonging first to the Kartsev family, then Volkonsky and Tolstoy.

In 1763, Yasnaya Polyana was bought in the name of his wife by Tostoy's great-grandfather, Prince S. F. Volkonsky, since then it has been inherited. Instead of wooden buildings, ensembles of stone buildings were erected. The Tolstoy believed that Yasnaya Polyana got its name from the wide sunny valley that opens up when you turn to the estate, and possibly along the Yasenka River, which flows nearby.

On August 28, 1828, Leo Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana. Little Leva he loved manor life with fragrant smells, multi-colored butterflies, tea drinking under birches, fishing, sledding from the mountains. He also loved horses, studied the life of hunting dogs, admired their beauty and grace, raised hens and chickens himself. About these years the writer will later say:“Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood!”He spent most of his life here.

By old age, L.N. Tolstoy reached the peak of kindness, perceiving it as supreme state happiness. Tolstoy liked to say:“To be happy, you need one thing - to love, to love everyone and everything ...”. It was Yasnaya Polyana who gave Tolstoy her quiet love. The family estate with its landscapes, the best traditions of the estate life, family traditions served Tolstoy as an inexhaustible source of creative strength and inspiration and was invariably present in his works. Tolstoy gives a description of his native places in "The Novel of the Russian Landowner", "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina".

In the last years of his life, Tolstoy repeatedly asked to be buried in the forest of Stary Zakaz, on the edge of a ravine, in the "place of a green stick." Tolstoy heard the legend of the green stick in childhood from his beloved brother Nikolai. When Nikolai was 12 years old, he told his family about a great secret. It is worth opening it, and no one else will die, there will be no wars and diseases, and people will be “ant brothers”. It remains only to find a green stick buried on the edge of the ravine. The secret is written on it. The Tolstoy children played "ant brothers," sitting under armchairs hung with handkerchiefs; sitting all together in close quarters, they felt that they were good together "under the same roof" because they loved each other. And they dreamed of an "ant brotherhood" for all people. Already an old man, Tolstoy writes: “Very, very good it was, and I thank God that I could play it. We called it a game, but meanwhile everything in the world is a game, except for this.. L. N. Tolstoy returned to the idea of ​​universal happiness and love both in art, and in philosophical treatises, and in journalistic articles.

Tolstoy also recalls the story of the green stick in the first version of his will: “So that no rituals are performed when my body is buried in the ground; a wooden coffin, and whoever wants to, will take or carry the Old Order into the forest, opposite the ravine, in place of the green stick.

After the death of Leo Tolstoy, Yasnaya Polyana continued to be the property of the Tolstoys.

"Yasnaya Polyana" today is the largest museum, research, tourism, publishing center, one of the tasks of which is to preserve the Tolstoy estate for future generations. The appearance of the two-story house-museum, the location of its rooms, the furnishings - everything is preserved in the same form as it was in the last year of the writer's life.

Four rooms in the writer's house in different years served as his study. When transferring the office from one room to another, at the request of Tolstoy, they always moved the sofa and the desk, at which the writer created about 200 works in this house.

Tolstoy's library of many thousands (22 thousand books), the writer's study with an old table made of Persian walnut with green cloth - a witness and unwitting participant in many immortal creations of world literature, such as: "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection", "The Power of Darkness", "Hadji Murat"; a hall where they dined, rested, argued and played music, the “room under the arches” with its small round table, lamp, sofa, several armchairs, an old dressing table with three mirrors, personal belongings of the writer, portraits of him and his relatives - everything is inspired by the image of L. N. Tolstoy.In the wing there is an exposition of the literary museum.

But Yasnaya Polyana is not only an abundance of priceless museum exhibits. It is also a huge park area, many places of which are associated with the great writer. On one of the remote alleys of the estate stands Lev Nikolayevich's favorite bench, from which a magnificent view opens up. Another natural attraction of Yasnaya Polyana is the Tree of Love. There is a belief that if you walk around it several times and make a wish, then it will certainly come true.

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