What is the tragedy of the work of farewell to the mother. Actual and eternal problems in V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera"


"Farewell to Matera" is a kind of drama from the life of the people. Here we are talking about human memory and fidelity to one's kind. The story most fully embodied the dear idea for Rasputin of the solidarity of man with the world, with the family, with nature. In this work, Rasputin tries to convey to readers the eternal problem of memory. Our first childhood impressions are based on the fact that everything that surrounds us (home, parents) has existed forever. The sun always appears in the sky in the morning, and leaves in the evening, the father and mother have lived for a long time and will live for a long time. Therefore, the disappearance from the face of the earth of the place where he was born, and which is imprinted in memory for the rest of his life, seems incomprehensible. Not everyone can experience this, but the further civilization goes, the more often we find ourselves in such situations. This is what happened on Matera - the island is being wiped off the face of the earth, and the inhabitants cannot do anything about it. So it is necessary. In the village, everyone has a different attitude to this event: the old people are waiting for it as a catastrophe, the youth are enthusiastic. Young people think that their old age is somewhere far away, that they may never grow old. After all, they know and understand much more than the illiterate old people who hold on to obsolete times. But when old age comes to them, they will definitely remember the words of those whom they did not want to listen to at one time, and they will understand that the old people were right in many ways. And they will say later: “Nonche the world will break in half: its che is going on! And he broke for us, for the old people ... neither we are here, nor we are here. But also earlier life did not stand still, but people from childhood firmly learned the experience of their fathers and grandfathers, and life “not like everyone else” was considered frivolous and was condemned by everyone. Rasputin's old men praise the old times for a reason. Not because they were young themselves, but because they think, first of all, about how their descendants will continue to live. Daria recalls the words of her dying father: “You don’t take much on yourself - you will become arrogant, but take it on yourself first: to have a conscience and not to endure from conscience.” She recalls exactly what today's youth needs: “Before, conscience was strongly inflamed. If someone strove without her, it is immediately noticeable that everyone is in sight of life. Another would be glad in conscience, but where can she get it, if she was not born with him? And to whom, as she rolls through, is also not a joy from such wealth. Young people, of course, have a conscience, but they do not always remember it. And she does not always want to follow the old traditions, rely on the experience of previous generations, who do not understand much in modern life. The old women of the writer know only their Matera, they love her and do not want to part with her, they consider it a sin to deprive a person of his homeland. This is precisely the patriotism that more than once saved Russia from enemy invasions. These old people know how to soberly sum up the results of their lives, as Daria does: “Live steadfastly long life to confess in the end: she did not understand anything about her. Let others catch up with her. But “they won’t catch up. It only seems to them that they will keep up with her - no, and they are destined to look after her with anguish and weakness, now she is watching us. Growing up, a person begins to understand that not everything in life is as simple as it seemed in his youth, that you need to think about the soul. No matter how bad the past was, we should not completely abandon it, since it is still present in our lives, and we must treat it with respect. We must not forget that a person is only a part of those people who lived before him, that he is a child of nature: “A child was born and remained a child all his life ... And death ... how he is afraid of it.” Nothing can save a person from the fear of death, a person carries this feeling in himself all his life. And here we must remember the ancestors who managed to die, retaining their dignity and self-control. And all because they revered the graves and knew that they would be taken care of and remembered after death. It is no coincidence that all old people dream of dying with Matera. And how many cemeteries have been destroyed, abandoned. The carelessness with which people treat graves is transferred by them to everything else in life, and this has never brought happiness to anyone. And it is not for nothing that the old men admonish the youth: “God forbid that your life should seem easy to you.” Progress, while facilitating the work of man, does not prepare him for the difficulties of life. And this "relief leads to a frivolous attitude to life in general, preventing a person from asserting himself in life." Human memory is primarily associated with the place where you were born, where your house stands, where your ancestors are buried, who lived and died, in order to prepare your life, leave your life experience. Therefore, the desecration of the cemetery of Matera by "evil spirits" from the sanitary and epidemiological station becomes a tragedy for Daria and other old people. In their opinion, this is already a sign of the complete dehumanization of people. After all, life on earth does not begin with us and does not end with our departure. Daria is talking about the most important things– preservation of memory, roots, traditions. After all, as we treat our ancestors, so will our descendants treat us. No wonder Daria is so worried because she could not move the grave of her parents from the island. She thinks that her children will not take care of her either. The inhabitants of Matera are forever deprived of the memory of their home. Therefore, in their hearts they will always carry a feeling of restlessness of their native corner. The youth of Matera over time will definitely try to find their way to it. longing for native land will not die with its last inhabitant, it will be passed on to subsequent generations. It is clear that the problem of memory in the story is one of the main ones. And its solution depends on us, because the future of our children is in our hands. Therefore, they must be educated in such a way that they understand how important it is to remember their past, their ancestors, their traditions and customs. And then the problem of memory will be solved.

"Farewell ..." was written by Valentin Rasputin in 1976, this time can rightfully be called the time of decline and devastation of the Soviet village. At that time, there was an active campaign to destroy "unpromising villages", which caused village writers to deeply worry about traditions and a peculiar national way of life. village life, which was about to disappear under the influence of the city.

So, V. G. Rasputin put real story about the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Angara River, as a result of which several surrounding villages were flooded. The inhabitants of these places, willy-nilly, had to move to neighboring cities, moving for the majority of rural residents turned out to be very painful and morally difficult.

But besides the problem of the extinction of the village, V. Rasputin in "Farewell ..." raises a number of other problems. These are "eternal" problems moral character: the relationship of generations, memory and oblivion, conscience, the search for the meaning of life.

V. Rasputin in his story shows the relationship of the morality of the people with their past and surrounding places, their small homeland. In the writer's mind small homeland a person cannot truly live, because his native land gives a person much more than he is able to realize. And therefore, the separation of a person from his native land, roots, traditions for V. Rasputin is tantamount to a loss of conscience. This is realized by the elderly heroes of the story, first of all, the main character is the old woman Daria.

This bearer of centuries-old traditions is not able to part forever with the habitable place, because her grandfather and grandmother also lived in the hut in which she lived all her long life. In these old walls her childhood passed, the joyful years of motherhood and marriage, hard times war. It is no coincidence that the image of the house in the story is depicted as if inspired and alive. Other old people also remain faithful to their native Matera. V. Rasputin gives a colorful comparison of old people with old trees that they undertook to replant. Very symbolic is the death of the seemingly perfectly healthy old man Yegor, which occurs in the first weeks after his departure from Matera. The younger generation, living in the future, quite calmly parted with their native places.

So, Daria's son Pavel understands the suffering of the old mother, but he does not find time to help alleviate them (by fulfilling Daria's request to transport the graves of her relatives). And Daria's grandson Andrey turns out to be completely indifferent to the grief of the older generation in his native places, he leaves for the construction of a platinum, as a result of which Matera will be destroyed. This is how the family breaks up, which, according to the author of "Farewell ...", will logically be followed by the collapse of the people and the whole country. And that is why Matera can be considered not only the name of one village, but also the symbolic name of the country and the image of mother earth in general.

V. Rasputin wants to show that it is fundamentally wrong to achieve new goals (albeit such significant ones as the development of industry) at the cost of betraying one’s past, motivating this with the words of Daria: “He who has no memory has no life either.”
Thus, the story can be called a cry from the heart about the deepening of villages and people who were forcibly evicted from their homes. "Farewell to Matera" very clearly shows the great importance of traditions in the life of every person.

The story "Farewell to Matyora" is included in the group of works related to " village prose". Such authors as F. Abramov, V. Belov, V. Tendryakov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin raised the problems of the Soviet countryside. But the focus of their attention is not social, but moral questions. After all, it was in the village, in their opinion, that the spiritual foundations were still preserved. An analysis of the story "Farewell to Matera" helps to better understand this idea.

The plot of the work is built on real events. In 1960 during construction Bratsk HPP was flooded home village writer - Staraya Atalanka. Residents of many surrounding villages were moved to a new territory from the flood zone. A similar situation is described in the story "Farewell to Matera", created in 1976: the village of Matera, located on the island of the same name, must go under water, and its inhabitants are sent to the newly built village.

The meaning of the title of the story "Farewell to Matyora"

The title of the story is symbolic. The word "Matera" is associated with the concepts of "mother" and "mother". The image of the mother is associated with central character- the old woman Daria, the keeper of the traditions on which the life of the house, family, village, world rests. In addition, Matera is associated with a folklore and mythological figure - Mother Earth Cheese, which was considered by the Slavs to be a symbol of femininity and fertility. "Mature" means strong, experienced, has seen a lot.

The word "farewell" evokes associations with eternal separation, death and memory. And also correlates with the word "forgiveness", with the last repentance. We continue below the analysis of "Farewell to Matera".

The problems of Rasputin's story

The story "Farewell to Matyora" by Rasputin touches on a wide range of problems, primarily moral problems. The central place is occupied by the question of the preservation of spiritual memory, of respect for what has been created on earth by the creative labor of many generations.

Related to this is the question of the price of progress. It is unacceptable, according to the writer, to improve technical achievements by destroying the memory of the past. Progress is possible only when the progress of technology is inextricably linked with the spiritual development of man.

The question of the spiritual bonds of people, of the relationship of "fathers and children" is also important. We see three generations in the work. Old women (Nastasya, Sima, Katerina, Daria) belong to the elder. They are the guardians of memory, family, home, land.

To the middle - Pavel Pinigin, Petruha, Claudia. Among them there are people who have no respect for the past, and this is one of the key thoughts in the analysis of "Farewell to Matera". So, Petruha, in order to get money, set fire to his own hut, which they were going to take to the museum. He even “forgets” his mother on the island. It is no coincidence that the old woman Daria calls him dissolute. This word contains the idea that a person has lost his way in life. It is symbolic that Petruha almost forgot given name(after all, Petruha is a nickname, in fact his name is Nikita Alekseevich). That is, without respect for their ancestors, without the memory of the past, a person has no future. The image of Pavel Pinigin is much more complicated. This is the son of the old woman Daria. He loves Matera, he good son and a good worker in his land. But Pavel, like everyone else, is forced to move to a new village. He constantly travels through the Angara to Matera to visit his mother and finish things, but he must already work in the village. Paul is shown as if at a crossroads: with old life ties are almost broken, he has not yet settled down in a new place. At the end of the story, he got lost in thick fog on the river, which symbolizes ambiguity, uncertainty. later life.

The younger generation is Andrey, Daria's grandson. He is focused on the future, strives to be in the whirlpool of events, wants to be in time and also participate in the construction of a hydroelectric power station. Such concepts as youth, energy, strength, action are associated with his image. He loves Matera, but for him she remained in the distant past. The old woman Darya is especially offended that, leaving the village, Andrey did not say goodbye to her, did not walk around the island, did not look into last time where he grew up and spent his childhood.

"Rasputin old women" in the analysis of the story "Farewell to Matyora"

"Rasputin's old women" are the wise keepers of memory, traditions, fading into the past way of life. But the main thing is the carriers spirituality who think about a person, about truth and conscience. main character the story "Farewell to Matero", the old woman Daria, stands at the last frontier, she has little left to live. The old woman saw a lot, raised six children, of whom she had already buried three, survived the war and the death of loved ones.

Daria believes that she is obliged to preserve the memory of the past, because while she is alive, those whom she remembers have not disappeared without a trace: her parents, Ivan, matchmaker, dead son and many others. It is no coincidence that Daria dresses her hut in last way like a dead man. And after that, it no longer allows anyone to enter it.

All her life, Daria tried to follow her father's covenant that one must live according to one's conscience. Now it is difficult for her not from old age, but from the severity of thoughts. She is trying to find answers to the main questions: how to live correctly, what is the place of a person in this world, is a connection between the past, present and future possible, or should each next generation go its own way.

Symbolism in Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matyora"

a significant role in the work are images-symbols. If you are doing a Farewell to Matera analysis, don't miss this thought. Such symbols include the image of the Master of the island, royal foliage, hut, fog.

The owner in the story "Farewell to Matyora" is a small animal guarding and guarding the island. Anticipating everything that will happen here, he bypasses his possessions. The image of the Owner is connected with ideas about brownies - good spirits that protect the house.

Royal foliage is an immense, mighty tree. The workers who came to destroy the forest before flooding could not cut it down. Larch correlates with the image of the world tree - the fundamental principle of life. It is also a symbol of the struggle of man with nature and the impossibility of victory over it.

The hut is a house, the basis of life, the keeper of the hearth, family, memory of generations. It is no coincidence that Daria treats her hut as a living being.

Fog symbolizes the vagueness, blurring of the future. At the end of the story, people who have sailed to the island after the old women wander for a long time in the fog and cannot find their way.

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"Farewell to Matera" was written in 1976, and a year later it was published in the magazine "Our Contemporary". The story immediately attracted attention, as it raised both actual problems of their time, and eternal questions human existence. This is the problem environmental impact scientific and technological progress, the offensive of the "urban" way of life on the few remaining corners of the "village", untouched by civilization, the life of people.

The story reveals eternal problems: relationships between generations, life and death, memory, search for meaning human existence, conscience, love for the motherland.

In a small work, Rasputin managed to show us global problems human existence on earth and in society. He showed the differences between urban and rural ways of life, the destruction of traditions by the younger generation, the attitude of the people to power.

In the story ecological problem intertwined with many others. But it is from her that the tangle of moral and philosophical reflections of the heroes begins to unfold. Science and technology have reached the remote Siberian village and demand that it be completely wiped off the face of the earth. We all understand that the sinking of Matera is due to goals aimed at improving the welfare of the whole people. A hydroelectric power station is being created on the Angara, which will generate electricity for the entire country. But at the same time, the river will overflow, flood many floodplain meadows and lands, and the ecological situation will change here.

On the other hand, relocation from the island, which will be flooded, to new uninhabited places is a tragedy for the old-timers of the village. And not only because everything in the city is alien, unusual, but also because on this island you will have to leave the graves of your ancestors “for drowning”. Before the eyes of the heroes, they begin to destroy graves, burn crosses, explaining this in this way: “You know, the sea will spill in this place, large steamships will go, people will go. Tourists and foreign tourists will go. And here your crosses are floating.

"Administrative people" do not understand the feelings of the inhabitants of Matera, for whom the cemetery is the "home" of relatives who have gone to the other world. This is the place where they remember their ancestors, talk to them, and this is the place where they would bring them after death. The inhabitants of Matera are deprived of all this, and even before their own eyes. People understand that flooding will happen anyway, but “it would be possible to do this cleaning in the end so that we don’t see ...”. Thus, the problem of power and people arises in the story.

It turns out that the national goal requires human sacrifices, the welfare of the whole people, and not individuals. But precisely from individual people and consists of the people. And it turns out that the state, the authorities, do not care about the members of their society, but about themselves. In principle, it has always been and always will be. That is why there are clashes between the government and the people. The authorities want to transfer people who have lived all their lives in the countryside to urban conditions. And the village dweller is not adapted to such a “hard” life, where there is water, electricity, and gas in the house, and you don’t even have to go anywhere. In the apartment, he feels his uselessness, his innocence in life. But a man cannot for a long time feel useless. It is no coincidence that grandfather Yegor, who moved to the "apartment", dies there a few months later. So he was exhausted by longing for home, for his beloved island, for work.

The writer shows how ties with Matera weaken from generation to generation. Daria's son Pavel is no longer sure whether the old people are right in their fierce defense of the island, and his son Andrey is arguing with his grandmother about technological progress. He sees no point in the further existence of the island and agrees to give it "for electricity", thereby renouncing his home, from his homeland and uniting with "officials", for whom the inhabitants of Matera are "submerged citizens".

The author is not at all against progress, but he sees that a person is lost behind him, he is no longer visible in full height. No wonder Rasputin puts into the mouth of Daria the words: "You will completely lose yourself along the way." This heroine sees that it is no longer machines that serve people, but people serve machines. And that man, chasing progress, has changed a lot. Before people it was not enough, there was enough conscience for everyone, and now - if only not to forget this word in general, if only to explain in words. And people are in a hurry, they have no time to even think about it.

In Farewell to Matera, the problem of life and death is also touched upon. What does a person live for? The author is sure that a person lives in order to prepare the life of new generations, to leave them a spiritual experience. And a man dies in order to let his descendants live. This is a natural process of nature. People live fulfilling lives only if they feel connected to previous generations. That is why the old people of Matera want death now, while they live on their own land, in their own home, with people they know.

So, we see that Rasputin raises in the story problems that worry people at all times. But he only shows them, we, the younger generation, will have to solve these problems.

Other writings on this work

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1. Man and progress.

One of the most important is the problem associated with man and scientific and technological progress. We learn that they want to build a hydroelectric power station on the Angara River, and water will flood many lands, including Matera. The inhabitants of the island reacted differently to this event. Klavka Strigunova said that the island “should have been drowned long ago. It doesn’t smell alive ... not people, but bedbugs and cockroaches. We found a place to live - in the middle of the water ... like frogs.

And Petruha himself burns down his house just to get money for it. Andrey Pinigin was also happy about the cardinal changes and wanted to take part in the construction of a new hydroelectric power station. The hero says this: “Man is the king of nature,” but Daria answers her grandson: “Here, he will reign, he will reign, and he will grieve.” She argues that it is not machines that serve man, but man machines. This was understood by other villagers who did not want to leave. native land, chased away the “devils” and “asps”, put the crosses in their place and installed the nightstands in the cemetery until late at night. Daria also whitewashed and decorated her hut before the arson, and when Petrukha's house burned, people looked at the fire with regret and thought that the same would happen to their huts.

These inhabitants of the island loved their native land and their ancestors. Undoubtedly, scientific and technical progress is necessary, but we must not forget about traditions, spiritual values, we must carefully preserve the connection between generations, love our native land.

2. Memory problem.

For three hundred years, the people of Matera settled in, for happiness it was enough for them to light the stove, drink tea from the samovar, and be close to their ancestors. And they love their native land very much, they try to protect and save it. Many fought desperately to save the cemetery, Yegor and Nastasya put off the move. And their children want to destroy and forget everything that connected the younger generation with their ancestors (customs, traditions, the village in which they grew up). Thus, moral principles began to crumble. This idea is confirmed by Daria, who says that “the truth is in the memory. Whoever has no memory has no life”, that in people and society a sense of conscience began to be lost. The heroine was worried about the fate of the village, valued moral principles, customs, traditions, remembered her roots.

3. The problem of man's connection with nature.

The fate of the island is already a foregone conclusion, and nature felt the approach of misfortune. People are not ready for such changes, for life in another village. They worked with pleasure on this earth, invested love, rejoiced when they worked together. The heroes also took care of their pets: cows, horses, cats. The inhabitants feel a blood connection with the island, they are not ready to part with the land that raised them. Thus, people share with nature her tragic fate. But there were also workers who treated nature ruthlessly. Once they decided to destroy the “royal foliage”, but the tree did not burn, and it also failed to be cut down. It was impossible to imagine Matera without Listven. People admired him and believed that the tree holds the whole island with its roots, and as long as he lives, the village will also stand. The inhabitants of Matera felt a connection with nature, treated it carefully and reverently.

4. The problem of responsibility to the ancestors.

The main character, who throughout the entire work worries about the fate of the graves of her relatives, is undoubtedly Daria Pinigina. She keeps the memory of deceased relatives, protects gravestones from arsonists. Daria's desire is great to take them with her to a new place of residence, for her this is an important thread that connects her with the past. In difficult times, the heroine turns for advice not to living people, but to already deceased relatives, she is oppressed by the fact that it was in her lifetime that such a fate fell - the flooding of Matera. Daria feels that she cannot just let her house be burned down, in which more than one generation was born and lived, where she lived a long life, a house that is a family hearth. Spiritual connection and memory of loved ones help the heroine make the right decision about what to do with the house. Daria Pinigina remembers everyone who is buried in this cemetery, keeps history and considers it her duty not to let them sink.

5. The problem of the purpose of life.

The story presents 3 generations of the Pinigins. Each of them perceives life differently, each has its own goals and views. Andrei, Daria's grandson, wants to be at the "front line", where all the youth are. He does not want to spend his youth in a remote village, working in the field or at the factory: “... I want my work to be visible, so that it stays forever, but what about at the factory? You don’t leave the territory for a week<...>I want to be where the young are, like myself, where everything is different ... in a new way. The hydroelectric power station will be rebuilt, it will stand for a thousand years ... ". For Andrei, grandmother's worries about the fate of Matera seem insignificant. For Daria, it is important to preserve the memory of relatives, she is the only one who can do this. Even moving due to the flooding of Matera, she wants Daria is not ready to put up with the fact that all her relatives will remain on this island, and she will leave without doing anything. native island Matera, but he no longer has the strength to worry. His soul was "etched away" from all the troubles he had experienced: "... Pavel recalled with shame how he stood near his burning hut and pulled everything out of himself, looking for some strong, hysterical feeling - it’s not a stump that’s burning, his native hut - and he could not pull out and find anything, except for the bitter and awkward surprise that he lived here. Pavel does not have a specific goal in life, he does not try to make a career or achieve something more, he “goes with the flow”, he wants a calm and quiet life. Their goals diverge, but if Daria's goal is moral basis, which encourages her to preserve the memory of past generations, then this is not in Andrei’s goal, while Paul finds himself “between two banks”.

6. The problem of the strength of the native connection.

V. Rasputin in his work vividly shows the relationship between generations. Daria appears before us as a person who is trying with all her might to preserve the memory of her ancestors, protecting the graves in the cemetery, asking Pavel to take them with him to a new village. And if the author shows this connection as strong and indestructible, then Daria's connection with her grandson Andrei is completely different. In the era of technological progress, Andrei does not want to sit still, he tries to always be in the thick of things. The sad fate of Matera does not cause a drop of pity in him: “Why do I need another? I want to go there. Matera, grandmother, they will flood anyway - even with me, even without me. I have nothing to do with this. Electricity, grandma, required, electricity.” Andrei's conversation with Pavel and Daria shows us that the younger generation, striving for something new, forgets about their small homeland, is not imbued with the experiences of relatives, forgets moral values. The family connection in the Pinigin family is weakening. The story also shows the Zotov family. Katerina's son - Petruha is lazy, irresponsible and selfish. His connection with his mother is completely absent, he does not show care and respect for her, and even sets fire to native home leaving Katerina without a roof over her head. So the author shows that the ancestral connection cannot always be reliable and strong, as a result of any external events it can be broken, thus V. Rasputin prompts us to such an idea as the preservation of the ancestral connection, no matter what.

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