Through the pages of your favorite works. Literary quiz "on the pages of your favorite books"


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  • generalize students' knowledge about children's literary works,
  • develop the ability to recognize the heroes of works and the authors who wrote them,
  • maintain an interest in reading
  • foster a sense of camaraderie, responsibility for their team.

Participants: teams of students in grades 1-2.

Preparation: come up with a name, make a team emblem, motto ( judged by the jury). Organize an exhibition of children's literature.

Equipment and materials: computer, projector, screen, multimedia presentation .

Event progress

Hello dear guys! Hello dear adults! We are pleased to welcome you to today's event, which is dedicated to the heroes of children's books and the authors who invented them for us. We will go with you on an exciting journey through the pages of books, where their amazing characters await you. But we need to find out who will go on a trip today ( command representation). We got acquainted with the teams, and now let's find out who will count your correct answers ( introduction of the jury members).

The team captains will take turns choosing the number of the question, which you will be given 10 seconds to discuss. If the team names the name of the hero of the work, it will receive 1 point, if it names the hero and the name of the work, it will receive 2 points, and if it names the hero, title and author of the work, it will receive 3 points. If the team does not answer the question, the right to answer is transferred to another team.

So, we are going on an exciting journey. And the right to be the first to choose a question will be given to the team that will be the first to answer my question: “Who was fourth in the fairy tale“ Turnip ”?” (Bug).

This is a good doctor. He helps animals and birds. The hero is even ready to go on a dangerous journey to Africa to cure hippos. On his way there are various difficulties, but grateful animals are ready to help him.

(Name of the hero - Aibolit, fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”, author - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky).

She is a small and very curious girl. It is curiosity that leads her to the rabbit hole, falling into which the heroine finds herself in Wonderland. In this country, it changes in size several times, but this does not frighten her. She travels without fear magical land, meets with its unusual inhabitants.

(Name of the hero - Alice, fairy tales: “Alice in Wonderland”, “Alice Through the Looking-Glass”, author - Lewis Carroll).

This is the heroine of Russian folk tales. She is old and ugly, like a witch with shaggy gray hair, with a stick in her hand. She lives in a hut on chicken legs. Often she has a black cat who helps her mistress.

(Name of the hero - baba yaga, Russian folk tales: “Geese-swans”, “Fenist-clear falcon”).

This is a boy with long nose, cut from a log. This restless boy does not obey his father, he constantly plays pranks and plays pranks. He does not want to go to school and goes to the puppet theater instead of school.

(Name of the hero - Pinocchio

The heroine of Russian folk tales. This beautiful girl is distinguished not only by her beautiful appearance, but also by intelligence, kindness, justice. She is a real assistant to the protagonist of the fairy tale. Her mind helps the hero out of trouble. She gives him helpful tips that help to deal with difficult tasks or endure dangerous tests. She has magical powers, but she never uses them for evil.

(Name of the hero - Vasilisa the Wise, Russian folk tales: “The Frog Princess”, “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise”).

This is a little bear. He is trusting and simple-minded. More than anything, he loves honey. The little bear is ready to do anything to get the coveted pot of honey, and because of this he often gets into trouble.

(Name of the hero - Winnie the Pooh, fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" by Alain Milne).

This villain Russian folk tales. He is strong, therefore he offends the weak and defenseless with impunity. Often a weak hare or lamb becomes its victim. However, he is not as cunning as a fox, so he often becomes a victim of deception. This character symbolizes strength, deceit and at the same time simplicity and stupidity.

(Name of the hero - Wolf, Russian folk tales: “The Fox and the Wolf”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”; fables - “The Wolf and the Lamb”, “The Wolf in the Kennel”, the author is Ivan Andreevich Krylov).

This is the little girl who was kidnapped by the Snow Queen. best friend Kaya. She went in search of him, fearless of danger. She is not afraid of long journey, no difficulties and hardships, no little robber, no Snow Queen herself. The girl is ready to go to the far North to find Kai and bring him back home.

(Name of the hero - Gerda, fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, author - Hans Christian Andersen).

This main character poems. He always helped children and adults: he removed a kite from the wires, raised those children who were shorter in the parade so that they could see better. He prevented a train crash, released pigeons from the attic of a burning house, and saved a drowning boy. He is humble and selfless. He does noble deeds not for glory and reward. That is why people respect him.

(Name of the hero - Uncle Styopa, poem "Uncle Styopa", author - Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov).

10 question:

A peasant son who spends all his time lying on the stove. He is very lazy. He does not want to do anything to change his life, he is satisfied and happy with everything. Having caught a wonderful fish, he shows kindness and generosity, releasing it into the wild. Behind good deed he gets the opportunity to fulfill all his desires without doing anything. A rustic hero, lazy, but kind and unsophisticated, marries the king's daughter and lives happily ever after.

(Name of the hero - Emelya, Russian folk tale “After pike command”).

11 question:

The heroine of this tale lost her mother early. Her father remarried a wicked and quarrelsome woman and she was forced to work for her stepmother and her daughters. Despite this, she remained meek and good girl. She did not argue with her stepmother, she tried to please the capricious sisters. She was very hardworking and for this, as a reward, the aunt - the sorceress gives her a dress and sends her to the royal ball. She won the heart of the prince not only with her beauty, but also with her kindness and meekness.

(Name of the hero - Cinderella, fairy tale "Cinderella", author - Charles Perrault).

12 question:

The director of the puppet theater, a cruel and evil person. Threatens dolls with a seven-tailed whip and mistreats them. So they run away from him. Only the seller of medicinal leeches Duremar is ready to serve him. He is ready to do anything to get the golden key.

(Name of the hero - Karabas Barabas, fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio", author - Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

13 question:

This is a funny little man who can fly. He calls himself a handsome, smart, moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life. He is capricious and boastful, he is used to doing what he wants. He needs all his desires to be fulfilled immediately.

(Name of the hero - Carlson

14 question:

The negative hero of Russian folk tales. He is evil and cruel. He attacks cities and villages, kidnaps people and holds them captive. He is the ruler of all evil spirits and the owner of untold riches. His appearance inspires fear. He is very thin and resembles a skeleton covered in leather. It turns out that he is not immortal at all. His death is at the end of a needle hidden in an egg.

(Name of the hero - Koschei the Deathless, Russian folk tales: “The Frog Princess”, “Koschei the Immortal”).

15 question:

This is a lazy girl who does nothing, sleeps all the time and counts flies. Without a nanny, she can't even get dressed. She does not want to work, but she dreams of receiving an award from Moroz Ivanovich. The girl does the work carelessly, without diligence and diligence. Having received the long-awaited gifts, she did not even thank for them. At the end of the tale, she is punished, as the gifts melted in the sun.

(Name of the hero - Lenivitsa, fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”, author - Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky).

16 question:

The heroine of Russian folk tales. She is cunning and smart. Often her deceit goes unpunished. This image symbolizes cunning and deceit, intelligence and hypocrisy.

(Name of the hero - Fox, Russian folk tales: "Zayushkina's hut", "The Fox and the Wolf", "The Golden Scallop Cockerel"; fables: “The Crow and the Fox”, “The Fox and the Grapes”, the author is Ivan Andreevich Krylov).

17 question:

This is the most common frog, which turned out to be very curious. Having learned from ducks that there are a lot of midges and mosquitoes in the south, she wanted to fly with them, clinging her mouth to a twig that two ducks held in their beaks. But the frog turned out to be boastful, wanting to report that she had come up with a new way to travel on ducks, opened her mouth and fell into the pond. Boasting didn't do her any good.

(Name of the hero - Frog traveler, the fairy tale “Frog-Traveler”, author - Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin).

18 question:

This boy lives all alone on a distant planet. He is kind and sincere, but very lonely. He only has the flower that he loves more than anything in the world. One day he goes on a journey to other planets, where he meets different inhabitants and where he encounters cruelty and indifference. Far from his flower, he begins to appreciate its beauty and understand how much he loves it.

(Name of the hero - A little prince , fairy tale-parable “The Little Prince”, author - Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

19 question:

This a little boy who has a loving family but feels lonely. He has no friends, he dreams of at least a dog. One day he has an unusual friend, a man with a propeller, who draws him into various adventures.

(Name of the hero - Baby, a fairy tale "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof", author - Astrid Lindgren).

20 question:

This girl with blue hair is the most beautiful doll puppet theater. She ran away from her master because she could no longer bear his rude antics. She is kind and affectionate, everyone loves her and admires her beauty. She is always ready to help others.

(Name of the hero - Malvina, fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio", author - Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

21 questions:

A human cub who ended up in a wolf pack and was adopted by wolves into his family. Having matured, he becomes the leader of the pack. He is ready to take responsibility for all the animals, take care of them, protect them. However, with age, he begins to understand that he belongs not only to the world of the jungle, but also to the world of people.

(Name of the hero - Mowgli, story "Mowgli", author - Rudyard Kipling).

22 question:

This hero appears as good grandfather with a long snow-white beard, in a warm bright caftan. He lives in the forest, in a fabulous house, and commands snow and cold. He is kind to hardworking, honest and disinterested heroes, he deservedly rewards them with gifts. However, evil, envious and lazy people will have a bad time, a completely different reward awaits them.

(Name of the hero - Morozko, Russian folk tale "Morozko").

23 question:

This little man, shorty who lives in fairyland populated by kids like him. His name speaks for itself. He doesn't want to know anything, he doesn't do anything. More than anything, he loves to fantasize and relax. Funny stories constantly happen to him, it is interesting to watch his adventures.

(Name of the hero - Dunno, novel-tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, author - Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov).

24 question:

This is a funny little pig. He is funny, cheerful, simple-minded, carefree and sincere. Most of all, he appreciates friendship with a bear cub. This little creature is ready to do anything for the sake of his best friend. The fearful and cautious pig is ready to show courage and fortitude if his friends need help.

(Name of the hero - Piglet, fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All", author - Alain Milne).

25 question:

The youngest beloved daughter of the sea king, a beautiful princess with a wonderful voice and a gentle, romantic soul. She dreams of a human world because she falls in love with a handsome prince. She is ready to do anything to become a man, even to vote for a sea witch.

(Name of the hero - Mermaid, fairy tale "The Little Mermaid", author - Hans Christian Andersen).

26 question:

This heroine has frozen heart and cold soul. She kidnaps the boy and takes him far north to her snowy domain. She is indifferent to the suffering of other heroes. She is strong and powerful, but her power ends where courage, kindness and love are. She's afraid of the sincere good people with a warm heart. The brave girl manages to defeat her and free her brother.

(Name of the hero - The Snow Queen , fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, author - Hans Christian Andersen).

27 question:

He is a small village boy who really wants to study, but he is still small, so his mother does not let him go to school. He is restless, determined and bold. Not wanting to stay at home, he goes to school alone, which is located outside the village. On the way, the boy meets dogs, from which he manages to escape. Once at school, he was afraid that the teacher would drive him away, but then, when he was allowed to study, he quickly grew bolder. Curiosity, courage and perseverance helped him achieve his goal.

(Name of the hero - Filipok, a true story “Filipok”, author - Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy).

28 question:

This king is wise and kind, but trusting. He believes the letter brought by the messenger, turns out to be a victim of evil machinations and as a result loses his wife and son. He generously treats the merchants, asks them about distant countries, at the same time he cannot get ready to visit the “wonderful island”. Having found a wife and son, the king in anger is going to punish the evil sisters, but generously forgives them and lets them go home.

(Name of the hero - Tsar Saltan, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess”, author - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).

29 question:

This funny animal lived in a dense tropical forest, then ended up in the city, sailing on a ship in a box of oranges. They did not take him to the zoo, since he turned out to be “a beast completely unknown to science”, he began to work in the store.

(Name of the hero - Cheburashka, fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends", author - Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky).

30 question:

This is an onion boy. He has many friends, the same poor children as himself. But they never lose heart, run through the streets, play pranks, indulge, have fun. He does not tolerate injustice and anyone who offends the poor. He is brave and resolute, he is not afraid of anyone and is always ready to stand up for the weak and offended. Resourcefulness and ingenuity help him emerge victorious from difficult situations.

(Name of the hero - Cipollino, fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino", author - Gianni Rodari).

Summing up, awarding the winners.

Literary quiz repeatedly used by teachers in general education schools. This is a kind of control of acquired knowledge on the topics covered. It depends on the careful preparation of the teacher how exciting and high-quality the result will be.

Goals and objectives

The purpose of literature quizzes is to develop an interest in reading. Books should become real friends for students. Literary quiz can be conducted in the form of a game.

This can increase the interest of children, help them to actively express themselves and demonstrate their excellent knowledge.

  • educational- deepening and consolidating the knowledge gained in the lessons. Expanding horizons.
  • Educational. It consists in the development of logical and figurative thinking what is needed at a young age. Formation creativity, activating the imagination.
  • Educational. It will help arouse interest in the works of Russian and

Quiz "About peers"

This is a traditional literary quiz for schoolchildren.

Questions and answers (in brackets):

Animal Writers Quiz

This is a literary quiz with answers, which is dedicated to various animals from stories and fairy tales. For children, this topic is close and extremely interesting, since everyone loves our younger brothers.

  1. Who was scared main character in the attic in V. Bianchi's story "Arishka the Coward"? (Spider).
  2. Who taught the hare to swim and dive in the fairy tale "Leaf Fall" by I. Sokolov-Mikitov? (Beaver).
  3. What is the name of the huge and vicious dog from the story "Coward" N. Artyukhov. (Lokhmach).
  4. Who predicted the appearance of a baby in the fairy tale "The Sleeping Princess" by V. A. Zhukovsky to the queen? (Spider).
  5. Who greatly frightened the kid in the forest in the story "Conscience" by A. Gaidar? (Dog).
  6. What is the name of a wonderful elephant from the story "Elephant" by A. I. Kuprin. (Tommy).
  7. In "The Tale of the Brave Hare" by D. Mamin-Sibiryak main character scared ... (Wolf).
  8. Who was under the mysterious hat in the story "The Living Hat" by N. Nosov? (Kitty).
  9. Where did the dog and the lion live from the story of Leo Tolstoy? (In the menagerie).
  10. What is the name of Aunt Natasha's dog from the story "Druzhok" by N. Nosov (Dianka).
  11. What was the name of the fox, a friend from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key ..."? (Alice).
  12. Who scared Petya and Shura in the dark in the story (Hedgehog).
  13. Name the sad friend who lost his tail in the fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh" by A. Milne. (Donkey Eeyore).
  14. Who Pippi long stocking from the story-tale A. Lindgren could lift and carry on herself? (Horse).

Literary quiz (grade 4) "Through the pages of children's books"

  1. Which favorite word Emelya from the fairy tale "By the command of the pike." (Reluctance).
  2. Name the mainland from the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Shark". The main events take place on its shores. (Africa).
  3. What was the Tin Woodman afraid of from the story-tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by A. Volkov? (Water).
  4. Who writes patterns on the windows? (Santa Claus).
  5. Where did the mosquito from the fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin bite the cook? (Into the eye).
  6. Thanks to what medicine did Aibolit instantly cure Chichi's neck? (Ointments).
  7. What dish did they originally want to cook from pike, which was the main character of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"? (woo).
  8. Where did they put Pinocchio in Malvina's house as a punishment? (In the closet).
  9. Who did the Dunno Leaf turn into thanks to (Into a donkey).
  10. What did the eldest son inherit in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" by Charles Perrault? (Mill).


Literary can be carried out in the form of a game, which will increase the interest of students. You can combine all the tasks with one theme, for example, a fairy tale. Among the main goals are the following: activation of children's reading; consolidation of knowledge on the topics covered, organization of students' leisure, repetition of the names of authors and heroes of children's fairy tales.

A literary quiz game can be called "Following the pages of your favorite fairy tales." You can start the quiz-competition with the introductory words of the presenter. The teacher welcomes the children, asks them about their favorite fairy tales. He asks them to divide themselves into two teams and helps them in this. Each team comes up with a unique name. The quiz can be divided into several sections. Teams receive points for correct answers. After all the competitions, the teacher (or members of the jury) sum up.

Warm up

It can be a separate literary quiz. 3rd grade is fine with it. Children of both the second and first grade will be able to answer these questions.

Two teams can take part in the first competition at the same time. The students answer the questions in unison.

  1. It was mixed with sour cream. Cooled down on the window. He has a ruddy side. This, children, ... (Kolobok).
  2. Mom made a beautiful hat for her daughter. The girl went to visit her grandmother. And I took the pies with me. What is the name of this sweet girl? (Little Red Riding Hood).
  3. Together, amicably, along the chain, they took hold of her so firmly. Grandfather, grandmother, bug, granddaughter cannot pull out. How firmly seated. Who is this? (Turnip).
  4. The bearded villain tortures his children. Artemon and Pierrot, Pinocchio and Malvina. Each of you knows. This is terrible (Karabas).
  5. The boy in the famous children's book lived in a blue hat. He is stupid and arrogant. What is his name? (Dunno).
  6. The wooden boy knows one secret. Artemon, Malvina and Piero are friends with him. And his nose is long. Who is this? (Pinocchio).
  7. I sorted out the grits, washed them for my stepmother. I cleaned the house and got to the ball. Beautiful as the sun. Who is this? (Cinderella).

Team game

A literary quiz can be held as a competition. To do this, the teacher divides the children into two teams. The first group answers first. The second should not prompt. Answers must be given immediately. The correct answer is 1 point. Wrong - minus point. Then another team answers the questions. Questions for the first group of children:

Questions for the second team:

  • What was the name of the boy from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Kai).
  • What fruits did Cheburashka eat? (Oranges).
  • Who wrote the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? (Charles Perrault).
  • What was the name of the girl who had the "Flower-Semitsvetik"? (Zhenya).
  • What kind of hut did the hare have in the fairy tale "Zaikin's hut"? (Lubyanaya).
  • Who did the eleven royal sons become? (In swans).
  • What was the name of the cat from the fairy tale "Pinocchio"? (Basilio).
  • Piglet's friend (Winnie the Pooh).
  • Who wrote the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"? (P. Ershov).
  • At what time did Cinderella have to return home from the ball? (At twelve).


Thus, a literary quiz is not only one of the forms of control of knowledge gained in the classroom. It will help to activate schoolchildren, organize their leisure time, increase interest in reading and books. Questions and topics of quizzes can be very diverse. It will be very interesting if the teacher organizes with several stages. An interestingly organized quiz will increase students' interest in this form of work. They will look forward to it and carefully prepare for subsequent quizzes.

OBJECTIVES: increase interest in literature; expanding the horizons of students; development of skills to actively demonstrate their abilities, ingenuity, work in a team; team building.

Teams of 5th and 6th grades take part in the game.

For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.

1. In what state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (V distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state)
2. What was the bun: a gingerbread or a pie? (gingerbread)
3. What is the real name Frog princesses? (Vasilisa the Wise)
4. What is the name of the fabulous long-lived king. (Koschey)
5. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
6. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka, the Slovaks - Hedgehog Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)
7. Name the place of birth of Kolobok (furnace)
8. What is the only heroine of the fairy tale "Turnip", whose name we know? (Bug)
9. Name fairy tale character out of your skin? (Princess Frog)
10. What is the name of the detail of a woman's dress, in which lakes, swans and other elements are placed environment(sleeve of the dress of the Frog Princess)
11. What fabulous headdress cannot be drawn? (cap of invisibility)
12. Name " workplace» scientist's cat? (oak)
13. Which fairy tale tells about the grave consequences of the poor condition of fire safety equipment? ("Cat house")
14. Which fairy tale tells about some of the difficulties involved in delivering fresh baked goods to your home? ("Little Red Riding Hood")
15. To whom Winnie the Pooh gave for his birthday empty pot? (donkey Eeyore)
16. It has 38 parrots, 6 monkeys and 1 baby elephant. Who is this? (boa)
17. Who accounted for fabulous Cinderella good witch? (godmother)
18. How many letters are "lost" in original name yachts of Captain Vrungel? (2)
19. What is the Russian folk tale in which there were 3 attempted murders and one murder? ("Kolobok")
20. What fairy-tale heroes lived "30 years and 3 years"? (old man with old woman)

Guess the same words - the names of animals that can be found in Krylov's fables - guessed by several proverbs. The fewer clues, the better. Guess from the first proverb - 3 points, from the second - 2, from the third - 1.

He would have pretended to be a goat, but the tail is not like that.
. No matter how you feed HIM, but HE looks into the forest.
. HIS feet are fed. (wolf)

Her paws are soft and her claws are sharp.
. She smells, whose meat she ate.
. kind word and she is pleased. (cat)

And SHE remembers who feeds her.
. Do not be afraid of HER deceitful, but be afraid of the silent one.
. SHE is in the hay: she does not eat herself and does not give to others. (dog)

SHE will lead seven wolves.
. She does not need a tail for beauty.
. SHE counts chickens in her sleep. (fox)

A big donkey will not make OH.

Make HIM out of a fly.
. Ay, Moska, she is strong to know that she barks at HIM. (elephant)

And the wolf eats a few of HER.
. Do not pretend to be HER: the wolf will eat.
. They beat the wolf not for being gray, but for eating IT. (sheep)

Do not throw pearls in front of THEM.
. SHE will always find dirt.
. Put HER at the table, she and her feet on the table. (pig)

HE sings for a month, and the crow croaks all year round.
. Swallow starts the day, and HE ends.
. HE does not need a golden cage, a green branch is better. (nightingale)

Don't teach HER to swim.
. That's why SHE is in the sea, so that the crucian does not doze off.
. I would like to know a ruff when SHE changes her teeth. (pike)

Say whether you believe it or not...

1. Ilya Muromets was a bomber. (Yes, Ilya Muromets is a bomber designed by Sikorsky)
2. The Champs-Elysées in Paris are named after the prince Elisha, the hero of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin. (No)
3. For school essays A.P. Chekhov received only “five”. (No, he never received higher than “three” for school essays)
4. Once M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin received a “deuce” for an essay written by him instead of his daughter. (Yes, besides, with a note: “You don’t know Russian!”)
5. After the tragic duel of A.S. Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky exclaimed: “Ay-ay-ay, they killed a black man, they killed a black man ...” (No)
6. Lake Pleshcheyevo in the Yaroslavl region is named after the Russian poet Pleshcheev A.N. (No)
7. He is a poet, she is poetics. (No, she is a poetess. And poetics is the teaching of poetic creativity)
8. In the Quartet fable, the author makes fun of animals that play badly on musical instruments. (No)

In the name famous works All words were replaced by their opposite meanings. Try to recover the true names encrypted in this way.

1. Barefoot Dog (Puss in Boots)
2. "Girl-kalancha" ("Boy with a finger")
3. "Blue handkerchief" ("Little Red Riding Hood")
4. "Iron lock" ("Golden Key")
5. "Znayka underground" ("Dunno on the Moon")
6. "Sand Maid" (The Snow Queen)
7. "The Tale of the Iron Hen" ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")
8. "Giant Mouth" ("Dwarf Nose")


Whoever assembles the puzzle picture faster will name the work and the author. (You can take any illustration and, cutting it into pieces, get a puzzle, or you can take it ready-made (I took the Quartet puzzles based on Krylov's demon)

Summing up, awarding the winners.

See the full text of the material Literary quiz "Through the pages of your favorite books" in the downloadable file.
The page contains a snippet.

Literary quiz "Through the pages of your favorite books"
Author: Kazachkova Inna Alekseevna teacher primary school MBOU secondary school №55 Voronezh
Goals and objectives: activate children's reading, organize students' leisure, recall and consolidate knowledge about the names, authors, and heroes of children's fairy tales, expand the horizons of students, develop the ability to actively demonstrate their abilities, ingenuity, and work in a team.
Decoration: pencils, sheets of paper, markers, boxes, envelopes with assignments.
Purpose: extracurricular activities.
Abstract: the event does not require complex preparation. It can be used for extracurricular activities extracurricular activities. Designed for children 9-10 years old. Promotes the formation out-of-the-box thinking. Forms students' interest in reading. Venue of the event - class.
Event progress
1. introduction teachers.
Hello guys. All of you can read well and I hope. By this time, many interesting and fascinating works by various authors have been read. Someone likes fairy tales more, someone likes adventures, someone likes fantasy. Today you will be able to show your knowledge in the field of literature, as well as show the ability to work in a team and show your culture of behavior. So let's get started.
The holidays will start soon
We read a lot in a year at school -
Dahl, Zhukovsky, Fet, Tolstoy,
Bianki, Charushin, Kharms, Krylov.
Tales, fairy tales, stories, poems -
We all read this in school.

When we were kids, we didn't know how to read.
And molested dad and mom.
Listened to fairy tales all day long
There were those tales across the board:
About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,
About Aibolit and Moidodyr,
About Barmaley in the fabulous sea,
About the phone and Fedorino grief.

We learned a little bit from them.
To have friends come to the rescue.
To feel sorry for and love animals,
In order not to brag and not to be cunning,
So as not to sip Fedorino grief for us
We need to maintain order in the house.
So as not to get to dinner at Barmaley
You need to listen to someone who is smarter.

And who wrote all those works about which we were told __________ and ____________
(Answer: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky)

Good books were written by grandfather Korney -
He raised adults and children.
There will be our grandchildren and children
These stories are fun to read.

And he will tell us about K.I. Chukovsky ________________

As you may have guessed, our first task is connected with the work of K.I. Chukovsky.
Task 1. Black box
You have two boxes in front of you. Each of them contains items related to the works of Chukovsky. For each of these items, you must say the name of the work in which this item is mentioned. And read the lines that talk about him.
PHONE ("Phone" My phone rang)
SAUCER ("Fedorino's grief" And behind them saucers jin-la la)
SOAP ("Moydodyr" Here the soap jumped up and clung to the hair)
MATCHES ("Confusion" And the chanterelles took the matches)
Well done! I forgot a little, probably because I read it for a long time.
Task 2. Guess the fairy tale.
Name the fairy tale from which you will hear an excerpt.
1. I only managed to say
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room
The sides of that sovereign. (The Tale of Tsar Saltan…)

2. More than ever, the old woman freaked out,
Doesn't give me peace of mind
She doesn't want to be a peasant
Wants to be a pillar noblewoman. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

3. Moves, wakes up,
Which side will turn
And shouts: "Kiri-ku-ku,
Reign lying on your side!” (The Tale of the Golden Cockerel)

4. My mirror light, tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth
Am I the sweetest in the world
All blush and whiter (The Tale of dead princess and about 7 heroes)

5. Listen: the devils are obliged to pay
I'm due until my death.
It would be better not to need income
Yes, they have a arrears for three years (The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda)

6. Green oak by the seaside
Golden chain on an oak tree
And day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes around in circles. (From the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila)

Someone is rushing to visit us. Guess who it is. Music sounds. Pinocchio appears to the song
What is the name of the work from which this guest came to us? (The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio)
And who wrote it? (Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
Which foreign hero became the prototype of Pinocchio? (Pinocchio)
B: I decided to start writing poetry. Here brought you some of my masterpieces.
V: Let's see. You have always taken the teachings lightly, and here are your poems with errors.
Task 3. Correct the mistake.
1. Snow is melting, a stream is flowing. The branches are full of doctors. (rooks)
B: Well, think about it - once you made a mistake. Read on.
2. The sea turns blue in front of us, T-shirts fly over the waves (gulls)
B: What's wrong again? Can't be. Look here there are no errors.
3. They say one fisherman caught a shoe in the river, but then he got a house (catfish) on the hook
Q: What's the last thing?
B: Eh! Read.
4. The doctor reminded grandfather Mitya: “Don’t forget one thing, be sure to take 10 herons before going to bed” (drops)
B: Yes ... I'll go to study better!
B: Go, go!

Task 4. Connect with arrows.
And the next task awaits you. Let's see how well you did in school. The first column lists the characters of the work, the second column lists the title of the work, and the third column lists the author. Your task is to correctly connect the hero with the work and the author. Fast and accurate. The captains go out and read in turn what they got.
And now the task is more difficult. Except school curriculum, you read a lot of other works of art. Let's check your horizons. If you know the answer, immediately say who is ahead.

Task 5. Who is faster.
1. Who did the forest monster from Aksakov's fairy tale turn into? The Scarlet Flower(prince)
2. Who from literary heroes experienced many dangerous adventures in the Blue, Purple, Pink and Yellow country? (Ellie and her friends)
3. On what did Volka and Zhenya Hottabych make their journey to India? (Magic carpet)
4. How did you travel to the camp Turkish Sultan Baron Münghausen? (on core)
5. Which of the literary heroes spent 28 years on a desert island? (Robinson Crusoe)
6. What was the name of the turtle that gave Pinocchio a golden key (Tortilla)
7. What was the name of Captain Vrungel's yacht (Trouble)
8. Who wrote the fairy tale The Snow Queen (Andersen)
Here is another guest of ours. Cheburashka sings a song with Gena.
Who is the author of this wonderful work? (Eduard Uspensky)
Q: Gena, did you bring us something?
G: Cheburashka and I have prepared a task for the guys. Decipher the name of the fairy-tale hero.
Task 6. Encryption.
Decipher and write down the heroes of fairy tales on a piece of paper.

Task 7. Magic words.
Guess who owns these magic words
1. By pike command, in my opinion .. (Emelya)
2. Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka. Stand before me like a leaf before grass. (Ivan the Fool)
3. Sim-sim open the door (Ali Baba)
4. Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return after making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground to be in my opinion led
5. Bambara, chufara, loriki, eriki, pickup, trikapu, skoriki, moriki (Bastinda)
6. Crex, pex, fex. (Pinocchio)

Task 8. Magic items.
Now try to name the hero who owns these magic items.
Slide for 1 team: Blue Hat and Lamp (Dunno, Aladdin)
Slide for 2 teams: Shoe and Little Red Hat (Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood)

And here she is in a hurry to visit us. Little Red Riding Hood sings a song.
Who wrote the fairy tale? (Charles Perrault)
Which good song. You eat great.
K.Sh.: I can also speak fluently. I have prepared a few phrases for you.

Task 9. Tongue twisters.
Each team member must say a tongue twister. Whoever has fewer mistakes and faster pace, that team wins this competition. Minute to get acquainted.

For many children works of art films or cartoons were created.
Task 10. Song.
Your task is to guess from which cartoon or movie the song you will hear. Answer in turn.

Results. Winner's reward ceremony.
Let's end our quiz with a song too.

We are interested in a fun book
She never gets bored
Read the books of the village and the village,
Big cities read books.
The book helps us become smarter
She leads like a friend
And the one who walks through life with a book
He will never disappear anywhere.

1. A book for smart people and smart girls. Erudite Handbook. -M.: "RIPOL CLASSIC", 2001.- 336 p.
2. Creative book experience: library lessons, reading clock, extracurricular activities/ comp. T.R. Tsymbalyuk. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 135 p.
3. Reading with passion: library lessons, extracurricular activities/ comp. E.V. Zadorozhnaya; - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 120 p.

Literary erudite show "Through the pages of your favorite books" ("Clever and clever", "The smartest", "I love to read")

Intellectual competition for students in grades 2-4.

Book exhibition "My favorite books»

(hint books on the topics of the competition, you can use them when looking for answers)

D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe", Tales of A. Tolstoy, fairy tales of L. Tolstoy, Ch. Perro, G. H. Andersen, K. Chukovsky, Lindgren "Carlson", Krylov's fables, A. P. Chekhov "Kashtanka", Bazhov , according to local history.

Quotes for the exhibition:


And let in your life

There won't be a single day

Whenever you

Didn't read

At least one page

From the new book

(K. G. Paustovsky)

“When I read a book, it seems to me that she is alive and talking to me.

(J. Swift)

(D. Diderot)

“I owe everything good in me to books”

(M. Gorky)

“He who reads something is already much higher than the one who does not read anything”

(V. G. Belinsky)

“The book that really leads is the one from which the reader draws conclusions himself” (K. I. Chukovsky)

greeting, introduction

The love of reading starts from childhood. Children who love to read are sure to become smart, active and creative people. And it is no coincidence that the next stage of the Student of the Year competition is held in the library. Today, here, in the city library, the literary erudite show "Clever Men and Wise Men" will take place.

Let's get acquainted! Presenter - Dvurechenskaya T. N. Jury consisting of Plastun S. E.,

Participants of the competition: (name the class, FI, favorite book and literary hero).

All tasks of this competition are dedicated to your favorite fairy tales, works of popular children's writers.

Today, you guys will have to show us your literary erudition, knowledge of the content of many works, as well as resourcefulness and ingenuity. The smartest is not only the one who reads a lot, but also the one who knows how to navigate the sea of ​​information contained in these books (show around).

Library! There is silence in the hall.

We are sitting here, not noticing the clock,

Meeting his tested friends,

Which are not subject to time ...

Musical pause - clip about the library

Warm-up (5 points)

Guess which of the literary heroes said the following words:

1. As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets (Fox "Zayushkina's hut")

2. “I’m going to my grandmother, I’m bringing her this pie and a pot of butter” (Little Red Riding Hood from the fairy tale of Charles Perrault)

3. They also assured me that you seem to know how to turn into even the smallest animals, well, for example, to become a mouse. (Puss in Boots Charles Perrault)

4. Wait, do not rush, I will swallow you in an instant! I will swallow, I will swallow, I will not have mercy! (Cockroach, Korney Chukovsky "Cockroach")

5. I caught a fish today, goldfish, not simple. (Old man, A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

6. You all sang, this is the case, so go dance (Ant, I, Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant")

7. I will sew him new legs, he will again run along the path. (Aibolit, K. Chukovsky)

8. Hurry up and sit on me, just know for yourself - hold on! Even if I am small, I can change any horse. (Humpbacked Horse, Ershov P.)

9. I didn't close my eyes almost all night long. God only knows what got into my bed. I was lying on something hard and now my whole body is bruised. (G. Andersen, The Princess and the Pea)

10. Yes, mom, you said the right thing yesterday. The secret always becomes clear. (Denis Korablev, Dragunsky V.)

11. Where we are going Piglet and I are a big, big secret!

(Song Winnie the Pooh, B. Zakhoder)

12. Nobody pities me! My brother is going on a boat ride, but he won't take me! I tell him: “Take it better, I won’t leave you anyway ..”

(Pavlik from the story "The Magic Word" by V. Oseeva)

13. I, a mustachioed cat, will soon be a year old, and I’m handsome loafers, and smart, but I don’t learn writing and writing ...

(Cat "Cat and Loafers" S. Ya. Marshak)

Warm-up (5 points)

Intelligence questions:

1. What is the shortest month of the year? (May)

2. Why is a hat worn? (Because she can't walk by herself)

3. Why does the dog run? (On the ground)

4. What do birds fly on? (Across the sky)

5. Why does a duck swim? (On water)

6. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)

7. What do we eat for? (At the table)

8. Which plate is not eaten from? (From empty)

9. When the car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)

10. What happens to a red handkerchief if it is dipped in water for five minutes? (get wet)

11. What can be seen from eyes closed? (Dream)

12. Why does the dog bark? (Because he can't speak)

13. How do day and night end? (soft sign)

14. A and B were sitting on a pipe. A fell, B disappeared - what was left on the pipe? (Letter "I")

Who among us does not know wonderful, funny, good tales, poetry children's writer Korney Chukovsky. More than one generation of readers grew up with him. That's why we chose his works for the next competition

(Simple, so the correct answer will be evaluated at five points)

Warm-up "Continue the phrase from a literary work"

5 points

1. “The bears were riding a bicycle…”

(And behind them is the cat backwards, And behind him are mosquitoes on balloon, And behind them crayfish on a lame dog, They ride and laugh, they chew gingerbread)


2. “The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away ...”

(And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me, I'm for a candle, a candle - into the stove, I'm for a book - that run and jump under the bed!)


3. "Fly, Fly, Tsokotuha, gilded belly ..."

(The fly popped the field, the fly found the money, the fly went to the market and bought a samovar)

"Fly Tsokotukha"

4. “The sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud ...”

(The hare looked out the window, It became dark for the hare. And the white-sided magpies galloped through the fields, shouted to the cranes: “Woe, woe! The crocodile swallowed the sun in the sky!”

"Stolen Sun"

5. " kind doctor Aibolit! He sits under a tree...

(Come to him for treatment and a cow, and a she-wolf, and a bug and a spider and a bear. The Good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal!


6. “A sieve jumps through the fields, And a trough through the meadows ...

(For a shovel, a broom went along the street, Axes, axes are falling from the mountain ...)

"Fedorino grief"

7. My phone rang...

(Who says? Elephant. Where? From a camel. What do you want? Chocolate "


8. Little kids! For nothing in the world, Don't go to Africa....

(To Africa for a walk! In Africa, sharks, In Africa, gorillas, In Africa, big evil crocodiles, they will bite, beat and offend you ...)


9. And the chanterelles took matches ...

(They went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea. The blue sea is on fire, a whale ran out of the sea ...)


10. As our Miron has a crow sitting on his nose ...

(And on a tree, ruffs build nests of noodles.

The ram sat on the steamboat and went to the garden, In the garden, chocolates grow in the garden, and at our gates a miracle tree grows)

"Wonder Tree"

11. “Kittens meowed: “We are tired of meowing ...”

(We want to grunt like pigs! And behind them ducklings: “We don’t want to quack anymore! We want to croak like frogs ...!)


12. "I am the Great Washbasin!"

(The famous Moidodyr, the head of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths ...)


"I came up with a story..." (20 points)

The title of the task contains its meaning. As you might guess, it is based on fairy tales that have to be invented.
The fairy tale may have happy end(like in "Turnip"), there may be a bad ending (like in "Teremka"). But in the end, the end of a fairy tale is always the same, no matter how many times this fairy tale is told. And is it right? We suggest you come up with a new ending (optional, one) like this famous fairy tales, How:

§ "Ryaba Hen"

§ "Kolobok"

§ "Turnip"

§ "Teremok"

§ "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Each of the contestants composes and tells his own end to a familiar fairy tale, and the jury decides which fairy tale turned out to be the best. The winner is the author of the best and most interesting fairy tale story.

Competition "One of four" (correct answers)

"Local history" (20 points)

Knowledge of the past and present native land necessary for each of us, regardless of age. You need to choose one correct answer and tick the box. (Be especially careful when answering question 5):

1. What is the name of the river on which our city of Lipetsk stands?

§ Voronezh

§ Lipovka

2. Which Russian Tsar has a monument erected in our city?

§ Nicholas 2

§ Alexander 1

§ Ivan the Terrible

3. What is the largest plant in Lipetsk?

§ Free Falcon

§ Lipetsk Tractor

§ Cement

§ Novolipetsk Metallurgical

4. What is the name of our healing water, which is drunk all over Russia?

§ Pepsi Cola

§ Mineral

5. What park is not in Lipetsk?

§ Bykhanov garden

§ Summer garden

§ Upper Park

§ children's park

§ Victory Park

6. What is the name of the mayor of our city?

§ Valery Ivanovich Sinyuts

§ Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

§ Mikhail Vladimirovich Gulevsky

§ Ivan Nikolaevich Koshelev

7. What name famous writer wears Lipetsk Theatre of Drama?

§ Chekhov A.P.

§ Pushkin A.S.

§ Lermontov M. Yu.

§ Tolstoy L.N.

8. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Lipetsk?

§ Bear

§ Golden linden


The characters in many of your favorite books have gone on adventures.

to travel. Additional 5 points to the one who will name the title of the work and its author.

1. On what did Emelya go to the king's palace?

(Russian folk tale "After pike command…»)

§ On a sleigh

§ On the stove

§ By bus

2. What did Cinderella's carriage turn into after the clock struck midnight:

(Charles Perrault "Cinderella")

§ To the zucchini

§ In squash

§ Into the pumpkin

§ In cabbage

3. How did Kai arrive at the Snow Queen's palace?

(Andersen "The Snow Queen")

§ On an all-terrain vehicle

§ On a sleigh

§ On reindeer

§ On dogs

4. What the robbers took from Gerda:

§ Handbag

5. Who took Thumbelina to warmer climes?

(Andersen "Thumbelina")

§ Martin

§ Airplane

6. Captain Vrungel plowed the sea:

(Nekrasov "Captain Vrungel")

§ On a yacht

§ On a schooner

§ On a steamship

§ On a boat

8. Who after the shipwreck lived on a desert island:

("Robinson Crusoe" Daniel Dafoe)

§ Baron Munchausen

§ Robinson Crusoe

§ Gulliver

§ Captain Nemo

7. What the old man Hottabych used for fast movement:

("Old Man Hottabych" Lapin)

§ Walking boots

§ Magic shoes

§ Carpet plane

Literary nomination

5 points

1. What story is the onion boy the hero of?

§ Chippolino by Gianni Rodari

§ "Carlson who lives on the roof" Astrid Lindgren

§ "The Golden Key" by Alexei Tolstoy

2. Who wrote the story "Kashtanka"?

§ Tolstoy L.N.

§ Chekhov A. P,

§ Marshak S. Ya.

3. Everyone has read this story. Who wrote the fairy tale "Three Bears?"

§ Pushkin A.S.

§ Gaidar A.P.

§ Tolstoy L.N.

4. Which heroine of Bazhov's tale wore a dress made of selected silk malachite?

§ Vasilisa the Beautiful

§ The Snow Queen

§ Mistress of Copper Mountain

Insert the missing word in the title of the fairy tale by A. N. Tolstoy (grade 4)

1. "Cat and ..." Fox

2. "Sister Alyonushka and brother ..." Ivanushka

3. "Crane and ..." Heron

4. "Kochetok and ..." Hen

5. "Fox and ..." Rooster

6. "Masha and ..." Bear

7. "Bubble, straw and ..." Bast shoes

Insert the missing word in the name of the Russian folk tale(3 cells)

1. "Ivan Tsarevich and gray ..." Wolf

2. "sea ​​king and Vasilisa ... "Wise

3. "Cockerel - golden ..." Scallop

4. "Tablecloth, ram and ..." Suma

5. "Zayushkina ..." Hut

6. "Finist - clear ..." Falcon

7. "Cat - gray forehead, goat yes ..." Ram

Insert the missing word in the title literary fairy tale (2 cells)

1. Poem by K. I. Chukovsky "Fedorino ..." Woe

2. Tale of H. K. Andersen "Snowy ..." Queen

3. Fairy tale Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood"

4. Tale of the Brothers Grimm "Bremen ..." Musicians

5. Fairy tale Ch. Perrault "Sleeping ..." Beauty

6. Tale of H. K. Andersen "Ugly ..." Duckling

7. Tale of H. K. Andersen "Resistant tin ..." Soldier

In stock

Glad, happy bright birches ...

(And roses grow on them for joy)


Name a few magical items:

Sword-treasurer, ball, flying carpet, tablecloth - self-assembly, self-playing harp, Magic wand, invisibility hat, magic mirror

fairy tale helpers

Gray wolf, Sivka Burka, Humpbacked horse, Two from the casket - the same from the face


Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, etc.

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