Albina: “I can only perform my own songs. Biography of Albina Dzhanabaeva


40 weeks pregnant what happens to the baby and mom What feelings does a woman experience? Pregnancy 40 weeks is the 3rd trimester.


Pregnancy 40 week fetal development and woman's sensations

40 weeks pregnant what happens to mom

In the last week of pregnancy, the most basic stage of preparation for the comfortable passage of the baby through the birth canal takes place - this is the softening and shortening of the cervix, as well as the opening of the cervical canal. But when childbirth begins, it will open to the desired size.

Due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman produces hormones that will soon be responsible for the entire process of labor, as well as for the formation of milk in the mammary glands after the baby is born, the uterus contracts more and more often.

The bottom of the uterus continues to sink, and the head of the baby is pressed more tightly against the entrance to the small pelvis. The pelvic bones and muscles are softening more and more every day, the ligaments are stretched.

A gynecologist observing a pregnant woman will recommend her this period hospitalized in the maternity ward, as the 40th week ends, and this is considered the deadline for childbirth.

40 weeks of pregnancy harbingers of childbirth

At 40 weeks pregnant, your doctor will ask you to every 2-3 days came to the hospital for CTG fetus. He may also refer you for a stress test to check if your uterus is ready for delivery. During it, with the help of a dropper, a solution of oxytocin is injected, which causes slight uterine contractions. If the reaction is not the test will deviate from the norm, then an artificial induction of labor will probably take place.

However, it is likely that labor will begin on its own. Approximately a day before the onset of labor, mild diarrhea may appear. This means that your body begins to cleanse itself.

Three symptoms indicate the onset of labor:

  • regular contractions, repeat every 10-15 minutes (or even more often).
  • Amniotic fluid drains. Even if no contractions are felt, you should still be examined by a doctor. Get to the hospital as soon as possible.
  • Light bleeding occurs which indicate contraction of the cervix. If spotting is heavy, then urgently call an ambulance or quickly go to the nearest hospital.

If still nothing happens, increase a little physical activity. You can go for a walk, have a light dance or, if you have the energy, start cleaning the house. This amount of movement at 40 weeks pregnant can speed up labor.

Fetal development at 40 weeks gestation

In the last week of pregnancy, the unborn child can no longer be distinguished from the newborn. The skin of the crumbs is light pink, and the original lubricant is located exclusively in the folds of the skin. This wise nature protected delicate skin baby from chafing.

The baby is ready for birth. He is positioned head down, his legs are pulled up to his chest, and his elbows are in front of his nose. The bones of the baby's head are soft and flexible to facilitate the exit process through the birth canal. The rapid flow of blood through the umbilical cord keeps it elastic - this reduces the chance of entanglement in the umbilical cord.

During recent months Your baby had the opportunity to get used to the uterine spasms (the so-called) that appear from time to time, which during childbirth will become much stronger and allow him to go out into the world.

The average newborn is about 50 cm long and weighs about. 3.5 kg. Its head is approximately 10 cm in diameter.

at 40 weeks pregnant

  • Keep calm Of course, this is easier said than done. Focus on things that will help you during labor. Practice breathing techniques. If you can't wait, there are a few things you can do to get your contractions going - spicy food, sex, or walking up stairs.
  • Try to sleep as much as possible This is what you will miss the most in the coming weeks and months. Sleep will help you gain strength, recover and prepare for childbirth.
  • Make yourself feel good Use this time to relax and do what you have always wanted to do. Go to the movies, visit the hairdresser, meet up with friends, etc. Read some book, buy glossy magazines and spend some time with your partner. These are the last minutes that you will spend only together.

40 weeks pregnant and labor doesn't start

If the baby is born later than the due date is called "postterm pregnancy". If the birth did not begin on time and the life of the child was in danger, then such a pregnancy is called overdue.

If a woman has a history of overdue pregnancies, which occurs in 5 percent of cases, then childbirth is induced. If 42 weeks pregnant and no contractions, That future mom must Necessarily show up at the hospital.

During the visit, the doctor will measure the circumference of the abdomen, weigh the pregnant woman, using a viewing glass inserted through the vagina into the cervix, the doctor will be able to determine the color and amount of amniotic fluid and assess the condition of the membranes. Of course, the mother-to-be will also be subjected to a KTG study, which records the baby's heart activity and response to uterine contractions.

40 weeks of pregnancy is exactly 10 obstetric months.

Most likely, you will give birth in the coming days. If the baby has not yet been born before this week, do not worry, as you still have 2 weeks left.

What happens at 40 weeks

Childbirth will begin when the baby is ready not only physiologically, but also psychologically to be born.

A baby is considered overdue only after 42 weeks of pregnancy, so do not panic in advance. Only 4% of women give birth exactly at the time prescribed by the doctor, the rest do it within 1 to 2 weeks of the set date.

In addition, not every pregnancy that lasts longer than the term is considered postponed. This name is given only to those cases when the child is born overripe. Then he looks thin with dry, sometimes even flaky skin. In addition, he has long legs and he is much more active than normal kids. Read more about delayed and prolonged pregnancy

If before this mucous plug not gone yet, it will definitely happen this week. When this happens, you will notice that yellow or yellow mucus will appear in the discharge. white color. In addition, there may be streaks of blood in the mucus, but this is quite normal.

Read more about other signs of incipient labor.

At week 40, any movement requires an enormous amount of effort. The woman feels a strong heaviness in the lower abdomen. Now, during the active actions of the child, you can easily feel the buttocks, arms and legs of the baby.

Due to the fact that the uterus has descended, the woman feels strong pressure in the perineum. In addition, the volume of the bladder decreases, which means that a woman will run to the toilet much more often.

Start of labor

Many are interested in what exactly provokes childbirth. Many believe that it is the baby that is to blame. He is already completely uncomfortable in the tummy, so his adrenal glands secrete the hormone cortisol, which is related to stress. This directly affects the hormonal background of the mother. All this affects the sensitivity of the uterus, and it begins to contract. As a result, there are regular contractions, which are the main sign of childbirth. Read more about fights

It's time to go to the hospital when a woman has such signs:

  1. The contractions became regular, that is, the interval between them is about 7-10 minutes.
  2. The waters have receded. It should be borne in mind that they can pour out gradually or depart completely.
  3. Increased body temperature, severe diarrhea and vomiting. Thus, the body tries to get rid of everything superfluous.

Possible reasons for delayed labor:

  • the usual menstrual cycle is abnormal;
  • insufficient amount of hormones;
  • psycho-emotional shock;
  • any chronic disease.

Well-being of a woman at 40 weeks

Almost all women are already ready to meet the baby and even worry that the pregnancy has dragged on for so long. All sensations become sharper as the birth gets closer.

As for the psychological state, it is also aggravated, and many women can experience serious shocks.

Possible physical sensations

The body of a woman is already completely ready for childbirth, and for many women the baby is born this very week. Any significant changes in the body and psychological state not happening:

  1. Uterus. Continues to increase in size and prepare for childbirth. The distance to the pubic symphysis is about 40 cm, and to the navel about 20 cm. The cervix becomes soft and contracts, so it prepares for future childbirth. The volume of the uterus has increased 100 times in relation to the usual size, and its weight has increased 20 times.
  2. Stomach. The abdomen is no longer growing, but the skin is so stretched that the woman may feel itchy. This may be a precursor to the appearance of stretch marks. To avoid this, be sure to use which will prevent their occurrence.
  3. Braxton Hicks contractions. They become stronger and more frequent. During training bouts, it is very important to breathe properly and relax as much as possible in order to improve your condition. How to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor, read
  4. Breast. The mammary glands are already fully prepared for breastfeeding. First, a thick liquid will be released from them, which is highly nutritious - this is colostrum. It will stand out for about 4 days, and after it will be replaced by milk. It is recommended to prepare nipples for feeding. To prevent cracking, rub your nipples with a hard towel. Thanks to this, they will become much rougher.
  5. Allocations. Continue to monitor your secretions. If you notice the appearance of leucorrhoea that looks like pus, consult a doctor immediately. They must be urgently disposed of in order to exclude possible infection of the child during its passage through the birth canal. The appearance of blood in the discharge may indicate placental abruption. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary, as this may threaten the life of the mother and her child. Watery discharge indicates the discharge of amniotic fluid, which indicates the onset of labor. Read more about the nature of discharge during pregnancy.
  6. Movement. The baby is no longer very active, as he is gaining strength before childbirth. Movement, in fact, is the way the child communicates with the mother. For example, if he is hungry, he will push the placenta, thereby provoking an increase in nutrient intake. The woman clearly feels the movements of the baby. They are so strong that you can only sleep when the child does this. Continue to control the number of movements, as a sharp decrease in activity may be a sign of fetal freezing. Excessive activity may indicate insufficient oxygen. Read about why it is important to monitor the movements of the child.
  7. Pain sensations. Pain in the back and joints occurs due to the preparation of the body for childbirth. This week they can occur in absolutely all parts of the body. The abdomen becomes hard and pulling pains appear, this is due to the approaching birth. Due to the increased pressure on the perineum, severe and sharp pains in the perineum may appear. Pain in the sacrum occurs due to pinching of the femoral nerve.
  8. Nausea. At this stage of pregnancy, late toxicosis may occur, but it appears very rarely. Nausea is most often felt in the morning, to reduce its manifestation, try not to eat a lot during the day. If nausea persists, see your doctor immediately.

Possible emotional experiences

On recent weeks It is very important to remain calm and not panic.

Many women at this time can fall into a real depression. And all because of delayed pregnancy.

Do not panic, especially since the doctor says that everything is in in perfect order. The kid clearly understands your condition, and it negatively affects him. On the contrary, you should be happy so that he understands how good it is outside and was born faster.

To get rid of the fear of the unknown, which is experienced by a huge number of pregnant women, read useful literature about childbirth, go to and be sure to talk with the doctor and close relatives. Helpful Hints and communication will help to get rid of anxiety and calm down.

Reviews of women about 40 weeks

Women who have not yet given birth experience many different emotions, which ones, let's find out:

Valentine: “The 40th week has already begun, and no harbingers of childbirth have appeared. I feel absolutely normal, yes, of course I'm tired, but, otherwise, everything is in order. There is a little excitement before childbirth, I worry that everything will go quickly and well. My husband decided to support me and goes with me to the birth to meet our son together.”

Ksenia: “I gained a lot, as much as 27 kg, but the doctor says that I should not worry and everything will be fine. It is so hard for me that sometimes it seems that my legs will not be able to withstand such a load and will simply break. Apparently, the baby is not going out at all, since there is not a single harbinger of childbirth, not even training contractions. The child behaves even too actively, as if not 40, but 25 weeks.

Svetlana: “It’s already 40 weeks, but I still haven’t given birth, although I was going to 2 weeks ago. My husband and I are looking forward to meeting our son. In addition to training bouts, nothing else worries. The last days of pregnancy are the happiest, as a woman lives precisely by an early meeting with her little one.

Oksana: “Although we were given a due date at 39 weeks, it’s already 40, and we are still in the tummy. I started having training contractions, my stomach has been aching for quite a long time, sometimes it shoots in the back. From time to time, nausea, and even vomiting. The baby does not want to go out and dangles her legs, as if protesting all my persuasion. Tomorrow I’ll go to the doctor so that he can see when we still give birth. ”

Valeria: “I'm just sure that in the coming days I will give birth, as I feel training contractions more and more often, the mucous plug has moved away, I feel a pulling pain in my stomach. It would have happened faster, since there was practically no strength left, and you still need to master childbirth. ”

Faith: “God, it’s already 40 weeks, it seems to me that I have been pregnant all my life. Walking is very difficult, even lying is uncomfortable, and the baby is sitting in the "house" and is not going to go out. We have already passed the deadline, but the doctor said that everything is fine and we have to wait about 2 more weeks.”

Hope: “My cork has gone, and the training contractions have intensified, and my stomach is pulling, but it still hasn’t started. I was very tired, but no longer physically, but mentally. Constant mood swings have already exhausted not only me, but everyone around. It’s good that everyone understands me and is not offended.”

Karina: “I feel, oddly enough, well, even though I’m already 40 weeks old. Heartburn has gone, breathing has become much easier. There are no harbingers of childbirth, so I don’t know when it’s time for us to give birth. Massage and yoga can help relieve pain. In general, everything is fine, now it remains to wait a little before meeting with my son.

Olga: “The doctor said that the baby had an umbilical cord wrapped around the neck, because of this I am very worried. I gained only 15 kg, so I think it will be easy to get back in shape. Training contractions have increased, and the cork has gone, maybe this week it will turn out to give birth.

Catherine: "I'm probably one of the few women who like to go pregnant. The husband fulfills any whim, everyone loves and pities you, and your child lives inside, whom you love more than anything in the world, can anything be more pleasant. But I feel that soon all this will end and I will have to give birth.

Fetal development at 40 weeks gestation

The baby is already ready to be born in order to finally see his mother, who is waiting for him.

The weight of the baby this week is about 3.8 kg, and the height is about 54 cm.

These data are average, so do not take them as an ideal. For example, a girl may be born with a lower weight. The baby has filled almost all the free space in the uterus, and now he cannot move calmly. He is in a bent position with his head down, his knees touching his chin.

Due to good intestinal peristalsis, it already accumulated stool called meconium. It is taken during the processing of amniotic fluid into digestive system. It consists of parts of the epithelium, original lubricant, lagoon. Basically, it comes out after birth, but there are cases when it happens in the womb. As a result, the baby will be born in green mucus. Meconium, which is already in the intestines of the child, is sterile, but after delivery, various microorganisms will appear in the intestines.

Now the child's chest sticks out a little, this is due to increased level estrogen in a woman's body, a couple of weeks after birth, it will pass. In addition, because of this hormone, girls born there may be slight vaginal discharge. This phenomenon is considered quite normal.

Bilirubin, which is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells in the fetus, is excreted through the placenta to the mother and is neutralized by her liver. After birth, the child will cope with this task on his own. The blood supply of the child no longer depends on the mother, since his hematopoietic organs are fully formed and work independently.

There is no need to worry that the baby will not have enough colostrum, which is produced in small quantities by the mother’s breast, since volume his stomach is about 15 ml. In the first week of life, the stomach will increase several times.

this week navel already in place. The grease that previously covered the entire body of the baby completely disappeared. A small amount of lubricant remained only in places where the skin is very delicate, such as in the armpits and groin.

The immune system the baby is not yet fully mature, and the baby receives the necessary antibodies through the placenta. After birth, he will receive them through breast milk.

To make it easier for the child to survive the process of childbirth, his body actively produces adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones will reduce pain and make it easier to pass through the birth canal.

Photo 3D ultrasound of the fetus

Helpful Hints:

  1. Use the remaining time to properly rest, as after the birth you will have a lot of worries.
  2. You can still eat something tasty, so do not deny yourself the pleasure. Remember that after giving birth, you will have to adhere to a fairly strict diet.
  3. Take relaxing baths, they will help get rid of negative thoughts.

Proper nutrition

This week there is no need to experiment, go on a diet, or, on the contrary, overeat before a strict diet that awaits you after childbirth. The main condition for nutrition this week is to eat foods that will help get rid of depression, quickly recover from childbirth and speed up the process of milk production. In addition, you need to eat foods that include carbohydrates. They will help stock up on the energy that will be needed during childbirth.

Don't Forget About Vitamins. This week, the body will especially need vitamin K, which can be found in dairy products and lettuce. This vitamin improves blood clotting, which prevents bleeding during childbirth. Also, do not forget about the B and A vitamins. daily menu must be included fresh vegetables , fruits, meat, fish, and, of course, dairy products . It is very important that all products are natural and of high quality.

If the contractions have already begun, but you feel very hungry, then eat something easily digestible, for example, it can be chocolate, jelly and other foods that contain fast carbohydrates. All of these foods will give you the energy you need for childbirth.

intimate relationship

If the doctor does not prohibit and you have a desire, you can not deny yourself the pleasure.

In addition, sex last dates has its advantages:

  1. Orgasm is a great contraction stimulant.
  2. Male sperm contains prostaglandin, which softens the walls of the uterus.

Examinations at 40 weeks of gestation

This week, the woman is waiting for another trip to the doctor and standard procedures:

  • weighing;
  • measurement ;
  • dimension
  • listening to the heartbeat.

Besides Necessarily will need to pass to monitor the work of the kidneys.

If the date of birth set by the doctor has passed, then he can prescribe the procedure. This study will assess the blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and fetus. The doctor will be able to find out if the baby is getting enough nutrients and oxygen.

Another study that can be prescribed to a pregnant woman is. KTG- synchronous recording of fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions. Thanks to this study, the doctor will be able to exclude intrauterine hypoxia.

Video about 40 weeks pregnant

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 22 minutes


In anticipation of the onset of childbirth, some women begin to worry, it is worse to sleep. A somewhat dejected state may occur. Part of the reason for this may be the numerous calls from relatives and friends, wondering if it's time to start giving birth. Do not be upset about this, keep calm and good mood.

What does 40 weeks mean?

So, you are already at the 40th obstetric week, and this is from conception (the age of the child) and from the delay in menstruation.

Feelings in the mother at 40 weeks

  • The expectant mother is already tired of her stomach, but from the fact that he sank - she it became easier to breathe;
  • Do not rely heavily on the due date set by the doctor. Since no one will exactly name the date of ovulation and, of course, no one will know what week the baby decides to be born, so be ready at any moment to become a mother;
  • Possible "complications" spiritual plan : sudden mood swings and bouts of irritability, suspiciousness, increased attention to trifles;
  • Happens in your body active preparation for childbirth: softening of bones, muscles, joints, as well as stretching the ligaments of the pelvis;
  • Harbingers of childbirth. Now you might be worried false contractions, which are accompanied by pulling sensations in the lumbar region, abdominal tension, discomfort. They are not regular and do not affect the fetus in any way;
  • Allocations. In addition to the harbingers of labor, you may also have mild vaginal discharge. white or yellow color . This is absolutely normal if they are not accompanied by itching or discomfort;
  • If you have noticed bloody brown mucous membranes discharge - this is the so-called cork - the result of preparing the cervix for disclosure. This definitely means that the birth will begin very soon!
  • They may also start to ooze. amniotic fluid- many confuse them with urine, because, often, due to the stomach pressing on the bladder, expectant mothers suffer from incontinence. But the difference is easy to determine - if the discharge transparent and odorless or they are greenish in color- this is water (urgently see a doctor!);
  • Unfortunately, frequent companions of the fortieth week are pain. The back, neck, stomach, lower back can hurt. If they begin to be regular, know that childbirth is approaching;
  • Nausea, to cope with which, meals in small portions will help;
  • Heartburn, if you are very worried, drugs like "Reni" will help;
  • Constipation, usually avoided by folk remedies(for example, drink a glass of kefir in the morning, after filling it with bran);
  • Cause for all these "troubles" there is one - a significantly enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the organs (including the intestines and stomach) and interferes with their normal work;
  • And here diarrhea at the 40th week, it hardly means that you ate something that was not washed - most likely this is part of the body's self-preparation for childbirth;
  • Often, at the end of the term prescribed ultrasound. The doctor will find out how the fetus lies and its weight, determine the condition of the placenta, and as a result, the method of delivery is finally determined.

Reviews from the forums about well-being at the 40th week:


All these weeks have passed so quickly, but the fortieth, it seems that it is endless! I no longer know where to put myself. Everything hurts - I'm afraid to change position once again! Hurry to give birth!


Well, I amuse myself with the fact that my son is more comfortable with me, because he is not going anywhere, apparently ... You don’t have harbingers, you don’t pull your lower back, and the doctor said something like that the cervix is ​​not prepared yet. Probably will be encouraged.


How hard is it to keep positive attitude. Blues with or without reason. Yesterday in the store I didn’t have enough money in my wallet for a chocolate bar. I slightly moved away from the counter and how let's roar - some woman bought it and served it to me. It's embarrassing to remember now.


My lower back was pulled - and some strange feeling seemed to have begun !!! She foolishly told her husband about it. I myself sit calm, and he cuts circles around me, demands an ambulance, says he himself will not be lucky. Such a funny one! At least it lifted my spirits. Girls, wish us good luck!!!


We have already returned from the hospital, she gave birth at term. We have a girl named Vera. And I found out that I was in labor by accident, but during a planned examination. The doctor asked me several times if I felt any pain or contractions. And I didn't feel anything like that! From there, straight to the delivery room.

Fetal development at 40 weeks

  • Your baby has reached by this time growth about 52 cm and weight about 3.4 kg;
  • He is already tired of sitting in the dark, and he is ready to be born at any moment;
  • As in the 39th week - due to tightness, he moves very little;
  • Despite the fact that the baby is completely ready to be born, his senses and nervous system are still developing - and now he can respond to the mother's emotions.

Cases when you need to urgently call a doctor!

  • High blood pressure, which is more common in the second half of pregnancy, may be a sign of preeclampsia. If left untreated, this condition can lead to life-threatening eclampsia. Therefore, call your doctor immediately if you experience:
  • blurred vision;
  • Great swelling or sudden swelling of the hands and face;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Sharp weight gain;
  • You suffer from severe recurrent headaches or loss of consciousness;
  • Do not notice fetal movement for 12 hours;
  • Have noticed bloody discharge from the genital tract or your water has broken;
  • Feel regular contractions
  • "Crossed" the term of the alleged birth.

Listen to your feelings. Be careful, do not miss the signals that the birth has begun!

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video of the development of the child at the 40th week

Photo of the fetus at 40 weeks

Ultrasound of the baby at 40 weeks

Photo of mother's abdomen at 40 weeks

Video: What happens at 40 weeks?

  • Try to remain calm. Ask your husband to be patient. Soon a long-awaited baby will appear in your family, and all petty grievances will be forgotten;
  • Rest as often as possible;
  • Discuss with your husband your actions at the onset of childbirth, for example, his readiness to return home from work at your call;
  • Discuss with your doctor how you should feel when labor begins;
  • Make sure you have everything ready for the arrival of the crumbs. You can also prepare a nursery, and baby things;
  • Gather or prepare the necessary things for childbirth at home;
  • Find a pediatrician. It is better if, when you arrive home, you already know the name and phone number of the doctor who will regularly monitor the baby;
  • Prepare your older child for your absence. To make it easier for him to accept the appearance of a newborn, again, a few days before the expected date of birth, explain to him the reason for your imminent departure. Your absence will be less sad if someone close to you, such as a grandmother, is with the child. It is better if the older child stays at home. Otherwise, the baby may be perceived by him as an invader: as soon as he left, another immediately took his place. If the arrival of a new child is an exciting event for you, then it may not be so for your baby. Therefore, prepare a gift for your child, as if from a newborn, this will provide him good attitude older brother or sister;
  • Help your husband do all the necessary things during your absence. Stick sheets of cheat sheets everywhere with reminders: water the flowers, take out the mail from the box, freeze the champagne for your arrival, etc.;
  • Don't worry if 40 weeks have passed and labor hasn't started yet. Everything has its time. Plus 2 weeks from the specified period - within the normal range.

Useful tips for the future dad

While the young mother is in the hospital, you need to prepare everything you need in the house for the moment when she returns with the baby.

  • Get your house in order. Of course, it would be nice to general cleaning throughout the apartment or house. If this is difficult, then at least in the room where the baby will live, in the parent's bedroom, hallway, kitchen and bathroom. It is necessary to wipe the dust from all surfaces, vacuum the carpets, upholstered furniture, wash the floor;
  • Prepare a bed for the baby. First you need to assemble the bed. After that, all washable parts should be washed with soapy water. It is prepared like this: you need to pour into a 2-3‑liter container warm water(35-40°C), lather in water baby soap within 2–3 minutes;
  • After that, wipe everything again clean water. Removable parts of the crib made of material, as well as baby bed linen, should be washed in washing machine or hands with baby detergent. Linen should be well rinsed;
  • When machine washing, select the program with the maximum number rinses, and when washing by hand, you need to change the water at least 3 times. After washing and drying, the linen must be ironed;
  • To process the crib, it is better to use a soapy solution, and not dilute baby detergent, since the soapy solution is much easier to wash off;
  • Change the linen on the matrimonial bed. This is important because you may be taking your baby to bed with you.
  • Prepare food. If you plan a festive feast, you will have to organize it. Keep in mind that not all foods are allowed for a nursing mother. Suitable for her, for example, boiled veal with buckwheat, first courses, fermented milk products.
  • Take care of the organization of the solemn discharge. You have to invite guests, agree on video and photography, purchase a festive bouquet, cover festive table, take care of safe transport with a child car seat.

Most detailed calendar pregnancy by week

How did you feel at 40 weeks? Share with us!

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